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May 14, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-14

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The Age of Unreason

TN THE AGE of unrcason, which is our age, a
great war ends, and men ask at once that the
government leave them be, that it give up its con-
trols and plans, and that it let human activities
freely find their own levels. 'Ihen a great coal
strike takes place, and the disciples of freedom
stamp on their hats, and howl, and point their
fingers at the President and declaim against him
because he will not "do anything."
Many a conservative newspaper, accustomed
to object that the government does too much,
and interferes too often, found last week that
the trouble with President Truman was that
he was letting nature take its course, and
that he was not interfering. More than one
commentator abruptly lost his taste for the law
of supply and demand last week, and for the
dear theory that that government is best which
governs least, and which devotes itself to be-
ig an impartial umpire of events. It was al-
most refreshing to find so many men ecstati-
cally rediscovering government, and like New
Dealers, calling upon the President to, for Ilea-
ven's sake, do some planning.
THE COAL STRIKE has led to something likeI
a national disaster; but it is only one of three
major disasters which are maturing. One is the
disaster of world famine, which could be curbed,
to a certain extent, if we were to reapply ration-
ing, at the risk of irritating the American farmer.
The second is the disaster of inflation, which
could be blocked if we went firmly about the busi-
ness of controlling prices, at the risk of irritating
the American business community. But it is the
coal strike disaster, and that alone, which most
engages the attention of the average coiAxmen-
tator; it might be said of him, as of the Ancient
Mariner, that he stoppeth one of three.
-Those who take this view can rightly be accused
of shying away from theaconclusions of their own
philosophy, which is that chaos is kind of cute,
and well worth risking, so long as it is brought
about by so-called natural process, and without
government interference. 4
T IS THIS PATTERN which has given to our
reconversion something less than the charac-
ter of a move toward freedom, and something
very like the aspect of a struggle for power. If it
is proper to run the risk of a wild inflation, and
of a world famine, merely for the sake of doing
away with controls, then it is proper to run the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
The Real Issue
INDIA'S MILLIONS waited sweltering in the
May heat last week, while their leaders
argued to a standstill before the three-man
British Cabinet Mission, meeting in the hill-
top villa of Viceroy Lord Wavell. The Mission,
appointed by Prime Minister Attlee to nego-
tiate Indian independence, was forced to an-
nounce failure in the first-round negotia-
tions. Th collapse came over the issue that
dominates the formation of any new govern-
ment: centralization.
Representatives of the All-India Congress
insist that the whole of India be guided by
a central executive in certain subjects. Foreign
affairs, defense, communications, and a cen-
tral finance department to finance other
subordinate departments would be centralized.
These demands are opposed by the Moslem
League, which will settle for nothing less than
an independent Moslem state: Pakistan, in
northern India.
Indian politicians and statesmen who are
unwilling to set up a strong central govern-
ment would do well to profit by the example
of the United Nations organization. The
breakdown of the UN as an effective gov-
erning unit which was predicted at the in-
ception of the weak San Francisco Charter,
is already a'pparent
-Milt Freudenheim
Wisconsin Pan

HE PLAN which the University of Wisconsin
has recently adopted to lighten its antici-
pated enrollment next fall is something which
could well be considered in Michigan.
The University of Wisconsin is cooperating
with smaller colleges in that state to place
students at about 40 extension centers of the
university, located at and using facilities of the
smaller schools. The students attending the
new extensions will be able to advance them-
selves beyond the freshman and sophomore
levels until the university at Madison is able
to admit them. They will be registered as at-
tending the University of Wisconsin, not the
colleges with which the centers will be
University and the other educational insti-
tutions of Wisconsin, indicated by this plan, is
indeed commendable. But the solution which the
plan presents to the immediate and vital prob-
lem of enrollment is its greatest merit.
Of all veterans in the United States attend-
ing institutions of higher learning, 41 per cent
are enrolled in 38 schools. In this state, the
number of veterans aitending the University is
far out of proportien to the total number. If
the Wisconsin plan were adopted, it would re-
lieve this unfortunate crowding, prevent a
great strain upon the facilities of the Univer-
sity, help to su'xport the smaller institutions,
allow many students to begin their school work

