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May 18, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-18

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T URDAY, MAY 18, 194

Sir! -iga akil
Fifty-Sixth Year

* A Sort Of ChtildIen's (Cruisde





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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer .......Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman. . . . . . . . . .As.City Editor
Emily E. Knapp ...........Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newbpaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
*' College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
. nlr.

Drink And The Devil
SCIENTIFIC MAN is almost upon us. Latest
evidence comes from the 2nd grade classroom
at University Elementary School where a group
of seven-year-old scientists are about to affirm
finally what man has long suspected . . . mice are
just like the rest of us, only smaller.
Four mice are now deep in the throes of an
experiment controlled by those who will un-
doubtedly be called upon to put the atom back
together. Fed on whiskey, beer, coca-cola, and
milk the mice currently resemble a bunch of
type-cast extras. Sharp-claws, the whiskey kid,
looks like a drawing by Don Marquis; Short-ears
is developing a notable beer belly; Long Tail,
the coke drinker, is a jitterbug, and they're
thinking of renaming the milk-swigging Pinkeye
the All-American Mouse.
* ** *
The Real Gromyko
TIE DETROIT high schooa students' mock
United Nations conference Thursday came
close to emulating the real thing when the Rus-
sian delegate threatened to pull a "Gromyko."
In the middle of a heated debate on atomic
energy, he jumped to his feet, got the floor,
pointed to the nearest exit and shouted:
"They won't share the atomic bomb with
us and then they talk about trust among na-
tions. Why, we might as well pack up and go
He didn't go, but he made his point.
* '$ -* -*
Put This On The Ticker
WITH THE WORLD Picture none too bright
and the Mexican League playing 100 per
cent American ball players, there are people in
this University worried about the preservation
of the interest rate.
Witness the remark of one of the Bus Ad
school's defenders of immutable classical theory,
"How long can we stand by watching the execu-
tion of our economic laws?"
We refuse to tell him point blank that that's
all most laws are good for.
Issue Clarion Call, Size 13
OUR SOMEWHAT sluggish conscience is no
longer plagued into activity by those large
red, white and blue images of Uncle Sam, fore-

Eyes on Elections

THE House of Representatives, by its crippling
amendments to the act extending Selective
Service, has again chosen to ignore reality and
to allow no other considerations but the coming
The much-abused bill extending OPA-which
the Senate may yet be able to salvage-was the
first sign that the House is wholly obsessed with
the ballot box.
The House action on OPA indicated a complete
disregard for the problems of reconversion; the
action on Selective Service indicates total ig-
norance of this nation's responsibility to the
Our responsibility is to occupy Germany and
Japan for an indefinite period and to have other
forces in readiness in the event of new aggression.
It is also our responsibility to demobilize on
schedule those men now in service who have long
overseas records.
None of these responsibilities can now be ful-
Several Senators estimate that under the new
draft bill the Army will be able to fill only 10 per
cent of its monthly quotas for the simple reason
that the only adequate source of manpower is
the 18 and 19 year-old age group.
The Representatives who voted for the stop-
gap bill do not understand the world they live
in .Despite our hopes for the United Nations,
the world is still ruled by force.
Moreover, these Representatives do not under-
stand the American people. Voluntary enlist-
ments are now to be relied on to fill our man-
power needs. But Americans obviously are not
prone to volunteer for military service as our
entire history and, more pointedly, the recent
Facts On Famine
JI IS INDISPUTABLE to anyone who knows
the most meager facts about the critical world
famine situation and the limiting factors in the
United States' effort to help feed the starving
abroad that the only realistic way in which this
effort could be made most effective is the rein-
troduction of rationing for at least a year. It .is
almost equally indisputable that the bungling
Congress of the United States will not inau-
gurate a realistic rationing program. Elections
are apparently more important to our legislators
than millions of lives.
In the face of this situation it remains for the
American. public to assume responsibility for
making the enormous food resources of this
country available to the world. The nation's
farmers have a duty to rise above their selfish
motives and to release their large stores of grain
to American relief agencies, especially UNRRA.
The consuming public has a duty to curtail its
uses of basic foods so that more will be on the
markets for relief purchases.
Students who are preparing for responsible
citizenship should especially realize their duty
in this situation. The University's Famine Com-
mittee, which was organized by students who
are keenly aware of the acute need for the
campus to make its contribution to aiding the
starving in war-ravaged countries, has organ-
ized a program to direct the campus effort to

