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May 26, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-26

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Lewis PledgesCooperation
r*_________________ ___________________________________

W ASHINGTON.-John L. Lewis had a confi-
dential conference with Labor Secretary
L. D. Schwellenbach on Monday at which he gave
definite assurance that his miners would stay on
the job if the Government took over the mines.
Here is what happened at the ultra-secret
Schwellenbach informed Lewis that Truman
had decided to seize the mines and asked him
if the miners would stay on the job when the
truce ended. Lewis replied that he would co-
operate in keeping the mines in operation add-
ing, however, that he would first have to advise
with his policy committee, a very perfunctory
Lewis then inquired if the Government would
begin negotiation of a new contract with the
BKHIS WEEK'S publishers' lists don't seem to
hold anything breathless with promise, and
we've got something else on our mind anyway.
It isn't in desperation, but. with some pleasure
that we turn to the first issue of Perspectives
to be published in three or more years. Issued
as a supplement to today's Daily, this literary
magazine more than justifies itself as a con-
tinuation of a long and varied, if not always
distinguished, publication history.
Don't let the none-too-skilled art work mar
the lead story by Art Hill, a story about the
Philippines written on a high level of direct
and simple effectiveness. There are rough spots
in James Brnell's Southern Booking and Jo-
Ann Jones' Miss Painter, but they both have
redeeming features which is more than we
can say for the story Blue by Thomas Phil-
The poetry is of uniform technical excellence,
but the few unusually perceptive insights aren't
enough to make it remarkable.
An emotional review of lack Metropolis is
probably the best non-fiction piece, not from the
standpoint of being well-written, but from that
of effectiveness.
While most of the Perspectives work is on a
student level, it is consistently good on that level,
and on occasions rises well above it.
-Hale Champion
General Library List
Caldwell, Erskine
A House in the Uplands. New York,
Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946.
Fowler, Gene
A Solo in Tom-Toms. New York, Viking, 1946.
Godden, Rumer
Thus Far and No Further. Boston, Little, 1946
Hume, Edward H.
Doctors East, Doctors West. New York,
Norton, 1946.
Payne, Robert
Torrents of Spring. New York, Dodd, 1946.
Sinclair, Upton
A World To Win. New York, Viking, 1946.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
M - - - - -- - -
Secret Weapon
IT IS DIFFICULT to take the news of the super-
secret weapon at its face value.
According to Representatives Thomas (Dem.,
Tex.) and Sheppard (Dem., Calf.) the United
States Navy has perfected a super-secret weapon
far more terrible than the atomic bomb and
has it ready for instant use.

The facts upon which this statement is based
are not known to the general public, nor to the
majority of Congress. It is hard to understand
why such information would be disclosed to any
Congressman in the first place since restricted in-
formation is about as sacred as taproom gossip
to the average legislator.
If the Congressmen are actually in possesion
of information concerning a new secret wea-
pon, it is hard to interpret their statements,
at first glance, as anything other than dangerous
loose talk.
Some observers have suggested, however, that
the statements are carefully-constructed pro-
paganda intended to counter-act recent claims
by other nations that they have developed wea-
pons more powerful than the atomic bomb-a
bluff, in other words. It has also been suggested
that the Congressmen have purposely exagger-
ated scraps of information in order to achieve a
definite political aim-in this case reduction of
the appropriation for the armed services. We
can hope that this is a ridiculous assertion.
Rep. Thomas' statement that the secret
weapon was developed in the Navy's Bureau
of Medicine and Surgery stirred speculation
on the possibility of bacteriological warfare,
but many Congressmen believe that the new
weapon, if it exists, is nothing more than
another poisonous gas.
At the moment the existence of the super-

