PAGE TWO 'THiE MICHIGAN DAILY 51i Mid tga Bad1 Fifty-Sixth Year IT SO HAPPENS... * Close The Windows, They're... eltersi 22 Z*h CC7/io Kuomitang Critic To the Editor: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker Des Howarth.. Ann Schutzr, Dona Guimaraes Editorial Director City .. . Associate . . . . . . . . Associate . . . . . . . . Sports . . . . . Associate Sports . . . .Women's . . . . Associate Women's Business Staff Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor First Causes WE ARE occasionally impressed by a bit of benevolence so overwhelming that it takes our breath away. Such a philanthropic gesture was that of the Anti-Saloon League which sug- gested that production of all grain alcohols cease immediately. Coming from the Association of Michigan Avenue Barkeepers or the Newspaper Guild, the suggestion might be well valid. Com- ing from the Anti-Saloon League it sourids like George Bernard Shaw giving up meat for Lent. In connection with the same topic we see an ominous opening for the Prohibitionists again. And don't think they haven't seen it. On the same day that the Associated Press noted return to publication of the "Clipsheet," published by the Methodist Board of Temperance, we re- ceived two copies in this sober office. They seemed principally concerned with the fact that the world was on its way to the hounds-which of course is true. But drink and the devil seem to have had remarkably little to do with our ten- dencies to self-annihilation, and we're great be- lievers in first causes. As a remedy prohibition is about 97th on an uninclusive list. Reminder of Dear Departed IMAGINE THE JOLT received by a couple of friends of ours when they discovered Herr Joseph Goebbels playing the dashing, swash- buckling Count of Monte Cristo in a recent Class C German epic (nameless, of course.). It was certainly nice to see the boy in civvies. * * * * Look Up, Look Down 11OLLYWOOD has been going to church reg- ularly these last few years-and the box of- fice hasn't suffered. Both Protestants and Cath- olics have had their da= in the cinema, and ap- parently the trend isn't over. But we're a little worried about the latest step in that direction, an by by (Items appearing in this column are written members of the Daily editorial staff and edited the Editorial Director.) Dorothy Flint . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. lember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ANNETTE SHENKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. announcement by evangelist Bron Clifford, a 27- year-old Philadelphian who has decided to take his message to the people through the movies, that Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has signed him to the conventional seven year contract. Now' it's all very well for veteran knockabouts like Bing Crosby and Frederic March to por- tray men of the cloth, but we ponder sadly Clif- ford's potential fate as he stands unprotected on the corner of Hollywood and Vine. Revise Thinking on Poland ON HIS RECENT VISIT to this campus, Gene- ral Komorowski, commander-in-chief of the Polish Army in exile, who led the ill-fated War- saw uprising, expressed the hope that the day will still come when his army can return to Poland. "But," he said, "only 10 per cent of the 200,000 soldiers in exile are willing to return to a homeland occupied by Russia." The Polish troops, of which these 200,000 are all that remain, had an excellent record in the fight against the totalitarian dictatorships. After the five weeks of struggle which culminated in the defeat of Poland, a great many Poles escaped to France, where they formed two divisions which fought on the French front up to the last mo- ment. A Polish mountain brigade took part in the battle of Norway and distinguished itself at Narvik. According to the official report of the RAF, 10 per cent of the German planes shot down in the Battle of Britain have been attrib- uted to the Polish fighting squadrons. The list is endless. Is it any wonder that these soldiers, who have helped to conclude a long and bitter battle against the organized dictatorship in Germany, do not want to return to a country where they would have to submit to another form of dic- tatorship? These men have families in Poland; they love their homeland dearly. The great poet Mickiewicz said that the Pole "is famed in all the nations of the earth, for loving more than life itself the country of his birth." But they have tasted freedom and will not return to a place where the people are cowed by a small minority impressed from outside, which they feel is "not liberation but a new form of for- eign domination." Poland today is ruled by the Provisional Pol- ish Government of National Unity, Communist- sponsored and Communist-manned, which ac- cording to General Bor would be repudiated by 90 per cent of the people in any free election. It is a coalition of Polish Communists, Polish So- cialists and the government-sponsored "Peasant Party." The three chief officials of this govern- ment are Boleslaw Bierut, President of the Na- tional Council, a citizen of Soviet Russia; Wlady- slaw Gomolka, Vice-Premier of Poland but a citizen of France; and Stanislaw Radkiewicz, a man who hardly knows Polish and is a high official of the Soviet political police. D)EMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES are represented in Poland by Stanislaw Mikolajszyk's Polish Peasant Party, not to be confused with the government sponsored "Peasant Party." But the treatment received by those in opposition to the present government has been far from gentle. Gladwin ill of the New York Times, who visited Poland last autumn, reported the existence of a "subtle reign of terror" with pos- sibly 100,000 political prisoners in jail and con- centration camps (including the former Ger- man concentration camp at Oswiecim, whose name to any Pole is synonymous with horror), whose only offense was opposition to "the cur- ent Communist-dominated regime." A memorandum from a reliable source states that "practically every day Poles disappear from the streets in a mysterious manner, without a trace. It is a matter of public knowledge that mass arrests and deportations to Siberia con- tinue. Leaders of the Home Army and those who offered the most stubborn opposition to the Ger- man occupation are punished." This treatment of the opposition is not the only reason the Poles dislike and fear the Rus- sians. Russian troops which stand back of the the Poles object to is the censorship of the press. Mikolajczyk's newspaper "Gazeta Ludowa" was allowed to print only watered-down versions of a Polish Peasant Party attack on Communist control, while the Communist organ "Glos Ludu" can fill its columns with reckless charges against Mikolajczyk. Mikolajczyk's demands for a free election on July 28 have been ignored by the govern- ment, which is suggesting an election "some- time in the fall in the hope that the power of his party would wane by then. But most anal- ysts agree that his party would win hands down in any really free election. The Communist re- gime would be defeated because the govern- ment represents only a very small minority, because the majority of Poles are conserva- tive farmers, and because the Provisional Gov- ernment is beginning to find itself unable to cope with the economic situation. Many Americans, admitting the truth about Poland, say that nothing can be done about it; we needed Russia to help win the war, they say, and must pay the price, even if it is the abandon- ing of the principles of the Atlantic Charter. But this reasoning can not possibly be followed if we want to avoid World War Three. The United States and Britain must adopt a firm and just policy. At the same time, we must attempt to meet Russia's legitimate needs. The United States has never made a real effort to understand Russia's security problem. Russia -could seek security from future attack by the time-honored method of spheres of influence, as she seems to be doing, or she could follow the method of col- lective security. The attempt to guarantee a genuine security for all European nations, by means of collective action, is the only thing which can avert catastrophe. In "The Betrayal of Poland," an excellent and scholarly analysis of the Russo-Polish situation by Raymond Leslie Buell, some con- crete suggestions for giving both Russia and Poland the kind of security they need, are giv- en. Buell points out that while it is vital that America press for an end to the present regime in Poland, we should realize that no policy limited to Poland is likely to succeed. He suggests that we conclude with Russia a tripartite pact under Article 52 of the United Nations charter, in which the U.S. and Britain would agree to come to Russia's aid in case of at- tack, providing the dispute was first referred to some form of arbitration. We should agree to participate in United Nations forces perman- ently stationed between Russia and Germany. Lastly, Buell suggests, we should urge the Big Three and France to sponsor a European confer- ence under which representatives from every European state meet and attempt to agree upon steps toward some kind of federalized Europe. It is doubtful whether the last suggestion would succeed in Europe's condition today. But Buell's suggestions show the sort of thing that must be done if we are to have peace in Europe. It is only by advancing the general security of Europe as a whole that the prosperity and se- curityof the individual nations, including Po- land, can be assured. -Frances Paine Independent Voter In A Bad Spot WE HAVE always been conscious of the inde- pendent voter in America, the man who thinks for himself; but the trouble today is that the man who thinks for himself doesn't quite know what to think. It has been a kind of dust-colored year, since the death of Mr. Roose- velt; political outlines are blurred, edges are indistinct, outstanding questions are fuzzy and furry, and life is harder for the independent than it was in the days when he had merely to' be against Hitler and for F.D.R. to feel sure that, generally speaking, he was on the side of progress. What has been happening to indepen- dents, in this petty winter and spring which have followed the great struggle? Some of them (and some of the best) have gone over to world government; and, among the move- ments of our time, this is where the passion lies'. There is less cynicism, less mendacity, among the world governmenters than among most groups; there is something pure, if something primitive, about them. To be sure, one sometimes has the feeling that the movement is all passion, and nothing else; that