THE MICTIIC N D.AM PA CAE FiVL - THE MICHIGAN DAIlY PAO~ FIVK. Louis prima T o Highlight 1946 Sen1ior Ball All Students May Buy Tickets' At Union,'League, on Diagonal Decorations, Lighting Will Transform Ferry Field into Nightclub Under Stars Summer Term Council Petitions Due Tomorrow Choral Groups Plan Concert Glee Club, Navy Choir, Soloists To Sing Latin American Songs Friday SO LONG: Union To Give Farewell Dance '.. A 77 ir' 1 Louis Prima, rare combination of personal showman and top-flight musician, who will headline the 1946 edition of Senior Ball from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday at the, Intramural Building, promises laughs from his audience as well as danceable music. Prima's style mixes old time N'Or- leans jazz and modern swing idiom into a blend of the best in dance music, satisfying votaries of sweet as well as devotees of swing. Virtuoso of the glorified cornet, Prima's careen to fame began on Basin Street in New Orleans. Born in the midst of the cradle of modern jazz, it is little wonder that his talent should turn to music. Louis Armstrong, King Oliver, and Bud- die Peetie, all time greats in the trumpet world, were in their Or- leans heyday when young Louis was at the impressionable age. Dis- carding his violin for a horn, Pri- Baseball Teams To Play Off Finals At Palmer Field Final games in the WAA Softball Tournament will be played tomorrow and Tuesday at the Palmer Field diamonds near the Women's Athletic Building. In the A tournament finals, Kappa Kappa Gamma will play Collegiate Sorosis from 5 to 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, according to Lucile Sheetz, softball manager. Neither of these teams has lost a game in this year's WAA com- petitions. Mosher and Delta Delta Delta will vie for honors in the B 'tournament from 6:30 p.m to 8 p.m. Tuesday. Each of these teams has lost only one game throughout the previous rounds of the tournament. Miss Sheetz also announced that the public is invited to attend the games, which climax the interhouse softball competition for the year. In case of rain, either day, the game will be played the following day at the scheduled time. ma started on the track that ended in the glory of his present success. In 1935, the door to the bigtime opened for the trumpeter when a group of radio stars, who wanted a spot to jam when they wished, asked Prima to open the Famous Door in New York. The movies beckoned next, and Prima teamed with Martha Raye in "Rhythm on the Range." Realizing the uphill fight ahead against the already established mighties of the band world, Prima resolved to provide something dif- ferent in bandstand entertainment. Capitalizing on a gravel voice, par- tially the result of a tonsilectomy, and *a natural instinct for shen- nanigans, Prima fronts his 15 piece dance orchestra with sock show- manship. Lilyann Carol, songstress of "I Wanna Get Married" fame, joined the ccmlination in 4941 and has been with the organization ever since. "RobinhHood," "Angeline," "You Won't Be Satisfied," and'"Please No Squeeza Da Banana" are some of the tunes which Prima has made fa- mous, all of iwhich will be on the agenda Friday. The hit "Be Happy" was adopted as a slogan and gener- al order of the day for the band shortly after Prima wrote it. All students, regardless of class, may purchase tickets for the gala ball from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to- morow through Friday at the Un- ion, League, and on the Diagonal. Identification cards must be pre- sented to purchase all tickets. "We came, we saw, we conquered" is the thehie which will dominate the ball, and was chosen as appropri- ate to represent the seniors' four years of accomplishment. Programs will take the form of military dis- charge papers, and decorations will follow the dominant theme. Tables for conversation and re- freshments will be provided on an outdoor terrace. Special lighting and decorations will convert Fer- ry Field into a nightclub under the stars for the event. Departing from usual custom, Sen- ior Ball will be semiformal, owing to the scarcity of men's formal attire, but Dick Ford, co-chairman of the affair, urges all men who own dinner jakets to wear them. Women have been granted 2:30 a.m. permission for Friday. LOUIS PRIMA-Master showman and trumpeter, will front his band at the 1946 Senior Ball from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday at the Intramural Building. Lilyann Carol will take the vocal honors. /7' t jpI6 (1jJ s j C/ i i Petitions for three posts on the The Women's Glee Club will pre-1Iior All Students summer Women's Judiciary Council sent its spring concert at 8:30 p.m. are due at noon tomorrow in the Thursday in Hill Auditorium. The Union Council will sponsor Undergraduate Office of the League. The chorus, under the direction of the Student Farewell Dance from Interviews will be held from 2 Miss Marguerite Hood, will open the 9 p.m. to midnight, Wednesday, June to 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Council program with a group of short for- 19, in the Rainbow Room. Room of the League, and women mal love songs by Brahms. Included Although the dance is being pre- should sign for interviewing timeswill be a number accompanied by two sented particularly for the graduat- when they turn in their petitions to will and two horns. The harpists ing seniors all students are invited. the Judiciary Council Box in the will be Lynn Palmer and Margaret The dance will be informal and tic- UnhergJucayeOunicilB.i Wardle, and Carla Hemsing and Ann kets may be purchased at the