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March 10, 1946 - Image 1

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China Reports

Soviet Troops
Leave Mukden
Situation Remains
Tense; Fires Rage
By The Associated Press
SHANGHAI, Sunday, March 10-
Russian troops have withdrawn com-
pletely from Mukden but the situa-
tion there is tense, with fires of unde-
termined origin raging and a Com-
munist uprising feared, the Chinese
Central News Agency reported today.
The agency dispatch said alleged
Chinese Communist forces were ac-
tive in the suburbs and it was feared
they might attempt to seize control
of the hungry, sprawling city of 2,-
Before evacuating the city the Rus-
sians turned over their garrison duties
to the Chinese. A Chinese central
government force of some 14,000 men
has been in'Mukden for some weeks,
but until the Russian evacuation was
restricted to a limited section of the
city and actual control had been in
Russian hands.
No Estimate Made
There was no estimate of the
strength of the alleged Communist
forces in the area.
Trainloads of Russian troops from
Mukden already have arrived in
Changchun, the Manchurian capital,
the Central News said, and others
traveled south to Port Arthur, where
the Singo-Soviet treaty authorizes
Russia to station troops.
It said the Soviet withdrawal from
Mukden began Thursday and war
completed yesterday, with the bulk
of the troops moving northward.
High Chinese quarters in Chung-
king said they did not regard the
Mukden evacuation as necessarily in-
dicating a general Russian with-
drawal from Manchuria.
Stripped Of Gear
American correspondents who re-
cently visited Mukden found its hun-
dreds of Japanese-built factories
stripped of their machinery. They
were told by the Russian commander
that Japanese troops captured -in
Manchuria had been shipped to Si-
beria and that the Russians had no
repatriation program in mind.
General Marshall, special American
envoy, has been summoned to Wash-
ington, presumably to discuss the
Manchurian situation. He is expect-
ed to leave China about March 15.
Chinese satisfaction over news that
the Russians at last were showing
some signs of getting out of Man-
churia was tempered with anger over
the stripping of factories there.
Reuther May
Be President
Campaign .Launched
By Michigan Group
DETROIT, Mch. 9--P)-The 109th
day of the General Motors strike en-
tered the record with "no progress"
in settlement negotiations and the
launching of a campaign for strike
leader Walter P. Reuther as president
of his CIO United Auto Workers un-
A Michigan group of presidents of
auto workers locals announced a plan
to draft Reuther, now a UAW-CIO
vice-president, as a candidate for
president at the union's convention in
Atlantic City starting March 23. This
was the first hint from union ranks as
to the convention's political lineup.
Thomas To Run
President R. J. Thomas is expected
to seek his seventh term at the helm

of the big CIO union, 175,000 of whose
members have been on strike against
General Motors since Nov. 21 in the
auto industry's longest and costliest
labor dispute.
The backers of Reuther, 38-year-
old head of the UAW-CIO's General
Motors department, said in a state-
ment today that a "large majority"
of the union's membership desires a
change in order to carry out a "vig-
orous, progressive and intelligent pro-
gram" and eliminate "factionalism."
Thomas, the statement charged,
has "perpetuated" himself in office
by "fostering and encouraging riv-
alry" between Reuther and secretary-
treasurer George F. Addes. Thomas
said he had no comment.
Reuther Undecided
Reuther said he has made no de-
cision as to whether to seek the presi-
dency of the union.
"It is not a personal matter but one
which must be considered from the
standpoint of what is best for the un-

Illinois ShadesMichigant
For Big Ten Track Title
Wolverines Miss Fourth Straight Crown
As Illini Thinclads Triumph by 2/3 of Point
(* ________ _____ ____________________

Troubled International Situation

May Reqi
To Settle



Three Meeting

9-AP)-The University of Illinois
ended Michigan's three-year reign in
the Big Ten indoor track champion-
ships here tonight when they out-
scored the Wolverines 57/2 to 56 5/6.
The outcome of the meet was de-
cided by the last event of the even-
ing, the mile relay, which was won
by Illinois. Going into the last event,
the Maize and Blue held a one-sixth
of a point advantage.
One Record Set
The meet saw one record beaten
and another equalled. Wisconsin's
Lloyd LaBeach won the broad jump
with a leap of 24 feet 2 3/8 inches,

which topped the mark he set
night of 23 feet 11/4 inches.


