THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Mtargaret Farmer ..... . . Managing Editor Bale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . City Editor Enily E. Knapp . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint ,. . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . ... Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mille . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newbpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as iecond-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRE ENTRD FOR NATIONAL AVEnR1'NG1 SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. - NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON. LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO $fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MAL ROEMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. w BOOKS r5. a -.- . 5.rrr Top Secret by Ralph Ingersoll, Harcourt, Brace, and Co. 264 pages. RALPH INGERSOLL, himself a controversial personality, invariably writes in complete bald-face about the most controversial topic available. "Top Secret" is no exception. From a vantage point with SHAEF from the planning stages of the invasion until V-E Day, he watched the top echelons at work, and emerged - as might have been expected - with this boolm. He finds Field Marshal Montgomery responsible for costly mistakes, hints broadly that Eisenhower was far from being a military genius, and bends the laurel wreath over the unassuming brow of General Omar Bradley top field commander. What's more he does it convincingly. -Hale Champion , * ,~ * The Snake Pit by Mary Jane Ward. Random House. 278 pages. "RACING the incongruous labyrinth of "a mind on vacation," "The Snake Pit" is a story of a woman's recovery from the brink of insanity. The title, an allusion to a primitive 'medicine- man' approach to the problem of curing lunacy, is a depressing, incoherent, but fascinating ac- count of the torments of hospital life as it ap- pears to the patient. --Mary Brush * * F * This House Against This House, by Vincent Shee- an. Random House, New York, 1946. A GLOBAL. WAR, and what it means and may mean, is difficult to translate into under- standable terms. That is what Vincent Sheean just fails to do in this latest of a series which began with "Personal History", and includes "Not Peace but a Sword" and "Between Thunder and the Sun." -Ann Kutz Basic Trou ble-WCoal Uneconomic ONE PHASE of the present dispute over the demands of the United Mine Workers on the bituminous coal operators has been considerably neglected. To me, it seems to be basic. It is the subject of the general economic outlook of the coal industry. Let's -look at how the operator's arguments line up. They have been forced to recognize the need for the health and welfare fund which the miners have demanded, and are now pulling red herrings over Mr. Lewis' integrity and ability to administer the fund. Also, they claim that the industry cannot afford to support the fund. Something sounds a bit funny. The opera- tors claim on one hand that they are eager to provide adequate health funds and will do so if they can be assured that it will be properly used, and on the other hand they say they can't possibly make the necessary contributions to the fund. IT IS this last point which requires investiga- tion. It seems that the coal industry is trap- ped. The health and welfare fund demands, the operators claim, are three times as great as the net profits for the industry over the 1936-39 base period. How this is relevant I fail to see, The situation now is not the same as during the 1936-39 period. Profits in the industry are now running close to six times the miners' health fund demands. So the operators say they can't pay the de- manded contributions unless the cost is passed on to the consumer. And, if this is done, con- sumers will divert power demands to other sources which will then be more economic. Whereas coal provided from 60 to 70 per cent of the industrial energy of the 1900 to 1917 per- iod, this declined to about 40 per cent in 1940. With increased costs of coal if the miners' de- mands go through, more cheaply available sources of petroleum, natural gas and hydro- electric power can be expected to further dis- place coal as sources of industrial power. That is just what should happen. The cost of maintaining the health of employes should be considered a real and proper cost in any pro- ductive activity. If, when this cost is assumed, the industry cannot function economically and provide a profit for its entrepreneur, as the en- trepreneurs claim, it is most beneficial to the national economy in the long run if that industry is displaced. Since it appears that this must hap- pen in the case of the bituminous coal industry, this is the ideal time to have it occur. Operators will be able to keep the mines running until in- dustries which use soft coal can convert to use of less expensive fuel supplies. When this has .occurred, the days of the soft-coal mines will be at an end, and properly so. -Mal Roemer Democrats, Foes Unite i Futility IT IS TIME to bring to public notice and at- tention the odd fact that both major parties are in complete agreement on precisely those administration policies which have been com- plete