J' T HlE M ICH IG AN D A ILY sATURI4Y, JUNE 19 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Belgian Wheat for French Wine IT SO HAPPENS... ,at,4 t ' te rd tL4 By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-A meeting of the combined food board was in session. This is the board op which sit the representatives of foreign coun- tries to decide how much famine relief grain shall be sent to each country. Belgium had just been granted an additional allocation of 160,000 tons of wheat, presumably, to feed its starving children. However, toward the end of the meeting, the French delegate leaned over and said some- thing to the Belgian delegate. He talked in a low voice in French. What he proposed was a swap whereby Belgium traded her 160,000 tons of wheat with France in exchange for French wine. The Belgian delegate agreed. So now the children of Belgium will not get the 160,000 tons of wheat-unless the gentlemen involved get worried over this column and change their minds. They will also, of course, deny this story. But the French and Belgian delegates made one one mistake. They did not know that an Ameri- can member of the combined food board seated beside them understood French. THE BUDGET BUREAU has written a secret report on housing for veterans which is so hot, it sizzles. It shows that despite all the fine pronouncements about homes instead of fox- holes, certain government agencies have per- mitted scarce building materials to go to race tracks, country clubs and non-essential commer- cial construction, while veterans are left in the lurch. The report points a finger squarely at the Civilian Production Administration (John Small administrator) as the guilty agency. Since the budget bureau operates directly under President Truman and is responsible to him personally, its findings are in the na- ture of a presidential rebuke. Wilson Wyatt, national housing adminis- trator, also is up in arms over the allocation of building materials to commercial construction, rather than veterans. He has taken the matter up both with President Truman and CPA Admin- istrator Small. Here are some of the most glaring things he complains about: -. NIGHT EDITOR: MAL ROEMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 1. New race track built near Asbury Park, N.J., using hard-to-get construction workers plus scarce lumber and steel. 2. In first five months of 1946 more non- essential, non-housing construction was OK'd by CPA than ever was contemplated for the en- tire year. Local CPA construction boards, com- posed of building trades people, are largely responsible. 3. Building materials have now been bought up by commercial builders, so that veterans housing is set back for about nine months. 4. News leaks "to the trade" permitted the trade to get ahead of government regulations. Last March, just before the housing order was issued, private builders were tipped off in ad- vance and hurriedly stuck pieces of steel into the ground all over the country. These were then classified as "integral parts of construc- tion" and on the theory that a building had been started, its completion was OK'd. Meanwhile, the boys from fox-holes who were looking forward to homes of their own, have to pound the pavements looking for apartments or else double-up with mothers-in-law. H ERE IS HOW the caste system operates at the Army base on Governor's Island, N.Y. Gen. Courtney Hodges' 1st Army is now trans- ferring to Governor's Island, so an order was issued in advance that younger officers must vacate their quarters in favor of incoming colo- nels. It makes no difference how many children the younger officers have, they must vacate in deference to the colonels, whose children usually are grown and away.. . paragraph 2 of the or- der states that other quarters will be found for younger officers, but paragraph 2 was revoked orally immediately it was issued. Foreign Minister Bevin confided to British Do- minion foreign ministers at a recent empire meeting that Secretary of State Byrnes was too changeable. "We never know what policy Byrnes is going to adopt," Bevin complained .. . Bevin, however, is now reported veering over toward closer friendship with Russia. Walter Dillingham, long a power behind the throne in Hawaii, is out to depose able Gover- nor Ingram M. Stainback. Dillingham is Repub- lican. Mrs. Stainback, a Missourian, sits like a tigress against anyone who breathes one word of criticism against her idol-Harry Truman. WHEN THE BROOKLYN, N.Y., Chamber of Commerce held its annual dinner the topic was foreign trade and the principal speaker, U.S. Senator Owen Brewster of Maine. However, before the Maine Republican laid aside his napkin and warmed to his subject one Crack-Down on Ku Klux Klan distinguished guest nearly walked out on him. It was the irate Spanish consul who learned that the flag of the Franco government was not among the many foreign banners in the banquet