TWO THE MICIIXN DAILY a IT SO HAPPENS... * ItOs A losing ittle It's Rough All Over W E'RE branching out. We were standing in front of the Natural Science Building when two veterans started talk- ing about a girl in one of their classes. "She's completely nuts, I tell you", one of them said. "Yesterday she said to me, 'You veterans have it pretty easy here. Why, almost everything is done for you'. "I told her that some veterans are confronted by an adjustment problem," he said. "You've got an adjustment problem," she ex- claimed, "why, this is the first time, I've ever been away from home!!!" Which Is What Generation? We've been doing a little research on juvenile delinquency in its milder forms, but we hadn't expected to talk about it this soon. The usual combination of circumstances has driven us to it. The first (or underlying cause as the aca- demnicians would have it) was a recent conver- sation in one of the local high school hangouts which proved to this member of the same gener- ation that he was born five, if not thirty years too soon. The second (or immediate cause as the his- torians say is this item from the Soviet youth newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda: " . ..sometimes the dancers did not wait to take off their overcoats, and also smoked cigar- ettes while whirling about tightly-packed dance floors." The same article goes on to complain that while 50 posters daily advertised dances in the vicinity, not one announced lectures or literary or musical evenings. If we weren't busy trying to prove that the NIGHT EDITOR: CLAYTON DICKEY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Italy= Republc or Monarchy? ITALY'S harassed. King Victor Emanuel.packed his bags and sailed for Egypt Thursday night, putting an end to his own troubles but opening the Italian version of Pandora's box just a little bit wider. . The king's steamboat excursion comes at a strategic point in his country's political life. A referendum to decide whether or not Italy will continue to exist as a monarchy is set for June 2, and the king's sudden departure, after signing abdication papers nominating Crown Prince Humbert as his successor, may be inter- preted as a move to strengthen the Monar- chists in the coming election. Emanuel has been king of Italy for 46 years, twenty of them sitting on a puppet throne with Mussolini holding the strings. With the surrender of Italy and the ignominious death of Il Duce, Emanuel retained the name of king but went into semi-retirement at his Naples villa. GOVRNED NOW by a three-party coalition, the Italian people will choose between royalty and republic on June 2. Calling the king's sudden move a royalist trick to save the tottering monarchy and swing the elections to that party, the Italian Communists have objected violently. It would seem that they have a point. If elections in Italy take the same rightist turn as in other defeated Axis countries, we can have little hope for any real sympathy with our aims in the future. -Annette Shenker Student Elections THE TWO ELECTIONS which gave birth to the Student Congress have presented it with its first and most important problem. Those elections demonstrated in a very nega- tive way the need for properly supervised and well-run elections. As a result of a poorly supervised election the Men's Judiciary Council had to conduct a series of investigations of voting irregular- ities. There would have been no opportunity for any illegalities if the clerks and judges at the polls had correctly instructed and proper- ly supervised. Unless students are assured that Congress- men are their honestly elected representa- tives, they will have little faith in the Student Congress. To do this the Student Congress must set up a well-organized, well-instructed election committee to maintain fair elections. -Stuart Finlayson Jeish Appeal 'HE ANN ARBOR JEWISH community has set a $25,000 goal in its current Allied Jewish Appeal drive. Of this total, the student drive, which is being directed by members of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, aims to collect $4,500. Relief demands at this time are numerous and enormous. It is, sometimes difficult to de- cide which drives most greatly merit contribu- tions from funds which for most of us are limited. The Allied Jewish Appeal, a distributive agency for funds to several national and international norniztions. is certainly one of the most worthy. younger generation is busy being the younger generation, we'd speculate about the aims of a