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May 21, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-21

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TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1940

Offers New
Negotiationm Hurried
Beore ['icee ndsI
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 20---Hope for
a compromise that would avert a
nation-wide railroad tie-up rose to-
night as A. F. Whitney, president of
Uhe trainmen's brotherhood, present-
ed a new "proposition" and other rail
labor sources said prospects of a set-
tlement "look good."
Whitney told reporters he made
his proposition to government con-
(iliators seeking to settle the wage
dispute before a five-day truce ex-
pires Thursday. The conciliators, in-
cluding John R. Steelman, presi-
dential adviser, kept busy in separate
negotiations with union and carrier
Talks With Negotiating Committee
Steelman met with Whitney and
Alvanley Johnston, president of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
for more than an hour at midday.
He was reported talking with the car-
riers' negotiating committee during
the afternoon, and presumably the
union "proposition" was taken up
then with the carriers.
At Cleveland, another person fa-
miliar with labor matters but who de-
clined to permit 'use of his name said:
"Things look good in Washington."
Possible Settlement Wednesday
He said a settlement by late Wed-
nesday appeared possible.
The White House said Steelman
was hopeful.
Steelman was trying to work out
some compromise before asking both
sides to resume joint negotiations.
The unions have boiled down their
demands to an 18 per cent increase,
with a $1.44 per day minimum boost,
while the railroads were willing to go
only as high as $1.28 or 16 cents an
hour as had been recommended by
a presidential fact-finding commit-
Dental Student
Offered Tuition
Muriel S. Kleinwaks
Scholarship Available
Applications for the Muriel S.
Kleinwaks Memorial Scholarship.
which was established this year, are
now available at the B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation.
The scholarship provides tuition
expense for one year, subject to re-
newal, for a student now in attend-
ance at the School of Dentistry or
who will enter in the fall.
Consideration in choosing the re-
cipient for the scholarship will be
given to scholastic achievement, need
and interest in Jewish communal and
institutional life. Although all appli-
cations from qualified students will be
considered, women applicants will be
given preference.
The scholarship has been estab-
lished by friends of the late Muriel
S. Kleinwaks, who was killed in an
automobile crash while returning to
her home in New Jersey at the end
of last term. Miss Kleinwaks was en-
rolled in School of Dentistry and was
head resident at the Hillel Dormi-

Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, direc-
tor of the Hillel Foundation, Prof.
Saul Cohen of the physiology depart-
ment and Prof. William Haber of the
economics department will judge the
applications for the scholarship.
Students interested in making ap-
plication may obtain additional in-
formation at the Hillel Foundation
or by calling 2-6585.
(Continued from Page 2)
itories today. The next meeting will
be Tuesday, May 28.
All those interested in going to
Mexico this summer are invited to
306 Romance Language Building,
Wednesday, May 22, at 4:00 pm.
Several students who attended the
University of Mexico will answer
questions concerning the trip.
The Omega Chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa will hold a joint meeting with
the Alpha Omega chapter of Wayne
University May 24 at 4:00, dinner
at 6:00 p.m., in Detroit at the down-
town YWCA. Following the initia-
tion of new members, Austin Grant,
radio commentator, will address the
members. Members desiring trans-
portation or willing to drive please
nll 25-8034.




Se ite m er tiemIeSeesBright Future
For A iio ii iaI Ediieuatiion
P rof.FVimntis IiittieiĀ«. 1tt, ~t oi

E % *


Of Freedom
Pi hT if'oa Piao'i Jr ch air-
m i of the ep:rtent of Epidei I
olwy in fl ict t of Public HealI.i,
11a0 iMn'Uf awarded lute Medal of Free-
domi in recognition for hiis work m;
director of the Commission on In-
fluenza of the Army Epidemiological
Continues Research
As chairman of the commission,
Prof. Francis led the Army's develop-
ment of a vaccine against influenza
and was an advisor on combating
iaundice and gas gangrene. At the
request of the surgeon general of the
Army, Prof. Francis has agreed to
continue as director of the commis-
sion. He said that the group will
continue fundamental research of
disease problems of interest to the
Army, working on a modified scale in
comparison to wartime projects.
The War Department has also con-
veyed to President Alexander G
Ruthven its appreciation and "in-
debtedness to the University of Mich-
igan for its constant and general sup
port of the Commission on Influenzsa
under the Army Epidemiologica
Citation By Patterson
The citation accompanying the