descending rate of enlistments, have demon-
Fortunately, the present draft extension law
expires July 1. The House will have an opportun-
ity to return this country to its position of
strength and prestige among the nations of the
-Clayton Dickey
Public Forgets
Atomic Energy
W HAT HAPPENED to the Atomic Bomb? Two
months ago the papers were filled with
news about it. Newspaper columnists and maga-
zine writers scurried to add their opinions to
the expanding cloud of conflicting thought that
enveloped this country, and average Americans
everywhere discussed anxiously this overpowering
threat to our existence.
Today the problem of the Atom Bomb has
disappeared as rapidly as it came. Newspapers
no longer elaborate on the consequences of atom-
ic warfare; magazines no longer discuss the pos-
sibilities of controlling this new energy; and the
American people, having slumped back to their
normal indifference, are completely ignoring
the problem.
If atomic energy has dropped from our
awareness, it still remains as an ever-present
problem. The question of sharing OUR Atom
Borgb with the rest of the world has been
completely sidetracked. Is America refusing
to face this issue simply because our govern-
ment is unable to formulate a coherent pol-
icy? Or is it because we want, without being
willing to say as much to the world, to use the
threat of its potential force as a card in the
grand old game of power politics? Historians
of the future may believe the former; the
other nations of the world today have no
choice but to believe the latter.
'HE CONTROL of atomic energy is the major
issue of our generation; for on the solution of
this problem may rest the future of the earth.
Two months ago we were aware of this. The prob-
lem has not been solved during these two months,
but it appears as though Americans are no longer
interested. Why?
Are Americans not concerned about the next
World War? Has our government given up hope
of satisfactorily controlling atomic energy; is
it no longer concerned about the devastating
possibilities of an A-Bomb attack?
Now that the first flurry of excitement over
the Atom Bomb has subsided, we are returning
to the old position of indifferent isolationism,
only hoping that the situation will somehow
work out.
-Tom Walsh

finger and thumb extended, but not joined; but
we experienced that same fatal feeling halfway
through this morning's flood of happy little
press releases.
This one from the potentates of the walnut
industry informed us that "A clarion call for wal-
nut trees has been issued to meet the needs of
returned service personnel."
A clarion call is a clarion call, and we'd hesi-
tate even less than the next man when it came
to our neighbor's best black walnut, but they've
got to tell us first just what the hell a returned
serviceman is going to do with all that black
Straw In The Wind
One of the gloomier portents of current so-
ciety was called to our attention the other day
when we were having a friendly chat with a
student bold enough to declare for U.S. Congress.
"How are things going?" we asked, prepared to
absorb inside dope on local political skullduggery.
'Terrible," he told us. "Just flunked a blue-
Thereby dealing a bodyblow to federal aid for
education, we presume.
(Items appearing in this column are written
by members of the Daily editorial staff and edited
by the Editorial Director.)
Labor Politics
WASHINGTON.--The threatened railroad
strike illustrates how labor politics can turn
just as many somersaults as anything else on the
Washington Merry-Go-Round.
For instance, the two rail brotherhood chiefs
who called the strike, A. M. F. Whitney of the
trainmen and Alvaney Johnston of the locomo-
tive engineers, have turned a complete somer-
sault compared with two years ago. Then they
were all lovey-dovey with the government, took
the initiative in arbitrating a strike, whereas
the other three brotherhoods wouldn't.
But greatest somersault is by one Harry S.
Truman. Two years ago, Harry Truman was
whipping the brotherhoods toward wage in-
creases. Now the same Harry Truman is trying
to hold the whip-hand over a rail strike.
At that time-the end of 1943-Senator Tru-
man had introduced a resolution providing an
8-cents-an-hour increase for railroad workers.
FDR, however, opposed. And, at a meeting with
the brotherhood leaders in December 1943,
FDR had some strong words to say about the
pay hike proposed by the man who was to
succeed him.
"If Congress passes the Truman resolution,"
he decreed, "I shall veto it. And I shall veto any
other attempt by a small group to get theirs at
the expense of the nation. This is not govern-
ment," he continued; "That is government by
blackmail. I am shocked to come back from the
battlefront, where everyone is doing such a good
job, and find talk of a railroad strike."
Two Brotherhoods To Flip-Flop
rT'ODAY, Harry Truman not only finds himself
trying to prevent a higher wage-boost than
that already given rail workers by an arbitra-
tion board-$1.28 per day-but he also finds
himself with the two rail leaders who helped
Roosevelt arbitrate, now flatly opposed to arbi-
Roosevelt, faced with the strike threat, turned
to his best railworker friend at one memorable
rail conference, and said: "I'm going to begin
by asking you, Al, if you will accept me as sole
"Speaking for the trainmen, we'll accept,
Mr. President," replied Whitney without a
nioment'- thought.
Other brotherhood leaders asked more time
to consider, and a hot fight developed between
Whitney and Johnston on one side and the three
other brotherhood leaders: Harry Fraser of the
conductors, Tom Cashen of the switchmen, and
Davey Robertson of the firemen. The latter three
stubbornly resisted Roosevelt's arbitration plea
and only accepted belatedly.
Now the situation is diametrically the oppo-
site. The three who refused to arbitrate at Roose-

