See Page 2
Wt KT / 7'77r'r0 w Ii
Way Open For Higher
Prices On New Cars
No Indication as to Actual Increase
Rate Given by OPA Spokesman
By The Associated Press
opened the way today for higher
prices on new automobiles as the re-
sut of the revised wage price policy.
The agency authorized the Chrys-
ler, Ford, and Hudson companies to
sell their cars on an adjustable pric-
ing basis.I
This means they may be sold by
both factories and dealers at present
ceiling prices, with the provision
Music Therapy
Is New Method
In Psychiatry
Music therapy has gained a foot-
hold in the annals of psychiatry.
Largely through the efforts of Dr.
Ira Altshuler, psychiatrist, and Mrs.
Jane Matney, his assistant, this com-
paratively new method of treatment
for the insane has brought an "in-
curable" schizophrenic to nation-wide
acclaim as a skilled pianist.
Beard Over Rad~cio
The pianist, an inmate of the
Wayne County General Hospital, was
heard last Sunday night on the "We
the People" broadcast offering a ren-
dition of Mozart's Concerto in D
Minor. Known as the "Mad Pianist,"
"Music Master X" and "Horace F," he
has been confined to the hospital for
eight years.
The use of music therapy as treat-
ment for insanity has long been over-
shadowed by other more accepted
methods-shock treatment, occupa-
tional therapy and psysiotherapy-
largely because it was not advanced
to its proper place. Few institutions
in this country have ascribed to music
therapy as a positive method in phy-
chiatry although it is commonly
known that music has a definite f-
fect on personality. Today, as a re-
sult of the efforts of the two scien-
tists, music therapy has been placed
in the limelight.
Technique Studied.
Dr. Altshuler and Mrs. Matney
have been working on the technique
of music therapy for five years. Ex-
amining patients carefully for pos-
sible latent music talents, they have
tried to draw out of the individual
the responses he might experience
while trying to master a musical in-
strument, as well as when music was
played for him.
Cured In 18 Months
The technique was applied to "Hor-
ace F." who had been dispossessed of
muscular coordination, an affliction
which extended to his vocal cords.
Gradually reorganizing his chaotic
mind through an eighteen month
course of arduous work, the patient
regained his lost musical world, re-
captured his skill at the piano, and
replaced at least that segment of his
torn personality.
Dr. Altshuler, a reknowned psy-
chiatrist, attended the University of
Bern in Switzerland. He took addi-
tional training at Columbia Univer-
sity. Mrs. Matney received her train-
ing at Wilberforce University in Ohio
and at the New England Conserva-
tory of Music in Boston.
'Ens an Wants
All Flash Bulbs
About 72 hours of photographing
will finish off the last remnants of
the 'Ensian flash bulb supply.
Meanwhile, printer and engraver
deadlines loom closer-and must be
met if the yearbook is to make its
scheduled appearance on campus
June 6.
Moral of the story is that the 'En-
sian will purchase any size flash bulbs
to be found, from peanut to No. 50's,
Flo Kingsbury, managing editor, re-
ported. Anyone willing to sell may
contact Miss Kingsbury or bring the
flash bulbs to the Student Publica-
tions Building between 1 and 5 p.m.
Rae Probe Result
Will Be Revealed
Findings of a seven week investiga-
tion of County Prosecutor John Rae's
office will be placed before the Board
of Supervisors meeting at 10:30 a.m.
that the buyer may be billed later
for any amount by wnich OPA may
increase ceilings.
An OPA spokesman said there is no
indication at this time as to how
much the increase may be. He said
the higher prices would be announced
Higher prices for automobiles had
been predicted by stabilization direc-
tor Chester Bowles, who has stated
that price increases under the new
wage-price policy could be expected
for consumer metal products.
The new order is applicable only
to cars produced by the three com-
panies beginning Monday. All cars
previously produced and distributed
must be sold at present prices, OPA
La .Folle tte Will
Speak Today
Onl U.S. Policy
The Hon. Philip F. La Follette, son
of the late "Fighting" Bob La Follette,
and famed in his own right as a Pro-
gressive leader, will speak on "A
Sound American Policy" at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Recently released from the Army
after serving three years as a colonel
on Gen. MacArthur's staff, La Fol-
lette appears as the eighth lecturer
in the Oratorical Association series'.
