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May 16, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-16

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THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1946

-____ ____I

Campus Balloting Criticized;..
New System Recommended

Criticizing many of the practices
in the recent campus elections for
representatives to the Student Con-
gress, Prof. Clark F. Norton, who
acted as advisor on ballot counting
procedure, outlined what he termed
"desirable reforms" for future stu-
dent polling.
"The two days of voting and the
results of the election", Dr. Norton
pointed out, "demonstrated weak-
nesses in three phases of elections
as now conducted".
The changes recommended con-
cerned the nature of the basie or-
ganization, procedure, and form
of ballot employed. Failure to in-
dicate the required number of
choices on many ballots and the
great amount of apparent blind vot-
ing are two of the evils he cited
Second Annual
Russian Night
Will Be Held
The Second Annual Russian Night,
presented by the Russian Circle and
Russian department, will be held at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
"Days of Our Life," a play by An-
dreev with Russian dialogue will high-
light the evening's program. This is
the first presentation of a play in
Russian at the University.
The leading roles in this play about
Russian student life will be played
bykRostislav Galuzevski, Henry Mile-
zuk, Helene Halpern, and Wilma Mi-
ron. Others in the cast include Ed-
ward Chop, Richard Shapiro, Leona
Landy, Renee Lichtenstein, Martha
Bradshaw, Mary Hapiuk, and Kath-
erine Stasewich.
In addition to the play, a skit en-
titled "The Misfortune" will be given.
Russian dances,songs,rincludinga
few solos, will be performed. Two
poems by famous Russian authors will
also be offered.
Admission is by invitation only.
Those interested may call Renee
Lichtenstein, chairman of the pro-
/gram at 9194, or Mrs. Lila argment
for tickets.
Phone 2-1721
Small Move Jobs
When you've done your work faith-
fully each day, you can zip through
final exams like a breeze. And when
you complete your secretarial train-
ing at Katharine Gibbs, you can
enter any business office with confi-
dence. Personal placement service in
four cities. College Course Dean.
NEW YORK 17............230 Park Ave.
BOSTON 16. ............90 Marlborough St.
CHICAGO II ..........720 N. Michigan Ave.
PROVIDENCE 6 ...................155 AgllI t.

as growing out of the nature of the
election set-up, which allowed stu-
dents from all schools to vote for
the entire 18 representatives being
Dr. Norton suggested that "a
breakdown of the campus into schools
or homogeneous combinations of
them would eliminate some of the
problems facing the voter, who, un-
der the present system, is asked to
select 18 of 62 candidates with some
degree of intelligence, an almost lu-
dicrous request."
Rather than having the quota of
votes required for election a variable
quantity depending on the number
of officers and the vote cast, he sug-
gested a quota set in advance.
"Instituting such a change," Dr
Norton feels, "would serve as an
incentive to stimulate student in-
terest, since the number of repre-
sentatives each school had would
then depend on the size of the vote
it turned out."
"The election officials should be
chosen more carefully with empha-
sis on conscientiousness and integri-
ty," Dr. Norton cautioned. "A defi-
nite scheme for identifying the of-
ficials at the polls to each other and
the public is needed, and likewise a
dependable registrationtsystem which
would identify legal voters and elim-
inate impersonation and multiple
There is another change which
Dr. Norton feels, would increase the
fairness of future elections. That
is the listing of all candidates'
names in an absolute alphabetical
order, thus doing away with ad-
vantages by position on the ballot.
"If a pattern for student elections
is to be developed which will be fair,
effective, and foolproof", he said in
summation, "it is to be hoped that the
mistakes of the past will guide us
i.n the future."
'U' Observers To
Visit Mock U
Detroit Youth To Take
Part In Trial Assembly
The University willsend two obser-
vers to the Student United Nations
Conference today in Detroit's Horace
Rackham Memorial Building.
Detroit high school students, train-
ed to interpret the processes of the
real UN, will hold a mock United
Nations General Assembly. They will
present important resolutions in
world diplomat style on an interna-
tional police force, rehabilitation of
racial groups and atomic energy, ac-
cording to Walter Gleason, commit-
tee chairman.
The Student United Nations As-
sembly is under the joint sponsorship
of the World Study Council of De-
troit, the Detroit Public Schools, The
Detroit News, the Foreign Policy As-
sociation and the University Ex-
tension Service. University obser-
vers will be Clayton Dickey and Paul
Harsha of the Daily staff.
Let our personnel give you a facial
or scalp treatment for dandruff, it-
chy scalp, or faling hair. Tonsorial
queries invited. Today!!
Between State & Michigan Theaters

