THE MICHIGAN DAILY MUSCULAR HYPERTENSION: Speech Clinic Uses Relaxation MethodTo CorrectStuttering Progressive relaxation is the tech- nique employed by the University speech clinic to correct stuttering, Catherine Bright, instructor at the clinic, explained in a Daily interview yesterday. Stutterers become tense, she ex- plained, because of the fear that they will not be understood. This tension, which contracts muscles used in speech as well as in other parts of the body, must be overcome so that the muscles can work easily. Relaxation Facilitated To facilitate relaxation, Miss Bright said the patient is told to lie in a Student Congress Executives To Meet The agenda for the Student Con- gress meeting tomorrow will be the main topic of discussion at the exec- utive cabinet meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. The meeting tonight will be the first of the cabinet, which was elected by the Congress last Thursday. Con- gress President Ray Davis will pre- side over the seven member cabinet, consisting of the five officers and two members at large from the Con- gress. supine position and concentrate on easing the tension first in his domin- ant arm and hand. Clinicians indi- cate to the patient, after testing the arm and fingers, which muscles are tense until the arm is completely re- laxed. The next step is relaxing the shoulder, neck and face muscles, and those used in speech until the pa- tient is able to speak with less diffi- culty. Willful relaxation is emphasized, Miss Bright said, because the patient must control tension to recover in difficult speech situations. A bodily relaxation that accompanies mental alertness-not the kind of relaxation that proceeds sleep-is the goal of speech students, Miss Bright said. Hyper-Tension Common Hyper-tension is common, not only in speech patients, but also in normal people, Harriet Dunn, another clini- cian, added. Businessmen who die suddenly in middle age often are victims of hypter-tension. People who do not relax during the day, consume an unnecessary amount of energy. "This technique of progresive re- laxation accompanied by continued mental alertness, if practiced by everyone," Miss Dunn asserted, "would improve, protect health, and increase efficient performance. New Foreign Service Group Is Authorized Organzation of Kappa chapter at the University has been authorized by Delta Phi Epsilon, national for- eign service fraternity. The fraternity is primarily a pro- fessional organization, with member- ship open to all college students in- terested in foreign relations or for- eign commerce as a career. This in- cludes exporting and importing, in- ternational law and relations, inter- national shipping and finance, diplo- macy,, and the teaching of inter- national subjects as well as govern- ment in these fields, both at home and abroad. Delta Phi Epsilon was founded at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in 1919, and has since become a national organization. Steve Scourles has asked that any- one interested in joining the local chapter contact him by telephone at 22156. Ensian Tryout Meeting Business staff members and tryouts of the Michiganensian will meet at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. Pharmacy Club Film .. . The Prescott Club, student organi- zation of the College of Pharmacy will present a color film "Now for Tomorrow" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 303 Chemistry Building. The film is being presented for pharmacy students and Ann Arbor pharmacists. Deutscher Verein Meets. . A German translation of the popular song, "There Is a Tavern in the Town," by Dr. J. F. L. 11,asch- en of the German department will highlight the meeting' of the Deut- Original Chamber Music To Be Played Tomorrow scher Verein at 7:45 p.m. today in Rooms 316-320 of the Union. Voting on the members for next semester's cabLinet, skits and a so- cial hour are also scheduled, and jplans for the final meeting, a va- riety show and dance, will be made. *a Oraftorical Contest Finals Original piano and chamber music written by students of composition under Dr. Edmund Haines will be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The program will include composi- tions by David Idema, Allen Pyke, Audrey Unger, Clinton Norton, Gor- don Hardy, Janice Brodt, Marilyn Mason, Mary Evans Johnson, Dean Howard, Dorothy Trubey, Joanne Baker, Beverly Solorow, Francis Hop- per, Elise Cambon and Norma Wen- delburg. I HIGHLIGHTS ON CAMPUS Fresh Air Cam p