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May 22, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-22

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See .'age 4


a t1og


Coal Mine Seizure May-Not ndWal


.' *

* *

O SAC Proposed
Outlined Ian W ould 'ive Siudents
Equal RepresenLa iow11 Wi thFaculty
The Student Affairs Committee voted last night to recommend to the
Board of Regents that the Committee be reorganized to increase student
representation and to include three students from the newly-organized
student government.
Under the proposed plan, the SAC, would consist of seven students and
seven faculty members and the Dean of Students as chairman.
Student members would be the presidents of the Union and League, the
"hairman of the women's judiciary
R committee, the managing editor of
Rail Situation The Daily, and three members of the
student government, at least one of
Not To Good whornwould be a woman.
Nt oo Good. Has 13 Members,
At present, the Committee has
Says Conciliator eight faculty members (including
the Dean of Students) and five stu-
dent members: the presidents of the
Thursday Is Deadline Union and League, the heads of men's
and women's judiciary committee,
In Wage Dispute Iruce and The Daily editor.
By The Associated Press Men's Judiciary committee passed
WASHINGTON, May 21-Dr. John out of existence with the organiza-
R. Steelman, White House conciliator tion of student government, and the
striving to get a settlement of the post formerly held by Harry Jackson,
railroad wage dispute before the president of men's judiciary com-
truce expires Thursday, said tonight mittee. is now technically non-exis-
the "situation doesn't look too good." tent. Both Jackson and Ray Davis,
Earlier, he disclosed that he was president of the student government,
trying to put through a wage com- were present at last night's meeting.
promise. Any compromise of this The Committee unofficially sug-
nature would mean a bigger increase gested that the student government
than an official fact-finding board organize a new men's judiciary com-
has recommended. mittee to take over the disciplinary
functions of the old one, and that the
Before going homxe to bed to government's, representatives to SAC
make up some of his lost sleep, be the president, the head of the ju-
Steelman told a reporter ,that "per- diciary committee, and a third mem-
haps a little progress was made" inber to be selected by the committee.
today's talks, but "not much." Students Asked for Suggestions
The impression prevailed that The decision to recommend reor-
there was little administration hope ganization was made earlier this
for an extension of the truce under semester when the Student Religious
which the brotherhoods postponed Association petitioned for an addi-
the strike of trainmen and engi- onal student representative. The
neers, originally scheduled for Sat-c
urday, the day after President Tru- committee decided that giving repre-
urda, te da afer Pesient ru-sentation to .one additional organiza-
man signed an executive order seiz-snion o onotditoalimgnae
ing the carriers. tion would do nothing to eliminate
student dissatisfaction with unequal
In persuading the union leaders to student-faculty representation, and
postpone the strike, the President the petition was tabled pending com-
said he was confident progress could plete discussion of the Committee's
be made in further negotiations. composition.
The railroads have agreed to pay Students were asked to submit sug-
an increase recommended by the See SAC, Page 6
fact-finding board, but the brother- -------

City Coal Supply

A detailed survey of the 12 coal
yards in Ann Arbor revealed yesterday
that there is an average two week
supply available in the city and that
dealers do not expect any immediate
"acute hardships."
Although the seven-week coal
strike has shut off all incoming
coal supplies, The Daily. survey
shows approximately 11,000 tons of
mixed fuel types on hand in local
yards. As a result of the present
12-day truce, dealers estimate that
between 27 and 30 carloads of coal
are on their way to the city.
The season of the year and the ab-
sence of many large industries in the
area are two factors which have
worked to the public advantage in
minimizing the hardships of the coal
strike, one dealer said.
Local coal suppliers are directing
the flow of most of their existing
stock to commercial use with hos-
pitals getting first call. Coal for
domestic use is being alloted to
householders in half-ton lots.
"The crimp will not be felt fully
until next fall or winter," another
dealer stated, "since not much coal
is consumed at this time of year any-
way. Now and the next two months
City Refuses
Public Services
To Vet Hospital


