PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . ...s....Sports Editor Des Howarth .. .. .......sociate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint.. . .. . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: FRANCES PAINE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Leftist Setbacks LAST WEEK the Hearst papers were ordered to substitute "Red Fascist" for "Commy" in labelling Communists. The explanation? Com- munism is no longer humorous. / Now we have never been able to find anything uproariously funny about Communism. Recent developments, on the other hand, do not seem to indicate a "serious Communistic threat" des- pite the magnificent journalistic imaginations which have conjured up the "Giant Red Spec- tre looming over the horizon." Russian influence and the French Communists both received a severe and unexpected setback last week when the Leftist-proposed Constitu- tion was rejected by a considerable majority of the French people. Tpis blow to Communist prestige seemed to bear out Prof. Lobanov-Rostovsky's recent statements that the majority of people in the western European countries do not actually want Communism. Certainly this important defeat should encourage the alarmists who have been having nightmares about the pos- sibility of the Red flag waving from every Western capital. The results of the referendum vote surprised political observers who saw the Communist parties in France and Italy emerge from the war "strong and incomparably better disciplined than the divided groups opposing them. Thej Communists, moreover, were not content to go down alone, for the Socialists, who had half- heartedly, but officially, backed the Communist Constitution, "emerged divided, weakened and confused" as a result of sharing the defeat. THE MODERATE MAJORITY of the Socialist Party is now reported to be seeing an alli- ance with the groups on its right. If this succeeds, a solid bloc of non-Communist groups will be lined up against the Communists who form the largest single party. It would not be reasonable to expect a very durable coalition, however, be- cause of the sharp and bitter differences among the' moderate parties. The defeat of the Constitution also means that the June election for the Assembly will by held under the existing electoral law, not under the new one that was widely regarded as playing into the hands of party machines by requiring candi- dates to be sponsored by parties and by enabling party committees to choose Deputies by using surplus voted under proportional representation. It should not be assumed that this rejection of the Communist influence heralds the return of middle-class power to France. Even though France does not want Communism, most ob- servers regard it as Left and revolutionary in the sense of desiring a better economic system on a less narrowly capitalistic basis than before. Next month political observers will turn to the Italian election which will test further the pene- tration of the "Red Fascists." Meanwhile moder- ate Frenchmen probably hope that, by showing that they are not taking orders from Moscow, the results of the referendum vote will help re- lations with the United States, from whom France awaits financial aid. -John Campbell MinUe Dictator Lewis By DREW PEARSON LAST WEEK, John L. Lewis had an interesting hour's conference with Secretary of Labor Swellenbach, in which he made this remark: teferi to the 6ditor C o'n tna~eri4al f(Revpoter DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ____.. Unfunny Pranksters To The Editor: FOR THE last three summers I have been making a study on the effect of certain treat- ments on the growth of the root system of small elm trees. This is of considerable importance un- der some conditions. These small trees are grow- ing in tubs near the Natural Science Greenhouse and are not in the way of any one who tends to his own business. Until this spring they have not received the attention of any one, at least they have not been molested. This Sunday morning as I walked across the campus I noticed that my trees were not in their usual place, and in'vesti- gation showed that 5 of the 6 trees had been pulled up and laid side by side not far from their containers. To the perpetrator of this vandalism this may have been quite a joke and he may still laugh at his cleverness if he remembers what he did, but I think his sense of humor is some- what perverted, to say the least. I have spent over three years on growing and studying these trees and then someone comes along and deliber- ately destroys my work. The trees have been put back in the tubs, but how am I to know what effect pulling them up has had on the growth? This is the second time this spring some have been pulled up. I wish that if any one has a friend who thinks it would be great fun to again pull up those elms near the Natural Science greenhouse that he would reason with him and get