PAGE TWO TIM, Mit1llc:AN DAIIy : WEDNESDfAY. MARCH 12. 1944- -..--,a, 2 .. __._... a as at tr . &U al 1 \l' t, i\ 1.1 1l.. Al-, A.. d s. '___ ..........__._.__..._::..._.____ _...._ ___.. ..__.__._....__......_._ _.._..______...._..___ _ _____ ._..._....._e _._..__..___.......... ........ _.. .. C , LWA4 A AVV X A AL Op 7 Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman ... . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp....... . . Associate Editor PatkCameron . . . . . . . .. Associate Editor Clark Baker .. ............Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz. . . . . .. . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaracs . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESNTO FOR NATIONAL. AVERTiIN G WY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representalive 420 MAs N Av. AWEw YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON- LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: FRANCES PAINE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Scientists vs Army SHALL ATOMIC ENERGY-the scare-all pow- er-be controlled by civilians or by the mili- tary? The Association of University of Michigan Scientists yesterday vigorously supported civil- ian control in a telegram to Senators Fergu- son and Vandenberg urging passage of the MlcMahon Bill. With the Association's action we are in complete agreement. Already atomic energy has been abused in that we have seen fit to keep it to ourselves. We are trying to perpetuate a monopoly of vital atomic knowledge which cannot be perpetuated, so scientists say. And in so doing we have lost a momentous opportunity to show our good w'ill to the world. But if one opportunity has been lost, some- thing can still be salvaged, both internationally and within our own borders. The issue of military versus civilian control of atomic energy is now before Congress. The May-Johnson Bill, which would permit mili- tary control, has been approved by the House Military Affairs Committee. The McMahon Bill, which would give control to civilians, is still pending in the Special Senate Committee on Atomic Energy. - THE MAY-JOHNSON BILL does not specify that military members must be appointed to the commission which it would set up, but the military is not barred from membership nor from the position of administrator of the commission. Moreover, the Army and Navy chiefs of staff would have a veto on decisions of the committee. The McMahon Bill would set up a permanent civilian commission of five members, the mili- tary to have a voice through a military division, and military security provided. According to Washington observers, either the May-Johnson Bill or a much-amended McMa- hon Bill, providing for little civilian control, will be enacted. Monday, Senator Vandenberg offered an amendment to the McMahon Bill which would strip the civilian commission of much of its control powers and give them to a presiden- tially-appointed military board. _ Military control of atomic energy would have two detrimental results: it would be cause for concern among other nations, thus adding insult to the injury already inflicted by our decision not to share our atomic knowledge; it would probably hinder development of atom- ic energy for both military and peacetime uses. The rigid eortrols imposed by the Army do not permit of freedom for scientists. Moreover, with emphisis on military use, development for peacetime uses would be seriously retard- ed. Reaction of scientists to peacetime military control has already been forth-coming in the protest that military control has hampered the developmnt of atomi eiergy as a cure for cancer.! MERRY-GO-ROUND: Fear's Consequences By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-The War Department isn't saying so publicly, but the spot which worries Secretary of War Patterson most in dynamite- laden Europe is a small area at the head of the Adriatic where two British and American divi- sions are almost looking down the muzzles of eight superior Jugoslav divisions. That trouble spot is Trieste. Still held by Brit- ish and American troops, it is expected that the Jugoslavs, backed by a huge Russian army in the rear, may move in almost any time. If and when this happens, it means just one of two things: 1. Either American and British troops turn tail and evacuate, with great loss of prestige througout Europe and a caving in of United Na- tions ideals; or 2. If American and British troops resist, it means war. Huge Red Army What makes the situation more alarming is the fact that the Russians are maintaining a huge army of 1,100,000 men in Hungary. This tremendous concentration of troops in a country of only 15,000,000 people obviously is not neces- sary for internal policing. Furthermore, this army consists of new, fresh troops and is located south of Lake Balaton, an area from which it could quickly reachTrieste. However, the eight divisions of Jugoslav troops, bristling with Lend-Lease equipment, would be sufficient to smash the skeletonized Anglo- American forces in Trieste even