PAGE FOUR T1l MiCHIGAN DAILY ,:,t Repoptep ITS PRETTY OLD STUFF when a Republican politician attacksna Democratic Administra- tion. We expect it, and nobody cares much, and we all believe the same prejudices which guided our vote before the attack was made. But last Tuesday was somehow different, a rather special day in politics . . . Harold Stassen took his mask Off. Since the death of Wendell Wilikie, Stassen and Senator Joseph Ball have been wearing the royal robes as leaders of the Republican progressives. They plunked solidly for American participa- tion in the United Nations while most Republi- cans were still straddling the fence. Stassen in particular has earned a reputation as the friend of all Americans, the buddy of capitalists and laborers alike. But Tuesday night Stassen picked his team. He made a speech in Chicago attacking Henry Wallace and Chester Bowles. He didn't even mention John Snyder, who has done everything possible to wreck the veterans hous- ing program. Not one word either did Mr. Stas- sen say against John Small, whose proposal to outlaw all strikes for six months drew from Republican Senator Wayne Morse the comment that it was a "Hitler idea." The vision of Jim- mie Byrnes wrecking the UN in its infancy drew no protest from Stassen. Stassen could draw and quarter Snyder, Small and Byrnes (good Democrats all) and not one word- of protest would be read in this column. But he'd better keep away from Wallace and Bowles, or he will expose himself for what he is. H ENRY WALLACE more than any other man is the symbol of the New Deal since Mr. Roo- sevelt died. Wallace lacks a great miany of the talents that enabled FDR to translate his pro- gram into practice . . . the unruffled capability, a deep understanding of the social forces at work, and especially the ability to dramatize issues so that they seemed alive to all radio owners. But Wallace believes no less than did Roosevelt that this country must not be deeded in perpetuity to the small, rich, organized minor- ity. In that belief lies whatever claim to great- ness can be made for the New Dealers. Chester Bowles was a big advertising mag- nate. The firm of Benton and Bowles was one of the largest blurb outfits in the country. That has been used as an argument against him. It has also been argued that Mr. Bowles is not too smart. These facts might or not be true, but at least they are irrelevant. In his present job Mr. Bowles has been ideal. Day af- ter day for six months he has walked into a committee room to tell a hostile group of Sen- ators that most Americans favor the continua- tion of OPA. That takes guts, and Mr. Bowles has proved that he has them. STASSEN also favors the removal of our pre- sent Secretary of Labor and his replacement by Eric Johnston, ex-head of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Who could better re- present labor in America than the former chief of America's largest organization of bosses? Mr. Johnston's ideas on labor were revealed in a re- cent article in the New York Times Magazine. He points out that profit-sharing plans should be started in all American companies because workers in this country "like to take a chance." For proof of this thesis he points to the large daily, take at race tracks and on baseball pools. His conception of trade unions is summed up by the phrase: Every worker a winner at bingo. Mr. Johnston for Secretary of Labor ... thanks, thanks a lot, but ... no thanks. Mr. Stassen in this speech decided which team he wanted to manage. The outstanding feature of the New Deal was that its power rested ra- ther insecurely on the narrow, tubercular shoul- ders of some thirty million Joe Doakes. Mr. Stas- sen chose to throw in his lot with the strong, rich men. On May 21, 1946 Harold Stassen changed from a mug-wump to a phoney-baloney, a sold-out liberal.e-Ray Ginger NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE BOBRECKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. cetten to th Ce c/to DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Great Injustice There is a Renaissance in the Arab world. The Arabs are making efforts to understand the people of the world particularly the Americans. The Arab countries are sending their students to American and European Universities to study the academic lessons and the life of those coun- tries. The American people before believing anything should ask the following three questions of the accusers: Firstly, Have you ever been in that part of the world? Secondly, What are you? Thirdly, What is your interest? Then draw your own conclusions. It is impossible for me to defend all the accu- sations of the Zionist Jews. Nevertheless I shall take the article written by Mr. Arens on May 16. According to Mr. Arens it is only the "feudal landlords" of Palestine who are objecting to the Jewish immigration, and that "the Arab popu- lation if canvassed honestly and impartially would declare itself overwhelmingly in favor of increased Jewish immigration." We do not have "feudal landlords" in Palestine. It is the voice of the peasants that has made the educated Arabs defend their rights. It is the cry