PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1946 i I wan" Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan unler the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp. . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron .. .........Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Allman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newbpaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter.. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MILT FREUDENHEIM Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. KICKS & COMMENTS FOR many years now, jazzmen east of Kansas City have been taking a very dim view of all West Coast music. It's not hard to see why, either, when you consider such cute L.A. products as "Cement Mixer," Phil Harris' singing, or the new national curse, "Vootaroony." California, according to these Eastern musicians, is a nice place to go for the cure, or maybe to pick up some of that loose money, but as a locale for good jazz music, never. Some of the men coming back within the past two or three months, though, have spread the word that the Coast is changing. It is ap- parently a very slow process, and the differ- ence in taste out there isn't strong enough yet to be recognized from here, but on the basis of one album, the Asch "Jazz at the Philharmon- ic," the new trend impresses me as important and, for want of a better word, exciting. The album has "How high the Moon" and "Lady Be Good" divided up on the three 12-inch records, with altoist Willie Smith, tenormen Charlie Ventura and Illinois Jacquet, guitarist Ulysses Livingston, and trumpeters Joe Guy and Howard McGhee the featured soloists. The whole thing was recorded during a jazz concert in Los Angeles, and none of the men participating knew these records were being cut. The resulting six sides suffer from the customary defects of hasti- ness and occasional over-excitement, but in the light of the amazingly good jazz set down, these criticisms have no consequence, With the sole exception of Smith, whose work has always been one of the seven wonders of the jazz world, all the musicians are men I have never knowingly heard before. Ventura was the most disappointing to me, but that's largely be- cause of the unfortunate contrast with Jacquet's excellent horn, and both trumpeters are strong and refreshing in their approaches. Incidentally, the only man not identified on the labels is the drummer, but I am assured by the man who gave me the album that it is Gene Krupa, the Chicago Flash. .-Tex Walker Filipino Students Support xas CHARGES of collaborating with the Japanese during their occupation of the Philippine Islands have been leveled against Brigadier Gen- eral Manuel Acuna Roxas, newly elected presi- dent of the islands. Most of us, however, apply that term, col- laborationist, to any person who works with or for an enemy government, but do not recognize the goal towards which the individual is striving. The Japanese may have thought that they were duping the Filipinos when they allowed the political element of that country to carry on the administrative work necessary to keep the islands under control rather than using great numbers of their own countrymen for these offices. The Filipinos, other than the greedy opportunists, saw the chance for cooperation, which might help to lessen their plight, prevent more mas- sacres and perhaps make the Philippines some- what immune from Japanese attack and des- truction. Better to have the Filipinos in limited control, directed by the Japs, than to have the islands entirely under the jurisdiction of an enemy who has no scruples when _it comes to a decision. On the other hand, it cannot be determined whether this collaboration has saved the lives or property of any Filipinos or reacted to their welfare. The Filipinos could have refused to cooperate with the Japanese, allowing only the traitors to approach them, so that a line might be drawn between those who had the best inter- ests of the Philippines at heart and those who did not. Manuel Roxas belongs to that group of men that was trying to alleviate the condition of the Philippines under the guise of working with the Japanese. Many prominent Filipinos now on campus are of this same opinion. Mrs. Rafaelito Soriano, president of the Philippine- Michigan Club, worked with Military Intel- ligence in Washington during the war, inter- viewing Americans who evaded the Japanese and the death march of Bataan by hiding in the hills or in the homes of sympathetic Fili- pinos. From them she learned that Manuel Roxas was NOT a collaborationist. Lt.