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May 23, 1946 - Image 1

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VOL. LVI, No. 147



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Truman Rail
Strike Offer
Unions To Answer
Proposals Today
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 22-President
Truman offered a solution to the
railroad dispute tonight which the
carriers and 18 brotherhoods accep-
ted but which the engineers and
trainmen held "unfavorable."
The two brotherhoods which have
called a strike for 4 p.m. tomorrow
withheld their acceptance or rejec-
tion for the night. Their leaders are
to give their answer to Mr. Truman
tomorrow morning,
The proposal is "less favorable
than the recommendation of the fact-
finding board" which the brother-
hoods previously rejected, declared
A. F. Whitney, head of the train-
It provides, he said, for a wage in-
crease of 182 cents an hour - as
compared with 16 cents awarded by
the board - but withdrawal by the
unions for one year of 45 changes
they seek in working rules.
These rules changes, involving
overtime and various other extra pay-
ments, would yield more money to
many of the workers than the basic
The Senate rejected tonight by a
40 to 12 vote a proposal that it
go on record as favoring the estab-
lishment of industrial health and
welfare funds.
wage rise. The fact-finding board
said it would take "months" to de-
cide these questions and made recom-
mendations on only a few, remanding;
the rest to further negotiations.
The question whether the railroads,
now under government operation, are
to be crippled by a strike tomorrow
or whether the administration has
weathered another grave labor crisis
with its 18% cent wage rise formula
thus remained uncertain tonight.
The President conferred late into
the evening with representatives of
all 20 brotherhoods and the carriers.
His secretary, Charles G. Ross, an-
nounced afterwards that a proposition
had been made by Mr. Truman, the
details of which would be made pub-
lic tomorrow.
Whitney and Johnston prepared to
return to Cleveland, planning to send
their answe from there.
Lewis Is Silent
On Coal Strike
Krug 'Hopes' Miners
Will Remain at Jobs
WASHINGTON, May 22-(/)-
With the number of idle soft coal
miners growing rapidly despite gov-
ernment seizure of the pits, Secretary
of Interior J. A. Krug could express
tonight only a conditional "hope"
that a complete shutdown next week
would be averted.
Striving for a bargain with John
L. Lewis to keep coal flowing, Krug,
the government mine boss, said he
still had no assurance from the
United Workers chieftain that a full-
scale work stoppage would not occur.
"It is very possible," Krug told a
news conference, "that the govern-
ment's position on all the principles
(involved in a new contract) can be
decided before Saturday night. The
execution of a contract within that
time would be very difficult.

"I hope that if an accord on the
things that make a contract appears
certain, the workers can be kept
on the job."
Saturday night marks the expira-
tion of the present two-weeks' truce,
which was called after a 42-day strike.
Candidates To Talk
At AVC Rally Today
Three Michigan congressional can-
didates will present their platforms
at 8 p.m. today in the County Court-
house in a "Know-your-government
Rally" sponsored by the campus
American Veterans Committee.
Wayne Saari, Democrat; Henry
Vander Velde, Republican, and Wil-
liam R. Kelley, Democrat, will speak

uncil Refuses
Campus Famine Relief
Drive To Be Held Today3
Funds for 'Their Daily Bread' Will Be Collected,
Turned Over to UNRRA for Food Shipments




. . .