it is almost like a revival of early New England theology, which offers the listen- er a choice of either having faith in world government, or of burning in the fires of a secular atomic hell. The movement is preachy, and seems to lack hooks with which to grapple for the minds of most men. It is so estimable, and so decent, that one would like for it to catch on; but, as of today, one can only watch and wonder. THE INDEPENDENT, who has embraced U.N. because he has truly wanted one world, finds that it has split, like an amoeba, into two worlds, and that he is only embracing one of them. It adds to his discomfort to find that many men who have never wanted one world are now stand- ing beside him, enthusiastically "supporting the decisions of the U.N." because those decisions are becoming, by and large, decisions by one world against another. The independent looks for answers, and he re- members the happy time when F.D.R. had them; but today he feels himself being swept along, sucked up by forces greater than he is, and he looks backward to where, in the diminishing distance, a pin-point of light remains of the glow that was once scheduled to spread over the earth. -By Samuel Grafton (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Current Movies a. . at the Michigan Gene Tierney in "Dragonwyck," with Vin- cent Price and Walter Huston. "DRAGONWYCK" is the latest entry in the field of costume romance. At times it sug- gests a parody of "Jane Eyre," and if such it is certainly very excellent and droll parody. It fairly crawls with innocent young governesses, gloomy mansions, secret tower rooms, frightening thun- der storms at moments of crisis and ghostly harpsichord music. If the film is taking itself seriously however, and this is just possible, it can still be regarded without too much pain as an innocent, engag- ing gambol through familiar, but not arid, fields. Gene Tierney and Vincent Price are invaluable to the venture. They have the happy faculty of playing the game with a child-like, guileless enthusiasm that gives the odd, but nonethless gratifying, impression that they believe the whole thing. Price has one of the genuinely great leers of our generation and Miss Tierney has the wan beauty essential to the Young Governess in The House of Horror. * * * * . .. .at the Slate John Wayne in "Dakota," with Walter Bren- nan; a Republic production. WELL, here we go again; another Western. This one is about some shady dealings among the wheat farmers. Judging from pre- vious experiences with things Western, I should judge justice triumphs and the bad guys get what's comin' to them. I wouldn't know, though. I brazened most of it out, but when the dance hall queen began singing a little thing called "Coax Me," my companion and I folded our Hershey wrappers and silently stole away. -Barric Waters N REGARD to the article on Dr. Wang in The Daily of May 16 I would like to make the following comments. Dr. Wang says that 90 to 99% of the Chinese don't want Commun- ism. (When did he take a census?) This statement of a high official of the Kuomintang does not explain that the Communist Party now active in Northern China is not "Commun- istic" in the generally accepted mean-, ing or 'Hearstian' use of the term. The Communist party in North China, has what we would consider a so- cialistic program-their basic policy is one of agrarian land reform which has broken up the large estates and divided them among the peasants as small private holdings. This agrar- ian reform was one of the three prin- ciples of Sun Yat Sen on which the Kuomintang was founded and which it has since failed to follow. He has further termed as "com- pletely false" the assertions of for- eign correspondents Owen Latti- more and Edgar Snow and others. He contends that "America is get- ting a highly propagandized ver- sion of the situation." This is pos- sible; however Lattimore and Snow have at least been in the Commun- ist areas and seen the situation. In- stead of Americans who are in- clined to be impartial, we should take the word of a Kuomintang representative who can only have gained his own information through the party's secret police controlled, highly propagandized, prejudiced Central News Agency? "No village official can rule," he said, "without the sanction of the people." What the Good Doctor pol- itely failed to point out in this re- gard is that the Kuomintang, using the war as an excuse, has prevented elections in its area and has main- tained their own officials in power. I can agree with the doctor when he says, "We're not trying to in- stitute democracy in China. We're just trying to educate the people for formal political responsibility." So have other dictatorships similiarly educated the people to formal poli- tical responsibility-the responsibility of supporting the existing govern- ment in any and all policies without any actual voice, but merely by regi- mented thinking. This is not democracy in any form. It is inconceivable that a one party system can be democratic. Much as the Kuomintang may wish it, China is not a one-party nation. China will only have democracy when it has a complete national election with all parties participating in the election and administration of the resulting government. -James R. Raub * * * Need World Gov't To the Editor: IN AN EDITORIAL in The Daily