BASIC TROUBLE see rage 4 Lj Lw Daiti RAIN, MORE RAIN VOL. LVI, No. 144 ..~ ~ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Rail Workers Postpone Strike Five Days UN Gets New Data On OnSpain hain1De a tc Seeni By The Associated Press NEW YORK, May 18--The United States today submitted to the United Nations a voluminous report which an informed source said contained information of "great importance" to the Security Council sub-commit- tee investigating Franco Spain. Much of the material previously had been published, but an inform- ant who would not be identified said it contained more new material on the Franco regime than the sub-com- mitee had received up to now from all other sources. The main document was said to deal with the following subjects: Ger- man assets in Spain, Germans in Spain, Spanish war potential, efforts of Franco Spain to penetrate the American republics and the Franco regime's reactions in relations with the United States. The sub-committee has until May 31 to complete its investigation on Poland's charges that the Franco regime is a threat to world peace. So far it has received documents from Russia, Great Britain, Brazil, Bel- gium and the Spanish government- in-exile. Meanwhile, several delegates to the United Nations Security Council said they expected Russia to boycott dis- cussions of the Iranian case which will be resumed next week, probably on Tuesday or Wednesday. None of the delegates would com- ment for publication, but some said they would be greatly surprised if Soviet delegate Andrei A. Gromyko reversed his declaration of April 23 that he would not take part in any further discussions on Iran. iternatona I Zone Sought li Germany PARIS, May 18-(P-Authoritative informants said today that Britain has demanded internationalization of industries in eastern Germany in the heart of the Soviet occupation zone to counterbalance the projected in- ternationalization of the Ruhr. These sources said that British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, ap- parently engaged in a diplomatic struggle with Russia for greater in- fluence in postwar Germany, voiced the British demand at the concluding sessions of the four-power foreign ministers' conference. An international council with Brit- ish members would secure a foothold in Upper Silesia to offset any Soviet representation in the Ruhr, which is in the British zone of occupation. Bevin was reported to have backed his proposal with two others - ex- amination of all German questions as a whole rather than on a piece-i meal basis, and a review of Germany's eastern boundaries. Exchange Plall To Be Discussed Supporting student exchange as a' means of preventing international discord, representatives of the Inter- national Student Exchange Commit- tee will discuss "Student Exchange -- Weapon of Peace" at 7:30 p.m. today over station WPAG. Fay Ajzenberg, who-has studied in France and Germany, Rostislav Galuszewski, former student in France and Turkey, and Altimir Mushkara, a Turkish student doing graduate work at the University, will speak in support of the exchange. Opposition arguments will be pre- sented by Wayne Saari, congressional candidate from the Ann Arbor dis- trict, and Charles Wiekel. 8panish Scholarship Wintiers Announced Jeanne North, '48, Angela Pons, Famine Relief Drive Will Seek Student Aid Thursday By MARY EDITOR'S Nwri: This is the first of situation and the campus' part in helpin The University's Famine Relief L mittee and the Michigan Christian Fe Thursday to raise funds for food reli Funds raised in the collection Thu tions in all student residences each' week until the end of the term. The crucial need for famine re- lief abroad is more than evident," Bruce Cooke, chairman of the Fam- ine Committee, said yesterday. He referred to former president Her- bert Hoover's report that the "grim- est spectre of famine in all the history of the world" hovers over more than one-third of the world's population. Although all foodstuffs are critical- ly needed to help sustain the world's starving,dthe chief contribution that this country can make, Hoover point- Prof. Tracy Will Serve as Retrial Judge Prof. John E. Tracy of the law school will act as Judge in the retrial of Richard Cortright tomorrow for alleged illegal voting practices in the recent student elections, Ray Da- vis, president of the Student Congress, announced yesterday. Prosecuting attorney will be Mon- roe Fink, '47L' and Roy Boucher, '47L, will act as defense attorney for Cort- right. The trial will be held in the Union. The Women's Judicary Council has chosen a panel of 15 students, from which the six-member jury will be jority vote of the jury. Cortright was disqualified as a member of" the Student Congress by Men's Judiciary Councilntherday of the first session of Congress. This action followed an investigation of charges that Cortright had voted with other students' identification cards. Last Tuesday, Boucher, acting for Cortright, appealed the case to the executive cabinet of the Congress, claiming that Cortright had not been given opportunity to present any defense. At the Congress