PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1946 PAGE EIGHT SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1946 PROBLEM OF STATE: U.S. Cultural Relatons in Iran j Are Inuadequate -- Brownrig g By LYNN SHAPIRO For a country as hungry as is Iran for American culture and tcchnology the cultural relations program of the United States in that country is sadly, inadequate, Mary Brownrigg, Grad., recently returned from Iran, said yesterday. "Our cultural relations program, although recently expanded, is mi- croscopic compared with that of Great Britain and Russia. This condition must be improved," Miss Brownrigg explained, "because the Iranians look to --------------plus as a balance between the ex-j U' Represented In Auto Jubilee Foreign Students Help Students To Participate Eighty-one foreign students en- rolled in the University will partici- pate in opening day ceremonies of Detroit's Automotive Golden Jubilee Wednesday. Dressed in their native costumes, students from the 20 Latin American republics, Australia, Egypt, Iceland, Iraq, Liberia, the Netherlands, South Africa and Turkey will drape their countries' flags on the monument dedicated to fifty years of automo- tive industry. The unveiling ceremony, highlight of the nine-day festivities, will be broadcast on a nationwide hookup and will include an address either by President Truman or UN Secretary Lie in New York. All of the 51 United Nations, and several other national groups, will be represented. Band Will Play For Graduation The University of Michigan Con- cert Band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, will play at senior graduation functions and at Commencement, starting Thursday, June 20. A small ensemble of band members will play dinner music Thursday evening, June 20, in the Union Ball- room. There will be a concert at 3 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium, and an annual Commencement concert in front of the library steps Friday night. Saturday at noon the band will play at an alumni luncheon and Saturday night they will participate in a Commencement procession. These will be the band's last ap- pegrances of the season, during which time they have appeared at more than fifty public performances. BEER VAULT Beer - Wine - Mixers - Keg Beet 10 to 10 Daily 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Sat. 303 N. 5th Ave. Ph. 8200 PRINTING PROGRAMS CARDS STATIONERY HANDBILLS, ETC. Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN ATHENS PRESS tremes of imperialist Great Britain and Russia. We are welcomed as a neutral and friendly group, not out to acquire part of the country." Press Assistant During her 11 months' stay in Iran, Miss Brownrigg was most closely as- sociated with the cultural relations or Press Section of the American Em- bassy, where she was assistant to the Press attache. The Embassy's Cultural Relations program loans educational films and film strips to the Iranian Ministry of Education for use in the public schools, distributes American perio- dicals to Iranian libraries, and issues American news and feature material to newspapers throughout the coun- try. Scholarslips for study in the United States have been awarded to young Iranian students, and not long ago several volumes of scientific and literary works-largely by American authors-were presented to the Uni- versity in the name of the American people, Miss Brownrigg said. Presbyterian Missionaries "An impressive foundation, how- ever, has been built by American Pres- byterian missionarics, who, without government backing or financial aid, have established and maintained schcols (primary, secondary and col- lege), hospitals and clinics in many provinces. Schools based on Ameri- can standards have been set up and the young people of Iran are anxious to attend," Miss Brownrigg explained. "The American people have not yet realized the tremendous importance of an extensive cultural relations pro- gram in Middle Eastern countries that are today struggling to become mo- dern democracies. We cannot ignore our moral obligation to these people who so badly want and need scientific and cultural contributions," Miss Brownrigg added. But where the Americans offer five scholarships, the British award twen- ty or thirty and the Russians fifty. For every ten American educational films in Tehran there are a hundred in the British Information headquar- ters. "This is quite typical of all our projects," Miss Brownrigg said. 