Coalition Bids
For Control
Of Congress
New House Committee
To Draft OPA Block
large group of Southern Democrats
and Republicans teamed up today in
an organized bid for control of Con-
. Their leaders disclosed formation
in the House of an informal ten-
member committee to recommend a
course of action. They said a similar
organization is planned in the Sen-
Their immediate goal is to whittle
down the powers of OPA, but the po-
litical and legislative potentialities
are much broader.
The committee has been instructed
to draft a substitute for pending leg-
islation continuing the agency beyond
its June 30 expiration date. If the
OPA drive succeeds, many of the
group plan to extend their joint ac-
tivities to other fields, and gradually
assume the driver's seat on nearly all
important legislation.
Rep. Hartley (Rep., N.J.), chair-
man of the newly named House com-
mittee, said the decision to organ-
ize was reached because "The whole
question of successful reconversion
depends on the OPA legislation."
He told a reporter that at least 150
legislators are united behind the com-
mittee, with the membership split
about evenly between Democrats and
Rep. Crawford (Rep., Mich.), is a
member of Hartley's committee.
Hartley told a reporter that Sena-
tors Wherry (Rep., Neb.), Stewart
(Dem., Tenn.), and Bankhead (Dem.,
Ala.), contemplate a similar coalition
movement in the Senate.
Legislation introduced by Hartley,
Wherry and Stewart will be the work-
ing model for the commission in its
campaign to modify OPA's authority.
VO To Sponsor
Vets lMeeting
The campus Veterans' Organization
will sponsor an organizational meet-
ing at the all-veteran University com-
munity at Willow Run near Ypsilanti,
VO secretary Warren Wayne an-
nounced last night.
The meeting was planned after
numerous calls from Willow Village
residents who according to Wayne
"asked the VO to help correct exist-
ing conditions."
The feasibility of organizing a Vet-
erans' Organization for veterans at
Willow Village will be discussed at the
meeting. The purpose of such an or-
ganization, Wayne said, would be for
the establishment of closer relations
between the student veteran and the

Illinois' great quarter -miler, Herb
MeKenley, equalled Bob Ufer's rec-
ord of :48.1 in the 440-yard run. This
record, first set on this same track in
1942, stands for the Big Ten record
in this event and the American in-
door time.
Clifford Upsets
Bill Clifford's upsetting win with
a 4:23 in the mile came after a bril-
liant duel with Bob Hume. Hume had
set the pace for seven laps before
Clifford started a kick thatfbrought
him from five yards back to five yards
ahead at the finish line. Bob Thom-
ason came up fast in the last two
laps to finish seven yards in back of
the Buckeye. Michigan took seven
instead of nine points as planned
and lost the meet.
In the dash Illinois' great team
balance became evident as three Il-
lini made points for the Champaign
squad. Bill Mathis replaced team-
mate Bill Buster as the titleholder
with :6.3, Jack Pierce finishing sec-
ond and the former titleholder in
fifth position.
McKenley Easy Winner
The duel between Herb McKenley
and Michigan's Hugh Short failed
to develop in the 440-yard run. Run-
ning from the sixth lane, the Illini
star was five yards out in front com-
See TRACK, Page 7
Drew Accuses
Russia of Using
German Tactics
TORONTO, Ont., March 9-(/P)--
Premier George A. Drew of Ontario
asserted today that "Russian aggres-
sion is following precisely the same
pattern and using the same methods
as Germany used before the war,"
and he indicated concern over the
ultimate safety of Canada's vital
uranium deposits.
"The bare, unvarnished truth is
that unless Russian aggression is
stopped, we are in the front line,"
he told a convention of the Credit
Granters Association of Canada, add-
ing that "one nation and one nation
alone threatens the peace of the
Canadians, he said, "have a par-
ticular reason for being greatly con-
cerned with the course of Russian
Referring to Canada's northwest-
ern area with its deposits of uranium
useful for atomic bombs, he said:
"Although it is a long way inside
Canada, it is about three hours fly-
ing time from the nearest Russian
airfield. From early in 1940 right up
to this hour Russia has been extend-
ing her occupation of foreign soil
with the claim that this merely rep-
resented the extension of Russia's
legitimate zone of interest for her
own protection.
"Following that convenient doc-
trine, is there any reason why Great
Bear Lake should be less within the
Russian zone of influence than Man-
churia, Persia, or Turkey?"
15 Ask Bomber
Fund Awards
Fifteen applications were filed for
an equal number of Bomber Scholar-
ship Fund veteran scholarships be-
fore the deadline yesterday at the of-
fice of Dean of Students Joseph A.
The committee which will decide on
the distribution of the scholarships
is expected to meet within two weeks.
Fifteen $100 awards are supposed to
be made each semester to veterans
needing financial aid to supplement
subsistence benefits under the G.I.
Bill of Rights, according to a plan
announced last term.

CAMERAS FOR ATOMIC TEST - Dean Hawley of Glen Rock, N. J., project engineer, works on cameras,
which, radio controlled, will photograph atomic bomb tests in the Pacific. The cameras, being constructed at
a Jamaica, N. Y., plant, will be installed on towers around Bikini Atoll, site of one of the tests.