Finals of the all-campus oratorical contest will be held at 8 p.m. tomor- row in the Kellogg Auditorium. John J. Carroll, Nafe E. Katter, most skillful speakers in Speech 31 classes; Carroll D. Little, Elvira Smo- linsi. arid Terrell Whittsitt, winners of elimination contests, will compete. Dr. Louis M. Eich, Prof. Charles W. Lomnas, Mr. Jack E. Bender, and Mr. Lawrence W. Grosser will be judges of the contest. * * * Hillehzapoppin Tickets ... Tickets wil go on sale today for the production of Hillelzapoppin to be presented at 8:30 p.m., May 25,; in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Hillelzapoppin, a program of skits, is sponsored by the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Scripts have been slected from a number of entries,,and after a preliminary elimination contest, the winning groups will compete for the final award. Skits will be judged by a committee consisting of faculty experts on inirth, choreography, and voice. Tickets may be purchased at the Hillel Foundation, 730 Haven, and are available to al students on campus, g at ,: Sigma Rho Tau Debate ... Sigma Rho Tau, engineering stump speakers society, will hold a debate on the Missouri Valley Authority at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Election of officers for next term and initiation of new members will also be held. Brewer Joins Teaching Staff The University his announced the recent appointment of Maj. John E. Brewer to be assistant professor of military science and tactics in the University ROTC unit. A native of Memphis, Tenn., Maj. Brewer arrived here last week from Ft. Lees, Wash., where he was as- sistant director of specialist schools, engineer training section. Since en- tering active Army duty in Decem- ber, 1940, he has served extensively both in the Southwestern Pacific combat area and the Engineer School at Ft. Belvoir, Va. ( C l t i I I d ( o 1 , g )ca t i o n a l s e r v i c s a n d b y t h e p r i v a t e agencies wOhich refer the children to camp. "With food costs higher than ever before, the need for meeting and possibly exceeding this year's student goal was stressed by Helen Apert, Assembly head. One novel way of making dona- tions is to "adopt" a boy at a cost of $60 for the term. Groups such as dormitorith or fraternal organiza- tions could adopt a boy, or even a part of a boy, Miss Ethel McCormick, League social director, suggested. Another idea to arouse campus interest, though still in the incuba- tion stage, is for students to "Ladopt" part of the camp, such as the water- front or the Health Cottage, Parent groups would be responsible for sup- plying repair measures to their spe- cific project. Possibly a work day could be set aside each year for stu- dents to visit the camp and oversee the revamping progress. Clark Tib- bitts, camp committee member, said. Although the camp has not yet been winterized, it is weathlrable eight months of the year, and could well provide recreational ground for students during the seasons that the camp is not in session, Tibbitts pointed out. Read and Use The Daily Classified Ads CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING + DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN + HELP WANTED fHELP WANTED: Fountain help, top pay, hours to your convenience, Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store, corner of S. University and Forest. WANTED: Girl for part time work at soda fountain. Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. State. Phone 3534. WANTED WANTED: Reader for blind grad- uate student. Male preferred. 60c hour. Call 2-1605. APARTMENT: For couple, near cam- pus. Veteran attending University. Phone 2-4401, Lloyd House, Room 415. Refer to advertisement. DELTA TAU DELTA fraternity de- sires cook for 40-45 men in fall term. Experience absolutely neces- sary. Call 2-2565 or write 1928 Geddes. VETERAN STUDENT and wife, no children need apartment or room room with kitchen privileges for one year. Presently managing stu- dent rooming house being sold in June. Willing to assume caretaker responsibility. Best references. Ph. 3185. WANTED: Typist, shorthand not re- quired. A permanent position which requires somewhat of a perfection- ist and a good rate of production. The work is varied and interesting. 