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May 17, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-17

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-. r1

Fifty-Sxth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion. .........Editorial Director
Robert Goldman....... . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker .. .. ... .....Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Nation Advertising Service, Inc.
Coleg Publisers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Mne Health
Fund Con-trol
WITH EVERYONE0 in the holiday spirit, it is
only natural that John L. Lewis' latest de-
mand on the coal mining industry should inspire
considerable comment.
The formidable union leader's present demand
of the nation's soft coal operators is a seven per
cent levy on their gross payroll to create a na-
tional health and welfare fund. At the annual
wage of $2,500 the gross payroll for the 400,000
bituminous miners of the United Mine Workers
would total $1,000,000,000. The tax therefore
would net Lewis $70,000,000 a year if granted.
Certain mine operators have estimated that
this levy would add 14 cents a ton to the cost
of coal at the mines. No remarkable power of vi-
sion is required to see that this increase would
immediately be passed on to the consuming
public as one step more toward inflation. The
higher cost of operation, moreaver, would cause
corresponding increases in railroad rates and
factory prices.
If there is an actual need for the proposed
health fund, then objection on the basis of in-
creased cost alone is not sufficient to con-
demn the plan, for human lives are worth more
than 14 cents-or $70,000,000 for that matter.
Coal mining is a dangerous occupation. Not
only is there constant danger from coal dust
explosions, cave-ins and asphyxiation, but the

working conditions' are definitely unhealthy.
The labor is heavy and long, the atmosphere is
damp, there is no sunlight and very little light
at all, and the wages are certainly inadequate
to provide a standard of living that will alleviate
these poor health conditions.
HE ISSUE in the present dispute is not, or
should not be, the need of the miners for
health and welfare assistance. The mine opera-
tors have professed willingness to cooperate in
the establishment of such a fund. The real issue
is the control of the proposed fund. According
to Government Concialiator Paul W. Fuller,
the payroll tax demand calls for administration
"neither joint nor public." The inference is that
Lewis is sticking to lhis original demand for ex-
clusive union control over the funds.
This is basically the same issue in.volved in
Petrillo's band on recordings two years ago.
The recording companies offered to devote part
of their receipts to a fund to aid unemployed
musicians, providing that they had some re-
presentation in the distribution of these funds.
Petrillo, however, insisted upon absolute union
control of the royalties collected, though there
had been nothing in his past actions and
policies to suggest confidence in his ability or
N W IT IS REASONABLE to question whether
11there has been anything in John L. Lewis'
previous career to suggest that he is capable of
administering wisely or fairly a $70,000,000 fund?
It is a matter of record that Lewis tossed $500,000
of the union's treasury into Roosevelt's 1936
presidential campaign. There is also ample evi-
....-- +. n1 - hn4 T..,i nnr iC'~A I1iinnfundsffI

