PAGE TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY TUUESD)AY, JUNE 4, 1946 IT SO HAPPENS... * Who's Running This University? etter to te 6 ilor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Propaganda- Victims? A Willing Worker HORACE RACKHAM had no idea of what goes on in the building he left the University. A couple of nights ago, an illustrated lecture was given in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The room was dark. A member of the Uni- versity sociology department was deep in discus- sion. All at once, a door opened, a janitor poked his head into the slit, and proclaimed, "I'm sorry folks, but there'l have to be some lights in here." * * * * Now, Now, Just Relax V ANDALS BROKE INTO the Publications Building the other night, destroying candy and cigarette machines. In the words of our sage City Editor: "You can't even get a cigarette any more, the Underworld's taken over." Enough Is Enough p ERHAPS THE MOST sinister note we've heard in reference to the Detroit-Is-Proud- of-Itself Golden Jubilee was raised by a half- cocked friend of ours who makes a habit of indulging in free association. This lad gave one cursory glance to the Jubilee's official crest showing an automobile cou6hant with a giant machine-wheel leaning artistically over it, and said before we could cover our ears: "The man in the car's being swallowed up by his own machine." We presented him with an autographed copy of R.U.R. and fled the office. * * * * Escalator Promotion WILIJAM CREAR, Jr., a Yale man, has been appointed superintendent of selling service in charge of the second and third floors at Macy's in New York City, a news release in- forms us. Crear formerly was assistant division super- intendent of selling service in charge of the NIGHT EDITOR: EUNICE MINTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ninth floor and has been succeeded in that post by J. Bradley Haight, a 1927 graduate of the University of Michigan. We're backing our boy Haight to plummet past Crear in the Macy hierarchy when the next vacancy in the bargain basement opens up. We're not telling Gimbels, either. * * * * Misinterpretation WE WERE INFORMED today that one more good war would put man back in the kit- chen, the same letter insisting that women will have all the industrial jobs. We prefer to retain our own ideas about where one more good war will put both parties. (Items appearing in this column are written by members of the Daily editorial staff and edited by the Editorial Director.) MERRY-GO-ROUND: B lack Listed By DREW PEARSON WO OF THE FAMOUS PASQUEL brothers, who have been causing such headaches to U.S. baseball club owners, once were on the State Department's black list for trading with the enemy. This became known as the furore over the Mexican League increased with the "stealing" of Max Lanier, star Cardinal pitcher, together with Fred Martin, another pitcher, and in- fielder Lou Klein, all of the Cardinals. State Department officials admitted that in December 1941, at the time of Pearl Harbor, Bernardo and Jorge Pasquel had been placed on the American black list because they had been trading with the enemy. Officials refused to ela- borate on the nature of the Pasquel brothers' Nazi connections, but said that after a brief interval they were taken off the black list fol- lowing receipt of a signed affidavit that the two Mexicans would behave in the future. The Pasquel brothers have caused more havoc in the ranks of American baseball than any other development in history, having robbed the Brook- lyn Dodgers of Mickey Owen, the New York Gi- ants of Danny Gardella and Harry Feldman, the Philadelphia Athletics of Bobby Estalella, to- gether with various other major league players. Two suits in New York and St. Louis are now pending to prevent these Mexican raids. (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Army Promotion Proposals THE DOOLITTLE "Gripe Board" last week of class distinction is necessary in the Army announced its recommendations for reform- simply because many officers lack the qualities ing the Army "caste" system. Searching through of leadership to enforce their authority. the morass of tradition, war-bred dissatisfac- Inept officers who lack the necessary quali-. tion, charges and counter-charges, the board ties of leadership, gain obedience only by using stated the real cause of officer-enlisted man the threat of court martial under'the Articles troubles. of War. The Articles of War, the only legal The board declared that "much of the pre- basis for maintaining the artificial position sent structure of our Army harks back" to the of some officers, are constantly used to achieve old Prussian and British military orders. Ba- obedience in enlisted men, whether in sically that is the fault of the Army caste training or combat. But in combat, the true set-up. The present system is based on the test of an effectiveness of an army, even that traditional rights of a privileged class, ra- instrument for gaining submission doesn't al- ther than on the American concept of ability as