mine union once the mines were seized. He was
assured by theSecretary of Labor that negotia-
tions would begin as soon as a Government ad-
ministrator or coordinator was chosen by Presi-
dent Truman and Interior Secretary Krug. Hear-
ings would be conducted on the proposed health
and welfare fund, increased wages and other
disputed matters Lewis was told.
Schwellenbach also assured the bushy-browed
miners' boss that any wage increase decided on
would be retroactive to May 13, though the min-
ers returned to work under Lewis' truce order.
Ch,?ap POwer Alternative
IF PRESIDENT TRUMAN really had wanted
to beat John L. Lewis to the punch, he could
have scared him to death by resurrecting the
St. Lawrence Seaway previously urged by both
Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover, but which has
been gathering dust in the Senate for months.
There is nothing that worried John L. Lewis
more than cheap electric power-unless it be
cheap natural gas. And Truman also has neg-
lected one other club he could brandish over
John L. Lewis-namely, the two government-
owned pipe lines from Texas to the east coast
which Texas natural gas operators want to
take over.
With the threat of cheap natural gas piped
into industrial Pennsylvania and New Jersey,
and cheap electric power feeding the factories
of New York State and New England, John L.
Lewis might have started singing a less belli-
gerent tune.
The 12-year fight over the St. Lawrence Sea-
way is the greatest monument to effective lob-
bying ever seen in Washington. In part also it is
a monument to Congressional inertia. Both Re-
publican and Democratic leaders have urged
the construction of the waterway, by-passing
the St. Lawrence river rapids and giving ocean-
going vessels access to Duluth, Detroit and Chi-
For a long time Senator Overton of Louisi-
ana, who wants Great Lakes traffic to flow
through New Orleans, blocked the St. Lawrence
Seaway.uMore recently a Senate Foreign Rela-
tions sub-committee reported favorably on the
seaway but the absence of Senator Wallace
White, a Maine Republican, blocked a vote.
Meanwhile, Dutch and Norwegian steamship
lines are getting the jump on American shipping
by putting small vessels into Trans-Atlantic
service which can operate directly between
Europe and Chicago. These boats will be shallow
enough to navigate the St. Lawrence without
a seaway, while large American vessels will be
out of luck.
Meanwhile, New England and New York in-
dustry operates at the pleasure of the gentleman
who heads the United Mine Workers of America.
Two companies have applied to the Govern-
ment for purchase of the Big Inch and Little
Inch pipe lines laid during the war to carry
oil to the east coast. But believe it or not, the
Federal Power Commission has not even set a
date for hearing their applications. If the
White House really wanted to put a bombshell
under Lewis, hearings could be started over-
The two companies applying for the pipe lines
are: (1) Trans-Continental which offers $40,-
000,000; and (2) the Big Inch Gas Company,
which also offers 40 million, and was organized
by Oscar Cox, former Assistant Solicitor General
of the Justice Department. Both companies have
already made arrangements with the big utility
companies in New York, Pennsylvania and New
Jersey to sell all the gas they can deliver.
A lot of brickbats were hurled in the direc-
tion of Congressman Carroll Reece of Ten-
nessee when he was first elected chairman of
the Republican National Committee. He was
called a reactionary and a stooge for Senator
People who have worked with Reece, however,
don't find him that way. Quiet spoken and a
competent backstage worker, Reece has a record
of helping liberal causes which only a few people
know about. It is now forgotten history, but
Reece is the Republican who helped F.D.R.
pass the important law giving the Security
and Exchange Commission power to regulate

over-the-counter stock traders.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Trumiian, Not Rebuffed
PRESIDENT TRUMAN pitched his first strike
of 1946 yesterday as he belatedly threw the
full force of government into his successful at-
tempt to end the rail strike.
There was no sanction either of necessity
or expedience in the rail workers' abortive
walk-out, and the President's plan to avoid
further direct conflict between the government
as an operating agency and the unions in-
volved impresses us as a good one.
Once again food can move to the ports which
supply the starving of Europe, Americans can
stop suffering for the sins of others, and guilt-
less labor unions may escape penalties for the
transgressions of others.
For once Truman is top man, We can only
pray that it will stay that way.
-Hale Champion

THE LONG YEARS between the first Paul
Whiteman "jazz concerts" and the "Jazz at
the Philharmonic" performance in Detroit last
Saturday, have seen a remarkable change in the
way swing is now presented. The days of tuxedo-
clad musicians, over-arranged music and that
annoying attitude of bemused tolerance on the
part of all present, are at last gone. Judging from
the reception these new young men got last
week, there'll be little mourning for the "good
old days," either.
Last Saturday's concert involved only nine
people, one of whom, Norman Granz, was the
man responsible for the venture. The musicians
were Buck Clayton, Lester Young, Coleman Haw-
kins, Helen Humes, Meade Lux Lewis, Curly
Russell, Ken Kersey, and Shadow Wilson, while
Granz acted as master of ceremonies. It should
be mentioned here, in praise of this Granz, that
he shows good taste on the selection of his mu-
sicians, and that he kept his own appearances
on the stage down to the barest minimum.
Actually, the evening started off rather badly.
Shadow Wilson's drums were still somewhere
south of Milwaukee when the first curtain went
up, and his absence produced a general list-
lessness about the first ensemble sets which my
Hollywood reporter characterizes as a "five guys
named Moe" kick. Things brightened up con-
siderably towards the close when Wilson joined
in though, especially for Buck Clayton, who had
wasted most of the early evening trying to find
his range.
There':, little to say about the other musicians,
since, with the exception of Lewis who seemed in
a hurry to get his stint finished, they all played
as well as they usually do. My own favorites
were Young. who has been away far too long
and Humes' vocal on "He May Be Your Man."
-Lex Walker

