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June 02, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-06-02

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Golfers Win Year's
Only Big Ten Title
Michigan Upsets OSU by 17 Strokes;
Team Balance Decides; Schaloin Stars
Special to The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 1 - The 1945-46 Big Ten athletic races
hit the wire yesterday with Michigan's golfers taking the only Wolverine
crown of the year to preserve a 24-year championship string.
Bill Barclay's linksmen renewed the option they held on the Con-
ference throne room from 1942-44 by virtue of an overwhelming 17-stroke
lead over the favored defending champs from Ohio State. Northwestern
was third and Iowa fourth.
Trailing by three strokes at the end of Friday's 36-hole play, the Wol-
verines slipped into a one stroke lead in the morning round and then picked
~up 16 strokes in the afternoon to



Full-Time Use
Of Rackham In
Detroit Possible
Could Accommodate
1,000 Students Easily
Offering a plan which would ameli-
orate what now appears to be an in-
evitable housing shortage next fall,
made even more acute by an in-
creased enrollment, a University ad-
ministrator has suggested that the
Rackham Building in Detroit be used
as a full-time branch of the Uni-
He said that students, residing in
and around Detroit could attend "a
University in Detroit", and get their
University credit.
Could Ease Burden
While this idea is not an overall
panacea to the problem of soaring
enrollment at the University, it, nev-
ertheless, is one way of easing the
the local burden, he pointed out.
He estimated that 1,000 students
could work conveniently at the Rack-
ham Building in the Motor City.
It is not known whether the Uni-
versity will seriously consider this
proposal, although ways and means
of solving the problem of limited
capacity are being discussed.
Detroit Faculty Required
"Such an undertaking would re-
quire a faculty drawn from in and
around Detroit, but that's not en-
tirely out of the question," he de-
With 68 per cent of the Michigan
veterans returned to civilian life, it
is extremely difficult to estimate the
number of enrollment applications
for the fall semester, he said, but it
is very likely that the number will
approach 20,000.
(Previous official University esti-
mates have placed fall semester en-
rollment at "approximately 18,000.'")
Shaw's "Devil's
Disciple' Will
Be Presented
Play Production will present George
Bernard Shaw's "The Devil's Dis-
ciple" at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
through Saturday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The play will be Play Production's
last presentation of the season and
will star Jim Bob Stephenson in the
title role of Richard Dudgeon.
Serene Sheppard will enact the
role of Essie, Mrs. Dudgeon will be
played by Carolyn Street, Harp Mc-
Guire will portray Anthony Ander-
son, and Mary Jayne Wheeler will
appear as Judith Anderson.
Other persons in the cast include
Edward Vandenberg, Harriet Risk,
Kenneth Chernin, and George Cox.
"The Devil's Disciple" takes place
in New England during the Revo-
lutionary war era. The plot involves
Colonial and British troops.
Tickets for the play will be placed
on sale at 10 a.m. Monday at the
theatre box office. Tickets will be on
sale all week.
Famine Drive
Collections Due
Funds from house collections for
the Famine Relief Drive are due froAli
8 a.m. to noon tomorrow at the
Famine Committee table in the lobby
of the League.
The directors of the drive have
requested that funds be submitted
in sealed envelopes on which the
name of the contributing house is
clearly written.

