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June 06, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-06

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,SDAT, SUNE 6, 1946

Chicago Fire Disaster
Investigated by Experts
Hundreds Trapped, 58 Die, as LaSalle Hotel
Burns; Worst Blaze of Kind in City's History

Shaw Mocks Ideals-Price

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, June 5-Safety, en-
gineering and architectural experts
started a series of investigations into
a flash fire which trapped hundreds
of patrons in their rooms of the loop's
LaSalle Hotel early today with a loss
of 58 lives and injuries to more than
200 other persons.
The fire was the worst hotel blaze
in Chicago's history and the most
Fire College
To Simulate
Blaze Fi 'rhting
Fire fighting complete with in-
struction in the proper use of hose,
ladders and other equipment will be
simulated on the University cam-
pus during part of the 18th annual
Michigan Fire College to be held
June 25 through 27.
Some 500 persons are expected to
attend both the Fire College and the
annual meeting of the Michigan State
Firemen's Association, being held in
conjunction this year. The Fire Col-
lege is sponsored by the University
of Michigan Extension Service and
eight cooperating organizations.
The Fire College, which is open
to all firemen, volunteer or regular
town officials, plant protection men
and other interested persons, .seeks
to present the most recent informa-
tion and techniques on fire preven-
tion and fighting. A certificate will
be issued' by the University to all
who have a constant record of at-
tendance at the College.
On Campus
Newman Club Speech .,..
Edward McDonald, editor of the
"Michigan Catholic," will be the
guest speaker at the Newman Club
Communion breakfast at 11 a.m. Sun-
day in St. Mary's Chapel.
Tickets are available at St. Mary's
Rectory or can be purchased from
members of the Newman Club. The
new officers will be introduced, and
songs will be sung by Gloria Gonan.
The co-chairmen are Doris Heidgen
and Mary Battle. This will be the
last social event of the semester.
Center To Hold Tea . ..
The International Center will
hold its weekly tea from 4 to 5:30
p.m. today. The tea will be open
to all students. The All-Nations
Club will hold a meeting at 7:15
pgkn.. in the center.
Quarterdeck Society .,. .
The Quarterdeck Society of the
naval architecture school will hold
its annual initiation banquet at 6:30
p.m. today to honor six new members
initiated last Monday.
Prof. Edward T. Vincent of the
inechanical engineering department
will speak on "Gas Turbines." Those
initiated were Albert H. Bell, William
W. Hamilton, Joseph Hyder, Au-
gusto Malabet, Robert M. Schroder

serious hotel tragedy in the nation in
more than 13 years.
Within 10 minutes after the first
fire alarm was put in at 12:35 a.m.
today, flames engulfed the first three
floors of the 22-story hotel, block-
ing stairways and main exits to the
Fire, heat, panic and smoke com-
bined to create the huge death toll.
Property damage was correspondingly
low, estimated at $100,000 by fire-
Some patrons, hysterical with fear,
jumped to certain death from their
windows. Others perished in their
beds from smoke and fumes given off
by burning varnish and lacquer on
the woodwork. Many were found in
smoke filled corridors where they
dropped, overcome by smoke.
Fireman said the flames first were
discovered coming from a wall on
the ground level near a bank of ele-
vators, a cocktail lounge and coffee
Hotel employes, they said, turned
fire extinguishers on the blaze-an
Qmploye of the cocktail lounge squirt-
ed water from a seltzer bottle-but
the fire grew stronger and the fire
department was called.
The first alarm was turned in at
12:35 a.m. Within 10 minutes the
first three floors were engulfed in
flames. The main street exits were
made impassable within minutes as
the flames raced through the lobby
and burned stairways to the upper
Investigations were ordered by Cor-
oner A. L. Brodie, Mayor Edward J.
Kelly, State's Attorney William J.
Tuohy and the Illinois State Senate.
Brodie's inquiry began immediately
upon appointment of a jury of 11 en
gineering, safety, architectural and
hotel management experts. An in-
quest was set for 10 a.m. Friday, but
the jurors expressed informal opin-
ions on why the flames spread so
eior Picnic
To Be June 20
Senior picnic for all graduating
students of the literary college will
be given Thursday, June 20.
Patricia Barrett, literary college
president, said that because of the
difficulty in estimating participa-
tion, seniors are asked to bring their
own picnic baskets, but cokes will
be furnished from the class treasury.
Graduating members of the other
colleges are invited by the literary
college seniors to be guests at the
Pat Barkey Elected
Newman Club Head
Newly elected officers for the 1946-
47 Newman Club are: Pat Barkey,
president; Hank Melton, men's vice-
president; Mary Imelda Battle,
women's vice-president; Dotty Good-
in, treasurer and Barbara Luke, sec-
retary. The new Executive Council
includes Kenneth Daly, Stephen
Squillace and Margaret Zirbes.
Back the
Faminle Drive