'Unwarranted Personal Attack' There have been a few occasions on which we have undermined our prestige in Iran. Most recent was the "unwarranted personal attack on the sovereign of a friendly nation," made by one of the leading national week- lies. "The Iranian attitude towards the United States has always been one of admiration. The Iranians look to us for guidance, inspiration and last, but of prime importance, material aid. Iran has made great strides in the last decade in freeing herself of external foreign domination, and internal feudalism for assistance in firmly establishing herself as a mo- dern democracy," Miss Brownrigg concluded. Student Religious Groups Pla, IPinis, IDsluss S, EIeC tws The student religious groups have Prof. William Willcox of the planned picnics, panel discussions history department will lead the and an election for today's programs: CANTERBURY CLUB in a discus-c Balloting for five members of the sion at 6 p.m. in the Student Cent-t executive council and for the officers er.t of the NEWMAN CLUB will be held =" = after the 8, 10 and 11:30 a.m. masses The ROGER WILLIAMS GUILDi at St. Mary's Chapel. will hear Harvey Anderson, Harold The Club will have a picnic at 3 Carver, Garrett Graham. Edith John- p.m. Members will meet at the Chapel son, Doris Lee and Bill Sturtz report and go to the Island for a hot dog on the recent Interguild Retreat after supper. their supper and worship program . * . at 6 p.m. in the Guild House. * * * The CONGREGATIONAL - DOS- Prof. Roy Swinton will speak on CIPLES GUILD will have a panel "Christianity Through Your Vo- discussion en "Man" after their cation" at the WESLEYAN GUILD supper meeting at 6 p.m. in the supper meeting at 6 p.m. in the Memorial Christian Church. Jo- Methodist church.c hanne McMillin will lead the dis- 4 o cussion and the speakers include The Rev. Harold DeVries will dis-I Franklin H. Littell, director of the cuss "Christian Growth" before the Student Religious Association; the Michigan Christian Fellowship at Rev. H. L. Pickerill and Eva Moore, 4:30 p.m. today at Lane Hall. A hymn a Royal Oak teacher. sing will be held at 4 p.m.j * * * - - ---- Prof. Margaret Tracy of the eco- Melmtorial Iay in Detroit nomics department will speak on "Financial Considerations in Marri- T o I catutre UNunge Parade age" during the supper meeting of DETROIT, May 25--(lP)_ --The first the WESTMINISTER GUILD at 6 peacetime observance of Memorial p.m. in the social hall of the Pres- Day in five years will be highlighted byterian church. by the largest parade in Detroit's his- * * tory Thursday. The UNITARIAN STUDENT A total marching force of more GROUP will meet at 1 p.m. at 110 than 35,000 persons, including mem- North State for transportation to a bers of eight new veterans organiza- picnic near Saline. tions, will participate. By JOHN CAMPBELL Radar navigational devices will certainly be adopted universally by the transcontinental airlines in the near future, Prof. William G. Dov, cf the electrical engineering depart- ment declared yesterday. "The cost to an airline companyy of buying and installing the neces- sary equipment on all their planes,"s he said, "should not exceed the ultimate cost of just one major airplane crash when insurance.aind damage payments are taken into1 account.' '"The airline companies are full, aware of the tremendous advantages of radar devices in navigation, but there will probably be a certain amount of delay in widespread use of radar by commercial airlines be-I cause of the necessity of making changes in the military design, which is not adaptable to peacetime use." The universal installation and careful use of radar equipment in airplanes, he said, should greatly reduce the likelihood of accidents similar to the recent collisions with skyscrapers in New York City and with mountain peaks in the Rock- ies. Some of the planes involved in these recent accidents, lie ex- plained, have been equipped with radar, but the pilots have failed to take advantage of it. Experiments are now being con- ducted on a radar beacon system, Prof. Dow said. In this system the plane sends out a signal which is picked up by one of a widespread network of ground beacons and the pulses are re-radiated to the plane. Ideally, the return signal would not only tell the pilot what beacon it was so that he could locate it on the map, but also the direction and dis- tance of the beacon from his plane, so that he could determine his posi- tion exactly.' Reports from Wright Field des- cribe another system in which every plane would be equipped with radio signals on the wing tips. All these signals would be in tune, forming a warning network at all times. Some military officers, Prof. Dow pointed out, believe that the cost will prove an obstacle that will pre- vent private pilots from obtaining so much equipment. Radar antennae now in the ex- perimental stage at Wright Field consist of a round shallow "saucer" of metal and, projecting from it, a stubby rod ending in a small knob. The "saucer" sends out the radar beam, focussing it like a searchlight. The "saucer", moreover, will spin like a top, allowing it to sweep the beam completely around the horizon, and it will tilt to read the skies at any upward angle. i Some authorities believe that the rapid refinement of radar equip- ment has complicated its opera- tion to some extent, Prof. Dow said. It will frequently respond to weather fronts and even plain rain- storms. This is a cause of confus- ion, he said, which, however, can AIR NAVIGATION: Universal Adoption of Radar Predicted be partially eliminated by a device now available that cuts out the storm signals unless the pilot want them. The U.S. Coast Guard has announ- ced that B-24's, equipped with spec- ial radar devices for the first time. will be used to assist in directing the rescue and ice-breaking cutters of the iceberg patrol in the North Atlantic. Forestry Students [isit Twenty-four students of the School of Forestry and Conservation ae visiting furniture industries in Grand Rapids, accompanied by Prof. L. A. Patronsky. This group includes a number of students enrolled in wood technology who are preparing for expert service in the furniture industry and are en- rolled in the school's furniture course, only one of its kind in the country. Lm~4 ®. .---- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN! -r Casual - DRESSES -mSheer (Continued from Page 4) Dr. Lemon will preach on "The Open Secret." 6:00 p.m.: Westminster Guild Sun- day evening supper. Mrs. Margaret Elliott Tracy, Prof. of Personnel Mngmt. & Econ. at the University will ;peak on "Financial Consider- ations in Marriages." First Congregational Church, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. 10:45 a.m.: Public worship. Dr. Parr will speak on "They've Turned the World Upside Down." 6:00 p.m.: Congregational-Disciples Student Guild. Cost supper and pro- gram at Memorial Christian Church. Panel discussion on "Man." First Unitarian Church, Lane Hall, State and Washington Streets, Ed- ward H. Redman, Minister: 10:00 a.m.: Unitarian - Friends' Church School. Pre-Nursery through Second Grade at 110 N. State. Third Grade through High School at Lane Hall Basement. 10:00 a.m.: Adult Study Group. Dr. Franklin Littell continuing discussion of the Reformation Unitarians: Michael Servetus and Faustus So- cinus. 11:00 a.m.: Service of Worship. Rev. Edward H. Redman preaching on "News from the Holy City." 1:00 p.m.: Unitarian Student Group meets at 110 N. State Street for transportation to Saline Valley Farms for picnic and outing. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw: Sunday service at 11:00 a.m., with sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Endeavoring to Keep the Unity of the Spirit." 11:00 a.m.: Sermon on the Holy Spirit. "His Work in Creation." 12:45 p.m.: "Your Radio Choir" over WPAG. 6:30 p.m.: Youth Groups. 7:30 p.m.: Message from the Proph- ecy of Daniel. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Mid-week service. Regularly $32.50 to $39.95 " $22.50 to $29.95 $16.95 to $22.50. $ °8.30 to $15.95 $19.00 $17.O0 $ 5.00 ..... $ 7.00 Rainbow SKIRTS and SWEATERS P ( Regularly $ 9.95 to $14.95 $ " $ 5.95 to $ 8.95 ... $ to $ 5.95 . . $ Regularly to $10.95 . $ 7.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 \x ' .b~ . >f < r.: i } : s. s;; : i Y Y t/. ,{,,, I 4f V" 4 Fair and Cooler Yes, that's just what you will be in this rayon jersey topper when the weather man gives his forecast of "continued warm." Be sure and get yours today. It comes in white, tea rose, and nile. Small, medium and large. $5.95 8 Nickels Arcade Phone 2-2914 BRAS S un-Invlting In LAYSUITS BLOUSES Regulorjy $5.95 $3.00 Spring COATS and SUITS Regularly $1 .50. $1.00 $1.19 $.79 1 Regularly $49.95 and $59.95 $32.95 and $39.95 $19.50 and $24.95 $35.00 $25.00 $15.00 SLACKS - tweeds 'n solids - JACKETS Reg. $3.95 to $7.95. .$2.00 Reg. Reg. $8.95 $5.95 . $6.00 .$4.00 Reg. Reg. Reg. $8.95 $14.95 $10.95 ..... $6.00 $8.00 .....$7.00 11 =.: As;. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 109 S. Division St.: BLUE L~.NTERN Wednesday evening service at 8. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Soul and Body." Sunday School at 11:45. A special reading room is main- ISLAND LAKE BRIGHTON MICH. tained by this church at 706 Wolver- ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where the Bible, also the Christian ANNOUNCES ITS Science textbook ,"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open daily except Sundays and holi- DECORATION DAY - MAY 30 days from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Ann Arbor Society of Friends ... Featuring . .. will meetefoi'worship at 5:00 p.m. at JACKE RED ND HS 1-PICE OCHETRADunbar Center, 420 N. Fourth Ave. JACKIE REED AND HIS 15-PIECE ORCHESTRA A potluck supper will follow at 6:00 Dancing Every Night 9:00-1:30 - Except Monday. p.m. Grace Bible Church, State and Sunday Afternoon - 2:00-5:00 Huron Streets. Harold J. DeVries, Pastor. -- - 10:00 a.m.: Bible School. University class. Edward Groesbeck, leader. The kind of entertainment that students want... SECOND ANNUAL ALPHA PHI OMEGA MEMTORIAL DAYDANC BILL LAYTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 64'~y SN i ZJPUi EW YOlK .S A G 1 N A W *ANN A R B O R * 4 A C K S O N " SATTLE CREEK " L A N SI1 N Q VA At 9 31 7 1108 SOUT14 UNIVE RS ITY i I _ ... ... ... ............................ U i For Yo LEISU -I ur Summertime RE READING .0 "My Three Years with Eisenhower," Butcher $5.00 "Then and Now," W. Somerset Maugham. "Past All Dishonor," James M. Cain ... "Our Own Kid," Edward McSorley:..... . "Wake of the Red Witch," Garland Roark.. 2.50 . 2.00 2.50 2.75 2.50 "The Single Pilgrim," Mary Roland "Last Chapter," Ernie Pyle ......... . 2.50