Present Controversies


SE T:'U' Man To Direct Atom Bomb
Experiment for Task Forces

Technical director for the joint
Army-Navy task force conducting
the Bikini Atoll atom bomb experi-
ments is Dr. Ralph A. Sawyer, on
leave of absence from the University
Department of Physics.
Dr. Sawyer, who during the war
was laboratory director at the Naval
Ordnance Proving Ground, Dalgren,
Va., guides the technical activities of
a group of more than 500 scientists
participating in the tests.
The Bikini experiment, which will
determine the effect of an atomic ex-
plosion on the USS Saratoga and
Short Term
Policy Assailed
WASHINGTON, March 10 -(p)-
The Department of Labor today as-
sailed short-term wage contracts be-
tween building trades unions and
contractors as "mere stop-gaps" to
push wages and housing costs higher.
Intention of the Department's wage
adjustment board to turn down re-
quests for pay increases under such
contracts was announced by Arthur
D. Hill, Jr., the Board's Chairman.
At the same time, National Hous-
ing Expiditer Wilson W. Wyatt bat-
tied anew to restore the $600,000,000
materials subsidy fund cut -by the
Ilouse from the administration's hou
House from the administration's
housing bill.
Building trades unions and con-
tractors are signing short-time bar-
gaining contracts in increasing num-
bers, Hill said in a statement.
Wyatt declared in a statement that
failure to use premium payments to
expand production of materials "will
mean either a cost increase or hun-
dreds of thousands of veterans and
their families will go without homes."
Krueger Will
Conduct Here
Appearing under the direction of
Karl Krueger. the Detroit Symphony
will present its first Ann Arbor con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
The orchestra under Gabrilowitsch,
now conductor of the St. Louis Sym-
phony, played here frequently in past
Krueger, formerly conductor of the
Kansas City Philharmonic and the
Seattle Symphony, studied in Europe.
Distinctly American in birth, ideals
and culture however, he is noted for
his performances with the foremost
Continental orchestras, in Vienna,
London, Budapest and Paris, also
with the Vienna Opera.

other naval vessels, is essentially an
ordnance proving ground test, Dr.
Sawyer says, "We aren't testing the
bomb itself, because we know about
that," he explained, "but trying out
a weapon against a new target under
new conditions."
One division of the task force is
the "Phenomenonologists," whose job,
as tricky as their name, is to attempt
to predict what may happen when an
atomic bomb gets a sea trial. They
must figure out, before the Bikini
Atoll tests, what the explosion may
cause in the way of blast, heat, pres-
sure, radioactivity, tidal wave, clouds,
and possible local thunderstorms.
The group, however, disclaims any
ability to predict the exact effects of
the phenomena, since "if that could
be done with precision there would
be no need, for a test." Head of the
phenomenon forecasters is Prof. Jo-
seph Hirschfelder of the University
of Wisconsin.
Bitter Struggle
Indicated Inf
Coal Industry1
WASHINGTON, March 9-(P)--A
long and possibly bitter struggle in
the coal industry was indicated to-
day as John L. Lewis and bitumin-
ous coal operators squared away for
contract negotiations opening next
Three major demands of the 400,-
000 soft coal miners appear likely
to be presented to the producers
when they meet with the United Mine
Workers negotiating committee.
Renewal of Lewis' spectacular da-
mand of last year for a 10-cents-a-
ton royalty for union welfare and
hospitalization fund is freely predic-
ted by the proucers.
In addition to the royalty - which
Lewis may decide to pare down from
the 10-cent demand of last year-_
the operators foresee these two other
major demands:
1. A shorter work-week, with a pay
boost to split the loss in take-home
pay which now runs to $63.50 for
54 hours underground.
2. Organization of supervisory

Patterson Asks
Legislation for
Atomic Control
WASHINGTON, March 9 -(/P) -
Secretary of War Patterson asserted
tonight the nation would be put in
"direst peril" if new atomic control
legislation failed to safeguard ade-
quately the secrets of the bomb's
Disclaiming that the War Depart-
ment "wants to remain in control of
atomic eniergy," Patterson said in an
address prepared for broadcast over
CBS that instead it wholeheartedly
supports President Truman's recom-
mendation for a civilidan agency,
But as a "minimum consideration"
he urged provision for "direct par-
ticipation by the War and Navy de-
partments in the military application
of atomic energy until we can be sure
that no atomic bombs will be dropped
on us."
As another consideration the War
Secretary said any new agency that
may be set up by Congress should
have unquestioned power to guard
any information which it decides is
vital to the national security.
"We would put this nation, and in-
cautions to guard vital knowledge and
deed every peace loving nation, in the
direst peril if we did not take due pre-
keep foremost in this field until we
have in actual operation an effective
system of international control," Pat-
terson contended.
Peron Attacks
Fraiico Spatin
BUENOS AIRES, March 9 ---(i)-
The Labor Party headed by Col. Juan
D. Peron, who is leading in the Ar-
gentine presidential race, today at-
tacked the Franco government in
Spain for the recent execution of
persons described as pro-liberal.
Early today a bomb exploded in
the Spanish consulate in Buenos
Aires, shattering the door and break-
ing windows, but causing no casual-
Observers interpreted the Labor
party action as an attempt by Peron
to smooth out diplomatic difficulties
which will confront him if he is de-
clared winner in the counting of
presidential ballots, and to win favor
of the democracies, especially in the
Western hemisphere.