-Col. Emigdio Cruz, a prominent Filipino physician whose life was sought by the Japs, escaped to the U.S. with the late President Manuel Quezon. Later Quezon, working with the Military Intelligence, sent Cruz back to the Phil- ippines via a submarine and much secrecy, to find out who was collaborating with the Jap- anese in the real sense of the word. Mrs. Soriano received definite information from Cruz which proved beyond a doubt that Roxas was not col- laborating with the Japanese. TIHE FACT that Roxas was elected by a major- ity of more than 100,000 of the popular vote Merger Inside Navy WASHINGTON-If Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal wants to head off the Army- Navy merger, he might do some merging in his own department. As it is, some of his reserve officers are about ready to believe the army is right. Perhaps because the Navy is suffering from admiralitis, Forrestal has set up a special dupli- cating public relations coordinator. This Bureau was also pointed out by Mrs. Soriano. She ex- plained that the Filipinos who remained on the islands throughout the war, and who were the electors, would not vote for Roxas if they sus- pected him of collaborationist activities. Manuel Hizon, a Philippine graduate stu- dent in mathematics, and a'personal friend of the late Manuel Quezon, declared, "If you realize what Roxas has done, these collabor- ationist reports are very insignificant. Roxas has not risen to power overnight. He worked up to a general's rank under MacArthur, when, as a member of the ROTC and a reserve officer at the University of the Philippines, he volun- teered to fight against the Japanese." In this capacity the New York Times has said that Roxas was well-liked by the U.S. Military. LESS THAN TWO years ago when Manuel Quezon was president, Roxas was one of the three top men of the Philippines. He has served as speaker of the House of Representatives and Secretary of Finance. A magnetic, articulate orator, Roxas is a foremost lawyer and a serious student of economics. Edward De Leon, a Philippine student in the School of Engineering who knew Roxas per- sonally before he left the Philippines six months ago, agrees that Roxas is not a collaborator. He has, however, one criticism to offer of Roxas, who, as a member of Jose Laurel's puppet gov- ernment during the Japanese occupation, was in charge of distributing rice to all the people. The rice was later found in the possession of the Japs, Mr. De Leon explained; thus he either gave it to the Japs, or they forced him to turn it over to them. The facts are not known. ANOTHER ASSAULT has been directed against the new president. According to a high source at the Malacan palace, Roxas supporters terrorized the voters in at least three provinces. In Pampanga province, two of President Sergio Osmena's supporters were killed and a third wounded by masked men. There is no real evidence that these accus- ations are true of Roxas' Liberal Nacionalistas rather than of the Democratic Alliance, now demanding land reform in the great rice- growing area of the islands. The Alliance is known as an emotionally inspired group which is led by a guerilla band, the Huks, that has never hesitated to use force to accomplish its ends, and which is frequently engaged in armed quarrels with other guerilla bands. Two persons dead and one injured is a small num- ber compared to those who have been slain in the history of the elections of the United States. The Philippines are lucky to have only three people on their list. Let us look into the facts before we shout collaborationist. How can we expect Roxas to cooperate with the U.S. policy in the Far East or how can he expect in return a loan for re- habilitation in the Philippines, if we close our ears to the voice of the Filipinos who have shown their faith in him by electing him president. -Alice Carlson BOOKS S'1UART LITTLE by E. B. White. Pictures by Garth Williams. Harper & Brothers, New York, 1945. 131 pages. STUART LITTLE is a book for children, and for people who \vuuld like to be. It is the story of a little mouse born to human parents, and his difficulties therein. The story happens along' in complete accord with the pattern of ch4ldish whimsy. You can crawl back comfortably into the old mood, and remember how it was. If the humor seems to get a little out of hand sometimes or if the philosophizing is not quite as sharp as you had hoped, the general effect is still that of gentle enchantment. - Stuart is a pleasant and obliging little char- acter, with just the proper amount of swagger about him. His mouseness doesn't interfere at all with his being mostly human; in the excellent illustrations, he even looks human. It is pretty much a matter of his being little, arnd suspicious of cats. And there is the always interesting threat that he just may revert to type and disappear forever down the mouse- hole in the family pantry. IS littleness is treated quite casually, and with respect. The author will remark calmly that Stuart "felled a dandelion," or "sat down on a twig and buried his head in his hands"; and if you expected anything different, it's your own fault. No timid soul, Stuart manages to get him- self involved in an awful lot of excitement, for a mouse. He wins a terribly nautical sail- boat race in Central Park, nearly gets dumped into the East River as part