without Russian assistance. At present the Jugoslav Army is drawn up about 40 miles from Trieste on the so-called "Morgan Line"-established by British General Morgan as the dividing point between British-American occupation and the Jugoslavs. If this superior Jugoslav force starts advancing on Trieste, American troops face the alternative of stepping aside or opening fire. In the latter case, U. S. forces would be annihilated. Politically, the situation is extremely compli- cated, with one important political point on the side of the Jugoslavs. Back in 1940, before Jugo- slavia was invaded by Germany, King Peter was promised that his country could have Trieste after the war, if it resisted the Nazi invasion. Inheritance from 1918 Actually the city of Trieste is dominated by Italians, though population around it is largely Jugoslav. Before the last war it was Austro-Hun- garian, but went to Italy under the Paris Peace Conference-an award the Jugoslavs always resented. Later, the Jugoslavs were even more resentful when Italian Fascists under D'Annun- zio seized Fiume, which Woodrow Wilson decreed should be Jugoslav. Soutoday Marshal Tito is out to get not only Fiume, which he already has, but Trieste and large areas of Italian territory around Gorizia, Udine, and the Venezia-Euganea, where the pop- ulation is largely Italian. Probably there would have been more Ameri- can support for the Jugoslavs were it not for the fact that Trieste plays a key role in the old Russian aim to take over the Balkans and do- minate the eastern Mediterranean. In this respect, Stalin is carrying out the age- old ambition of the Czars. He has gone further than the Czars, however, and is demanding a share in Italy's North African colonies, also control of the Dodecanese Islands from which he can guard the western entrance to the Dar- danelles, and finally a base on the Red Sea from which he can point a revolver at The Brit- ish life-line through Suez. Lewis in Real Estate One tipoff on just how vigorously John L. Lewis plans to enter his battle to recapture the CIO came out at the AFL executive board meet- ing in Miami, where the bushy-browed labor thespian joined his former enemies in a holy war against his former friends, Phil Murray and the CIO. One of Lewis' first moves was to persuade the AFL to move out of its shabby thirty-year- old headquarters to a modern stream-lined building near the White House. Lewis was named chairman of an AFL com- mittee to acquire the new building. Some years ago John paid a quarter of a million for the University Club, once the home of Washington elite, and made it his United Mine Workers head- quarters. But since then Phil Murray has established an office two blocks nearer the White House. (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Fajir Question AIMED AT restricting labor unions, the Case Bill recently passed by the House has been accepted by the Senate Committee on Education and Labor as a basis for deliberation. It seems probably that some sort of compromise along this line will soon go into effect. Major sanctions of the bill would make wage contracts equally binding on labor and manage- ment, place restrictions on picketing, prohibit secondary boycotts, and bar foremen from col- lective bargaining rights under the National La- bor Relations Act. We wonder how it is that those who have spent such energy denouncing the principle of govern- ment restriction in private affairs find them- selves able to back this legislation with perfect equanimity. -Mary Brush BARINABY THE WAR DEPARTMENT directive of Febr- uary 20, 1945, permitting commissions to be granted to all Communists loyal to the govern- ment of the United States, created a terrific uproar. But the Army stuck to its directive, issu- ing numerous statements proving the contribu- tion of American Communists to the war effort. One young officer, an avowed Communist, had been granted the DSC for his outstanding work in organizing the partisans in Italy. Capt. Her- man Boettcher, a Communist veteran of the Spanish Civil War, had been granted a field com- mission. After nearly three years of combat he was killed while leading a scouting patrol on Leyte. These are but instances. The War Department also announced at that time that there were 12,000 Communists in the armed forces. None of them had been court-martialled for disloyalty. On February 22, 1945, Major General Ulio, then Adjutant General, testified that individual attitudes and actions would be the test applied by the Army. Now tie War Department has seen fit to change its former policy. A War Department directive of March 8, 1946 bans all Communists from duties connected with atomic energy or radar, from OCS and flight training, from any duties "affording access to secret or confidential matters" and from assignments connected with the information and orientation program. SPREDICT that the Army will find itself un- able to agree on a definition of 'Communist'. The War Department should itself know about this difficulty......on July 20 Secretary Henry Stimson