Former Daily Man

win going away.
Schalon Is Tops
Top club in the Michigan golf bag
was unheralded Ed Schalon who tied
for thid place with a brilliant 302.
Schalon rated fifth on the team, and
since only the first four men count
in the play-offs, was to have gone
to Minneapolis just for the trip. The
quiet freshman was warm Friday
when he carded a 156 total, but yes-
terday he sizzled with a 73-73-146
Jacob Is Medalist
Only medalist John Jacob of Iowa
had a better day's output. His 73-71
gave him a 294 and the individual
Big Ten championship. Manny De
LaTorre of Northwestern took run-
ner-up honors with 299. Minnesota's
Jrvis Knutson, leader of the first
day's round, slipped to a pair of 77's
to wind up in a third place tie with
Par for the course is 71, but ex-
treme cold kept allfbut Brooks Pin-
nick of Indiana from cracking it.
The Hoosier rammed home a 70 but
his morning round of 82 and 163
Friday left him far down the list.
When the arm-chair experts try
to explain the upset, they'll have to
give team balance credit for decid-'
ing the meet. Dave Barclay, Pete
Elliott and Bill Courtright all shot
306, good enough only for an eighth
place tie, but put together with Scha-
See GOLF, Page 6
Pope Pius II
ives Views
On Elections
VATICAN CITY, June 1 - (P) -
Pope Pius XII in a world broadcast
on the eve of critical Italian and
French elections, declared today that
the voters would choose between "the
champions or the wreckers of Christ-
ian civilization," and urged church
followers to reject the spirit of "state
Peace Prospects Reviewed
Reviewing the prospects for peace
a year after the war's end, the Pon-
tiff said "the first sure and decisive
step toward a just peace has not been
taken," and warned that present in-
ternational instability might lead to
'a violent explosion."
"How premature, not to say illu-
sory, appears today the hope that all
men of responsibility, without ex-
ception, in view of the lessons taught
them in the bloody school of war,
would show themselves really ani-
mated by a deep horror of all ideas
of despotism, of every attempt at
forcible domination of other peoples,"
the Pontiff said.
Two Possibilities
The Pope said the issue in the
French and Italian elections tomor-
row was whether the two nations
would "continue to rest on the firm
rock of Christianity," or would
"choose to entrust their lot for the
future to the unfeeling omnipotence
of a materialistic state without any
ideal beyond this world - without
religion and without God."
"The one or the other of these
two possibilities will come to be ac-
cording as the names victorious at
the polling booths will be those of
the champions or the wreckers of
Christian civilization," he said. "The
answer is in the electors' hands.
Theirs is the. responsibility - and
how serious it is!"
County To Hold
Forum on OPA
A Town Hall meeting will be held
in the court room of the County
Court House on Tuesday at 8 p.m.
to inform Washtenaw residents how
they can strengthen the OPA.
The meeting is being sponsored by

"Facts for Action"; a new organiza-
tion of "Washtenaw residents who
work for civic action on public af-

Deans Tell
Fall Dorm
Disabled Michigan
Vets Get Priority
Disabled Michigan veterans will be
given the first priority ratings for
new assignments to men's dormitor-
ies for the Fall Semester, Dean of
Students Joseph Bursley said yester-
day in announcing policies for the
University residence halls system.
Under the policy for the fall, Mich-
igan freshmen will be second in or1er
of preference and other Michigan
veterans will rank third.
Men now housed in the dormi-
tory system will be reassigned to
University residences unless their
"citizenship" records show that
they are "not suitable," he said.
Although the University will have
three more houses on campus for
civilian students in the fall and hopes
to secure additional space in Willow
Village, Bursley said he could not
estimate at this time how many
men the University will be able to
accommodate in the dormitory sys-
Assignments for coeds will be
made on the basis of the time that
applications for rooms were made,
except in the case of incoming
freshmen, Mrs. Elsie Fuller, ad-
ministrative assistant in the Office
of the Dean of Women, explained.
"Every girl who has filed an ap-
plication, regardless of the place of
her home residence, has an equal
right to housing in the University
system, depending on her application
date," she said.
Independent women will be the
first to be considered, while affiliated
women, whose houses cannot provide
them with quarters, will be eligible
for assignment to League houses.
Although the women's dormitory
system is losing six converted fra-
ternities, housing about 200 coeds,
in the fall, Mrs. Fuller said that her
office will be able to accommodate
about 5400 in all women's housing
facilities in Ann Arbor. This is about
70 more than were placed this term.
About 90 League houses will provide
quarters for 1,100 women.
Women will not be assigned to
rooms until after the end of this
term when their scholastic eligibil-
ity has been checked.
Notices of dormitory assignments
will be sent to both men and women
sometime in July.
Vets Must File
Future Plans
Student veterans enrolled under
the provisions of Public Law 346
must fill out the Veterans Ad-
ministration questionnaire in regard
to their future educational plans
sometime this week, Robert S. Wal-
drop, Ann Arbor VA chief emphasized
The local VA office, located in Rm.
100 of the Rackham Building, will
be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday and from 8
a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday to ac-
commoa veteran students.
Waldrop stressed that veterans
must fill out the questionnaire in
order to safeguard their rights to
continue studying under the GI Bill.
Residents Nervous
As Bomb Explodes
BALTIMORE, June 1-(AP)-Resi-

dents of the Wooolawn area may haul
out ther wartime sand bags and
bombing helmets if the current ten-
sion keeps up. It started when three
aerial bombs were stolen. Last night
one of the bombs exploded, shaking
the area. Police found the empty