Union Undegraduate Offic nLawrence will play the horns. Solo- before thedance at the regular price Members of the Council will be in ists will be Lennis Britton, Jean Thal- for Union dances. charge of all signout records for ner, and Suzanne Smith. RoseDer- women attending the summer ses- derian, mezzo-soprano, will also offer Students will dance to the music sion, and the group will try cases of two solos, "In the Silence of Night" of Bill Layton and his orchestra. The violations of house rules. by Rachmaninoff and "La Danza" by musical program will include some Council members will be required Rossin. specialty numbers to keep close contact with house- The second half of the concert is c>od mo 0 mothers and house presidents, and entitled "Latin American Fiesta" and to cooperate with the Office of the will feature a group of Latin Ameri-dL Dean of Women concerning campus can songs sung separately by the iand residence regulations. Women's Glee Club, by the Navy fland One senior member and two junior Choir reinforced by other male sing-. members will be appointed to form ers on campus, and then by the two Wedding the Council, which will function groups together. Suzanne Smith will SINCE RIGS throughout the summer session of be soloist for one of the numbers. AR the University. Women of junior or trio composed of Rose Derderian, senior standing may apply for the Jean Thalner, and Lennis Britton 717 North University Ave. positions. will also sing. X:o c<=o=:><=o=>.:! Aeltbdwlk Fits and feels like a glove. In soft $(95 brown calf with extewion sole. ARMY RUSSET ONLY 108 East Washington Phone 2-2685 I Old and new members of Scroll will meet at 5 p.m. tomorrow at the League for the Scroll Supper. By LOIS KELSO "HE STAID OLD SENIOIRS, members of the class of '46, are about to leave us. Let us pause a while to salute these individuals, for they have look- ed upon strange things. They have seen the University of Michigan change from an insti- tution "clinging inexcusably to moss-backed tradition" to a vital, pro- gressive, far-seeing organization which gets results. I hope they have all noticed this. They must have known it was coming, because when they arrived on campus everyone who could make them hold still long enough told them it was going to happen. With its own ineffable efficiency, The Daily took the lead in explaining what changes were necessary. The sports editor explained in ten inches of punchy prose how PEM would help win the war. Six members of the edi- torial staff joined in admiring the methods of Henry Kaiser and deploring the fact that they were not used at the university. (The V-12 was yet to come.) ,SOMEONE CALLED UMP told the incoming class of '46 about a few of the less moss-covered traditions which "lend a strain of unity to a cosmo- politan campus." Freshmen were not to smoke pipes on campus. No one was to walk on the grass. No one was to cut classes, and above all no one was to call fraternities "frats," perish forbid. Even some of these cardinal principles seem to have been swept away in the Michigan student's drive for greater efficiency. With enthusiastic zeal the student body plunged into a program of readjustment to a changing world. The editorial staff of The Daily as one man volunteered to allot ten per cent of their miniscule salaries to Victory Bonds, as they were then called. League Council abolished JGPlay and Soph Cabaret. The Craighead twins started a course in jungle fighting. HE SEMESTERS slipped by as the class of '46 continued to readjust. The manpower shortage ceased to be a joke, and the USO became the last resort for the desperate. There was serious consideration of an enforced lights-out program. The Gargoyle disappeared under a wave of high serious- ness and financial embarrassment. Various "liberal" organizations jolted through many changes of name, officers, and Causes, but never color. The class of '46, sadder and wiser, is escaping now -- two jumps ahead of the Era of Moral Indignation which seems to be upon us. They have borne much, and I like to think that their time was not entirely wasted. I have an ucquaintance who tells us when it is going to rain. She looks out of the window and sees cold fronts coming. i L I 1 l". - .l long-lasting nail lacquer CHEN YU made is U. S. A. 750plus fax If yours is a perfectionist's point of view, we suggest CHEN Yu Long-Lasting Nail Lacquer as your "first choice" fingernail make-up. Each shade an original! FOR SENIOR BALL Powder and Paint Make a Gal What she ain't! For lovely nails and matching lips try our Chen Yu products ' ~ .~ , ' ' r /' ,' s. i1. !; ::' .t! .:.. ;,. t. A slick chic that rates a rave...this dramatic Accessories striking new color-beauty for lips lipstick CHIN YU PINK CLOUD . . .for that pink and pretty look, BLUE CLOUD . . . for enchanting night-time, RED GOLD-'. . for a golden red, red. Also CLOUD SILK FOUNDATION $2.00 plis tax Darna Lee darling that adds dash to summer doings! Sharp contrast in crispy-cool cotton, eyelet-iced! Junior sizes 9 to 15 in bon-bon beauty shades! $2295 for Summer Naturals on the summer scene with casuals and playclothes . these gay, useful accessories from old Mexico. The tossed-on jacket hand-embroidered in brilliant colors on wine, sapphire blueor orange (70 per cent wool, 30 per cent cotton, 23.00. The leather sandals with hand-tooled straps (two styles from which to choose), in natural with emerald, fuchsia or brown, 4.88. 1, K.:.t''4~ IV ): ' t" N'I rf.: 4 " ; ti 5" : . nf ., 3.° ; ' : } G :: -: ; # $ . s a t t . V a the spice + of a juniot's lifo ,z .~ ., .. ' . I alms I E