of May 28, Tom Walsh asks why the public has forgotten the problem of the control of atomic energy. It has been pointed out repeatedly by Owen Roberts, Emery Reves, Harold Urey, and many others that the solution of this problem requires no less than the solution of the problem of the prevention of war. These men also show conclusively that we stand no chance of eliminating war as long as the world continues in the anar- chic state of unhampered national sovereignty. In order to control the atomic bomb we must firstnset up an organ- zation which will be able to take ac- tion on important matters, and to which the individual nations will be subordinate. This means a world gov- ernment whose basis is law rather than the unanimous consent of five nations. To effect large changes such as are needed requires considerable ef- fort in thought and action, and this the people and the statesmen have refused to accept. Instead, they have expected to solve the new problem (atomic bombs) -and the old (war) without making any radi- cal changes in the existing inter- national arrangement, and, as Mr. Walsh truthfully states, they have continued to hope that things will work out all right by themselves. At the present time this nation is preparing to wage an atomic war, and several other nations have stated their intentions of doing likewise. If we continue to sit by and let Nature take its course, the stage should be set for the fireworks within 10 or 20 years. Then it will be too late to make any changes. Now is thetime when we all must make the decision and act upon it. If our choice is inac- tion, then I shall look for a cave high in the Andes. -David B. Wehmeyer Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all memn- r bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent In typewritten a form to the Assistant to the President,i 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day W preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- t urdays).- S TUESDAY, MAY 21. 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 145V NoticesC Men's Orientation Advisors are ur- N gently needed for the fall term. MenJ who will be able to return to Ann e Arbor by Sept. 15, one week before the start of the term, and who are willing to act as advisors may leave P their names at the Michigan UnionS Student Offices on week days between< 3 and 5 p.m. or call Al Farnsworth,1 2-3002. There are no restrictionsF regarding class or school. Veteransc and men with previous experienceC are particularly needed. Students: Colleges of Literature, 1 Science and the Arts; Architecture and Design; Schools of Education; Forestry and Conservation; Music;. and Public Health. Blueprints willf be mailed in June to the address on each student's permanent record. If there has been a change in the homee address since your first registration,1 please notify the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall.r Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Dean Edmon- son and Professors Thorpe, Welch, and Wheeler will present a panel dis- cussion to students on "Teaching ast a Profession," today at 4:30 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall.7 Professor Perkins of the Depart-; ment of Political Science will presenti a lecture to students on "The In- stitute of Public Relations," Wednes- day, May 22, at 4:30 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall. All students who expect to become candidates for a teacher's certificate in February, June, or August, 1947, should call for an application form at the' office of the School of Educa- tion, Room 1437 University Elemen- tary School. Application forms should be filled in and returned to the School of Education by May 27. Victory gardens. Many of those us- ing the victory gardens at the Botan- ical Garden have not yet responded to the request that every gardener contribute one dollar toward the ex- pense of plowing and preparation of the soil. As it is necessary to. settle accounts now, an urgent appeal is hereby made for prompt payment of these contributions to Mr. Roszel. Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical His- tory Prize: Established in 1939 by bequest of Professor Alfred O. Lee, a member of the faculty of the Univer- sity from 1908 until his death in 1938. The income from the bequest is to be awarded annually to a junior or senior premedical student in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for writing the best essay on some topic concerning the history of medicine. Freshmen in the Medical School who are on the Combined Curriculum in Letters and Medicine are eligible to compete in the contest. The following committee has been appointed to judge the contest: As- sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair- man, Professor Adam A. Christman, and Assistant Professor Frederick H. Test. The Committee has announced the following topics for the contest: 1. History of a Medical Unit' 2. Medical-Aid Man 3. Medicine in Industry 4. Tropical Medicine Prospective contestants may con- sult committee members, by appoint- ment. (1) A first prize of $50 and a second prize of $25 is being offered. (2) Manuscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000 words in length, (3) the man- uscripts should be typed, double spac- ed, on one side of the paper only. (4) contestants