disasters during the past year. There is no official quarrel between Republicans and Democrats on the handling of the atomic bomb, on the world food famine, and on our relations with Russia. Now, ordinarily, when an administration is guilty of producing a royal gum-up on any issue of valid public interest and concern, the opposition stands ready to clain that it, with its obviously greater wisdom, could have avert- ed disaster. But if there is any leading Repub- lican now saying that he favors a policy differ- ent from the official one on the atomic bomb, on the world famine, or on our relations with Russia, he is saying it into his beard, and we cannot hear him. THESE ARE bi-partisan turkeys. On atomic energy, Mr. Truman has appointed Mr. Ber- nard Baruch as the American member of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission, and ' Mr. Baruch (to the loud cheers of both parties) has named a group of his business friends, none of whom knows a uranium atom from a block of basalt, to help him draft a policy. Actually, we have no national atomic ener- gy policy. Mr. Baruch is our policy; his awe- some prestige in American life has made him a convenient peg on which to hang the issue; and his prestige is probably great enough to make both parties swallow whatever policy he produces. ON THE WORLD FAMINE, Mr. Truman and Mr. Hoover work together; on our relations with Russia it is Byrnes and Vandenberg. The two parties are inextricably mixed in these fields; it is quite impossible to say that there is a Demo- cratic policy or a Republican policy; it is all one. And there is something a shade frightening about it all; for while unity is always touching, it should be unity for success, and what we have here is failure. We have no atomic energy policy; we have bungled our contribution to world feed- ing; our relations with Russia were never worse. When some of the greatest failures on record go unquestioned by the opposition, Americans are entitled to look about them, and into their hearts, for new sources of inspiration and guid- ance.a-Samuel Grafton (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Dominie Says WE WHO TASTE VICTORY should feel that dull thud of hitting bottom which the Euro- peans know. Hunger as a word is just too soon over. A fed people does not understand. If Mr. LaGuardia were empowered to half starve us all - leaving us with one meal a day until the careless ease and bubbling energy would be re- placed by bewildered thrusts and feeble fear -, we would be able to grasp the situation. Pierre van Passen, as was expected of him, in Earth Could Be So Fair, has produced a book which bleeds. He talks about the "deep inbeing" of a people, their "very ethos" being destroyed. We know such words as pathological and patho-biological. Both of them were derived from pathos. Pathos in a way is the opposite of ethos. Everything which a pathological pa- tient has left behind, -- the free functioning of all the faculties, due to full flowing energies in normal organs is included in ethos. When such energy of a person in the command of pure homely intentions, is aimed in a direction to attain its goal'by the grace of human under- standing, we sense the ethos of a person or a people. We do well to warn ourselves that there are degradations from which our world might never recover and the signs are not political. HOWEVER there is another phase of this loss of ethos which suggests a status moving toward decay. The "almost normal" person under' strain is certain to think of himself as fully normal and is certain to think that all the others of the humarn family are ill or out of step. As we look at Europe and also at our behavior since the fighting ceased we do well to ask if it is not we Americans who are in the pathological case. Cer- tainly Dr. Hafez Afifi Pasha of Egypt is correct in his report that U.N. has disappointed the peoples of the world. We of the United States are not doing so well. Have we perspectives? Have we a realism which spells direction? Are our attitudes those which, if adopted by all men, would issue in a sane orderly course to specific worthy goals? Or are we confused, uncertain, fearful so that our behavior is contradictory, suicidal and futile? If we find ourselves in such case, then again it is religion we need, a focus- ing of the attntion of each person on the all- good, the healing ethos - God. It seems trite to say that religion is what is needed if we are to begin the restoration of the peoples our men were called upon to bomb. We mean a certain kind of religion, a soulful human sympathy backed by tenacity of that patient variety which never gets defeated. Today one might say that only in the humanity of man to man can Divinity be found. We refer to that sort of religion which grows out of an heirarchy of values where the fundamental human needs of all mankind meet at its base. Other values common to all races, all creeds, all nationalities will follow those basic ones, but will draw in the margins. Values in an heirarchy become selec- tive. In such an heirarchy truth, beauty, and goodness of the Greek philosopher, Karma of the Hindu, and Nirvana of the Buddhist, will be found with the Christian's faith, hope and chagity toward the top of our pyramid. Had we as a people firm