SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1949
See to the fitor
* An Eerie Existence
Time Alone Won't Tell
IN CASE you function with one of those pro-
saic calendars which deals in terms of the
7th and Monday, we might as well hand out
the news behind the news. This is National
Health Week, and anybody who wants to argue
that this is the fourth week in May better
skip us, and go straight to the nearest podiatrist.
* * * *
Detroit Goes Spiritual
MAYOR JEFFRIES has injected a new note
into the Automotive Golden Jubilee, with
an appeal to Detroit's pastors to make Sunday
"Soul of the City Day." Aside from the risk
of cynical remarks about dead souls, we think
he made a drastic mistake in urging "Hats
off to the past, coats off to the future." With
shirts off to the present a good part of the
assemblage is going to be in an embarrasingly
naked state.
* * * *
Unique Observation Dept.
MAY WE POINT with pride to the most in-
formative headline of the year as it ap-
peared in yesterday's Daily, "Student To Do
Practical Work."
* * *
Fixed Facts
WE'VE HAD A STANDARD heavy black ban-
ner in mind for some time that would save
a lot of headline writing trouble. Just set up
"Truman Rebuffed" and leave it there until
1948. We're not worried about a story a day to
fit the banner, the only question is one of choice.
Stop That Lollygagging
ONE OF THE women's magazines describes at
length the quaint and colorful custom of
that fugitive from the Platt Amendment, Cu-
ba. It seems people kiss on the street down
there, but that it's against the law.
Next week, East Lansing.
We Use Our Toes, Too
THOSE SMART ALECKS on the Encyclopedia
Britannica are a constant source of amuse-
ment. Their latest release says that peopld
of the Middle Ages avoided learning the entire
multiplication table by developing a simple me-
thod of multiplying on their fingers, and adds
that the method is still used in some parts of the
They're telling us.
* * * *
Adman's Fantasy Dept.
The American Institute of Laundering is at-
tempting to pervert the American language in a
way that even H. L. Mencken would find dis-
tasteful. Their latest press release lists "bathing
beauties" not as four-limbed animals appearing
on beaches, but as Turkish towels.
The only excuse beyond ordinary advertising
word-infatuation is that the towels have two-
ply ground warp with a one pick. So what?
* * *~ *
(Items appearing in this column are written
by members of the Daily editorial staff and edited
by the Editorial Director.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Germ Menace
THE UNITED STATES's newest secret weapon
is a deadly germ spray, reported capable of
wiping out entire cities and crops at a single
The germ weapon, "far more deadly than the
atomic bomb", which will mean quick and cer-
tain death, places the country, as sole possessor
of the secrets involved, in an indisputable posi-
tion as leader in the "laboratory" armament
There are several of these germ sprays which
are ready for use whenever needed. According
to members of the House Appropriations Com-
mittee, they are highly contagious and could
be spread either by plane or by bombs.-
Thought of the deadly possibilities of using the
germs, which may possibly be those of the bu-
bonic plague, is terrifying. Cries will undoubted-
ly go up of man's inhumanity to man and the
sprays will be criticized for senseless use of sci-
entific skill on a weapon which has none of the
peacetime potentialities of atomic power.
It must be realized, however, that the value
of the sprays lies in holding them as a big stick
over the heads of possible aggressors rather than
as weapons in a future war.
The chief focus of speculation, however,
centers on the international response to the
weapons. By keeping our scientific develop-
ments, such as the atomic bomb and the germ
sprays, as our exclusive property, we are set-
ting ourselves up as a great white father to
maintain the peace and order of the rest of
the world.
By our secrecy we are directly, if not deliber-
16 Out of 40
To the Editor:
T HE FIRST STAGE of the Famine Relief Drive
is over. The sixteen thousand members of
the university family contributed $1,914.50 or an
average of thirteen cents a piece. To the extent
that the campaign was a success credit is due
Mary Elizabeth Friedkin, Carl Kaufmann, Row-
land Westervelt, Edith Dobbins, Seymour Gold-
stein, and Mal Roemer, and the many people
who worked with them in collecting, advertising,
and planning. The marvelous job of organizing
and carrying out the drive in a relatively short
times deserves every praise.
There were many sacrificial donations, and
there was mere token giving. The one measures
our success: that latter, our failure. Gifts of
one, five, ten, and twenty dollars as well as small-
er ones surely involved a sacrifice. Just as gen-
erous as the large donors were several little girls
who emptied their purses of pennies, nickels, and
dimes, as they passed through the Engineering
Arch from the elementary school. Here the
drive succeeded.