(111'('('1(1v11.;j ir to A udi oviu al a id s u ld e i hi'le d
of f :!it ueu;o VsulEdlucation to a 1much ) greYatr ex(tentnot (only' in
for teunvCrsl i Y EXt ensin Service, thle public schoo ls, ]but also onl the

has Vized llpon s

._ il itliil ll lt)T1. ;. lt

11. in h own tithd , to prdict a
\ Iadly e:: xi i'l ~l t Iutur Ior visual
Ih:Um hut P :11 thii unix rsity
ifll t f l fii i h l u l [if '(alt; ( 111, to.ur-'
uP a in ivtamis in ii1 itast last sum -
llti i" nixestl g'a ilc the i(1 teach in
lilt l ! ( \+s ithiiy ro<und 1 i l t the l"f}l
r'easi fur II a iriled forces' sUclC5 '
in l.iP, in!nsive teaching lay in
their ;.(s of aiio-visual aids.
In his im U experience during; the
waer. as a Navyv lieutenanit in charge
u illm utili'at ion projejcts aboard
fatlt:eships, emler found that at-
dio-visiua :aids ;romnoted more er-
h'etive tea ehing even mznder~ near-
battle onditii'is. lasing his pro-
5a Is Ipm w these indications, he
has reeiinwiniended to the Univer-
saty, in a nmonuraph prepared while
he was in the navy, that it recognize
this trem by expanding the ser-
Vic-,i o thi' Bnre;it of Visual Edu-
. The Bureau of Visual Education
provides mowtes. film strips and lan-
tern slides to aiy schools and organ-
iztions 01iroiglut 1 state upon
I request, ieaclihilg an estimated 100,-
l (100 rwoil s; a year. But , Lemler point
ed omd, t hre is evidence of an even
grrettr iintrt j in visual aids, and
the University will have to develot

Lemler. The audio-visual aid ent

el. could jprJm t t h ie Iitttibai:e f
frojectors for schools and l6p:rt-
mciiis which iise the nmo~t ,and 05
sist ini the adtapt at ion of clasrooms
tom' movie projection.
Also, the1 film lil)ria]'y should t)e
expanded to include more colluge-
level films,. he pinted out., sin e at.
present many of the films are of
ne('essity those which are in dem:trd
on the high school level. The audio-
visual aids center could also be of
great use to the vairious schools and
departments by establishing a unit
for the product ion of films a"nd other
audio-visual aids for campus use.
"No more valuable stel could be tak-
en as a means of seri ving aimpus
teaching needs than by making avai-
able the facilities and stair fori this
purpose," he said.
Instructors could turn to this vai-
pus unit for assistance in the pIro-
duction of lantern slides, film stripes,
motion pictures, rclodin, micro -
film and special device s stich -as
charts, maps, posters and models.
"All of these aids are modern
teaching tools. All are needed in
university instruction. All could be
prepared without great expenditure
by the audio-visual aids center work-
ing closely with the instructors tir
departments which reuest. btem,"
Lemler said.

RAIL UNION NEGOTIATORS-Representatives of the two railroad unions which postponed a strike call for
five days look over telegrams in Washington, while awaiting resumption of negotiations with rail operators.
Left to right, front row: J. G. Amerson, Springfield, Va., member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
wage committee; A. F. Whitney, Cleveland, president of BRT; Alvanley Johnston, head of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers, and D. R. Minichan, Roanoke, Va., Chairman of the BLE wage committee. Second row:
Charles Decker, Houston, Tex., BRT; M. F. Moran, Huntington, W. Va., BRT; C. t[. Ackins, Aurora, Ill.,; BLE;
W. R. Hamm, Harrisburg, Pa., BLE; C. E. Umbanhowar, Indianapolis, BRrT; A. K. Gelzer, Chicago, BRT, and
R. E. Davidson, Calumet City, Ill., BLE.