and Assistant Secretary John McCloy were accused of 'Communist sympathies' by Rep. John Rankin, who demanded their resignation. McCloy is still serving in his former post; pre- sumably this order will affect him. Good-bye, Mr. McCloy. We can also expect the number of men labelled 'Communist' by the Army to far exceed the Com- munist Party's most ambitious claims about its own membership. Since the hyper-active Dies Committee discovered that Shirley Temple was part of 'a left-wing plot' in Hollywood, the flood- gates have been open. A prominent Democratic Congressman has this week accused James Roosevelt of being a Communist. Westbrook Pegler has been discovering a new 'Communist- dominated' veterans' organization almost every day. John Steinbeck had one of his characters observe in "Grapes of Wrath": "A Communist is anybody who wants 20 cents an hour when the bosses are paying 15." 1 predict that, to the Army, anybody will be a Communist who does- n't like his officers. And there was a Lt. Colonel who commanded my battalion. . .but that's another story. WE SHOULD be warned by the fact that the War Dept. labelled the recent over-seas soldiers' demonstrations as 'Communist-inspired', when most of the participants were just ordinary guys with a very justified complaint. We should be warned by the fact that two editors of the Pacific "Stars and Stripes" were recently remov- ed for being alleged Communists. ..their offense had been to criticize demobilization policies. We should be warned by the fact that we have chosen to keep the atom bomb as a per- sonal toy over the protests of most American scientists, that Vandenberg and Byrnes have chosen to get tough with Russia, that Canada has picked this moment to accuse Russia of a new 'spy-plot' which was allegedly discovered a year ago. WE SHOULD BE WARNED by the fact that Congress has discarded the FEPC and is emasculating the bill to provide veterans' hous- ing, that the Government is unable to get shirts into the stores because the manufacturers are hoarding them. The Government has deserted those who stood fast when shadows grew long across the land; and now the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot are again beginning to scream at Congress: "We, we too, are Americans." There are not two types of Americans type to fight and another type to rule. The War Department has chosen to say that these two classes do exist, and that it is just that they should exist. The War Department will discover that it is wrong. -Ray Ginger Wrong Approach We note with due alarm and a more unusual bad temper the following AP news lead out of Savannah, Georgia: "The United States today won the permanent chairmanship of the governing boards of the world bank and monetary fund, and agreed to seek the presidency of the $9,100,000,000 inter- national banking institution." Yes, and Illinois won the Big Ten wrestling championship last week. The sooner we rid ourselves of the perverted chauvinism which makes us treat the UNO and its subsidiary organizations as vast Olympic political arenas in which the Ed Pauleys of the world compete for territorial and monetary ad- vantages, the sooner the UNO will mean what it is supposed to mean, peace in everybody's time. -hale Champion DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official bul- etin is constructive notice to all men- bers of the University. Notices forthe bulletin should be sent In typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 101 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays), WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 86 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs.' Ruthven will be at home to students' this afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock.' The United States mail clerk who delivers to all campus offices earnest- ly requests that all students, espe- cially graduate students, arrange that their first-class mail be ad- dressed to their Ann Arbor addresses instead of to a department in the University. The same request is made with re- spect to second-class mail-Life, Time, Newsweek, etc.-addressed to students and faculty. The increase in the bulk of mail now being received prompts this ap- peal. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Women who will graduate in June and are planning to attend the ban- quet and play being given on Thurs- day by the women of the Junior class should rent their caps and gowns to- day or Thursday at Moe's Sport Shop. Eligibility Certificates for the Spring Term may be secured immed- iately if the last report of grades is brought to the Ofice of the Dean of Students. Photoelasticity: Applicants f o r work in a research project will be in- terviewed. See Professor F. L. Everett, 411-A West Engineering Building. Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 11:00 am., Wed- nesday, March 20, in the Amphithea- ter of the Rackham Building. Dr. Walter C. Lowderimilk, assistant chief of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, will give an illustrated talk on "Land Use Studiesdinethe Near and Far East." All students in the School of Forestry and Conservation are ex- pected to attend unless they have conflicts in nonforestry subjects. Other interested persons are cordially invited. Kothe Hildner Annual German Language Award offered to students in courses 31, 32, 35 and 36. The con- test, a translation competition (Ger- man-English and English-German), carries two stipends of $30 and $20 respectively, and will be held fr m 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 22 in Room 205 Mason Hall. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so immediately in 204 Uni- versity Hall. Bronson-Thomas Annual German Language Award offered to juniors and seniors in German. The contest will be held from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 22, in Room 204 Uni- versity Hall. The award, in the amount of $27 will be presented to the student writing the best essay dealing with some phase in the devel- opment of German literature from 1750 to 1900. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so immediately in Room 204 Uni- versity Hall. Religious Counseling: The Coun- selor in Religious Education is avail- able to confer with students upon re- ligious and personal affairs daily, 11 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. (Other hours by appointment) at 215 Angell Hall. :sues relating to values, ideals,+ persona I or group conduct, and ad- justments to University life are ger- mane. Courses of religious signifi- cance, professional ethics in given Colleges, a Degree program in Re- ligion and Ethics, a Master's degree in Religious Education, as well as a long list of positions available may be con- sidered. Studnts interested in permanent or summer positions with the Ameri- can Friends Service Committee may obtain full information at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, Room 201 Mason Hall. The summer jobs include work camps, mental hospitls, industry and work seminars in Mexico. Permanent po- sitions deal mainly with social work. Lectures University Lecture. Professor Vic- tor C. Twitty, of Stanford University. will speak on the subject, "The De- velopmental Analysis of Hereditary Characters" (illustrated), at 4:15 p.m., today in the Rackham Amphi- theater; auspices of the Department of Zoology. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Dr. Walter Clay Lowdermilk, assistant chief of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, will give an illustrated lecture on "Plans for a Jordan Valley Authority" at 8 p.m., Wednesday, March 20, in Lec- ture Hall of the Rackham Building under th, auspices of the College of Engineerii g and the School of For- estry and Vonservation. Dr. Lowder- milk is an international authority on soil conservation and land use who has traveled extensively in the Near East. He has worked out a compre- hensive power and irrigation plan for Palestine which he believes will sup- port a large additional population in the region. The public is cordially in- vited. Academic Notices Graduate Students: The first ses- sion of the Graduate Record Exami- nation will be held tonight at 6:45 in the Lecture Hall of the Rackharn Building. All students scheduled to take this examination should report promptly and bring their "Notice of Admission" cards with them. Those students who have not yet received their admission cards will have their names checked at the door. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School, on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, March 13 and 14 between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the teacher's oath. This is a requirement for the certificate. All male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. Veterans are premanently excused from fulfilling the P.E.M. require- ment, provided they have completed their basic training or have served at least six months in one of the branches of the armed forces. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) the Dean of the College or by his representatives, (3) the Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemptions by stu- dents in this College should be' ad- dressed by freshmen and sophomores to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counsel- ors (108 Mason Hall) ; by all other students to Associate Dean E. A. Wal- ter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Spring Term, The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts English 298: The next meeting of my section of English 298 will be on Thursday, March 21, at 7:30 p.m. in Roomn 3227 Angell Hall. R. W. Cowden Veterans'Tutorial Prograg: The following changes have been made in the schedule: Chemistry 3-Monday-Thursday 7:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday 9-10 a.m. Chemistry 4-Monday-Thursday 7:00-8:00 p.m.; Saturday 11-12 a.m. Chemistry 21-A tutorial section for veterans will be offered by Profes- sor Byron A. Soule once a week, be- ginning March 13, at 7:30 p~m. in Room 303 Chemistry. Only yeterans who have elected Chemistry 21 should attend. Extension Course: Spanish 1b-2 hrs. credit-del Toro. Class will meet on Tuesdays, from 7 to 9 p.m., Room 108 Romance Lan- guage Building. (Considerable prac- tice in conversation).I Course begins with Lesson X, Basic Spanish Grammar-(Barlow). Re- view lessons for those who need them will be given on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Room 108, R.L. Extension Course: Spanish 82-2 hrs, credit--del Toro Latin-American Life. An Intermedi- ate course conducted in Spanish, and designed to give a maximum of oral practice and general information re- garding the Spanish speaking coun- tries. Meetings on Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m., Room 108, Romance Lan- guage Building. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, March 1, at 4 p.m. in Room 319 West Medical Building. "Vitamin E and Tocopherols." All interested are invited. Orientation Seminar: The first meeting of the Mathematics Orien- tation Seminai will be Thursday, March 14, at 3 p.m. in Room 3201 An- gell Hall. The Seminar on Analytic Functions will meet on Wednesdays in Room 3201 Angell Hall at 3:00 p.m. Dr. Pirainian will discuss "Detec- tion of Singularities of Analytic Functions" on March 13. Concerts Faculty Recital: Gilbert Ross, Pro- fessor of Violin in the School of Music, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Sun- day, March 17, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in the first faculty program of the current term. The program will include compositions by Caporale, Handel, Beethoven, Chausson and Finney, and will be open to the gen- eral public, Helen Titus, Assistant Professor of piano, will appear with Professor Ross. Exhibitions "Ancient Man in the Great Lakes Region." Rotunda, University Muse- um Building, through April 30. Events Today ASM.E.: There will be a meeting of The American Society of Mechani- cal Engineers this evening at 7:30 in Room 304 of the Michigan Union. Professor Schneidewind of the Metal- lurgical Engineering Department will talk on the subject of "Permanent Mold Iron." This will be the first meeting of the spring semester and all Mechanicals are urged to attend. Those who are not members of this organization may make application Wednesday night. sociedad lIlispanica: Sra. Ambrosina Marie Sanipaio will -peak for the Socicadad Hispanica on "Alguns Aspetos da Literatura Brasi- leira" tonight at 8:00 in Kellogg Au- ditorium. Alpha Phi Omega will hold aopan meeting tonight.from 7:30 to 8:00 in the Michigan Union. Any man on campus who has had some scouting experience is welcome. Former mem- bers who are returning to campus are especially invited. A closed meeting will be held at 8:00 during which the semester's of- ficers will be elected. Every member is requested to be present for the elec- tion. Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will sponsor a meeting, to dis- cuss our relations with Franco Spain, at 3:30 today in the Union. Everyone is cordially invited. B nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Re- ligious Committee will hold a meeting today at 5:00 p.m. to make arrange- ments for he Passover Holiday. All inte'ested are invited. 11 he Women's Glee Club will hold its first rehearsal tonight at 7:30. The room will be posted on the bulletin board in the Michigan League. .. Letters to the Editor* To the Editor: Under the influence of misinfor- mation, yesterday's Daily printed a short note concerning the Youth for Christ movement and its poster in the League. The Daily made several seri- ous mistakes in the facts, and it is necessary to right the wrongs which have been done to that organization. The Daily stated: one, that Youth for Christ is "Hearst sponsored;" two, that YFC's poster is in bad taste, and would look better on the reverse side of the League bulletin board. The Youth for Christ office in De- troit, which has reliable facts, tells me that Hearst is in no way "spon- soring" the movement. The fact that he even supported it came as a com- plete surprise to the officials of Youth for Christ. Hearst's explanation is that he ordered his papers to publi- cize the movement last June because he thought it would help curb the ris- ing juvenile delinquency in America. Today, however, far from sponsoring the movement financially, Hearst scarcely even supports it in his pa- pers. There is also the opinion, not found in The Daily, that Youth for Christ takes in people under false pretenses, whips them up emotion- ally, and scares them into becoming God-fearing citizens. The YFC of- ficials assured me that the meetings are run in "An entirely businesslike' - and professional manner," which could not, under any circumstances, be mis-interpreted as bad taste. Also there is no justification for be- lieving that false pretenses are in- volved. The very name of the or- ganization contains its aim and purpose, and the leaders have no desire for personal power or fol- lowing, Youth foir Christ has bee(nwonl By Crockett Johnson Gosh. Mr. O'Mallev. you frot Ridiculous. A likely excuse.. . My address I I I i