. BELGIAN WHEATD See Page 4 ZVI r LwP tii C:LOUDYAND COOLER VOL. LVI No. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Uprisings Reported In Naples Italian Police Club Royalist Rioters By The Associated Press NAPLES, June 7-Violent demon- strations by several thousand royal- ists killed one soldier and injured at least 10 persons in Naples today, while in Rome police clubbed down monarchists shouing "Long live the king!" and "Down with the repub- lic!" 'The new outbursts in Nples by House of Savoy sympathizers, dis- satisfied with the plebiscite reject- ing the monarchy, broke after fight- ing last night in which one person was killed, eight werehinjured and Catholic priests were maltreated. Priests were conspicuously absent from the streets today. Heavy police guards, reinforced by troops, cruised Naple streets in light tanks and jeeps armed with ma- chine guns. Early tonight gunfire continued and some 50 persons, many of them women, had been placed un- der arrest. Hand Grenade Kills 10 A soldier riding in the open turret of a tank was killed when police fired a volley into the air in an effort to disperse a crowd near the Univer- sity of Naples. A hand grenade was tossed during the manifestation, wounding at least 10 persons. This afternoon leaders of the Mon- archist Party in Naples, called police headquarters and asserted they had not organized the demonstrators. In Rome police used clubs to break up a demonstration by 200 monar- chists in downtown streets. Socialist Minister of the Interior Guiseppe Romita insisted, however, that tranquility reigned in all of Italy with the exception of Rome and Naples. Government sources in Rome denied categorically reports that supporters of the king were gather- in Naples. Charge Fraud in Plebiscite Crowds surged through the streets of Naples all day shouting "Viva!" for King Umberto II. As many as 5,- 000 passed through the railay"star tion on at least two occasions. They shouted also that the plebiscite was ffaudulent. The demonstrations forced stores to close at 10 a.m. in this city where the royalists outnumbered repub- licans 4 to 1 in the plebiscite. The mistreatment of Catholic priests was said to have been done by persons accusing them of blame for downfall of the Savoy dynasty- a motive which puzzled observers since the church had never been charged with favoritism for the re- public. Senators Will Vote on Own Pay Increase WASHINGTON, June 7 -(AP)- Senators were advised today to in- crease their own incomes through a $2,500 a year increase allowance and at the same time reduce funds for the Navy by almost $40,000,000. The unrelated recommendations came from the Senate Appropriations Committee as it worked double time to try to complete a series of annual appropriations needed to operate the federal government in the fiscal year starting July 1. It finished work on the legislative appropriations and, the Navy supply bills. On May 28 of last year the Senate by a 43 to 49 roll call vote, with 44 senators not voting, rejected the ex- tra expense allowance for themselves while allowing it to House members. Although the Appropriations Com- mittee action was unanimous, Sena- tor Bridges, a member of the com- mittee, said some senators may fight the pay item on the Senate floor. He added that if Congressional salaries are upped from the present $10,000 to $15,000 a year as provided in the pending bills, there is a "general un- derstanding" that the expense al- lowance would be dropped. Marriage Lectures May Be Held in Fall Marriage relations lectures may be offered during beth the fall and spring semesters next year, Lloyd Berridge, chairman of the Marriage Relations Course Committee, an- nounced yesterday. Berridge said that an "attempt" will be made to offer two identical Chinese Civil War Halts To Permit Peace Talks Half Million Government and Communist Troops Face Each Other in Manchuria By The Associated Press NANKING, June 7-China entered upon one of the most delicate periods in her modern history at noon today-a 15-day truce in Manchuria during which she maust unequivocally determine whether she is to have peace or full-scale civil war. On the Manchurian Plain, orders halted a half million opposing govern- ment and Communist troops where they stood, so that negotiators here could attempt once again to achieve the peaceful unity that died aborning last January. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's directive to his advancing national troops to cease fire and concurrence by the Communists, prevented the gen- n>eral civil war which had been an Hard Coal Miners Given Welifare Fund, Wmage Boost in Settlement; Progress Seen In Shipping Strike Wolverines Top Bronco Nine Behind Bowman Nussbaumer Leads Michigan to 6-2 Win By WALT KLEE Special to The Daily KALAMAZOO, June 7-Nine Mich- igan base hits coupled with two er- rors and the clutch pitching of Lefty Bliss Bowman, enabled the Wolver- ines to throw a 6-2 victory halter on the Broncos of Western Michigan here this afternoon. The victory was the second of the season over Western Michigan and marked the first time since 1939 that the Wolverines have taken both games of the annual home-and- home series with the Broncos. Maize