Prof. Oghurn
~To Speak On
Atomi Energy
Wihlam F. Oghurn, professor of
sociolhgy at iie liniversity of C'hi
' ,io, will spca k on the "'Social fm-
p:vat.ions of Atomiie Enervy" at 8
pri. Friday, May 24 in Rackham
Amphi theatre under ihe joint aus-
pices of the Department of Sociology
and Alpha Kappa Delta, national
honorary sociolo.ica(-'society.
Prof. Ogbiriin is known for his stud-
wes on ite eflect of invent.ions on
social lie ani has x ri eu ext ensively
On LIhe sojL~ Pc. rm 21er lilesident ol
Ihe. American So iologieal Society and
of the American Statl;ti(al Associa-
.ion. Prof. Od) nrn received a Doctor
of laws degree 7a1t wek a Ithe ter-
vr't'y of North CarolinaU
:i .n.veiaryafrth"Lin
I-'LsI MBouIvavd

Fresh Fish Story
The mystery of the fish-selling
Cap-box orators who invaded the
Engineering Arch at noon Tues-
tli itiaprha no beclieared lu..
eng iiwerinig stumnj speakers soi-
ety, adiiuIed yesterday that the
en 1ri who Iicidentally netted x
SLD froom their sales of fresh ilsh,
were uidergoing informal Initia-
tiol into the speehi society.
Adisors Hav
Ficll Sc. edides
Freshman and sophomore academ-
ic counselors now have class sched-
ules for the summer and fall terms.
Although catalogues for these periods
are not yet available to the students,
the advisors have the necessary in-
forination on classes which will be
offered and probable time schedules.
All freshmen and sophomores will
receive cards advising them to make
:appointments with their counselors
as soon as possible in order to insure
time for careful choice and to prevent
th rush at the beginning of the fall
Election cards will be signed by the
advisors at the time of the interview,
and these cards may be left in the
Academic Counselors Oice until re-
gistration time.
Panitel-A ssemn'by
Con, ititilee -1-o Meet
The decorations committee of Pan-
hel-Assembly ball will meet at 4:30
p.m. today in the ABC Rooms of the
League. All members should attend.


ONLY A FEW WEEKS TO LIVE-Three-year'-old Jerry rTyner plays
with his little sister Linda Darlene, unmindful that doctors believe that
he will be dead in a few weeks. Jerry's left kidney wTs removed ii an
effort to stop the spread of cancer, but the infection conitiniued. His left

Ann Arbor's city planning conis-
sion's propoSed 'n"master plan" would
include a north-south boulevard run-
ning in an ar west of the Main St.
busiless district.
Des igned to eliminate traffic con-
gestion in t e campus and down-
town areas, the boulevard would be
132 feet wide at its narrowest points.
It would be bordered by trees and
According to the planners, the
boulevard would be set up as a divis-
ion between industrial and home
buildings, encouraging owners west
of the road to remodel houses, free
I from fear of industrial infiltration.

Sigma Rim Tau...
Dean Woodbury was elected presi-
dent of Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
stump speakers society, according to
an announcement yesterday.
Other officers elected are Charles
Chadwick, vice-president; Jane In-
gersoll, home secretary; Terry Finch,
corresponding secretary; Mildred De-
nicke, recording secretary; Marvin'
Shafer, treasurer; and Robert Buck-
borough, ambassador.
Public Service Tal~k.. .
"Career Opportunities in Govern-
ment Service" will be discussed by
Charles F. Sarle at the meeting

of Econcentrics, student economics
club, at 8:30 p.m. today in the Un-
Following a summary of oppor-
tunities in public administration,
the State Department, and field
service, Sarle, assistant chief of the
United States Weather Bureau and
executive in the Commodity Credit
Corporation, will answer personal
Guild DinnerToa(y .--
The Roger Williams Guild will hav
a dinner for young mai ried couples
in the Guild and In oe Baptis
church at 6 p.m. today in the wuild

