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May 11, 1946 - Image 1

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Russia Yields
Two Points in
Italian Treaty
Opening Is Seen in
Week-old Stalemate
BYTIheAssocated Press
PARIS, May 10-Russia yielded to-
night on two disputed points in the
Italian treaty before the Four-Power
Foreign Ministers Council, indicating,
American sources said, a possible
opening wedge in the week-long
stalemate between the Soviet Union
and the Western Powers.
V. M. Molotov, Foreign Minister,
agreed to give Italy sole trusteeship
of her colonies won in pre-Fascist
days and to conseht to an Allied
war criminals commission inside
Italy - two points he previously
Byrnes Agrees
Although, American sources said,
Secretary of State James F. Byrnes
agreed to both points, British For-
eign Secretary Ernest Bevin told the
Council he maintained "reservations"'
concerning the colonies.
Molotov previously had disagreed
with the proposal-first put forth
by the French-for allowing Italy to
act as trustee of her former colonies
under the United States, demanding
that Russia be given a dominant role
in Tripolitania in North Africa. Ob-
servers believed Molotov's surprise
move today was tantamount to with-
drawing his demand for Tripolitania,
Asks Trusteeship
British sources said Bevin con-
sented to designate Italy as sole trus-
tee of Tripolitania and other portions
of her former African empire only if
the Council agreed to name Great
Britain as trustee of Cyrenaica, a
colony adjoining Tripolitania on the
Molotov's new statement concern-
ing the Italian treaty followed a
British charge that Russian opposi-
tion to ajllirg a Eropean peace con-
ference before "Big Four" agree-
ment on all treaties constituted a
veto against hearing the other Allies.
Russia replied that any other course
would risk splitting the world into
two camps, informants said.
Waives Objections
Along with his agreement to modi-
fy his previous demands on Italian
colonies, Molotov also waived his
previous objections on a United States
proposal to continue the work of the
Allied Control Commission in Italy
by naming an Allied War Criminals
Commission to wrk inside the
British sources said that Bevin,
in asking for British trusteeship of
Cyrenaica, cited Great Britain's war-
time promise to the tribesmen of
colony dthat they never again would
be placed under Italian rule.
CPA approval
For Chemistry
Addition Given
Construction of the new Chemistry
Building additions was authorized
yesterday by the Civilian Production
Administration in Washington, but
action on the General Service, Busi-
ness Administration and Maternity
hospital buildings was postponed.
The decision to continue the $1,-
200,000 chemistry building was made
on the basis of its use by veterans.
The veterans housing program ri-
valed the importance of the educa-
tional buildings which have not been
started, according to the CPA view-
point. OPA has yet to decide whether

paterial priority will be given for
such construction.
Vice-president Robert P. Briggs,
who was in Washington last week
t~ confer with the CPA officials, de-
clared that the University was "very
grateful to have had the chemistry
building O.K'd." For the past few
weeks the University has been nego-
tiating with CPA officials in an
attempt to secure priorities for the
four buildings.
Polticl Forum
Date Changed
The date of the political forum.
featuring the four Congressional

50- Year British Loan
Passes Senate, 46-34
Legislation Forwarded to House for Action;
Administration Defeats Delaying Amcndn-ants

V.__. w

50-year loan of $3,750,000,000 to prime
Great Britain's economic pump was
approved by the Senate today and
sent to an uncertain fate in the
By a 46 to 34 vote the chamber
approved without changing any of
its terms legislation authorizing the
advance of funds under an agree-
ment signed with the BrYish last
Amendments Beaten
Passage came after the Administra-
tion, in full command of the situation,
beat down amendments which Demo-
cratic leader Barkley (Ky.) con-
tended would have forced renegotia-
Palestine Issue
Brings Sudden
,Arab Upsm
Jewish Ininigration
Fli Draws Protest
CAIRO, May 10-(/P)-Egyptian
police fired at rioting Arabs with
shotguns and wielded clubs today as
violence flared in Cairo during the
one-day Arab general strike called
in all chief cities of the Middle East
to protest American-British recom-
mendations on Palestine.
At least 40 persons were tijured
and more than 200 arrested in an
outbreak at the ancient Azhar Mosque
in the heart of Cairo's bazaar dis-
trict, scene of previous riots.
There were no reports of violence
from other main middle eastern cities,
where the strike paralyzed business.
In Jerusalem the Arab Higher Coin-
mittee dispatched cables to the heads
of the British, Russian and U.S. gov-
ernments declaring that the recom-
mendations of the British-American
inquiry committee would "enable the
Jews of the world to invade our coun-
try under the protection of the armed
forces of Britain and America."
Testing of Vo-2
Rocket Begins
in U.S. Desert
WHITE SANDS, N.M., May 10-(/')
-A remade giant German V-2 rocket
roared to an estimated 75 miles above
the earth today at the start of awe-
some tests by the Army of a type of
missile which promises to be a major
weapon of the atomic age.
American and British officials and
scientists, including the commander
of the forthcoming atom bomb test
in the Pacific, looked on from a safe
distance as the 46-foot, 14-tor} rocket
soared into the ionosphere.
It landed in the New Mexico desert
39 miles from a launching platform
in the Army Ordinance Department's
White Sands Proving Ground, blast-
ing a huge crater in the sand.
The altitude reached compared
with a height of 0 to 60 miles attained
by V-2s launched by the Nazis
against London and Antwerp in war-