ways bring about the desired results. When a the prerequisite for authority. Officers are man refuses to go forward because he is afraid granted privileges indiscriminately, simply of being killed, he won't change his mind when because they are officers, not because they an officer threatens him with court martial. deserve such privileges. The dire results of court martial become mean- Combat men are only too familiar with offi- ingless, when a man is likely to die anyway. cers who let their non-coms do the leading in Only by real leadership, by his own example, battle, but then took command again back in can an officer move men under fire. a rear area. In combat the right to command In order that officer promotions be made depended on the .ability to lead men, but when on the basis of ability the "Gripe Board" has there was no shooting that right became directly proposed that the officers be promoted according proportional to rank. Officially the Army re- to a merit system-one which would permit cognizes rank as the sole criterion of leadership. officers to be demoted, too, or dismissed if in- Admittedly an army must have an officer competent-rather than on the basis of senior- corps, but those officers should be real leaders, ity. The board also said that officers ought not merely "gentlemen by act of Congress." The first to serve a year in the ranks. If these recom- experience of the Russian rabble army in which mendations, placing the right to command on everyone was "comrade" proves the need for the basis of ability rather than seniority and men in positions of authority and responsibility. traditional privilege, are adopted by the War Yet, all too often our so-called "officers" have Department, the United States. Army will be not been worthy of the name. The phoney barrier worthy of its name. -Stuart Finlayson To the Editor: AS A VETERAN who has recently returned from Germany, I find that the collection by the Deutscher Verein (German Club) for the "poor starving Germans" is an insult to every intelligent student on the campus and is espe- cially offensive to war veterans who saw how well-fed and unrepentant the "poor starving Germans" are. Common sense and decency de- mands that the victims of German enslavement, starvation, and persecution receive our aid first, last, and foremost. What will our allies and friends, the French, Belgians, Norwegians, Rus- sians, Dutch, Poles, etc. think of our perverted sense of charity if we feed their persecutors when they themselves are in dire need of all available assistance at our disposal? Let us hope that the faculty members and others who determine the policy for the Deut- scher Verein are victims of gross ignorance rather than- incorrigible pro-German apologists or unwitting Nazi propagandists. -Donald B. Parish ** * * Business Foreign Policy To the Editor: IN LAST WEEK'S DISPUTE of J. Gore vs. C. Dickey, Mr. Dickey raises an extremely pro- vocative point. He asks, in effect, how American big business could profit in dollars and cents by the State Department's rbfusal at the Paris Con- ference to grant Italian ships and reparations payments to Russia and to grant Trieste to Yugoslavia. Assuming as this question does, that the State Department's current Get-Tough-With-Russia policy is dictated by the lobbies of American Big Business, I would like to expand upon this point to ask a larger and more significant question. How could American big business profit by the suppression of democratic movements in Greece and Java? By the preservation of Nazism and war potential in Germany? By the protection of Fascism in Spain? By the encouragement of totalitarianism in China? To argue that there is such a direct connection between private profit and international politics is not easy, but it can be done. To illustrate that such a situation is possible I would like to point out two parallels. It is evi- dentdent that a serious inflation in the United States would open the gateway to complete economic collapse. It is equally evident that the abolition of price control at the present time would lead us, and is already leading us, straight toward such an inflation. Yet American big business, in such lobbies as that of e N.A.M. has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to smash price controls. It is painfully clear that the American people had to spend billions of dollars to smash the Nazi war machine. Yet we have mountains of evidence showing that Hitler's legions were financed in a large part by American and British capital. Surely the American businessmen in the days of Munich were not imbeciles. Surely they are not acting for their health, or for sweet charity. -Cornelius J. Loeser Current Movies ... at the Michigan "The Ziegfeld Follies"; a cinema review produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, directed by Vincente Minelli. AFTER SEVERAL MONTHS from the ravages of technicolor I took my smoke-colored glasses out of the moth-balls and journeyed forth to view "The Ziegfeld Follies." It is an im- mense, frankly opulent review with a huge