Wmgo Offers
'Bill of Rights'
For Teachers
"The decrease in the number of
people entering the teaching profes-
sion is a crisis in mnoden education,"
Dr. Max Wingo, of the School of
Education, said yesterday in a panel
discussion on "How to Make the
Teaching Profession More Attrac-
A "Bill of Rights" for teachers was
formulated which would make teach-
ing more attractive and place it on
a par with other professions.
Included in the "Bill of Rights"
was the provision that teachers need
not be responsible to the coinmuni ty
for their personal actions. Petty reg-
ulations against smoking, drinking
or playing cards ar restrictions
against an individual's freedom which
keep many persons from entering the
teaching profession.
Winniers o1fSpeech
wont( t AttioICimed-
Byron Mitchell won first place for
his speech "The Horsemen Are Rid-
ing" in the contest for students in
speech 32 classes yesterday.
Second place winner was John Fitz-
gerald who spoke' on "Unification
Runners-up in the contest were:
Philip Brancucci who spoke on the
"Two Chinas"; William Fulton speak-
ing on "Moral Rearmament"; Gloria
Gordon on "Arnistice or Victory";
Walter Kell on "Michigan State and
the Big Ten"; and Mary Pinney
whose speech was entitled "Language
on the Defensive."
,Dine in the Charming
Early American Atmosphere
of of
Steaks - Chicken - Sea Food
Give your Student Parties
in our
Private Dining Rooms
Call 2 644
Reservations not necessary




WANTED: Student help to wait on
table at University functions. Apply'
Personnel office, 208 Univ. Hall.
WANTED: Girl for part time work
at soda fountain. Swift's Drug
Store, 340 S. State. Phone 3534.
HELP WANTED: Fountain help, top
pay, hours to your convenience,
Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or
Ml. Benden. Witham's Drug Store,
corner of S. University and Forest.
WANTED: Used "Whizzer Motor" or
bicycle equipped with "Whizzer
Motor." Phone 7176. Ask for Hal.
DELTA TAU DELTA fraternity de-
sires cook for 40-45 men in fall
term. Experience absolutely neces-
sary. Call 2-2565 or write 1928
COMMISSION, $100, paid for infor-
mation leading to year's lease of
suitable four-bedroom house with
servants quarters. Wanted by Bar-
ton Hills residents. Call 8330.
TO RENT: Dr. John C. Slaughter of
University Hospital Staff desires
modern 2 or 3 bedroom house or
apartment. Has car and can furn-
ish ireferences. Veteran of over 4
years service. Formerly on staff
here. Mornings phone 2-2521, ext.
320. Afternoons call Health Ser-
vice 2-4531, ext. 9.
MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib-
erty. We have rebuilt used bikesJ
for sale. Your bike can be expertly
repaired also.
APARTMENT: For couple, near cam-
pus. Veteran attending University.
Phone 2-4401, Lloyd House. Room
415. Refer to advertisement.
WANTED: Reader for blind graduate
student, male preferred. 604 or call
M.S.C. INSTRUCTOR and family
want 2 bedroom furnished house or
arpartment, June 20 to September
1. Box 55.
WANTED: Ride week-days from vi-
cinity Plymouth Road and Middle
Belt, Detroit to Ann Arbor. Share
expenses. Kennedy, 816 East Kings-
ley, phone 9818.1

LOST: Tuesday, shell-rim glasses in
Health Service case. Call Calvin
Didier, 7235. Reward,
LOST: Black and gold Schaeffer pen,
Monday, between Haven Hall and
Arcade. Reward. J. A. Warren, 1324
Wile Court, Willow Run.
LOST: Alpha Omicron Pi pin, lasti
near campus. Call Ro:amond Dea-
con. 222811 Reward.
HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 room, mod-
ern cottage with shower, electri-
city, and all eonveniences,. No rent
required . even t-xci a nge for part
time weekenid sd-vices of married
couple only. No accomodations for
children. Six miles from Ann Ar-
bor. Apply 1700B uhl tilding, De-
troit, or phone Randolph 403:3.
FOR SALE: Crib, hie-chair, Taylor-
tot, Size 4 Snowsiit. Phone 2-7295.
FOR SALE: RCA record player. Ex-
cellent condi lion. New Fidelitone
needle. $10. Phone 5754.
WILL EXCHANGE 3 room unfurn-
ished Detroit apairtmnent, stove, re-
frigemrator, all utilities, 035 per
month, 30 minutes downtown, for
Ann Arbor house or apartment.
Call 5918 after 1 p.m.
INTERESTED in living in co-ops this
summer? Contact, Zip Kiski, 2-
2218 or Hank Kassis, 6284 immedi-
MYSTERIES of the Great Operas by
Max Heindel. Faust, Parsifal, The
Ring of the Niebelunz, Tannhauser,
Folk Lore and its interpretation
through music has much to offer'
to the general reader as well as the
musician and occultist. Read the
books through the Rosicrucian
Study Group Lending Library. Ph.
E. Huron. Let us make your drapes,
alterations, and custom made
clothes! Phone 2-4669.a
ine Keds. $3.75. Made by U.S. Rub-
ber Co. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-

""ti" ed f"om P"a'e 2)
all foreign students and their Ameri-
can friends.
The Modern Poetry Club will meet
tonight 7:30, 3231 Angell Ball in a
closed seminar. Dr. Frank L. Hunt-
ley and Mr. Robert, Hayden will lead
a di cusion on poe try written by club
Attention Mechanical Engineers;.