meeting on Wednesday the student representa- tives voted a retrial. The court which will try the case has been authorized to make the final decision concern- ing Cortright. If Cortright is cleared of the charges, he will be reinstated in the Congress. replacing Henry Kaminski, who was declared elected i hi pl c.Sa f e t y L e c t u r e To Be (;iven Prof George M. McConkey of the architecture college will speak on "Built-in Safety" at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Willow Village Community House. The lecture will continue the safe- ty course sponsored by FPHA in co- operation with the Washtenaw Coun- ty Chapter of the American Red Cross. The University activity program for veterans' wives will meet Monday at 2 p.m. with a child care class led by Mrs. Agnes Stahly. Scheduled for Tuesday at 2 p.m. is a discussion group led by Mrs. David Delzell on "Issues Involved in Japanese Occu- pation." RUTTH LEVY f a series of articles on the world famine g to alleviate the crisis. Drive, sponsored by the Famine Com- llowship, will be conducted on campus ef abroad. ursday will be supplemented by collec-' ed out, is to ship every available' kernel of wheat abroad. UNRRA has been forced to fall behind its prom-: ised commitments of wheat to fam- ine-stricken lands. Fiorello La Guar- dia, UNRRA director, has said that if the present deficit rate continues, . wheat shipments will be seven mil- ion tons behind schedule by July. In order to accelerate wheat ship- ments, UNRRA needs enough money to pay for 20 per cent of its grain purchases, since 20 per cent of the afflicted areas do not have money TO OPERATE RAILROADS-J, iM to buy wheat in quantity. the Office of Defense Transportati The Famine Committee's program who will act as federal manager of is planned to help satisfy UNRRA day strike postponement. needs. The all-campus collection Thursday and the house collections during the next month will constitute LABOR-MANAGEMENT- this campus' contribution of money to UNRRA. The committee's con- jR. servation program aims to help make I$ C rt4 more food available to UNRRA by cutting down food consumption, es- Op >-sed bPi pecially of bread. by The campus Famine Relief Drive will be run in conjunction with WASHINGTON, May 18-UP)-P drives which are being set up in Capitol Hill today as being willing f 16,00-0 -communities throughout the labor dispute laws but opposing any nation. The Famine Committee has Legislators who have discussed t affiliated with the Ann Arbor Fam- said he expressed the hope that any, ine Emergency Committee, but will as to force him to veto the resultant run the campus collection inde- Despite the difficulties the Presi pendently. All funds will be turn- about settlements in controversies bet ed over to UNRRA._ "The student body at this Uni- versity has a highly commendable W oTrnW*ei e record of cooperation in fund collec- W1overine N neI tions in the past", Mary Friedkin, of p the Famine Committee and MCF, S lt w il said yesterday. "We now have a new opportunity to exhibit our human si ofinnesota 800,000,000 people literally depend on our contributions to the Famine Re- (Special to The Daily) lief Drive." MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 18-A rain-haunted Michigan baseball team *i n C e went down to its second defeat of the season in the nightcap of yester- day's doubleheader with Minnesota, Represent 4-1, after breezing to a 6-1 win in the opener behind the effective pitching of Cliff Wise. At Tournam ent After being washed out in theiz last three attempts, the Wolverines missed the chance to take over the Big Ten oipete in Trophy lead as Wisconsin, current Confer. Notification Lag Causes Confusion WtagyeIncrea~ses ssredI 1y ruman By The Associated Press CLEVELAND, May 18--A five-day postponement of the scheduled strike by railroad trainmen and locomotive engineers-until 4 p.m. Thursday-was announced just before the original deadline today at headquarters of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. However, widespread confusion was re- ported in practically all major rail centers because the walkout of 250,000 railroad trainmen and engineers, called for 4 p.m. yesterday, was cancelled only a few minutes before the deadline in the Eastern time zone. Time Lag on Dispatches The time lag in dispatching notices to brotherhood locals caused thous- ands of travelers to be inconvenienced as many train crew members de- clined to work until official notice had been received from brotherhood head- quarters in Cleveland. ------- lonroe Johnson (right), Director of on, confers with Charles H. Buford, f the nation's railroads during the 5 i r'tU) on Unions riet Truman""4" rresident Truman was represented on or Congress to make some changes in drastic restrictions on unions. the matter recently with Mr. Truman action Congress takes will not be such t legislation. ident has had in attempting to bring reen management and unions in major -industries, none of his Capitol Hill friends thinks he has altered the friendly attitude he maintained to- ward organized labor while in the Senate, For that reason, they