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May 14, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-14

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Fresh f4irs


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League Appointments
Made; Honors Given
At Installation Night
Appointments to League positions for 1946-47 were announced yes-
terday at the annual Installation Night held in the Rackham Building.
Newly elected members to Mortar Board, Scroll and Senior Society,
women's senior honorary societies, were also tapped during the ceremonies.
Top offices at the League were given to Ellen Hill, Martha Cook Build-
ing president, and Jean Louise Hole, Pi Beta Phi, chairman of Judiciary

FRESH AIR CAMP DRIVE COMMITTEE -- First row, left to right:
Mary Alice Dunivan, Mary Ellen Wood, Elaine Bailey, Helen Alpert,
Grace Hansen, Jean Gaffney. Second row,, left to right: John Horeth,
Donald G. Burkhardt, June Gumerson, Larry Zellman. The Univer-
sity's Fresh Air Camp, recently made a subsidiary of the Institute for
Human Adjustment, is, every summer, a haven for approximately
230 Detroit and Southeastern Michigan boys. Many of these young-
sters find difficulty in making social adjustment at home, and under
guidance of University student counselors and trained psychologists
they are channelled into activities designed to alleviate their home-
niurtured complexes. The camp is governed by University educators
and sociologists.


* * *

Students To Manage Campaign
For Fresh Air Camp Support
(Editor's Note: This is the third in a series of three articles on the University's
Fresh Air Camp.
Making the Fresh Air Camp an integral part of student activity has
been the byword of this year's drive for $3,000 to help support the Uni-
versity's summer enterprise.

Staff Banquet
Honors Retiring
Faculty Member
Prof. Felix Pawlowski, 69, of the
department of aeronautical engineer-
ing, who will retire in July, was hon-
ored at a dinner given for him Sat-
urday by the staff and alumni of the
aeronautical engineering department.
Prof. awlowsk), who came to the
University in 1912, taught the first
three courses in aeronautical engi-
neering offered in this University and
supervised the organization of tie
aeronautical engineering department
under the direction of Prof. Herbert
C. Sadler, then chairman of the De-
partment of Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering.
First in U.S.
Prof. Pawlowski's courses in aero-
nautical engineering were the first'
leading to a degree offered in the
United States.
Prof. Pawlowski, now on retire-
ment furlough, plans to leave soon
for a visit in California, after which
hie will go to Pau, France, where he
will make his permanent home. He
tells of taking students on baloon
trips and helping to organize the
Aeronautical Society and the Glide-
Club. In 1930, the year that the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
in~g was separated from the Depart-
ment of Naval Architecture and Ma-
rine Engineering, Prof. Pawlowski was
appointed Guggenheim professor of
aeronautical engineering.
Corporation Consultant Speaks
Robert J. Woods, consulting engi-
neer for the Bell Aircraft Corpora-
tion at Buffalo was toastmaster at
the dinner given in Prof. Pawlowski's
honor. Speakers at the dinner in-
cluded James D. Redding, manager
of the aeronautical department of
the Society of Automotive Engineers
in New York City; Arthur A. Kos-
cinski, federal judge from Detroit;
Leo Nowicki, former lieutenant-gov-
ernor of Michigan; Raymond C.
Blaylock, chief engineer of the Col-
umbus division of the Curtiss-Wright
Corporation; Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson,
head of the Department of Aeronau-
tical Engineering at Iowa State Col-
lege; Prof. E. W. Conlon and Dr. A.
M. Kuethe of the Department .f
Aeronautical Engineering; and Prof.
J. A. Van den Broek of the Depart-
ment of Engineering Mechanics.
AdminiĀ± frators
Attend Meeting
Problems of small high schools in
this part of the state will be discussed
today at the Union at the spring
meeting of The Town and County
Administrative Roundtable of South-
eastern Michigan today at the Union.
With about 100 scl ool administra-
tors from towns of less than 2,500

