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May 30, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-30

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Jobs Awaiting

Scheips Says Truman's Strike
Program Sets Bad Precedent

Wome cn Litcted
Many womenVf are unalware o op




President Truman's proposed anti-
strike legislation is a "bad prece-
dent to set" as a means of solving
labor disputes in industry, Prof. Paul
J. Scheips of the political science de-
partment declared yesterday.
He said a serious fault in the pres-
Adult Ediication
Will Be Studied
Workshop To Discuss
Independent Agencies
Problems connected with .Michi-
gan's experimental program in adult
education will be studied June 10
through 15 at the first Adult Ed-
cation Workshop to be held at the
The study will include considera-
tion of programs of organizations and
agencies engaged independently in
adult education, and principles and
techniques of administration and
supervision of adult education.
Manuals for new, inexperienced
teachers of adults which summarize
successful techniques and courses de-
veloped in the experimental program
are expected to be compiled during
the Workshop, Dr. Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky, professor of educational psy-
chology and Workshop head indicat-
The Michigan Association of Direc-
tors of Adult Education will hold its
annual spring meeting during the
first day of the Workshop.
AJA Appeal
Nets $2,400
Contributions to the student divi-
sion of the Ann Arbor Allied Jewish
Appeal were revealed yesterday to
total $2,400.
Student directors of the drive,
which is being conducted with the
help of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun-
dation, said that the campaign will
ccntinue in an effort to attain the
goal of $4,500 set for the student di-
vision. Approximately $13,000 has
been collected in the city, exclud-
ing student contributions.
The funds will be used for immed-
iate aid to homeless Jews in Europe,
most of whom are among the dis-
placed persons in former enemy
'he student chairmen have re-
quested that persons who wish to
make contributions to the drive,
and hve not been reached so far,
mail or deliver their money to the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 730
Last Nationwide
Strike Is Settled
WASHINGTON, May 29--()-The
White House announced tonight the
signing of an agreement ending the
long labor dispute between the Rail-
way Express Agency, Inc., and 75,000
The agreement, disclosed by press
secretary Charles C. Ross, follows
the pattern set by settlement of the
railway dispute. It allows an increase
of 16 cents an hour retroactive to
January 1 and two and one half cents
an hour retroactive to May 22, or
a total of 18% cents.
Ross said the action settled the
last of the big nationwide industrial
disputes with one exception. That's
the threatened strike June 15 in the
maritime industry.
(Continued from Page 4)

tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at 8:30
Friday evening, May 31, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Her program had previously been
scheduled for Saturday, June 1.
Miss Ardner is a pupil of Mabel
Ross Rhead. Program: Compositions
by Mozart, Schubert, Ravel, and Bee-
thoven. Open to the general public.
CoMing Events
The Acolytes will meet at 7:30 p.m.,
May 31, West Conference Room,
Rackham Building, to hear Prof. Paul
Mueschke on the subject: "Develop-
ment of Auditory Patterns Without
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning an overnight trip to the Fresh
Air Camp on Saturday, June 2. Those
interested should sign up at the
checkroom in Rackham before Friday
night. Further details will be found
on the sign-up sheet.
The regular weekly Tea Dance will

portunities for work in which t
ent legislation is its failure to take is little or no competition with
into account what may be very just Dr. Dorothy Sherman of the Bu
grievances on the part of the strikers. of Psychological Services decl
Fascistic Measures Weighed yesterday in one of the Unive
"The present question to be tIe- series of lectures on profession
cided." according to Prof. Scheips. Among the possibilities which
"is whether the suffering that results Sherman listed were: social v
from strikes like those in the rail- recreational advisory positions,1
road and coal industries outweigh lic reltuion s, ibra ry and inir
the dange of establishing what seems work.
to be !in extremely undeieocratw
mtod of settling suh emo i ' In discussing job opporttnitie
method of nf-ih -h uwomen in the fields of science
The Professor suggested that Pres- mathematics, Miss Wilma Elders
ident Truman's anti-strike legisla- also of the Bureau of Psycholo
tion was probably motivated by in- Services, included such professio
ternational cmmitments, particular- medical technology, X-Ray tee
ly for food, which have been delayed que, occupational and physical t
by the recent major strikes. apy, pharmacy, dental hygiene,r
"The United States would not be iin, bacteriology and statistics.
(Ided in the lonr- Iun in foreign af- Miss Eldersveld noted that
fairs by adol tinlg procediures ltVdin chemistry the opportunity is "es
to Fascism,"' hue dtbr0d Ially attractive" in governmentt
lctyl Dcisions Rad tions, such as with the United S
hasty decisions on the part of Bureau of Nutrition and Home
either government, labor or capital nomies, where only women are
are bad when male with respect to ployed.
items that involve the national as The lecture series on the pr
well as the international economic sions will be concluded with a
scene, lie said. on Tuesday by Prof. William H
The political effects of the presi- of the economics department,
dent's proposal cannot definitely be will discuss "Occupational T
foreseen according to Scheips, but and Job Prospects".
it is clear that labor in general re-
gards the legislation as contrary to -
their interests. "This will be of ini- r ,t n R les
portaue in the coming congermsional

m en
s for
ns as
t in
spec -

.I N E R R E X T O D A Y - The Italian liner Rex, onetime holder of the trans-Atlantic speed record from Gibraltar to New
York, lies in the Adriatic Sea near Trieste, Italy, a victim of rocket-firing RAF planes during the war.

