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May 29, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-29

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IVEDNLSDA , MAY 2 .9, 1949


Hard-of-Hearing Children
Instructed at Speech Clinic

The average observer, watching two
and three year olds at the Speech
clinic sway in time to music and play
patty-cake, would not realize that
these activities are part of a method
designed to teach them to speak.
The Speech Clinic, experiment-
ing in methods of teaching the
pre-school deaf to speak, combines
instruction with play, Miss Har-
riet Dunn, a clinician, explained.
The youngsters, all at least par-
tially deaf, have never heard enough
words associated with objects to ac-
quire speech and language. Clini-
cians must help the children to ac-
quire a normal child's beginning vo-
cabulary, Miss Dunn said. Most chil-
dren begin early to say words like,
mamma, daddy, kitty, and bow-wow,
Miss Dunn explained, and these are
the primary associations two year-
olds must learn.
Hearing must first be supple-
mented with visual cues that will
enable the children to understand
what is being said, she asserted.
A foundation for instruction in lip-
reading is given, and children are
taught to watch the clinician's face
intently to make the most of their
residual hearing. Children's hands
are placed against clinician's cheeks
partly to concentrate attention on
the speaker's face, and partly to
feel the vibration of the spoken
The six week term of instructior
for the pre-school deaf, is divided into
three periods totalling not more thar
two hours a day.
In one class of play-instruction ea:
phones are used. The purpose of this
class is to accustom the children to

the phones, and to estimate how
great the hearing loss is. When the
music, amplified by the ear phones is
played, the children hold up their
fingers indicating when they first
hear it. By saying "all gone" when
the music is turned off, and by keep-
ing time with the music, the children
unconsciously give further indica-
tions of how much they hear.
A second class period is devoted
to instruction without ear phones.
Lip-reading, watching, and word
associations are a part of this play-
disguised instruction. Children are
called on to "Put mamma in the
house." They must watch the in-
structors attentively to know when
they are being called on. The word
mamma is varied with other words
like daddy, boy, girl, kitty, bow-
wow, for which they must learn as-
sociations; and house is varied with
car or truck to test lip-reading
Individual instruction is designed
to teach the children more specific
issociations. Each is taught to call
ais particular set of parents mamma
rnd daddy in a class where the in-
7tructor and child carry on a con-
7ersation about photographs of
parents. They use the words yes and
io when instructors put matched or
unmatched color square on top of one
One child, frustrated after asso-
,iating mamma with objects whose
tames he did not know, has learned
Mickey Mouse, the names of in-
:tructors and the names of colors.,
Xt present he confuses blue andI
;Veen, not because of inability to lip-
read, Miss Dunn said, but because
the colors are similar.


Are Available
For Specialists
Tremendous opportunities are
available in professional fields for
college graduates who have special-
ized training which enables them to
secure a job in little known voca-
tions, Dr. Frank Fletcher and Dr.
Frederick Harris of the Bureau of
Psychological Service said in a lec-
ture yesterday.
Specialized Fields
Dr. Fletcher said that less than 50
per cent of college majors enter the
field for which they are prepared
but rather choose jobs in related
fields of work. He pointed out that
each college subject can be divided
into a number of specialized fields of
study which college students must
be aware of when choosing their fu-
ture vocations.
Dr. Harris pointed out the little
known vocational possibilites for sci-
ence, social studies and language ma-
jors which involve specialized train-
Available Jobs
"There are jobs available to both
men and women in Michigan and on
the federal level where specialized
training is necessary and whose sal-
aries are not high but offer secur-
ity," Dr. Harris said.
He pointed out that during the
depression, fevi specialists were un-I
employed because of their high de-
gree of skill which could not be re-
placed. Dr. Harris emphasized the
importance of students investigat-
ing their fields of interest by talking
to men in the professions, exploring
vocational material in the library
and by approaching spare time jobs
from the point of view of job analy-
Dr. Dorothy M. Sherman and Miss
Wilma Eldersveld of the Bureau of
Psychological Service will discuss
"Vocational Occupations for' Wo-
men" at 4:30 p.m. today in Rm. 1025
Angell Hall.
Petrillo Calls
Chicago Radio
Station Strike
CHICAGO, May 28 -()- James
C. Petrillo called a strike at a Chi-
cago radio station today, and U. S.
District Attorney J. Albert Woll im-
mediately started an investigation to
determine whether the Lea law had
been violated.
The fiery president of the AFL
American Federation of Musicians
called three studio record librarians
off the job at radio station WAAF,
and told reporters he "expected pros-
ecution" and was "ready to face the
Petrillo said he called the strike
because the station had refusel to
employ three additional librarians.
The Lea bill, enacted last April and
sometimes called the "anti-Petrillo"
law, provides up to one year impris-
onment and $1,000 fine for any union
which compels or attempts to compel
aroadcasters to hire more employes
than are needed "to perform actual
Attorneys for the radio station im-
mediately arranged a conference with
Woll, who announced he would pros-
ecute the musicians' union chief if
any violation of the law is shown.
Petrillo, who also heads the Chi-
cago Federation of Musicians, called
one of his infrequent press confer-
ences after ordering the strike.
Harriet Dun Will
Leave Speech clinic