risk of crippling national strikes, also, in the
name of freedom. If that is a reductio ad absur-
dum, then the theory of unlimited freedom must
be thrown out, for a reductio ad absurdum des-
troys any theory to which it can be applied; and
we must then backtrack and concede that, in a
time of reconversion, all men and agencies, at
every level, must accept controls.
But we cannot go to glory on the basis of a
two thirds attachment to freedom, in which we
give to some but deny to others, the right to
wreck us all; chaos, like freedom, is indivisible,
and no disaster is nicer than another.
(Copyright, 194, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Blunt Warning
blunt warning the other day that veterans
would wear their G.I. uniforms this summer as a
protest against inability to purchase civilian
OPA has ben urging that CPA force the manu-
facturers to make more men's fabrics instead of
women's despite the fact that there is a greater
profit on women's. Finally, former Army Maj. E.
K. Gubin of the Labor Department's Re-employ-
ment Administration, warned clothing industry
spokesmen that veterans were planning to wear
uniforms this summer.
"They can't do that!" Harry H. Cobrin, secre-
tary of the Clothing Manufacturers' Association.
"Maybe they can't," replied Gubin. "But if
you want to prevent it, I suggest that you
gentlemen get on the ball and see to it that
more men's suits and shirts are made available
to discharged vets. They are in desperate straits
for clothes."
Note-There is no regulation preventing ex-
servicemen from wearing their uniforms if chev-
rons, overseas stripes, officers bars, etc., are taken
* * *
Marine Corps Saved
my-Navy merger crops up at all sorts of
strange places, even including a White House ses-
sion, when President Truman met with War,
Navy and Post Office officials to receive the first
sheet of the new "honorable discharge" service
Gen. A. A. Vandergrift, Commandant of the
Marine Corps, was present, and Truman went to
great pains to assure him that the merger would
not mean abolition of the Marine Corps.
"If I have anything to say about it, the Marine
Corps will never be abolished, General," assured
the President.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Food Rationing
UNLESS PROSPECTS for meeting famine relief
commitments improve rapidly, the country
faces the unhappy alternative of food rationing
Stabilization Director Chester Bowles recom-
mended this plan to President Truman yesterday
with the suggestion that the rationing begin in
August, and another high official, "who asked
to remain "anonymous," predicted that such
foods as meat, butter, cheese and possibly bread
would be on the list.
This proposed measure coincided with the
arrival of Herbert Morrison, president of the
British Council, who is expected to ask President
Truman to evoke an order rationing meats and
fats here.
Clinton Anderson, Secretary of Agriculture
has not been idle either. In a recent broadcast
he renewed the warning that depletion of the
nation's grain reserves requires a reduction in
production of livestock products if famine
abroad is to be prevented next winter.
Lee Marshall, executive director of the Emer-
gency Food Collection, appealed for nationwide
support of the campaign to ship canned foods to
Europe, and explained that 16,000 cities and

towns would be organized for the drive, with
collection depots in stores, churches, police sta-
tions and firehouses.
Other developments, like these, show that the
country is thinking about the starving people
in Europe, and the necessity of helping those
starving people; UNNRA experts are battling
a 30 mile long swarm of locusts which is threat-
ening Sardinia's richest crop area; they are
also repairing a break in the dikes of the Yel-
low River to save millions of acres of crops in
China where 7,000,000 are on starving ra-
tions; the U.S. Employment Service has ap-
pealed to women and girls over 16 to take jobs
in food canneries this summer.
Obviously important men and important or-
ganizations are attempting to unite the efforts
of the nation in order to curtail famine in Europe.
But it takes more than important men and
important organizations to accomplish the goal
It takes individual contributions-contribu-
tions which must be made immediately.
It's up to you from here.
-Bettyann Larsen