The dimes and quarters or no contribution
whatever from students who ordinarily spend
several times that amount for sheer entertain-
ment spelled failure. They were token gifts;
they succeeded in procuring a tag for the giver,
thus freeing him from further pleas, but they
meant little, least of all to the giver.
During the next three weeks the Famine Com-
mittee is establishing collections centers in every
student residence on campus. We are calling
on every student to set a weekly goal for him-
self - a goal which represents the sacrifice of
cokes, ice cream, casual spending, but more than
that - every cent he can afford to give. Only
twenty-five cents a week from every student
would mean eleven thousand dollars at the end
of the term. As yet we have not failed, but suc-
cess is still far ahead of us.
Consider any group of forty students. Were
they in Europe, sixteen of them would die of
starvation. How much can you give? If your
answer is a nickel or dime, a token gift, please
keep it; your contribution will never be missed.
Rather give until there is no more.
-Bruce H. Cooke
One Charity Drive
To the Editor:
SHOULD LIKE, if I may, to raise an issue
which I feel should be seriously considered
by the Student Congress at its next session.
That is to say, the question of the frequency of
charity drives on the campus should be con-
sidered. Since the beginning of the spring semes-
ter, there have been almost a dozen such cam-
paigns. Scarcely a week has gone by without
some new drive being launched to solicit the
student body for money. In fact, on one day
recently, there were two drives in progress simul-
taneously: Bread for Europe; and Poppy Day!
Although the sentiment motivating these drives
is very fine and noble indeed, the frequency of
them is excessive to say the least.
Therefore, as I feel that most of the students
on the campus are in accord with these ideas,
I recommend to the Student Congress that it
consider action to limit all charity drives to
one big one per semester, lasting perhaps two
or three days. The money thus collected would
be placed in a charity fund administered by
the Congress. At the time of the national drives
on the part of the recognized charitable or-
ganizations, the Congress would appropriate a
specified proportion of the fund to be donated
to that organization, the amount of the dona-
tion depending upon the relative inportance of
the organization. By the end of the semester
the fund should have been reduced to zero,
having been completely apportioned.
Perhaps in this way, or some other, the con-
tinual plague of charity solicitors could be elimi-
nated from the campus, and one could walk com-
pletely across the campus in any direction with-
out being solicited for money from his pocketbook
for either a recognized organization or some
unheard-of one.
-Richard W. Fink
.T* * * *
New Tag D~ay
To the Editor:
I propose a Tag Day for those left destitute
by Tag Days and other charity drives on the U.
of M. campus. The loss of cash has directly attri-
buted to the fact that I now do my own laundry.
It's true that my hands are as lovely as always,
thanks to Rinso, but my back is taking an awful
beating. A broken down Vet of my age simply
can't indulge in manual labor of this sort.
"Charity begins at home" has become a for-
gotten axiom in the University in the 'second
highest per-capita income' town where charity
contributions are simply deducted from income
tax returns. Unfortunately, my income doesn't
warrant taxing; there isn't enough of it, except,
of course, by the merchants of this 'second high-
est per-capita income' town.
To show my heart's in the right place I'll settle
for a promise of no more Tag Days for the dura-
tion of this semester. As the overseas veterans
said to the manufacturers of Spam, "STOP!"
-Irving Kalin
German Club
To the Editor:
AM A MEMBER of the Dcutschcr Vercin, the
German Club on this campus. At a recent
meeting a plea was made to contribute to the
German Relief Fund in canisters which were
placed around the room. The cause of the starv-
ing German children appealed to us all. After
the meeting, however, I reconsidered the appro-
priateness of such a cause. Returning veterans
report that the Germans look better fed than any
other people in Europe. They have good reason.
For the last ten years they have lived off the fat
of Europe.
I feel that we Americans in our sentimentality
are too prone to forget that the German people
bear the guilt. Other children are starving, too-
the Greeks, the Poles and the 1,000,000 Jews that
Hitler couldn't get. Certainly they have first
claim to our contributions. A club that stands
for what had been great in Germany and what
will be .great again should be the first to con-
sider the victims of German atrocities. We can-
not let Germany starve and ourselves fall victim
to Nazi vindictiveness, but their portion of our
aid should come last and least.