are the times when we usually deliver
next winter's supply, and the present
tie-up is preventing us from doing
that. The loss of two months' coal
production cannot help but be felt
in the long run."
The University and city's supply
is great enough to carry it through,
the summer months and to begin
operations next fall, officials an-
In response to the Detroit Edison
Co.'s request, the city's brownout
measures are conserving approxi-
mately one-tenth of the amount of
coal normally consumed. With some
exceptions in the business district,
every other street light in Ann Ar-
bor has been turned off.
Local coal dealers report present
supplies range from one-third to
one-twenty-fifth of normal. Indi-
vidual stocks range from one ex-
treme to the other, some yards
Teachers Get
High Salaries,
Lecturer Says
"In no other work can young wo-
men start out with as high a salary
as in the teaching profession," Dean
James B. Edmonson, of the School
of Education, said yesterday in the
first of a series of lectures on occu-
pational opportunities.
Dean Hayward Keniston, of the
Literary College, and Prof. Clarence
D. Thorpe, of the English department,
were participants on the panel.
Prof. Thorpe stressed the personal
satisfaction a teacher can derive
from his profession. It is a tradition
for Americans to believe that educa-
tion is the salvation of society, and a
person who enters the teaching pro-
fession is dedicating his life to the
service of others while enjoying a
pleasant job, he said.
More men were urged to become
teachers by Dean Keniston. Higher
starting salaries and quick promo-
tions to administrative positions, he
pointed out, are incentives which
make the teaching profession at-
tractive for men.
*' * *
Perkins To r kRIk
Prof. John A. Perkins, of the Uni-
versity's Institute of Public Admin-
istration, will lecture on opportun-
ities and training in the public ser-
vice at 4:30 p.m. today in Rm. 1025
Angell Hall.
The literary college vocational
series will continue tomorrow with
discussions by Dean Wells I. Bennett,
of the College of Architecture and De-
sign, and Dean Ivan C. Crawford,
of the College of Engineering, on
"The Architect" and "The Engineer."
StLalin Rerets
CII o.1Y'r- n
UNRIA Plea for Aid
'1 rwe MouthsL ate
LONDON, Wednesday, May 22-
(/P)--Prime Minister Stalin has ex-
pressed regret to President Truman
that a request that Russia assign
grain to help UNRRA meet the world
food crisis did not come three months
ago when the Soviet Union "could
have done something in this respect."
Truman's request and Stalin's re-
ply were broadcast today by the Mos-
cow radio.
In his answer to the President, Sta-
lin said the request came in the mid-
dle of May "after the Soviet Union
already has assigned a certain quan-
tity of foodstuffs to France and other
countries and when the resources of
the Soviet Union are already being


being entirely out of domestic fuel
while one has a 1,00-ton inventory.
A few estimated they have enough
coal to last them at least 30 days.
One dealer felt that if there were
no further interruptions in produc-
tion, the lost tonnage caused by
the work stoppage might be ironed
over and integrated into future sup-
plies so that the public may not be
too seriously strained.
U. S9 Foreign
Policy Hailed
Vandenberg Outlines
Principles in Senate
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 21-Senator
Vandenberg (R-Mich) declared today
that America has developed a bi-
partisan foreign policy which bars
appeasement" and calls for a "peace
for keeps," based on justice to all
The development of such a policy
was the chief accomplishment at the
Paris council of foreign ministers,
the Senate was told by Vandenberg,
who accompanied Secretary of State
Byrnes to the council meeting.
The Michigan legislator said that
Byrnes, Senator Connally (D-Tex)
and he worked as a "constant unit"
in behalf of a program which calls
for the liquidation of the "closed
corporation of big powers" in order
that all Allied war partners shall
join in drafting a peace without
Vandenberg, chairman of the Re-
publican Senatorial Conference, spoke
only 15 hours after Byrnes, in a re-
port to the nation, offered Russia
plainly-worded choice between agree-
ing to an European peace conference
this summer, or having the United
States ask the United Nations to act
on peace settlements.
The Michigan lawmakers' words
strengthened, too, mounting specu-
lation that the United States may
press soon within U.N.'s councils
for sacrifice by the big powers of
their controversial power to veto
decisions of the international or-
The American policy worked out
in Paris, Vandenberg said, was one
"which invites all of our partners
in the war - instead of a closed cor-
poration of big powers - to have a
proper voice in the making of the
treaties and the writing of the peace
which resulted from the common vic-
tories which we all helped win."
"It is a policy which wants a peo-,
ple's peace."1
In sharp contrast to his enthu-
siasm over the accord within the
American delegation, Vandenberg
- as Byrnes did Monday night -
acknowledged frankly that the
council itself "did not achieve
agreement upon several key ques-
tions upon which the solution of
our major problems hang,"
Polit!"iccul Rally
Three Michigan candidates for
Congress will square away in a politi-
cal free-for-all tomorrow at 8 p.m. at
the Washtenaw County Court House
in Ann Arbor.
Wayne Saari, Democrat; Henry

Vander Velde, Republican; and Wil-
liam R. Kelley, Democrat; will pre-
sent their platforms at the "Know
Your Governmeq Rally" arranged
by the campus American Veterans
The audience will be invited to quiz
the candidates in an open forum af-
ter the platforms are given.