Following on the heels of his father
'Tarrable Mistake'
Reports Professor
Campus mails were burning to-
day as the Department of Astro-
nomy suddenly discovered that it
had become quite stuck on itself
and that no matter how brightly
the stars may shine, they can't be
seen through sheet metal and tar.
It seems, according to Prof.
Dean B. McLaughlin of the astro-
nomy department, in an open
letter to the University adminis-
tration (See page 4 of today's
Daily) that several weeks ago the
roof of Angell Hall was tarred and
those who did the job mistook one
of the telescope domes for part of
the roof, thus tarring it to the
The incident was discovered
Friday night when an open house
was held in the Angell Hall Obser-
vatory. With a crowd of 150 ex-
pected, there were frantic prepa-
rations to ready the Observatory
for the evening's perusal of the
Only one telescope could be
budged, however, the other one
tarred fast by the zealous roofers.
Fortunately, according to Prof.
McLaughlin, only about 20 visitors
showed up and could be handled
with the one functioning telescope.
Prof. McLaughlin said that the
tarred telescope had been tried
shortly after the new roof was put
on, but it was thought at the time
that a coating of ee on the roof
held it fast.
Friday night they discovered
differently, and yesterday Prof.
McLaughlin registered a formal
protest to University officials.
Eventual State
Is Foreseen
"I do not believe that the American
public is ready to accept as yet state
subvention of orchestras, whichis
the end to the transition now taking
place," Karl Krueger, conductor of
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra
said, following last night's concerts
Going back to the Austrian empire,
Krueger traced the history of the
present patronage system under
which most orchestras in the United
States exist. Under this system, he
averred, all activities were controlled
by the state. Therefore, the people
expected such cultural activities as
music and art to emanate from the
emperor. Later, he explained, wealthy
patricians had "the right idea," for
though they might have known noth-
ing about music, they employed the
great masters to perform for the peo-
Patronage System
In this way, Krueger continued
music became an offspring of private
largess. Asserting that large orches-
tras in the country would never have
been established or have attained
such prominence except under the
patronage system, Krueger said that
eventually the main orchestral ex-
penses will be supplied by the public.
But first, he added, concert music
must gain a wider public appeal and
understanding. As one method for
achieving this Krueger cited the
sponsored or sustained radio broad-
Music Appreciation
"The future of classical music de-
pends on the young people of this
country," Krueger declared. Through
younlg people's concerts, recordings
and school music appreciation classes,
he said, they are taught to hear music
with open minds. These are the same
people who will eventually support
orchestras throughout the country,
he concluded.
Truman Atacked by
Wason About Policies
DETROIT, March 11 - (/P) - The
President of the National Association
of Manufacturers declared today that
the Truman administration, "having
no economic platform of its own,
adopts the economic platform of the
CIO in exchange for CIO support."
Robert R. Wason made the charges
before a luncheon meeting of the
Economic Club of Detroit.
Withdrawing Russians urn Over
Factories, Barracks To Chinese;
Pravda Attacks Churchill Speech
IrliiirV Report Swift
'Redl Departure
Causing Strife
Churchill Is Termed
Attempting UNO Split
. . . to speak today
not only in ideals but also in career,
La Follette entered politics as Dis-
trict Attorney of Dane County, Wis.
from 1923 to 1927. Elected governor
in 1930, and holding the office for
three terms, he achieved nation-wide
attention for his progressive states-
manship and reforms.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Hill Auditorium box office.
Vet Enrollment
At'U' Reaches
National Record
The 6,308 veterans now enrolled in
the University comprise the largest
veteran group on any campus in the
country, Vice-President Robert P.
Briggs announced yesterday.
He added that veterans constitute
44 per cent of the record-shattering
enrollment of 14,367 students.
Foreign students on campus now
total 597, Briggs said, led by China,
with 108, Canada 76 and India 48.
Briggs said he expects University
enrollment to approximate 15,000
during the postwar period.
