PAGE TWO THiE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1946 PAGE TWO SATURDAY, MAY 18, 194~ National Health Plan Faces 'Pampered Patient' Problem Recitals To Be Given by Music Students By RAY SHINN People like to be pampered. This little-noticed factor may be one of the major hindrances to gen- eral public acceptance of any na- tional health program, such as that proposed by the' Murray-Wagner- Dingell bill. This "psychology of treatment" has been noted at various times by Dr. Otto Engleke of the County Health Department and Drs. Warren Forsythe and William Brace of the Health Service. The psychological reaction mani- fests itself in this typical way: A patient with a cold or sore throat or a headache or some other minor infection or illness goes over to one of the general medical advisers at the Health Service to have his trouble diagnosed and to find out what his trouble is and how to get over it quickly. Because there is such a high turn- over of patients at the Health Ser- vice-there were over 12,000 clinic calls last month-the general consul- tants can predict that they'll have a lot of these relatively minor routine visits. So on their shelves they keep handy some large bottles of already prepared throat lozenges and nose drops and cough medicine ready to go at a moment's notice. When our patient comes in, he can quickly be taken care of and given what he needs to restore his good health-all very efficiently done, without fuss or bother and at no charge to him. He has his pills or whatever, and all is well. But many patients don't see it that way. [More than one feels that just because the doctor does not go to a good deal of fussing for him that either the doctor is not skilled in his work and doesn't know what he's doing, or else that the doctor doesn't care at all about him as a patient, neither of which is true. Because of this distrust and the loss of ego-sati faction, the patient often doesn't believe that he is being properly diagnosed and treated. He takes the medicine the doctor has giv- en him, but oftentimes, Dr. Forsythe reports, that same medicine can be found immediately afterwards in the bushes outside the building, thrown away by the distrustful patient. That patient has become so used to being pampered in medical care, that he decides to go to a private physician to get the desired rigama- role. The private physician usually has to write out a prescription for the necessary medicine, because he does not have a large enough turnover of such minor cases to keep it always in stock. The patient, happy at last be- cause he thinks he is really being taken care of, whistles as he stands in line at the drugstore waiting for the same stuff-whether he knows it or not-that he threw away at the Health Service. He is the soul of cheerfulness when he pays the druggist and when he later pays the doctor bill. "This," he says, "is what I call real doctoring." This is the problem faced by all organizations such as county health agencies and group health services that dispense large quantities of stan- dard medicines-how to get the pub- lic to realize that pills in a plain enve- lope are as effective as the same pills in a fancy "professionalized" pre- scription box. De MaUeis Will Play Vincent DeMatteis, clarinetist, will present a recital at 4:15 tomorrow in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Arlene Peugetot. pianist, and Ed- ward Ormond, violist, will assist De- Matteis in a program of compositions by Mozart, Bach, Pierne, Bozza, and Mozart., The recital will be presented in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music in Music Education. ."iajen To Perform Jeannette Haien, pianist, will present a recital of compositions by Bach, Chopin, Ravel and Schu- mann at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Ly- dia Mendelssohn Theatre. Miss Ilaien is an Ann Arbor resi- dent and a student of Prof. John Kollen. She recently appeared as {U' Group Plans Radio Debate soloist with the University Sym- phony Orchestra in their annual Spring concert. The recital will be presented in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music and will be open to the public. Ormnond Progra Edward Ormond, violist, assisted by Harold Fishman, pianist, will pre- sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Before enrolling in the University, C r i I i Ii 'U' EXTENSION: HOPE TO BE TOGETHER IN LEPER COLONY - Major Hans Horn- hostel gently kisses his wife's forehead at San Francisco, Calif., as he presses his petition to enter the leper colony at Carville, La., with his wife, who, they say, contracted leprosy while a prisoner of the Japanese at Santo Tomas internment camp, Manila, P. I. 'NO LOVE, NO NUTTIN': MSC Authorities Order Police To Curb Affectionate Couples <.