socialist Utopia and the possibility that one of its first accomplishments would be the elimina- tion of lectures, if not of literature and music of the kind to be encounf ered on uLic eveni0-gsM The iid Mlii Rwnm a'nt - WE HAVE for sometime been attempting to foist upon our reading public the idea that advertising men would like to do nothing more than captivate our fancy. If there's any truth in this Lonced fab, -,ad men all over Detroit should be happy today. Success, as it sometimes comes to a few men, came to them as recognition of mastery of the attention-getting, if meaningless, title. A new magazine gives us the opportunity to be founder of a sheet which will feature in its first issue, "Child Rampant On A Field Of Poppycock." In case you find this insufficient informa- tion, may we add the smaller type catch line, "He came to buy Bourbon and sell a play, but left minus a stripteaser." For the time being we are willing to remain non-founders, just admirers from afar. Even The Sky Ain't Safe YOU MIGHT have guessed it. The next men from Mars will come your way by courtesy of the advertisers - those cunning individuals whose lives are aimed at making yours fuller and fuller. We learn from one of the more profound pub- licity experts that "advertisers will reach their audience by means of huge electric light signs in the sky, dirigibles will carry huge electric running signs this summer." Well, it'll give hope to those poor devils, float- ing around at sea, when they gaze up and read, "Shortshrift Sandwiches - A Tasty Delight". (Items appearing in this. column are written by members of the Daily editorial staff and pited by the Editorial Director.) i oe orols WQGGF T QUE TTON-iviARKT an 1lhe hot andi heavy debate on price control is whether rnot ccntinued regulation %ill be the answer to a demand for goods , Moii- roe at first might seemi unbelievable; but he wxas one of the most unbeliev- a ble, irresponsible lobbyists ever seen i a city where lobbyists pounclie out from the potted pams of every cock- tail lounge and where, today, one even ocupics a confidential office next to the President. Monroe had the gall to invite to his Red House on R Street the then Sec- retary of the Navy, Frank Knox; he invited Senators and Congressmen, Generals and Admirals. What's more. he got away with it! They accepted his invitations. He would put his feet up on a ('hair in the home of Adm. Ernest King, then top commander of the Navy, order a scotch, pickup the phone, and tell one of his cronies: "I'm up at Admiral Kings house. I just wanted to let you know I was working on that contract. The Navy thinks it'll be okay." He got Congressman Compton White of Idaho along to a meeting with representatives of New York butchers which turned out to be a discussion of ways and means of black marketeering in meat-a con- dition of which was that the butchers put up $100,000. Generals. Admirals and Congress- men flocked to his house despite the fact that shortly before the war, as this column pointed out, Monroe paid an income tax of only $3. He had been sued 22 times for debt, was kicked out of West Point, advertised a phoney oil deal in Louisiana which lost money for a lot of poor suckers; he tried to sell munitions to the Greeks, Springfield rifles to the Do- minicans, and poked his nose into every war contract where he thought he could rake-off a few hundred dol- lars in commissions. Much of the above was published by this column-and later proved when the $1,000,000 libel suit came to trial. After two weeks of testi mony, the jury required only 30 min utes to decide Monroe was a phoney It found for the defendant. ig-Wigs Kept Corning Even after that, however, Senator and Congressmen continued t dine at the Red House on R Street and Monroe continued to enjoy th hospitality of Admiral King's home Not even the facts broughlt out i the libel suit seemed to hurt thl ebullient, irrepressible, unbelievabl John Monroe. Finally, however, the law caught ul with him. Monroe was caught b federal authorities for black mar keting in textiles to the tune of sever al hundred thousand dollars. A New York judge gave him a fine of $100, 000 and two years in jail to think i over. Small Business Protector One of the most hopeful guardian of small business and the public jus before the war was the Justice De partment's hard-hitting Anti-Trus Division. Time after time it expose cooperation between U.S. big busines and cartels in Germany or Japar which were delaying the America ar'ms program. It was the Anti-Trust