The all-campus

Famine Relief


Drive, sponsored by the University
Famine Committee, will seek $5,000
in a tag-day collection today.
Funds collected in the drive will be
turned over to the United Nations
Relief and Rehabilitation Admini-
stration, which has asked for money
to help accelerate shipments of food
overseas to famine areas which in-
clude one-third of the world's popu-
Collection Posts
Collections will be made at ten
posts on campus, where "Their Daily
Bread" tags will be distributed. In
addition to the tag='day campaign,
funds will be collected in all student
residences until the end of the term.
At UNRRA Director Fiorello H. La
Guardia's request, Food Collection
Drives have been organized through-
out the country. Partial returns to
the Ann Arbor Famine Emergency
Committee from local schools yes-
terday totaled $900.
Friedkin Directs Drive
The campus drive is being con-
ducted under the direction of Mary
Elizabeth Friedkin, secretary of the
Famine Committee. Edith Dobbins
and Lorraine Rolandson have been
in charge of poster publicity, and
Carl Kaufmann, Morrison Ismond.
Ralph Willongbly and Carrol Karko-
litz have supervised distribution of
tags and setting up of collection
Committee Treasurer R. L. Wester-
velt, assisted by Paul Powilson, Ray
Wynn, Ronnie Bleaker and Frank
Peak, will be in charge of account-
ing and banking. More than 100
students, chiefly members of the
Famine Committee and Michigan
Christian Fellowship, are working on
the drive.
Newswoman To
Talk tit Reunion
Alumnae Sigrid Arne, Associated
Press correspondent, and Mrs. Ar-
thur Vandenberg, wife of Michigan's
senior senator, will be principal
speakers at the Alumnae Luncheon
to bo held Friday, June 21 as part of
the Victory Reunion.
The topic of both discussions will
be international affairs, Karl Lit-
zenberg, general chairman of the
Victory Reunion Committee, said.
The first full-scale alumni re-
union since 1941 is expected to bring
more than 6,000 alumni back to cam-
pus between June 20 and 22.
Mrs. Lola J. Hanavan of Detroit
will preside over the luncheon, which
is being planned by an Alumnae Com-
mittee headed by Mrs. Mary Brom-
Announcement of plans for the
Victory Reunion Dinner will be made
today, according to Litzenberg."

Hungry Millions
Need Your Aid
In Drive Today
We will all be approached today
for contributions to the Famine Re-
lief Drive now being conducted by
the Famine Committee.
The committee has set $5,000 as
the minimum amount which should
be collected in this drive. Nickels
and dimes will not be sufficient. A
maximum sum from each of us will
be required to make this student
body's contribution to immediate
food relief commensurate with the
needs of the starving third of the
world's population.
This is the time for each of us
to show, by the generosity of our
contributions, our willingness to
assume the responsibilities of de-
mocracy and our obligations to hu.
manity. The "Their Daily Bread"
tag on your jacket or blouse today
will show that you have responded
to the calls of suffering of 800
million starving persons.
-Mal Roemer
Hill Says Negro
Does Not Fear
Ku Klux Klan
"The Negro no longer fears the
Ku Klux Klan," the Rev. Charles
E. Hill, state director of the National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, told the Inter-Racial
Association last night.
Pointing to the fact that many
Southern Negroes had decent meals,
beds and a chance for education for
the first time in the Army, Mr. Hill
said that Negro veterans are willing
to fight fascism and reactionism at
home as well as overseas.
"We have depended on being
patient and quiet too long," Mr. Hill
said. "Our voices must go beyond the
conference room if America is to have
real freedom."
Mr. Hill said that the Negro is
often unjustly judged by the condi-
tions under which he is forced to
live. He suggested that requiring
landlords to furnish proper living
conditions would do more to end
riots than any riot squad.
Racial tension in Detroit at the
present time, he warned, is as great
as it was during the recent riot. He
advocated less discriminatory em-
ployment practices as an essential
means of easing the tension.

NEW WOMEN'S DORMITORY-Located on Observatory St., the new women's dormitory "may be completed
in about a year," Universityofficials estimate. Male veterans willoccupy the building during the housing crisis.