and Blue batsmen got nine hits off the southpaw offerings of Ed Rossi and "Red" Biddle while Bliss Bow- man was nicked for the same num- ber. Bowman's Fifth Win But Michigan's hurler was tighter in the clutches as he twirled his fifth win of the season against a pair of defeats. Michigan's southpaw ace gave up only one walk while the Wol- verines received eight passes from the duo of Bronco portsiders. Four fast double plays, three by the home team, were seen in the game, while five errors were scored against the teams defensively, three against the visiting Wolverines. Robinson Hurt Don Robinsoi, Michigan's short- stop, was hit in the head by Dick Groggel and may not be able, to see action in tomorrow's game at South Bend. Bob Nussbaumer hit a triple and See BOWMAN, Page 3 'Atomic Energy' Displayed Here 'U' Scientists Reveal Future Possibilities "Atomic Energy - Promise and Threat", an exhibit sponsored by the Association of University of Michigan Scientists, is currently on display on the main floor of the Gen- eral Library. The exhibit is divided into nine parts outlining the research, devel- opment and future of atomic energy. One subdivision entitled "Scientists Enter the Political Scene" shows the progress made by the newly organized Association of University of Michi- gan Scientists and other organiza- tions of scientists throughout the country in their drive for internation- al control of the atomic bomb. The possible future benefits of atomic energy in industry, medicine, and power generation are illustrated in the exhibit. Contrasted with this display is the subdivision which shows the dangers of atomic energy now and in the future. Another feature of this section of the exhibit is a map of New York City, showing the extent of the destrucion that would result from one atomic bomb. hourly threat in the recent disorder- ed weeks. Whether the new short armistice was 100 per cent effective was not known here in Nanking, 1,000 miles and more from the field. In some isolated sectors it was believed that minor skirmishes might - continue among troops who failed to get the word. The remainder of China still is technically under the armistice ar- ranged last January, although there has been almost constant skirmishing at scattered points. Friday morning, before the Man- churian truce took effect, Gen. Chou En-Lai, chief Communist negotiator; Lu Ting-Yi, Communist information chief, and ten staff members took off for the bleak Communist capital at Yenan to confer with their superiors. Chou departed without seeing Gen. Marshall, American mediator, again, leading to speculation that he might have taken with him a general plan for permanent cessation of hostilities; throughout China. Behind the council table still stood the long shadow of hate-propaganda. Marshall sharply called both sides to task on this count recently, but al-o most at the hour he was working out the truce, the Communist Emanci- pation Daily in Yenan released an es- pecially bitter editorial attacking United States policy. Aranoff Wins Lee Medical History Contest Bernard W. Agranoff has been awarded $25 for his winning essay, "Penicillin: An Industrial Triumph," in the Elizabeth Sergeant Lee Medi- cal History Contest established this year, it was announced by Dean E. A. Walter yesterday. The prize, offered for the first time this year, is given to a junior or sen- ior premedical student in the literary college submitting the best essay on some topic concerning the history of medicine. During the present year, subjects suggested' for essays included the his- tory of military medical units, the developments of industrial medicine, tropical medicines, and other phases of medical history. The contest will be held regularly in future years. The conditions for next year's contest will be announced early in the fall semester through the office of Dean Walter. Judges for this year's competition were Prof. Adam A. Christman, Prof. Frederick H. Test and Prof. John Arthos. MSC Students Will Restrict Smoking EAST LANSING, June 7 --GP)- Michigan State College students to- day turned thumbs down on a pro- posal to permit them to smoke any place on the campus. The undergraduates voted 1,703 to 1,501 for continuance of thepresent system under which smoking is per- mitted only in designated places in- side of campus buildings. Walkouts Still Threatened on Both Coasts Pacific Union Cancels Ban on Ship Sailings By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, June 7 - Dealings with both AFL and CIO West Coast seamen's unions took favorable turns across the continent tonight but failed to erase threats of double- header shipping strikes on all coasts later on. In San Francisco, the Pacific-Am- erican Shipowners Association off- ered tonight to start contract nego- tiations there tomorrow with the AFL Sailors Union of the Pacific. Association officials said the union immediately cancelled a ban on tak- ing ships to sea. The union itself set a meeting for tomorrow morning to act on the op- erators' offer. Issues Narrowed Down In Washington, the president and attorney of the, operators' organiza- tion, J. B. Bryan and Gregory Harri- son, were tied up in discussions with West Coast