PAGE EIGHT TIDE MICHIGAN DAIL SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1946 ...AGE......... .............TH....-- M IC H IG A N---- -------.DA ILY...... 'U' Will Train Psychologists For Veterans' Administration Engineering Students Intend To Re-establish Honor System Twenty graduate students will be trained at the University next fall for clinical psychology work with the Veterans Administration, President Alexander Ruthven announced yes- terday. The Univer:sity, he ,aid, is one of 15 Adult Education Group To Hold .First Workshop More than 50 persons are expected to attend the 1Jniversity'1~Fir st Adult Education Workshop, which will open tomorrow and continue through Sat- urda Y, The Workshop will conduct an in- tensive study of problems connected with Michigan's experimental liro- gram in adult education. The Michigan Association of Direc- tors of Adult Education will hold its annual spring meeting tomorrow as part of the Workshop. Speakers at the Workshop will in- clude: Leland P. Bradford, director of adult education for the National Education Association; and Dr. Cyril 0. Houle, dean of University College at the University of Chicago. The study will include considera- tion of programs of organizations and agencies carrying on independent programs of adult education, tech- niques of administration and super- vision of adult education, and prey paration of needed materials for in- struction on selected subjects or prob- lems. Manuals for new, inexperienced teachers of adults, summarizing suc- cessful techniques and courses de- veloped in experiments, are expected to be compiled during the Workshop. Much of the work will be done in seminars or by committees which are scheduled to meet four hours daily during the session. The reports made by the seminars and commit- tees will be compiled and published. Lectures and demonstrations will be given at general sessions. :chol ; in the nation chosen to par- ticipate in the training program, and the (.nly one in this state. Prof. Don- old G. Marquis, chairman of the psy- t( hology departinut, will be in charge of the program. The VA, th presideint said, ha', exprcs:ei a preference to train vet- eanm for the work, which will con- ssmt I) incipally in treating World War If veterans suffering fron men- tal disorders. Men ard women graduate students in the program will receive four years' training in the class room, at a VA mental hygiene clinic soon to be built in Detroit, and at VA hos- pitals in Dearborn and Fort Custer, Prof. Marquis indicated. Tho e completing the course will receive a Ph.D. degree and "will be asked," he said, "but not required," to work for the VA. Enrollees in the course will work approximately 1,000 hours per year at regular civil ser- vice rates, $1,200 to $2,000 per year. A portion of the student's yearly salary will be allocated to the Uni- versity to provide for the cost of the instructional program, Prof. Mar- quis stated. Veterans will benefit especially from the program, he pointed out, be- cause they will have their regular G.T. benefits added to the salary. App oximately 200 clinical psy- chiologists will be trained throughout the nation under the new program. "The need for them is very great," Prof. Marquis declared. "No more than that number are now trained for the work in the entire country." Three Hair Clippers Stolen from Union Three electric hair clippers were stolen Friday from the Union bar- ber shop by thieves who gained en- trance by climbing the seven feet high steel gate which seperates the shop from the rest of the building. Police said the robbery may have occured any time between the shop's closing at 6 p.m. and its opening at 8:30 yesterday morning. The clip- pers were valued at a total of $67.50. Students in the College of Engi- neering, under the leadership of the Engineering Council, will strive to re- establish the Honor System for all classes next fall. Inaugurated in 1916 as the result of a student petition to the faculty, the Honor System was discontinued for underclassmen in 1944 by stu- dent request because of the large number of students coming into the engineering college from other schools who were not familiar with the sys- tem. JOHNSON TAKES UN COUNCIL SEAT--herschel V. Johnson (right) sitting for the first time as United States delegate to the United Nations Security Council, occupies seat next to Sir Alexander Cadogan, British delegate, as the council met in New York City to debate the report on Franco Spain. Johnson took the seat vacated by the resignation of Edward R. Stettinius. (AP Wirephoto). t i t Y i 1 ~s Remember DAD } F THE 'SDA'Yj' SUNDAY, JUNE 16th Send him a card . T --from - BOYCE Hvi.oTO C 723 North University ... 221 South Fourth Ave. Grad Students Elect Officers Council Plans Summer Orientation Program An orientation program for new graduate students will be given by the Graduate Student Council at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 2, in Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The purpose of the program, ac- cording to Dallas E. Hawkins, newly- elected president of the Council for the summer term, is to acquaint the incoming graduate students with the facilities available to them in the Rackham School of Graduate Studies and with the Graduate Student Coun- cil. Others plans of the Council include a survey to be made of changing cur- ricula in the graduate schools of all the major universities in the United States, with particiular attention to the cognate fields, such as languages. The Council also plans to make a study of foreign colleges whose en- roliment is open to graduate students. Other recently-elected officers of the Graduate Student Council are: John M. Clark, vice-president; Paul M. Coy, treasurer; Donald Merchant, corresponding secretary; and Jeane Siskel, recording secretary. Senior Honor Guard Planned An honor guard of 119 graduating seniors representing all the schools and colleges of the University will flank the Honor Section in the line of march to Ferry Field for the Com- mencement exercises June 22. The Honor Section includes the members of the Board of Regents, former members of the Board of Re- gen ts, officers of the University, deans of all the schools and colleges and all faculty members. The honor guard will consist of 66 representatives of the literary college, 18 from the engineering college, two from the architecture college, four from