SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1946 THE MICHIGAN TIATT.V IpAriv IMM 1 itlE TMIU.\_ 1 l1It Y.'1AN .LlPLA ItV 5'AUE F. rVi Sports Groups V Traditional All-Campus Affair To Be Given May 29 at League, Till Sponsor Olyrm Union Formal Tickets on Sale epic ECil Croups To Hold Dances Today Scott's Musical Arrangements Include Instrumental Novelties Charlie Bird's Band Will Be Highlighted Olympic Ball, a pre-war traditio- will again be revived by the mem bers of the M-Club together with th men and women students of th physical education department, fror 8 p.m. to midnight Wednesday, Ma: 29, in the League Ballroom. Charlie Bird and his complet twelve piece orchestra and vocalist will entertain guests at the dance Bird is a well known band leade from Muskegon. The all-campus af fair wll be semi-formal. As the danc' wil be held on the eve of Memoria Day, a national holiday, women wi be granted 1:30 a.m. late permission Global Theme Will Be followed Decorations will feature a globa theme emphasizing the famed Mt Olympus. Green and white silhouelt ting athletes of traditional ancien times will line the windows of the ballroom. Electric lights placed be. hind the silhouettes will illuminat the five foot figures. FarewellBall To e Given By Naval Units Climaxing the week long Navy celebrations of May 28 to May 31 the Navy Farewell Ball will be pre- sented for all Unit members and their guests, Friday, May 31, in the Rain- bow Room of the Union. Jess Stacy and his fifteen-piece orchestra will play for the affair. The best in popular swing and smooth dance music has been promised for the ball. Sharing the spotlight as featured entertainers will be Stacy. noted modern piano stylist, and his wife, Lee Wiley, vocalist. Tickets Now Available Tickets for the dance may be pur- chased at the West Quad. Elaborate decorations based on a farewell theme have been planned by the committee. The Grand March will be perform- ed by the seniors to honor the win- ning company of the competitive drills. During the senior ceremonies the men will be awarded gradua- tion honors by their guests for the ball. After the ceremonies a few ap- propriate farewell songs will be sung. Other Events Scheduled The battalion review and parade will be held Wednesday, May 29 be- fore high ranking officials from Washington, D.C. and Great Lakes, and University officials. The winning company will be awarded the colors. The open house that was scheduled to be held on Memorial Day at North Hall has been postponed until a few days before commencement. A buffet supper will be given on May 31, in the West Quad, to which students may invite their parents or their dates. After the dinner a short vari-. ety show will be presented by mem- bers of the unit in one of the mess halls of the West Quad. Musical Honorary Announces Pledges Alpha chapter of Sigma Alpha Io- ta, national professional music soror- ity, recently pledged ten women. The new pledges are Emma Jo Bowles, Martha Resnick, Dorothy J. Smith, Marjorie Jones, Delva Powell, Beatrice Gaul, Ruth Yanow, Betty Russell, Phyllis Babcock, and Made- line Ardner. Back tote Famine Drive Diamonds and a Wedding RINGS 717 North University Ave. omnm