of a load of garbage, and runs away from home in a little car that will become invisible if you push the right button. This running away from home business is not at all an encouragement to indiscriminate re- volt; Stuart is out to look for a friend of his, a bird named Margalo. Though the author doesn't say so, you can't help noticing that it is probably a case of true love. When the book ends, Stuart ti still searching, heading north toward "swamps where cedars grow and turtles wait on logs but not for anything in particular." You are pretty sure he'ifll iak e it. -Mary Brush GeneralL ibrary List Ilottome, Phyllis The Life Line. Boston, Little, 1946. Corbett, Jim Man-eaters of Kumaon. New York, Oxford, 1946. Huxley, Aldous Science, Liberty and Peace. New York, Harper, 1946. McWilliams, Vera Lafcadio Hearn. Boston, Houghton, 1946. Van Paasen, Pierre Earth Could Be Fair. New York, The Dial Press, 1946. Wainwright, Jonathan M. General Wainwright's Story. New York, Doubleday, 1946. Welty, Eudora Delta Wedding. New York, Harcourt, 1946. Educational Ethics THE Graduate Education Club invited repre- sentatives of the Michigan State Teachers Club, the Michigan Federation of Teachers, and the Michigan Education Association to speak at the May 7th meeting in the Horace Rackham building. Miss Jean MacKay spoke for the Michigan State Teachers Club and Mr. Arthur Elder for the MichigansFederation of.Teachers, but Mr. Phillips declined stating: "I do not care to enter into a debate or argument with the Michigan Federation of Teachers and that is what would happen if both of us were on the program." The members of the club voted unanimously that the following resolution be sent to Mr. Phillips and The Daily: Resolved: that the Graduate Education Club of the University of Michigan consider the action of the Michigan Education Association in re- fusing to appear at the request of the Graduate Education Club, on a program with represent- atives of the Michigan Teachers Club and the Michigan Federation of Teachers, solely on the grounds of a policy opposed to appearing on a platform and defending their program before these organizations, as a dereliction of duty to the teachers of Michigan and indefensible con- duct on the part of a professional teacher org- duct on the part of a professional teacher organization. -Viola Brody, Secretary. Graduate Education Club -eL'GLle Clo the CkiZLor store signed affidavits that their em- Dominie Says DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- W HICH ONE of us does not at letin is constructive notice to all mem- o he bers of the University. Notices for the time desair f th puruitBulletin should be sent in typewritten which engages him? Edna St. Vin- form to the Assistant to theyPresident, cent Millay somewhere pictures facts 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day falling as numerous as stars but man preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- having no loom to weave them into urdays). the fabric of our lives. One of Amer- e ica's able personalistic philosophers, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1946 Edgar Brightman in "Nature and VOL. LVI, No. 138 Value" has written a most readable book in which "Nature is seen as in- Notices strumental to spiritual values." For him nature is imminent in God not Ccnservation of Coal: Measures, God in nature. His God is germane. are being taken to conform, in so far "Spiritual personality is viewed as the as is practicable, to Mayor Brown's true reality of all things and the goal of all striving." (p. 129) In the daily work of a University with its exact- ness as to details such perspective is difficult to maintain but must be maintained. "The search for more facts as the cure for our present ills in the social sciences is like suggestingI that the remedy for indigestion is more food." (Arnold S. Nash, in "The University and the Modern World" p. 139) But to illustrate the point - "the latest ten year listing of chemical abstracts contains two million entries"-says Nash. Every department in Sociology in com- mon with those in Psychology, Bi- ology, or Anthropology has diffi- culty in relating new data to the general discipline, to say nothing about the difficulty of using that new knowledge or any fresh grasp in the day to day impulses or the habits of the researcher himself. NOW this does not justify us in do- ing any one of the following futile things, (1) deciding that facts are useless as many traditionalists do. (2) Never justifies one in freezing his philosophy of life at some distant hot spring of revealed truth or emo- tional committment, as all oftus in formal religion are too apt to do. (3) Does not justify us in renouncing Social Science as hopelessly unscien- tific as many laboratory or physical scientists gratuitously insist. (4) Can- not justify the complacency of the business reactionary who desires status quo so he can be as certain of independence as his grandfather in an isolated