cast of stars. I would be the last to suggest that The Follies are notable entertainment. In the thirties there was a series of musicals starring Fred Astaire that, for sheer good taste and charm, equalled Broadway's best and have remained unsur- passed on the screen. Alongside these fondly re- membered 'baubles, The Follies seem tasteless and over-pretentious. Yet the Follies seem indicative in places of a growing sense of film technique. It is, among other things, executed as a review pure and sim- ple. For the first time in this field, the movies haven't apologized for a review by injecting a flimsy plot line or by passing it off as a photographed stage musical, replete with pro- scenium arch and other stage embellishments. No amount of Hollywood trappings can quite obscure the sophisticated charm of Fred As- taire's dancing. For the film's outstanding se- quence, Gertrude Lawrence's old torch number, "Limehouse Blues," is the 'backing for a finely atmospheric pantomine featuring Astaire and Lucille Bremer in a flawlessly executed Chinese fan dance (not of the Sally Rand variety, I hasten to qualify). ... at the State Paulette Goddard in "Diary of A Chamber- maid," with Burgess Meredith, Francis Le- derer and Hurd Hatfield. "We are not amused.' -Barrie Waters Publication in the Daily Oficiai Bul- - letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President,< 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day3 preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 155 Notices School of Education Convocation: The eleventh annual Convocation of I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Postwar Tide By SAMUEL GRAFTON LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-It has been more than two years since I last saw the Lockheed plant. Today it is like a lake which has frozen over, with only a bit of free water left in one or two coves. It is so hushed that it is a surprise to learn that the company is still more than ten times as big as it was before the war. In terms of number of em- ployees, it has something about twenty thousand now, as compared with two thousand then; but at the height of its war production it went up to ninety-five thousand, which gives some idea of the convulsive in- halation and exhalation of humanity which has taken place on these pre- mises. The great yards which used to swarm with P-38's are now as bare as school playgrounds on a holi- day. This has little to do with the contraction of activity, which was expected, and, indeed, has been less than was expected. It has some- thing to do with the way people feel after a war. The working force is restless. Its discontent does not lie with the plant, but with the world. It has something to do with not being able to find a fit place in which to live, with not being able to buy anything worthwhile for one's money, with paying $4.00 for a shirt and having it shrink to the elbows after being washed. It has something to do with fear of the .future, one's own failure, aviation's future, the world's future. Lockheed has retired 4900 "Lockheed veterans," i.e. men who left its plants to go to war. Of this number, 1100 are already gone, and, in this group, more than 100 said that they were leaving to buy farms, about 300 that they couldn't stand local housing conditions, 150 that they wanted to go to school, and about ninety that they expected to go into business for themselves, usually in the electrical appliance field. But the discontented from other places come here, and there are ex-waitresses who have decided not to take it from the cus- tomers any longer; and ex-school teachers who prefer clean factory work to small-town board politics. The uneasy postwar tide flows through the plant, as men and wo- men look for a place in which to park their lives, and find it for a shorter or longer time in this barnyard of airplanes, which lies near the air- port, among filling stations and utili- tarian roads, in a corner of Cali- fornia so workaday that one cannot tell it, at eye-level, from Birming- ham or Des Moines, but must look up into the sky to know that one is in California at all. Plant officials are aware of the uneasiness below, which they know to be general, and not confined to Lockheed. "It's like everybody was in a funny kind of holiday mood, but worried at the same time," says one. Asked about what steps could be taken to change the mood, he shook his head. "It's not just money" he said. "They're not anxious for over- time work, when we have it, and the union was glad to accept an extra holiday, Friday after Memorial Day, without pay. It's not any one thing. It's the way things are." Another official tries to put it into words. "It's like people got the idea during the war that everything has to go up and up. When it stops going up and up, they're shocked and unhappy." And so a man works on the wing of one of the handsome Constellations which are made here, and dreams about an electrical ap- pliance shop he means to have. Out- side, in the sun, sits a Constellation which has been made and marked up for KIM, the Dutch line, and another for the French Air Service; custom jobs, as compared with the hordes of anonymous airplanes made here during the war, and signs of that change in affairs which grips with fear the bellies of many thou- sands. A great steel ball swings from a crane, and batters down a row of concrete huts on the edge of the parking lot, demolishing the bomb shelters which the company had put up for the war. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) undergraduate and graduate stu-i dents who are candidates for the1 Teacher's Certificate during the aca-' demic year will be held in the Uni- versity High School Auditorium to- day at two o'clock. This Convocation is sponsored by the School of Edu- cation, and members of other facul-; ties, students, and the general public are cordially invited. President Ruth- yen will preside and Dr. James P. Adams, Provost of the University. will give the address. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Professor Haber of the Department of Eco- nomics will present a lecture to our student,, on "Occupational Tiends and Job Prospects," today at 4:30 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall Football Tickets: Football admis- sion tickets for University of Michi- gan students will be issued at the time of registration for the fall se- mester. Students who wish to purchase tickets for their parents or friends should order tickets before August 1 to be assured of receiving them. Application blanks for ticketsmay be obtained at the ticket office in the Administration Buildin'g on Fer- ry Field between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily. To all house Directors: The record blanks which you are being asked to fill out may be called for in the Office of the Dean of Women on Thurs- day, June 6. German Departmental Library Books are due in the departmental office on June 10 regardless of the due date stamped in the book. All women students attending Sen- ior Ball will have 2:30 permission. Calling hours will not be extended. Students: Colleges of Literature, Science and the Arts; Architecture and Design; Schools of Education; Forestry and Conservation; Music; and Public Health. Blueprints will be mailed in June to the address on each student's permanent record. If there has been a change in the home address since your first registration, please notify the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. Recommendations for Department- al Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative June graduates from the College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for depart- mental honors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4 University Hall, by noon of June 25. LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pres- ent holders of these scholarships who wish to be considered for the year 1946-47 should present appli- cations for renewal to F. E. Robbins, Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, before the end of the term. All NROTC students who have ap- plied for admission to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the Spring Term who have not re- ceived their admission certificates please call at 1209 Angell Hall as soon as possible. Willow Village Program for Vet- erans and their Wives:. Tuesday, June 3: Discusion Group, 7:30 p.m. Office. Tuesday, June 4: Safety Series, "Home Groan," Miss Frances E. Wil- son, Home Demonstration Agent of Washtenaw County-demonstration followed by movie on canning. 8:00 p.m. Village Community House. Wednesday, June 5: Bridge, 2-4 and 8-10 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Thursday, June 6: Home Planning Group invited to attend Tuesday evening Safety Series program. Saturday, June 8: Record Dance 8:30 p.m. Auditorium. Sunday, June 9: Classical Music, Records, 3-5 p.m. Office. Lectures Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Tau Sigma Delta, Architecture and Design Honorary, will sponsor Mr. Roger Allen, Pres- ident, Michigan Society of Archi- tects, Wednesday, June 5, 4:15 p.m., in the College of Architecture audi- torium. The annual Tau Sigma Delta Sophomore awards will be made at this time. The public is invited. Mr. Harold II. Burgess of Michigan State College will speak on the Hin- terlands of Liberia at 4:15, Wed- nesday, June 5, in Room 2039 Natu- ral Science Building. The talk is sponsored by the School of Forestry and Conservation and the Department of Botany, and will be illustrated with colored slides. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for William 11. Sullivan, Chemistry,, thesis:"Arti- ficially Produced Radioisotopes of Tungsten and Rhenium." to be held today at 2:00 p.m., in the East Coun- cil Room, Rackham Building. Chair- man, K. Fajans. Make-up examination in Geology 12 will be held Wednesday, June 5, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 2054 Natural Science Building. Sociology 196: Final examination Tuesday, June 11, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., Room D, Haven Hall. Seminar in physical chemistry will meet today in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Sister Miriam Michael will speak on "Light absorption of iodine in differ- ent solvents" and Mr. James Lutton will speak on "Oxygen-fluorine com- pounds." All interested are invited. Speech Concentrates: Please call at the Speech office, 3211 Angell Hall, to sign up for appointments with the concentration adviser. Students, College of Engineering: Students, now enrolled, who expect to attend the 1946 Summer Session should report at the Secretary's Of- fice, 263 West Engineering Building. Sophomores with B standing inter- ested in enrolling in the College Hon- ors Program for their Junior and Senior years should see Professor Dodge, 17 Angell Hall. Office hours: 1:00 to 2:30 daily, except Tuesday. Attention June Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Mu- Sic, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grad e of I or X in June. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to al- low your instructor to report the make up grade not later than noon, June 27. Grades received after that time may defer the student's grad- uation until a later date. Concerts Student Recital: Harry I. Phillips will present a recital in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music in Wood- wind Instruments, at 8:30 this eve- ning in Rackham Assembly Hall. He will be assisted by Mildred Andrews, pianist, and Edward Or. mond, violist, in a program during which he will play compositions for the clarinet, flute, and oboe. His in- structors have been Albert Luconi and Russell Howland. The public is cordially invited. University of Michigan Women's Glee Club, Marguerite V. Hood Con- ductor, will present its annual spring concert at 8:30AThursday evening, >June 6, in Hill Auditorium. The first half of the program will consist of compositions by Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Rossini, Kernochan, Wood, and Hageman, while the sec- ond half, entitled "Latin-American Fiesta", will feature appropriate mu- sic. It will be open to the general public without charge. Exhibitions Better fishing? Rotunda, Museum' Building. Through June 30. 8:00-9:00 week days; 2:00-5:00, Sundays and holidays. Michigan Historical Collections. "Public Schools in Michigan." Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30 Monday (Continued on Page 4) Communist Control in Czechoslovakia ALTHOUGH the Communists seemed yester- day to be losing in the French elections, in received from UNRRA. They seem worrie Czechoslovakia last week they secured the largest the reaction of the United States (fror single party vote and the parties of the left a they are seeking a 200 million dollar lo slight majority in the general parliament, the trend to communism. The Czechoslovakian government, however, is However, friendship with Russia isz pledged to retain its coalition character, and the and inevitable for the Czechs, situateda pledgedn, frstsic 1935,ihas horwnternlnd the are almost in the position of a bridge b election, first since 1935, has shown only the eastern and western Europe. Close trad relative strength of the four parties-Communist, eatranwsenEuo.Cletad National Socialist, Social Democrat, and People's. boration between the two countries is Nonetheless, tliere seem to be two ways to look taking place, though it is not yet as im at the situation-from the viewpoint of those to Czechoslovakia as is trade with the who are optimistic about the country's progress Sts. and utue wih te dmocrticinsttutons In this geographic advantageous po and future with the democratic institutions Czechoslovakia will probably retain ful which have sprung up with renewed vigor since' the war, or from that of those who fear the pendence, without Russian interferenc the aror rom hatof hosewhofea th we may hope for her under the Comi growth of communism anywhere, in any form. the continued success of the combina In support of the former is the great emphasis t on individual liberty with freedom of the press individual liberties and socialized gove and assembly, heightened no doubt by so many that she is striving for. years of foreign control. The recent elections ---Elinor_____ were free, and furthermore, there was no ques- tion of the Communists being elected by an BARNABY active fraction of the electorate, for Czecho- slovakia has a compulsory voting law with My Fairy Godfather is going toaskI seven and a half million people required to vote. MeIno th e Inv 1isib Inrr han.n d about whom oan) to natural as they between e colla- already portant United osition, 1 inde- e, and munists tion of rnment ness Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Come to think of it,ca fast fielding, hard htin I nepnean inoll heln By Crockett Johnson Being invisible, McSnoyd, you can roam the inner outfield. And the outer infield. As Margaret Farmer Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker Des Howarth Ann Schutz Tn'n n lfmnrapq . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . .. .. . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor - AsnrintP Women'sEditore