Divisio which revealed that Standard Oi of New Jersey was in cahoots witl Hitler's I.G. Farben to keep synthet ic rubber patents away from the U.S rubber industry, thus delaying ou synthetic rubber program. It was the Anti-Trust Divisior which showed up Andy Mellon' Aluminum Corporation of America and its deal with I. G. Farben to limi magnesium-a product essential t airplane manufacture. It was the Anti-Trust Divisio which exposed a combine of Ameri can electric companies and, thei cooperation with foreign cartels. With the end of the war, Presi dent Truman. and Attorney Genera Tom Clark were determined that th Anti-Trust Division be more aler than ever. However they reckoned withou pudgy, psalm-singing Congressman Louis Rabaut of Detroit, Chairmar of the Sub-Committee on Justice De partment appropriations. Louis an( his committee whittlers got out thei penknives and proceeded to Whittl( the Anti-Trust Division down to point lower than during the war. If the appropriation stands as i the Anti-Trust probers, instead o taking on new men, will have tc scuttle part of their staff. (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Publication in the Daily Official Bil- leti is, costrcitiv noticle to all mem- 1 bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President,a 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day R preceding pubilit mion (11:001 33n. Sat- ,.'CI lJiAI% MAY 11, 146 VOL. LV, No. 137 i S11 N N otices I Gratiate faculty ieeting will beb hld on Monday, May 13. at 4:10 p.m, in the Packhom Amphitheaer Mem- bers s h(m(d came pa red to make nominiat ions .fsec- Y )OL'vni'I a 011 1i' Execuive H, oai0. Women Studen s: In compliance with the national need to conserve electricity, women students are urgedc to turn off all lights not actually inu use in their rooms. Now is the timeb to redouble normal efforts in econo- my because of the coal situation. F Each woman student is notified that the University expects her toa vacate her place of residence it theE end of tle spring trin within twen-F ty-four hours after her last examina- tion. Graduating seniors may remain until the cay after Commencement.1 This applies to all places of residence. Arrangements for the Victory Re- union necessitate compliance with1 this regulation.t All women students, except those who have dormitory applications on file, are reminded to complete their< shousing arrangements for the fall1 semester of 1946 immediately. Be- cause of the acute housing shortage, any who have not already applied to the Office of the Dean of Women for supplementary housing must do so at once, if they wish a place to live. -Office of the Dean of Women 1 Willow Village Program for veter- ans and their wives: Saturday, May 11: Dancing Clas- ses: Beginners, couples, 7, p.m.; Ad- vanced, couples, 8 p.nm., Auditorium, West Lodge. Sunday, May 12: Classical Music, (records) . 3 p.m., Office. ~_~_~_~~~~~_ - _ e Lectures University Lecture: Dr. George W. Beadle, Professor of Biology, Stan- ford University, will lecture on the subject, "Genes and the Chemistry of Life," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, in the Rackham Amphitheater; aus- s pices of the Departments of Biolo- o gical Chemistry and Zoology. The public is invited. Alexander Ziwet Lecture in Math-' ematics: The fourth lecture in the . ematics: The third lecture in the series on Mathematical Theory of e Gas Flow, Flames and Detonation Waves by Professor Kurt Friedrichs P of New York University will be given y Monday at 3:00 in 3011 Angell Hall - All interested are invited to attend. - Academic Notices t Doctoral Examination for John Raymond Dice, Chemistry; thesis: "Derivatives of 4-Methyl-1, 2, 3, 4- S Tetrahydrophenanthrene," Monday, May 13, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 300, s Chemistry Building. Chairman, W. E t Bachmann. t Discussion Series on Current Prob- d --- - :.....