Overflow Pan4lellenic,
Assembly Ball Planned

An "overflow" Panhel - Assembly
Ball will be held in the League ball-
room tomorrow night for those who
cannot obtain tickets for the "Heav-
enly Daze", Dean Walter B. Rea said
last night.
Remaining tickets for the Intra-
mural building dance will be on sale
at 11 a.m. today in the Social Direc-
tor's office at the League. Indentifi-
cation cards are necessary, since the
sale will be limited to University
To Get Band
The "best band available at this
hour" will be secured for the over-
flow dance, Dean Rea said. No price
has yet been set for tickets, but he
predicted they would be less ex-
pensive than those for the regularly
scheduled dance.
Formal dress, standard attire for
women at the IM building affair, will
be optional at the League.
Women may apply for tickets to
the League dance in the Social Direc-
tor's office after noon tomorrow, the
dean said. They will probably be
ready for sale Friday morning.
Late permission until 1:30 a.m.
has been granted to women students
for both dances, which will be held
from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Raymond Scott and his orchestra,
with Dorothy Collins as vocalist, will
play for dancing at this third annual
Panhel-Assembly ball, which replaced
Panhellenic ball in 1943.
'Secret Seven'
Scott, who with the Scott Quintet
and a new organization, the Secret
Seven, has just completed a stand in
Detroit, is on a nation-wide tour
with his recently organized 15-piece
He is composer of such novelties
as "Toy Trumpet", "Mr. Basie
SRA Chooses
New Officers
Legters Is President,
Carneiro Made Editor
Lyman Legters was elected presi-
dent of the Student Religious As-
sociation, and Robert Carneiro was
chosen editor of Insight at a meeting
of the SRA Council last night.
New members of the SRA Execu-
tive Committee include Keitha Har-
mon, secretary; Carneiro, publica-
tions chairman; Barbara Stauffer,
public affairs chairman; Beverly Ket-
cik, social chairman; Art Lloyd, pub-
licity chairman; Allene Golinkin, co-
operation committee chairman; and
Betty Lou Zwemer, library and study
chairman. Tom Walsh was named
assistant editor of Insight.
The annual installation banquet
will be held June 1 at Lane Hall.
Legters and Carneiro will succeed
Joyce Siegan, '46, as president of
the Association and editor of Insight.

Goes to Washington", "In a Magic
Garden" and "Enchanted Forest,"
and has been featured on the Lucky
Strike Hit Parade. He also conducted
a program of his own over a national
Corsages will be given to women
who attend the dance at the IM
building. Whether they will also be
given at the League has not yet been
Panhel-Assembly ball is the only
girl-bid semi-formal affair of the
World News
At A Glance
Subsidies Voted Down
WASHINGTON, May 22-(P)-The
Senate Banking Committee voted, 14
to 2, today to end all Government
subsidy payments May 1, 1947 and
hold them to ;1,100,000,000 in the
The subsidies are paid to hold down
costs to consumers or to spur pro-
duction of needed articles.
Car Prices Raised
OPA today raised retail price ceil-
ings for 16 makes of new automo-
hules by from $33 to $167 to offset
higher costs for steel, other mater-
ials and parts.
The increase range from four to
eight per cent above present ceil-
ings, OPA said, the average being
about $75.
Therincreases apply to cars built
by Chrysler, Ford, General Motors,
Hudson, Nash, Packard and Stude-
China Fighting
MUKDEN, May 22-(iP)-Unop-
posed Chinese Government troops
were reported within 28 miles of
Changchung today and their com-
mander expressed hope the Com-
munists would surrender that capi-
tal of Manchuria to spare it further
Military dispatches said the Chin-
ese First Army-one of the govern-
ment's finest-had sent vanguards
racing seven miles beyond Kung-
chuling, Communist citadel 35 miles
southwest of Changchun.