George Bernard Shaw, author of
"The Devil's Disciple" which is being
presented this week by Play Produc-
tion, is a teetotaler, a vegetarian and
a non-smoker and once described
himself as a fluent liar and a firm
disbeliever in the present status of
women, Prof. H. T. Price of the Eng-
lish department said yesterday.
Prof. Price, who is an authority on
Shakespearean drama and has con-
siderable knowledge of Shaw's works,
said that Shaw brings all these be-
liefs into plays like "John The Bap-
tist" and "The Devil's Disciple." He
likes to take a favorite plot and turn'

it inside out, revealing its hollow
silliness, Prof. Price said.
Shaw goes after all the things ido-
lized in the Victorian Age, he said,
making fun of Victorian ideas of self-
sacrifice, respectability and the like.
In "The Devil's Disciple" Shaw is'
particularly poking fun at the Vic-
torian idea of self sacrifice.
One of the outstanding features of
Shaw's plays, Prof. Price stated, is
that Shaw's women make love and
propose to the men. Shaw thinks he
alone made this discovery. Prof. Price
remarked. but Shakespeare did the
same thing in his plays 300 years

"All this would not make a good
dramatist," Prof. Price said, "but
Shaw knows play construction. He
keeps your interest by his clever
touches and vivid dialogue."
( 01mpellstion Neportefj
DETROIT, June 5-ilA')--Unem-
ployed industrial workers drew $110,-
931,615 in the first four months of
this year, the Michigan Unemploy-
ment Compensation Commission re-
ported today.
World War II veterans were paid
$39.183,222 during the period,

Students Object
To Rate Raise
MSC Boost Result Of
Increasing Food Costs
EAST LANSING, June 5-(A)-Stu-
dent action in protest to an increase
in dormitory room and board rates
at Michigan State College was post-
poned until Thursday evening after
an eight-student committee met to-
day with President John A. Hannah.
At the meeting with the college
president, the reasons for the increase
in meal costs at the college were ex-
plained to the students, who said
they would discuss the rate boost
at an open meeting Thursday eve-




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ana Kcene w . maey.
Price Recital Tonight... YE LLOW CAB
Percival Price will present ano- BAGGAGE and
ther in his current series of caril-
lon recitals at 7;15 p.m. today. TRANSFER
The numbers played will be
"March" by Mozart, "Sonata for
47 Bells," written by Mr. Price, Authorized Railway Transfer
and a group of Latin-American folk
Sonog, including "Adios M.wha- 44
chos,' "Peruvian Planting Song,"
"Adios de digo," and "Chapene-
eas. "
WHEN CHOOSING graduation gifts be sure to con-
sider our selection of unusual recordings that will
interest the English major . . . There ,is Ralph
Bellamy's reading of Whitman's "Leaves of Grass,"
Judith Anderson presenting "Four Dramatic
Sketches," Decca's "Alice in Wonderland" and
"The Count of Monte Cristo," Edna St. V. Millay
reading some of her own poetry ... also the superb
Columbia "Masterpieces of Literature" series.

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How often during the year does Dad learn he rates high
in the family's affections? At Christmas, of course. And
on his birthday. Only two times? Then be sure to take
Father's Day to tell Dad again he's the most marvelous
man in the world. Honestly, he'll love it!
STORE NAME knows how important a person Dad is.
That's why we've combed all America for all that's usable
and wearable Dad will like. Loads of Esquire-advertised
gifts you know will please him. Sports slacks and shirts,
gamesainidthings to tiker~with, pipes;- marvelous to-
baccos§Gifts-galore for every masculine taste and fancy.
Cimein for fither,'dear father's gift._Comein now, 'cause
D ,s day'is iune 16tht


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