-_--- ------ - n Atom in the Suburbs n BEFORE we estimate the future of the suburban mind, let us glance n at some prophecies regarding the l permanence of the suburb itself as a h population unit. What of Professor William F. Og- . burn's suggestion that our cities be r broken into small outlying units to escape the menace of the atomic n' bomb? For two good reasons that sug- s gestion is not likely to be taken seri- a ously. For one thing the country as a t whole seems far from ready to do o much.about the atomic menace; and, for another, even if it did, we can n hardly imagine undertaking a pre- - ventive measure so drastic as the r decentralization of the major and directive portion of our population. - Our nation is constructed upon the l principle of centralization and there e is every reason to expect that it will 'tcontinue to operate for a long time ahead on that principle. t I -Harper's ems in Tropical Disease Control, 1:00 a.m. today in Room 2009 School f Public Health. Water Purification Lnd Amebiasis. Discussion led by Dr. P. J Porter and Dr. G. M. Ridenour. Doctoral Preliminary Examninations f Education: Anyone desiring to 'ke the Doctoral Preliminary Exam- nations in Education, which will be held on June 6, 7, and 8, should notify tile office of Dr. Clifford Woody, 4000 University ligh School, before May 15. Concerts Student Recital: Virginia Solomon, violinist, will present a recital at 8:30 Sunday evening, May 12, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It will include compositions by Bach, Tartini, Sibeli- us, Dohnanyi, and deFalla, and will be open to the public without charge. Miss Solomon is a pupil of Gilbert Ross. Student Recital: Beverly Solorow, a student of piano under Joseph Brinkman, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the require- inents for the degree, of Bachelor of Music, at 8:30 Tuesday evening, May 14, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The program will include composi- tions by Weber, Schumann, Chopin, Ravel, and three piano pieces written by Miss Solorow. The public is cor- dially invited. The University of Michigan Con- cert Band under the direction of William D. Revelli, conductor, will give its annual spring concert at 8:30, Thursday evening, May 16, in Hill Auditorium. The program will in- clude compositions by Prokofieff, Cherubini, Wagner, Smith, Rach- maninoff, DeNardis, Gomez, Paga- nini, Gershwin, Benjamin, and Dvor- ak. Joseph Skryanski, trombonist, will appear as soloist. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions The 23rd Annual Exhibition for Artists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation. The Rackham Galleries, daily except Sundays, through May 23; afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The School of Business Administra- tion will hold its Sixteenth Annual Alumni Conference today. The gen- eral session held at 2:30 p.m., in the Rackham Lecture Hall is open to the campus and public. Frank W. Ketter, Chief, Division of Investment and Economic Devel- opment, Departiment of State, will speak on the topic, "Restoring Multi- lateral Trade." Sumner H. Slichter, Lamont Uni- versity Professor, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Admin- istration, will discuss, "The Industrial Relations Outlook." This session is open, and all stu- dents and faculty members interested are welcome. Coming Events The local chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi will hold its annual initiation of new members on Tues- day, May 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditorium. After the ceremony, Dr. Carey Cro- neis, President of Beloit College, will give an address on "One Billion Years of Conflict." Dr. Croneis is a prominent geolo- gist and paleontologist in his own right. Refreshments will be served after the address in Rum. 1023, Natural Sci- ence Building. Members and initiates may bring guests. International Center: The Puerto Ricans, their friends, and all inter- ested American students are cordial- ly invited to attend the "Puerto Rican Night," Sunday, May 12. The program will begin in Rooms 316- 320 of the Michigan Union promptly at 7:30. Prof. Dow Baxter of the For- est Pathology Dept., will illustrate his lecture with movies taken in Puerto Rico during his last visit to that country. The program will be con- cluded with refreshments and a Sing in the Center. 'GNJManaging Editor Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff BARNABY It's true, m'boy, that McSnoyd mailed a letter to the police... .Making the irresnonsible charae that your Fairy By Crockett Johnson Margaret Farmer . Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker ... Des Howarth . . . Ann Schutz . Dona Guimaraes . . . . d.Managing Editor . . .. . . .Editorial Director .. . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . .. . . . . Associate Editor .. . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor . r. . . . . . Associate Women's Editor He's an Invisible Leprechaun. Which means his affidavit is also invisible. So, it's very No. Crime detection is a fascinatig game. But as Holmes pointed out, all Not a word in the paper about the Refrigerator