Cortrizrht's Bid
For Congress
Seat Is Refused
Members Reject Jury's
Verdict on One Count
The Student Congress last night
by a vote of eight to seven refused
to seat Richard Cortright as a mem-
ber of the Congress, as a result of a
student jury verdict given Monday
The jury returned the indicated
answers to the following three ques-
1. Was Richard Cortright guilty
of intentional fraud in the election
for members of the student Congress
on April 30 and May 1, 1946? No .. ;
2. Was Richard Cortright guilty
of a violation of the rules'govern-
ing such election? Yes . . . 4. No ...
3. Do you consider Richard Cort-
right a suitable person to sit as a
member of the Student Congress?
The Congress accepted the ver-
dict of the jury on the first two ques-
tions, but rejected the third because
it were merely a recommendation and
was incompatible with the second
question. The injunction against
Henry Kaminski, who became a mem-
ber of Congress when Cortright was
disqualified, was suspended.
Ray Davis, president, and Bob Tay-
lor, vice-president, will present the
majority and minority opinions, re-
spectively, on the case in The Daily
The Congress will convene at 5
p.m. today in the Union to finish the
remaining business on its agenda.
IFC Will Hold

Ala Contends
Reds Continue
To Interfere
Discussion of Case
Will Await Request
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, May 22-The United
Nations Security Council refused to
drop the Iranian case today after
hearing Iranian Ambassador Hus-
sein Ala express doubt that all Soviet
troops had left the country.
Ala, called to the council table in
a move to clarify the confused situa-
tion, told the delegates he did not
feel that a message received last
night from Premier Ahmed Qavam
was " a categorical statement" that
the withdrawal had been completed.
Soviets Interfere
He also declared that he believed
Soviet elements continued to inter-
fere in the internal affairs of Iran.
The council voted unanimously to
adjourn the discussion but keep the
case on the agenda indefinitely, with
the understanding that the discus-
sions would be re-opened upon the
request of any delegate.
The official transcript showed that
the vote was 9 to 1. However, report-
ers tabulating the count observed
that Polish delegate Oscar Lange,
who had urged the case be dropped,
raised his hand belatedly after he
found himself alone in opposing the
proposal of Netherlands delegate
Eelco Van Kleffens.
The council then rejected a pro-
posal by Lange that the council send
the Iranian government a telegram
asking "a straight yes or no answer"
to the question as to whether it was
satisfied with Soviet withdrawals.
Gromyko Absent
Only Alexandre Parodi of France,
president of the council, supported
Lange in this proposal.
As the council debated the contro-
versial question, which has been be-
fore it since Jan. 19, the seat of
Soviet delegate Andrei A. Gromyko
was vacant. This was the second time
Gromyko had boycotted a council
meeting. He also had walked out of
one meeting.
U.S. delegate Edward R. Stettinius,
Jr., and British delegate Sir Alexan-
der Cadogan made it clear from the
outset that they were opposed to
dropping the case on the 'basis of
Qavam's message which was re-
ceived last night.
Qavam had said that he had re-
ceived a report from a commission
he sent to Azerbaijan province and
that their report said "no trace what-
ever of Soviet troops, equipment or
means of transport was found, and
that according to trustworthy local
people, "all Soviet troops had left
Azerbaijan by May 6."
Franco Hearing
To Begin Today
UN Committee Gets
Additional Evidence
NEW YORK, May 22--()-The
United Nations sub-committee inves-
tigating Spain today received three
more documents condemning Gen-
eralissimo Franco and then prepar-
ed for its first public session to hear
Jose Giral, premier of the exiled Re-
publican government, support charges

that the present Falangist govern-
ment is a threat to peace.
The meeting is scheduled for 11
a.m. tomorrow.
Coming from Mexico City on in-
vitation of the committee, Giral said
he would offer 160 additional pieces
of evidence. The premier, who will be
the first witness heard directly in the
month-long inquiry, already has sub-
mitted voluminous material contain-
ing broad charges against the Fran-
co regime.
The sub-committee has only a little
more than a week to go before its
May 31 deadline on a report to the
Security Council.
IFC Elects Jackson
As New President
Harry Jackson, member of Delta
Upsilon social fraternity, was elected
president of the Inter-fraternity
Council at a meeting last night in
the Union.
Jackson replaces Fred Matthei in
the presidential nost.