Disputes Range
From Balkans
To Manchuria
Solution May Be Test
Of World Organization
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 9-A dark
cloud of suspicion hung depressingly
over international affairs today with
a strong possibility that it will bring
a new meeting soon of the Big Three
chiefs of state to clear the air.
With relations at perhaps their
lowest ebb since victory over the Axis,
immediate interest was focused upon
whether the Allies will attempt an
over-all settlement of their contro-
versies or continue to try for piece-
meal solutions.
But the question of another Brit-
ish-Russian-American conference to
iron out current difficulties appeared
to hinge immediately upon who will
take the initiative for.calling the con-
Current Disputes
A large number of disputes current
at this time would produce a long
agenda for such a meeting, among
1. Italy-Here the difficulty cen-
ters chiefly around what should be
done about the big pre-war Italian
colonies. The United States and
Great'Britain took the position last
fall that they should be placed under
United Nations trusteeship for a lim-
ited period. Russia held out for a sys-
tem of individual trusteeships, and
maneuvered for control of Tripoli-
2. Iran-Both Iran and the United
States have lodged protests at Mos-
cow against Russia's failure to with-
draw Red Army forces from Iran by
an agreed-upon deadline of March-2.
Russia In Turkey
3. Turkey-Russia informally has
sought territorial concessions from
Turkey with the likelihood she will
press for joint Turkish-Soviet control
of the strategic Dardenelles. Al-
though the State Department has
professed lack of knowledge of any
actual demands, it significantly an-
nounced this week that the big U. S.
Battleship Missouri - symbol of
American naval might-will be sent
through the Mediterranean soon to
carry home the body of a Turkish
ambassador who died at his post here.
4. Manchuria-The United States
has entered a protest to Moscow
based upon an official Chinese report
that Russia was claiming as war
booty Japanese - owned industrial
equipment in Manchuria.
5. Bulgaria - Latest development
was Russia's charge that the United
States is responsible for what Moscow
called an effort to "sabotage" a three
power agreement for broadening the
base of the Bulgarian government.
. The whole situation may furnish
a clear cut test of whether the time
has been reached when disputes be-
tween big powers can be settled by a
world organization.
strike Picture

Warmer Weather Predicted
To Hamper Winter's Returnu

Looks Brightest
Since January
MARCH 10-(/)- The nation's re-
conversion picture assumed t h e
brightest hue since mid-January to-
day as a new week opened with no
new major strikes threatened for the
immediate future and the number of
strike-idle continuing a steady de-
Settlement of a four months old
machinists strike in San Francisco
and a 65 day old strike of Western
Electric Company employes in New
York and New Jersey dropped the
number of strike idle in the nation
to 707,000-less than half the peak of
nearly 1,700,000 in late January.
Major disputes still unsettled are
the 110-day-old strike of 175,000 Gen-
eral Motors production wortkers, the
seven weeks old strike of 175,000 CIO
electrical workers; a strike of 400,000
United Mine Workers threatened for
April 1 and a walkout of 300,000
trainmen and locomotive engineers
which was postponed for 30 to 60 days
last Friday pending an investigation
by a fact-finding board.

By The Associated Press
Michigan's return engagement of
Winter was due to be alleviated by
rising temperatures Sunday, but
Northern Michigan was digging out of
the worst snowfall of the season and
residents of a summer cottage com-
munity near Bay City struggled with
mountains of ice which crept in off
Saginaw Bay.

and damaged 11 others at fashionable
Killarney and Ricomo beaches.
The cold was credited, however,
with slowing Central Michigan flood
waters, but danger continued at Sagi-
naw, where the Saginaw River is at
its highest level in 17 years. With
the water rising, hundreds of rural
homes in the lower Saginaw valley
were being evacuated. Many families
were unable to return to their homes

Philip LaFohlette To Lecture
At Hill Auditorium Tuesday

The Hon. Philip F. La Follette,
thrice governor of Wisconsin and re-
knowned Progressive Party leader,
will speak on "A Sound American
Policy" at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill

conscious Republican heretic. Wiscon-
sin Senator from 1906 to his death in
1925, "Old Bob" as presidential can-
didate in 1924 on the Progressive
ticket, leading a labor-agriculture
coalition against the conservatism of

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