s> Conducted it previous years by
the camp committee under the di-
rection of Prof. Ferdinand Mene-
fee of the engineering mechanics
department, the campaign has now
been placed permanently in the
hands of Assembly and will be
managed entirely by students.
Assisted by the men's residence
halls, Assembly has arranged for 480
persons to man 32 polls placed stra-
tegically around campus. One male
and one female student will be watch-
ing each tag stand throughout the
Handling the brunt f, the 'organi-
zational work, Assembly women have
strung approximately 15,000 tags and
are responsible for distribution and
collection of the coin pails.
Letters of solicitation to Ann Ar-
bor merchants have received a hearty
response, it was reported last night
by P. A. Ostafin of the sociology de-
partment, who is also co-ordinating
men's dormitory participation.
Allowing no grass to grow under-
foot, the girls have collected al-
most $400 in pre-tag day contribu-
tions. Group donations from Mo-
sher and Jordan Halls, the Senior
Wishing Well, and Ann Arbor
merchants supplement the earn-
ings from Assembly's stationery sale.
Starting the ball rolling in the
male quarter, West Quad Council,
along with the five main member
houses, last night pledged $100.
Broken down, this figure represents
$50 from the Council and $10 apiece
from Wenley. Allen R3umsey, Lloyd,
Chicago and Winchell Houses.
Campaign publicity for the Uni-
versity was undertaken by the Union
and managed by Harley Fortier. Fred
Matthaie, IFC president, distributed
posters among local business estab-
A year's budget for the camp totals
approximately $30,000, allowing for
no sinking fund. Of this sum, more
than one-third comes from student,
faculty, townspeople and statewide
contributions. The remainder' of the
cost is met by the University in edu-
See FRESH AIR, Page 2

.Wolverine Sale
Declared Illegal
By State Court
Unauthorized Transfer
Of Restaurant Charged
The state Supreme Court yesterday
upset a contract by which the Michi-
gan Wolverine Students' Cooperative
had sold its South State Street pro-
perty to a local merchant.
Officers of the Wolverine coopera-
tion sued to set aside the deed on the
ground that the transfer had not
been authorized by the membership.
The Supreme Court upheld the con-
tentions of the Wolverine.
Organized in 1937
The Michigan Wolverine, organized
in 1937, was an outgrowth of a coop-
erative group which had functioned
during the depression years in the
basement of Lane Hall. The State
Street property, which was acquired
in 1937, served as a club room and
restaurant from 1937 to 1944 when
the directors made the transfer which
the Supreme Court declared void
yesterday. At one time, the Wolverine
membership was more than 600.
Prof. Hobart Coffey of the Law
School, who acted as counsel for the
Wolverine with the firm of DeVine
and DeVine, declined to comment on
the decision; he said he had not yet
seen a copy of the Supreme Court's
opinion. Prof. Coffey said that the
Wolverine's case had been based en-
tirely on the theory that the directors
in making the sale had exceeded their
powers. There were no allegations of
fraud or misrepresentation.
Corporation Contracted To Sell
The victory of the Wolverine in
the present case does not mean the
State Street building will be reopened
as a restaurant, Prof. Coffey said,
because the corporation is under con-
tract to sell the property. The pro-
ceeds of the sale will be held in trust
by the directors for the benefit of a'
new "Wolverine." Iftthe corporation
is dissolved, the assets will constitute
a trust fund forthe benefit of Uni-
versity students.
The annual meeting of the directors
and members of the Wolverine will
take place May 27. At that time, the
directors will decide the future policy
of the organization.
Nine To Play Irish
Michigan's baseball team will
resume action on home grounds
today, opposing Notre Dame at
3:30 p.m. at Ferry Field,
Both the Wolverines and the
Irish have lost only one contest
to date. Cliff Wise will get the
call on the mound for Michigan
with Bliss Bowman and Earl
Block also slated for duty.