-Evelyn Dac
Editorial on Poland
To the Editor:
WISH TO congratulate you on an excellent
editorial of Frances Paine' on Poland. Having
witnessed the German occupation of that coun-
try I know how deep and well founded is the
hatred of the Germans in every Pole's heart.
At the same time I know only too well, why
they do not trust-the Russians. The reasons are
very much the same. Only those that don't know
the Russians can be foolish enough to trust
them. During my 3 years of service as volunteer
with the Polish Air Force in Britain I came to
know the feelings of the Polish soldiers. I have
heard tragic stories from tens, if not hundreds,
of those from among them who were allowed
to leave Russia. They were small farmers, fac-
tory workers, school teachers, high school stu-
dents. A million and a half of them have been
sent in 1939 by Russian secret police to Siberia
and Kazakstan just because they were Poles.
Many of them still carry life sentences. No pen
can describe the tragedy of hundreds of thou-
sands of graves of Polish men, women, and child-
ren dispersed over the vast territories Siberia
and Kazakstan steppes. Little wonder that those
soldiers do not want to go back to Poland as
long as she is ocpupied by the Russians and as
long as men like Bierut, who carried out the de-
portation of 1939, are running the country.
I was still in the Polish Air Force when War-
saw rising took place and I will always remem-
ber those 63 days.of waiting of all Polish air-
men in Britain for the permission to fly to de-
fend their beloved capital. The order was never
given. They had to wait in vain while their fam-
ilies were being buried under the ruins of the
most tragic, yet most heroic, city in the world.
They knew how easily could Russia have given
help and they will never forget that she even
refused to let them land on their own airfields
only a few minutes from Warsaw. That is why
they have no illusions about Stalin's friendly
intentions towards Poland.
Perhaps no human mind can grasp in full the
tragedy of Poland. Alarming, however, is the
fact that so relatively few people in our country
dare to speak about it. Once more, therefore, I
congratulate Frances Paine for being one of those
few who have the courage to see, and tell the
American people, the truth about Poland.
-Kazimierz Olejarezyk
*s s* k %
Dancing Lessons
To the Editor:
We are writing Whis to express our sincere
appreciation for the opportunity JGP offered the
foreign students to get acquainted with American
This term, the lessons were extremely well
planned, and we feel we have been greatly bene-
fitted by them. Mr. Gwen's enthusiasm in con-
ducting the lessons was truly admirable. We
need hardly add that the JGP members' coopera-
tion was also responsible for the success of the
We hope the lessons will be given with the
same zeal in future.
D. S. Saxena
No Double Standard
However innocent our motives, however logical
our conduct, however imperative our program
may appear to ourselves, they do not necessarily
appear innocent or logical or imperative to other
peoples. And if we start an armament race, we
cannot blame other nations if they choose to
enter that race. If we continue to make atom
bombs, we cannot be surprised if other nations
undertake to make bigger and more effective
bombs. If we try to seize the markets of the
world,eor dominate its airways, we must expect
a trade war and an air war. However pure our
motives or irreproachable our purpose, we cannot
maintain a double standard of international
morality for ourselves and other countries.
-(Henry Steele Commager, Atlantic, Feb. 1946)
Publication in the Daily Official Bul- t
letin is constructive notice to all mem-H
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SATURDAY, MAY 25. 1946 C
VOL. LVI, No. 149 F
Pay checks which would normally
be released May 31 to University em-
ployees on the monthly salary roll
will be released May 29.
School of Education Faculty: Thet
May meeting of the Faculty will be2
held Tuesday, May 28, at 4:15 in theI
University Elementary School Lib-
Football Tickets: Football admis-
sion tickets for University of Michi-
gan students will be issued at the
time of registration for the fall se-{
Students who wish to purchase
tickets for their parents or friends
should order tickets before August
1 to be assured of receiving them.
Application blanks for tickets may,
be obtained at the ticket office in
the Administration Building on Fer-
ry Field between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. daily.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts:
Professor Gjelsness of the Depart-
ment of Library Science will present
a lecture to our students on "The
Librarian" Monday, May 27, at 4:30
p.m., 1025 Angell Hall.
Notice to Men Students and House-
The closing date for the Spring
Term will be June 22 and room rent
in approved rooming houses for men
shall be computed to include .this
date. As per the terms of the con-
tracts, students are expected to pay
the full amount of the contract three
weeks before the end of the term.