of the peasants for help from what harm foreigners have done to them that has made the Arab leaders object. Mr. Arens morever says, "It is nonsense now to speak of a political consciousness among this vast group of illiterate peasants whose educa- tional process begin mostly in Jewish schools." Education in Jewish schools is in Hebrew, and Arabs do not know Hebrew. During the fif- teen years I lived in Palestine I have never heard or seen an Arab going to a Jewish school. -Miquel A. J. Kawas * A * Three-Year Plan AFTER the outbreak of World War II, the con- version of colleges was a speedy process. Because of the draft, colleges for men were driven by necessity to accelerate their programs. Because of a desire to do their part, many wo- men's colleges also followed this line of action. It was therefore possible to complete an A.B. course in three years instead of four. Universities and colleges are now returning to normalcy. However, there are certain diffi- culties in the pre-war college which need exam- Relief Drive Serves Two Ends WITH THE CAMPUS FAMINE relief drive in full swing, it might be appropriate to inquire into the objections of those who have not seen fit to support this program. The acuteness of the food shortage abroad cannot be disputed. Neither can the less ob- vious, but equally real, effect that our inaction now will have in the way of cancelling any fu- ture protestations about world brotherhood and cooperation among nations. Objections, then, center around the method we should follow. It is claimed that such aid as the University campus can contribute would be too insignificant to matter. What we need, it is said, is a more comprehensive program, which alone can be really efficient. This "drop in the bucket" attitude is hardly intelligent. Many of us bother to vote, even when we realize that many million others are doing likewise. If our contribution is small, so is the "sacrifice" we are being asked to make. There is some merit, however, in the sug- gestion that a wide-scale program is needed; and a return to rationing seems to be the nly answer. While President Truman has declared it impossible to set up the neces- sary machinery soon enough to be effective, this seems highly doubtful in the light of com- petent predictions that the food crisis will continue for at least two years. The problem boils down to convincing the government that rationing would be supported by the public. As a demonstration of such support, the campus famine program offers obvious possibilities. -Mary Brush ination and reform. In the first place, I feel the summer vacation was too long. Three months of summer, two shorter vacations at Christmas and in the spring, make a total of twenty-weeks of vacation. The students work only thirty- two weeks. Because of the slack mental activity of the summer, the weeks at the beginning of the fall term must be used to recover lost ground. The traditional length of time to complete a course of general education, four years, is too long. This four-year plan developed originally because of inadequate secondary instruction. Today, however, students entering colleges are advanced at least a year further in most subjects than in the past. There is also a greater demand today for further study and preparation at the top. Many technical and special demands have been impinged upon the end of a course, thus extending the students' higher education from five to eight years. I would like to propose a three-year plan for the University of Michigan. It is not the com- mon accelerated program, for it involves no greater pressure or heavier load of work: only a longer year and a less wasteful distribution of vacations. It involves a lengthened college year of forty weeks with three terms instead of the two term year of thirty-two weeks. Vaca- tions at Christmas and in the spring come at the end of each term instead of interrupting the semester. There is a complete break in the summer by a vacation of eight or nine weeks. There are many veterans on campus who are anxious to complete their college work as soon as possible and secure a job. To them, the differ- ence between four years and three is vital. As time goes by, worthwhile summer employment is going to be harder to secure. For those who do not wish to remain idle three months, and for those who are anxious to complete their courses in a shorter length of time, the three-year plan is a profitable scheme. I fully realize that many students depend upon their summer jobs to fi- nance their education: for these people it is simple to drop out one term. -Janet Barber I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: No Half-Values By SAMUEL GRAFTON LIVINGSTON, ALABAMA-Livingston is an old-fashioned town of the deep south. It still has the permanent awnings, of wood and metal, stretching over the side walks. Ilya Ehrenburg looked down the small street in one direction, then the other. "There is left here" he said, in French, "a little of the national character." The thought must have stayed with him, for at breakfast, in Livingston's tiny Rosenbush Cafe, he talked of novels of the