to the dior

C* tnYoJepdiaI



Atomic Alert
To The Editor:
L ITTLE has been written of late on the ques-
tion of atomic control, and I bclieve people
should be kept aware at all times of steps being
taken in this direction, because of the serious im-
portance of the bomb as an omnipresent threat
to our very existence.
While I agree that control should be kept in
the hands of civilian authorities, I also think it
should be part of the United Nations Organiza-
tion's plans to form a permanent investigating
committee, with powers to examine and investi-
gate research, developments, and scientific work
being done in this field, in all the laboratories of
the major countries of the world. If it is dis-
covered that any one country is making moves
towards production of atomic bombs, this should
be reported to the UN and machinery should
be put into action to prevent that country from
any further access to materials needed in their
This is a proposal which .needs the backing of
every citizen in the United States. It must be
enforced by public opinion.
-Karen Holmes
'*' * * *
Feeble Humor
To The Editor:
I HAVE READ from time to time, with various
reactions, the feeble attempts at wit of Miss
Lois Kelso in her columns, "It's ,a Gay Life." I
feel that the opening gun of her latest effort is
the crowning offense to the discriminating read-
er. I refer to the sentence, "I am shaken, I am
shattered, I have been to Percy Jones Hospital
and face to face with the Horrors of War."
I too have been to Percy Jones Hospital, which
is the Army's largest hospital center for ampu-
tation cases. I did not regard what I saw there
as a fit topic for an alleged humor column. Per-
haps Miss Kelso closed her eyes to the thousands
of veterans with every conceivable type of ampu-
tation and disfigurement, learning to use their
new artificial limbs. Probably she did not visit
those who are paralyzed for life because of in-
juries to the spinal cord.
I realize, of course, that Miss Kelso's ensuing
article does not deal with the disabilities of these
men; but I fail to understand how she can be
so utterly lacking in sensitivity and a sense of
proper perspective as to allude to them-even
in one sentence-in a spirit of levity.
-Stuart L. Main
* * * A
No More Laughter
To The Editor:
Open letter to John Campbell and others.
dolph has ceased. Communism is no longer a
laughing matter. The term 'Commy' no longer
suits Hearst's purpose ... the people have stopped
They look at the roster of Communist parties
and begin to wonder. China-1,000,000 members,
four million troops, a nation of one hundred
million people . . . France-1,500,000 members,
the highest vote of any party in France . .
Jugoslavia-the largest single party in the coun-
try, its *hief, Marshall Tito, head of a unity
government . . . Italy 1,700,000 members . - -
Checkoslovakia-1,200,000 members . . . even
Brazil has a Comunist Party of 400,000 with its
leader, Luiz Prestos almost a legendary hero in
The people have stopped laughing, and Mr.
Hearst notices and his nervous laughter ceases
too. Now he screams epitaphs instead . . . 'Red
fascists' his headlines screech. And people like
you, John, swallow his desperation rantings.
It is a strange commentary on people who pro-
fess to favor democracy and dispise these horrid
'red fascists', that they admit that these same
'red fascists' were the only group which solidly
backed the French Constitution which provided
the most complete form of democracy by giving
all power to a representative parliament. So well
constructed, in fact, was this constitution, that
its opponents could attack it only on the basis
that its acceptance might stop the United States
loan to France.
One wonders if perhaps, a the time of the
French Revolution people like Lafayette weren't
labeled the 18th century equivalent of 'red fas-
cist' . . . 'probably paid in Washington gold.'
Hysterical headlines in the Hearst papers of

Separate Peace
WHEN Secretary of State Byrnes left for the
Paris foreign ministers' conference, he
styled it in the final test of Big Three cooperation.
Now the conference, after last minute agree-
ment on reparations and the administration of
Italy's North African colonies, has broken up over
the disposal of Trieste; Byrnes has made good
his 'threat' by proposing that Britain and the
United States make a separate peace with the
Axis if Russia continues to balk.
Quite aside from the justice of either side's
position, practical considerations make the
Secretary's ultimatum extremely ill-advised.
A peace not adhered to by a power of Russia's
strength is no peace at all. The United States
and Britain know it. Russia knows it.
If Byrnes has visions of himself as a tight-rope
walker, he would do well to remember that he
is risking much more than his own neck.
-Ann Kutz

the nineties threw America into the Spanish
American War. Willingly Mr. Hearst would
scream us into a war with the Soviet Union.
But a strong young socialist state is not a deca-
dent feudal monarchy. And, as I have said, the
people are no longer laughing. They are speaking
in voices loud enough to shake Hearst's San
Unplug your ears John-you'll hear them too.
-Kenneth S. Goodman
Vet Praises Wfives
To The Editor:
THERE IS A GROUP on campus which hasn't
had much publicity, and it certainly deserves
it. It's called the Veterans-Wives' Club and is
composed of the wives of the vets who attend
school here at the U. of M. The vets have good
taste, for en masse the organization presents
as good-looking a bunch of women as I have
ever laid eyes upon.
But what they really deserve an orchid for are
some of the entertainments they have put on
for married couples-affairs where you can have
some fun and meet some of the other twosomes.
I recall with pleasure the picnic at the Women's
Athletic Building-all you could eat of home-
baked beans, franks, coffee, ice-cream, potato
chips-and the jim-jam at the League, which
featured an A-1 program of songs and floor-
show and special instruction on how to rhumba.
The officers and gals who worked on the project
get thanks from me and from the crowd which
An orchid to Miss McCormick, too, who, I have
noted, is there giving help and advice when the
women want it. Here's good luck to them in their
dance June 1 for married couples. Keep it up
gals-you're doing yourselves and your husbands
-Larry Welsch
No Rest
Justice weakly flops her wings and stumbles
to the ground. Dark night closes in. The rumble
of distant drums makes hideous the moment
before catastrophe.
Would it not be wonderful, in this our last
hour of agony, for the colleges to light one candle
of fair dealing to shoot its beams through the
murky world? Just one! And mankind might yet
be saved!
It is a small thing I propose, I admit. And yet,
as Confucius said, the journey of a thousand
miles begins with but a single step.
All through my spoty career-high school,
Army, payrolls, Social Insecurity, etc., whenever
names were called, I knew in advance my ap-
pointed place, and wearily I trudged to it.
Bright-eyed I came to college. Would things
be different? But no-sometimes I was so far
back in the classroom it seemed like the Tunnel
of Love.
And now Dr. Norton, in recommending changes
in the student elections, has killed my last hope.
To quote from The Daily: "There is another
change Dr. Norton feels would increase the fair-
ness of future elections. That is the listing of all
candidates names in absolute alphabetical order,
thus doing away with advantages by position on
the ballot.
Help! Help!
-Zeniter Z. Zzizzbuzz
(Paul Kircher, East Quad)
r, II