the law school, two from the pharmacy college, six from the educa- tion school, four from the dental school, eight from the business ad- ministration school, four from the forestry school, four from the School of Public Health and one from the music school. COLLEGE ROUND-UP: Indiana To Conduct ReseaiIrch. With Beta Ra Spectroscope During the past year, the Engi- neering Council, student governing body, and the Michigan Technic, engineering student publication have been active in promoting the revival of the Honor System for freshmen and sophomores. The Engineering Council recently published a small pamphlet explaining the history, operation and function of the Honor System. The information in this pamphlet is used as a basis for discussion by the underclassmen now considering the plan. Students, faculty and administra- tion agree that the Honor System cannot be successfully imposed upon the student body and therefore the demand for the system must originate with the student body. Members of the faculty have indicated that the revival of the Honor System is to be decided by the students and that the faculty is taking no part. Under the Honor System written quizzes and examinations are un- Plans for construction of a beta ray sp'ctr oscope'-tlie largest ever built, have been announced by the University of Indiana. The machine, which can measure with unprece- dented accuracy energies from nu- clear radiation, will aid indirectly in the development of atomic energy. The university's research with the machine will be conducted by Prof. Lawrence M. Langer, of the physics department, who served as a civilian consultant in charge of assembling the atomic 1,ouib dropped on Hiro- shima. Behind the Counters Something new has been added to classroom work at the University of Minnesota. Students in the general college retail and selling class not only attend classroom lectures but also spend some of their time work- ing in the various department stores in Minneapolis. According to the Minnesota Daily, in the morning "when most; students are just open- ing their eyes to a new day, the class is off visiting a grocery store, a hard- ware store or attending a fashion show before these establishments are open to the public." Was lie Cutting, Too? A sophomore at the University of Wisconsin found a stroll on the cam- pus at Madison more inviting than a botany lecture. In the course of the day, she approached the university's tower and decided to climb it to see the carillon chimes and perhaps the player of said chimes. "It is a long, hard climb to the top," noted the Daily Cardinal reporter . . . when the young miss finally made it, she was confronted with her botany profes- sor-.-the chimes player. Latin American Life Northwestern has initiated a new program intended to better under- standing of Latin American life with a four year course called the "Area of Latin American Studies." Com- prising more than 30 courses, the pro- gram has been considered one of the most extensive yet offered. Students enrolled in the program take several laboratory courses during their first two years in such departments as geography, history, political science and languages. When choosing a field of concentration in the junior year (_ from these fields, the student never-1 theless continues to take courses in Latin American studies. Student Psychologists Students in psychology at the University of Kansas issued last week the initial number of their all-stu- dent "Journal of Psychology." With publication set for every three months, the journal is reported to be the first to be written by students in the field. It will be a record of the reading and research work done by students in psychology at the uni- versity and- will be written entirely by the students, with the faculty assist- ing in an advisory capacity. Pennsylvania's War Effort Despite the necessity of top secre- cy the University of Pennsylvania's war historian has been recording in- formation about participation in the war effort by several of the uni- versity 's faculty members. Members of the history, economics, psychology, physics and political science depart- ments as well as of the medical school were active in directing, in personal research and in holding key positions in Washington. Top secret of Penn's part in the war effortstill is in the field of atom bomb research. Eat Less, Give What You Save y i PRINTING PROGRAMS . CARDS STATIONERY HANDBILLS, ETC. Downtown: 308 NoRTH MAIN ATHENS PRESS SPRETTY and CHflRMING! A&RIM Don't let final exams be your a final to good grooming. Be love- always in a coite ony 2rSchoice. Make yourTYpont 4 1n --today!Q o roomwett 6eautVjSa)0on ~ 1205 SOUTH UNIVERSITY PHONE 4818 proctored and the student is re- quired to write and sign the pledge: "I have neither given nor received aid during this examination." Students who observe members of the class cheating on an examination are expected to warn the violators and, if they persist, to report them to the Student Honor Committee and testify as to the details of the vio- lation. The offending student is then brought to trial before the Student Honor Committee, whose members are elected by the different classes. The committee investigates the cir- cumstances, obtains all the evidence and decides upon the guilt and pun- ishment, which may be anything up to and including expulsion. The sentence, in the form of a re- commendation, is sent to the Faculty Discipline Committee, which has the power to carry out the sentence. Thet student has the right to appeal to the fauclty, and the ean is consulted before final action is taken resulting in suspension or expulsion. The decision of the Student Honor Committee, however, has never yet been reversed by the faculty althouglh the sentence has occasionally been lightened. ---- .. .; ,. .. ,: ,, .. . . . ., ... C SH or TR D ,r iy0'ur USED TEXTB001 WE NEED THEM! A Square Deal for the Student Always at C __T , .. s J 1 f s ,l L e d r T /j 0 t What a Collection! Young and buoyant spirited- in colors as radiant as the law allows. Real water babies they are -- but perfect for every other resort fun you can think of. K 1i X, 1 K/ i give perfume for Graduation This is the perf ume that every woman wants-a heady, daring, intoxicating scent. A perfume for gayety, for love, for laughter. In a bright poker-chip case .. .it's a gift to take her breath away. From $6.50 plus tax. - - - x i nor*' no~~CIn i