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May 22, 1946 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-22

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....................................... . . . ........ . . . . . ..... ....... ......

Sororities Will Cheer hiavorite
Fraternities at IFC Song Fest
S-ororitiesch;(eringt their particu-; ta, singing "'T'here Is A Girl So Fair;"
lar Ira ternities will be a feature of' Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Sigma
the I-nte-Fraternity sing which will1 Phi, ;pinging "Mika-Mika:" and Alpha
be held at 7:30 p.m. tom2orrow on the; Chi Omcga. Beta Theta Pi who will
steps of the General Library. sing "The Loving Cup.'
Collegiate Sorosis will back Chi Phi Delta Theta, singing their Phi
Psi, who will sing "In Chi Psi Days;" Dltat Serenade, will be backed by
Alpha Phi will chieer Delta Tau Del- Chli ineza; Sigima Phi Epsilon wil
be chered'c by Delta Delta Delta when
they ping "Kentucky Babe;" Sigma
FoQur 1.iiteriqi Alpha Mu, singing "Coney Island
Delta:, and Allpha Tau Omega by
GI'sl~es'rib Zhwtei ali uAlpha when they render
"Goddess-, of the Island Sea."
]\~1 i ~I(Il ~Iie rThe~ta Delta Chi will sing "Mac-
Ay(iI~~(~I~j~it bna'as Band" and will be backed
byAlpha Omicron Pi; Phi Kappa
1,4cilljs,(' Tesify Psi, "Hi, Ili, Hi," backed by Alpha
SEpsilon Phi;Sigm Alpha Epsilon,
(h .11a dIuy i uIII(U s "This Is My Country," cheered by
Al Va 'rtii,, Ti '- nid Phi Gama, i

By 'TheiAsoc)iaei Pres
DACLIATI.May 21- -Four' American
soldiers. givin t graphic eye-witness
accounts o the masacre o' 71 Amer-
ican prisoners at Mahnedy said to-
dlay that miiethiodical S.S. t'oos i-
ectd by atioling offices mowed
down thec unarmed men wit h mach in
guns and then used pistols on survi-
&SS Guard Identified
One of the witnesses, Lt. Virgil
P. Lary, Jr.. of Winchester, Ky., cli-
maxed hji story of butchery by step-
ping from the witness stand, scanning
the fraces of t he 74 Nazi defendants
facing theinm iliary tribunal, and
dramati'lly identifying Geor()1'geC
Fleps, 23, mnember of the first waffen
S.5. panz~er regiment, as th le man
who,_rO two jt rt ol sots touched oil the
slaughter I c. 17, 1944.
ThIe pro:wcution clharges the Nazis
murdered nearly 800 American war
prisoners d(Wring the 1944-45 Nazi
winter offensive into the Ardennes.
The four American survivors tes-
tified that about 150 .S. troops were
caught in a severe German crossfire
and surren de(red. Tihiy were marched,
hands clasped behind their heads,
into at snow-covred field, and were
mowed down by machine gun fire,
they decl ared.
Survivors 'Testify
All four stared fixedly at te court
of six colonels and a general as they
testified. None glanced at Gen. Sepp
Dietrich and his 73 S.S. troops charg-
ed with the deliberate killing of war
prisoners. All four wore uniforms
with discharge insignia and each had
rows of ribbons clustred about Purple
To their g;rim report the prosecu-
tion added the statistics of death at
Malmnedy, listing 120 victims. Only
71 bodies were recovered, the prosecu-
tion said.
Besides Lary, the witnesses were
Kenneth F. Ahrens, Erie, Pa., a for-
mer sergeant; Kenneh E. King-
ston, Allentown, Pa., and Carl R.
Daub, Colebrook, Pa,~ both former
Lary, coldly and~ meticulously, told
the court low his 285th Field Artil-
lery Obseiva tion Battalion mhen were
herded into the field with the other
Poland ALuacks
Credit S IAppa ge
At 'IPif ical Pies*tie'
WARSAW. l1ly 21---Vf/t -Poland's
gove~nltntcojtri ileed press today
generally attac'ked the American gov-
<erment's suspension o a $90,000,-
000 credit to Polnd, announ'(d May
10 by ac~ina Secretary of State Dean
Alchison. ; gl a tteipt to exert
"poltica Ipy pue"' i 'C'oi thePolsh
goveri' irI F'!:)(" I t ec la red tlattIle: ra
Dons ivelt for tlli s actionl were "1a:1-
( Adesoi's Mayv 10 antioutwicwil t
cited. asIv-; iisfor [1he swi.peiioi
censors] iI of an Assciated Press dis-
patchlIarid II i('failre('o the Warsaw'
Retimne to publish the text of the
cred it ao i'crent showing the Polish
peop)le lt(' comm itm ients Ito teI
United imtates to tiphold political free-
donm in Poland.
(A Pol ish Government spokesmtan
denied t here was censorship in Po-
land. Zy'mint Modzile.ski, vice-
imunite(x o forign affairs, said on
May J18 th atIthe Al' disatch in ues-
Hiot "was (1'hyed." lHe also said then
that Poland ad now published the
exchange of nots covering the cre-
New,:palers tlnotgloit the conl-
t ry, withI le exce~tion of organs of
the Polish P'asant Party uinder Vice-
P'rem ir St aniiilaw Mikolaezyk, as-
siled Acheson 's action.