The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a hike or canoeing, depending
on the weather, on Sunday, May 19.
Those interested should pay the sup-
per fey= at the checkroom desk in
Rackhambefore noon Saturday and
should meet in the Outing Club rooms
in the Rackham Building at 2:30
Sunday. Use northwest entrance.
The Russian Circle and Russian
department will present "Days of
Our Life," a play by Andreev, at 8:30
pm., Friday, in Rackham Assembly
Those interested in coming may
secure tickets by calling Renee Lich-
tenstein 9194, or Mrs. Pargment.
La gociedad hispanica will an-
nounce the names of those students
winning scholarships to the Univer-
sities of Mexico and Havana at a
reception-dance to be held 8:00 p.m.
Saturday in the Union. The reception
is being held to honor the cast of the
Iwo plays presented this year and is
open to all members of La Sociedad
Hispanica and friends. Refreshments
and entertainment will be included.

The meeting of the Detroit section
of the A.S.M.E. will be a student night
and all stu-1 dnts are invitei to attend.
The mnetting will be lield Friday, May
.17, at 8:00p.m. in the Rackhiam
Building in Detrioit. General Kurtz.
will speak on "Industrial Training in
Leadership." Transportation will be
pr ovided. Mee, at 6:30 p.m., Friday in
the Engineering Arch. All who plan to
attend ust sign below the posters in
East and West Engineering by 5:00
I,,eram ten

ri(tbtN i b


12s told dramatically, with careful at-
ntion to historical detail and artistic
eet. The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,
uxhail Gardens, even the Cheshire
Neese--all are there with glamour and
mour." - Stage Magazine.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday;
Admission $.42 (tax mcl.)
Phone 6300 for Reservations
Box Office opens 2 P.M. Daily

Telephone 3008

We Deliver!


Open 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.
2x 4 LUNCH
Featuring Box Chicken 50c




0 BAR-B-Q's

You've never seen or felt
anything act like
Liquid Cleanser and Corrective
See why many doctors use it
for treating surface blemishes.
See how astonishingly it wipes
away pore-clogging grime. Non-
greasy, non-drying, equally suc-
cessful for oily or normal skin.
Leaves face feeling iad iant-and
actually ... antiseptically clean.

1319 South University Ave., Ann Arbor

- - ~~


Since the season for graduations, anniversaries, etc. (who
said another birthday?) is upon us . . . we think the men-
tion of a few unusual recordings might help you out. There's
Paul White's intriguing "Sea Chanty" for harp and strings bril-
liantly performed by Edna Phillips, harpist, and the string section
of the Philadelphia Orchestra -. -
"Bartok Plays Bartok," an item for the music sophisticate ..
and vocal fans will enjoy the'new Rise Stevens selections from
"Carmen." For children who saw "Pinocchio" we have the
IL_ «..r .wna e n r rr3r k - tnr_. nC

Store your Fur Coat,
Wool Suits,
and Other Garments
during the
Summer Months.
We wi Ihave themready for YOU

LOST: Gold I.D. bracelet, Michigan
seal on front, "Viv" inscribed on
back. Keepsake. Reward. Call
2-2868, ask for Florence.
LOST: Small candid snapshot nega-
tives in cream colored envelope-
very valuable to owner. Call Shirell
Greenberg, 4023 Stockwell.
LOST: A blue top-coat in the West
Engineering Building or the Lea-
gue. -Please return to C. J. Dada-
chanji, 921 S. State or phone 2-

VETERAN STUDENT and wife, no
children, need apartment or room
with kitchen privileges for one
year. Presently manager student
rooming house being sold in June.
Willing to asume caretaker res-
ponsibility. Best references. Phone

' 7 a
iEi.O.Stx .. .. f
5 .+,w.
_ ;>

I.00 to 12.00
plus tax

when school


in the fall.

Fully insured against fire, theft, moths.
I l




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