Harriet Dunn, visiting instructor
in speech correction at the Speech
Clinic, has accepted an appointment
from Dr. Claude E. Kantner of the
Crippled Children's Division of the
University of Oregon Medical School
and will leave June 1.
While at the University, Miss Dunn
taught courses in speech rehabili-
tation for persons with hearing loss,
and was in charge of speech train-
ing for pre-school deaf children. She
also assisted in other projects.
Miss Dunn also has a fall appoint-
ment as Speech and Hearing Coun-
selor for the Vermont Association for
the Crippled Incorporated.

Dr. Bradley Patteii Publishes
Book on 'Human Embryology'

TIMM and notebook picked up Mon-
day evening. Haven. Finder noti-
fy Box 763, West Lodge, Ypsilanti.
LOST: Chi Omega pin between An-
gell Hall and W. Med. Reward. Call
Jan Main, 2-3159. (12
SILVER WINGS - Bombardier.
Large size with safety clasp. Lost
between East. Engine Arch and
Rackham. Great sentimental value.
Blossom Singer, 2-5184. (13
WHOEVER TOOK by mistake my
black satin raincoat from the Aller-
gy Clinic, Health Service, last Fri-
day afternoon, and left hers, please
call Doris Waisbrod, 2-2591.
WHOEVER TOOK by mistake from
the Ladies Lounge at the League
on M'ay 19, a black coat with satin
binding please exchange it for her
own at the League desk. (5
LOST: Jacket, brown suede leather,
left on South Ferry Field next to
railroad tracks last Tuesday eve-
ning. Call Alsab 6764. (6
WILL THE PERSON who picked up
my camera at Hillel Sunday please
call Betty Leemon? 2-4471. (4
LOST: On Thursday, May 23, about
10 A.M. in Ann Arbor Bank, Uni-
versity branch, Black Parker Vac-
uumatic pen. Lost while transact-
ing Famine Committee business.
Pen has great sentimental value.
Finder please call R. L. Westervelt,
4121 Ext. 102. Reward.
LOST: Thursday, May 23, between
library, Rackham, and Jordan,
Gamma Phi Beta sorority pin. Call
Barbara Bingham, 2-2569. Reward.
VETERAN, Michigan graduate, de-
sires single room for summer ses-
sion. Would appreciate information
or contact. Write E. A. Rutan,
654 Walnut St., Elmira, N.Y. (9
SWAP: Furnished three-bedroomed
house in Seattle, Washington,
walking distance from University
for similar house within fifteen
miles of Ann Arbor. Beginning fall
term or earlier. Box 58. (11
WANTED-Ride to California after
June 15th-Will share expense. Call
\est Quad, 2-4401. 10 Winchell.
DRIVING to Yellowstone National
Park June 19. Desire passengers.
Phone 2-4764. (7
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikes
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.

21. Knowledge of music, typing.
Call in person. Lyon & Healy, 508
E. William. (15
WANTED: Three young men for
dishwashers at children's camp
near Ann Arbor, June 27 to Sept.
1. Salary $35 a week plus room
and board. Box 59. (10
or G.I. with orderly or Ph. mate
experience to assist old gentleman
invalid for few minutes twice daily.
Telephone Mrs. Bell 8994. (2
WE HAVE openings in an executive
training program for men leaving
school this spring. We prefer men
with military background who have
had personnel or supply responsi-
bility. Training leads to positions
in retail, mail order, or administra-
tion offices. We attempt to employ
you near your home town. For pre-
liminary interviews apply in per-
son at Sears Roebuck & Co., 312
S. Main St., Ann Arbor.
POSITIONS open for counselors for
Y.M.C.A. camp, summer 1946. Ap-
ply Y.M.C.A., Ann Arbor.
HELP WANTED: Male drug clerk,
full or part time, experience pre-
ferred. Top pay. Apply Witham
Drug Company in person only.
FOR SALE: German Reflecta cam-
era, Spaulding top-flight tennis
racket, squash racket. Call 2-4616
after 7 P.M.
FOR SALE: Set of 5 matched irons
2 woods. J. H. Taylor model. Call
Des-Howarth, 8417 or 2-3241. (3
FOR RENT: Room close to campus
for summer session, Washtenaw
Avenue fraternity house. Call Ypsi
2808W3. (1
E. Huron. Let us make your drapes,
alterations, and custom made
clothes! Phone 2-4669.
MEN'S Used Clothing Wanted. Best
prices paid. Sam's Store, 122 East
coat. Cold storage, insurance, clean-
ing, glazing, restyling, repairing.
Ginsberg, 607 E. Liberty.
TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented,
repaired, Work guaranteed. Two
days' service. Office Equipment
Co. 111 4th. St., phone 2-1213.