Appointments to League positions
for 1946-47 were announced yesterday
at the annual Installation Night held
in the Rackham Building.
Newly elected members to Mortar
Board, Scrolland Senior Society,
women's senior honorary societies,
were also tapped during the cere-
Top offices at the League were giv-
en to Ellen Hill, Martha Cook Build-
ing, president and Jean Louise Hole,
Pi Beta Phi, chairman of Judiciary
Other members of the League exec-
utive council are Josephine Simp-
son, Kappa Alpha Theta, vice-presi-
dent; Phyllis Wilman, Delta Gamma,
secretary; Carolyn Daley, Cook, trea-
In addition, League Council will in-
clude Jean Clare, Cook, president of
Forsythe Cites
Parley Views
On Health, Vets
Education Luckiing
There is a growing recognition a-
mong educators of the need for more
complete and inclusive health edu-
cation as opposed to mere health
care and treatment, Dr. Warren For-
sythe, director of the Health Service,
declared yesterday.
That is the impression he formed
of the general trent in college work
at the 24th meeting of the Ameri-
can Student Health Association in
Minneapolis last week, from which
he has just returned.
The convention voted to call a Na-
tional Conference on College Health
to be held in New York next year.
This will be the third such meeting,
the last one held 10 years ago. Alex-
ander Ruthven, president of the Uni-
versity, has been asked to head this
national meeting, which all colleges
all over the country will be invited
to attend. (The ASHA conference
was a limited, membership meeting,)
One of the principal concerns of
the conference delegates was the
health status of veterans returning
to college. They have found, Dr.
Forsythe pointed out, that veterans
as such are a good deal healthier
than non-veterans, that they have
less sickness, and that they make
fewer calls upon campus health units.
* The delegates, he said, were
"hannily surprised" to discover
that no essential health problen
have arisen through the veteran,
and are not expected to. This con-
tradicts the pessimistic attitude
on the returning veteran that
many college health authorities
previously held
More and more colleges, Dr. For-
sythe indicated, are setting up and
re-organizing their Health Service
work, which was all but abandoned
in many schools during the war,
One of Four Vets Enrolled
For every veteran now enrolled in
college courses under government,
provisions, there are three more ap-
proved and waiting to get in, D .
Warren Forsythe indicated yesterday.
He quoted figures announced by
Gen. Omar Bradley, head of the Vet-
erans Administration, at the Amer-
ican Council on Education meeting
in Chicago last week, which Dr. For-
sythe attended.
Veterans numbering 1,687,000 have
been approved for college training.
American colleges, many of them
crowded now to over-capacity, have
thus far enrolled only 455,000 such
'' Scientists vote to
Condct Poll o lFl

The Association of Univerity of
Michigan Scientists voted last night

Lewis Asks
7 Per Cent
Health Tax
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 13 - John
L. Lewis today demanded of the na-
tion's soft coal operators a seven per
cent levy on their gross payroll to
create a health and welfare fund.
At the average annual wage of
$2,500, the gross payroll for the
490,009 bituminous miners would
total $1,00,000,900. This would
net Lewis $70,009,000 a year if
Lewis acted soon after winning the
initial round of the long struggle.
The operators bowed to his demand
for $3,000,000 in holiday pay he con-
tended was due.
Edward F. MGrady, special gov-
ernment conciliator, made public
Lewis' demand for the payroll levy
and said negotiations today and to-
morrow would be devoted to the wel-
fare fund and safety proposals.
Operators who declined to be
named said unofficially the levy
would add 14 cents a ton to the
cost of coal at the mines,
Government Conciliator Paul W.
Fuller said that Lewis' payroll tax
demand called .for administration
"neither joint nor public." This was
taken to mean that Lewis was stick-,
ing to his original demand for ex-
clusive union control over the funds.
The first break in the long stale-
mated negotiations came as many of
the 400,000 bituminous miners af-
filiated with United Mine Workers
re-entered the pits for the first time
since April 1, under a two-weeks'
Bass Appointed
to Head State
Veteran Group
Sam Bass,28, a junior in the Uni-
versity Law School, has been named
president of the Michigan Student
Veterans Association, succeeding Car-
los Casta, former preident, a stu-
dent at Kalamazoo College who died
following an operation last week-end.
Bass, former executive vice-presi-
dent of the Association, is i native of
The Association, on record as fav-
oring OPA price control and extend-
ing rent controls to educationally-
critical communities, will hold its
next meeting July 13 at Michigan
State College, Bass announced.
Primary purpose of the meeting will
be to discuss means of obtaining re-
presentation on the State Veterans
Trust Fund Board, he said.
The Veterans Association has
recommended to the FPHA that fed-
eral housing for veterans be made
available at the floor rate, $18, Bass
asserted. The recommendation was
made on an ability-to-pay sliding
scale formulated by the FPHA.
In addition, the group has recon-
mended that pensions to veterans
be disregarded in con i~ting family
It was also requested by the group,
at its May 4 meeting that the state's
larger higher educational institu-
tions liberalize their policies in ac-
cepting credits from Michigan's smal-
ler schools. (The Michigan College
Association at a recent meeting dis-
cussed plans for deploying veterans
into smaller institutions for the first
year or two of their college careers.)