* Mixed Emotions Dlept.
What's That Againt
NOT FIVE MINUTES AGO our shop foreman
gently smiled and placed a postcard bearing
the following legend on our desk:
"Don't miss this article:
By Alan Barth
in the May -..........-- - - -- -- .-- .--
Score A Clean Error
THE DAILY has a friend whose specialty is
the constant reminder that, like all else,
student editors are prone to error. Today's re-
minder came in the form of a picture from Sun-
day's Daily, the picture showing children at the
Fresh Air Camp making mud pies, the cut lines
insinuating that the children were enjoying a
nutritious meal.
PoeticInsight -
'HE Encyclopedia Brittanica's Book of the
Year tells us Americans prefer five-cent
candy bars and thereby reminds us of Eddie's
Guest's masterpice:
"If you would be thought kinder than you
really are,
Give some child a candy bar."
To which one of our extemp friends reacted:
"And if you haven't a nickel handy,
Give the kid some penny candy."
. * * * *
Behavior Pattern
E NOTED, as we thumbed through last week's
Life magazine, that a girl of Judson Semin-
ary is so well educated in the ways of southern
gentlewomanliness, that she "always behaves
with the highest decorum at hotels and watering
places." For hotels and watering places, thanks.
We take further issue with the article's art-
less assertion that a Judson alumnae, unmarried
at the end of five years, may reconcile herself
with the thought that she is a lady in the true

~JO5e dr



* , ,


MJore Facts
To The Editor:
N HIS LETTER of May 8th, Mr.
Miguel Kawas undertook to criti-
cize Prof. Slosson's analysis of the
Anglo-American commission's report
on Palestine. In doing so, however,
he displayed a definite lack of famil-
iarity with certain pertinent facts
which greatly weaken his apparently
strong case. True facts should be the
basis of any argument, so just to
keep the record straight, here are
three that Mr. Kawas ignored.
First, Mr. Kawas seems very dis-
turbed over the fact that only 50,000
of the 650,000 Jews in Palestine are
"natives," the rest having immigrated
from other countries, mostly from
the Hell of Europe. Perhaps it would
surprise him to know that the Arab
population in Palestine has doubled
since the beginnings of Jewish colon-
ization there, a feat that cannot be
attributed to the birth rate of the
Palestinian Arab population, however
fecund it may be! With no White
Paper to stop them, thousands of
"non-native" Arabs have flocked in-
to Palestine each year during the
past 25 years, attracted by the higher
standard of living created by the
Jews! Apparently Mr. Kawas does
not fear the immigration of "foreign"
Arabs, though he does the Jewish
refugees fleeing for their lives!
Secondly:"The area of Palestine
is about 10,000 sq. miles, so it is
impossible to hold all the Jews of
Europe." maintains Mr. Kawas. But
Dr. Walter Clay Lowdermilk, a U.S.
Dept. of Agriculture expert on soil
conservation and agronomy, has
outlined a detailed plan for a Jor-
dan Valley Authority which would
enable "tiny Palestinle" to accom-
modate 4 million more people with-
out displacing one now living there.
Right now, in devastated Europe,
there are one million Jews clamor-
ing for visas to Palestine!
Finally, Mr. Kawas quotes Presi-
dent Truman's Navy Day speech in
which the President advocates the
free and uninfluenced choice of the
type of government wanted by those
people ready for self-government.
That, however, does not mean that
the world must sit idly by if any such
nation decides to embark upon the
same totalitarian fascist path that
led to World War II. The world can
and must interfere at this point,
making sure that the reins of gov-
ernment are given to a segment of
the population which will guarantee
to the people that democracy which
Mr. Kawas says the American people
believe in. The Palestinian Jews be-
lieve in it, too! That's why 20 per
cent of them enlisted in the British
Army, fought on all the world's bat-
tlefields, and died doing it!
But can the same be said for the
Palestinian Arabs? Did they volun-
teer and secrifice their lives to fight
the Axis? The answer is an unequiv-
ocal and emphatic "No!" In whose
hands, Mr. Kawas, should we rather
entrust the safeguarding and foster-
ing of the democratic ideal? In the
hands of a people who fought and
died fighting with the United Na-
tions, or in the hands of a people
many of whom fought with Rommel's
Africa Corps, and whose spiritual
head and religious leader, the Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem, could be reached,
at any time during the war, in care
of one A. Hitler, Berchtesgaden, Ger-
many? -Benson Jaffee
Personal Appeal
Dear Sir:
IN VIEW OF the tremendous amount
of good that our American friends
already did or are still doing for this
ruined country, Holland, it might
seem to be improper if an individual
Dutchman asks you for help.
Yet attention should be drawn to
the fact that general American relief
often fails to reach those people over
here who are in most urg.ent need of

Time of Exercise
Monday (at









Chem-Met 1; E.E. 2a
Draw. 1; M.E. 1; Span.;
E.M. 1; C.E. 2
Draw. 3; Surv. 1, 2, 4
Draw. 2; M.E. 3; French
Econ. 53, 54; English 11
M.P. 2, 3, 4