Whitelaw, Smith
Offer Summer
History Courses
Prof. W. Menzies Whitelaw, form-
erly of the University of Saskatche-
wan, Prof. Wilfred B. Smith of Ohio
University and Prof. Bruce J. Mc-
Cully from William and Mary Col-
lege will be visiting professors in the
history department this summer.
Prof. Whitelaw who has had ex-
perience in teaching and lecturing,
both in the United States and Cana-
da, will offer courses in recent Cana-
dian history and in the history of
Canadian-American relations.
Far Eastern Diplomacy
Special courses on the history and
diplomacy of the Far East in the
19th and 20th centuries will be given
by Prof. Smith, a former air forces
colonel .who served in China during
the war. Prof. McCully will teach
courses in English constitutional his-
tory and in the history of the British
Other courses being offered by the
history department this summer for
upperclassmen and graduates include
civilization of the ancient Near East
and Greek democracy and Greek im-
perialism taught by Prof. A. E. R.
Boak, intellectual history of medieval
Europe and for graduates, a prosemi-
nar in early modern times offered by
Prof. Palmer A. Throop.
American History
Prof. Howard Ehrmann will teach
European diplomatic history. 1933-
1946, and also conduct a seminal in
modern European history. Prof.
Dwight L. Dumond will teach Roose-
velt to Roosevelt and also a seminar
in American history.
The United States, 1607-1865, will
be offered by Prof. Lewis G. Vander
Velde. Prof. Verner W. Crane will
teach a proseminar in U.S. history.
Hispanic America and a seminar in
Hispanic American history will be
taught by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton.
In addition, history 11 and 12, be-
ginning courses, will be offered by
Profs. Dwight C. Long and Albert
Hyma respectively. Seminars and
proseminars are for graduate stu-
dents only.

U Invited To Send I-ele att
To World Student Conference

Medal of Freedom, which was award- some pl~a to meet this need.
ed by order of Secretary of War Pat- By a four-fold plan, Lemler said,
t('rson, reads as follows: the University can assist the public
"Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., American schools of' the state to vitalize their
civilian, as director of the Commis- teaching and learning by educational
sion on Influenza, Army Epidemiolo- film. He recommended an increas-
gical Board, served in various theatres ingly strong state film library on the
from March 1944 to July 1945. As a campus, with sufficient reserve to
leading authority on influenza and meet demands currently, dispensing
originator of its vaccine adoptw'i by with advance bookings. He also pro-
our Army, his counsel was constsint- posed that there should be regional
iX sought on this and measures to distributing centers throughout the
combat jaundice and gas gangrene. state. which would stock a nucleus
Hi,, contribution to the control of of the fims most frequently needed
influenza is of special siginficance by schools.
and materially strengthens the future The larger public school systems
health of our military and civilian should have their own visual aids
population." departments, with a stock of films
and other aids needed most fre-

Panh-el Adds~
More lickets
Due to the unprecedented demand
for Panhellenic-Assembly Ball tic-
kets, 150 additional tickets will be
put on general sale tomorrow and
Thursday, Collee Ide and Margaret
Tiompson. co-chairmen stated.
Tickets will be put on sale in the
League lobby tomorrow and Thursday
at 1, 3, and 5 p.m. There will
be twenty-five pickets available at
each of these stated hours. Sale will
be limited to University students and
only one per person.
Purchasers of these additional tic-
kets must understand this will cause
extremely crowded conditions, the
dance committee said. Programs have
not been provided for purchasers of
the extra tickets.
All women who signed a waiting
list for tickets in the League yester-
day are not automatically entitled to
tickets, the committee said, and must
purchase them during the general
sale tomorrow and Thursday.

Urging the establishment of a per-
manent world student organization,
Mollie Leber invited the University
to send a delegate to the interna-
tional student conference now being
held in Prague.
Miss Leber, one of three committee
members chosen by the conference
to lead the formation of the World
Student Organization, visited here
over the week-end as part of a tour
of American universities to form an
American delegation to the confer-
ence where 500 delegates from 55
countries have been in session for
three months.
The World Student Organization,
she said, will work toward stimulating
an active student interest for secur-
ing universal peace and for strength-
ening democracy by wiping out fas-
cist ideologies. Discussion of the stu-
dent's role, his scholarship, and the
development of exchange methods
will also be stressed.
"It is important," Miss Leber em-
phasized, "for American students to
become acquainted with the problems
of students in other lands." Repre-
senting AYD, to which MYDA is
affiliated, at a student conference
in Prague last November and a mem-
ber of the American delegation to the
World Youth Conference in London
last October, Miss Leber indicated
that our own problems including
Prof. Ramsdell
Attends Meeting
Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell of the
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion has just returned from a meet-
ing of the State Forest Industries
Information Committee in Kalama-
This committee, composed of mem-
bers of the lumber and pulp and pap-
er industries of the stateis interested
in disseminating information con-
cerning its industrial importance to
Michigan and in actively supporting
forest and conservation movements.
Few people realize, Prof Ramsdell
explained, that Michigan is the sec-
ond largest producer of paper in the
country, exceeded only by New York.
A large proportion of Michigan-man-
ufactured paper is dependent upon
raw materials in the form of wood
pulp shipped into the state, and fox
this reason any program which in-
creases the local wood supply is ad-
vantageous to the industry and to
the state in the form of increased
T raiweinAgain
Society Presiden t
James L. Trautwein was reelected
president of the DeutscherrVerein,
the German Department announced
The new club cabinet includes vine-
. _ ._.. T:- __ -. ___-.. - S .,