Reviving a pre-war tradition, fif-
teen fraternities will compete in the
first Inter-Fraternity Council Sing
since 1943 at 7:30 p.m. today on the
steps of the General Library.
Chairs have been provided for the
audience, and a loud speaking sys-
tem will be used in addition to a
lighting system.
First and second prizes will be
awarded to the groups who are chosen
most outstanding by the judges. Prof.
Marguerite Hood, Prof. Earl V. Moore,
both of the School of Music, and a
third person not yet announced will
determine the winners.

Public Service Is Now Open
To Social Scientists -- Perkins

Liberal Arts Honors Program
Concentrates on the 'Individual'

Opportunities in the public service
are opening up for college graduates
trained "solely in the social sciences,"
Prof. John A. Perkins, secretary of
University's Institute of Public Ad-
ministration, declared yestreday.
Social scientists are a "new pheno-
monon" in government, Prof. Per-
kins said, adding that until recently
opportunities in public service had
been limited to "every other conceiv-
able profession."
'Quality' Jobs
Concerning the extent of oppor-
tunity in public administration, Prof.
Perkins said the available jobs "run
to quality."
Despite the widespread opinion
that there are too many people in
government, the demand for per-
sonnel is "bound to increase" as de-
mands for more governmental ser-
vices increase, he said.
He reported that there are now
more people on the Federal payroll
than .at certain times during the war
because of problems of reconver-

there for people who are willing to
get them," he said.
The University's Institute of Public
,Administration, which will begin its
program with the summer session
this year, will train a "small, select
group for administration as such,"
Prof. Perkins said.
Public Service Benefits
He listed steady employment, pen-
sion plans and the opportunity to
"serve" as advantages of a public
service career.
According to Prof. Perkins, the fol-
lowing government jobs are available
to public administration degree-
holders: administrative assistants,
administrative analysts and research
Opportunities also exist in private
research bureaus, he said.
The literary college lecture series
on career opportunities will con-
tinue today with talks by Dean Wells
I. Bennett, of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, and Dean Ivan
C. Crawford, of the College of En-

The degree program for "Honors
in Liberal Arts," which will be re-
sumed in the literary college this fall
after a four-year lapse, will bring

the benefits of intensive individual
HT H d development to a mass educational
Henion.To e system.
Modeled after the famed Oxford
ROTC Jnit and Cambridge plans, the honors
program is based on individual work
under the direction of a tutor.
Col. Karl E. Henion, infantry offi- Develops Individual
cer, will assume duties as comman- According to Prof. Stanley D.
dant of the University ROTC Unit Dodge, director of the Board of Tu-
June 30, it was revealed yesterday. tors, the honors program "does not
He will replace Col. Reginal Mil- train for particular jobs but devel-
ler, former commandant of the Unit. ops the individual per se."
Col. Henion is currently attending Students enrolled in the program
ROTC officer's course at Ft. Ben- will attend no classes but will meet
ning, Ga., in preparation for the periodically with their tutors. Text-
duties he will assume here. books will be unknown to the honors
During the war Col. Henion was student, since he will be reading di-
Chief of Staff of the 15th Army in rectly from the sources of know-
Europe. ledge-the "Great Books."
He will direct the fall reactivation Nor will the honors student take

lateral fields and in his senior year
will submit an essay on a subject se-
lected by him in consultation with
his tutor.
Cites Advantages
As outlined by Prof. Dodge, the
honors program offers the following
1. Individual work in the student's
own line of interest.
2. Work in close association with
a tutor.
3. Marked intellectual stimulus.
4. Opportunity for real leadership
in the future and in various organiza-
tions now because the student will
learn how to see issues clearly.
Another advantage of the honors
program described by Prof. Dodge is
the doing away with the "course-
ification" of knowledge where there is
little continuity from course to course
and little connection from depart-
ment to department.






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