"Dear Sir and Brother:
AM WRITING you with reference


to your sanitation proposal which
the coal operators called a gratuitous
I am an employee of the Black
Mountain Corporation which is owned
and operated by the Peabody Coal
Corporation. I am also president of
Local Union 4493, Kenvir, Kentucky.
This coal camp has a population
of over 3,000. All the houses which1
the officials, office workers and bos-
ses live in are equipped with bath-t
tubs, lavatory, and commode. Alla
other employees have a privy about
30 feet from the house. The refuse
from the privies is dipped out and
hauled by wagon and dumped less
than 100 yards from my house ...
My family, along with others haveC
to go through this excretion going
to and from school and the store.. ..
At my insistence the doctor report-1
ed the condition to the State Health
Department. This doctor had been 1
at our camp a very short time and
did not know the condition between 1
the coal companies and the Health
The Health Department wrote the
company pertaining to this matter,e
and as a result the doctor was sentg
packing and the method of refuse1
still exists today. . . "
f HE above telegram to John -L.
Lewis is reprinted here from an
advertism it entered in lastSunday'sr
Chicago Sun by the Labor Non-Par-
tisan League. The truth of the state-t
ments contained in the telegram is t
attested to by three other membersc
of the local union, and by the Presi-
dent and Secretary-Treasurer of the
United Mine Workers, District 19. 7
Possibly the average student of this1
University will not believe that thisE
telegram describes the conditionsc
which are not uncommon in the
United States. I am certain that many
faculty members will not believe these,
facts . . . "The source is biased" willr
be considered a scientific analysis.}
We prefer to think that such med-
ievalism exists only in Europe and
Asia, while we in this country would
not be guilty of tolerating such condi-
tions to make a larger profit. We pride1
ourselves o the high standard of liv
ing enjoyed by our own families, and
assume that all families throughout
the country equally enjoy the bene-
fits of modern science. It seems
strange that we should claim so much
credit for introducing sanitation into}
the Philippines, while conditions such
as these continue to exist in Ken-
Nor is Kentucky much different
from West Virginia or southern
Illinois or western Pennsylvania in
this respect. A mining town is a
mining town, and the ugly sil-
houette of the search for profits
dominates any such town. The
workers live in company houses and
pay company-fixed rent. They buy
food in company stores at com-
pany prices. They get silicosis from
company coal dust. The health of
their children is wrecked by com-
pany refuse. Everything the worker
sees is owned by the company.
There is only one real issue in the
mine strikes. The issue involved is the
right of the workers to enjoy an
American standard of life. Any at-
tempt to ascribe to the strikers any
aim other than this desire to raise
their standard of living is based on
deliberate falsification or a lack of
knowledge. Doubtless there are many
people who simply don't know the
conditions, and who have condemned
the mine strike honestly because they
do not understand the real issue in-
BUT we should not lose sight of the
others . . . those paid lackeys of
Big Business who foster strikes with
the left side of their mouths and con-
demn them with the right side. The

majority of Congress is only too ea-
ger to cause more strikes by ending
all effective price controls, and at
the same time they are drawing up
new anti-strike legislation. Their sup-
posed logic goes something like this:
"John L. Lewis uses questionable
tactics. Therefore the Mineworkers
tare a threat to America. Therefore
we should outlaw all strikes."
There is no logic involved in such
reasoning. John Lewis is not the is-
sue. The standard of living of the
miners is the only issue. The miners
have learned to distrust government,
and when we remember the Kentucky
Health Department who can blame?
The miners are today trying to help
themselves, trying to win their just
demands.They will have the support
of all honest, informed Americans.
--Ray Ginger