New Tryouts Meet Today
For Ensian Business Staff
There will be a very important
meeting for all tryouts today, at 4'
p.m. at the Student Publications
Building. All those attending are ask-
ed to bring their eligibility certifi-
ON 1115 WAY TO JAPAN is Prof. Clark Trow (far right) of the University school of education. He will
serve on an educational advisory group to Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Leon Carnovsky, associate dean of the
graduate library school, University of Chicago, also a member of the group, is pictured second from left.,
--Official Photo: U. S. Army Air Force
Be GvenForSenor ome Planning Board
Satirizing a thome familiar to Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women, Prof. Prof. John A. Perkins of the poli-
'ry coed an1d mn atthe Univeriy Herbert A. Kenyon, and Miss Ethel tical science department has been
rher's oom or ll. 194 JuiorA. McCormick, social director of the
irls Play, will take the stage at 8:30 League, as one of the most promising appointed to a two year term on the
.m. Thursday in Lydia Mendelssohn ever produced by juniors. Michigan State Planning Commission
heatr fog nits inita presentationt The first presentation of the play by Gov. Harry F. Kelly.
onoin ei. women. will follow Senior Supper and the tra- In addition, the .chairman of the
Tickets for the public perf ormances ditional Senior Night program Thurs- commission appointed Prof. Perkins
f the musical at 8:30 l).m. Friday day. Tickets for Senior Supper, an- to the sub-committees on Local Plan--
nid Saturday may be purchased from nual banquet for senior women grad-
:30 to 5:30 p~m. Thursday and from uating in June, may be purchased be- ning and Housing. The commission
:30 until curtain time Friday and tween 3 and 5 p.m. tomorrow and has a total of 15 members, of which
aturday at the League Box Office. Wednesday at the Social Directors eight are ox-officio members and
Produced solely by junior women. Office of the League, hold other government positions.
nid directed by Jean Raine, the com- Traditional-Berior Parade will be The purpose of the commission,
lel oriin sci wa ttacclaimed followed by exerpts fromn "Take It which is an official agency of the
y heaproin omiteeofMisFrom There." last year's play. All .
the songs, several of the dance rou- state, is to canvass and rate public
tines and some individual acts will works projects, cooperate with fede-
OllS~f$be presented by members of the 1946 ral agencies and programs in connec-
~FC Sp nsorscast, under the direction of Peggy tion with public works and prevent
Kohr. waste and inefficiency in the use of
~mno er T dayCaps and gowns must be worn by
every woman attending either the Accoiding to Walter Bluctier, exe-
Men itercstced dinner or the play, and no one will be cutive director of the American So-
. admitted without them. Gowns may ciety of Planning Officials, the Michi-
Are All Inlvited be called for tomorrow and Thursday gan Planning Commission is consid-
A smkei spnsoed b th Iner-at Moe's Sport Shop. A rental fee of ered one of the best and most active
A soke, sonsre bytheIntr-$5 must be deposited when picking in the country.
'aternity Council for all men inter- up the gowns and,$3 will be refunded Prof. Perkins replaces Herbert 01-
sted in joining fraternities will be upon their return in June. son, former director of the Michigan
eld at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 316 Any woman who plans to receive Municipal League.
f the Union to acquaint prospective more than a Bachelor's degree must * * *
ushees with the fraternity system on place a special order for her gown. ., ra
ampus. Arrangements for the various colored eto t ln 1
All interested men are inivi ed to tassels denoting colleges may be made
hie smoker, regardless of whether or when picking up gowns, All senior cD
ot they have signed up for rushing. women must procure their caps and l jcUSgc4J
'red MVatthaei, IFC president, and gowns at this time and may keep
hil Crick, secretary-treasurer, will them until June. A discussion of the formation of a
xplain the new rushing rules, and --regional planning body for the met-
uestions on campus fraternities will 5ugar Rctions JTill lie ropolitan area of Detroit will be held
o answered. oa tth no.
'ree Cigarettes Intcreased 10 Per Cet toa-a hUin
Crick announced, as an added in- Prof, John A, Perkins of the poi-
uc'ement, that free cigarettes would WASHINGTON, March 1 l-(!P)- tical science department and State
o given away at the smoker. Industrial sugar rations will be in- fTreasurer D. Hale Brake, both mom-
Registration for rushing is continu- creased ten per cent for the April- beso'htaepann coms
rig this week in the student offices June allotment period, OPA an- br ftesaepamgcmi-
f the Union between 3 p.m. and 5 nounced today. sion, will attend the meeting. Glenn
'.m. daily, and more than 250 stu- In general, commercial packers of Richards, public works commissioner
,ents have already signed up, The vegetables and of canned and frozen of Detroit, heads the organizing com-
eadline for registration is Monday, fruits will get the same increase, the mittee.