>- - --_- - - - - - Subject of Is Student Discussion Exchange By The Associated Press EAST LANSING, May 17-A closer1 watch by campus police over "excess- ive public exhibition" of love-making among- students, which has been or- dered by Michigan State College au- thorities, today drew editorial opposi- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING HELP WANTED WANTED: University coed or veter- an and wife to exchange house work for board and room. Catho- lic preferred but not essential. Com- mence late June or first of July. Address reply box 56 Michigan Daily. HELP WANTED: Female typist - here is an opening for responsible person who is looking for long-time employment. Hours somewhat ad- justable. 40 or 44 hour week. Con- siderable variety. Initiative is def- inite asset. Edwards Letter Shop, 711 N. University. WANTED: Girl for part time work at soda fountain. Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. State. Phone 3534. WANTED: Student help to wait on table at Uhiversity functions. Apply Personnel office, 208 Univ. Hall. MAGAZINE PUBLISHER wants ex- perienced secretary. Typing and shorthand required. For interview, call 7205. HEILP WANTED: Fountain help, top pay, hours to your convenience, Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store, corner of S. University and Forest. WANTED VETERAN student and wife, no child- ren, need apartment or room with kitchen privileges for one year. Present manager student room- ing house being sold in June. Will- ing to assume caretaker responsibi- lities. Best references. Phone 3185. MICHI4IAN Now Showing APARTMENT for couple, near cam- pus. Veteran attending University. Phone 2-4401 Lloyd House. Room 415. Refer to advertisement. COMMISSION, $100, paid for infor- mation leading to year's lease of suitable four-bedroom house with servants quarters. Wanted by Bar- ton Hills residents. Call 8330. TO RENT: Dr. John C. Slaughter of University Hospital Staff desires modern 2 or 3 bedroom house or apartment. Has care and can furn- ish references. Veteran of over 4 years service. Formerly on staff here. Mornings phone 2-2521, ext. 320. Afternoons call Health Ser- 'Vice 2-4531, ext. 9. MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. M.S.C. INSTRUCTOR and family want 2 bedroom furnished house-or apartment, June 20 to September 1. Box 55. FOR RENT LARGE attractive double room for rent. Two student veterans pre- ferred. Phone 2-7181. HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 room, mod- ern cottage with shower, electri- city, and all conveniences. No rent required - even exchange for part time weekend services of married couple only. No accomodations for children. Six miles from, Ann Ar- bor. Apply 1700 Buhl Building, De- troit, or phone Randolph 4033. FOR SALE FOR SALE: White shirts, size 142, 32-33. Summer white sport inform- al, formal suits 36-38L. Pajamas, beach robes. Some articles new some slightly used. 331 S. Division St. (Basement Apt,) Saturday and Monday after 3 p.m. LOST AND FOUND LOST: A black, genuine leather wal- let. I'm thirsty and not 21. Need identification badly. Shout or call 4062. Please!! LOST: Delta Gamma pin between Education School and Ferry Field. Name on back '.Emily' Tillon. Please call 2-2543. Reward. Thank you. LOST: A blue top-coat in the West Engineering Building or the Lea- gue. Please return to C. J. Dada- chanji, 921 S. State or phone 2- 4634. Reward. REWARD OF YOUR OWN CHOOS- ING - within reason, for finder of green back lifetime Shaeffer foun- tain pen. Name imprinted: John D. Coons. Tel. 6032 or 2-7548. HOT FUDGE SUNDAE to anyone who returns my Economics 51 note- book. Call Amy Skura, 9517. LOST: Friday evening. Three keys on chain. Vicinity Williams Street or Hill Auditorium. Call 4121, Ext. 314. Daytime. Reward. LOST: Black and gold Schaeffer pen, Monday, between Haven Hall and Arcade. Reward. J. A. Warren, 1324 Wile Court, Willow Run. LOST: Multicolored lizard purse in League. Will pay double the worth of the contents for its return. Al- lene Golinkin, 4121, ext. 2148. LOST: Small gold watch. Bulovh. Near campus Tuesday. Finder call Peggy Chandler, Stockwell Hall. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS HILDEGARDE SEWING SHOP, 116 E. Huron. Let us make your drapes, alterations, and custom made clothes! Phone 2-4669. COMPLETE service on your fur coat. Cold storage, Insurance. Cleaning, glazing, restyling, repairing. Gin- sburg. 607 E. Liberty. BASKETBALL SHOES - Men's gen- uine Keds, $3.75. Made by U. S. Rubber Co. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. PERSONAL TESTING : Claims of intellectual self-improvement. Prove by mail- ing this to J. AUCTION AUCTION: Sat., May 18, 12:30 p.m. sharp at 2076 S. Main St. 12 mile south of Stadium. House sold, moving. Bedroom suite complete, inner spring mattress; kidney dres- sing tables; lounge and occasional chairs; foot stools; plate glass mir- rors; wardrobe chest, white Du Pont finish; love seat; end tables; electric clocks; davenport; indir- ect floor and table lamps; pictures; pillows; drapes; curtains in excel- lent condition; electrical applian- ces; five piece chrome breakfast set; student desks and chairs; Simmons studio couch; throw rugs; chenille bed spreads; steel cabinets; porcelain top kitchen cabinet; Dun- can Phyfe walnut coffee table; bench saw and motor; bathroom scales; linens; bedding; lawn mow- er; garden tools; kitchen utensils; six 23x59 white venetian blinds; air rifle; antique drop leaf tables, rocker, dishes, coffee grinder. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Plan to attend this sale of quality merchandise. Mrs. Afreda M. Thomas Bob Perry Finnell, auctioneers. tion in The Michigan State News, daily student newspaper. Anti-Smooching Campaign An editorial in the State News at- tacked the administration for start- ing what it termed an "anti-smooch- ing campaign" without making any policy statement and without trying to handle the situation through stu- dent organizations. The editorial asserted that while a majority of students would be in favor of "eliminating the indiscreet necking which has graced our cam- pus," they did not approve of the administration "Enlisting the aid of the campus police who have taken to the execution of their duties over- zealously." Dr. John A. Hannah, M.S.C. presi- dent, said that the watch by campus police was not a "new ruling" but had always been in effect. He said that the college only expected its stu- dents "to behave like ladies and gent- lemen." Dean's Request Stanley E. Crowe, Dean of Stu- dents, declared that the administra- tion had issued no order but had merely asked the campus police to watch the situation to see that there was not "excessive public exhibi- tions." Declaring "we don't want to 'puri- tanize' the campus," Crowe said, "we are not against smooching in the proper place and at the proper time." He said there was a "very small min- ority of offenders."I Representatives of the Internation- ai Student Exchange Committee will discuss "Student Exchange-Wea- pon of Peace" over station WPAG at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. At the request of the Citizen's Council of Ann Arbor, Committee members will present their argu- ments for the exchange's use in help- ing to prevent war. Fay Ajzenberg, a senior who has'studied in France and Germany; Rostislav Galuszew- ski, president of the Graduate Council and a former student in France and Turkey, and Altimir Mushkara, a Turkish student doing graduate work at the University, will speak in sup- port of student exchange. Catholics Wi i Dutch Election AMSTERDAM, Saturday, May 18 -(A')-The middle-of-the-road Cath- olic Party won the Netherlands first general election since 1937 yesterday by gaining 30.8 per cent of more than 4,750,000 votes cast, final re- turns showed today. Prime Minister Willem Schermer- horn's Labor Party finished in second place with 28.3 per cent of the total vote. Final figures showed the Catholics won the 1,466,510 votes and 32 seats in Parliament, while the Labbrites received 1,347,664 ballots and29 seats. The Parliament seats which went to other parties were: Calvinists (Anti-revolutionary Party) 13; Com- munists 10; Protestants (Christian- Historian Party) eight; Conservative (Party of Freedom) six; and the Pro- testant Union, two. Detroit Facilities Need Expansion Soop Declares If the national interest in adult education continues and the demands of the post-war period grow, facilities for accommodating many students and activities in the Detroit Rackham Building will be needed, Everett J. Soop, director of the Detroit center of the University Extension Service, said in a recent interview. University and Community Activities "You can't put more into a full cup," Soop said, in pointing outI the great number of University and community activities which take place at the Detroit building, which serves as the extension center for that city. The program of extension courses in the building consists mainly of late afternoon and evening classes. During, the day, the Institute of Social Work occupies a number of the rooms. A few of the other activities which have made use of the building this year' are the courses for veterans in the administration of small businesses, the Program Planners' Institute, the Workers' Education Service, which works with members of labor unions, the Detroit offices of the University correspondence Study Division, the vocational education program in the metropolitan area, the University Alumni Club of Detroit, the Asso- ciation of University of Michigan Women and an extension band and orchestra composed of amateur mu- sicians from the Detroit area. Meet Community Needs "The main objective of the build- ing," Soop said, "is a program for adult education, not a straight aca- demic credit program. We try to meet community needs as they arise, still keeping in mind the backlog of regular classes. The number of requests for the use of the building as a community center are increasing, according to Soop, especially for the institute type conference, with the group meeting together for large meetings and then dividing into small groups for dis- cussion of specific topics. The build- ing, with its large