After Brief Discussion in Senate;
Truman Raps Strike Control Bill

House, Senate
Must Reconcile
In Committee
Democrats Hope for
Stiffening of Legislation
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 1 - Presi-
dent Truman complained today that
the Senate had emasculated his Em-
ergency Strike Control Bill, and key
legislators used even that as a lever
to try to get his signature on the
controversial Case labor disputes
To get the modified Senate version,
these lawmakers said, the President
first must approve the Case Bill and
its far-reaching, long-range curbs
on union activities.
That was not the prediction of
Democratic chiefs, who said there
still was a chance of stiffening the
emergency biLl.
It came from leaders of a bi-par-
tisan bloc which had controlled la-
bor legislation in the House in re-
cent months.
Draft Provision Deleted
The Senate passed the toned-down
emergency bill early tiis morning
after discarding a provision to draft
workers who struck in government-
operateO industries or plants. The
legislationi went back to the House
for approval or rejection of Senate
Speaker Rayburn (Dem., Tex.) said
the House would not take any con-
clusive action either way before
Thursday. Leaders of both parties
have agreed to postpone controver-
sial decisions until then, he said, be-
cause of primary elections in some
states du'ing the coming week.
President Disapproves
Mr. Truman voiced sharp disap-
proval of the way the Senate had
treated his bill in a conversation
with Senator Radcliffe (Dem., Md.),
The Senator was one of a crowd of
Marylanders who welcomed the Pres-
ident to the eastern shore to receive
an honorary degree from Washing-
ton College at Chestertown.
As passed by the Senate, the emer-
gency bill:
1. Gives the President authority
to seize and operate industries where
shutdowns occur.
2. Requires both employers and un-
ion officials to take "affirmative ac-
tion" in a lockout or strike once the
presidential proclamation has been
3. Declares unlawful a continua-
tion of a strike or lockout against the
4. Provides that employes who re-
fuse to return to work after the
President's proclamation would lose
collective bargaining rights.
Senior Ball Group
Meeting Is Called
There will be a meeting of the
Senior Ball decorations commit-
tee at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union, according to Pat Abell,
committee co-chairman.
Miss Abell urged interested stu-
dents to attend, and explained
that men are especially needed for
construction work on the dance
decorations. She also said that all
members are expected to be pre-

MR. MUSCLES--Rugged Alan Stephan of Cicero, Illinois, who plans
to enter the University next fall, will compete for the 1946 Best De-
veloped Man and "Mr. America" titles today in Detroit. Stephan, former
Navy wrestling champion and judo instructor with the Seabees at Pearl
Harbor and Guam, was the model for the official Navy recruiting post-
ers. (Daily Staff Photo)
World News at a Glnce
By The Associated Press
Clashes Mark Eve of Italian Plebiscite
ROME, June 1 - Clashes between Monarchists and Republicans broke
out in Milan today on the eve of Italy's plebiscite on whether to keep the
royal House of Savoy or to start' back on the road from fascism and defeat
under a republic.
Operators, AFL Blast CIO Seamen-
WASHINGTON, June 1-A spokesman for Eastern ship operators
declared tonight that acceptance of wage demands of CIO seaman "will
place our merchant marine in an impossible competitive position."
Earlier, in New York, Joseph P. Ryan, President of the AFL Long-
shoreman, said the CIO maritime strike scheduled for June 15 is "a
political strike to turn over the shipping industry to Russia."
French Empire-Wide Elections Today
PARIS, June 1 - Major decisions affecting the future of France will
be made in tomorrow's empire-wide elections to choose a new constitution-
writing constituent assembly, with the results expected to provide a definite
showdown between the Communists and the Socialists.
Former Premier Leon Blum, whose Socialist party in a bitter pre-elec-
tion campaign charged the Communists with following Soviet policy too
closely, declared that the election has complications even beyond the French
Empire's borders.
Jap War Trials To Begin Tomorrow
TOKYO, Sunday, June 2 -Twenty-six of the men who led Japan
in her losing gamble to create a mighty empire through intrigue and
aggression are scheduled to go on trial before their victorious enemies
tomorrow in a proceeding frankly described as a dramatic show des-
tined for a "run" of six to nine months.
The prosecutors, representing 11 allied nations, plan to place upon
the record for the world the whole story of Japan since 1928 and of the
parts played by the 26 accused of having conspired to plant their rising
sun standard on the soil of other nations.