Mlarch 18. agency added. Representatives of various govern-
Registration ph'ces the student un-- It said there will be no change this mental units in the metropolitan area
er no obligation, but no student may month or next in the allotment of in- Who are also members of the commit-
h ., d ,,ti til Ir h dustrial users. tee are expected to attend.
I 'A LUA uy a 1 O,.~ j~j~,y U.IUJI I~3~I4
By 'rhe Associated Press
CHUNGKING, Tuesday, March 12
-Russians withdrawing from Muk-
den formally turned over Soviet bar-
racks and six factories to Chinese
government authorities, the Central
News Agency reported today.
All available reports here indicated
hinese Government troops were in
effective control of much of Mukden,
with Chinese Communists occupying
at most only a section of the city.
The Soviets, whose abrupt depar-
ture reportedly had left the Man-
churian industrial center a battle-
ground of Chinese Communist and
Gowrnment troops, also formally
asked the Chinese mayor to take care
of Soviet commercial firms there, the
News Agency added.
Reinforcements to Mukden
The Chinese Communists and Gov-
erment military leaders were re-
ported speeding reinforcements to
Mukden today, although there were
no fresh reports of fighting there..
Whether the Russians intended to
,, MANC !UPIA unk
* *Cangchun
Tungliao r.
*, L'aoyuan " " haoyangchan
- -
Y ngkow
. . Gezan
. Dairen
Manchurian industrial center and
battleground of Chinese Commun-
ist and Government troops.
qluit Harbin as they did Mukden over
the weekend was not known, but the
CntralNwsAgnysid thyhad
codce aN hs entoyhs eyac
for hiden weapons during a 24-hour
imposition of martial law Saturday
and Sunday.
Delayed Departure
The Russians had been scheduled
to hand Manchurian control to the
Chinese Government Feb. 1, but have
delayed their departure amid wide-
spread accounts that they were strip-
ping the contry of industrial equip-
Meanwhile in Russia, Pravda, the
Communist Party newspaper, de-
nounced former British Prime Min-
ister Winston Churchill in an edi-
tor al asan open advocatroftowr
against the Soviet Union and meant
nothing else than the liquidation of
the United Nations Organization"
Pravda accused Churchill of at-
tempting to uquidate the Big Three
coalition, trying to imposeBritish-
American rule upon the world, and
slandering the Soviet Union.
MoucedfoMeertihPrmg Mn
Series of Grievances
las for acon on a se ofeor
grievances will be made at a mass
meeting of student veterans at 7:30
p.m. today in the Community Center
of Willow Village
Particular consideration will be
given to remedies for housing condi-
tions, bus service, cafeteria prices,
postal service and laundry service.
The veterans claim that living
conditions are especially ad in the
dormitories, Under the present bus
New MetIod of Obtaining Oxygen
For Industrial Use Ainnounced
BERKELEY, Calif., March 11-{P)
- A new and greatly simplified
method of obtaining oxygen from the
air for industrial use, one of the
hitherto undisclosed war - time
achievements of American scientists,
was reported tonight by Dr. Melvin
Calvin, University of California
heated. The oxygen is pumped into
storage tanks and the process is re-
peated again and again.
Dr. Calvin, who explained the
method at a meeting of the California
section of the American Chemical
Society, said it was used to supply
oxygen for welding and other opera-
tions in the South Pacific where regu-
e r usua o y a tra er~niy un tie na
signed with the Interfraternity Coun-
cil. A rushing list will be drawn up
by the IFC early next week and sub-
mit ted to all fraternities.
Directory Being Distributed
The newest edition of the IFC di-
rectory, containing data on the loca-
tion and membership of all campus
fraternities, is being distributed to
all those signing up for rushing,
Under new regulations adopted at
a recent meeting of fraternity house
presidents, there is a two week regis-
tration period for interested men at
the beginning of the semester, after
S ert dns o_ fr Torn Countries
Working To Rebutid Universities
Students of devastated countries
are trying to work together to rebuild
their universities and their lives,
Miss Muriel Jacobson, Administrative
Assistant in the Student Division of
the Y. W C. A.. yesterday told WSSF
workers and she said that a lack of
are trying to continue with their edu-
cation, Even in the midst of their
own suffering, she said, many of them
have contributed the little they could
to the World Student Relief, of which
the WSSF is a part.
The trickle of funds from this
source, while relieving the situation