firemen overcome while battling a stubborn, smoky blaze that swept the
top floors of a six-tory tenement in New York, are treated on cots
placed on the sidewalk. The fire was believed to have been started by a
child playing with matches.
i 1--Igh igh s

MCF DisCussion . * .
Theodore Johnson will lead the
Michigan Christian Fellowship in a
discussion on "The Resurrection" at
8 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
Guild I tiquel ...
The Roger Williams Guild will
have its annual banquet at '7 p.m.
today at the Baptist church.
Garrett Graham will be the toast-
master and Harvey Anderson, Ches-
ter Loucke and Frances Goodfel-
low will speak on the theme "Plant-
ing Our Seeds".
4 4 'i'
The Canterbury Club will have a
breakfast today in the Student Cent-
er after the 7:15 a.m. communion
service in St. Andrew's Episcopal
Prof. F. L. Schwartz of the me-
chanical engineering department
will speak on "Gas Turbines and
Jet Engines" at a meeting of the
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Un-
A short business meeting to dis-
cuss the planned picnic will fol-
low, M. P. Murphy, co-chairman
of the group announced. He ur-
gently requested all members to
"'* *
Olsen Concerl . ..
Evelyn Olsen. mezzo-soprano, will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Among the selections to be included
in the program are two works by
Handel and three by Brahms. Elaine
Rathbun, pianist, will assist Miss
A member of MU Phi Epsilon, na-
tional musical onor society, Miss
Olsen is also the organist and choir
director at the Trinity Lutheran
church. Originally from Casper,'
Wyoming, she has been studying
voice with Thelma Lewis since com-
ing to the University in 1943.
This recital will be presented in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Le Cerle Fracois ...
Le Cercle Francais will hold a ire-
ception from 4-6 p.m. today in the
Assembly Room of the Rackham
Building to honor the actors and
those who helped in the produc-
tion of "Les Femmes Savantes."
Professor Warner F. Patterson,
co-chairman of the Romance Lang-
uage Department will address the

meeting. Prof. Charles E. Koella,
director of Le Cercle Francais will
introduce the actors.
Carolyn Street will sing some
French songs. Refreshments will be
AIEE Picnic. .
The American Institute of Elec-
trical Engineers will hold its last ac-
tivity of the season, a picnic, Sat-
urday at Portage Lake.
Entertainment will consist of soft-
ball, swimming and group singing. A
student-faculty game will highlight
the afternoon.
The group will leave at 12:45 p.m.
from the parking lot behind the pow-
er lab. Transportation will be pro-
vided by faculty members.
At the last meeting of the AIEE
the following people were elected to
office: Chairman, William Hannig;
Vice-chairman, Bob Alyward; Secre-
tary, Tom J. Hendrickson; Treasurer,
William Gordon; Council Represen-
tative, Russell Shields.
Flying Club Meets ...
The Michigan Flying Club is
sponsoring an "A" Day Meet at 2
p.m. Saturday at the airport with
the "Winged Spartans" from Mich-
igan State and the members of the
Wayne Flying Club as guests.
The program will begin with spot
landing contests, one for students
and one for private pilots, follow-
ed by bombing contests open to
all pilots and exhibitions of aero-
batics and gliding. Prizes will be
awarded for the best perform-
In the evening a banquet will be
held at one of the downtown hotels
when awards will be given to those
who have soloed for the first time
or obtained f4st licences.
* * *
Twig fail Ban quet .. .
The annual Tung Oil Banquet will
be held at 6:15 p.m. today in the
Union to honor outstanding student
and faculty members of Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering Stump Speakers
Prof. George Granger Brown,
chairman of the chemical engineer-
ing department, will deliver the prin-
cipal speech of the evening, "Engi-
neers' Industrial Relations".
Other speakers appearing on the
program will be Prof. F. X. Lake,
Joseph Robert Dangl, Marvin D.
Shafer, Prof. Roger L. Morrison, and
Prof. Walter J. Emmons.