velt's request-the conductors, firemen and
switchmen-have already accepted Truman's
arbitration offer and the award of $1.28 a day
has been recommended. (They are not happy
about the amount awarded, but believe in con-
tinuing their trade.) However, FDR's old friends,
Whitney and Johnston. not even agreeing to
arbitrate, have called the strike.
Capitol Chaff
T WAS A TRIBUTIE to Majority Whip John
Sparkman when the House voted to accept
the-compromise authorizing $400,000,000 in sub-
sidies for the producers of building materials.
Other administration leaders were afraid of the
vote, but Sparkman knew that many Congress-
men had heard from disappointed veterans at
home. So he went to work on the telephone and
on the House floor-button-holing both Demo-
crats and Republicans. Housing subsidies were
carried by nearly 50 votes
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Misuinderstatdin g
To the Editor:
SHOULD LIKE to concur heartily
with Stuart L. Main's opinion, as
expressed in a letter to the Editor in
Friday's Daily, that it would be offen-
sive to refer to the amputees at
Percy Jones in a spirit of levity.
I am bewildered by the process
of reasoning which led Mr. Main
to conclude that my phrase "the
Horrors of War" was intended to
refer to the disabilities of these
I had thought that I had made
it quite clear what I meant by the,
horrors of war (a) listing them in
the next sentence, and (b) discussing
them at some length for the rest of
my allotted six inches. What I was
trying to say, in my own feeble way,
was that I thought these men deser-
ved a more adult type of entertain-
ment than that which they are re-1
-Lois Kelsol
To The Editor:
THE RESPECT which we hold for
persons in authority indicates thata
only upon serious charge should we
upset the finality of the legal processc
which has declared their election and
has vested in them the right to as-
sume office.
The recent case on this campus;
which is clearly contrary to this rule
of law I believe to be manifestly un-
just and improper. The facts are1
these: A candidate in the recent elec-i
tion had been declared elected by1
the Judiciary Council. Before thei
Congress had met and organized, this1
Council brought charges against the;
congressman declaring that he had
used several identification cards be-j
longing to persons who had freely
given them to him for the purpose
of casting votes, presumably in favor;
of himself. Formal charges of mis-
conduct were brought by the Coun-1
cil itself, acting upon information,
printed in the Letters to the Editor
column of this paper.and therefore
clearly hearsay evidence. Yet the Ju-
diciary Council saw fit to make an
example of the elected candidate and
proceeded to disqualify him and to
declare the election of another per-
In view of these facts I maintain
that the Judiciary Council was act-
ing pltra vires when it made its find-
ing and its ultimate declaration. Af-
ter it had declared the candidate
elected, its powers over him were at
an end. He was at that point a de
jure congressman and no power ex-
cept the Congress itself could then
judge his right to continue as a
member of that body.
The President of the Judiciary
Council was also a candidate and he
was also elected. He did not resign
his post nor refrain from active par-
ticipation in the conduct of the elec-
tion. On the contrary, he took per-
sonal charge of the election in which
he was a candidate. Irregular prac-
tices went unnoticed at the polls,
monitors were not provided at all
times at the election places, not even
did he keep an accurate list of the
polling places under his jurisdiction.
Are we to stand idly by while vest-
ed interests secure their own election
and the election of their friends, and
at the same time proceed to illegally
disqualify an elected candidate for a
minor malpractice which heretofore
has been governed by no rule?
The case has been appealed, this
time to the proper body, the Student
Congress. This time the advantage
of a competent counsel has been se-