say they have no doubt that the President would veto any restrictions he felt would lay too heavy a hand on the activities of unions. But they add that thus far Mr. Truman has not said which of pending Senate. pro- posals he likes or which he dislikes. Remarks by Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach at an Atlantic City meeting of the CIO steelworkers Fri- ' Hill as a clear-cut indication t the administration is not weaker the political ties it has maintai with labor unions. that ning ned [H Regatta at Boston Four members of the University Sailing Club are entered in the ICYRA Morse Trophy Regatta, be- ing held yesterday and today on the Charles River Basin at Boston. The two crews representing Michi- gan, the only Mid-Western member of the Inter-Collegiate Yacht Rac- ing Association, are Harriet Jack- son and Lee Graves, and Barbara Fairman and Chuck Sauer. The Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology team is host for the regatta, Crews from move than 12 colleges are ex- pected to participate. Last summer Miss Jackson, Miss Fairman and Roy Hasse won the Danmark Trophy in a regatta spon- sored by the United States Coast Guard. The trophy was a gift of the captain of the Danmark, the Dan- ish training ship used by the Coast Guard during the war. Miss Jackson was rated tenth on the 1945 ICYRA Skipper's List. This is the first time that a woman has been listed in the top ten and is the highest position ever held by a Michigan sailor. ence leaders, went down before Ohio State. Ws Fourth Students W Wie W n o rh UIn the opener Wise scattered nine S it t c Ihhs outtwnefthst hit~ to tc his fourh wi nte31e v~ A fl season.H H pitched night scoreless innings losing a shutout when 'h : University contestants wonf Gc phei s tallied in the ninth. place in the annual convention hivchigan took a one run lead in Sigma Rho Tau, engineering spt the s cond inning, put the game on ing society, ,hich took place at ice with a cluster of lour in thv University of Detroit yesterday. fourth, and concluded J1e scoring in Winning first place in the ra the fifth on Bob Chappuis' home run. i g speeches, Margaret B. Carro The first game witnessed the only teUnierstyasgae B.fCurr two extra base hits of the afternoon, te wie sod pl a one goin gto each club. Chappuis' ed hy Jane C. Ingersoll, also f homer was Michigan's only long blow the University, who spoke on "R and Ralph Gilbert slapped out a hide Railryads," double for Minnesota. Nightcap Settled in First Second place of the improm The disastrous nightcap wa; de- speeches was taken by L. Terry Fi cided early as Bliss Bowman was while the University scored t' charged with the first Eig Ten lo,- more when Charles C. Chadwick of his career. He pitched to only four Pay Aizenberg won first and sec men and was responsible for the first places respectively in the Hall two Gopher runs. Earl Block re- Fame contest, a series of eulogi lieved Bowman and was nicked for orations. three hits and two runs in going the Participants in the contest w remainder of the route. students from the University of Block was plagued with wildness, troit, the Detroit Institute of Te See BASEBALL, Page 6 nology, and the University. The truce announcement came af- ter the trainmen's president, A. F. Whitney, and Alvanley Johnston, grand chief engineer of the Brother- hood of Locomotive Engineers, talked by telephone with the White House, a spokesman at Brotherhood offie s said. Will Confer on Dispute The union heads were reported to have 'e2f' or Washington late to- State Railroads Rally as Strike Is Postponed DETROIT, May 18-'P)-Michi- gan's bustling railroad system fal- tered for a few minutes at 4 p.m. today, but with the announcement of the five-day postponement of the railroad strike, recovered quickly to normal operation within 45 minutes. As the zero hour approached at the Michigan Central Depot here, the first train after the deadline, the t4:45 p.m. Chicago-Detroit twilight was cancelled. Crews were leaving the yards and evening shifts were not reporting. With the strike postponement, har- ried officials scraped together a crew, and the crack train's departure was rescheduled. In the lobby, the crowd thinned out shortly before 4 p.m. but almost im- mediately after the strike postpone- ment, the great concourse filled up again and lines formed at departure gates. Only train cancelled was the New York bound Special, scheduled to de- part at 4:45. Lack of information on the situation in the East brought the move. The Cleveland Mercury, leav- ing at 5:30,and the Wolverine, leav- ing for New York at 7:35 with the Special's cars attached, pulled out on schedule. Bor Hopes for Army's Return Ex-Geeral Supports Exiled Polish Officials General Bor-Komorowski, present commander-in-chief of the Polish Army in exile, still hopes for the day when that Army may return to Po- land. Stopping in Ann Arbor briefly af- ter a visit to Percy Jones Hospital in Battle Creek, the soldierly, grey- ing General who led the ill-fated Warsaw uprising spoke with grati- tude of his reception by Polish- Americans in this country. "They seem to