Russian informants, feel they have
made enough concessions, chiefly on
the issues of reparations and colonies,
in the discussions of Italy. They feel,
these sources said, that it is time
for Britain and the United States to
give ground.
Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav
M. Molotov last week abandoned
Russian claims to trusteeship in
Tripolitania, and offered to scale
down his demand for reparations.
Adult Education
Group To Hold.
ni tiSessioi
The 14th annual Adult Education
Institute, under the joint sponsorship
of the University Extension Service
and the Michigan Federation of
Women's Clubs, will open at 9:45 a.m.
today in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building.
After the welcoming speech by
Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of
the Extension Service, Prof. Misha
Titiev of the Department of An
thropology will speak on "Anthro-
pology Looks at the World." At 11
a.m. Mr. R. A. Guerin, special agent
in charge of the Detroit field office
of the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion, will lecture on "Youth Today."
At 2 p.m. today, Dean A .C. Furs-
tenberg of the School of Medicine
will speak on "New Medical Dis-
coveries of Interest to Laymen." A
discussion of Rusia will be given at
3 p.m. by Prof. Andrev Lobanov-
Rostovsky of the history department.
Tomorrow's program includes
speeches at 9 a.m. by Prof. Frank L.
Huntley of the English Department
on "Japan and China," at 10 a.m. on
"Hopes and Fears in World Public
Opinion" by Prof. Theodore Newcomb
of the sociology department, and at
11 a.m. on "Parental Responsibility"
by Mrs. Belle F. Murray, consultant
in family relations for the Extension
At 2 p.m., Prof. Ernest Barker,
chairman of the Department of
Physics, will speak on "The New
Physics," and at 3 p.m. Prof. San-
ford A. Mosk of the economics de-
partment will present a discussion
of Latin America's situation today,
Students and faculty members may
be admitted free of charge to any of
the lectures by asking at the regis-
tration desk for a badge.!

Russians Predict
Paris Conference
To Break Up Soon
Reds Feel Western Powers Should
Aecede to Trieste, Africaii Demands
By The Associated Press
PARIS, May 13 - Soviet sources predicted tonight the four-power con-
ference of foreign ministers would break up within a few days unless the
Western powers acceded to Russian demands on Trieste and North Africa.
These sources said the Russians would insist that Trieste be awarded
to Yugoslavia. American officials were reported by responsible sources to
be equally firm in contending that Italy should get the Adriatic port.
The Russians, the Soviet informants said, also would insist upon keep-
ing Britain out of Italian North Africa. But British Foreign Secretary Er-
nest Bevin, just back from a quick trip to London, was reported fortified
with the approval of British and Dominion ministers of his demands Lor
a British trusteeship in Cirenaica.
The foreign ministers were, reported hammering away again today on
their efforts to reach agreement on terms for the Italian peace treaty.
Soviet officials, according to the__