him to do some- thing that was not destructive. -F. G. Gustafson, Prof. of Botany Arab Defense To The Editor: MR. GRAUER in his article of May 10th at- tacking the Arab leaders has certain deceiv- ing points. It is my duty to draw the attention of the American people and of Mr. Joshua of the falsity of these attacks for I am a Christian Arab from the town of Bethlehem and arrived in, this country only three months ago, so am more aware of the truth than the accuser. I was told by many Americans that they have heard only one side of the problem, so it is time that the other side should be heard. According to Mr. Grauer 75% of the Arab population in Palestine have immigrated during the last 100 years and that the Arabs have in- creased in number from 664,000 in 1922, to 1,175,000 in 1944. As to the statement of 75% I ask the accuser to be more sure of his "sta- tistics." Moreover, the accuser closes his mind to fact that the Jews increased from 50,000 to 650,000 in 25 years. Is he aware that while the Arabs increased twice in number, the Jews in- creased 13 times? Is he aware that this increase of Arabs is mainly one of the fact that the Arabs have a high rate of birth as do other Eastern people, while the Jewish increase is mainly due to immigration from Europe? Mr. Grauer points out that the Arabs ruled Federal Aid AMERICAN EDUCATION is experiencing a re- vival of interest that some educators have termed comparable to a cultural renaissance. The financial aid of the GI Bill has provided means enabling thousands of veterans to begin or to continue their education. It has also stimu- lated discussion and debate on the question of Federal assistance to state educational systems and of a Federal aid-to-educate bill. The case is simple. Gross inequities now exist between the educational systems in the several states; teaching does not appeal to young people because salaries offered by local school systems are appallingly low in comparison to those found in medicine, law, engineering, business and the other professions. THE VALIDITY of these two arguments can- not be refuted. A comparison of the average schooling reached in the states of California and North Carolina reveals that while in Cali- fornia the average person receives 10.2 years of schooling, persons in North Carolina receive an average of 6.8 years. Education in the South has consistently lagged behind that in other sections of the country, and Southern educators are among the chief proponents of Federal subsidy. The lag in raising teachers' salaries was espe- cially felt during the war when many teachers left their positions to seek employment in higher paying defense work. Even in the prosperous state of New York, the average weekly earnings during 1945 for elementary school teachers was $46 as compared with an average of $50 for factory workers. Most other states have an even poorer record. In the meantime, high schools and colleges are short staffed and present teachers are responsible for up to twice the ordinary number of students. Obviously, the solution to the problem lies in the expenditure of more funds for improved physical conditions and higher salaries for tea- chers. Variation in economic resources, however, makes variation in the outlay for education inevitable as long as states must foot the entire bill. The biggest challenge to American education is the opportunity to give meaning and reality to our traditions and democratic freedoms, to traditions which have been seriously challenged and threatened by the grim irony of Southern standards. It is indeed a national responsibility. -Alice Jorgensen Palestine only 437 years, but he fails to point out that the Arabs under the Turkish rule were the vast majority of the land, and Palestine was considered by Turks as an Arab land. The Americans have ruled the Philippines yet they believe that the country belongs to the inhabi- tants and they develop the country to the bene- fit of the people. The Arab does not hate the Jew as Mr. Grauer claims but the Arab distrusts the Zionist, for he is well aware of the Zionist aims. I would like to remind the accuser that in the past the Arab lands were the safest places for the Jews for they were treated on equal bases as the Arabs. The Arab has great respect to those Jews that have been living in the country for many years for both Arabs and Jews are Semitic. If these Arabs "have never known the mean- ing of the word Democracy," I ask the accuser to read the history of the treatment of the Crusaders after they were defeated. Let him ask, about the impression of the priests of Caliph Omar because of his good treatment of the Christians. Read, Mr. Grauer, about the Constitution of the Arab League and see for yourself whether it treats Moslems, Jews and Christians on equal bases. On the other hand a Zionist refuses to employ non-Jewish labor as is proved by articlr 3 of the Constitu- tion of the