c[e e loe or

Re Cortright Trihd
To the Editor:
ON MONDAY, May 20, a six-au
jury chosen at random from cam-
pus retried the case of Richard Cort-
right. Its decisions on questions of
fact were that Cortright was not
guilty of intentional fraud; but that
he was guilty of a violation of election
rules in voting with an identification
card not his own. On the question of
opinion put to them the jury recom-
mended that Cortright be seated.
At the Wednesday meeting of the
Legislature, it was moved that the
body adopt the three verdicts of the
jury and seat Cortright. The majority
feeling was that the Legislature did
not delegate authority to seat or un-
seat Cortright since a jury is a body
to decide on questions of fact and
the final responsibility must belong
to the Legislature. Since the motion
included a definition of the third
decision of the jury as a verdict, it
was defeated.
The undersigned moved to adopt
the jury verdicts on the first and sec-
ond questions; and to reject the re-
commendation on the third question;
and to refuse to seat Cortright. Once
the jury had decided Cortright was
guilty of violation of the election
rules, it was the inescapable duty
of the assembly to decide whether or
not a person -o convicted should sit.
The majority opinion was that since
the jury had called Cortright so guil-
ty, he could not be seated. Cortright's
counsel argued that one vote made no
difference in the election, and Cort-
right should be declared elected. But
to adopt such a rule would mean that
the most energetic cheater would be
elected. The only just rule must be
that anyone convicted of violating
election rules is disqualified, however
,mall the violation.

Some of those voting against the"
motion believed that CortrightJ
Should be admitted, then impeached
or allowed to resign. The majoritya
Lelieved, however, that to admit
a candidate convicted of violating
the election rules would be impro-
per, whatever the reservations.'
The latter motion was passed with1
Mary Benson, Hack Coplin, Virginia1
Councell, Ray Davis, Lynne Ford,1
Harry Jackson, Lou Orlin, apd Steve
Scourles voting for it.
-Ray Davist
Student Legislature
Minority Opinion
To the Editor:
times happens, people's feeling
that wrong has been committed and
justice must be done excited them to
the point of outraging the very prin-
ciples of justice that they believed
they were upholding. The only result
was to heap one wrong upon another.
No matter how guilty an offen-
Cer may be, all rules of fair pro-
cedure and human decency require
that his case be acted upon by calm,
dispassionate, and disinterested
minds. The judges must be pre-
sented with all the evidence, but
must not be susceptible to per-
suasion by the press, by outbursts
of hysterical "public opinion," or
by other influences outside the
The jury trial of May 30 was thor-
ough and fair. The jury unanimously
decided that Cortright was innocent
of intentional fraud-the only ground
for disqualifying him, in the eyes of
the jury. They concluded, therefore,
that Cortright should sit in the Legis-
lature. Tuesday's DAILY announced,

"Cortright Acquitted by Student
We did NOT contend that we
agreed the verdict. Having no direct
evidence, we were in no position to
agree or disagree. But once the Legis-
lature had delegated to an impartial
jury the responsibility of deciding
upon the case, we contended that we
had no choice but to uphold their
findings, in all respects. Not to do
so, we argued, would make a farce of
the whole proceedings and give the lie
to our supposedly sincere efforts to
establish justice.
If the Legislature saw other
grounds for expelling Cortright than
those which the jury deemed neces-
sary, then impeachment charges
should have been brought, on fresh
grounds. It was entirely illegal to
originate a new resolution, opposite
in effect to the recommendation of
the jury, and to act upon it at the
same meeting without further in-
vestigation. To enact a resolution
had the effect of expelling a member,
by an 8-to-7 vote, was a flat violation
of the Legislature's Constitutional
Authority, Robert's Rules of Order,
which requires a 2/3 vote.
The essential point is that Seymour
Chase, Judy Chayes, Charles Helm-
ick, Wink Jaffee, Henry Kassis, Bob
Taylor, and Terry Whittsitt DID
NOT vote to reinstate Cortright per-
manently. They voted to uphold the
jury's decision for the time being,
pending whatever impeachment
charges might be brought. The major-
ity, on the other hand, voted not only
to nullify the outcome of the trial but
to finally expel a member-by an
8-to-7 vote. These facts were em-
phasized; no Legislator who bears
part of the responsibility for Wednes-
day's action can plead ignorance of
the issue.
-Bob Taylor