Registration for the Summer Ses-
sion begins June 26 and classes begin
July 1.
If either the householder or the
student wish to terminate their pre-
sent rooming house agreement, notice
should be given to the Office of the
Dean of Students on or before June
1. Student may secure forms for
his purpose in Room 2, University' 2:
[all. R
- F
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. John G. Odgers of Babcock
z Wilcox Company, Barberton, Ohio. a
ill interview for positions in that C
Company on Monday, May 27, in la
oom 218 W. Engineering Bldg. In- T
erview schedule is posted on the 1
3ulletin Board at Room 221 W. t
ngineering Bldg. c]
Senior Mechanical, Electrical and P
dIetallurgical Engineers:
Mr. Harry Trapp of Carnegie-Illi-
ois Steel Corporation will inter-
iew seniors in various engineering
ranches for positions Tuesday, May U
28, in Room 218 W. Engineering a
Bldg. a
Interview schedule is posted on the g
Bulletin Board at Room 221 W. En- F
ineering Bldg.V
A representative from the Wash-
ington National Insurance Co. of
Chicago will be in our office Tues-
day, May 28, to interview men for s
work in handling various forms of r
group insurance. Previous experience f
in sales or insurance is not neces-n
sary. All those interested should call e
the Bureau of Appointments, 201 s
Mason Hall, ext. 371 and make ant
appointment to see him.p
Miss Faye Smith, Hostess Super-
visor, Pennsylvania-Central Airlines
Corp. will be in our office on Tues-
day, May 28,eto interview seniorgirlss
who are interested in working for thef
airlines. Call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371 for
an appointment.
The Curtiss-Wright Corporation,k
Propellor Division, Caldwell, New Jer-
sey, is looking for men who have a
bachelor's or master's degree in Me-
chanical, Electrical, Aeronautical or
Metallurgical Engineering or the
equivalent B. S. degree. For further
information, call at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
State of Connecticut Personnel
Dept. announcement has been re-
ceived in this office for:
Social Worker (Child Welfare).
Salary, $1,560-$1,860. Closing date is
June 6.
Welfare Medical Director. Salary,
$4,800-$6,000. Closing date is May
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
The Department of Commerce is
looking for trained engineers to se-
lect technical documents in Germany
for new formulae, processes and pro-
ducts in the following fields: aero-
nautics, automotive, building con-
struction, physics, chemistry,dcom-
munications, food, forest products,
machinery, metal and minerals, in-
dustrial and technical equipment,
fuels, lubricants, scientific instru-
ments, shipbuilding, textiles and
utilities. Facility in reading technical
German and U.S. citizenship are es-
sential. For further information, call
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
Miss Deborah Brandt of The Fair
Department Store in Chicago will be
at the Bureau of Appointments on
Monday, May 27, to interview senior
girls for permanent positions and
any others who are interested in
summer work. Call ext. 371 for an
Men who are interested in factory
work with the Johns-Manville Cor-
poration in Waukegan, .Illinois, dur-
ing the summer may obtain full in-
formation at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
Willow Village Program for veterans
and their wives:
Saturday, May 25: Club Room Re-
cord Dance, 8:30-11:30. Club Room,
West Lodge.
Sunday, May 26: Classical Music,
records, 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John
Stapleton Lash, English and Educa-
tion, thesis: The Academic Status
of the Literature of the American
Negro: A Description and Analysis
of Curriculum Inclusions and Teach-
ing Practices," Monday, May 27, at
:30 p.m., in the East Council Room
ackham Building. Chairman, C. C.
English Honors. Applications for
dmission to the English Honors
ourse for seniors should be filed not
ter than Saturday, May 25. at 12:00.
hey may be left in the English
ffice (3221 Angell Hall), or given
o any member of the Committee in
harge. Karl Litzenberg, Paul Mue-
chke, Bennett Weaver, W. R. Hum-
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
Jniversity Carillonneur, will present
nother in his series of spring recit-
0s at 3 p.m., Sunday, May 26. Pro-
ram: Selections from the Magic
alute, by Mozart, Professor Price's
Variations on an air for bells by Si-
elius, six French folk songs, and
Strauss' Blue Danube Waltzes.