unions of the CIO-dom- inated Committee for Maritime Uni- ty. From the session came official reports of progress. Government con- ciliators said the West Coast issues "have been narrowed down consid- erably." Even so, no.sign of a final settle-' ment turned up. East Coast settlements, more im- portant in the general picture be- cause the government hopes to use them in setting the pattern for na- tion-wide agreements, have been at an impasse. The king-pin CIO National Mari- time Union discussed, strategy for a strike set for June 15. Recommendation Rejected President Truman talked with his cabinet about the maritime crisis and word seeped out that prospects were "pretty bad." The situation was so "delicate" that House subcommittee abruptly halted an investigation of it until next Tuesday. A dispute between Harry Bridges' CIO Longshoremen and Warehouse- men, concentrated on West Coast docks, was aired in negotiations for the first time. Bridges met with con- ciliators and Frank P. Foisie, presi- dent of the Pacific Waterfront Em- ployers Association. Afterward, Foisie told reporters that Bridges had rejected formally a government fact-finding board recommendation of a 22-cents-an- hiour pay increase for his union. Major Powers Clash on WFTU Voice Proposal NEW YORK, June 7 -(P)- The major powers on the United Nations Economic and Social Council clashed- today over a French proposal that the World Federation of Trade Un- ions be given a bigger voice in the council's work. The proposal was vigorously op- posed by the United States and Great Britain, but was supported by Rus- sia, Czechoslovakia, the Ukraine, Belgium and Peru. After almost three hours of debate the question was referred to the council's Committee onArrangements for Consultation with Non-govern- mental Organizations with instruc- tions that, the committee re-draft its earlier recommendations in the light of today's comments and suggestions. In urging that the role of the WFTU be enlarged, French Delegate Henri Hauck and Soviet Delegate Nikolai J. Feonov supported the proposition which Sidney Hillman, vice-president of the labor organi- zation, set forth in a letter to the council. Famine Relief Art Exhibit Presented at Lane Hall An exhibit of works of art, donated by faculty and student artists is cur- rently being staged at Lane Hall by the Local Artists for Famine Re- * * * SEAMEN WALK OFF SHIP-These four seamen walked off Steamship Sword Knot (background) in Seattle to attend a, union meeting. They were among 500 seamen leaving 40 deep-sea vessels at the dock. ROYALIST DECREE: Death Sentences Authorized To Crush Disorder in Greece * * * Gn Men To Return To Mines After i ATHENS, June 7-OIP)- The Roy- alist government, opening a drive to crush disorder in Greece, today in- voked a drastic emergency decree setting up summary courts empow- ered to pass death sentences for us- ing arms against authorities or inter- fering with police. There will be no recourse from the summary courts, and death sentences will be carried out immediately, the Ministry of Justice declared. The decree, which suspends guar- antees in the Greek constitution of either a trial within three months or freedom, provides also for a mini- Prof. Sadler Receives Army Commendati on Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the en- gineering school yesterday was awarded the Army commendation, ribbon by the Ninth Service Com- mand. The citation for it, directed by General Stilwell, reads: "He applied his technical knowledge and back- ground with consummate skill and .sound judgment in supervising and coordinating the complete and varied service command responsibilities for operation and maintenance of utili- ties at all posts, camps and stations in this command. "Through his outstanding efforts he was particularly responsible for conservation of water, fuel and elec- tricity and in utilities price adjust- ment which resulted in saving mil- lions of dollars for the government." Prof. Sadler returned in March to the civil engineering department af- ter four years of Army service. He was a lieutenant colonel. mum sentence of five years for strik- ers in public utilities. The death penalty can be passed also for "moral authors" of action against the state. Six articles in the constitution re- lating to the courts were suspended, and police and the military were given wide authority. The police were authorized to enter premises, homes or business estab- lishments at any hour without a search warrant. Any person can be held in jail indefinitely without bond. and without trial. After the court passes sentence, no pardons, reprieves or probations will be permitted. Military courts will try alleged violators in northern Greece while civilian courts will pre- vail in the south. On May 19 the Ministry of Pub- lic Order reported that a band of "Communists" armed with automatic weapons had killed four gendarmes at Volos, about 100 miles southwest of Salonika. Mfarching Band Will Organize The fall marching band will have its initial organizational meeting at 11 a.m. today in the band rehearsal room of Harris Hall. Prof. William D. Revelli will dis- cuss the football schedule and plans for the coming season. The band will