UNDEIGROUNi) PARKING OTS Lw& ati4 COOLER WI 11'l VOL. LVI, No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS CP-MA Chief urges Seizure of Coal Mines Davis Chosen Congress President Organization Plans Made For Meetings seveni Members Of: Cabdinet (411 osen Ray Davis, a veteran. who served for two years on the Student Senate, was elected chief executive of the new Congress-Cabinet student gov- erunent last night in the first meet- ing of Student Congress. Davis defeated Robert Taylor for the office of president by an 11-7 vote as the 18 newly elected Student Congressmen set about organizing the first campus government since the war-time demise of the Student Senate in 143. 'Taylor Vice-President As President, Davis will preside over both the Congress and the sev- en-member executive Cabinet also elected last night. Cabinet members are Taylor, vice-president; Virginia Students interested in forming a general committee to do work on student government are asked to call Congresswoman Judy Chayes at 2-3119. Councell, ,recording secretary; Sey- mour Chase, corresponding secretary; Terry Whitsitt, treasurer; and gen- eral members, Harry Jackson and Steve Scourles. The first Cabinet meeting is sched- uled for next Tuesday evening in the Union. Agenda Rules Adopted Congress immediately attacked the problem of organization by taking ac- tion on half-a-dozen measures. Un- der the guidance of President Davis, they adopted rules for an agenda in future meetings,. appointment of committees, and voted Judy Chayes temporary chairman of the General Committee to recruit student assis- tance in the functioning of the gov- ernment. Although the Congress is scheduled to meet only once monthly under the Congress-Cabinet constitution, mem- bers agreed last night to convene each Wednesday except the week of Memorial Day until the end of the semester. Disqualified in Election Probe The disqualification of Richard Cortright and the election of Henry Kaminski to the Student Congress were announced yesterday by the Men's Judiciary Council following a series of special meetings held to in- vestigate illegalities in tlie recent Congress elections. Previously th e J ud icia ry Council had declared invalid a number of votes cast for Arthur DerDerian. Af- ter receiving a complaint that ballot boxes had been stuffed for DerDer- ian, the election commission checked his votes when the boxes were opened. The stuffed ballots were discovered and invalidated by Fred Matthaei, election supervisor for the Council, and Dr. Clark Norton of the political science department, election advisor. Cortright was disqualified when it was shown that hie had gone through the East Quadrangle collecting iden- tification cards and voting with them. The case was first brought to the attention of the Judiciary Council through a Letter To The Editor which appeared in The Daily May 3. Robert Taylor, vice-president of the Congress, said last night that he would present an appeal from Cort- right at the first meeting of the Cab- inet. The Judiciary Council declared Kaminski elected because he was the last candidate to be eliminated in the election. C' Rule Applied To Foresters Robert White Given Russell Serviee Prize (lemical Research Work Is Recognized Prof. Robert R. White of the chem- ical engineering department was pre- sented with the 21st annual Henry Russell Award yesterday for "con- spicuous service" to the University. .The award, which carries a cash stipend, is presented annually to the faculty member with rank of assis- tant professor or instructor who has done outstanding work in his field and whose promise for future accom- plishments seem most meritorious. Came Here in 1942 Prof. White came to the Univer- sity in 1942, after having served as a chemical engineer for several firms. His field of investigation has been that of the equilibrium relations of hydrocarbons at high pressure and reaction rates in the process of chem- ical industry, including the kinetics of catalytic reactions. University Provost James P. Adams announced the award prior to the Russell Lecture, which was delivered by Prof. Elizabeth C. Crosby on "The Neuroanatomical Patterns Involved in Certain Eye Movements." Crosby Delivers Lecture Prof. Crosby, the first woman to be awarded the lectureship since its establishment in 1925, discused the brain areas involved in reflex turning of the eyes and automatic eye move- ments made in response to sudden sounds or moving objects. Before beginning the formal part of her lecture, Dr. Crosby explained the general program of research on the nervous system which is being carried out in the Department of Anatomy. First Post-War Vocal Festival Will Be Held The first post-war festival of the Michigan School Vocal Association will be held in Ann Arbor today and tomorrow. Students from 54 high schools throughout Michigan will participate in the festival which gives students an opportunity to hear groups from various parts of the state and to have their work evaluated by