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June 09, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-09

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.. .... ...... I I

Si'iftr.th Yegarl
Fifty-Sixth Year

Raci lDiscrisnina tion


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of gtudent PuleaUons.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . ..... Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . , , Editorial :Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp .,. .,.....,.. Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker.. . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz,.... . . . . . . Women's Editor
UDona uimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman.. . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newbpaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Alember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
National Advertising Service, Inc.
.® College Publishers Representative

To the Editor,
In the June issue of INSIGHT there appeared
an article on racial discrimination on campus.
All of the cases described were well known to
the Inter-Racial Association. But questions un-
doubtedly arose: What was being done to com-
bat discrimination on the Campus? Were we
allowing an undemocratie minority t.o wage a
successful racial campaign9 What was the IRA
doing ?
Three months ago in these columns we out-
lined the program of the IRA and issued a .all
for all those interested to help combat racial
and religious discrimination. The response was
immediate and 16 testing groups went into
action. Over 40 restaurants were tested in three
L. by a 'solid' Negro couple.
2. by a mixed' group (ecmposed of Negro
and white students)
3. by a mixed eouple (one Negro and one
white student)
The committee was concerned with any form
of discrimination outward or subtle. The work
was done secretly to determine with a reasonable
degree of fairness the actual policies of the
managements involved.
Of the restaurants tested, three were found to
practice some form of discrimination. Members
of the executive committee of the IRA ap-
proached the management of the concern and

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
China's Civil War
soon come to a China torn with civil strife,
the political situation there is one of extreme
tension, highly precarious for the Nationalist
Although a '15-day truce in the fighting be-
tweer. the Nationalists and the Communists in
the northeast has been signed in order to open
the way for negotiations toward a permanent
peace, it is not likely that the Communists will
easily relinquish their hold on the Manchurian
area. Even though the phenomenal recapture of
Changchun, the Manchurian capital, from Com-
munist forces by the Nationalists in a four day
march may have been part of a preliminary
truce agreement between the two, the fact re-
mains that 40,000 Communist troops exerted an
all-out effort in the stormy four-day battle for
the control of the city which was gained April 18.
About three weeks ago the United States
Army Headquarters at Peiping put out a dis-
patch concerning the Communist troops and
alleged Japanese leadership operating from
Korea behind their strength. The Army is
much concerned over the fact that thousands
of Japs awaiting repatriation have been de-
serting over to the Chinese Communist forces.
It has come to be a fairly evident fact that
while the Chinese people can endure hard-
ships and privations for long periods, they have
no genius for military strategy. Yet the forces
which have been opposing the Nationalist
troops in North China have shown a know-
ledge of tactics of a remarkable quality. Ac-
cording to this dispatch, the only explanation
is that high-ranking Japanese officers have
been directing every move.
affair is that while all American communi-
cations concerning the fighting, communications
which are fed wholesale to the peoples of the
western hemisphere, refer to the opposition as
"Communists," on-the-spot observers state that
the Chinese Nationalists seem to believe that
much of the fighting is being done by Chinese
bandits masquerading as Communists to cover
up their raids. This belief has much to back it
up, since the nature of politics in North China
is still in that stage where shooting incidents are
considered as just part of the game-not at all
It is reported that the common belief of every-
one who says anything about the situation, off
the record of course, is that the Communists
will control all of the Peiping-Tienstsin-Chin-
wangtao area within four months of this date.
Along Victoria Road, the main drag of Tientsin's
foreign city, daily there appears a greater num-
ber of pill boxes and roadblocks on every street
corner. Our First Marine Division is in this
area; the 94th Army is guarding all entrances
to the city and setting up stockades at all van-
tage points, rather obviously in anticipation of
some large scale fighting in the near future.
Since some 20,000 Chinese Communist troops
have reportedly been seen in the plains around
Chinwangtao within the past three weeks it is
not unbelievable that Chinese blood will con-
tinue to fertilize the land despite the truce plans