hall. Instead, the colors of the for- mer Spanish Republic were prominently dis- played, having been supplied by Rotary In- ternational for th dinner. The Franco representative almost blew his top when he staw the Republican flag, but after much huddled whispering, finally consented to remain at the dinner. He was a most unhappy individual the rest of the evening. IRANIAN PRIME MINISTER Ghavam almost fired his ambassador to the United States last week. but Secretary Byrnes intervened and saved him. The American ambassador to Iran, George V. Allen, called on the Prime Minister at Byrnes' request and asked that Ambassador Hus- sein Ala not be recalled. For a time, Ala was making statements to the United Nations Se- curities Council without authorization from Te- heran. Says Spanish ambassador Cardenas: "I want you to meet my minister for cultural relations. He is really my minister for propaganda but that is a very bad word, so I call it 'cultural relations'." General Eisenhower was standing, rigid, hat in hand, while taps sounded over the grave of the unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Beside him stood Mrs. Eisenhower. Few noticed it, but as the bugler sounded the last taps, tears came to her eye, and her fingers stole over to his. REPRESENTATIVE Victor Wickersham, Demo- crat of Magum, Okla., had his day of glory on the day President Truman asked for the power to draft strikes. More than four years earlier Wickersham had proposed a joint resolution call- ing for the same procedure. After the President concluded his speech before the joint session, Wickersham arose to remind his colleagues about it. He sopke briefly, and in the tumult of the afternoon, his words were hardly noticed. But for home consumption Wickersham saw to it that he got credit. Any congressman is permitted to write a brief "headline" over his remarks appearing in the Congressional Record. So over Wickersham's speech was written the following headline: "Wickersham on the job in time of need." (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, ie.) Cancer Inertia 0NE EIGHTH OF THE DEATHS in the United States each year are caused by cancer. Every three minutes, day and night, it ticks off another life-175,000 lives a year. It is esti- mated that it will kill 2,000 people under twenty- one years old this year. More children die from cancer than from all the contagious children's diseases combined. It strikes any age, any time. Yet one third of these lives could be saved if people received skillful treatment, if they anew the danger signals, if they knew the sig- nificance of a cancer development. A Gallup poll conducted last summer revealed that one half the people interviewed freely admitted that they did not know any cancer symptoms, and several supposed the disease was caused by "bad men- Lal attitudes, elements in the air, and badness coming out of you." Educational programs have been launched by scientific research institutions in an attempt to abolish this appalling ignorance. They pub- lish pamphlets, produce movies and sponsor radio talks for the public's benefit. The American Can- cer Society, consisting of a group of physicians, scientists and laymen, has endeavored to gain public recognition of cancer as a major public health problem through public health agencies and mass education. The Society sponsors the Women's Field Army, a crusading group of three hundred thousand, who organize exhibits in schools, museums and hospitals and conduct educational programs. This organization is a model example for the establishment of others. The American public is pathetically ignorant about cancer, but they want to learn and they must be afforded the means of education. But this Society, like other privately endowed institutions, is insufficiently staffed and in need of medical equipment. They need the support of the government. Government aid in com- bating cancer is practically nil. In July, 1944, Congress passed the Public Health Service Act as one of several federal grants-in-aid to the states to alleviate the drastic financial prob- lem. Last year the government alloted the Na- tional Advisory Cancer Council only $200,000 to be distributed to various private and public cancer research units. In total, our government spent only $600,000 (less than half a cent in taxes per person) in the fight against this disease that has the second highest mortality rate in the country and that killed twice as many people last year as were slain by the Germans and the Japs during the entire war. It is for the people to decide whether they will control cancer or cancer will control them. They have the power to urge the government to establish research and treatment centers neces- sary to control this wide-spreading disease. They have the power to urge our government to provide popular cancer education. It is im- perative that the public acts, and acts now! -Barbara Kraft K Is Nothing Sacred? RECENT