40 or 44 hours per week. The Ed- wards Letter2Shop, 711 N. Univer- sity. Phone 2-2846. TO RENT: Dr. John C. Slaughter of University Hospital Staff desires modern 2 or 3 bedroom house or apartment. Has car and can furn- ish references. Veteran of over 4 years service. Formerly on staff here. Mornings phone 2-2521, ext. 320. Afternoons call Health Ser- vice 2-4531, ext. 9. STENOGRAPHER: Civil Service Ex- perience, fast dictation, neat typ- ing. Wants permanent afternoon work. Contact John R. Staton, 19 V.E.HP. APARTMENT or room 'with cooking facilities beginning summer or fall session. Vet and wife. Both stu- dents. References. Call Mr. Fed- erman, 6829 or Mitzi 2-1293 eve- nings. WANTED - Apartment or house. 2- bedroom, furnished or unfurnished. Veteran. Graduate student making Ann Arbor permanent home. Wife, daughter, no pets, smoking, or drinking. Best references. Call 9641, Captain Otto. MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. LOST AND FOUND LOST: A blue top-coat in the West Engineering Building or the Lea- gue. Please return to C. J. Dada- chanji, 921 S. State or phone 2- 4634. Reward. LOST: Boy's bicycle, cream colored with red trim; Ann Arbor 1946 Li- cense No. 629, from rear of 6550 Washtenaw Ave. Phone Fred Com- lossy, 7157. You have poise on campus, but will it desert you when you step into the business world? At Katharine Gibbs Secretarial School, you not only re- HOT FUDGE SUNDAE to anyone who returns my Economics 51 note- book. Call Amy Skura, 9517. LOST: Black cape, short shoulder style. May 8 between State Theatre and Hill St. Reward. Phone days, 2-5628, night 2-6446. LOST: Friday evening. Three keys on chain. Vicinity Williams Street or Hill Auditorium. Call 4121, Ext. 314. Daytime. Reward. WHOEVER borrowed my light blue- bike between 12:30 and 2:00 Fri- day, May 10, please return it to south side of Angell Hall. Any information leading to recov- ery of my bike will be generously rewarded. Call Dottie Langer, 2- 1293. LOST: Between Angell Hall and Marshall's. Silver and Black Park- er 51 pen with gold engraving, Barbara Cohen. Phone 2-4143. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 room, mod- ern cottage with shower, electri- city, and all conveniences. No rent required - even exchange for part t,' e weekend services of married couple only. No accomodations for children. Six miles from, Ann Ar- bor. Apply 1700 Buhl Building, De- troit, or phone Randolph 4033. FOR SALE FOR SALE: RCA record player. Ex- cellent condition. New Fidelitone needle. $10. Phone 5754. EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE 3 room unfurn- ished Detroit apartment, stove, re- frigerator, all utilities, 035 per month, 30 minutes downtown, for Ann Arbor house or apartment. Call 5918 after 1 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS WEARING APPAREL: Men's Kid basketball shoes $3.75. Made by U. S. Rubber Co. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. INTERESTED in living in co-ops this summer? Contact, Zips Kiske, 2- 2218 or Hank Kassis, 6284 immedi- ately. MYSTERIES of the Great Operas by Max Heindel. Faust, Parsifal, The Ring of the Niebelunz, Tannhauser, Lohengrin. Folk Lore and its interpretation through music has much to offer to the general reader as well as the musician and occultist. Read the books through the Rosicrucian Study Group Lending Library. Ph. 2-1507. HILDEGARDE SEWING SHOP, 116 E. Huron. Let us make your drapes, alterations, and custom made clothes! Phone 2-4669. TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rent- ed, repaired. Work guaranteed. Two days' service. Office Equip- ment Co. 1114 St., Phone 2-1213. Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 139 Notices University Senate: There will be a University Senate Meeting on May 20, at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. Conservation of Coal: Measures are being taken to conform, in so far as is practicable, to Mayor Brown's request that the City observe "brown- out" procedures. Campus lighting time clocks have been adjusted to conserve electricity; floodlights on Burton Memorial Tower are turned off; the Cooley Memorial Fountain motor is oper- ating on reduced time; all janitors and night watchmen are instructed to turn off lights where found to be uniecessary. May we depend on all members of the staff to conscientiously consider their responsibility and wholeheart- edly co-operate toward the desired objective? Men's Residence Halls. Reapplica- tions for the FALL and SPRING TERMS for men now living in the Residence Halls are ready for dis- tribution. Blanks may be secured from the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. All applications for reassign- ment must be in the hands of the Dean of Students ON OR