The Crack-up, F. Scott Fitzgerald, edited
by Edmund Wilson, New Directions, 347 pages.
THE CRACK-UP was published last year, but
reasons for this belated consideration are
more than adequate. The book illustrates neatly
the superior publishing done by New Direc-
tions, serves as an object lesson in the difficult
business of editing all such volumes, and more
importantly is a fine introduction to the life,
times, and writing of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
There is also the very probable chance that it
has something to do with the current Fitzgerald
First about New Directions. Any careful per-
usal of last year's publishers' lists is ample evi-
dence that this firm is America's most de-
pendable support for advanced and experi-
mental writing. Reprints like Franz Kafka's
Amerika, Evelyn Waugh's Handful of Dust, and
Djuna Barnes' Nightwood, added to publication
of The Crack-Up and much of Henry Miller's
recent work are without further listing recog-
nition of a singular combination of publishing
imagination and taste.
The collection itself is worth real attention.
Wilson, whose recent scathing attack on Somer-
set Maugham further established his position
as America's most discerning popular critic, has,
it seems to me, arranged his material just about
perfectly. The opening section of letters and mis-
cellaneous memoirs is an ideal atmospheric
backdrop for the trio of dramatically compact
essays which form the title-piece. College liter-
ary aspirations, the kind of sudden, inundating
success peculiar to the Twenties, the long anti-
climax of travel and leisure are at once prepara-
tion and contrast for his big smash.
Glenway Wescott describes the Fitzgerald
analysis of the crack-up as self-autopsy, an
innocent indictment of the lopsided native
idealism of the time, but to get its real quality
of quiet desperation better turn to Fitzgerald
himself. As stylistically effortless as usual,
he is more sharply and surely introspective,
more insistent on his own conclusions. It is
that most peculiar of confessions of literary
bankruptcy, a demonstration that there are
newer, greater assets upon which the so-called
bankrupt may draw.
Though the essays furnish most of the book's
significance, Fitzgerald's notes are often percep-
tive and almost always display his casual sure-
ness of phrase, and the examining essays of two
highly different contemporary writers, Wescott
and John Dos Passos furnish excellent evaluation.
If the volume produces the interest it should,
recent reprints of The Great Gatsby are avail-
able both in pocket and regular editions. I fur-
ther recommend his unfinished fragment, The
Last Tycoon, but it may be more difficult to ob-
-Hale Champion
General Library Book List
Barbour, Thomas
A naturalist's scrapbook. Cambridge,
Harvard University Press, 1946.
Keen, Raya
She shall have music. Philadelphia,
Lippincott, 1946.
Knauth, Percy
Germany in defeat. New York, Knopf, 1946.
Mumford, Lewis
Values for survival. New York, Harcourt, 1946.
Thompson, Era Bell
American daughter. Chicago, Chicago
University Press, 1946
Trotsky, Leon
Stalin. New York, Harper, 1946.

heard the usual argnun t : "We love the consti-
tution, America and all people, but business is
business and my customlers complain." Some-
times the teelique of overcharging Negroes to
discourage their patronage was employed; oc-
casionally tactiecs of delay were used. The com-
mittee argued against this on material grounds:
1 lt eestaurant. Ai-Dicrimination (Diggs)
law was violated and thee ianager could be
prosecuted and fined.
2. IRA has volunteer workers of the OPA in
the group wi> could report overcharging.
3. four organizations, IRA, CLA, MYDA, ICC
plus a vast nurnber of the student body could
wage a canpaign against the restaurants utiiz-
ing picketing and adverse publicity.
The enanasers after carefully weighing their
forma of 'Americanisuij' against our determin-
ation decided that their business would be
less successful if they persisted in discrimina-
tory practices. They were warned, however,
that any further report of discrimination in
their establishments would be acted upon-
no questions asked. To date no reports have
been filed by individuals or by the testing
committees on these restaurants. Having
therefore received no report to the contrary,
the IRA can with authority state that not one
campus restaurant practices discrimination.
We hope that in the near future it can be said
that no restaurant in Ann Arbor gives differ-
ential treatment to its patrons because of
their color or religion.
There are other active and latent forms of
discrimination on the campus that the IRA has
uncovered. Private residences and league houses
have openly denied admission to Negro and Jew-
ish students, accepting all others. The Golfside
Riding Stables (with which the University .as
a contract for its riding classes) has denied some
Negro students permission to ride outside the
class period, not imposing this can on other
The Greek Letter Societies organized for social
purposes openly practice discrimination along
religious and color lines with Jewish, Gentile and
Negro students obviously segregated. This form
of discrimination must be condemned, even
though fraternities claim that within their seg-
regatory system democracy lives, pointing to the
democratic IFC as proof, an IFC so democratic
that it refuses to recognize colored fraternities.
The discriminatory system is complete to the
top, irregardless of Greek interpretation (may
Platokand Aristotle excuse the loose use of
The IRA has supported the FEPC and other
progressive legislation, especially bills that
would outlaw poll taxes, lynching, etc. In con-
junction with MYDA, IRA recently held a
meeting at which people protested KKK action
in Columbia, Tenn., contributing $138 to the
.victims' .cause. We believe that the student
body is vitally concerned about discrimination
and will continue to back the IRA in. its never-
ending fight. However, the; most effective
action can be taken on a local scale and needs
active student participation.
The IRA will function throughout the sum-
mer, into the fall and after. To those who
haven't joined, let me say this:
In the IRA you will meet people of different
religious and racial heritages who all agree on
the basic worthiness of the individual regardless
of his background. The IRA has given Michigan
students a chance to broaden their viewpoints,
increase their understanding and make friends
of individuals because they like them and their
ideals, regardless of their racial, cultural or re-
ligious heritages.
-Sheldon Selesnick
President, IRA (spring semester, '46)