limited facilities and the educational
inequalities of minority groups could
be solved more successfully after
studying similar conditions in Europe.
Having visited universities in
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, France
and Russia, Miss Leber found that
Russian education was the most
extensive. The Soviet Union, she
F aid, provides e-ery capable student
having had ten years of prepara-
tory schooling with a free higher
education including textbooks,
housing and a monthly stipend.
Complete destruction of city uni-
versities, especially in Stalingrad
where every building was demolish-
ed, has necessitated the formation
of reconstruction brigades com-
posed mainly of students.
Polish schools are en!irely unequip-
ped to the degree that children must
carry their own chairs to class. Mim-
e .graphed sheets have taken the
place of textbooks destroyed by the
Nazis, and now Europeans. s:he said,
are anxiously hoping that "we will
answer their appeal for scientific
books which are acut ely scarce."

MYDA Plas To
Discuss Parley
MYDA members will discuss the
possibility of sending a University
delegate to the World Student Con-
ference in Prague at a meeting at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
"Having spoken to Molly Leber, a
leading organizer of a permanent
world student body, 'we now realize
the importance of unity among stu-
dents on an international level so
that problems common to us all can
be discussed and solved'," Mat Cher-
notsky, president, said.
An election of a delegate to the
National Negro Congress to be held
in Detroit from May 30 to June 2,
and a discussion of the Congress
program will take place.
Plans for a summer organization
and the national June AYD confer-'
ence in New York will also be drawn.

quently in classroom instruction;
the University could do much in
assisting the schools in setting up
such departments. Lastly, the high
school teachers should receive defi-
nite training in the use of visual
aids. This could be done, Lemler
feels, by requiring such instruction
in the state teachers' training in-
stitutions, and for the teachers al-
ready in the schools, there should
be university extension courses and


Ca -pusIHi ghilights

B3roadIcast s

Films IillB ieS Sown .I
Films on the development of tele-'
vision, "Sight-seeing at Home", and
on Patrick Henry's famous speech of
1775, "Give Me Liberty", will be shown
in the May Speech Assembly at 4
p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
"Sight-seeing" is a General Electric
film, taken at television station
WRGB in Schnectady, N.Y.
Mexico Summer Session
There will be a meeting for all
students interested in going to Mex-
ico this summer at 4 p.m. tomor-
row in Rm. 306 Romance Languages
Ouestions will be answered and
suggestions made by Ann Sugar,
Bunny Brettsehneider and Lorna
Fleming, who were last year's win-
ners of scholarships to the Univer-
sity of Mexico, and Burt Gavitt,
president of La Sociedad Hispanica.
Famine Meeting Tonight
Under the joint sponsorship of the
Ann Arbor Garden Club and the
Ann Arbor Famine Emergency Com-
mittee, a meeting will be held at 7:45
p.m. Tuesday in Ann Arbor High
School's Pattengill Auditorium for
the purpose of stimulating gardening
to save vital food.
Professor John L. Brumm of the
journalism department will be master
of ceremonies. Speakers include Mrs.
Ruth Mosher Place, Garden Editor of
the Detroit News, and Paul H. Jones,
Director of the Ford Motor Company
reatpn Rdiaonal S:rvice.