Jewish agency signed at Zurich Aug. 14, 1929. Moreover, a Zionist claims high- er wages than an Arab and this is granted to him by the British government. In the name of Democracy I ask, who is the one "who has never known the meaning of the word Democ- racy." The Arab princes are accused by ignorant peo- ple of not wanting to "raise the moral and physi- cal standards of living" of the people. If Mr. Grauer was in Palestine and lived among Arabs he will understand that they were not, and are not given the chance by certain selfish and ambitious elements, who have persecuted and suppressed the Arabs. I would like to make it clear to Mr. Grauer that what the honoured Arab princes say in regards to the Zionists, is what the native people want them to say. They have the support of Moslems and Christians and of "Arab Jews." They, moreover, have the support of Moslem religious men and of our Archbishops, Bishops, and priests. Am I to suppose that my Arch- bishops, Bishops and priests hate the Jews, be- cause they are anti-Zionists, while they them- selves preached anti-Hitlerism because of the Jewish persecutions? -Miguel A. J. Kawas * * * * Cast Praised To The Editor: T HE TRAGIC and untimely death of Carlos Casta, late president of the Michigan Student Veterans Association is a great loss to the citizen veterans of this state. Carlos Casta, born in Porto Rico, educated in Italy and Spain, whd fought in the Southwest Pacific with General Douglas MacArthur, was truly a man who had the one world viewpoint on current events. Very active in espousing the cause of the veteran, State field officer for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and one of the guiding spirits in organ- izing the Student Veteran's 'Association, Casta was one of the few individuals who could be accurately termed a practical idealist. He passed away last Saturday at the age of 28, from an operation necessitated by a service connected disability. Just one week earlier he had left his sick bed in order to preside at the meeting of the Student Veteran's Association at which his Kalamazoo College was host. An- other casualty from World War II has been add- ed to the list. He will be sorely missed and mourned by his host of friends and associates. -Sam B. Bass * ** * World War III To The Editor: THE RECENT LETTER of Marine McDonald showed very little taste. Men returning from the frightening horror of actual combat have neither the desire nor guts to announce to the community, "I killed more Japs than you'se guys:" That's strictly from third echelon com- mandos. Ask a little Dutch kid how he likes war -or a Warsaw Pole how many ribbons he has - or a Chinese peasant if he was there. War is heroic only to those who view it from a distance and thereby get a vicarious thrill of battle. Pride in your group is essential to good morale, but to go out and publicly announce how much better you and your kind are than someone else is a bit thick this far from Texas. -C. L. Corey Antidote to Famine Little is required of you in relieving starving Europeans. First, oils, (salad dressing, etc.) fats, and wheat should be cut to a minimum at every meal. Secondly, money saved from eating less should be sent regularly to Mrs. H. B. Ross, exec- utive secretary of the city Famine Emergency Committee, Municipal Court Building. -Milt Freudenheim A CHARITABLE MAN would proba- bly say that we should forgive them, because they don't know what they're doing. There seem to be some arguments for this position. For instance. there seems to be small doubt that Congress and the employers are hostile to the current strike wave. They just don't like strikes . . . strikes upset the return to normalcy. But all of the current strikes have been caused basically by a desire of the workers to retain the standard of living which they had during the war. So the workers hit the bricks, and the strikes were final- ly settled for an 18% cents an hour raise ON THE BASIS OF CURRENT PRICES. As soon as the strikes are over, the big employers begin to press for price increases, and Congress yields to their painted smiles and shows every sign of scuttling OPA. Even the employes realize that the end of OPA means the beginning of higher prices, and even the employers realize that higher prices will be a certain cause of a new wave of strikes. More Strikes Expected So the employers and Congress seem to be occupying a curious posi- tion, in which they condemn strikes out of the left side of their mouths, while the right side mutters those magic words which will encourage strikes. Now during the coal strike, they are taking advantage of public animosity to John L. Lewis in order to pass new anti-strike legislation. Such action only makes sense when big business and Congress expect MORE strikes soon. I believe that they do expect these strikes, and I be- lieve they know that the responsibility for causing more strikes is theirs. Thisdouble-pronged