(C'itoll j .jv ft? f' Pae1 1
C['st ionsfor tI ic Conmlittee's r'eoi-
gaiii'zatin, and a pecial meeting to
(usd15 PIoposei Nas was held earl-
ier Hu i onthl~. RA's petition, which
Was i1 i ed bef ore the organrza-
tion2 of studencit government, was not
grant ed.
Both student and 1faculty imemb7er's
of li prhscutCmmittee in dica ted

Sigmla 1)ei lonemooabcke b
Bl. ker Caim
1 E17 I'ROII ,May 21-- Iil)-Detroiters
s.oon will ask for bread in the same
awed, hopeful tones that they seek
butler and bacon.
This was the conse;n,;us today of
large bakeries.
TIhey attributed ai !;i(llen, short
bread spl to an ex; haustion of
normal reserves, and use of the last
odd lots of flour on the market.
The' sup~ply will be even more sharp-
ly decrezu-ed with the opening of
thousands, of lower Michigan resorts
servedi by Detroit bakeries.
"Even nlow there are bread lines
waiting for our stores to open,"
said a large chain store grocery
sy,-ktsm~an. "In 10 or 15 minutes
every loaf is krone."
Smaller merchants reported great-
ly reduced supplies, some receiving
only five loaves of breada day from
each large bakery.
Meantime, Detroiters also were
contending with a severe meat short-
Lawrence L. Farrell, Michigan
OPA director', said the meat shortage
can be traced to the consumers them-
selves who ar'e demanding mor'e meat
than was available to them in 1939.
Hie said that the meat industry
exlzexsts to make available 22,000,-
00h0 pounds of meat to the Detroit
consumers this year, 30 pce' cent
more than was conosunmed in 1939.
In that year' the demand was 100 to
140 pounds a person, he said. The
pr'esent demand is 175 to 180 pounds
a person.

Vogel- Urges
Retail Grocers'
Election Probe
(rxaiid Jury Asked To
Investigyate Sharnie
By TIhe Associated Press
DETROIT, May 21 - Frank A.
Vogel, suspended president of the
Detroit Retail Grocers' Association,
today askgd for grand jury investiga -
tion of the election of a new slate
of officers scheduled for tomorrow
Vogel described as "desperate" the
determination of Louis B. Shamie,
association executive secretary and
editor of the Grocers Spotlight, to
retain control of the grocers organ-
"Unauthorized Call" Outlawed
The executive board of the Detroit
Retail Grocers Association outlawed
what it termed "an authorized call"
for the election at a meeting Monday
night and suspended Vogel for mak-
ing the call.
"This move by Shamie is an exhibi-
tion of the con trol he intends to use
to close a deal for the entire mem-
bership with the teamsters," Vogel
said. "The men he calls members of
the board of directors are all men
he has hand-picked during the war
years when the membership was
down to approximately 100."
Vogel issued a call for an election
last Friday when he made public
char'ges that Shamie had conspired
to lead the membership of the as-
sociation into a teamster contract.
The AFL union seeks to organize
independent grocers and meat deal-
ers in Detroit.
Slhamie Denies Charges
Shamie has denied Vogel's charges.
Alex Bell, president of' the Meat
Merchants' Association, said that the
majority of merchants are solid in
their opposition to James Hoff a,
teamster boss, and thc teamsters'
joint council.
Meantime, the Wayne County
Board of Auditors recommended
$100,000 for a grand jury probe of
the Teamsters Union despite protests
from another Federation of Labor
Read and Use The
Daily Classified Ads
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" t
i .,.

MILITARY H A ND S H A K E-Bemedaled Marshal
Ivan Konev, (right) leader of Russia's First Ukrainian Army=, greets
{icfl. Jeanu de 11 trie de TIassigny of Franlce at a reception in Prague.

ZOO ' S N EW PA ND A - Alison Ewen, 3, watches
Unity, baby giant panda recently received at the London zoo, eat
its fir'st British breakfast of bamboo shoots. The animal w~as a
gift from the Chinese government.

WAR V E T ER AN TEACHES Sonia ichelich,
wcho killed many Germans during the war when she served in the
'Yugoslav Jpartisan forces of Marshal Tito, teaches the children of
hier dead ccmradces in an orphanage at Karlovac in Croatia. Most
of the children suffered severely in the war. The or'phanage was
b)uilt by the Yugoslav government. ---

N EW I T A L IAN K I NG---This portrait of KingUn-
bei'to of Italy was made shortly after he assumed the throne upon
the abdication of his father, Vittorio Emanuele III. ;

7'C l' I US;Ithat top cycrything
from S1,lcs ,and Suits to Von-
Imalsh."'lhe coat, pictu.re is vetl- s
satifle J"The Shiortie or' the4
Sh or'ter Sbhorti e -_Milady canj
ceer'tainly choouse her s tyle- and
sel in sho p] dee'table color:
Priced $16.95P'-$4995.!
LUSCIOUS, soft, little
suits - so light in
weight, so deftly tai-
ON lored and so very prac-
tical in your wardrobe
--wear them now and
x year round - in Gab-
g ardine and' feather-
weight wools - Pastel
colors- Priced $39.95-
STUNNING BELTED TOPPERS with smart drop shoulders,
cuffed or str'aight sleeves and comfortable deep armholes.
Clever' little str'aight coats in Mandarin styles, or more tai-

- {
+> . '

P I PE M A N..Franco Aif-
tori, conductor who formerly led
the Buffalo philharmonic, sur- -
veys part of his (collection of
thousands of pipes gathered from
all parts of the world.,

CR A I NA F 0 R E U R 0 P E-ha and corn from the Mlains of the Argentine are streaming
into the port of Buenos Aires to be loaded on ships bound for famine-stricken Europe.,,


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