cured for the congressman. Also this
time the President of the Judiciary
Council will sit again in judgment as
a member of that congress. How can
he, with unclean hands himself, feel
justified in casting his ballot in the
manner which his past actions indi-
cate he will do.
I sincerely hope that this time jus-
tice will be controlling the minds of
those who in the past have regarded
it so little.
-Ken issell
Cancer Caption,
To the Editor;
iN MAY 16 issue of The Daily, on
the back page at the top was a pic-
ture of a little boy who only had a
few weeks to live, due to cancer. Un-
derneath the picture was the begin-
ning of a story concerning this boy.
However, it was left unfinished. It
is very annoying to be reading an in-
teresting article and suddenly be left
"up in the air" without knowing the
remainder of the story.
My father died of cancer, and I
feel that more people should realize
the seriousness and importance of
this disease. You have it within your

Publication in the Daily Official But- e
letin is constructive notice to all mem-O
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President, t
1021 Angell Hail, by 3:30 p.m. on the day F
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- n
VOL. LVI, No. 143
To the Members of the University s
Senate: t
At the meeting of the Senate on
Monday, May 20, at 4:15 p.m.,in the N
Rackham Amphitheatre, considera-
tion will be given to the following t
Annual Report of the Senate Ad-t
visory Committee on University Af- 8
fairs. A. D. Moore, Chairman. o
Memorandum from the Deans',
Conference on Sabbatical Leaves. F.
E. Robbins, Secretary.
Enrollment Problems. Provost J.
P. Adams.c
Building Program. Vice-President t
R. P. Briggs. c
Other matters as may be presentedt
by members of the Senate and by i
President A. G. Ruthven. i
-- - i
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The following is
a continuation of the lectures and dis-
cussions sponsored by the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
concerning the opportunities offered
for professional study and the requi-
sites for admission and graduation.,
Tuesday, May 21 - Teaching as a
Profession. Panel Discussion - Deanv
Edmonson, School of Education. Pro-s
fessors Thorpe, Welch and Wheeler,
Members of the Teachers Certificate
Committee of the College of LSA.F
Dean Keniston, College of LSA, will
act as chairman.
Wednesday, May 22 - The Insti-
tute of Public Administration, Profes-t
sor Perkins of the Department of1
Political Science, Secretary of the
Thursday, May 23 - The Archi-
tect - Dean Bennett, College of Ar-
chitecture. The Engineer - DeanC
Crawford, College of Engineering.
Monday, May 27 - The LibrarianI
- Professor Gjelsness, Chairman of
the Department of Library Science.
Tuesday, May 28 - Little Known
Professional Opportunities. Dr. Flet-s
cher and Dr. Harris of the Bureau ofv
Psychological Services.f
Wednesday, May 29 - Vocationalc
Occupations for Women. Dr. Sher-
man and Miss Eldersveld of the Bur- 2
eau of Psychological Services.
Tuesday, June 4 - Occupational<
Trends and Job Prospects. Professor
Haber of the Department of Econom-
All lectures will be held in Rooma
1025 Angell Hall at 4:30 p.m.
Men's Orientation Advisors are ur-
gently needed for the fall term. Menp
who will be able to return to Ann
Arbor by Sept. 15, one week before
the start of the term, and who aret
willing to act as advisors may leavel
their names at the Michigan Union
Student Offices on week days between
3 and 5 p.m. or call Al Farnsworth,
2-3002. There are no restrictions
regarding class or school. Veterans.
and men with previous experience,
are particularly needed.
All students who expect to become
candidates for a teacher's certificate
in February, June, or Angust, 1947,
should call for an application form
at the office of the School of Educa-
tion, Room 1437 University Element-
ary School. Application forms should
be filled in and returned to the School
of Education by May 27.
Swimming - Women Students:
There will be open swimming at the
Union Pool from 9:00 to 10:45 every
Saturday morning for women stu-
.dents in the University.
Willow Village Program for veterans

and their wives:
Saturday, May 18: Square Dance,
Scott Colburn, caller. Be present for
the forming of Squares at 8:30. 8-
11:30 Auditorium West Lodge.
Sunday, May 19: Installation Ser-
vice at 11:00 a.m., for Rev. Robert
Boettger. Rev. Henry Yoder' offici-
ating. Christ Lutheran Chapel, 1450
Midway Blvd.
Sunday, May 19: Classical Music,I
(records). 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for William
M. Cruickshank, Education; thesis:
A Comparative Study of Psychologi-
power to sway the people. The man-
ner in which you write indicates your
own attitude. It can also put stress
on some points of importance so as
to make people think and act. In such
a manner you could cause action on
such a thing as this article I have
mentioned on cancer.
I am sure that such an oversight
as this will not occur again
-Paula Smith
liackliand Smagh