BEFORE MAY 20. Students: Colleges of Literature, Science and the Arts; Architecture and Design; Schools of Education; Forestry and Conservation; Music; and Public Health. Blueprints will be mailed in June to the address on each student's permanent record. If there has been a change in the home address since your first registration, please notify the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. All Students interested in working on any phase of Student Government contact Judy Chayes, 23119, at once. 1945 Michiganensian: All those who have subscriptions and who have not yet called for their 1945 Mich- iganensian must do so before Fri- day. After this date, all 'Ensians which have not been distributed will A HEALTHY HEAD!! [et our personnel give you a facial or scalp treatment for dandruff, it- chy scalp, or falling hair. Tonsorial queries invited. Today!! THE DASCOLA BARBERS Between State & Michigan Theaters be sold to of last fall. those on the waiting listI Women Students: In compliance with the national need to conserve electricity, women students are urged to turn off all lights not in use in their rooms. Each woman student is notified that the University expects her to vacate her place of residence at the end of the spring term within twen- ty-four hours after her last examina- tion. Graduating seniors may remain until the day after Commencement. This applies to all places of residence. Arrangements for the Victory Re- union necessitate compliance with this regulation. All women students, except those who have dormitory applications on file, are reminded to complete their housing arrangements for the fall semester of 1946 immediately. Be- cause of the acute housing shortage, any who have not already applied to the Office of the Dean of Women for supplementary housing must do so at once, if they wish a place to live. -Office of the Dean of Women Student, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Dean Stason will present a lecture to our students on the opportunities offered for profes- sional study in the Law School on Wednesday, May 15, -4:30 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Dean Stevenson, will present a lecture to our students on the opportunities offered for pro- fessional study in the School of Bus- iness Administration today at 4:30 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall. Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical His- tory Prize: Established in 1939 by bequest of Professor Alfred O. Lee, a member of the faculty of the Univer- sity from 1908 until his death in 1938. The income from the bequest, is to be awarded annually to a junior or senior premedical student in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for writing the best essay on some topic concerning the history of medicine. Freshmen in the Medical School who are on the Combined Curriculum in Letters and Medicine are eligible to compete in the contest. The following committee has been appointed to judge the contest: As- sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair- man, Professor Adam A. Christman, and Assistant Professor Frederick H. Test. The Committee has announced the following topics for the contest: 1. History of a Medical Unit 2. Medical-Aid Man 3. Medicine in Industry 4. Tropical Medicine Prospective contestants may con- sult committee members, by appoint- ment. (1) A first prize of $50 and a second prize of $25 are being offered. (2) Manuscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000 words in length, (3) the man- uscripts should be typed, double spac- ed, on one side of the paper only, (4) contestants must submit two cop- ies of their manuscripts, and (5) all manuscripts should be handed in at Room 1220 Angell Hall by May 31. All students who expect to become candidates for a teacher's certificate in February, June, or August, 1947, should call for an application form at the office of the School of Educa- tion, Room 1437 University Element- ary School. Application forms should be filled in and returned to the School of Education by May 27. A representative of the Informa- tion and Education Division of the War Department will be in Ann Arbor today at the Army Re- cruiting Office between 3:00-7:00 p.m., to interview applicants for teaching positions in the Pacific Theatre. Well qualified teachers of French and Spanish will be consid- ered specifically. Salary is $3640 plus 25 per cent for overseas duty. If any further information is desired about these instructorships, call