western world. (5) Should not be used as a pendulum to swing mankind to the opposite side of the arc where no facts are essential, as on occasion either mystic or artist can do to legitimate purpose. But the presence of facts along side of a new social behavior and the in- crease of emotions due to the un- known might well suggest that faith does continue to perform not all func- tions but some of the functions es- sential to successful living, the at- tainment of community and the de- velopment of a system of values. All of which says: A fertile field for the social sciences always dramatically before us should claim a few millions of money, and some of the global ex- citement now going into bigger and better bombs. Religionhas like validity, but suf- fers like delays. Human knowledge, though it is not the Truth, does refer to and look into Truth. This Truth which alone is absolute is what all branches of knowledge alike, but by a different technique are endeavoring to grasp. Our attention is directed to this question by the coming Con- ference on Science, Philosophy and Religion whose seventh annual ses- sion is to take place at the University of Chicago in August. Every scholar is asked to restate his proposed solu- tion. For convenience the problem might be stated thus: How can we speedily weave man's known facts and values into a seamless social or- delr? -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor of Religious Education request that the City observe "brown- out" procedures. Campus lighting time clocks have been adjusted to conserve electricity: floodlights on Burton Memorial Tower ore turned off; the Cooley Memorial Fountain motor is oper- ating on reduced time; all janitors and night watchmen are instructed to turn off lights where found to be unnecessary. May we depend on all members of the staff to conscientiously consider their responsibility and wholeheart- edly co-operate toward the desired objective? Graduate Faculty meeting will be held Monday at 4:10 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheater. Members should come prepared to make nom- inations for replacements on the Ex- ecutive Board. Men's Residence Halls. Reapplica- tions for the FALL and SPRING TERMS for men now living in the Residence Halls are ready for dis- tribution. Blanks may be secured from the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. All applications for reassign- ment must be in the hands of the Dean of Students ON OR BEFORE MAY 20. Women Students: In compliance with the national need to conserve electricity, women students are ur'ged to turn off all lights not actually in use in their rooms. Now 1s the time to redouble normal efforts inhecono- my because of the coal situation. Each woman student is notified that the University expects her to vacate her place of residence at the end of the spring term within twen- ty-four hours after her last examina- tion. Graduating seniors may remain until the day after Commencement. This applies to all places of residence. Arrangements for the Victory Re- union necessitate compliance with this regulation. All women students, except those who have dormitory applications on file, are reminded to complete their housing arrangements for the fall semester of 1946 immediately. Be- cause of the acute housing shortage, any who have not already applied to the Office of the Dean of Women for supplementary housing must do so at once, if they wish a place to live. -Office of the Dean of Women 1945 Michiganensian: All those who have subscriptions and who have not yet called for their 1945 Mich- iganensian must do so before Friday, May 17. After this date, all 'Ensians which have not been distributed will be sold to those on the waiting list of last fall. Mechanical and Chemical Engin- eering Seniors: Dr Lowell L. Fel- linger of Monsanto Chemical Com- pany, St. Louis research department, will interview students for permanent or summer (1946) employment, Tues- day, May 14, in Room 218 West En- gineering Building. Interview sched- ule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 W. Eng. Bldg. All Students interested in working on any phase of Student Government contact Judy Chayes, 23119, at once. State of Michigan Civil Service Ex- amination announcements have been received in this office for: Pflnlr'1 a ' n tcr4,no'.-VTCRnnv 4 t fn Arbor on Tuesday at the Army Re- cruiting Office between 3:00-7:00 p.m., to interview applicants for teaching positions in the Pacific Theatre. Well qualified teachers of French and Spanish will be consid- ered specifically. Salary is $3640 plus 25 per cent for overseas duty. If any further information is desired about these instructorships, call the the Bureau of Appointments and Oui- pational Information. Men interested in positions at Yel- lowstone National Park next summer may. obtain further information and application blanks at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational in- formation, 201 Mason Hll. Willow Village Program for May 12- May 19 for veterans and their wives: Sunday, May 12: Classical Music, (records), 3 p.m., Office. Monday, May 13: Child Care Clas- ses, Pre-Natal, 2 p.m.; Care of the Well Child, 8 p.m., West Court Com- munity House. Tuesday, May 14: Lecture, Profes- sor Wesley H. Maurer, Department of Journalism, will give the final lec- ture in this series, 2 P.