rublicatlon In the Daily Official Bul- s
letin is constructive notice to all mem- A
bers of the University. Notices for the b
Bulletin should be sent In typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President, w
1021 Angell Hal, by 3:30 p.m. on the day t
preceding publication (11:00 a.tm. Sat-
SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1046 w
VOL. LVI, No. 160 o
Faculty Tea: President and Mrsn
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople
this afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00.
Cars may park in the restricted zone
on South University between 4:001
and 6:30 p.m.U
Student Accounts: Your attentionE
is called to the following rules pass-
ed by the Regents at their meeting
of February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the1
last day of classes each semester orT
Summer Session. Student loans
which are not paid or renewed are
subject to this regulation; however,
sermon by Pope Pius advising the
faithful to vote for Christian candi-
dates in Italy and France, gave the
secret away. All can now understand
that the attitude of the Church in
Europe has been one of the deciding
factors in Europe's troubled affairs
since VJ Day. The elections are
rather certain to restore sanity. Now
that the Associated Press men have
discovered their unseen partner we
may begin to get the facts on the
first day instead of a week or a
month later. You see the Church and
the Press have a common enemy,
Soviet Russia. The Church fears
Russia because Soviet leaders have
openly hated religion and persecuted
the Church for a quarter of a cen-
tury. The Press fears Soviet Russia
because their reporterial industry is
curtailed. There is no way to get to
the people on the inside of the closely
managed U.S.S.R. Church and Press
have had a holiday at the expense
of UN and the peace of mankind. The
holiday, is over.
Why does religion reach into poli-
tics? There are definite reasons.
Faith and practice are inseparable.
Every Religion has its idea of God
and how to worship. Sacred days,
given saints, proper ceremony, meth-
ods of devotion, periods of prayer,
and repetition of a creed are the
Faith side of it. But this is only
half of any religion. The other half
is behavior. Just as a lover, on the
human scene, desires to be in the
presence of his beloved, is willing to
behave as the beloved wishes, to eat
the food the beloved approves, and
to-perform carefully the duties which
the beloved may prescribe of, is cer-
tain to enjoy,- so the worshipper
invariably endeavors to discover what
his God desires, which duties will
please Him and what food will meet
His approval. This leads to Practice.
dhists with one idea of God and
prescribed ways to worship Him also
through its priests, attempts to guide
the behavior of all the adherents.
If you are a friend, you say the wise
priests teach their people. If you are
an enemy, you state that those mys-
tical priests dominate the thinking of
subjects. One of the chief reasons
we Americans so completely fail to
understand our postwar world, is our
indifference to religion. In our west-
ern isolation we have contained our
faith in one compartment and our
practice in another. The priest at the
altar takes care of your obligations to
God, appearing daily to light your

candles, while you go your way t9
determine your own practice. We in-
fer that Hindus, Mohammedans,
Buddhists, Jewish, Orthodox, Catho-
lics, and Lutherans fail, as we dis-
senters and secularists fail, to unite
faith and practice. Many are sur-
prised when the Pope teaches his
worshippers the political view he be-
lieves will please the Deity, but the
Pope, trained as a Poland secretary
for the Vatican, was never in better
form, and never more true to his
historic office than when he told
French and Italian peasants how God
would have them vote. As we go on
with our eyes open into a more com-
pact One World we may expect that,
because universal education is slow
coming, religious orders for many
centuries will continue around the
world as mass educational agencies.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