tion of the agreement with resultant
As approved by the Senate, the loan
bill authorized the Treasury to ad-
vance up to $3,750,000,000 to the
British during the next five years.
They would pay no interest during
that time, but would begin paying
two per cent in 1951.
Can Waive Interest
The British could obtain waiver
of interest payments whenever their
exports failed to exceed 60 per cent
those of the period immediately be-
fore the war.
In return, the British promised to
attempt within a year to begin dis-
solving the war-time currency restric-
tions under which countries in the
so-called "sterling bloc" sold goods
to England and received credits they
could spend only for British goods and
(In London, Prime Minister Attlee's
personal secretary said Friday night
the Prime Minister was "highly grat-
ified" by the United States Senate's
approval of the British loan.
Taft Critical
Senator Taft (Rep. O.) told his
colleagues that $2,200,000,000 would
be needed by Britain to meet her im-
mediate financial obligations and
$1,300,000,000 to bring British troops
back home from all over the world.
An opponent of the loan, Taft said
that would leave little for long-range
financial help.
On the final test, 17 Republicans
joined 29 Democrats in supporting
the loan proposal. Registered against
it were 18 Republicans, 15 Democrats
and one Progressive.
Crowni Prince
Umberto Gets
Italian Throne
ROME, May 10-(/P)-The Italian
cabinet approved today the assump-
tion of the throne by Crown Prince
Umberto, but stipulated that he could
rule only with limited powers until
June 2, when the Italians will de-
cide whether they want a monarchy
or a republic.
The cabinet decided at an extra-
ordinary session that Umberto could
approve decrees up until the refer-
endum date with the signature "Um-
berto II, King of Italy," but ordered
eliminated the traditional following
phrase, "By the grace of God and the
will of the people."
Recognition of Umberto was de-
cided upon over the objection of
Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti,
who declared the abdication of King
Vittorio Emanuele was a violation of
the truce on the monarchy and would
not be accepted by the people.
Earlier the Communists had in-
cated they would oppose Umberto's
succession to the thone, and the
Socialist press jeeringly referred to
him as only "the King of May." Head-
lines in the Socialist newspapers said
"Fascist Prince Succeeds Fascist
King For 23 Days."
Dressed in a marshal's uniform and
bareheaded, Umberto appeared eight
times on the balcony of the royal
palace during the day to acknowledge
the acclaim of an estimated 10,000
cheering Romans.