South, of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and then of "Gone With the Wind." He had enjoyed "Gone." "It is artificial," he said, "it is a cake, but it is not badly made." He then went on to speak of the higher levels of southern writing, of Faulkner and of Ellen Glasgow. And now as the keys of my typewriter hit out these words, I become a little ashamed of them, for the fact that I have written this par- agraph shows I was surprised that a Soviet writer should have known of these books; and the surprise was needless. For I have been driving along the roads of the deep South with Ilya Gregorovich Ehrenburg to get to know the Soviet mind a little better; and it is not, in this case, a mind which differs much, in content, from that of any exceptionally in- telligent person. Ilya Gregorovich knows what anybody knows. The difference lies in a certain harshness, almost fierceness, of attitude on basic political points. Ilya Gregorovich will not accept half-values, or subtleties of mood, or technical justifications for what he considers to be poli- tical errors. IT WAS POINTED out to him in a mixture of French and Russian, on an Alabama back road, that while there might be strong racist feeling in America, there was at least no taint of it in formal Federal policy or law. Here, I think, the liberal, idealistic Western mind and the objective, materialistic Soviet mind came into head-on contact. There was a spark. "In Russia, under the Czars," he said, "there was a law confining Jews to the Ghetto, but there was no anti-Semitism among the Russian intelligentsia. The intelligentsia formed a United front against racism, and a Russian in- tellectual would as soon have admitted he had a venereal disease as that he had a touch of anti- Semitism. The Russian people helped the Jews, and it is far worse to have racism in the hearts of the people, and not in the law, than to have it in the law, but not in the hearts of the people." * * * * The same harshness comes out sometimes during a press conference. In the parlor of the inevitable two-room suite, a reporter will ask, inevitably, if Russia has aggressive intentions. "That," says Ilya Gregorovich, "is like asking a wounded soldier who has come back home whom he intends to attack next." There will be a moment of silence. It is a little strange to reporters who are used to the bumbling reply to the bumbling question. It is as if someone had broken a dish in the room. (Copyright, 1946. N.Y. Post Syndicate) Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 148 Notices Football Tickets: Football admis- sion tickets for University of Michi- gan students will be issued at the time of registration for the fall se- mester. Students who wish to purchase tickets for their parents or friends should order tickets before August 1 to be assured of receiving them. Application blanks for tickets may be obtained at the ticket office in the AdministrationBuilding on Fer- ry Field between 8:30 a.m, and 4:30 p.m. daily. Women students attending Pan- hel-Assembly Ball Friday have 1:30 permission. Calling hours will not be extended. All students who expect to become candidates for a teacher's certificate in February, June, or August, 1947, should call for an application form at the office of the School of Educa- tion, Room 1437 University Elemen- tary School. Application forms should be filled in and returned to the School of Education by May 27. Graduating seniors who would be interested in positions as lab analysts with the H. J. Heinz Company may obtain further information at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. These jobs are for the summer only and will last until October 1. The Department of Commerce is looking for trained engineers to se- lect technical documents in Germany for new formulae, processes and pro- ducts in the following fields: aero- nautic, automotive, building con- struction, physics, chemistry, com- munications, food, forest products, machinery, 'metal and minerals, in- dustrial and technical equipment, fuels, lubricants, scientific instru- ments, shipbuilding, textiles and utilities. Facility in reading technical German and U.S. citizenship are es- sential. For'further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The Navy is opening a new school at Anacostia, D.C. at which intensive courses in Modern Languages, in- cluding Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German Spanish, Portuguese, Ital- ian, and French will be given. Appli- cations from experienced teachers possessing American citizenship and having complete fluency in one of these languages, (that is, ten or twenty years' residence in the country concerned, or a reasonable equival- ent) are invited for immediate sub- mission. Salary $4,190, by the Navy, or Government year: school begins May-June. If a sufficient number are interested a Navy representative will come to interview them and the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information will set up schedules. The City of Newark, New Jersey, announces examinations for positions as Principal, Vice Principal, and Chairman of Departments in Art, Business