drive . . . the drive against labor and the drive against OPA . . . is well-organized and unanimous as only a plot can be. It is certainly true that many small business, like the corner grocer or haberdasher, favor the continuation of OPA. They realize that inflated wholesale prices will divert the entire stream of goods to the luxury stores, and that their shelves will be even more bare than they are now. When eggs reach a dollar a dozen, the cor- ner grocer is not going to sell manyc eggs. Small Business Not Influential While these small businessmen are doubtless the most numerous seg- ment of business, they are also the least influential. Among the big mon- ey boys, opposition to OPA finds onlyI a handful of dissenting voters. Henryt Kaiser likes OPA, maybe Eric John- ston likes OPA, but the list wouldn't cover both hands. In Detroit at a recent meeting of1 nearly a dozen local contractors as- sociation,a speech condemning OPAs as "more socialistic than Hitler" was4 wildly applauded. The contradiction between the beginning and the end ofz this phrase was ignored, and to have< told the men present that they were as capitalistic as Hitler would merely have confused them. They have chosen to follow their own wild, reck- less path in the search of higher pro- fits, and mere denunciation will never dissuade them. For instance, a recent meeting in Detroit to call a "landlord's strike against OPA" was being picketed by a hundred veterans. When the presi- dent of the landlords' association emerged from the building at the close of the meeting, he said to one of the veterans: "Just because you guys fought in the war you think you're entitled to something special." There is no reason involved in such a statement. It is so ludicrous that it would be a flop in the hammiest satire that Hollywood ever made.,But it represents the opinion of the men who dominate American business. Meat Packers vs. OPA The big meat packers have long contended that meat could not be bought at the OPA price. When the Iowa Farmers Union offered to pro- vide them with all the meat they wanted AT THE OPA PRICE, the packers demanded an impossible change in marketing regulations. As a result, three small packers expanded production 40% while the big packers were cutting production 50%. All were operating under the same OPA rules. Dwyte Wilson of the Farmers Union livestock commission in St. Paul had this comment about the tactics of the big meat packers: "They tell the farmers that cattle can't be bought because labor is too high, and they tell labor, 'We can't give you work because we can't buy cattle." The Packinghouse Workers Union has also charged that the packers were keeping meat off the market in an effort to kill OPA. This union has countered with the demand that the Federal government nationalize the packing industry, because the packing trust has shown itself un- willing to feed the people of the United States. -Ray Ginger UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS June 13 to June 19, 1946 NOTE: For the courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the exam- ination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned examina- tion periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board out- side of Room,3209 East Engineering Building between May 29 and June 5, for instruction. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each stu- dent should receive notification from his instructor of the time and, place of his appearance in each course during the period June 13 to June 19. No date of examination may the Classification Committee. be changed without the consent of Time of Exercise Time of Examination Monday Tuesday (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Thursday Saturday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Thursday Friday Thursday Tuesday Monday Saturday Wednesday Tuesday June 13 June 15 June 14 June 18 June 19 June 17 June 13 2-4 2-4 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 8-10 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 June June June June June June June 14 13 18 17 15 19 18 2-4 8-10 2-4 8-10 8-10 2-4 8-10 Chem-Met 1; E.E. 2a Draw. 1; M.E. 1; Span.; E.M. 1; C.E. 2 Draw. 3; Surv. 1, 2, 4 Draw. 2; M.E. 3; Frenc Econ. 53, 54; English 11 M.P. 2, 3, 4 * Thursday German *Friday *Saturday * Monday h1 *Monday * Tuesday *Wednesday June June June June June June June 13 14 15 17 17 18 19 10:30-12:30 8-10 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 2-4 8-10 10:30-12:30 *This may also be used as an irregular period, provided there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule above. Prescribed V-12 courses will also follow the above schedule. (Continued from Page 3) old-field Mouse." This seminar is open to the public. Concerts Original piano and chamber music compositions by students of Edmund Haines, Instructor of Composition in the School of Music, will be heard at 8:30 tonight in Lydia Vendelssohn Theatre. The students who have writ- ten music for the program are David Idema, Allen Pyke, Audrey Unger, Clinton Norton, Gordon Hardy, Jan- ice Brodt, Marilyn Mason, Mary Ev- ans Johnson, Dean Howard, Dorothy Trubey, Joanne Baker, Beverly Solo- row, Francis Hopper, Elise Cambon, and Norma Wendleburg. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Fishing and fish management. Ro- tunda, Museum Building. Through June 30. 8:00-5:00 week days; 2:00-1 5:00, Sundays and holidays. Michigan Historical Collections. "Public Schools in Michigan." Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 12:00 Satur- day. The 23rd Annual Exhibition for Artists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation. The Rackham Galleries, daily except Sundays, through May 23; afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Radio Program: The University Broadcasting service and the School of Music present today from 2:00 to 2:30 over Station WKAR (870 kc) its fourth of five Radio-recitals de- voted to the works of Ludwig Von Beethoven, The program brings three movements from the Serenade Op 25 for Flute (Marie Mountain Clark), Violin (Loren Cady) and Viola (Ed- ward Ormond), and the Quartet Op 16 for Piano (Elaine Rathburn), Vio- lin, Viola and Cello.Commentations by Mr. Theodore Heger. The com- plete program is under the direction and supervision of Prof. Hanns Pick Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal for concert trips, alumni reunion and serenades. Important announcements and business. Every member must be present tonight at 7:15. The Research Club will meet to- night at 8:00 in the Rackham Am. phitheatre. There will be the annua election of officers. The following papers will be presented: "The Devel- opment of the Use of Capital it France, 1815-48," by Professor A. L Dunham, and "Some Physiologica Aspects of the Resistance of the Res piratory Tract to Infectious Disease, by Professor W. J. Nungester. Botanical Journal Club will mee today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 113 N.S. Bldg. Reports by: The Psychology Club Journal Re- view Committee will present a dis- cussion of the Rorschach Method tonight at 8:00 in the East Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Build- ing. This meeting is open to all Club members and guests. University of Michigan Section, of the American Chemical Society will meet today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 151 of the Chemistry Building. Dr. Harvey Diehl of Iowa State Univer- sity will speak on "Oxygen-Carrying Cobalt Compounds." The public is cordially invited. Architecture Students: Those with more than 60 hours credit in the School of Architecture are eligible to apply for membership in the Stu- dent Branch of the Detroit Chapter of the- A.I.A. at their regular meet- ing in room 246, Arch. Bldg., today at 4:00 p.m. Flying Club: Important business meeting tonight in room 1042 East Engineering Building at 7:30. All students and members of the faculty are invited to attend. "Now for Tomorrow", a film con- cerning the modern drug store, will be presented by the College of Phar- macy under the auspices of the Pres- cott Club, in Room 165 of the Chem- istry Building, at 4:15 p.m. today. Anyone interested is welcome. Alpha Phi Omega business meet- ing tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. Tickets will be distributed for the dance and publicity for the dance will be discussed. Every mem- ber is urged to attend as important business will be handled. Coming Event The Art Cinema League presents "Peg of Old Drury", a British histori- cal film of the stage, in middle-18th century London. Anna Neagle as Peg Wofington and Sir Cedric Hardwicke as David Garrick. Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m. Box office opens 2:00 p.m. daily, beginning Wed. Reservations phone 6300. Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Tea at the International Center: The weekly informal teas at the International Center on Thursdays, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to all foreign students and their Ameri- can friends. Econcentrics: Student's Economics -Club will meet in Room 302, Union, 1 at 7:30, Thursday. The speaker will l be Mr. Charles F. Sarle, Assistant g Chief of the Weather Bureau, and an executive in Commodity Credit, who will speak on "Career Oppor- l tunities in Government Service." All - ore invited, especially Political Sci- ence, Economics, Sociology, and His- tory majors. t The Russian Circle and Russian 9 department will present "Days of Our Life," a play by Andreev, at 8:30 BARNABY You might hurt yourself playing ball, John. It's IfI stop smoking and eat carefully,and take some exercise, I'll aet myself Mr O'Malley Fairy Godfather, is going to help you train, Pop. By Crockett Johnson I'll coach him on the fine points, Gus. You'll be in charge of the massage table.