Krug said that "we asked his sup-
port" in keeping the mines operating
and Lewis took the request "under
consideration." A second conference
with Lewis will be held tomorrow
morning but Krug said Lewis made
"no promises, and we requested
Krug also conferred with repre-
sentatives of the operators.
He told reporters afterwards that
he will attempt to work out the prin-
ciples of a new bituminous coal con-
tract during the government opera-
Call in Operators
After this has been done, he ex-
plained, the operators will be called
in "for discussions."
He said it might become necessary
for the government to work out de-
tails of a complete contract - in-
cluding disposition of Lewis' contro-
versial demand for a health and wel-'
fare fund for the miners based on
a seven per cent payroll charge
against production.
He said that whatever contract
eventually is worked out must com-
ply with the government's wage-price
No Alternative
Lewis took the position, Krug re-
ported, that under the Smith-Con-
nally War Disputes Act the union
"has no alternative other than to
stay out of the affairs of the mine
workers" after government seizure.
The act makes it illegal to insti-
gate a strike in any plant controlled
by the government.
The "truce" order issued by Lewis
when the mines were still under pri-
vate operation contemplated that
the miners would resume their strike
call automatically after Saturday if
no settlement has been reached by
The President's seizure order, ef-
fective at one minute after midnight
EST, tonight, declared that coal is
"indispensable for the continued op-
eration of the national economy
during the transition from war to
To Appear i
Siday's :Daly"
Tite first post-war issue of Pi-
spectives will appear Sunday as a
special supplement to The Daily,
Short stories featured in this issue
of Perspectives include "Vision of
Glory" by Art Hill, "Blue" by Thomas
Phillips and "Southern Booking" by
Jlames Brunell. Arthur Kirkpatrick,
Diana Reynol, Lois Cohen and Ferne
Spielmnan are included in the list of
those who have contributed poetry
to the forthcoming issue.
Organized in 1938 as a separate li-
terary magazine and associated with
The Daily since 1939, Perspectives
was forced to discontinue publication
in 1943 because of the war. Present
plans, according to Robert Huber,
editor of Perspectives, include publi-
cation of a summer issue and an issue
each term next .year.
Despite its short existence, Huber
said, Perspectives has been more suc-
cessful than any of the previous cam-
pus literary magazines. The list of
past contributors, he pointed out, in-
cludes many authors now recognized
as outstanding in the field of creative
wri ting.

hoods are demanding a higher
The fact-finding bo'rd's recom-
mendation, applicable to all the
railroad workers, was for an in-
crease of 16 cents an hour or $1.28
a day.
A. F. Whitiey, president of the
trainmen, and Alvanley Johnston,
chief of the engineers, issued a state-
ment after a conference with Steel-
man saying that "we hope we are
making progress toward a settle-
Garg Petitions Due
Applications for editorial and
business senior staff positions on
The Gargoyle for 1946-47 will be
due at noon Friday, it was announ-
ced yesterday.
Detroit Pastor
Will Speak at
The Rev. Charles E. Hill, state dir-
ector of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People,
will speak at an Inter-Racial Associ-
ation meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union.
Campaigned For Councilman'
Associated with and backed by the
CIO and the PAC, Mr. Hill cam-
paigned for city councilman in the
Detroit election last November. Al-
though he was defeated, he received
the largest vote a Negro has yet re-
ceived in a Detroit election,
Mr. Hill is pastor of the First
Baptist Church, Detroit, and has
been active in inter-racial and inter-
cultural activities. His most recent
activity was speaking before several
groups in Detroit to raise money with
which to defend the victims of the
Columbia, Tenn., cases.
Discrimination- In Ann Arbor
Recent cases of discrimination tin-
covered in Ann Arbor will also be
discussed at the meihna Tn addi-

Miners To Decide
On Work Dispute
By Te Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 21 - The government seized the soft coal mines
today but failed to get any immediate assurances from John L. Lewis that
the miners will continue at work when the strike "truce" expires Saturday.
Secretary of the Interior Krug, who takes charge of the mines under
the seizure order effective after midnight tonight, told'a news conference
that Lewis took the position that the question of continuing work was one
for the individual miners.
Second Conference Tomorrow--

Honor Company
To Be Selected
At. FinlDrill
An infantry drill at 4:30 p.m. to-
day at South Ferry Field will climax
semester-long competition between-
NROTC companies here for the title
of Honor Company.
The winner of the competition,
which has included all phases of
Naval activities, athletics and finally
today's drill, will be awarded a spe-
cial company.flag at a presentation
parade next Wednesday.
The presentation of the flag will
be made by a girl who has been cho-
sen by the student commander of the
winning company. A full military
review will follow this ceremony, and
officials from Washington are ex-
pected to attend, according to Capt.
Woodson Michaux, commandant of
the University Naval Unit.
Extra liberty throughout the month
of June will be an additional prize
for the winning company.
The Marine company is currently
leading the competition, closely fol-
lowed by the Fourth, First, Third and
Second companies, Capt. Michaux
said, and today's drill will be the de-
ciding factor in determining the
winner .
Judges of the drill will be Comm.
Norman Gillette, USN; Lieut.-Comm.
H. L. Fitch, USNR; and Lt. R. O'-
Keefe, USA.