al Factors Involved in the Responses
f Mentally Retarded and Normal
Boys to Problems in Arithmetic,"
oday at 2:00 p.m. in the Board
Room, Rackham Building. Chair-
man, C. Woody.
Sociology 169, Social Legislation,
will not meet Monday, May 20. W. S.
Literature, Science and Arts, 2nd
emester seniors are reminded that
he Profile Tests for Seniors are to
)e held in the Rackham Lecture Hall,
Monday morning. May 20, and Tues-
lay morning, May 21. The advanced
est will be given Thursday evening,
May 23. Doors will open at 7:50 in
he morning and close promptly at
:00. In the evening the doors will
pen at 6:45 and close at 7:00. Please
ring fountain pens and pencil era-
ers with you to all 3 sessions.
Notice to Sophomore and Senior
Students taking the Profile Examina-
tions: You will be excused from
classes where there is a conflict with
the examinations. Present to your
nstructor my communication regard-
ng the test as proof of your eligibil-
ty. Hayward Keniston, Dean
Carillon Recital: Professor Perci-
val Price. University Carillonneur,
will be heard in his first recital since
his return to the University after a
sx-months leave of absence, at 3
p.m., Sunday, May 19. His program
will include Mendelssohn's Spring-
song, five spirituals, Spirituoso by
Clementi, a group of folk songs, and
Two Victory Rhapsodies composed by
Professor Price.
Student Recital: Vincent DeMat-
teis, clarinetist, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music in Music Education, at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, May 19, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. He is a pupil
of Albert Luconi, and will be assisted
ih the program by Arlene Peugot,
pianist, and Edward Ormond, violist.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Jeannette Haien,
student of piano under John Kollen,
will present a recital in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30
Sunday evening, May 19, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Her program
will include compositions by Bach,
Chopin, Ravel, and Schumann, and
will be open to the general public.
Student Recital: Edward Ormond,
a student of viola under Wassily Be-
sekirsky, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 Monday evening, May
20, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The program will include composi-
tions of Brahms, Glazunov, Edmund
Haines, Kabalevsky, and R. Vaughan
Williams. The public is cordially in-
Student Recital: Lucretia Dell, pi-
anist, will be heard in a program pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bach-
elor of Music at 8:30 Tuesday eve-
ning, May 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. A pupil of Joseph Brink-
man, Miss Dell will play compositions
by Respighi, Schumann, Beethoven,
and Rachmaninoff. The recital is
open to the public.
Events Today
The Art Cinema League presents
"Peg of Old Drury", a British histori-
cal film of the stage, in middle-18th
century London. Anna Neagle as Peg
Woffington and Sir Cedric Hardwicke
as David Garrick Tonight at 8:30.
Box office opens 2:00 p.m. Reserva-

tions phone 6300. Lydia Mendelssohn
Phi Delta Kappa: Meeting of mem-
bers of Phi Delta Kappa this morn-
ing at 9:00 a.m., in Dr. F. G. Wal-
cott's office, Rm. 3206, U.H.S. to
consider candidates for membership.
Wesleyan guild will have a base-
ball picnic today, leaving the church
at 3:00. Reservations for the cost
supper can be made by calling 6881.
COMM"ng Events
There will be no house presidents
meetings for League Houses or Dorm-
itories on Tuesday, May 21. The next
meeting will be Tuesday, May 28.
Phi Sigma, honorary biological
fraternity, will sponsor a talk by Dr.
E. C. Case, professor emeritus of his-
torical geology and paleontology, and
former Chairman of the Geology De-
partment and Director of the Mu-
seum of Paleontology, on Monday,
May 20, in Rackham Amphitheatre
at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Case will speak on
his "Reminiscences and Impressions"
of his years as a professor on this
campus. Students, faculty, and pub-



SAre you going
to play with
your ball team
today,Pop? f

By Crockett Johnson

- p

After office hours ... If
we had a good pitcher -

I think we could win the
plant championship hands
down. But we don't even
have a prospect in mind.

Your Fairy Godfather's salary wing
is still in fine shape, m'boy. And
if your father's team is badly in
need of a mealticket, then surely

. Gosh, Mr O'Malley.
You broke the window.


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