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Tuesday, May 14: Safety Series, "Play Safe." Movies on recreation without regrets, highlighted by a talk by Professor Shirley W. Allen, De- partment of Forestry and Conser- vation, on "Some Unusual Safety Tricks." Sponsored by FPHA in co- cperatiqp ,with Washtenaw County Chapter, American Red Cross. 8 p.m.. Willow Village Community Building. Wednesday, May 15: Bridge, 2-4 p.m.; 8-10 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Thursday, May 16: Home Planning, "Planning Kitchens for Your Future Homes." Margaret W. Andersen, Home Service Director, Michigan Consolidated Gas Company. Final program in series. 2 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Friday, May 17: Dancing Classes Beginners, 7 p.m.; Advanced, 8 p.m.; Open Dancing, 9-10 p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge. Friday, May 17: Leadership Class, Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff, will conduct the final meeting of this class. 8 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Saturday, May 18: Square Dance, Scott Coburn, caller. It is important. to be present for the forming of Squares at 8:30. 8-11:30 Auditorium West Lodge. Sunday, May 19: Classical Music, records, program planned by Mr. Weldon Wilson, 3 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. George W. Beadle, Professor of Biology, Stan- ford University, will lecture on the subject, "Genes and the Chemistry of Life," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, in the Rackham Amphitheater; aus- pices of the Departments of Biolo- gical Chemistry and Zoology. The public is invited. Sigma Xi Lecture. Dr. Carey Cro- neis, President of Beloit College, Wis- consin, and a noted scientist in Ge- ology and Paleontology, will deliver a' lecture in Natural Science Auditor- ium Tuesday evening, May 14, begin- ning at 8:00. His subject, "A Billion Years of Conflict." Members of Sigma Xi may bring guests. Alexander Ziwet Lecture in Math- ematics: The fourth lecture in the series on Mathematical Theory of Gas Flow, Flames and Detonation Waves by Professor Kurt Friedrichs of New York University will be given Monday at 3:00 in 3011 Angell Hall All interested are invited to attend. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for John Raymond Dice, Chemistry; thesis: "Derivatives of 4-Methyl-1, 2, 3, 4- Tetrahydrophenanthrene," Monday, Ann Arbor PricJs ployer had handled between a quar- ter and half a million dollars in race To The Editor: track bets in the last year. The last WHEN the Free Press sent its star item is especially illustrative - no establishment can handle such a vol- snooper over to Ann Arbor, it re-e h ume of betting without everyone in vealed a lack of imagination typical town knowing about it (including the of a newspaper with absentee owner- police) if they want to do so. ship. If he had waited until he got here before determining what sort of But the straw that broke the story to write, he would have found coke bottle was the headline in plenty of material. Ann Arbor is rot- yesterday's Daily, "Cost of Living ting in many ways, but perhaps least For Vets Kept Down at 'U'." of all in the matter of coed morals. E.g., within the last few months there Everyone knows that the students have appeared the following stories: here take a royal rooking from the 1. A returning vet was suing a city townspeople - (everyone except the health inspector because said inspec- Daily editors with their high-powered tor, who had rented the vet's home, editorials on the situation in Outer had filled the basement with gar- Mongookistan, etc.) Simple examples bage; 2. The city prosecutor was are the bus fares - twice as high as being sued for drunk and disorderly they are in Kalamazoo, which is a conduct; 3 Employees of a city cigar 3 r i 7 larger city, the cost of meals when I was home in Kalamazoo a few weeks back I had a good steak dinner for 95c) and the recent hike in haircut prices.. However, it's adding insult to in- jury for the Daily to proudly an- nounce that cost of li ing foi Univer- sity veterans has been held lower than at four out of fourteen other schools -- Adrian, Cass Tech. and Flint and Highland Park Junior Col- leges! What's the cost at the Michimilli- mackinac Kindergarten for Unmar- ried Grandmothers? -Paul Kircher (E)ITOR'S NOTF: 'Thi survey in question was made by the Miichigan Veterans' Association. We print news; we don't announce proudly.) BARNABY By Crockett Johnson maassamam I'm not as good as I was, See. The old mitt /fused at DInoed iJohn- 11 Abner Doublday, m'boy. And a chap namedj I III I