grasp on such a religion we could spell out world morale. "The suffering God is no vast cosmic force, That by some blind, unthinking, loveless power Keeps stars and atoms swinging in their course, And reckons naught of men in this grim hour. Nor is the suffering of God a fair ideal Engendered in the questioning hearts of men, A figment of the mind to help me steel My soul to rude realities I ken. God suffers with a love that cleanses dross; A God like that, I see upon a cross." -Georgia Harkness, Holy Flame Edward W. Blakeman}, Counselor in Religious Education KICKS & COMMENTS N THE COLUMN last week, an effort was made to treat a jazz trend which impressed me, at the time, as new and important. The trend, for want of a better name, was labeled "West Coast jazz", and my criticism of it was intended as a favorable one. Since then, a series of written and verbal replies has informed me that this re- view was ill-timed, misguided and wide of its mark, and that I had mistaken the scattered symbols of a whole new jazz school for the real thing. These critics maintained that the lack of com- ment here about the new "re-bop" style of swing was quite out of keeping with its popularity and its merits. They pointed out the overwhelming- ly enthusiastic receptions it has had in New York and on the Coast, and they named a host of mature, established musicians who have now renounced the old jazz for the new. Though it is hard to answer all these charges in the short space of this column, it might be appropriate to mention here that if there has been no men- tion of the "re-bop" in my reviews, it has only been because no records of it are yet obtainable. -Lex Walker, 17a .L _J er'ito Unplug Whose Ears? To the Editor: LAST FRIDAY there appeared aI letter to the Editor which accused your columnist, John Campbell, of "swallowing" Hearst propaganda con-1 cerning "Red Fascists," and the "Commies." The author of this article, Kenneth' Goodman, demonstrated conclusivelyj his inability to logically interpret the, English language, for Mr. Campbell's reference to "the magnificent journ- alistic imaginations which have con- jured up the giant Red Spectre loom- ing over the horizon" was as clearly satire as Mr. Goodman's comments were misrepresentations. No, Mr. Goodman, John Campbell need not "unplug his ears" as you so advised him, for he hears and un- derstands the rotten half-truths Wil- liam Randolph terms journalism. But; you, Kenneth my boy, should "un- plug" your mind so that you may use it to better advantage in interpreting what is so obvious - the fact that John shows about as much love for the Hearst press as you do. - Bernard (no relation) Goodman Campbell Replies To the Editor: K(ENNETH GOODMAN'S recent let- ter to the Editor criticizing my editorial on the Communist defeat in France was largely inaccurate and completely unjustified, as must be clear to anyone who read both the editorial and the letter. Mr. Goodman points out that the Communists have large memberships in many European countries, partic- ularly in France where they number 1,500,000 and constitute the largest single party. That is exactly the rea- son why observers throughout the world considered the Communist de- feat in the French Constitution ref- erendum vote as surprising and of great significance - a belief in which I concurred. Contrary to Mr. Goodman's im- plications, I expressed no opinion regarding the defeat of the French Communists. The facts upon which I based my editorial were reported in the New York Times. My obser- vations on the possible effects of the defeat upon Russian influence, the French Socialists and U.S. poli- cy were the results of observations made by on-the-scene reporters and competent news analysts. THE FACT that the Hearst papers had been advised to substitute "Red Fascist" for "Comny" in label- ling Communists for the reason that "Communism is no longer humor- ous" was reported in the United Mine Workers Journal. I considered both the change and the reason rather amusing and evidence of in- fantile journalistic practices, not to mention unreasonably biased politi- cal views. Mr. Goodman, unfortun- ately, somehow found cause for hys- teria in these facts and, as a result, his ,doubtless sincere political be- liefs are obscured and confused by an incoherent attack upon my own convictions with which he is amazing- ly unfamiliar. In my editorial I declared that "Recent developments . . . do not seem to indicateaesserious Com- munistic threat' despite the mag- nificent journalistic imaginations which have conjured up the 'Giant Red Spectre looming over the hori- zon'." I fail to see just how this statement leads to Mr. Goodman's remarkable conclusion that I have swallowed Hearst's "desperation rantings"." With due respect to Mr. Goodman, t should like to point out that such obvious misrepresentations as were contained in his letter are seldom convincing to the intelligent reader. His commendable zeal might have been effective if he had concerned himself with logic and accuracy rather than unsubstantial emotional utterances. -John Campbell Library List Ingersoll, Ralph McAllister Top Secret. New York, Harcourt, 1946. Larsson, Gosta Ships in the River. New York, Whittlesey, 1946. McWilliams, Carey Southern California