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May 12, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-12

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SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1946


PAGE *iv

1PL E, i l' lFTVP

Coed Positions WillBe Revealed at Tnsta lation


Annual Ceremony Tomorrow
To Reveal Women in Charge of,
Various Activities for 1946-47

Mirror Drive
For Coed Bat


League Houses
Will Qive Final
Dance Saturday

Senior Ball Will Feature
Music of Louis Prima

Will Conclude
Tomo~trcj ie th~ lo rs d fn.rnli

Honor Societies WiIl Tap Members;
Reception Will Be Given in League
Coeds who will head women's ac- more and junior women who h
tivities for 1946-47 will be installed in been outstanding in scholarship
office at Installation Night, which activities.
will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow A highlight of Installation Ni
in Rackham Lecture Hall. will be tapping of new members
Positions to be revealed at the tra- Mortarboard, senior women's ho
ditional ceremony include new mem- society; Senior Society, which h
bers of League Council, Judiciary ors independent senior women; a
Council and members of WAA Board, Scroll, honor society for affilial
Assembly and Panhellenic Board. In senior women, Membership in V
addition, orientation advisers will be honr societies is based upona
announced as well as the chairmen tivities, scholarship and service.
and committee members of JG Play Immediately following Installa
and Soph Cabaret. Night, a reception llii be serveda
Included on the program will be the th recepti( n will e anrOPd
presentation of the three Ethel A. the recption will provide an op
Mc~omic scolashis t soho-tunny for coeds to meet the
McCormick scholarships to sopho- members of League Council, Judic]
Council and the newly-tapped m
Second A nnual ers of the senior honor socie:
S e on A nnThe Installation Night central cc:
mittee has urged that coeds att
both the installation ceremoniesa
M tl~e reception which will follow-
iiasitogether in blo
in the lecture hall, and a plan4
D ance lanned the seating arang emnt willb
Dance Planned post"-tnn l u
posted in the lolby of the ltacha
.Building tomorrow. The committ
Alpha Phi Omega, national service requests that sororities make I
fraternity, will present the second stallation Night a required fun
annual Memorial Day Dance from 9 Lion or count it as a house meetin
p.m. to midnight Wednesday, May It is expected that a record bre
29, in the Union Ballroom. nisg crowd will attend the event si
The dance was originated last year en cwmen petitioned this sp
as part of the V-E Day celebration r n n various (Omm I,
and proved to be such a success that, n roet hanv ever before ~i]
Alpha Phi Omega decided to maked the merit system of petitioning
it an annual affair. The dance will inteviewing was established
be informal and is open to all stu-
dents on campus.
Bill Layton and his orchestra will ART ISTS NOTE:
provide the music for the dancers.
Tommy Lough, boogie woogie stylist,
will furnish the intermission enter- e rt
tainment. Decorations, following a Se ir uaP
Miemorial Day theme, have been plan-
ned for the dance.
Tickets will be sold at the UnionAll students on campus may co
League, and on the Diagonal, and' Pete in a poster coftest for Sen
Union cards are not necessary to at- Ball, sponsored by the central co
tend the dance. All women students mittee of the event.
have 12:30 permission May 29, and Posters must be submitted betw
Navy men have been granted late :30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Saturd
permission for the dance. May 25, at the main desk oftheU
Bud Keville is. general chairman ion. Judging will be handled by 1
of the dance, assisted by John John- dance committee, which reserves
son, publicity; Chuck Lewis, fi- right to keep and use any post
nance; John Buczynski, decorations, entered in the contest.
and Sydney Zilber, building. Two prizes, each a $5 gift cert
cate to be used in Ann Arbor, will
awarded to the designers of the w
Glee Club To Give ning posters. Each contestant m
enter as many posters for judging
Concert in Toledo; he wishes.
T dOriginal effects in design and co
Tro iwill count heavily in the judging,
rio Wil erorm cording to Jim Artley, one of I
publicity chairmen of the affair. TI
The Women's Glee Club will pre- date, place, time, price, and "ser
sent a concert at 9 p.m. Wednsday formal" should appear on the post
at McComber High School in Toledo, and the entire layout should be a
followed by a special buffet supper proximately thirty by eighteen inc
for the group. es.
The program will feature Lennis Each contestant should placeI
Britton, Rose Derderian, Suzanne -----------
Smith and Ruthann Perry as soloists.
Nancy Lewis and Augusto Malabet
will dance the rhumba and conga
accompanied by a Latin-American
orchestra. A trio made up of Rose
Derderian, Jean Thalner, and Len-
nis Britton will sing.
The Glee Club program will feature
Latin American songs, and will close
with the singing of Michigan songs.
Miss Marguerite V. Hood is the direc-
tor of the Women's Glee Club, and
student directors are Rose Derder-r.
ian, Ruthann Perry, and Lennis Brit-
ton. Marian Riegel will be acting
pianist for the concert, and Bernice
Hall, president, will announce.
Other officers are Dorothy Gray,
vice-president; Barbara Everett, bus-
iness manager; Libby Gauthier and ..
Meg Schalk, librarians. ,