udent loans not yet due are exempt.
ny unpaid accounts at the close of
usiness on the last day of classes
ill be reported to the Cashier of
he University and;]
"(a> All academic credits will be
'ithheld, the grades for the semester
r Summer Session just completed
'ill not be released, and no transcript
f credits will be issued.
"ib) All students owing such ac-
ounts will not be allowed to register
n any subsequent semester or Sum-
er Session until payment has been
Herbert G. Watkins,
Faculty, College' of Engineering:
there will be a meeting of the Fac-
lty of this College on Monday, June
10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West
Engineering Building.
School of Business Administration:
k convocationfor students and fac-
lty of the School will be held on
Wednesday, June 12 at 11:30 a.m.,
in the West Gallery, Alumni Hall.
Student Veterans: Because of the
acute housing situation, and the pos-
sibility that no quarters will be avail-
able at a later date at Willow Village,
the University strongl recommends
that student veterns occupying
apartments for married students at
Willow Village retain their quarters
during the summer.
Notice to Students in the Summer
Session Regarding Library Books:
Students who have in their posses-
sion books drawn from the General
Library and its branches are notified
that such books are due Saturday,
June 15.
The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Tuesday, June .18, will be
sent to the Recorder's Office. The
credits of these students will be held
up until their records are cleared
in compliance with regulations es-
tablished by the Regents.
Warner G. Rice, Director
Library Hours: The General Li-
brary will be open from 8:00 A.M
to 6:00 P.M. June 19-30 except tha
on June 22, Commencement Day, i
will close at 5:00 P.M. The first floo
Study Hall will be open from 9-1
A.M. and 1-5 P.M.
The Basement Study Hall and th
Graduate Reading Rooms will b
closed completely June 20-26 an
will reopen on short schedules Jun
The Divisional Libraries will b
closed June 20-26, with the exceptio
of the Dentistry, Physics, and th
two Engineering Libraries. Sched
ules will be posted on the doors.
German Departmental Librar
Books are due in the department
office on June 10 regardless of th
due date stamped in the book.
Students having lockers at Water
man Gymnasium should clear locker
and secure refund prior to June 21
Notice to all Graduating Engineer
ing Students: Caps and Gowns fc
the Commencement Exercises will 1
available for rental Monday an
Tuesday -afternoons, June 10 an
11, from 1 to 5 in the Garden Room c
the Michigan League. All Enginee
ing students must make their renta
on one of these days, as they will n
be available after Tuesday.
Senior leather bound and card
board announcements will be read
for distribution Monday, June 1
and Tuesday, June 11, and may b
picked up between the hours of 11
to 12 and 1 to 3 in Room 4, Unive
sity Hall, on those days. Seniors a
required to bring either their re
ceipts or their identification car
to obtain their orders. Every seno
should check his order to see thati
is correct as no corrections will '
made after the student leaves t

room. For those who are unable t
pick up their leather and cardboar
orders on June 10 and 11, they
will be a later distribution on Jun
18 from 1 to 4 in Room 2.
Recommendations for Departmeni
al Honors: Teaching departmen
wishing to recommend tentative Jur
graduates from the College of Li
erature, Science, and the Arts, a
the School of Education for depart
mental honors should send sue
names to the Registrar's Office, Roos
4 University Hall, by noon of Jur
Any woman student or alumna ir
terested in serving as a hostess f
a three hour shift during Michigar
Victory Reunion, June 20-22, ai
asked to call Mrs. Robert Byrn,
2613, immediately.
Graduate School Summer Sessi4
registration material will be avai
able at the Graduate School Offii
starting June 10. Summner Sessic
Bulletins will not be available uni
June 15.
State of Michigan Civil Servi

Farmhand C. Salary, $130 to $145.
Cook CI. Salary, $145 to $165.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
United States Civil Service an-
nouncement has been received in this
office for Chemist P-2 to P-6, $2,980
to $6,230. Minimum requirements in-
clude graduation from an accredited
college and at least two years pro-
fessional experience in chemistry.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
The Ethyl Corporation, Detroit Of-
fice, is looking for a woman chemist
to do office and library work. Work
will include abstracting, writing lab-
oratory reports, etc. Call the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext.
371, for further details.
Men interested in a surveying job
in Ann Arbor during the summer may
obtain full information at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Men interested in doing recreation-
al work in East Ann Arbor during the
summer may obtain further informa-
tion at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
Willow Village Program for Vet-
erans and their Wives:
Sunday, June 9: Classical Music,
Records, 3-5 p.m. Office.
Tuesday, June 11: Discussion
Group, 7:30 p.m., Office,
Wednesday, June 12: Bridge at
2 and at 7 p.m., Card Room.
Saturday, June 15: Record Play-
ing, 8 p.m., Auditorium.
Hopwood Lecture, Harlan Hatcher,
"Towards American Cultural Matur-
ity,"' Tuesday afternoon, June 11,
at 4:15 in the large lecture room of
the Rackham Building. Announce-
ment of this year's awards follows
the lecture. Open to the public.
Academic Notices
t Room assignments for final exam-
tinatiop. in tCemical and Metallurgi-
cal Engineering I:
r Rooms 348 and 347, West Engi-
2 neering Bldg.: All Prof. Monroe's
Quiz Sections. All Prof. Wood's Quiz
e Sections. All Prof. Thomassen's Quiz
e Sections.
d Room 102, Architecture Bldg.: All
e Prof. Brier's Quiz Sections. All Prof.
e Foust's Quiz Sections.
Room 445, West Engineering Bldg.:
n All Mr. Banchero's Quiz Sections.
e Room 311, West Engineering Bldg.:
- All Prof. Schneidewind's Quiz Sec-
Room 1042, East Engineering Bldg.:
' All Prof. Upthegrove's Quiz Sections.
e English 1, Final Examination
Schedule for Tuesday, June 18. 8-10