the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Army Education program for oc- cupation troops in Pacific Area: Maj- or Moss will be at the Armory today from 3:00-7:00 to interview teachers (men or women) with a bachelor's, degree and two years teaching ex- perience. The salary average is on a basis of $3,600 to point of sailing, and on a basis of $4,500 from there on. A few of the subjects are as fol- lows: business administration, Eng- lish, commercial subjects, agriculture, accounting, political science and gov- ernment, mathematics, music, psy- chology. Call Major Moss at the Arm- ory for a complete list of subjects and other information. Electrical and Mechanical Engin- eering Sophomores: The Detroit Edi- son Company is willing to take sever- al students under the Cooperative Course. This course alternates per- iods of company employment with at- tendance at school, with a view to ultimate permanent employment. Stu- dents interested should immediately consult Professors Axel Marin, Room 241 and S. S. Attwood, Room 277. Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil, Elec- trical and Mechanical Engineering: Representatives of the Air Materiel Command, Wright Field, Dayton, O., will interview June and August grad- uates for positions in the Engineer- ing Division at Wright Field. Inter- views will be held today, and Wed- nesday if necessary, in Room 3205 East Engineering Building. Interest- ed seniors and graduate students will please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineer- ing Bulletin Board. Curtiss-Wright Corporation from Columbus, Ohio, will interview en- gineers in our office today. Any men who are interested in talking to them, should call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, and make an appointment. Mechanical and Chemical Engin- eering Seniors: Dr Lowell L. Fel- linger of Monsanto Chemical Com- pany, St. Louis research department, will interview students for permanent or summer (1946) employment, Tues- day, May 14, in Room 218 West En- gineering Building. Interview sched- ule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 W. Eng. Bldg. Willow Village Program for May 12- May 19 for veterans and their wives: Tuesday, May 14: Lecture, Profes- sor Wesley H. Maurer, Department of Journalism, will give the final lec- ture in this series, 2 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Tuesday, May 14: Safety Series, "Play Safe." Movies on recreation without regrets, highlighted by a talk by Professor Shirley W. Allen, De- partment of Forestry and Conser- vation, on "Some Unusual Safety Tricks." Sponsored by FPHA in co- operation with Washtenaw County TYPEWRITERS Bought, Rented Repaired STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 Chapter, American Red Cross. 8 p.m. Willow Village Community Building. Wednesday, May 15: Bridge, 2-4 p.m.; 8-10 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Thursday, May 16: Home Planning, "Planning Kitchens for Your Future Homes." Margaret W. Andersen, Home Service Director, Michigan Consolidated Gas Company. Final program in series. 2 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Friday, May 17: Dancing Classes Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced, 8 p.m.; Open Dancing, 9-10 p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge. Friday, May 17: Leadership Class, Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff, will conduct the final meeting of this class. 8 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Saturday, May 18: Square Dance, Scott Colburn, caller. It is important to be present for the forming of Squares at 8:30. 8-11:30 Auditorium West Lodge. Sunday, May 19: Classical Music, (records). 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Leonard D. White, Professor of Public Adminis- tration at the University of Chicago, will lecture on contemporary prob- lems in the national civil service at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May 16, in tne Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Institute of Public Administration and the Department of Political Sci- ence. All interested persons invited. University Lecture: Dr. George W. Beadle, Professor of Biology, Stan- (Continued on Page 3) PRINTING PROGRAMS CARDS . STATIONERY HANDBILLS, ETC. Downtown: 308 NORTH MAiN ATHENS PRESS MICHIGAN Now Showing .. 1 WNTMW Continuous Doily from 1 'P.M. bYAW B40 V3N£JIZfS7 Weekdays 34c to 5 P.M. NOW PLAYING GABLE * GRON in M-G-M'S eciting screen ~ Joan BLONDELL