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May 10, 1946 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-10

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FRIDAY, ^MAY ", 194

SDSe1t Se1001
Ope(i ingrs Few,
Buntinig Says
Ado i sions Policy
Ositihied b Ihitit
The chaices for entering the
School of Dentistry are becoming
more re.tricted as the demand for
dentists increases, a paradloxical sit-
uation which will continue for the
next ten years at least, Dr. Russell
W. Bunting, dean cf the School cf
Dentistry, said yesterday, in the sec-
and of four talks by the deans of
four of the University's profession:tl
'We have 450 complete applieations'
for admission next fall, for which
there are only 15 available openhif:";,"
Dr. Bunlting ,.aid, adding that Li
mission quota for 1917 is already
half-filled. He pointed out that the
Dental School is now interested
only in applicant,; of the highest
scholastic record, at ast an 3ver-all
C average being rejuired.
The minimum edicational require-
ments for entrance into the School
of Dentistry are two years or 60 hours
of pre-medical training in an accred-
ited liberal arts ollege, including one
year each of English, physics and
biology, and one and one-half years
of chemistry, inchiding ortg : ai c
"Preference will be given to Michi-
gan veterans who have the highest
schola;tic average for the longest
period," Dean Bunting said. He ad-
vised that the prospective student
acquire a bachelcr of arts or science
degree before making application to
the Dental School. "I usually advise
veterans to continue work in the
literature college for at least another
semester," he c oniiented, "because
I am more impressed by grades
earned after war experience than
those earned before the war. I find,
that in the majority of cases they
improve considerably."
Professional Ability
Tests To Be Given
Student interested in entering one
of the professional schools of the Uni-
versity will have an opportunity to
take aptitude tests to be given next
week by the Bureau of Psychological
A geneiil session will take place
from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, May
15. The following three sessions will!
be devoted to tests in the particular
fields of medicine and dentistry, law
and engineering.

Mecitsky iA (I(nfS ; i;ed
Prornt, n Iit umait Relations


A basic program in human rela-
tions as part of a required general
curriculum was advocated yesterday
ty Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of
the School of Education.
Pointing out that "everyone is
r' q uired to take English because
of its universal importance in com-
mtmnication," Prof. McClusky em-
ihasized that "our relations with
other people are just as important."
"If we had more effective insight
into our relations with other people,
we could ease many of the tensions I
in the home and community, and
the general stress and strain of mod-
ern living," he said.
Among the indications of the need
for ( ducation in human relations are
the increasing amount of family dis-
fie (4Iiudustryl
Uh'e y Cratcr
E pansion of small - dimension
hardwood manufacturing is needed
in Michigan, Prof. Robert Craig of
the tchool of Forestry and Conserva-
tion said in an interview yesterday.
Pli of. Craig, who has been work-
ibg '.ih ithe Michigan Planning Com
mi:; iOu ii ) th is field, stressed the
im ltprtancc of developing such an
industry here to make economical use
of uie state's supply of good h ard-
Atout 70 per cent of this hardwood,
he indicated, is now shipped out of
Michigan, to be used in manufactur-
ing small parts of hardwood products,
such as chair legs and table tops,
in other areas. The Commission's
study includes an attempt to induce
manufacturers in the state to make
small dimension products here and
avoid waste of wood and transporta-
tion, he said.
Another study being conducted is
that of defiberization of wood, by
which types of wood which cannot be
used for lumber are mechanically
reduced to fiber. This is utilized in
the manufacture of fiberboard, pre-
pared roofing, fibercrete and pulp
paper. Important items in our econ-
omy since they greatly reduce waste,
they also must be produced close
to the source, Prof. Craig said.
More1Elected President
Of Music Honor Society
Prof. Earl V. Moore, Director of the
School of Music, was elected national
president of Pi Kappa Lambda, na-
tional music honor society, at a con-1
vention held recently in Chicago.

integration as shown by the rising
divorce rate, the present industrial
difficulties, majority - minority dis-
contents, and the increased isolation
of individual from the community.
A formidable amount of industrial
strife, Prof. McClusky said, is due to
faulty human relations. A large part
of the personal inadequacy, he added,
is also due to poor social relations.
Prof. McClusky recommends that
universities and colleges initiate in-
tegrated programs of education in
human relations, with an inter-
divisional committee as coordinat-
ing body, specialized courses under
the various departments, and a
basic course in the general curricu-
lum to present the broad concepts.
First emphasis in any such pro-
gram should be placed upon the home
and family life, a much neglected
fild of instruction, Prof. McClusky
feels. "The most significant and in-
fluential adjustments in personal de-
velopment occur within the family,
and this field is perhaps the key to
the whole question", he said.
The courses would also cover in-
ter-personal relations in the family,
majority-minority groups, occupat-
ional groups, the school and com-
munity life.
The same things should be pre-
sented, in simpler form, in the
high schools, Prof. MeClusky said.
There would also be a large de-
mand for such instruction in the
field of adult education. Short
courses and institutes could be giv-
en, together with informal pro-
grams like the present campus mar-
riage lecture series, a special serv-
ice by the library, and encourage-
ment of discussions in the dormi-
tories, sororities, fraternities and
church groups.
There is some work being done in
this field already, Prof. McClusky
pointed out. Before the war about
60 schools and colleges had initiated
programs of instruction in home
and family living. On this campus
elements of such a program are al-
ready under way in such units as the
Institute of Human Adjustment, the
Bureau of Industrial Relations, the
Extension Service, and in certain de-
partments of the Literary College,
School of Education and the School
of Medicine.
y \
Wedding -
7 iELve
717 North University Ave. .,
_-o <--o<--yo --yo<--yo<=--- )

N O H A N D I C A P- Lt. D. S. Lyons (left),USN, Ander-
sonburg, Pa., shows his artificial leg to an unidentified officer after
convincing his superiors he still could fly a Navy plane. Ile lost
his leg at Pearl Harbor.

B A T T L E F I E L D S H R I N E-The crucifix of a wayside
shrine stands beside the St. Lo-Carentan road in Normandy,
surrounded by a pile of rusting steel landing strip mats.'

I It

W I N N E R - Miss Dawn
Haugan, Michigan State College
freshman, holds Vandy, Vander-
bilt University entry, which won
a turtle derby at the University
of Detroit,

T U L I P T I M E I N N . Y. - Tulips bloom on lower Park Avenue in New York. They
were presented to the city by C. R. C. Van Swinderin, acting consul general of the Netherlands.

ar and Warmo

Go on a

Al day 'til 6 P.M.

for Two
60c an Hour

r'"r i,~

50c an Hour
25c an Hour

S U R P L U S S T E E L--Shell forgings are piled for resmelt-
ing to provide much-needed steel for auto production at the
Dearborn, Mich., Ford plant. The casings were bought from a
manufacturer whose war contract was cancelled.

B I C B E E S W A R M--Joe LaBoone (above), Los Angeles,
Calif., beekeeper, estimated this big swarm on a lemon tree near
Whittier, Calif., at 600,000 bees, the largest one he ever saw. They
filled six hives when he senarated them.

ALSO Weekly and Monthly Rates.
Open Evenings and Sundays

cqMpI I






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