Dr. Bradley M. Patten, professor
of anatomy in the Medical School,
has just published a new textbook
on "Human Embryology."
The book has an unusual numberI
of illustrations, with 1,366 micro-l
photographs and drawings, many
of them in full color. In writing the
book, Dr. Patten followed an un-u
Doctors Should v
Know Uses of
Drugs - mFinch
Colleges of medicine should teach
medical students to know drugs and
medicine, its action and use on the
human body as well as disease, sur-
gery, anatomy and diagnosis, Carrett
F. Emch, Toledo pharmacist and
member of the Ohio State Board of
Pharmacy, said yesterday at the
Twelfth annual Pharmaceutical Con-t
ference of the University College ofI
Stating that medical colleges are(
telling their students they can pickt
up that part of their education when
they start in practice, Emch said
that pharmaceutical houses are1
awake to this fact and are training
their sales people to sell the doctor1
on specialty medication.J
Pharmacists can do much to ob-
tain the confidence of physicians by
carrying only the highest quality
pharmaceutical, chemical, and bio-
logical products available, by having,
adequate stocks at all times, and by
maintaining reference librries so
that pharmacists may answer any
questions of doctors concerning
drugs, Emch said.
German Club
To Hold Pops',
Dance Friday
Organized by Prof. Frank X. Braun
of the German department, the "'Doc'
Braun Faculty Barbershop Quartet"
will make its first appearance at the
German "Pops" and dance sponsored
by the Deutscher Verein at 8:30 p.m.
Friday in the Schwabenhalle.
The quartet plans to sing the orig-
inal version of "Lili Marlene" and a
new German equivalent of "There
Is a Tavern in the Town", trans-
lated by Dr. J. F. L. Raschen of the
German department.
"The faculty quartet has been prac-
ticing individually in bathtubs and
collectively in Doc Braun's. cellar
for some time," James A. Trautwein,
president of the Verein said, "and
promises to be the highlight of our
The variety show will also feature
folk songs by Mary Pinney and a
costume dance executed by eight
small children. Music will be furn-
ished by a novelty band, the Merry
Music Makers.
Tickets are available to all stu-
dents and faculty members at the
Union, League and German office.
rTuberculosis X-Ray
Results Announced
LANSING, May 28-(P)-Five years
for mass tuberculosis X-ray surveys
in Michigan have screened 500,000
persons, Dr. George A. Sherman, dir-
ector of the state health department's
tuberculosis control bureau, declared
Addressing the annual meeting of
the Michigan Tuberculosis Associa-
tion, Dr. Sherman asserted that of
100,000 persons X-rayed by mobile
units last year 1.4 per cent showed
signs of tuberculosis and 76 per cent
of those were diagnosed as having

the disease in its early stage. E

conventional sequence in that the
illustrations, a large proportion of
which were from his own pen, were
prepared in advance of the writing
of the text.
This has resulted in an exceptional-
y close integration of text and fig-
ures. Dr. Patten declares that in
the writing of the text he has pre-
sented the processes of human de-
velopment "not as a series of still
pictures of selected stages but as a
story of dynamic events, with the
cmphasis on their sequence and sig-
In the years during which the
book has been taking shape, Dr.
Patten submitted the typewritten
manuscript of each chapter as it
was completed to selected medical
students for their criticism and
suggestions. He found this proced-
ure "very helpful" in keeping the
bock readable and clear.
Thistcooperation on the part of his
students is recorded in a special sec-
tion of acknowledgements in which
Dr. Patten expresses his indebtedness
to many co-workers, especially his
colleagues in the University's ana-
tomy department.
April's Tricks
Fvail 1To)Faze
Health Service
Despite the sudden changes in
weather during April and the un-
looked for cold spells, there was a
decrease of 169 in the number of
Upper Respiratory Infections seen at
the University Health Service, al-
though other illnesses showed a slight
increase over the number in March.
Illnesses which showed the most
marked increase were appendicitis
which increased from 10 cases in
March to 29 in April, and infectious
mononucleosis which increased from
19 to 40 cases.
Clinic visits made by students dur-
ing April showed but slight increase
over those made in March. This was
also true of the number of bed pati-
ents both at the University Hospital
and Health Service.
Na tonal Morality
Needed, Kelly Says
LANSING, May 28-IP)-Governor
Kelly today urged the people of Mich-
igan to work for a national morality
wvliich would be an example to the
rest of the world in his Memorial
Day proclamation.
"Since the Civil War, after which
it was originally designated, Memorial
Day has been solemnly dedicated to
those who, in that and subsequent
wars, have given their last measure
of devotion to our country," the
Proclamation reads.




- Today and Thurstiay -
starring Dick Powell
--- and
with Osa Massen
Robert Stanton
Continuous from 1 P.M.
- - Last Times Today -




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