Publication In the Daily Official Bul- T.
letin is constructive notice to all mem- ti
bers or the University. Notices forte He
Bulletin should be sent in typewrittenW
form to the Assistant to the President, W
1021 Angell hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day Vi
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946
VOL. LVI, No. 142 A
/s p
To the Members of the University 2:
Senate: T
At the meeting of the Senate on
Monday, May 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, considera- "
tion will be given to the following 8
agenda: t
Annual Report of the Senate Ad- d
visory Committee on University Af-
A. D. Moore, Chairman t
Memorandum from the eans' J
Conference on Sabbatical Leaves. 5
F. E. Robbins, Secretary
Enrollment Problems. Provost J.
P. Adams.
Building Program. Vice-President
R. P. Briggs. " 1
Other matters as may be presented c
by members ofuthe Senate and by c
President A. G. Ruthven. W
Mentor Reports, College of Engin- u
eering - Ten-week grades for En- p
gineering Freshmen are now due in L
Dean Crawford's Office.
1945 MICHIGANENSIAN: All those b
who have subscriptions and who have n
not yet called for their 1945 Michi- t
ganensian must do so today. After i
today, all 'Ensians which have not
been distributed will be sold to those
on the waiting list of last fall.-
Swimming - Women Students: c
There will be open swimming at the
Union Pool from 9:00 to 10:45 every
Saturday morning for women stu-
dents in the University.
All women students attending the m
Crease Ball tonight will have late per- i
mission until one-thirty. Calling m
hours will not be extended.
Willow Village Progran for veterans r
and their wives: o
Friday, May 17: Dancing Classes d
Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced, 8 p.m.;J
Open Dancing, 9-10 p.m., Auditorium, fc
West Lodge. s
Friday, May 17: Leadership Class, i
Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension o
Staff, will conduct the final meeting s
of this class. 8 p.m. Conference s
Room, West Lodge.
Saturday, May 18: Square Dance, t
Scott Colburn, caller. Be present for p
the forming of Squares at 8:30. 8- f
11:30 Auditorium West Lodge.
Sunday, May 19: Classical Music,
(records). 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge. b
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathe-
matics. The final lecture of this series
will be given by Professor Kurt Fried-
richs of New York University today, R
at 3:00 in Room 3011 Angell Hall, t
The subject will be: "On the Inter- U
relation between Point Spectra and a
Continuous Spectra." t
Academic Noticesn
Doctoral Examination for Williamc
M. Cruickshank, Education; thesis:
" A Comparative Study of Psychologi-
cal Factors Involved in the Responses
of Mentally Retarded and Normal,,
Boys to Problems in Arithmetic," t
Saturday, May 18, at 2:00 p.m., inf
the Board Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman, C. Woody.s
Biological Chemistry Seminar willa
meet in Room 319 West Medicalr

Building today at 4:00 p.m. "Denatu-
ration of Proteins." All interested
are invited.1
Notice to Sophomore and Senior
Students taking the Profile Examina-
tions: You will be excused from
classes where there is a conflict with,
the examinations. Present to your
instructor my communication regard-
ing the test as proof of your eligibil-
ity. Hayward Keniston, Dean
Student Recital: Jeannette Haien,
student of piano under John Kollen,
will present a recital in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30
Sunday evening, May 19, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Her program
will include compositions by Bach,
Chopin, Ravel, and Schumann, and
will be open to the general public.
Student Recital: Vincent DeMat-
teis, clarinetist, will present a recital
in paitial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music in Music Education, at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, May 19, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. He is a pupil
of Albert Luconi, and will be assisted