must submit two cop- ies of their manuscripts, and (5) all manuscripts should be handed in at Room 1220 Angell Hall by May 31. Ethyl Corporation in Detroit has a few openings for lab analysts for this summer. Men who are interested may obtain application blanks at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. A representative of Philip Morris and Company will be in our office on Thursday to interview sophomores and juniors interested in part-time consumer work this summer. Men and women who would like to apply and who expect to stay in Michigan dur- ing the summer should call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, for an appointment. Students interested in selling pro- ducts through the Campus Merchan- dising Bureau during the summer can obtain application blanks at the Bur- eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. The products to be sold include books, personalized stationery, matchbooks, The Bureau of Appointments has eceived a call for a young lady with background in psychological test- ng for a job in industry. Anyone vho is interested should apply at he Bureau of Appointments and occupational Information, 201 Ma- on Hall, for further information. Willow Village Program for veterans and their wives: Tuesday, May 21: Discussion Group, led by Mrs. David Delzell, Monson Court. "Issues Involved in Japanese Occupation." 2 p.m. Confer- ence Room, West Lodge. Tuesday, May 21: Safety Series, "Built-in-Safety." Illustrated talk by Professor George M. McConkey, School of Architecture. Mrs. Joseph Courtis will discuss furniture ar- rangements for safety. Sponsored by Federal Public Housing Authority in cooperation with Washtenaw County Chapter of American Red Cross. 8 p.m. Village Community House. Wednesday, May 22: Bridge, 2-4 p.m.; 8-10 p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge. Friday, May 24: Dancing Classes: Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced, 8 p.m.; Open dancing, 9-10 p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. Saturday, May 25: Club Room Re- cord Dance, 8:30-11:30. Club Room, West Lodge. Sunday, May 26: Classical Music, records, 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for William J. Wingo, Biological Chemistry; the- sis: "The Synthesis and Intermedi- ary Metabolism of Some Sulfur Ana- logues of Cystine: Isocysteine," today at 2:00 p.m., at 313 West Medical. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. The Botanical Seminar will meet Wednesday, May 22, at 4:00 p.m., Room 1139 Natural Science Building. R. M. Muir will give a paper entitled "The Physiological Mechanism of Fruit Development." All interested are invited. Literature, Science and Arts, 2nd semester sophomore are reminded that the Profile Tests for sophomores are to be held in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall, Thursday morning, May 23, and Friday morning, May 24. Doors will open at 7:50 a.m. and close promptly at 8 a.m. Please bring foun- tain pens and pencil erasers with you to both sessions. Notice to Sophomore and Senior Students taking the Profile Examina- tions: You will be excused from classes where there is a conflict with the examinations. Present to your instructor my communication regard- ing the test as proof of your eligibil- ity. Hayward Keniston, Dean Concerts Student Recital: Lucretia Dell, pi- anist, will be heard in a program pre- sented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bach- elor of Music at 8:00 this evening in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Dell will play compositions by Respighi, Schumann, Beethoven, and Rach- maninoff. The recital is open to the public. Student Recital: Francis Peterson, violinist, will be heard in a recital given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, May 22, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of Wassily Bese- kirsky, Mr. Peterson will play com- positions by Brahms, Wieniawski, Kreisler, and Saint Saens. The pro- gram will be open to the general public. Exhibitions Better fishing? Rotunda, Museum Building. Through June 30. 8:00-9:00 week days; 2:00-5:00, Sundays and holidays. The 23rd Annual Exhibition for Artists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation. The Rackham. Galleries, daily except Sundays, through May 23; afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10. The public is cordially invited. Michigan Historical Collections. "Public Schools in Michigan." Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 12:00 Satur- day. Events Today Sigma Rho Tau Members: The meeting tonight will feature inter- circle conference debates on the M. V. A. question. A report on the An- nual Convention in Detroit will be presented and plans for the Tung Oil Banquet will be made. The meet- ing starts at 7:00 in Rooms 319-323 in the Union. Scabbard and Blade: All members are requested to attend the reactivat- ing meeting at the Michigan Union at 7:30 tonighlt. BARNABY i That's right, son. My team is called the Dodgers. I'm the catcher. And my boss, But Pop. Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, is going to pitch for you. I hope his arm is in shape. The Maintenance Department team ... The Cardinals . . By Crockett Johnson Sluggers? Hmm. Once the Peerless Ty Cobb got a hit off your Fairy Godfather ... A Texas Leaguer. No, your pater is undulyo