SIXTY-TWO PICKETS ARRESTED BY POLICE RIOT SQUAD -- CI0 pickets who paraded before the
home of an executive of the strikebound Detroit Steel Products Co., herded into a patrol wagon by members
of a special police riot squad who arrested sixty-two of their number in Detroit, Mich.
Fresh Air Camp Offers Helping 28 Navy Fliecrs
Hand to Neediy MaladjustedBoys Dead in Florida
By ANITA 1RANZ .ict of members of Lane Hall (then PhuI( ) t
Editor's Note: This is the first in a the Student Christian Association,
series of three articles on the liniver- an affiliate of the Y.M.C.A.) the ,-"
sity's Fresh Air Camp. On Tuesday ; operation of the camp was taken over
tag day will be held for the purpose of by a self-appointed, self-perpetuat- Iatiiinig ' lVo atlvtiver's
collecting funds to help support, the ing committee under the ownership
camp. of the Virginia R. Ives Foundation, MUNSON, Fla., May 10 ( /
From a day in 1920 that a group of Vacation Spot Twenty-eight airmen were killed to-
Michigan students took four tents and day when two big four-engined Navy
some fishing tackle out to the woods Under the aegis of this committee. planes crashed in flames in a remote
to show a few "poor" kids a good the camp functioned solely as a vaca- area eight miles north of here.
time, until today, when a highly or_ tion spot for underprivileged children, Officers at the Pciisacola Naval Air
ganized staff directs activities with a and was counseled by student and Station, where the planes were baseT,
remedial and instructive objiective lified volunteers ad y collided in flight driig an
in mind, the Univer.ity's Fresh Air In 1935, by act of the Board of Rte- air maneuver.
Camp has now provided a place of gents, the camup was placed under the .Pollrteen bodies were recovered from
recreation to young childreli economio supervision of the University, thereby the wreckage of one ship and 13
ically or environmentally hiandi. broadening its immediate objectives from the other, an announcement
capped. to include remedial and information said. One other body with an un-
Situated 24 miles northwest of Ann services. opened parachute was found nearby.
Arbor on Patterson Lake, the camp Recognizing the opportunities for Training Mission
during two summer periods of four See STUDENT, Page 4 The planes, identified as P.B-4Y's,
weeks each, is a haven for aproxi- ---------- were engaged in training maneuvers
mately 230 boys betwen the ages of ,7 - Tiand were accompanied by an F6F
eight and fourteen. d OU Hellcat fighter. Word of the cllision
Institute Takes Over was radioed by the accompanying
it 'gIs afighterplane to neahy Whiting
Recently placed under the Univer- Draftu Sa3d11( ul ield
sity's Institute for Humnan Adust- 'iw fig'hter cr'aft landed safely
ment, the camp serves a three-fold Xy
purpose: to remedy the abnormalities Now Urtera i o*teal officers said the names of the
of small boys, who have difficulty in victims would not be announced un-
adjusting to home environment, by WASHINGTON, May 10-(AP)---Ad- til the next of kin had been notified.
offering a vacationland among other ministration hopes of getting an Fighter Dives
youngsters; to supply referral agen-
cies with information and further emergency 45-day draft extension L. C. Cook, dispatcher for the State
guidance in the child's behavior; and through the House as speedily as it Forest Service at Munson, reported
to provide students of sociology and passed the Senate were shattered to- the two bombers, acompanied by the
education with opportunity to make day and the fate of the act expiring pursuit ship, roared overhead in a
immediate application of theoretical day evte t enpern northerly direction about 10:30
classroom work.t W n a e dt r o'clock this morning. The smaller
Orgiaini2ntysag.a po craft was diving and wheeling about
Originating 26 years ago as a pro- The Military Committee quickly the bombers, apparently in practice,
approved the resolution and leaders he said.
called it up in the House under pro- A few minutes later, Cook reported,
Co o efe Mates cedure requiring unanimous consent he spoted a column of smoke and sent
I for its consideration. An objection a ranger to investigate. Five miles to
SGet Opporwrt * y by Rep. Sheridan (Dem., Pa.) of the the north the ranger came upon the
Military Committe, however, forced burning wreckage of the big ships,
a postponement until Monday. The with the bodies of the victims inside,
House unanimously agreed to debate the dispatche' said,
( it two hours then and vote, ---- ---
Opportunity for college men to be- The resolution as passed by the Mother's Da Proclaimed
come "sea-going cowboys" this sum- Senate in five minutes yesterday
ner is being offered by UNRRA. would continue the draft from May LANSING, May 10--(/P)-May 12
UNRRA is now making regular 15 to July 1 as it now operates. With was today proclaimed "Mother's Day
shipments of livestock to Greece, Al- the delay in House action, however, in Michigan" by Gov. Kelly, who urg-
:ania, Yugoslavia, Poland and Czech- several representatives indicated they ed that honor be paid "to our mothers
>slovakia. would offer amendments to prevent who have done so much to preserve
T the drafting of 18 and 19-year-olds, our nation."
Tohandleand cae for horssandi- - -