Strong Controls
By Government
To Be Set Up
Will Function As Part
Of International Group
By T e AssociatedPress
WASHINGTON, June 1 -t- Told
that the next war may last -only
minutes, the Senate passed and sent
to the House today domestic atomic
energy legislation geared to mesh
smoothly 1with any international
control agreement.
With a minimum of debate and a
scanty attendance, the Senate gave
its approval to a bi-partisan spon-
sored measure to establish a govern-
ment monopoly over the production
and utilization of fissionable, or ex-
plosive, materials such as the U-235
and plutonium which go into atomic
Approval came on a voice vote.
Amendment Added
Before the Senate gave its ap-
proval, it wrote into the bill an
amendment by Senator O'Mahoney
(Dem., Wyo.) to bar the filing of
claims on public land by persons or
groups who were active in the gov-
ernment's wartime developmnt of
atomic energy.
O'Mahoney said the effect would
be to deny advantage to those who
had "inside information" and used
it to take up ore claims.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.)
told his colleagues that the domestic
legislation, setting up a control com-
mission of five members with broad
powers, soon must We supplanted by
an international agreement through
the United Nations.
Vandenberg Warns World
Unless that is done, the Michigan
Senator said, the world is liable to
experience "the kind of war which
lasts minutes instead of months, in
which the first casualty list will be
the last."
It is his hope, Vandenberg con-
tinued, that the nations of the world
will be able to agree to prevent the
use of atomic power for destructive
purposes. Such a pact is being con-
sidered now by a United Nations
Atomic Committee on which Bernard
M,. Baruch represents the United
Question Effects on Mining
Western senators raised questions
about the effects of the drastic con-
trols on mining, but Chairman Mc-
Mahon (Dem., Conn.) of a special
committee which wrote the bill and
Senator Milliken (Rep., Coo.), a
member, gave assurance that the
industry had been protected as far
as possible.
McMahon told the Senate that
rigid domestic controls such as the
bill proposes are needed because this
country can't afford to "permit any
Tom, Dick or Harry to play ball with
the stuff annihilation is made of." He
said he thought the special bi-parti-
san committee had drafted a "com-
mon sense" answer to this problem.
Provisions of Bill
The bill provides for a five-mem-
ber civilian control commission ap-
pointed by the President and con-
firmed by the Senate. The chairman
would receive $17,500 a year and
other members $15,000.
A military liaison committee ap-
pointed by the secretaries of war
and navy would be empowered to
protest to the President any com-
mission action it believes infringes
on national security. In addition the
President would name a board of
civilian advisers and Congress would

name 18 members, nine from each
house, to check the work of the
.insight .Includes
Music Article
.The third issue of Insight, which
will be on sale June 5 and 6, will in-
clude an article by Prof. Palmer

Haber Will Discuss
Occupation Trends
Prof. William Haber, of the eco-
nomics department, will discuss "Oc-
cupational Trends and Job Pros-
pects" in the concluding lecture of
the literary college series on career
opportunities at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday
in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall.

Sightless Aware of Presence, Magnitude
Of Objects About Tem,Mueschke Says

UN Committee
Asks Complete
Split With Spaim
NEW YORK, June 1- (P) -'The
United Nations Sub-Committee on
Spain today declared that the Franco
regime was a "potential menace to
international peace" and recommend-
ed a worldwide diplomatic break
with Spain unless the Falangist gov-
ernment is ousted by September,
The sub-committee, which has had
the question under investigation for
the past month, said that the Franco
government was not "at present a
threat to peace," but added that its
activities were such that they might
easily become a threat.
It recommended that the Secur-
ity Council transfer the case to the
51-nation General Assembly, which,
meets in New York September 3, with
a suggestion that the assembly call
upon all members of the United Na-
tions to sever relations with Spain
unless the Franco regime "is with-
The report also recommended that
the Security Council endorse the

In fairly normal surroundings,
sightless peorle are definitely aware
of the presence and some degree of
the magnitude of objects around
them, Prof. Paul Mueschke of the
English department said yesterday.
As a personal example, he ex-
plained that if he were walking down
State Street he would be aware of
the almost unbroken wall of stores
and of trees. If it was unusually
quiet he would probably be able to
detect the presence of a car, lamp-

same way that others are able to
walk down the street reading a paper,
taking only casual glances at their
Mass Perception Limited
Height perception goes little be-
yond the level of the .ear, he ex-
plained, while awareness of mass is
limited only to. the general size of
the object. It is impossible to dis-
tinguish any minor variations in the
surface and a large piece of card-
board would seem the same as a brick
Discussing the niirnnse of using

easy motion in walking. The speed of
picking up these patterns depends
not only on the individual but on
the place in which he has to learn
them, he said.
For example, he said, the Univer-
sity campus and Ann Arbor are not
bad for picking up patterns but
that Madison is very difficult because
of its wagonwheel layout. He ex-
plained that it is much easier for a
person without vision to get around
in a right angle set-up than when
he is confronted with diagonals.
Noise IHs Effectt

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