Country. New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. Sheean, Vincent This House Against This House. New York, Random House, 1946. West, Jessamyn The Friendly Persuasion. New York, Harcourt, 1945. Yerby, Frank The Foxes of Harrow. New York, The Dial Press, 1946. (Continued from Page 2) f Mentor Reports, College of Engin- eering - Ten-week grades for En- gineering Freshmen are now due in Dean Crawford's Office. Men's Residence Halls. Reapplica- tions for the FALL and SPRING TERMS for men now living in the Residence Halls are ready for dis- tribution. Blanks may be secured from the Office of the Dean of Stu-] dents. All applications for reassign- ment must be in the hands of the Dean of Students ON OR BEFORE MAY 20. Men's Orientation Advisors are ur- gently needed for the fall term. Men who will be able to return to Ann Arbor by Sept. 15, one week before the start of the term, and who are willing to act as advisors may leave their names at the Michigan Union Student Offices on week days between 3 and 5 p.m. or call Al Farnsworth, 2-3002. There are no restrictions regarding class or school. Veterans and men with previous experience are particularly needed. Willow Village Program for veterans and their wives: Sunday, May 19: Installation Ser- vice at 11:00 a.m., for Rev. Robert Boettger. Rev. Henry Yoder offici- ating. Christ Lutheran Chapel, 1450 Midway Blvd. Sunday, May 19: Classical Music, (records). 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Monday, May 20: Child Care Class, Mrs. Agnes Stahly, 2 p.m., West Court Community House. Tuesday, May 21: Discussion Group, led by Mrs. David Delzell, Monson Court. "Issues Involved in Japanese Occupation." 2 p.m. Confer- ence Room, West Lodge. Tuesday, May 21: Safety Series, "Built-in-Safety." Illustrated talk by Professor George M. McConkey, School of Architecture. Ms. Joseph Courtis will discuss furniture ar- rangements for safety. Sponsored by Federal Public Housing Authority in cooperation with Washtenaw Cdunty Chapter of American Red Cross. -8 p.m. Village Community House. Wednesday, May 22: Bridge, 2-4 p.m.; 8-10 p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge. Friday, May 24: Dancing Classes: Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced, 8 p.m.; Open dancing, 9-10 p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. - Saturday, May 25: Club Room Re- cord Dance, 8:30-11:30. Club Room, West Lodge. Sunday, May 26: Classical Music, records, 3 p m. Office, West Lod e. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for William J. Wingo, Biological Chemistry; the- sis: "The Synthesis and Intermedi- ary Metabolism of Some Sulfur Ana- logues of Cystine: Isocysteine," Tues- day, May 21; at 2:00 p.m., at 313 West Medical. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. English II, Section 26. Assignment for Monday, May 20 (11 o'clock): Continue preparation of The Anat- omy of Peace through page 155. Sociology 169, Social Legislation, will not meet Monday, May 20. W. S. Landecker. The Chemistry Colloquium will meet Wednesday, May 22 at 4:15 p.m. in room 303 Chemistry Building. Mr. J. J. Moran of the Kimble Glass Com- pany will speak on "Manufacture of Laboratory Glassware." English Honors. Applications for admission to the English Honors Course for seniors should be filed not later than Saturday, May 25, at 12:00. They may be left in the English Of- fice (3221 Angell Hall), or given to any member of the Committee in charge. Karl Litzenberg, Paul Mue- schke, Bennett Weaver, W. R. Hum- phreys. Literature, Science and Arts, 2nd semester seniors are reminded that the Profile Tests for Seniors are to be held in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Monday morning, May 20, and Tues- day morning, May 21. The advanced test will be given Thursday evening, May 23. Doors will open at 7:50 in the morning and close promptly at 8:00. In the evening the doors will open at 6:45 and close at 7:00. Please bring fountain pens and pencil era- sers with you to all 3 sessions. Notice to Sophomore and Senior Students taking the Profile Examina- tions: You will be excused from classes where there is a conflict with the examinations. Present to your instructor my communication regard- ing the test as proof of your eligibil- ity. Hayward Keniston, Dean Concerts Carillon Recital: Professor Perci- val Price, University Carillonneur, will be heard in a recital at 3 p.m. today. Program: Mendelssohn's Spring- song, five spirituals, Spirituoso by lmmon a o'rnn nf folk nnongs .nd and Edward Ormond, violist. public is invited. The Student Recital: Jeannette Haien, student of Piano under John Kollen, will present a recital in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 this evening in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Program: Compositions by Bach, Chopin, Ravel, and Schumann, and will be open to the general pub- lic. Student Recital: Edward Ormond, a student of viola under Wassily Be- sekirsky, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Monday evening, May 20, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Program: Compositions of Brahms, Glazunov, Edmund Haines, Kabalev- sky, and R. Vaughan Williams. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Lucretia Dell, pi- anist, will be heard in a program pre- sented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bach- elor of Music at 8:30 Tuesday eve- ning, May 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of Joseph Brink- man, Miss Dell will play compositions by Respighi, Schumann, Beethoven, and Rachmaninoff. The recital is open to the public. Student Recital: Francis Peterson, violinist, will be heard in a recital given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, May 22, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of Wassily Bese- kirsky, Mr. Peterson will play com- positions by Brahms, Wieniawski, Kreisler, and Saint Saens. The pro- gram will be open to the general public. Coming Events There will be no house presidents meetings for League Houses or Dorm- itories on Tuesday, May 21. The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 28. Graduate Council meeting on Mon- day, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the East Lecture Room of Rackham Building. Nominations for provisional officers will be presented, and the presence of each council. member is urged. Phi Sigma, honorary biological fraternity, will sponsor a talk by Dr. E. C. Case, professor emeritus of his- torical geology and paleontology, and former Chairman of the Geology De- partment and Director of the Mu- seum of pAleontology, on Monday, May 20, in Rackham Amphitheatre at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Case will speak on his "Reminiscences and Impressions" of his years as a professor on this campus. Students, faculty, and pub- lic are cordially invited to attend. The Ann Arbor Library Club will hold a meeting at 7:45 Tuesday, May 28, in room 110, General Library. Mr. Eugene Power of the Univer- sity microfilm will speak on the sub- ject "Microfilms in the Wam." Refreshments will be served by the order department of the University library. Tea at Couzens Hall from 3:00 to 5:00 Tuesday, May 21, for University girls interested in entering nursing given by the faculty of the School of Nursing. There will be an opportuni- ty to see the student residences, the educational division and some of the hospital. All those interested in going to Mexico this summer are invited to 306 Romance Language Building, Wednesday, May 22, at 4:00 p.m. Several students who attended the University of Mexico will answer questions concerning the trip. The Polonia Club will meet Tues- day at 7:30 in the International Center. All those interested in at- tending the club's picnic this Satur- day should be present. Following the business meeting, a folk-dancing lesson will be given in the Union. An Evening of Bridge is featured at the International Center every Mon- day at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by AN- CUM, this activity is for anyone in- terested. Churches First Presbyterian Church. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Dr. Lemon's sermon will be "Seeing Life Whole". 6:00 p.m. Westminister Guild sup- per hour. Dr. H. Y. McClusky will speak on "Courtships that Lead to Stable Marriages". First Congregational Church. Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. 10:45 a.m. Public Worship. The subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "Are You Convinced?" 6:00 p.m. Congregational-Disciples Student Guild. Cost supper and pro- gram at Memorial Christian Church. Dr. Parr will lead a forum discussion on "Christ." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Better Salaries For T hers FOR YEARS we have been told that our out- moded, inadequately financed educational sys- tem will gravely affect the future competence of the nation; that old-fashioned, inefficient teach- ing techniques and the low salaries of teachers have contributed to what the current LOOK magazine calls "the failure of the American educational system". A survey on supply, demand and placement of teachers, completed recently by the Bureau of Appointments and other placement services throughout the state, reveals that almost 40 per cent of more than 5,000 Michigan teachers who have left the profession in the last two and a half years, will not return. AND NOTHING is being done about it. Legis- lators concentrate on other national and international issues, ignoring one whose future effects could be devastating. Citizens and tax- payers make little use of their power as voters to demand educational reforms. LOOK magazine points out that in 1942, the national average salary for college instructors, $1,872, and $1,902 for high school teachers, was considerably below the incomes of shipbuilders and printers. Now, with inflation gaining mo- mentum, these are not even living wages. This great weakness in the American educational sys- tem, causing reduced efficiency and bitterness in otherwise able, sincere and hardworking men and women. is the main factor in the acute scar- city of teachers now facing us. Through the years, the teaching profession. once regarded as one of the finest careers for BARNABY By Crockett Johnson You didn't mean to throw the ball through the window, Mr, O'Malley. So I'll tell Mom. In spring training they're a dime a dozen-It was a knockler that got away from your Fairy Godfather, But it We mmst recover the hArsehid Hmm. A nickel rocket. Let's call it a wild pitch, Ellen. My Fairy Godfather wants you to return r s th el U n e