a m
Austin 103 Ec
Bacon 206 UH
Calver 203 UH
Chase 202 WPhy
Dice 3209 AH
Fletcher 16 AH
Fullerton 4203 AH
Norton 209 AH
O'Neill 2231 AH
Plumer 3056 NS

Riepe 207 Ec
3011 AH
Sparrow E Hav
Stimson G Hav
Stocking 203 Ec
Weaver 3017 AH
Welsch 2054 NS
Whan 2116 NS
Wolfson 3116 NS

English 2, Final Examination
Schedule for Tuesday, June 18, 8-10

R-I t Race
IT HASN'T been made public yet, but the
Federal Reserve Bank Board has just re-
ceived a document loaded with economic dyna-
mite. In the face of official Washington's loud
proclamations of prosperity to come, this docu-
ment is considered by government economists to
be most sobering.
The document is amn intensive study of the in-
comes and savings of American citizens since
1941, made for the Federal Reserve Board by
the crack survey unit of the Bureau of Agricul-
tural Economics. The findings-based upon over
3,000 exhaustive interviews in 35 states-indicate
that although the war years saw a distinct
spreading of income, half the families of the
nation still hold less than 4 per cent of the
savings of American families.
The top 10 per cent of American families
hold 60 per cent of the savings-in bonds, se-
curities, bank deposits, etc., with the very
top 30 per cent holding 87 per cent.
Government economics interpret this as mean-
ing that only a relatively small portion of Ameri-
ca's huge savings backlog is going to be spent
on radios, refrigerators, and the many other
durable goods unavailable during the war. The
top income groups are those with comparatively
less need for these goods. The great demand is
concentrated in the lower income groups, which,
according to the survey, have little savings to
draw upon.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


18 .


W Phy Lec
Cohn 2003 NS
Edwards 1018 AH
Engel 4003 AH
Everett 2016 AH
Fogle W Phy Lec
Gram 2219 AH
Greenhut 1020 AH
Hawkins 2203 AH
Hayden 2029 AH
Huntley 6 AH
King 2215 AH

Markland 231 AH .
2054 NS
Morris 3231 AH
Muehl 2013 AH
Needham 229 AH
Panush 2082 NS
Peake 2235 AH
Rayment 2014 AH
Rich 3010 AH
Schroeder 35 AH
Sessions 215 Ec
Shedd 4208 AH
Smith 231 AH
1121 NS
Wells 2235 AH
Wunsch 4054 NS

Make-up final examination for
both English 1 and 2, Tuesday, June
18, 7 to 9 p.m., in Room 2225 Angell
Room Assignments for German 1,
2, 31, 32 final examinations to be
held Friday, June 14, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
35 Angell Hall
Krueger .........Ger. 1, Sec. 7
Van Duren ......Ger. 2, Sec. 8
-Dewey ......Ger. 2, Sec. 7
1035 Angell Hall
Willey ..........Ger. 1, Sec. 4

Willey .........
Raschen .......
2003 Angell Hall
Pott ...........
2225 Angel Hall
Philippson ....

. Ger. 2, Sec. 2
.Ger. 2, Sec. 11





I - - -

Hold my hand, Barnaby.
The game starts int en
minutes. You want to I

By Crockett Johnson

1, Sec. 1
1, Sec. 2

What about my Fairy
Godfather? And
McSnoyd, the Invisible

- ac, pl, bac


Philippson . .. .German 32, Sec. 4
3017 Angell Hall
Reichart .........Ger. 2, Sec. 5
Reichart .........Ger. 31, Sec. 1
205 Mason Hall

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