Education, English, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies. These examinations will be held in the Central Commercial and Techni cal High School, High and New Streets, Newark, New Jersey, Septem- ber 4, 5, 6, at 9:00 a.m. All candidates are to file an application blank and a notice of intention to take the ex- amination with the Secretary of the Board of Examiners, Board of Edu- cation Administration Building, 31 Green Street, Newark 2, New Jersey. All applications are to be filed im- mediately and will not be accepted later than June. 3. Complete an- nouncement may be seen at the Bur- eau of Appointments and Occupation- al Information. State of Connecticut Personnel Dept. announcement has been re- ceived in this office for: Social Worker (Child Welfare). Salary, $1,560-$1,860. Closing date is June 6. Welfare Medical Director. Salary, $4,800-$6,000. Closing date is May 31. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Men who are interested in factory work with the Johns-Manville Cor-1 poration in Waukegan, Illinois, dur- ing the summer may obtain full in- formation at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, Miss Deborah Brandt of The Fair Department Store in Chicago will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Monday, May 27, to interview senior girls for permanent positions and any others who are interested in summer work. Call ext. 371 for an appointment. Miss Faye Smith, Hostess Super-, visor, Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Corp. will be in our office on Tues- day, May 28, to interview senior girls who are interested in working for the airlines. Call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371 for an appointment. Willow Village Program for veterans and their wives: Friday, May 24: Dancing Classes: Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced, 8 p.m.; Open dancing, 9-10'p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. Saturday, May 25: Club Room Re- cord Dance, 8:30-11:30. Club Room, West Lodge. Sunday, May 26: Classical Music, records, 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Lecture University Lecture: "The Social Implications of Atomic Energy." Dr. William F. Ogburn, Sewell L. Avery Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago, aus- pices of the Department of Sociology. Tonight at 8:00 p.m., Rackhnam A- phitheatre. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319 'West Medical Building today at 4 p.m. "Problems of Amino Acid Function - Thera- peutic Problems I. Glycine, Glutam- ic Acid and Tryptophane." All in- terested are invited. Notice to Sophomore and Senior Students taking the Profile Examina- tions: You will be excused from classes where there is a conflict with the examinations. Present to your instructor my communication regard- ing the test as proof of your eligibil- ity. Hayward Keniston, Dean Concerts Student Recital: A program of mu- sic for wind instruments will be given at 1:00 p.m. today, in Har- ris Hall. Program: Concerto by Handel, Rose Ramsay, bassoon; So- nata by Corelli, Carla Hemsing,French horn; Nocturne by John Field, Leo McVean, alto clarinet; Brahm's So- nata for Clarinet and Piano, Dwight Dailey, clarinet, Mildred Minneman Andrews, piano; Quartet for Mixed Clarinets by Lawrence Powell, and Clarinet Rhapsody by David Ben- nett, with Earl Bates, Irvin Rosheim, Leo McVean, and Franz Logan play- ing the clarinets. Arlene Peugeot, and Betty Estes will act as accompanists. The public is invited. Student Recital: William Payne, student of piano under Joseph Brink- man, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the Master of Music requirements at 8:30 p.m. Sunday evening, May 26, in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Program: composi- tions by Bach,.Beethoven, Liszt, Cho- pin, Schumann, and Five Preludes written by Mr. Payne. The public is cordially invited. String Orchestra Program, conduc- ed by Gilbert Ross, Professor Violin in the School of Music, will be given at 8:30 Tuesday evening, May 28, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. The program will feature music of the 17th and 18th centuries, and will be open to the general pub- l ic. Exhibitions Michigan Historical Collections-. "Public Schools in Michigan." Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 12:00 Satur- day. Better fishing? Rotunda, Museum Building. Through June 30. 8:00-9:00 week days; 2:00-5:00, Sundays and holidays. Events Todi The Omega Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa will hold a joint meeting with the Alpha Omega chapter of Wayne University today at 4:00, dinner at 6:00 p.m., in Detroit at the down- town YWCA. Following the initia- tion of new members, Austin Grant, radio commentator, will address the members. Members desiring trans- portation or willing to drive please call 25-8034. The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at 12:15 p.m. today. Dr. Erwin C. Stumm, of Oberlin College, will speak on "The Falls of the Ohio." All interested are cordial- ly invited to attend. The regular weekly Tea Dance will be held this afternoon at the Inter- national Center from 4 to 6 under the sponsorship of ANCUM. Anyone interested is cordially invited. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have its annual banquet to- day at 6:15 at the Red Coach Inn. Coming Events Annual Pharmaceutical Conference sponsored by the College of Phar- macy will be held at 2:15 p.m., Tues- day, May 28, in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The prin- ciple speakers and their subjects are: Mr. G. F. Emch, pharmacist of Tole- do, Ohio, "The Physician-Pharmacist Relationship"; Mr. C. F. Buck, Eli Lilly and Company, "How to Plan for Profit"; and Dr. Maurice H. See- vers, Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, Medical School, "Some Drugs Which Influence the Auto- nomic Nervous System". At the eve- ning program, beginning at 7:45, Dr. John M. Sheldon, Associate Profes- sor of Internal Medicine, Medical School, will speak on "Our Present Concept of Allergic Disease". The public is cordially invited. Hillelzapoppin: Variety Show at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Saturday, May 25, at 8:30. Tickets are on sale at the big firecracker on the diagonal, and in the League and Union today. The Graduate Outing Club is plan- ning a hike or canoeing, depending on the weather, Sunday, May 26. Those interested should pay the sup- per fee at the checkroom desk in Rackham before noon Saturday. Meet in the Outing Club rooms in the Rackham Building at 2:30 Sunday. Use northwest entrance. Le Cerele Francais. Wednesday, May 29, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., in the Assembly Room of the Rackham Building, Le Cercle Francais will hold a reception in honor of the actors and actresses of "Les Femmes Savantes" and of all those who help- ed in its production. The Russian Circle will hold a pic- nic Saturday afternoon from 1-6 at the Island. Members should meet at 1 p.m. at the side entrance of the League. Those interested in coming should contact Edward Chop, 2-5553, immediately. The Lutheran Student Association will meet with the Membership of the Lutheran Student Foundation at its Annual Banquet Meeting on Sun- day evening at 6:30 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Dr. Harold Yochum, president of the Michigan District of the American Lutheran Church and one of the Commissioners of the Student Service Commission, will be the speaker. Call 7622 for reserva- tions. The regular Sunday morning Bible Study Class will meet at 9:00 in the Lutheran Student Association Cent- er, 1304 Hill Street. Comment on Strike Bills THE successive wave of strikes and work stop- pages in key industries that have occured since V-J Day has given rise to an anti-labor public reaction. Politicians, usually reluctant to enact curbing legislation for fear of losing seats in subsequent elections, are nevertheless bringing labor legislation into the foreground of congressional debate. Strikes in the auto, steel, and electrical indus- tries had their congressional after effects in the Case Bill recently approved by the House, which provides for the setting up of a tripartite permanent labor management board which would also give representation to the public. The bill also prohibits the use of sympathetic boycotts and provides for court enforcement of collective bargaining agreements. ANOTHER important measure brought on by current strikes in the coal and railroad in- dustries is the Lucas Resolution. This resolu- tion would authorize the president to seize im- mediately industries where strikes and work stoppages would endanger health and safety. Should workers continue to strike after the Lonvernment seizure. they would lose their right opinion but the question that inevitably will arise is the extent of application of the term utility. Should strikes in the coal or petroleum industries be classified in the public utility category since they affect rransporitationi? What about stoppages in copper production, a necessity for production of communication wires and cables? Unless Congress includes a definition of a pub- lic utility in its legislation, the measure is doomed to failure. Ultimately it would come before the Supreme Court for interpretation as to what a public utility is. In the meantime, labor and management would continue to act very much the same in regard to public utilities as they do in other disputes while they awaited a court decision. -Alice Jorgensen Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. BARNABY ' Tomorrow afternoon ought to be quite an occasion. Mr. Coy, the 0 ..i r nffi a Cn rn nr, m;il By Crockett Johnson After twirling a shut-out for your father's team, I'll be delighted to toinnrnh a hallfor our Pridrnt. Margaret Farmer Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker Des Howarth Ann Schutz Dona Guimaraes Editorial Staff r . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . -. . . . -.-.- Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . A .s tSports Editor . . . .. . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor .. . . . . . . . Associate Women's Editor He suggested that our office team call itself the Dodgers. Then the boys in the Maintenance] Oerirfinnt dci;ed fhevdhe tIhe Cmadnals.-. I i