Huse Amends
Draft Extension;
Delays Passage
Senate Forced To Act
Quickly To Retain Law
With the draft law expiring at mid-
night tomorrow, the House tonight
tossed the controversial issue back
to the Senate by amending stop-gap
legislation extending the law to July
Disregarding administration warn-+
ings that the action meant the death
of selective service, the House ap-
proved these amendments to a stop-
passed last week extending the law
gap measure 'which the Senate had
unchanged for 45 days:
1. A ban against induction of
2. A prohibition against drafting
18 and 10-year-olds and a ban against
drafting anyone over 30
The Senate has one day in which
to act on the amendments. It pre-
viously had sidetracked separate
House legislation containing these
and other restrictions.
The critical parliamentary situa-
tion threatening the very existence
of Selective Service is caused by the
fact the amended measure can be
brought up in the Senate tomorrow
only by unanimous consent.
The Senate is considering strike
control legislation which cannot be
laid aside if a single member ob-
jects, McCormick and Sparkman ex-
plained. A number of senators are
known to be opposed to the draft
Child Care Fund
Set for institute
State Senate and House finance
committees, meeting at Governor
Kellys call to consider emergency
financial measures, yesterday granted
$117,000 to the Michigan Children's
Institute, 1447 Washington Heights.
The appropriation, according to
Institute Director C. F. Ramsay, will
be used to take care of the increasing
number of dependent and neglected
children committed fdr care to the
Institute by county probate courts.
Approximately 200 children be-
tween the ages of one and fourteen
years are now on the waiting list,
Ramsay said. The appropriation will
be used to feed and board them, and
to pay the salaries of additional staff
The institute, an agency of the
state government, is the only one of
its kind in Michigan.
The appropriation, he said, will
be alloted in amounts of $17,000 for
May and June, and $100,000 for the
year beginning July 1.
WU Hospital Cooperates
In VAMedical Program
In response to what he termed a
"rapidly increasing need" for psy-
chiatrists, Dr. Thornton W. Zeigler,
psychologist at the neuropsychiatric
institute, said yesterday that Uni-
versity hospital is offering a one year
course in nsychiatrv for graduat

Second Campus Famine Day
Will Be Observed By Students

Dr. Carey Conreis To Deliver
Scientific Fraternity Lecture

The second campus famine-day will
be observed today in acordance with
the Famine Committee's food con-
servation program.
Although 21 houses have official-
ly registered in the program by
sbmitting petitions with 427 names
to the Famine Committee, it is
estimated that more than 1,000 stu-
dents will be included in today's
famine-day observance.
"It's about time every person on
campus joined in the food conserva-
tion program." Bruce Cooke, chair-
man of the committee, said yesterday.
"In order to miake the program

houses, more than 50 per cent of
the sororities, and less than 20 per
cent of the active fraternities.
Martha Cook and Vaughan House
residents will act tonight to bring
dormitories into the full conservation
program. At general house meetings,
members of these dormitories will
vote on the adoption of the famine-
day program. Several dormitories
have already inaugurated waste-
elimination campaigns and are work-
ing to cut down bread consumption.j
One dormitory dietitian has reported
that bread deliveries are being cut.'

"A Billion Years of Conflict" will
be the subject of the annual Sigma
Xi lecture to be given by Dr. Carey
Croneis, distinguished geologist and
president of Belroit College. at 8 p.m.
today in the Natural Science Audi-
Recognized for his numerous sci-
entific articles and reviews, he is
the author of "Down to Earth," writ-
ten in cooperation with W. C. Krum-
bein, and "Paleozoic Geology of Ar-
Before becoming president of Bel-
roit in 1944, Dr. Croneis was a pro-
fessor of geology at the University of
Chicago for 16 years. Previously he
taught at the Universities of Kansas

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