critics. The program today will include 30 vocal and piano ensemble groups in the morning and 90 vocal and piano soloists who will perform in the after- noon session. Tomorrow will be given over en- tirely to choral groups. Thirty-nine high schools will be represented. Massed choirs including 2,400 voices will present a program which will be open to the public at 4 p.m. tomor- row in Hill Auditorium. IRA, MYNA Conduct Rally Resolution Will Urge Fair Trial for Negroes A committee to draw up a resolu- tion urging justice and a fair trial for 31 Negroes awaiting trial in Col- umbia, Tenn., was appointed at an all-campus rally, sponsored by IRA and MYDA, held yesterday in the Union.' The resolution will be sent to President Harry Truman, Attorney General Tom Clark, the Governor of Tennessee and the Student Con- gress, as well as to the NAACP. Ac- companying the resolution which will be sent to the latter will be over $130 Which was collected at the rally to aid in securing a well-known and competent attorney to defend the people awaiting trial. In the absence of Jimmie Stephen- son, 19-year-old victim in the case, who was scheduled to speak at the rally but at the last moment was un- able to attend, Max Dean presented APPLAUSE FOR LEWIS - John L. Lewis (left), President of the Uni- ted Mine Workers, receives applause from an unidentified man (right) as he arrives for the UMW Policy Committee Meeting at Washington, D.C. The committee voted to stand by Lewis' original demands in the soft coal work stoppage. Senate Agrees To Vote Today On Final British Loan Measure WASHINGTON, May 9--(P)-The Senate agreed tonight after a stormy debate to vote at 3 p.m. tomorrow on final passage of the $3,750,000,000 British loan bill. The unanimous agreement came after Democratic leader Barkley (Ky.) previously had failed to obtain such a pact and had urged senators to remain in session in an attempt to pass the measure tonight. Senator Morse (Rep., Ore.), who blocked the first attempts, later withdrew his objection and the hour was fixed. With the administration in com- plete control, the Senate voted down one opposition amendment to the loan bill after another until it ran into a snag at 6 p.m. Senator Langer (Rep., N.D.) took the floor then and held it for nearly four hours. When he had subsided, Barkley tried to get an agreement for the vote tomorrow. Morse objected at that time, but later withdrew his protest after Bark- ley indicated the Senate might spend the rest of the night on the bill. Byrnes, Molotov 1K T Battle Verbally Conference June 15 PARIS, May 9-UP )-James F. Byrnes, U.S. Secretary of State, andI Russia's foreign minister, V. M. Molo- tov, battled verbally for two hoursl today on an American proposal to call a 21-nation peace conference June 15. Without agreement, the foreign ministers conference finally adjourned until tomorrow. Against vigorous American opposi- tion, Molotov sought to require a four- power accord on all treaties as a pre- liminary to opening a peace confer- ence, Amercan sources said. Molotov presented the Russian position in the form of an amend- ment to Byrnes' original plan. The Russian proposed that the ministers of the United States, Britain, Russia and France meet again June 5 and! pass treaty drafts on to the full 21- nation conference "when they have agreed on the treaty drafts." The American Secretary of State countered with a proposal to amend the Russian amendment, inserting the words, "as far as possible," after the word "agreed." At this point Molotov, British sources said, accused the United Before the Senate quit at 10:45 p.m. Barkley promised Senator Knowland (Rep., Calif.) that when the loan bill is disposed of the Senate will take up immediately labor control legisla- tion now pending on the calendar. When Morse and Senator Rever- comb (Rep., W. Va.) said they want the Senate to meet Saturday in order to speed consideration of such a mea- sure, Barkley told them lie would know by noon tomorrow whether such a course is practical. Bs Ad Alumni To Meet Here More than 400 alumni are expected to attend the all-day meeting of the Sixteenth Annual Alumni Conference of the School of Business Administra- tion to be held here tomorrow. Round tables on accounting, bank- ing and finance, industrial relations and marketing will highlight the morning session and will be led by members of the faculty and represen- tatives of business. At the general session, to be held from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall, Frank W. Fetter, chief of the Division of Investment and Ec~onmic Dev elopmecnt of the Department of State will speak on "International Economic Relations" and Prof. Sumner H. Slichter of the Graduate School of Business Admin- istration of Harvard University will speak on "Industrial Relations." A coffee hour and banquet for the alumni will follow, at which a review of developments in the school will be presented and future plans and prospec'ts will be discussed. The afternoon session of the con- ference is open to the public, and has been moved from Rackham Amphi- theatre to Rackham Lecture Hall to accommodate an additional number of people who will wish to hear the nationally-known speakers. 