elections,' he stated.
P'ossib'le epe'eussinvs
"In Jddition" 11 t,:;aid, "there may
be signIi ,u'an t r-, ussions on Presi
dent Truman's chanues for reelection
in 1948. However, a lot depends on
what happens to the bill in Con-
gress and events occurring between
now and election time may some-
what nulllify its effect."
Prof. Scheips said the constitution-
ality of the law might be disputed,
but he believed that in view of the
present emergency situation the Su-
preme Court would uphold it, if it
ever came before that body.
German TIops'
Singing of the traditional German
"Schnitzelbank" will highlight the
informal portion of the Deutscher
Verein's "Pops" and dance at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Schwabenhalle.
The program will include folk mu-
sic by a German novelty band and
songs by Mary Pinney; an accordian
solo, "Orpheus in Hades"; an original
poem, "A Ride in der Nacht", by Dr.
J. F. L. Raschen of the German de-
partment; a costume dance by 8
small children; and a faculty bar-
bership quartet who will sing the pop-
ular "Lili Marlene" and a German
version of "There's a Tavern in the
After the variety show, the band
will provide music for dancing and
refreshments will be served.
Patrons for the "Pops" and dance
are Prof. and Mrs. Henry W. Nord-
meyer, Prof. and Mrs. Norman L.
Willey, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Pott,
Dr. and Mrs. Werner F. Striedieck,
and Dr. J. F. L. Raschen.
Students and faculty members may
purchase tickets at the Union, Lea-
gue, and German office.
Labor Ask(s Change
In State Program
LANSING, May 29-(IP)-A cam-
paign to streamline the State's labor
legislation by reorganizing the de-
partments which deal with labor
problems is being organized by the
Michigan Federation of Labor.
The plan would consolidate all the
separate State agencies now dealing
with labor problems into one labor
department, John Reid, Federtation
secretary, said.
Reid said the Federation wants a
four-member commission to direct
the activities with two members re-
presenting labor and two representing

A- 'e 8 1fos

S iidend Legislantre
Plans New Committee
A by-law which will set up a 16
member election committee to run
future elections has: been pr'oposed by
the Student Government Committee
of the Student Legislature, Bob Tay-
lor, chairman, announced yesterday.
If the law is enacted by the Legis-
lature, the following eight positions
will be filled by members of the
Legislature: chairman, editor of the
Election Bulletin, manpower super-
visor, ballot supervisor, box super-
visor, chief teller, marshal and assis-
tant marshal. Three additional assis-
tant marshals who are not in the
Legislature will be elected from the
general student body. The Legislature
will also elect the following commit-
tee members from the general student
body: rally supervisor, Daily publicity
supervisor, radio publicity supervisor,
assistant manpower supervisor, and
assistant chief teller.
The marshals will be responsible
for enforcing the rules and assuring
fairness and honesty in the election.
Under the provisions of the proposed
by-law, they will appoint patrolmen
to police the polls at scheduled hours.
No candidates or campaign managers
will be allowed to work on the elec-
tion committee in any capacity.
The election committee will be
chosen at the next meeting of the
Legislature, Wednesday, June 5.
Students who are not prospective
candidates and who are interested
in working on the Election Commit-
tee in one of the above capacities are
requested to send a post card to the
Student Government Offices, Michi-
gan Union.
The Student Government Com-
mittee will meet again at 2 p.m. Sat-
urday to consider further items on
its agenda.
Prof. Maurer Is Elected
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
Journalism Department was elected
president of the Ann Arbor Citizen's
School Committee this week.
Other officers chosen are Mrs. Wil-
liam Dow, vice-president; Mac E.
Waterworth, treasurer; and Helge
Hansen, secretary.
Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN

D I A P E R S U I T S-Wearing the latest thing in diapers-
himself, one-year-old Jay Merlyn of Chicago reaches up to inspect
,the diaper play suit of his mother, Model Ruth Merlyn (center).
Others are Lynne Walker (left) and Candy Tockstein.

REBUILDING C O M M O N S-Workmen start foun-
dations for the new House of Commons in London to replace the
edifice destroyed by German bombs. The scarred buildings of the
palace of Westminster are in the background.

P R E M I E R -- )r. Antonio
de Olivira.alazar is premier of
Portugal. Son of a Portuguese7 1
farmer, he also has held the -
portfolio of finance and colonies.
lie held the portfolio of war durN
ing the first four years of World U N 0 M E E T I N C P L A C E-UNO secretaries and New York City officials look over plans
'War .1X.' inside Hunter College gymnasium where UNO security council will hold meetings,"

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