Seven Local
Veteran Groups
Form Council
Campus VO Member
Of New Association
Ann Arbor veterans organizations
banded together yesterday in a com-
mon council which members believe
is the first association of veterans
groups in the United States.
Chairman of the new Association
of Veterans Organizations, which
represents seven different Ann Arbor
veterans groups, is Ralph C. Keyes
of Ann Arbor.
The Association will become the
voice for an estimated 8,000 to 10,-
000 veterans in the Ann Arbor region
according to James Woodison, publi-
city chairman of the campus Ameri-
can Veterans Committee.
"We feel that our council will car-
ry a lot more weight as a spokes-
man for Ann Arbor veterans than
our separate smaller organizations,"
Woodison said.
Included in the membership is
VFW, the American Legion, Disabled
American Veterans, Catholic Veter-
ans Association, the campus VO,
American Veterans Committee and
the Spanish-American War Veterans.
First joint project of the Associa-
tion will be a Memorial Day program
May 30.
To Aid Fight
AYainst Klan
MYDA will send a delegate to the
National Negro Congress in Detroit
to help combat increasing activity of
the Ku Klux Klan and to form a pro-
gram of action, it was decided at a
meeting yesterday.
Clarence McGibbens was elected
to attend the meeting to be held
from May 30 to June 2. Aims of the
Congress will include immediate en-
actment of a permanent FEPC, a
campaign to strengthen workman
unity between Negroes and the trade
union movement and to give full sup-
port to the organization of Negro and
white workers in the South.
The Congress will stress the need
of passing the anti-poll tax bill and
the anti-lynch bill. Adequate housing,
health protection and education
without segregation are additional
points on the program. Freedom for
colonial peoples, American support
of the principles of the UN and
United States' friendship with the
Soviet Union as a necessary means
to peace, will be discussed.
Max Dean, Doris Pfeffer and Jack
Gore were chosen delegates to the
National AYD Conference to be held
in June. Problems and programs for
future action will be discussed. Fol-
lowing the conference, an intercol-
legiate council group will meet to
study students problems.
Alicia Troya To Give
Lecture on Ecuador
Miss Alicia Troya of Quito, Ecua-
dor, will give a lecture on Ecuador
at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Amphi-
Miss Troya's talk will close the cur-
rent lecture series being sponsored
by the Latin American Society. Dur-
ing the series nine Latin American
countries have been covered through
lectures by natives studying here and
eV films of the countries
Miss Troya will be introduced by
Dr. Esson M. Gale, Director of the
International Center and a member
of the Advisory Committee of the
Latin American Society.
The lecture will be illustrated with

motion pictures.


Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., told
Veterans' Administration officials
yesterday the city will not "sign a
blank check" for "free" public ser-
vices in the proposed new Veterans'
Citing figures from a recent study
which shows Ann Arbor taxpayers
are already providing public services
for tax-exempt property valued at
more than the city's total assessed
valuation, Brown informed the Ad-
ministration's appraisal engineer, L.
A. Warren, that some other plan
would have to be worked out.
The mayor suggested that the VA
send representatives here to meet
with city officials in a discussion of
the problem. - The city, he said, wants
the hospital but does not want to
support it.
Taxpayers, Brown's s u r v e y re-
vealed, pay on an assessed valuation
of 53 million dollars, a figure based
on 75 per cent of the 1941 reproduc-
tion costs. Tax-exempt property in
the city, for which services are pro-
vided by taxes, is estimated at 56
Brown set Ann Arbor's present
overload on sewage at 25 'per cent,
and listed paving, fire and police
protection, and city payroll as other
expenses which the city must meet
for tax-free properties.

Famine Committee To Seek $5,000 in Campus Drive

EDITOR's NOTE: This is the last of
a series of three articles on the world
situation and the campus' part in help-
ing to alleviate the crisis.

cents from every student on cam-
pus," Mary Elizabeth Friedkin,
chairman of the Famine Relief
Drive, said yesterday, "With 800,-
000,000 of the world's popula-
timn c frinir rnmm v+4.rv.i;-an hat

operative houses, all of which are
following the Famine Committee's
food conservation program, have pro-
mised to turn the savings from their
reduced purchases over to the col-

grave and immediate danger to the
peace for which we fought," Cooke
continued. "Since it has been un-
deniably shown that this is a long
range problem, we hope that our gov-

Herbert Hoover, who recently
completed a survey of the food sit-
uation throughout the world, has
said: "If every source of supply
(44% from the United States) were

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