NEWS REPORTS to the effect that Michigan State cam- pus cops are putting into effect the college's new ban on "excessive" love-, making in public have been verified by no less an authority than a mem- ber of our sports staff. Our man, who accompanied the baseball team, to East Lansing this week, reports that policemen regular-" ly patrolled the grandstand during the game with an eye out for couples whose embraces exceeded the limits of the law. Old College Field just wasn't the" same old, collegy place, according to our informant. S * * But It's a Slyyogisnm ATTENTION Prof. Langford: The following item, reprinted completely, exactly as it originally appeared in the Brainerd (Minn.)I Daily Dispatch, was brought to our attention by one who we have reason to believe is the only Irain- erdite on campus. "All mammals have hair. The whale is a mamal, therefore, owhales have ha1ir." Brass Finkwes THE FOLLOWING item appears overthe protest of our former- officer city editor. "FORMER first-class private re- organizing former large construction company. Openings for colonel with snappy military bearing as elevator boy, doors open from sitting position; also opening for ex-major as office boy, must be able to dust. Need a few second lieutenants as messenger boys, bicycles furnished, Can use a few privates in vital positions." -from a want-ad in the Dallas Texas Morning News ThwinIs (1 Lot, lHut. II ('AMlVAIGN to foist post- war gadgets on the American people continues, lutI the latest wrinkle is enfirely new. One of the bitter-known mag- azines has a plan whereby you can get that new aluminum canoe, home freezing outfit or sleeping bag ("with half the bulk and twice the con'ort of pre-war models")-and all you have to do is "introduce" th mag to your "friends and neighbors. Thanks really, but we'll get our aluminum canoe collecting box- tops. (Items t ppeanug I n hir t.un[hem are written by niewli]hr of the D~aily editorial: stff ant edited IbY the kEdt- torial Director.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IT MAY NOT BE FITTING justice, but the Ku Klux Klan may get caught the same way Al Capone did . . . by the Collector of Internal Revenue. The Treasury Department has filed a lien for $685,305, allegedly due in back income taxes, against the Georgia chapter. Should the Klans- men be successful in passing the hood to raise the money, their troubles still won't be over. Governor Ellis Arnall, Georgia's outstanding governor, has told the state's legal department. to act in an effort to revoke the Klan's char- ter. Arnall named six counts, including viola- tion of the state's criminal laws and -misrepre- sentation. Governor Arnall has also accused the hooded gentlemen of illegal political ac- tivities, a charge which refers to the Klan's efforts to reinstate Eugene. Talmadge to the governorship. In line with Governor Arnall's action, the assistant state attorney general of Georgia, Dan Duke, charged yesterday that members of the Ku Klux Klan had recently flogged a 21 year old Negro Navy veteran. Duke has been appointed by Governor Arnall "to inves- tigate and eradicate" the Klan. If the Governor's plans fail in the court, he intends to call a session of the State General Assembly. The Assembly will be asked "to de- hood the Klan and prohibit activities . . . detri- mental to the public good." That a Georgia governor will act to eliminate the Klan presents one of the few encouraging notes in the news today. As a sidelight to the rumpus over the men with the sheets, it is worthy to note that the Wood-Rankin com- mittee has decided against investigating the Klan as an un-American activity. That is en- tirely logical. The Klan might just as well in- vestigate the Wood-Rankin committee. --Eunice Mintz (Continued from Page 2) Bulletins will not be available until June 15. Any women student or alumna. in- terested in serving as a hostess for i three hour shift during Michigan's Victory Reunion, June 20-22, are asked to call Mrs. Robert Byrn, 2- 3613, immediately. LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pres- ent holders of these scholarships who wish to be considered for the near 1946-47 should present appli- -ations for renewal to F. E. Robbins, Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, before the end of the term. Victory gardens: Many of those using the victory gardens at the Botanical Garden have not yet re- sponded to the request that every gardener contribute one dollar to- ward the expense .of plowing and preparation of the soil. As it is neces- sary to settle accounts now, an ur- gent appeal is hereby made for prompt payment ofrthese contribu- tions to Mr. Roszel. State of Michigan Civil Service Announcements have been received for: Child Guidance Social Worker II. Salary, $265 to $305. Ferries Superintendent. Salary, $465 to $565. Bridge Operator B. Salary, $145 to $165. Highway Roadside Worker A2. Sal- ary, $160 to $180. Highway Forestry Foreman I. Sal- ary, $200 to $240. Farmhand C. Salary, $130 to $145. Cook CI. Salary, $145 to $165. For further' information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. United States Civil Service an- nouncement has been received in this office for Chemist P-2 to P-6, $2,980 to $6,230. Minimum requirements in- clude graduation from an accredited college and at least two years pro- fessional experience in chemistry. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The Ethyl Corporation, Detroit Of- fice, is looking for a woman chemist to do office and library work. Work will include abstracting, writing lab- oratory reports, etc. Call the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, for further details. Men interested in a surveying job in Ann Arbor during the summer may obtain full information at the Bur- eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Men interested in doing recreation- al work in East Ann Arbor during the summer may obtain further informa- tion at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Willow Village Program for Vet- erans and their Wives: Saturday, June 8: Record Dance, 8:30 p.m. Auditorium. Sunday, June 9: Classical Music, Records, 3-5 p.m. Office. Academic Notices Music Education - Graduate Divi- sion: Those electing the comprehen- sive examination in lieu of theses will report at 1:00 p.m. today in room 506 Tower. Room assigxments for final exam- a .m. Austin 103 Ec Bacon 206 UH Calver 203 UH Chase 202 WPhy Dice 3209 AH Fletcher 16 AH Fullerton 4203 AH Norton 209 AH O'Neill 2231 AH Plumer 3056 NS English Schedule a.m. Abel Baker BertramI Boyd Boys r Brower 2, Final Examination for Tuesday, June 18, 8-10 Riepe 207 Eck Robertson1 3011 AH Sparrow E Hay Stimson G Hay Stocking 203 Ec Weaver 3017 AH Welsch 2054 NS Whan 2116NS Wolfson 3116 NS ination in Cemical and Metallurgi- cal Engineering I: Rooms 348 and 347, West Engi- neering Bldg.: All Prof. Monroe's Quiz Sections. All Prof. Wood's Quiz Sections. All Prof. Thomassen's Quiz Sections. Room 102, Architecture Bldg.: All Prof. Brier's Quiz Sections. All Prof.. Foust's Quiz Sections. Room 445, West Engineering Bldg.: All Mr. Banchero's Quiz Sections. Room 311, West Engineering Bldg.: All Prof. Schneidewind's Quiz Sec- tions. Room 1042, East Engineering Bldg.: All Prof. Upthegrove's Quiz Sections. English 1, Final Examination Schedule for Tuesday, June 18, 8-10 ments immediately with the Advisor through the Secretary's office for the following days: Monday, June 10, 2-3 p.m. Tuesday, June 11, 2-3 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, 9-11 a.m. Doctoral Examination for Harry Andrew Broad, Fine Arts; thesis: "Contemporary Lithography," to be held today at 9:00 a.m. in 2009 Angell Hall. Chairman, J. G. Winter. Doctoral Examination for Francis Leo Burns, Economics; thesis: "The Needs Factor in Wage Determina- tion," to be held Monday, June 10, at 7:30 p.m., in 105 Economics. Chair- man, Z. C. Dickinson. Doctoral Examination for Barbara Clement Clarke Woodward, English Language and Literature; thesis: "Theories of Meaning in Poetry, 1915- 1940: A Critical History," to be held Monday, June 10, at 7:00 p.m., in 3223 Angell Hall. Chairman, L. I. Bredvold. 18 201 1035 225 1007 AH UH AH AH AH W Phy Lec Cohn 2003 NS Edwards 1018 AH Engel 4003 AH Everett 2016 AH Fogle W Phy Lee Gram 2219 AH Greenhut 1020 AH Hawkins 2203 AH Hayden 2029 AH Huntley 6 AH King 2215 AH Markland 231 AH McClennen 2054 NS Morris 3231 AH Muehl 2013 AH Needham 229 AH Panush 2082 NS Peake 2235 AH Rayment 2014 AH Rich 3010 AH Schroeder 35 AH Sessions 215 Ec Shedd 4208 AH Smith 231 AH Stevenson 1121 Wells 2235 Wunsch 4054 NS AH NS Freedom of Expression MANY PEOPLE have a ridiculous idea that complete freedom of expression is a reality in this country. Actually, we do have these free- doms to a greater degree than most other peoples in the world today. We do not have a secret po- lice or civilian spy system to report on our every utterance. We can love Truman or hate him; praise unions or damn them. However, the right to express views freely im- plies the use of a medium; in a society or- ganized on as large a scale as ours, this requires access to newspaper columns and to broad- casting time. These are both controlled by pig business. It is a fact that, as a whole, the American press worships the Golen Calf-a minimum six per cent return on ownership investment. In order to realize such a return newspapers must be practical. Their practicality consists-with the notable exception of only a few papers- of unvarying repression of facts unfavorable to their advertisers and the general business class which supports them. Practical? Perhaps. But fair to the public? Freedom of the press? Never. We harp a lot about the necessity of a free world press if we are to have peace and un- derstanding. Our 'own press back yard needs more than a light raking over. Fortunately, when radio was