Dominie Says

RELIGIOUSNESS is a major problem following
every war. Meaning is uppermost. Some of
our compatriots are dead for that remote reason
called patriotism, a group loyalty. The state,
man's effort to govern himself and to preserve
acquired values, has conscripted neighbors and
set them at a defense which could be effective
only when it became offense. Taking life, even
for defense and by remote operation and com-
plex controls, is evil. It can be rationalized while
the enemy is coming but as soon as he is stopped
we have to reason about the rationalization.
Either the God, whom prophets, Jesus and the
saints teach us to worship, cannot have designed
such a world nor intended his children to turn
to destructive ways as soon as they acquired
freedom of will and mastery of machines, or he
has lost his creative power, in which case he is
no God. Therefore, to contemplate the meaning
of life is one of the major interests after a war.
Man by his war, technologically implemented,
has so compromised reason that only some fresh
grasp on deeper truth will restore faith and re-
turn us to security. ,
Animals, even human ones, when scared first
run to the cave as the child runs to its mother.
The frightened animal invariably reverts. It is
only the man whose mind is highly trained, and
whose soul is both dedicated and disciplined, who
can calmly look the situation over and use fore-
sight. Only leaders can invent solutions, econom-
ic or social, apply attained wisdom and keep to a
chosen ocurse which will stand re-examination.
He only can undergo revision, keep discovering
nobler purposes and make certain to implement
ascending goals, who is a superior person. Such
intellectuals in the realm of behaving are never
numerous in any population. The liberals who
are supposed to be such persons seem feeble first
because they cannot be dogmatic, secondly be-
cause they are rationally cold and thirdly because
they must honestly promise less to deliver more.
It is our office, therefore, as a University, is it
not, both to perfect our counseling agencies now
creaking beneath a double load and to see that
every Michigan student gets a superb chance to
discern his own powers, learns the art of step-
ping out of war's prescribed mode into civil dress
with its personal choices. Because at Michigan
upper classmen are not herded into adjustment
lanes but are invited to seek guidance, many of
the recent candidates for office in the Congress,
promised that if elected they would "improve the
Counseling services." Here is the crux of our prob-
lems. The optional service invariably serves few
and frequently overlooks the one who needs it
most. Integrated democratic behavior, or reli-
giousness, being an art, and something deeper
than a system or even a science, can be attained
only after the free person has caught a glimpse
of distant heights. To expect an overloaded
teaching staff to teach so well that youth who
are caught in the psychology of war and revolu-
tion will invariably choose wisely is asking much,
but that is the aim of every great teaching staff.
It is reassuring to feel the thrill of achievement
which is Michigan today. Says Plowright in "Re-
bel Religion": "For good or for ill life has become
plastic and fluid once more, and we are making
the mould into which it is being run." In such
an epoch leaders become Saviours.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education


(Continued from Page 3)
Mason Hall, ext. 371 and make
appointment to see him.


The Curtiss-Wright Corporation,
Propellor Division, Caldwell, New Jer-
sey, is looking for men who have a
bachelor's or master's degree in Me-
chanical, Electrical, Aeronautical or
Metallurgical Engineering or the
equivalent B. S. degree. For further
information, callat the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
for veterans and their wives:
Sunday, May 26: Classical Music,
records, 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Monday, May 27: Child Care Class,
final meeting, Mrs. Agnes Stahly, 2
p.m. West Court Community House.
Tuesday, Max 28: Discussion Group
led by Mrs. David Palmer, Woburn
Court. 2 p.m. Conference Room, West
Tuesday, May 28: Safety Series
"Sparks" Movies, talk and demon-
strations presented by The Detroit
Edison Company, 8 p.m. Village Com-
munity House.
Wednesday, May 29: Bridge, 2-4
p.m.; 8-10 p.m. Conference Room,
West Lodge.
Friday, May 31: Dancing Class:
Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced 8 p.m.;
Open Dancing, 9-10 p.m., Club Room,
West Lodge.
Saturday, June 1: Club Room
Dancing, 8:30-11:30 p.m. Club Room,
West Lodge.
Sunday, June 2: Classical Music,
Records, 3-5 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John
Stapleton Lash, English and Educa-
tion, thesis: The Academic Status
of the Literature of the American
Negro: A Description and Analysis
of Curriculum Inclusions and Teach-
ing Practices," Monday, May 27, at
2:30 p.m., in the East Council Room,
Rackham Building. Chairman, C. C.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
another in his series of spring recit-
als at 3 p.m. this afternoon. Pro-
gram: Selections from the Magic
Flute, by Mozart, Professor Price's
Variations on an air for bells by Si-
belius, six French folk songs, and
Strauss' Blue Danube Waltzes.
Student Recital: William Payne,
student of piano under Joseph Brink-
man, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the Master of Music
requirements at 8:30 p.m. this eve-
ning, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.