play at all home games and it will accompany the team to Minne- sota and Ohio State. Because of increased enrollment expected next fall, the new March- ing Band promises to be one of the finest ever produced at Michigan, Prof. Revelli said. Freshmen are eligible to join the band and veterans with band experience will be espec- ially welcome to join, he added. Week's Walkout Contract May Lead To Retail Price Rise By The Associated Press NEW YORK, June 7--John L. Lewis' AFL United Mine Workers to- day gained a new contract with an- thracite operators providing for an 18%/2 cents an hour wage inprease and a health and welfare fund, the com- bined concessions of which will cost the operators an estimated total of $50,000,000 to $60,000,000 a year. The 75,000 miners, who have been on strike in the Pennsylvania hard coal fields for the past week, will re- turn to work Monday, Thomas J. Kennedy, UMW secretary-treasurer, said in announcing the new contract at a news conference. Increased Overhead Estimated A spokesman for the operators estimated the increased overhead from the new contract would add approximately $1 a ton to the retail price of anthracite-used chiefly for hom~e heating. The health and welfare fund-to be financed by a five cents a ton royalty on all hard coal mined- would amount to $2,700,000 on the basis of last year's production. The agreement as announced by Kennedy closely parallels the con- tract the UMW signed in Washington with the government for 400,000 bit- uminous coal miners recently. Health Fund Won An 181/2 cent an hour wage boost and a health and welfare fund were won by the union in the soft coal negotiations. The =UMW, however, won a con- cession from hard coal operators in the health and welfare fund which it did not obtain from the govern- ment. Under the agreement the fund will be administered by three trustees -two of whom will be named by UMW President John L. Lewis and a third by the operators. The soft coal agreement provided for one trustee selected by the UMW, one by the government and a third selected by the first two. Vacation Pay Raise Also included in the new contract is a provision for vacation pay of $100 instead of the present $75 for 10 days' time off. That point also was included in the bituminous agreement. Althought the hard coal miners will be paid their vacation pay this summer, Kennedy said the miners had agreed actually to take off only four days-July 4 to 7. Such a limi- tation was not written into the soft coal agreement. The present five-day week was continued in the new contract. Also continued was the present policy of a sixth day's work being optional. If that sixth day is worked the miner receives time and a half. County Is Vital Unit-Broma ge Explaining the significance of the forthcoming primary in a statement to the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters, Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the political science department, pointed out that the county is "one of the most important self-govern- ing units of American democracy and has vital functions." He specifically mentioned that key administrative posts such as county clerk, treasurer, sheriff and prosecut- ing attorney as being of special im- portance. County officials, in con- trast to those in the city, are chosen by popular election and are directly responsible to the voters. Prof. Bromage also stressed the importance of the electoral partici- pation by citizens in the primary, since by the time of the general election, the "caliber of the candi- dates has already been fixed by the primary." * * * Candidates for Primary Will Speak at Courthouse NOMINATION PRAISED: Vinson Promotion Cited 'Good' On Basis of Political Record' 100 MILES UP: Navy Equips V-2 Rocket with Laboratory for Space Test The nomination of Fred M. Vinson as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is "very good on the basis of his long and varied experience in govern- ment," Paul J. Scheips, of the poli- tical science department, declared yesterday. Scheips pointed out that Vinson spent "a good part of his. life prac- ticing law" and was a district judge in Kentucky. Vinson also was a con- gressman for a number of years, was tary of the Treasury by John W. Sny- der, present director of war mobiliza- tion and reconversion, if the Senate approves. "Snyder is not of Vinson's caliber and certainly does not have his experience in government." Scheips added. Most of the court has a "liberal" outlook, he declared, but "there are two groups which differ on certain fundamental matters." Vinson also has a "liberal" attitude, but Scheips WASHINGTON, June 7-(P)-The Navy has constructed a tiny robot laboratory in the nose of a giant rocket and plans to drive it 100 miles high to send back scientific informa- tion. The Bureau of Research and In- ventions announced today that the first flight will be June 27 at the WXhil-p A onric.nrnvhinrvr r.'nd T no are the cosmic ray, electrons, and high altitude radio and radar trans- mission. Scientists will be stationed at many observation points with equipment to track the rocket in its six-minute flight. They will record the data it radios back to earth. Later the rocket flights may be