ac -
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RAY HERBECK . . . and his or-
chestra will be featured at Crease
Traditional Ball
Will Be jiven
By Law School
Ray Merbeck and his orchestra will
be featured at the 1946 Crease Ball,
to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri-
day in the League Ballroom.
The traditional dance is to be pre-
sented by the senior class of the Law
School, and will be the first Crease
Ball since 1942, when the dance was
held in the Law Club.
Pete Price is chairman of the af-
fair, which is to be a semi-formal
dance. He has announced that the
1946 edition of the "Law Review,"
traditional Crease Ball publication,
will be distributed to those attending
in place of programs and favors.

1 SWe lasrayUIor i Assembly will sponsor the final
butions to the mirror drive sponsoredi League House Tea Dance of the year
by the Panhel-Assembly Ball com- .
mittee. from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday in
The mirrors collected in the cam- the League Ballroom.
paign will be used for decorations for The dance which will climax the
the "Heavenly Daze" ball which will series of League House Dances pre-
be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Friday, sented this semester is open only
May 24, in the Intramural building. to coed residents of league houses.
The women of all campus zones will
Members of the decoration con- be nostesses at the affair. All campus
rrittee will collect the boxes of men are invited to attend the after-
mirrors from all women's dormi- noon dance.
tories tomorrow. A gift contribution E Morh d his fiv
will be presented to the house whose band will play for the dance. Mr-
residents contribute the greatest hoes has provided the musical back-
amount of mirrors--according to ground for previous League House
pounds-per woman. The award Dances and has played for Willow
of the certificate will be made Run parties. A coke bar will also be
during intermission at the dance. featured at the dance. Patrons will
Raymond Scott and his orchestra be housemothers of the various lea-
including the Scott Quintet, will play gue house zones.
at the third annual affair. Scott and Tickets for league house women
his 16-piece orchestra was. formerly will be placed on sale from noon to 1
.tarred on the Luck Strike Hit Pa- p.m. Wednesday and Thursday in the
rade. League. The number of tickets is
Tickets will be sold in all women's limited and coeds are urged not to
dormitories until May 20, when the wait until the last day to buy them.
remaining ones are to be put on sale 'Tickets will be priced at twenty-five
at a booth in the League. They are cents. No admission charge is re-
$3 including tax. cluired for men.
Newman Cub, Hilel Formats
Scheduled for Friday, Saturday
Spring Formal, the annual New- hillel Foundation will present its
mnan Club dance, will be presented annual spring formal from 9 p.m.
from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Friday in t he to midnight Saturday in the League.
Rainbow Room of the Union. 1Ed Woodworth's orchestra, featur-
ing Muriel Miller, vocalist, will furn-
Tickets are now on sale at the ish music for the semi-formal affair.
main desk of the Union, St. Mary's The dance will be called May Frolic,
Chapel,and may also be obtained and the decorations will carry out
from Newman Club members. The the spring theme. Real flowers will
dance is open to all students on cam- be sold at the door, the proceeds of
pus, and the committee has urged which will fro t-' the Twisqh N atinna1

June 6 Set as Date
For Annual Dance
Louis Prima, "The Man Who Plays
Pretty for the People", will be featur-
ed at the 1946 Senior Bail scheduled
from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, June
6, in the Intramural Building.
This year's Senior Ball will be open
to all students, with no preference by
class. "We came, we saw, we con-
quered" is to be the theme of the
event, staged annually as the climat-
ic social event of graduating seniors.
Prima, rendwned for his jazz num-
bers, has promised to play sweet and
Seniors Needed



Seniors who are interested in work-'
ing on the committee to plan recrea-
tional activities for Senior Week are
urged to contact either Paul John,
at 2-3189, Helen Alpert or Nora Mac-
Laughlin at the League, 2-3251 as
soon as possible.
Senior Week will begin Wednesday,
June 19, and end Friday, June 21.
This is a period when seniors will
have little to do, and plans for a
general mixer on Wednesday, a picnic
on Thursday, and a dance on Fri-
day have been submitted. The com-
mittee requests that more students
turn in ideas.
"We are anxious to get other stu-
dents' views on the situation and
would appreciate their cooperation in
planning activities for tha time,"
John stated.
Wayward wisps and straggly ends
of upswept and braided hair can be'
easily remedied with a quick swoop of
one of the lacquer pads now on the