Program: compositions by - Bach,,
Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, Schumann,
and Five Preludes written by Mr.,
Payne. The. public is cordially in-
Organ Recital: Emma Jo Bowles, a
student of organ under PalmerChris-
tian, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30
Monday evening, May 27, in Hill
Auditorium. Program: Compositions
by Bach and Franck. The public is
String Orchestra, Gilbert Ross,
conductor, will be heard in a program
of music of the 17 and 18 centuries
at 8:30 Tuesday evening, May 28, in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. Program: Compositions by
Stamitz, Purcell, Frescobaldi, Mozart,
and Sammartini. The public is in-
Student Recital: Evelyn Olsen,
mezzo-soprano, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, at 8:30 Wednesday evening,
May 29, in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. Miss Olsen is a pupil of Thelma
Lewis. Program: groups of Spanish,
French, German, and English songs.
The public is invited.
Recital Cancelled: Ruby Joan
Kuhlman's piano recital, scheduled
for Friday, May 31, in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, has been postponed;
Madeline Ardner, pianist, who had
planned to give her recital in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Saturday,
June 1, will play at 8:30 Friday eve-
ning, May 31, in the Theatre.
Comning .events
Annual Pharmaceutical Conference
sponsored by the College of Phar-
macy will be held at 2:15 p.m., Tues-
day, May 28, in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham Building. The prin-.
ciple speakers and their subjects are:
Mr. G. F. Emch, pharmacist of Tole-
do, Ohio, "The Physician-Pharmacist
Relationship"; Mr. C. F. Buck, Eli
Lilly and Company, "How to Plan
for Profit"; and Dr. Maurice H. See-
vers, Chairman of the Department of
Pharmacology, Medical School, "Some
Drugs Which Influence the Auto-

nomic Nervous System". At the eve-
ning program, beginning at 7:45, Dr.,
John M. Sheldon, Associate Profes-
sor of InternalkMedicine, Medical
School, will speak on "Our Present
Concept of Allergic Disease". The
public is cordially invited.
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a short
pre-dance meeting Mon., May 27, at
7:30 at the Union. Every member
should bring any unsold tickets with
him and receipts for tickets sold.
Women's Research Club will hold
their annual dinner meeting Mon-
day, June 3, at 6:30, at the Michigan
Union. Dr. Gertrude E. Moulton will
talk on "The Relationship of the
Field of Physical Education to Gen-
eral Education." Reservations must
be made by May 28 through Dr. Avery
Test, 1204 Henry Street.
House Presidents: There will be a
House Presidents meeting of League
Houses and Dormitories Tuesday,
May 28, at 5 p.m. at the League. All
Presidents are urged to attend be-
cause some very important announce-
ments wil be made.
Elmer Groefsema, of Detroit, one
of the nation's foremost trial negli-
gence lawyers and vice-president of
the Detroit chapter of the National
Lawyers Guild, will speak on "Trials
of the Trial Lawyer" at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday in Room 116, Hutchins Hall.
The lecture is sponsored by the re-
cently organized student chapter of
the Guild. All university students
interested are invited to attend,
An Evening of Bridge is featured
at the International Center every
Monday at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by
ANCUM, this activity is for anyone
The Polonia Club will meet Tues-
day at 7:30 in the International Cen-
ter. Professor Wlosczewski, sociol-
ogist, will lecture to the group. Mem-
bers are requested to be at the meet-
ing promptly at 7:30. Refreshments
will be served.


First Presbyterian Church:
10:45: Morning Worship Service.
(continued on Page 8)

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

1t wasn't much of a game. But we won #.

Maybe he iurned up7
of Ebbets Field-
. r

By Crockett Johnson
A humiliafing fact, m'boy. But the blooms. In Brooklyn's
The gates were closed to Botanical Gardens. Fabulous,
your Fairy Godfather. But m'boy. Present these to your

Margaret Farme
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker .
Des Howarth .
Ann Schutz .
Dona Guimaraes

r .. ........... . . , . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
S. . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
.. , . .. .Associate Sports Editor
. . .. . . . .Women's Editor
.. . . . . . . . Associate Women's Editor

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