auditoriums and. small classrooms, is admirably suited for this, he said. Building Facilities in Great Demand The building is used for a great number of conferences and institutes held for educational purposes during the course of a year, and the problem of deciding who can use it and' whom to deny the privilege is becoming in- creasingly difficult, Soop explained. "In view of the demands on the building for various activities, both University work and work of a com- munity nature, excellent use could be made of many more facilities," he said. Back the Famine Drive 'A WUER TH - Last Day Today - LIFE WITH BLONDIE with Arthur Lake Penny Singleton -and - BELLS OF ROSARITA with Roy Rogers Ormond studied with Samuel Gard- ner of Juilliard School of Music. He eceived his Bachelor of Music degree n 1942. While in the army he studied with Boris Kamensky in Paris, at the Trin- ty College of Music in London and was soloist with several orchestras n England. Ormond is a pupil of Wassily Bese- kirksy and a member of Phi Mu Alpha (Sinfonia). The recital will be presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Concert Tuesday Lucretia Dell, student of piano under Prof. Joseph Brinkmaan, will present a recital at 8:30 p.m. Tues- day in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Miss Dell studied with Judge and Mrs. James R. Breakey, Jr., of Ypsi- lanti before enrolling in the School of Music. She is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music hon- orary. The recital will be presented in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Episcopal Club Conducts Drive Episcopal students, under the di- rection of the Canterbury Club, are contributing canned goods for Euro- pean relief. The goal of the drive, which will end June 1, is 1,000 cans. They will be sent to Europe through a relief agency. Students who want to contribute canned goods to the drive may take them to the Student Center, 408 Law- tenm or call 5790 for someone to get Sunday and Monday Tom Brennaman in BREAKFAST IN HOLLYWOOD with Zazu Pitts Bonita Granville Andy Russell Spike Jones -and - SHE WENT TO THE RACES with James Craig Frances Gifford Campus Highlights Guild Bike-Hike Planned tivities on non-sectarian campuses will be discussed at the convention, A bike hike to Saginaw Forest will according to Tom Donnelly, president be held by the Congregational-Dis- of the University Newman Club. The ciples Guild today. Wayne University Newman Club will Members will leave the Guild House act as hosts for the convention. at 2 p.m. A picnic lunch will be served Delegates will include Donnelly, after the hike. Barbara Luke, Doris Heidgen, Bill * * Muha and Cam Fisher. Carnrtco To Taclk Today Hostel Canoe Trip Planned Bob Carneiro will discuss "Ra- cial Relations on Campus," an ar- The American Youth Hostel ticle which will appear in the next group will sponsor a canoe trip to- issue of "insight," for the Lane morrow for which reservations must Hall Saturday Luncheond iscussion be made by 6 p.m. today by calling Group at 12:15 p.m. today at Lane Nancy Smith or Janina Niedbala Hall. at 7211. Reservations for the luncheon The group will meet at Lane Hall may be made at Lane Hall before at 2:10 tomorrow with the ex- 10 a.m. today. ception of those who are planning . y , to cycle to the canoe livery, who will meet the group there at 2:30 Red Cross N eeds Stamtps p.m. Kate Volkman will act as lead- Percy Jones Hospital Red Cross er. has asked anyone who has any for- Canoers are asked to bring bath- eign or American cancelled stamps ing suits and are reminded that of interest to send them to Mrs. Ruth there will be a small charge for the Buchanan at the University Museum. rental of the canoes. Newman Clubs IVI I Meet PRINTIN Newman Club delegates wil at tend the convention of the Ohio Val- PROGRAMS . CARDS . STATIONERY ley Province of the Newman Club HANDBILLS, ETC. Federation today and tomorrow in Downtown: 308 NoRTH MAIN Detroit. ATHENS PRESS Plans for furthering Catholic ac-_ - - - - - - - - - - - Tuesday thru Thursday THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! RAY MILLAN D in THE LOST WEEKEND with Jane Wyman -and - MEET ME ON BROADWAY with Marjorie Reynolds Jinx Falkenburg CHAS. HOGAN'S BAGGAGE Phone 2-1721 TRUNKS, PARCELS Small Move Jobs INSURED I 'I ~JOHINNY WEIS~lI Last Times Today "TARZAN AND THE LEOPARD WOMAN" -A HEAL odil PACKS OF THFUL VALUE" + . _ . .air R .. -..'!.i.7. -+ - r.A Sure,, To Find I 1 I ART CINEMA LEAGUE PRESENTS GABLE * GARSORN to WMMS sclflng :cepl "It is told dramatically, with careful at- tention to historical detail and artistic effect. The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Vauxhall Gardens, even the Cheshire Cheese-all are there with glamokur and humour." - Stage Magazine. Thursday, Friday, Saturday; Q .2n r A Continuous Doily from 1 P.M. r. vw ovsEI frr+ ~unaJO, Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M. _________________omIinga bunchy- - BLAZING...THUNDERING...ROARING!' at 1 -. AN I I I