he program will include composi-
ons of Brahms, Glazunov, Edmund
aines, Kabalevsky, and R. Vaughan
illiams. The public is cordially in-
The 23rd Annual Exhibition for
rtists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity,
resented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
ociation. The Rackham Galleries,
aily except Sundays, through May
3; afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10.
he public is cordially invited.
Michigan Historical Collections.
Public Schools in Michigan." Hours:
:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30 Monday
hrough Friday, 8:00 to 12:00 Satur-
Fishing and fish management. o-
unda, Museum Building. Through
uune 30. 8:00-5:00 week days; 2:00-
:00, Sundays and holidays.
Events Today
The Art Cinema League presents
Peg of Old Drury", a British histori-
al film of the stage, in middle-18th
entury London. Anna Neagle as Peg
Voffington and Sir Cedric Hardwicke
s David Garrick. Tonight and Sat-
rday at 8:30. Box office opens 2:00
.m. daily. Reservations phone 6300.
ydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The regular weekly Tea Dance will
e held this afternoon at the Inter-
ational Center from 4 to 6 under
he sponsorship of ANCUM. Anyone
nterested is cordially invited.
The Westminister Guild will have a
noonlight hike to the Island with
unch at the fireplace. Meet at the
hurch at 8:30 p.m.
Coming Events
There will be no house presidents
neetings for League Houses or Dorm-
tories on Tuesday, May 21. The next
neeting will be Tuesday, May 28.
Members AIEE: Ratification of the
ecently proposed bylaws, election
f officers for the coming year, and
iscussion of the picnic to be held
une 1. are the main business topics
or the last AIEE meeting of the
emester, Wed., May 22, at 7:30 p.m.,
n the Michigan Union. The speaker
f the evening will be Mr. R. J. Teet-
ell 'of The Westinghouse Elec. Corp.
is talk, "Electrical Measuring In-
truments, their Construction, Opera-
ion and Selection," will be accom-
ianied by a sound slide film. Re-
reshments will be served.
Phi Delta Kappa: Meeting of mem-
ers of Phi Delta Kappa Saturday
norning, May 17, at 9:00 a.m., in
3r. F. G. Walcott's office, Rm. 3206,
U.H.S. to consider candidates for
The Omega Chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa will hold a joint meeting with
he Alpha Omega chapter of Wayne
University May 24 at 4:00, dinner
at 6:00 p.m., in Detroit at the down-
own YWCA. Following the initia-
ion of new members, Austin Grant,
radio commentator, will address the
members. Members desiring trans-
portation or willing to drive please
call 25-8034.
Phi Sigma, honorary biological
fraternity, will sponsor a talk by Dr.
E. C. Case, professor emeritus of his-
orical geology and paleontology, and
former Chairman of the Geology De-
partment and Director of the Mu-
seum of Paleontology, on Monday,
May 20, in Rackham Amphitheatre
at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Case will speak on
his "Reminiscences and Impressions"
of his years as a professor on this
campus. Students, faculty, and pub-

lic are cordially invited to attend.
La Sociedad Hispanica will an-
nounce the names of those students
winning scholarships to the Univer-
sities of Mexico and Havana at a
reception-dance to be held 8:00 p.m.
Saturday in the Union. The reception
is being held to honor the cast of the
two plays presented this year and is
open to all members of La Sociedad
Hispanica and friends. Refreshments
and entertainment will be included.
The Graduate .Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike or canoeing, depending
on the weather, on Sunday, May 19.
Those interested should pay the sup-
per fee at the checkroom desk in
Rackham before noon Saturday and'
should meet in the Outing Club rooms
in the Rackham Building at 2:30
Sunday. Use northwest entrance. '
Veterans' Wives' Club will meet
Monday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Michigan League. All wives of stu-
dent veterans are cordially invited.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday afternoon at 3:30
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309


.. at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Peg of Drury Lane with Anna Neagle and
Sir Cedric Hardwicke.
WHY THE ART CINEMA League should have
happened to choose this of all the British
pictures available is almost as much a mystery
as the reason for being of the short feature
which preceded it, something about the Soviet
Conservatory of Music.
There were redeeming features. Hardwicke
was almost impressive as David Garrick, more so,
however, as Garrick being Shylock and a host of
other Shakespearean characters. Other members
of the cast might well have been guided by the
easy severity of Hardwicke's characterization.
Anna Neagle, his co-principle, was from the
beginning in a difficult position. As a hyper-
thyroid Irish girl finding the usual love, disillu-
sion, fame, and love in the big city, she had Alice
Faye material with which to work and the whole
thing just didn't pan out.
The rest of the picture was notable for little.
The curious wouldn't have learned a thing about
the famed Johnson-Garrick coterie, the rural
Irish humor only ocasionally has a note of spon-
taneity, and the plot would make a Universal
musical director blush.
A few conventional good touches-such as are
to be found in almost every English film effort-
helped the weak-kneed story through some other-
wise dismal spots. The maid who in one of Peg's
darkest moments blithely helped herself to the
mistress's nightly tankard and Garrick's dresser.
a straight-faced English servant in the classic
tradition, both deserved better surroundings.
At that, Peg of Drury Lane is probably the best
movie in town.
-Hale Champion

------ ------

Don't disturb your father. A nap
before dinner will make him feel
better. But why he wants to play

By Crockett Johnson

Has Pop's team a name, Mom?
The Dodgers. The other twoj

Under contract to the Dodgers?
Hmm. Probably as a replacement
for Zach Wheat in left field.

What wifely pride she
must take in his career.
I don't think

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