* Thursday
German *Friday
* Saturday\
* Monday

June 13
June 14
June 15
June 17
June 17
June 18
June 19


Ad Men's Little Helpers
WE'VE HAD AN EPIDEMIC of peculiar re-
quests lately. Almost all of them have been
treated with scorn.
A woman who is writing a book to help men
with their woman problems wants right and'
wrong real life incidents sent to her. Not yet
having deciphered the difference we're hopeless-
ly unable to assist.
A fashion editor for a nationally known young
women's magazine wants to avoid silly and in-
accurate stories about what University women
do, and encloses a questionnaire designed (so she
says) to help her in that effort. After careful
study of Number 3-Does she collect silver spoons
or crazy signs or old maps?-Number 1-Does
she embroider small animals on her blue jeans?
and Number 4-Does she perhaps cover a small
bulletin board with the more choice Steig car-
toons?-we can only remark that the stated in-
tent was better than the result. We might add
that if we ever get to know a girl who does any
one of the above cited items, the acquaintance
will be short-lived.
The last request was from a men's magazine.
They're sponsoring a father popularity contest-
obviously with fat Father's Day advertising in
mind, and, it seems, we're on the free assistance'
sucker list. The collect wire which they must now
be contemplating with some chagrin may get us
removed from said list.

dune 13.t.o June 19, 1946
NOTE: For the courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time
'of exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for
courses having quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first
quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory wvork may be continued through the exam-
ination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work
during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below
the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned examina-
tion periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board out-
side of Room 3209 East Engineering Building between May 29 and June
5, for instruction. To avoid misunderstancihgs and errors, each stu-
dent should receive notification from his instructor of the time anq
place of his appearance in each course during the period June 13 to
June 19.
No date of examination may be changed without the consent of
the Classification Committee.

Time of Examination

*This may also be used as an irregular period, provided there is no
conflict with the regular printed schedule above.
Prescribed V-12 courses will also follow the above schedule.

(Continued from Page 3)
souri Valley Authority (MVA). For-
mal initiation will take place at 8:30
p.m.'Further plans will be made for
the intercollegiate conference to be
held in Detroit on Saturday, June
The Christian Science Organiza-
tion will hold its regular Tuesday
evening meeting tonight at 8:15 in
the Chapel of the Michigan League.
The Polonia Club will meet tonight
at 7:30 in the International Center.
Several members will give talks on
prominent Polish personalities.
Hillel Foundation Social Commit-
tee will hold an important meeting
tonight at 7 :Q0 p.m. All members are
requested to attend.
Lutheran Student Association. The
Tuesday evening class on "The Augs-
burg Confession" has been postponed
until Wednesday evening at 7:15 due
to the absence of Rev. Yoder.
Deutscher Verein will meet on
Tuesday, May 14, in Rooms 316-320
of the Union, featuring a variety pro-
gram and social hour. Refreshments
will be served. President Trautwein
will introduce the newly elected of-
ficers for next year.
Coming Events
The Research Club will meet Wed-
nesday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. There will
be the annual election of officers.
The following papers will be present-
ed: "The Development of the Use
of Capital in France, 1815-48," by
Professor A. L. Dunham, and "Some
Physiological Aspects of the Resis-
tance of the Respiratory Tract to In-
fectious Disease," by Professor W. J.
University of Michigan Section of
the American Chemical Society will
meet on Wednesday, May 15, at 4:15
p.m., in Room 151 of the Chemistry
Building. Dr. Harvey Diehl of Iowa'
State University will speak on "Ox-
ygen-Carrying Cobalt Compounds."
The public is cordially invited.
Botanical Journal Club will meet