dance-ble music for Senior Ball. De-
votees of swing will come in for their
share in "Robin Hood", "Don't
Squeeza Da Banana" and other of
Prima's hot hit tunes.
Women have been granted 2:30
permission for this semi-formal af-
fair. Corsages will not be allowed
at the ball, according to the custom
established during war-time.
Senior Ball is a longstanding tra-
dition, and was originally a part of
commencement *week activities. Fes-
tivities opened with the ball on Sat-
urday, followed by Baccalaureate ser-
vices Sunday, with graduation taking
place on Monday. Within recent
years, Senior Ball was combined with
J-Hop in Victory Ball, but last year
returned to its previous state as a
separate event.
Committee heads for the dance
represent Lit and Engineering col-
leges. Co-chairmened by Dick Ford
and George Abbott, committee chair-
men include Gloria McElroy, Bliss
Bowman and Fay Azenberg, tickets;
Tom Hayes and Bob Snell, building;
Cam Fisher and Pat Abel, decora-
tion; Jean Gatfney and Bob Gold-
man, music; Virginia Garrett, pat-
rons; Norma Johnson and Bob Mor-
rison, programs; and Rita Auer, Mar-
jorie Wilson, and Jim Artley, pub-
Fraternity Honors
Mothers with Party
Motlers (f mnembers of Chi Phi
fraternity are being honored this
week end at a mothers' house party,
The mothers arrived yesterday and,
after a dinner at the house, were ini-
tiated into the Chi Phi Mothers'
Club. Mrs. William Lehman of De-
troit, president of the Mothers' Club,
conducted the special meeting fol-
lowing the initiation.





women to make the dance a coed-bid


ll gu IJui c Yolsi.' atn.luial

Un -

name, address, and telephone number
on the back of each poster. If more
information is desired, Jim Artley
may be contacted at 2-1147.
Woodworth To Play
At Turquoise Dance
Members of the Turkish Society of
the University will present "Tur-
quoise," a semi-formal dance, from
8:30 to midnight Friday, in the WAB.
Ed Woodworth and his orchestra,
a local organization, will be featured
at the affair.
During the intermission, and high-
lighting the evening, nylons will be
offered as door prizes. Also, to the
two women wearing the most attrac-
tive gowns, credit of $30 and $20 as
first and second, preference, will be
awarded by a local women's store.
Tickets are available in the Un-
ion, League, and the International

General co-chairmen for the dance
Delegates from Newman Clubs at are Marshall Wallace and Barbara
Michigan State College, Wayne Uni- Levin, and the chaperones are Dr.
versity, Western Michigan College. and Mrs. Isadore Lampe and Prof:
Jackson Junior College, and Flint and Mrs. William Haber.
Junior College will attend the dance,I Ticket sales, open to the entire stu-
which is the high point of the localdetbywlcoinealhswek
Catholic student organization's social dent d ill contiue al this week.
activities for the year. The tickets can be purchased at Hil-
BilLyton a his yeamp alel Foundation, 730 Haven, or from
Bill Layton and his campus orches- one of the student representatives on
tra will be on the bandstand for th t campus.
gala affair. A Filipino dance team
and singer Gloria Ganon are two ofe
the entertainment features pl,,nned here will l;e a meetig at 7:30
for intermission time. p.m. tomorrow in the WAR for all

TiJme f1or a Chainge?
Look sharp for mo/her For campus and holiday
charm let its design a
on her day wi/h a netu
qitiw - change, double-
and different hair-do! rttly hair slyle for you!

Decorations will follow a spring
garden theme with enormous flower
cutouts in vivid color adorning the
ballroom. Special programs will be
distributed as favors at the dance.
The Union taproom will be open dur-
ing and following intermission time
for refreshments.

Persons interested in working on
the decorations committee of Olym-
pie Ball to be held Tuesday, May
29 in the League Ballroom. All
students planning to attend are
asked to call Eleanore Daniels at
7330 or Jack Petosky at 9815.

-; "
M '.y

WAA Notices
The following WAA meetings have
been scheduled for this week:
Tuesday: Crop and Saddle will
meet at 5:10 p.m. at Barbour Gym.
Wednesday: meeting of Lantern
Night song representatives at 4:30
p.m. in the correctives room of Bar-
bour Gym. All houses planning to
participate in the song contest must
be represented, since lots will be
drawn for order of singing.
* *~ *
Softball games will be played as
follows this week. In case of rain,
games will be played the following
day. If Tuesday games are rained out,
they will be played at 7 p.m. Wednes-
day and Wednesday games at 7 p.m.
Monday: Sorosis vs. Alpha Xi Delta
at 5:10 p.m.
Tuesday: Zone 10 vs. Jordan, Cou-
zens 1 vs. Couzens 3, Gamma Phi
Beta vs. Madison House at 7 p.m.
Wednesday: Zone 9 vs. winner of
Gamma Phi Beta-Madison House,

i i
. . .

in cool
Shadow black, shadow sheer, shadow cool.
Just the thing for warn weather
dancing dates or big city wear.
Right - Shepherdess neckline dress for
juniors . .. 19.95. Far right-lace-
edged peplunI to fla/ter the /all and
and sin. Misses' siZes . . . 22.95.


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