Mine Owners
Accept Lewis
'Truce' Offer
Truman Asks for New
Contract by Next Week
By Trhe Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 10-The 40-
day soft coal strike was temporarily
halted tonight as operators accepted
John L. Lewis' proposal for a two
weeks' truce.
The White House announced that
both sides to the conflict crippling
the American economy had agreed
to the principle of a health and wel-
fare fund, but they were still far from
accord on the details of a new con-
tract. President Truman told them
to reach one and bring it to him by
next Wednesday.
Anticipates Congress
One jump ahead of expected action
by a Congress alarmed over the in-
dustrial crisis, Lewis ordered his
400,000 bituminous miners to dig coal
until May 25 if the operators would
agree to make any pay increase
ietroactive to today.
The "captive" mines-which are
owned by the steel companies and
the output of which goes into steel
production-quickly agreed.
The spokesmen for the other ope-
rators went into a huddle and an-
nounced that they accepted also,
adding that they had received govern-
ment assurance of price rises cor-
responding to the increased costs:
Work Tomorrow
Plans call for crews to enter the
mines tomorrow to prepare them for
production, which is scheduled to get
under way Monday.
Summoned to the White House for
a 4 p.m. conference, Lewis and
Charles O'Neill, operator' spokes-
man told reporters afterward that
the President had called upon them
to reach a contract in four or five
The n Charles G. Ross, Presidential
Secretary, informed the newsmen
that Lewis and O'Neill had agreed, in
the presence of the chief executive,
to the principle of a welfare fund.
They agreed also, Ross added, "as
to the necessity for safety provisions
in mining,"
Fund Stressed
Lewis has stressed his demand for
a health and welfare fund. Operators
have said that he wants a union-
controlled fund financed by a royalty
on each ton of coal.
Today's reported agreement on it
was only in principle. Ross said Lewis
aind O'Neil differed as to how the
money should be raised and how it
should be administered.
Senate To Push
Despite Truc e'
WASHINGTON, May 10-(p) -
The Senate voted overwhelmingly to
act on labor legislation today despite
John L. Lewis' "truce" offer.
As soon as the British loan passed
in midafternoon, Democratic Lea-
der Barkley (Ky.) moved to take up
the labor measure and the Senate
approved on a roll call vote of 66 to
The negative votes were cast by
Senator Aiken (Rep., Ver.) and eight
Democrats-Senators Magnuson

(Wash.), McCarran (Nev.), Mead
(N.Y.), Mitchell (Wash.), Pepper
(Fla.), Taylor (Idaho), Tunnell
(Del.) and Wagner (N.Y.).
The bill technically before the
Senate is one approved by its labor
committee as a substitute for the far-
reaching bill by Rep. Case (Rep.,
S.D.) which the House has passed.
It would merely strengthen the Fed-
eral Concilation Service and ban un-
ion interference with farmers dehiv-
ering their produce to market.
Senator Eastland (Dem., Miss.),
who had forced the leadership to
bring up the labor legislation after
the British loan, told reporters the
truce offer in the coal strike merely
gives the Amercian people a tem-
porary reprieve from death."
"The fight must go on to curb
John L. Lewis and his kind," he add-
ed. "Congress shouldn't leave the
power in the hands of any one man
to destroy the nation."
Citizens Cooperate
In Local Brownont

German Civilians Completely
Demoralized, Newcomb Says

"The German civilian is complete-
ly demoralized," Prof. Theodore M.
Newcomb of the sociology department
declared at an Inter-Cooperative
Council meeting at Michigan House
The utter confusion as to how
"they managed to get saddled with
Hitler- was one of the chief conclu-
sions found in a survey for the War'
Department that Prof. Newcomb
helped to direct lastyear to determine
the influence of Allied bombing upon
German morale, and the problems
that have consequently arisen.

largely obeyed Nazi commands upon
which reason they further contest
their innocence. Although the Nazi
movement consisted of only a thinly
connected network of workers and
Catholics, who realized the power of
the Nazi threat against the Church,
it is credited with the July "Putsch"
when Hitler was injured to the ex-
tent that he was incapable of working
for months.
The survey indicated that almost
half the people were "fed up with the
Nazis" for prolonging the war as
early as September, 1941, when Ger-
mans predicted that American inter-

cattle being shipped, livestock at-
tendants are needed on each ship
in the proportion of one attendant
to every 30 animals.
By summer, more than 30 UNRRA
ships will be sailing. 900 attendants
are needed. Long-range goal is to
deliver more than 200,000 aninals
to the Continent before the end of
the .year'.
Application for and inquiries con-
cerning jobs should be sent to Mr.
Benjamin G. Bushong, Brethern Re-
lief Center, New Windsor. Md.
Applicants should be prepared to
provide social security number, birth
certificate, and, if between 16 and
18 years of age, an affidavit of par-
ents' consent is required,
Applicants between 18 and 26 years
of age must have releases from a
draft board. Certification of physical
examination together with seaman's
papers must be secured before leav=
ing the country.
Ti, 1et (Pi Mec,,
Ten. New aitb cs

Dr. Frank W. Fetter, chief of the
Division of Investment and Economic
Development of the Department of
State, will speak on the subject "In-
ternational Economic Relations" at
2:30 p.m. today in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
His speech will be presented before
the general session of the Sixteenth
Annual Alumni Conference of the
School of Business Administration,
and will be followed by a discussion
of "Industrial Relations" by Prof.
Sumner H.Sichter, of Harvard Uni-
Dr. Fetter was a member of the
American Commission of Financial
Advisers to the governments of Chile,
Poland, Ecuador, Bolivia and China
from 1925 to 1929, and later associate
professor of economics at Haverford

Dr. Frank Fetter To Discuss
Foreign Economic Relations

* *

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