Wednesday, May 15, at 4:00 p.m., in
Room 1139 N.S. Bldg. Reports by:
Robert 0. Belcher. Some recent lit-
erature concerning the origin of
Leslie R. Holdredge. Review of
"Plant Science in America" (edited by
Frans Verdoorn).
Agnes R. Kugel. Review of "Eth-
nobotany of the Indians of Western
Washington" (by Erna Gunther).
Chairman: Volney H. Jones. Any-
one interested is cordially invited to
The Psychology Club Journal Re-
view Committee will present a dis-
cussion of the Rorschach Method
Wednesday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. This meeting is
open to all Club members and guests.
The Art Cinema League presents
"Peg of Old Drury", a British histori-
cal film of the stage, in middle-18th
century London. Ann Neagle as Peg
Woffington and Sir Cedric Hardwicke
as David Garrick. Thurs., Fri., Sat.,
8:30 p.m. Box office opens 2:00 p.m.
daily, beginning Wed. Reservations
phone 6300. Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Flying Club: Important business
meeting Wednesday, May 15, in room
1042 East Engineering Building at
7:30 p.m. All students and members
of the faculty are invited to attend.
"Now for Tomorrow", a film con-
cerning 'the modern drug store, will
be presented by the College of Phar-
macy under the auspices of the Pres-
cott Club, in Room 165 of the Chem-
istry Building, at 4:15 p.m., Wednes-
day, May 15. Any one interestedi is
Alpha Phi Omega business meet-
ing on Wed., May 15 at 7:30 in the
Michigan Union. Tickets will be dis-
tributed for the dance and publicity
for the dance will be discussed. Every
member is urged to'attend as import-
ant business will be handled.
Phi Beta Kappa. The Annual Ini-
tiation of new members will be hold
in the Michigan League Chapel on
Wednesday, M'ay 15, at 4:15 p.m.
Professor Benjamin W. Wheeler will
address the initiates. All new mem-
bers are expected to be present.


(Items appearing in this column are written
members of the Daily editorial staff and edited
the Editorial Director.)

Current Movies
r r e Vl S
.. . at the Michigan
Clark Gable and Greer Garson in "Adven-
ture," with Joan Blondell; an MGM produc-
tion, directed by Victor Fleming.
eABLE'S BACK and Garson's got him and I
T couldn't be less interested in anything unless
it be a quick hand of gin rummy. The exhibit at
the Michigan defies description. When I say
that "Adventure" has everything from childbirth
to shipwreck I almost speak the literal truth.
Primarily concerned with a singular romance
between a librarian and a sailor, it drags in a
conglomeration of appalling cliches with a lavish
and maudlin hand.
Gable, Miss Garson, Thomas Mitchell and
director Fleming are all Academy Award win-
ners and Joan Blondell is usually an engaging
performer, but all this outlay of talent has been.
to no purpose. Miss Garson, happier, poor soul,
in crinoline roles, conseaentiously tries to save
the visual side of the picture by playing one
scene in a black sweater. But, alas, the loose-
ness of the sweater does not combine with Miss
Garson's physical endowments to achieve the
purpose she doubtless had in mind; that is, try-
ing to keep the audience awake at so dismal an
-Barrie Waters

In this connection I would there-
fore like to ask you whether you
happen to know somebody willing to
help a young Dutch teacher who is in
urgent need of second-hand clothes:
A man's suit (or at least a pair of
trousers); a shirt (collar size: 15
inches); underwear; socks; and
If so, please do let that American
benefactor know this teacher's name.,
address and sizes. It's Mr. A. P. J.
Boom, L.L.B., 13 Rijusichtweg, Oeg-
stgeest, Holland. He is about 71
inches high; his width of waist is
30% /inches.
Hoping that you (Mayor of one of
America's well-known university
cities: the University of Michigan)
may succeed in finding such a bene-
factor, and thanking you (in anti-
cipation) very much for your kind-
ness and help, I remain.
-A. P. J. Boom
(Editor's Note: This letter was originally
addressed to Mayor william E. Brown Jr.,
who referred it to The Daily yesterday.)



Fifty-Sixth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Were YOU a baseball player?]
You've never heard of
Fadeaway O'Malley?
The screwball sensation?

What memories... Cooperstown.
Your Fairy Godfather poised on
the mound. Burning over strikes.
But why reminisce? When we have
your father's future to discuss.

If he's determined to make a
comeback on the diamond, he
must start training, m'boy.
Under my supervision. Cigars
are out. Bad fo- the wind.

By Crockett Johnson
II v

Margaret Farme
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker
Des Howarth
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes
Dorothy Flint .
Joy Altman

r . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
.. . . . . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
.. . . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
. . . . . . . . . Associate Business Manager


I know it's only an office
team. Butl1 oughtto get in
trim. I might even give up
smoking. Hmm. That's funny.



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