Student Recital: William Payne,
tudent of piano under Joseph Brink-
man, will present a recital in partial
'ulfillment of the Master of Music
requirements at 8:30 p.m. Sunday
evening, May 26, in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. Program: composi-
tions by Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Cho-
pin, Schumann, and Five Preludes
written by Mr. Payne. The public is
cordially invited.
Organ Recital: Emma Jo Bowles, a
student of organ under Palmer Chris-
tian, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30
Monday evening, May 27, in Hill
Auditorium. Program: Compositions
by Bach and Franck. The public is
String Orchestra, Gilbert Ross,
conductor, will be heard in a program
of music of the 17 and 18 centuries
at 8:30 Tuesday evening, May 28, in
the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. Program: Compositions by
Stamitz, Purcell, Frescobaldi, Mozart,
and Sammartini. The public is in-
Recital Cancelled: Ruby Joan
Kuhlman's piano recital, scheduled
for Friday, May 31, in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, has been postponed
Madeline Ardner, pianist, who had
planned to give her recital in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Saturday,
June 1, will play at 8:30 Friday eve-
ning, May 31 in the Theatre.
Events Today
The Russian Circle will hold a pic-
nic this afternoon from 1-6 at
the Island. Members should meet at
1 p.m. at the side entrance of the
League. Those interested should con-
tact Edward Chop, 2-5553, immedi-
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will hold its annual banquet tonight
at the Memorial Christian Church
(Disciples) at Hill and Tappan
Streets, at 6:15. This represents the
renewing of a tradition that had been
discontinued for the war years. Those
who have not made reservations
should call the Guild House, phone
Cooting Events
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a short
pre-dance meeting Mon., May 27, at
7:30 at the Union. Every member
should bring any unsold tickets with
him and receipts for tickets sold.
Women's Research Club will hold
their annual dinner meeting Mon-
day, June 3, at 6:30, at the Michigan
Union. Dr. Gertrude E. Moulton will
talk on "The Relationship of the
Field of Physical Education to Gen-
eral Education." Reservations must
be made by May 28 through Dr. Avery
Test, 1204 Henry Street.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
is sponsoring a 650 Calory Banquet
as their last function for the semes-
ter, toraise funds for the Famine Re-
lief Drive. The Banquet will be held
at the Michigan League on May 31
at 6:30. The invitation is extended
to all M.C.F. Alumni, University stu-
dents, and faculty. For reservations
call Charlottee Swanson, 2-6112 or
Gwen Titmus, 8053, before Tuesday
evening, May 28
WASHINGTON.-Probably he did-
n ,t mean to do it, but President
Truman really started something with
one innocent-sounding, 32-word sen-
tence in his Army Day speech at Chi-
"We shall press," he said, "for the
elimination of artificial barriers
to international navigation, in or-
der that no nation, by accident of
geographical location, shall be de-
nied unrestricted access to sea-
ports and international water-
Obviously this was meant as a
friendly gesture to Russia, the most
important landlocked nation in the
world. However, one other nation
immediately raised its hand and said,
"amen." That nation was Bolivia.
And, as a result of the Truman
statement, a bitter dispute of long
standing betwen Bolivia and Chile
has been gven new impetus and pro-
bably will be brought before the
United Nations General Assembly in
Bolivia, now landlocked, once
owned the northernmost fifth of
Chile, including the ample Pacific
port of Antofagasta and several
smaller harbors. Armed conflict over
this area occurred sporadically be-
tween the two countries. Fifty years
ago, after the United States had in-
teivened, Bolivia was forced to cede
the territory to her neighbor.
But she never has forgotten that
quarrel. Various Bolivian admi is-
trators have made futile attempts to
arrange with the Chilean govern-
ment for joint use of Antofagasta.
Last year, at the United Nations Con-
ference in San Francisco, Bolivia
served notice of her intention to take
the question up in the General As-
sembly "at an opportune moment."
Now, thanks to President Tru-
man, she thinks the time has come.
Victor Andrade, Bolivian Ambas-
sador to Washington, declared he
considered President Truman's re-
marks "moral support for Bolivia,
so that she will be allowed an un-
restricted access to seaports and
international waterways."
(Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer
Yes. The game's being played on
the High School grounds ... But
Okay, Mom. I don't
have to wait for my
By Crockett Johnson
Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker . . .
Des Howarth
Ann Schutz . . .
Dona Guimaraes ..
.......... Managing Editor
. . . . .. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . .. . . . Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. .. . . Women's Editor
. ...Associate Women's Editor