understand the terrible position in which Poland finds herself," he declared. "Its prin- cipal officials are Russian citizens, its police are Russians in Polish uni- forms, and the whole country starves under the burden of the Soviet oc- cupation." "If the Polish people were per- mitted to hold free and unfettered election tomorrow, I am sure that 90 per cent would repudiate the Com- munists and the Warsaw govern- ment," he added. In this country at the invitation of various Polish-American organiza- tions, General Bor is visiting all the principal communities of Polish ex- traction to report conditions in Po- land as seen by agents of the London government in exile. "We ha e not given up hope," be night for further conferences in the wage and working rules dispute. In Kansas City, D. A. Mackenzie, vice-president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, quoted Whitney as telling him by telephone: "We are postponing the strike on assurances from the President that the carriers would have something substantial to offer the organiza- tions in the way of wage increases and, working conditions." The two brotherhoods immediately began notifying general chairmen to keep members of the two organiza- tions on the job. Not Violating Law A spokesman at the office of the trainmen's union said Whitney had made the proposition to delay the strike if Mr. Truman could assure the brotherhoods that the postpone- ment would not be a violation of the Smith-Connally Act. .Mr. Truman gave these assurances, the spokesman added. Code Words Used The code word "Johnston" was flashed to engineers and the word "convention" to trainmen. Code words had been sentroutin advance A member of the economics de- partment explained last night that under the Smith-Connally Act, union leaders who call a strike after government seizure of an in- dustry are subject to prosecution in the federal courts President Truman's assurances that the rail strike postponement will not be a violation of the act means that if a settlement is not reached during the five-day truce and the trainmen and engineers walk out Thursday, the govern- ment will consider the action legiti- mate, since the walk-out scheduled for yesterday was called before the seizure. to general chairmen so thar any changes in instructions for the strike set at 4 p.m. ,today could be iden- tified as authentic. The trainmen's spokesman said some members might have left their jobs before the postponement was an- nounced, and that some delay might be encountered before they returned to work, The first, indication of a possible delay in the walkout came at 3:16 p.m. when a source at trainmen's headquarters, who asked that he not be identified, said it appeared an announcement of major importance would be forthcoming from the White House before today's deadline. Eleven minutes later, the same source reported receiving informa- tion that the White House would an- nounce a five-day postponement. Flying Club TO Seely Members The University Flying Club has started its all-campus membership drive. Policies for the drive will be dis- cussed at the Club's next meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. May 29, in Rm. 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. In addition vacant Club offices have been filled. Paul Shaffer has been named news operations offi- cer; John Horeth, assistant treasurer; Ann Coe, assistant operations offi- cer. The social committee is com- posed of Francisco Saravia, Robert Lamb, Carol Anderson, and Ann Gui- nan. The Club has opened summer mem- first of eak - the con- l of son- tur- rom aw- nptu nch vice and ond of istic were De- ech- PERKINS ON DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION: Broadened Idea of Citzenship Needed * * * c v i ~- 1 American democracy cannot sur- vive unless the idea of citizenship is broadened beyond voting and of- fice-holding, Prof. John A. Perkins, secretary of the Institute of Public Administration, told the Citizenship Conference here yesterday. Jointly sponsored by the School of Education and the State Committee on Citizenship, the conference was attended by 125 southeastern Michi- gan high school administrators and seniors on student councils. "Government is now involved in nearly everything we do, so good citizenship now requires sacrifice of both time and energy in partici- pating in all aspects of commun- ity life." Public distaste for office-holding is exemplified by the "uncompliment- ary connotations associated with the term politician' in this country," he said. He reported an opinion survey I in which seven out of 10 voters dis- closed they did tnt wavnt.their' child-. decceunt citizens to appreciate and support them." "Formerly, the great bulk of civic education took place subtly and per- sistently in the home, neighborhood groups and in the values expressed on Main St. and in the ball park," he said. "The tendency of the family to disintegrate, the changed significance of the neighborhood in an urbanized society where population is constantly' shifting and the development of the idea of the community school all in- ,' .. . I