Michigan and is a student of Was-
sily Besekirsky.
The program will be presented
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Student Recital . . .
Lucretia Dell, student of piano un-
der Joseph Brinkman, will present a
recital at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Miss Dell studied with Judge and
Mrs. James R. Breakey, Jr., of Ypsi-
lanti before enrolling in the Univer-
sity. She is a member of Mu Phi
Epsilon, national music honorary
The recital will be presented in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Engineer To Speak.. .
R. J. Teetsell, electrical research
specialist, will speak on the con-
struction, operation and selection
of electrical measuring instruments
during the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers' meeting at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Angell To Address Co-op
Prof. Robert C. Angell, of the soci-
ology department, will discuss "Basic
Aims of the Cooperative Movement"
before the 10th anniversary dinner of
the Ann Arbor Cooperative Society
The society was founded in 1936
by a group of townspeople and fac-
ilty in that belief that the consumers

LARGE': attractive double room for
(-I[t. 'Two.stude't veterans pre-
ferred. Phone 2-7181.
HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 room, mod-
ern cottage with shower, electri-
city,an ad all conveniences. No rent
required even exchange for part
time weekend services of married
couple only. No accomodations for
children. Six miles from Ann Ar-
bor. Apply 1700 Buhl Building, De-
troit, or phone Randolph 4033.
FOR SALE: White shirts, size 14%,
32-33. Summer white sport inform-
al, formal suits 36-38L. Pajamas,
beach robes. Some articles new
some slightly used. 331 S. Division
St. (Basement Apt.) Tuesday and
Wednesday after 3 p.m.
ine Reds, $3.75. Made by U.S. Rub-
ber Co. San's Store, 122 E. Wash-
FOR SALE: 1933 Auburn convertible
sedan. Recently overhauled motor.
Call 9214, Willow Village or see
"Mac" Rm. B, Bar. 7, Willow Vil-
FOR SALE: Gir': bicycle. Call 305
Mos er.
LO : Delta Gamma pin between
Education School and Ferry Field.
Name on back 'Emily' Tillon. Please
call 2-2543. Reward. Thank you.
LOST: Gold watch, chain, charm, and
pen-knife. Initials EDB on watch
and knife. Friday night at League
or between League and Law Club.
Substantial reward. Phone E. D.
LOST: At Mich. Union, Sunday even-
ing. A gray covert coa't, call 9828,
LOST: Gold ident. bracelet, engraved,
front Nathalee, back, Jack 5-20-43,
call 6737 "Nat."
LOST: Green, Shaeffer Life-time pen

COMMISSION, $100, paid for infor-
mation leading to year's lease of
suitable four-bedroom house with
servants quarters. Wanted by Bar-
ton Hills residents. Call 8330.
TO RENT: Dr. John C. Slaughter of
University Hospital Staff desires
modern 2 or 3 bedroom house or
apartment. Has car and can furn-
ish references. Veteran of over 4
years service. Formerly on staff
here. Mornings phone 2-2521, ext.
320. Afternoons call Health Ser-
vice 2-4531, ext. 9.
WANTED: Used car for summer
field work. Will pay cash or rent.
Call Museum, 2-2501.
M.S.C. INSTRUCTOR and Vfamily
want 2 bedroom furnished house or
apartment, June 20 to September
1. Box 55.
perienced secretary. Typing and
shorthand required. For interview,
call 7205.
EIELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience,
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
WANTED: University coed or veter.
an and wife to exchange house
work for board and room. Catho-
lic preferred but not essential. Com-
mence late June or first of July.
Address reply box 56 Michigan
WANTED: Girl for part time work
at soda fountain. Swift's Drug
Store, 340 S. State. Phone 3534.
WANTED: Student help to wait on
table at University functions. Apply
Personnel office, 208 Univ. Hall.
E. Huron. Let us make your drapes,
alterations, and custom made
clothes! Phone 2-4669.
COMPLETE service on your fur coat.
Cold storage, Insurance. Cleaning,

Station WPAG: 5:45 p.m.-The Ori-
ginal Drama: "Surgery Six"
Station WKAR: 2:00 p.m.-Epochs in
Music; 2:30 p.m.-The Medical
Program: Diseases Caused by Fil-
terable Viruses
Station WPAG: 5:45 p.m.-Campus
Stations WKZO and WJEF: 6:30 p.m.
-Plan the Home Series: A Clear
Title for the Home Site
Station WPAG: 5:45 p.m.-Dorothy
Ornest, soprano, in a program of
..,.t - -,, n~cc ni net R n ln r

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