developed, our government recognized that the air-waves be- long to the nation. They are a public "natural resource." On the whole, our great broadcast- ing systems have been on good behavior. Radio reporters range from Winchell and Pearson sensational "scoopmen" to the Fulton Lewis reactionaries. Du ing political campaigns, candi- dates are all granted fair and equal time to present their programs. But, we are in dan er of losing this democracy of the air-waves. THE TENDENCY TO IMPOSE restrictive inea- "Liberty"-a more misleading name could not be attached to the magazine-has, for the past five months sponsored one of LaGuardia's weekly programs. When the magazine and New York's former fire-chaser contracted for the prog am, it was understood that LaGuardia could say what he pleased (and accept responsibility for possible libel suits) and that "Liberty" need not endorse anything LaGuardia would say. A per- fectly nice, business arrangement! And it worked for five months. Now "Liberty" has decided that La(xuardia's program is not good advertising. So they have dropped it, although they will continue to pay the ex-master of Gracie Mansion $2,500 per week for his unbroadcast programs. The fact that LaGuardia represents ideas- and forcefully articulates them--which are dia- metrically opposed to the money-bags practical- ness of "Liberty" and its advertisers, has, we are supposed to believe, nothing to do with the case. That his blast at the National Association of Manufacturers; whose campaign against OPA has been supported by large sections of the press, occurred only a short time before his dismissal by "Liberty" is also dissociated from the case. When a man with the integrity of Mr. La- Guardia, a man loved by the people and whose life has been devoted to their benefit is de- prived of freedom of the air-waves, we are in danger. -Mal Roemer Make-up final examination for both English 1 and 2, Tuesday, June 18, 7 to 9 p.m., in Room 2225 Angell Hall. Political Science I and II: The following rooms will be used for the final examination (Saturday, June 15, 10:30-12:30) for Political Science Ii: Norton's sections, 1025 Angell Hall. Steuerwald's and MacLoed's sec- tions, Natural Science Aud. Scheips' sections, Room C, Haven Hall. The following rooms will be used for the final examination (Saturday, June 15, 10:30-12:30) for Political Science II: Silva's sections, 231 Angell Hall. Lederle's and Bromage's sections, 35 Angell Hall. Phillips' sections, 25 Angell Hall. Kallenbach's sections, 1035 Angell Hall. Rossiter's sections, Room B, Haven Hall. Concentration Students in Psychol- ogy: Students attending the Summer Session are asked to make appoint- Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present another in his current series of re- citals at 3:00 Sunday afternoon, June 9. At that time he will play three compositions by J. S. Bach, "In Thee Is Joy," "Air," and "Sheep May Safe- ly Graze"; selections from Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro," and a group of folk songs. Hlarp Ensemble Program: Sunday, June 9, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, under the direction of Lynne Palmer, Instructor in Harp in the School of Music. The program will include composi- tions by Bach, Salzedo, Corelli, Ram- eau, Etchecopar, and deFalla. It is open to the general public without charge. Events Today Alpha Kappa Delta will hold its Annual Spring Picnic today. Meet in front of Haven Hall at 2:30 and transportation will be provided to the ball park in back of Prof. Wood's home. There will be baseball, refresh- ments and election of officers. Coming Events Service Women interested in dis- cussing plans for the isformration of a social organization to se've their mutual interests are invited to at- tend a brief meeting Monday eve- ning, June 10, at 8 o'clock in the Michigan League. Room will be post- ed. Interested service women, un- able to attend, may call Gertrude Kohn, phone 9080, if they desire to be informed of future meetings. International Center: The weekly sings in the International Center will continue this Sunday. The program will start promptly at 8:30 p.m. and will be followed by light refreshments at 9:00 p.m. Foreign students, their friends, and the public are cordially invited to attend. Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff BARNABY A goodly crowd, m'boy. There's your father taking batting practice. A nice stance. But see how he backs away from a bean ball, McSnoyd... But Mr. O'Malley, if McSnoyd, the Invisible Leprechaun, is going to play on Pop's team, shouldn't he be on the field? Practicing ... ? He shouldn't have any trouble crashing the gate. Note the sign. By Crockett Johnson BARNABY! *[ Margaret Farme Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker Des Howarth Ann Schutz Dona Guimaraes r. . . Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor .. . . . . . . . rAssociate Women's Editor Business Staff i