20 Resideiwes Approve Plan To Save Food Famin(e Committee Plan Supported Members of 20 campus residences have pledged to carry out the Famine Committee's food conservation pro- gram, it was announced yesterday to a meeting of representatives of more than 60 houses. Although a few houses adopted the program with modifications, the ma- jority of houses have accepted the program in full. "We're glad to see that students are showing interest and willingness to cooperate in this vital program to send food abroad," Bruce Cooke, chairman of the com- mittee said Most Support from Women Most support so far has come from women's houses. The Inter-Fra- ternity Council voted to support the committee's waste elimination pro- gram Thursday. Action on the rest of the proposals by individual fra- ternities is expected to be announced within a few days. Mary E. Friedkin reported at the meeting that the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs has approved Michigan Christian Fellowship's request for permission to conduct a fund collec- tion campaign on campus in order to help send food abroad. According to present plans, the drive will be held as a tag-day May 21. Weekly collections will also be made in all student residences. MCF To Conduct Drive Funds collected in the drive will be turned over to a national relief organization. The campaign will be conducted by MCF in cooperation with the Famine Committee. Although students living at East and West Quadrangles have not signed pledges of support to the pro- gram, representatives of their inter- house councils reported that they have adopted the waste elimination part of the program. They are also arranging to cut down on servings of bread. Questions concerning the effective- ness of the Famine Committee's con- servation program were explained to the delegates, who will report them to their houses. Builders Denied Government Aid Contractors To Seek Materials Themselves Ann Arbor's contractors can re- ceive no extra Government aid under present regulations in procuring ma- terials for the city's complicated housing program, District Manager John D. McGillis, of the OPA told a meeting of the Veterans and Citizens Housing Committee yesterday. McGillis said that he did not be- lieve the University program would affect the amount of building mater- ial available in the city. Although the University building has sapped the available supply of construction workers, USES manager Lawrence Hamburg has said that workers can always be brought in from other sections of the country. City contractors must go into the open market for materials on an equal basis with contractors from other cities, McGillis said. Gas FirmsOrdered To Ration Supplies ruman Considers ii tan t Action To End Strike Idling Million Workers WASHINGTON, May 9--")--Civilian Production chief John D. Small called tonight for government seizure of the coal mines, reporting that 1,- 000,000 persons have been thrown out of work and that the wheels of Ameri- can industry will shortly "grind to a rude stop." Simultaneously a far-reaching system of rationing manufactured gas was ordered by the Civilian Production Administration. It decreed that com- panies selling manufactured or mixed gas shall begin rationing supplies to consumers when their coal stocks fall below a three-week supply. "Militant" action by President Truman was reported in the offing if other means fail to bring quick race. " *" Earlier in the day, Mr. Truman told a news conference that the crisis was approaching the status of a strike against the government. le said he was considering, among other things, calling John L. Lew- is and the operators to a White House conference. The first official indication of the administration's attitude on the coal dispute came at Mr. Truman's news conference when the President was asked to comment on Lewis' demand for a health and welfare fund to be financed by the operators. The Chief Executive expressed opinion that pay- ments by employers to unions are barred by the Wagner Labor Rela- tions Act. Asked whether he would seize the mines, Mr. Truman said he would cross that bridge when he came to it. InetherSenate, Democratic leader Barkley reminded that the Presi- dent's wartime authority for such seizure is tied to the draft act and will expire May 15 unless the draft is continued. As a stopgap, the Sen- ate promptly voted an extension until July 1 but this action now requires concurrence by the House, which has passed a different draft bill. The Post Office Department dur- ing the day banned parcel post shipments weighing more than 11 pounds. The action was taken in connection with the freight em- bargo. The Office of Defense Transporta- tion ordered rail freight shipments limited to food, fuel and other es- sentials, and a 25 per cent cut in passenger service. A similar order was held over the heads of the motor carriers. Mr. Truman said he would seize the railroads if that becomes neces- sary. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers - two major operating unions - have scheduled a walkout May 18. The day's one cheerful note in the chorus of gloomy labor reports was settlement of the 115 day old strike of '75,000 WestinghouseElec- tric Corp. Production Workers. The strike, longest major dispute in the postwar period, was settled on the basis of an 18 cents hourly wage increase. Veteran Hield in Jail for Assault Len Rodd, 29-year-old veteran who forcibly resisted ouster from his Wil- low Village residence, was being held in County Jail today on charges of felonious assault after examination before Judge Jay Paine. Rodd had attempted to enroll in the University, but was refused be- cause of inadequate credits. After protesting when told earlier in the week that he and his wife could no longer remain in the Village, which is reserved for University students, Rodd returned home late Wednesday, produced a gun and fired several harmless shots at onlookers before being taken into custody. His trial will be held May 15. Bail has been set at $2,500. Mayor (;wives Instruct ions for Cty Brown-out Use of Lights, Signs [s Further Curtailed Ann Arbor will be considerably darker today, and for the remainder of the brownout, In a letter to the Detroit Edison Co. yesterday, signed by Mayor W. E. Brown, Jr., and City Clerk Fred C. Perry, the city asked that every' other one of Ann Arbor's ornamental street lights be immediately turned off to conserve electricity. Robert R. Brown, district manager of the Edi- son Co. said that a majority of the lights were turned of f late yester- day, and that the remainder would "certainly be out" by today. Police Remind Offenders City police were instructed yester- day to politely remind offenders of, the voluntary brownout that electric and gas advertising signs have been forbidden, and that excess daytime lighting should be turned of f. In response to a telegram from Capt. Donald S. Leonard, State Direc- tor of Civilian Defense, Mayor Brown conducted a canvass of city coal dealers yesterday which revealed that only one city dealer has a "fair sup- ply." Other dealers had as' little as 15 tons of soft coal as their total present supply. Results of the survey will be sent to Leonard in Lansing. University Cooperating On campus, Plant Superintendent Walter M. Roth reported on power the University is saving in compli- ance with the city brownout. Wher- ever possible, Roth said, the heavy motors operating ventilating fans have been shut off, saving more power than would be covered by completely blacking out campus lights. Windows can provide ventila- tion at this time of year, he said. An hour and a half a day is' being saved in campus street lights which will be turned on half an hour later in the evening and go of f one hour earlier in the morning. The flood- lights on the Burton Memorial Tower have been shut off, and the motor i'unning the Cooley Memorial foun- tain has been disconnected also, Roth said. Paloestinea Best Refuge --S losson Palestine is the best emergency refuge for eastern Europe's homeless Jews, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department asserted last night in a talk sponsored by the All-Nations Club. "I do not wish to say that Palestine is the only possibility," he added. "In the first place, it is physically capable of taking care of only the worst cases. But other possible refuge areas are much farther away and cannot be opened to immigration without their consent." Listing the United States among countries which might some day ac- comodate Jewish refugees, Prof. Slos- son advocated a. "much more gen- erous immigration policy" for this country. "But I'm not willing," he stated, "to let hundreds of thousands of innocent people starve while we 'wait several years for Congress to get into action.'' Extra Performance Of Play Scheduled OPPORTUNITY FOR ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS: Brown Asks Plans for City Civic Center Presenting to students and citizens an opportunity to be of permanent service to Ann Arbor while estab- lishing a national reputation as an architect, Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., yesterday asked for ideas and drawings to be used in planning the City Civic Center. priate certificates expressing the ap- preciation of the city, and a plaque in the Center giving permanent re- cognition will be presented, the mayori said. Seventy-five citizens, businessmen's and social groups in Ann Arbor have endorsed the Civic Center which, the Main St., Ann St., Huron St., and North Divisian St. It will incorporate a county courthouse (planned inde- pendently by the county); a city hall to house fire and police departments and the municipal court as well as every other branch of city govern- ment requiring office space; a civic