BARNABY See Page 4 Y 41, 410 dAL us-Ijamp 411 IqLmwllw t ANN I t t 1%6vw "qm"OO ~A6tA FAIR AND COOLER . ...... . .............. ... . ......... . .. . ..... VOL. LVI, No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAAN, 'IlIitSAr1j~ ,l4 PRICE FIVE CENTS ......_ _ PRICE FIVE CENTS i 1 i i i 1 I 1 1 i I i i I 1 c i f Grain Ceiling Prices Jumped in Attempt To Solve Food Problem Sir John Orr Calls for Five-Year Plan For Alleviation of International Famine By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 8 - The government announced jumps in the ceiling prices of wheat, corn and other grain and livestock feeds tonight in a new effort to remedy the food situation at home and abroad. The increases of. 25 cents a bushel for corn, 15 cents for wheat, five cents for oats, nine cents for barley, and 10 cents for rye, will become ef- fective May 13. One purpose is to get grain for famine areas. The action was announced in a joint statement by the Office of Eco- nomic Stabilization, the Agriculture Department and the Office of Price Administration at the close of a day that saw these other developments bearing on the world food picture: ---------------_ - 1. The White House announced that Herbert Morrison, Lord President of Byrnes Asks the Council in the British cabinet, is coming here this weekend to take up Cowith President Truman new propos- als for meeting the hunger crisis abroad. The grain price increases P arlewere announced after diplomatic in- formants had said he might urge against such tactics. Would Defer Problem 2. Sir John Orr, director general of the United Nations Food and Ag- Until June Conference riculture Organiation, called for an PARTIS, M ay 8--(U)-U.S. Secretaryinternational four or five-year plan of State James F. Byrnes proposedf hp g a abruptly tonight that the Conference ,. 3. President Truman and the Brit- of Foreign Ministers recognize its ish and Canadian Prime Ministers failure to agree on terms for Europe's announced that the combined food peace treaties and refer their differ- board will be continued until next ences to a 21-nation Peace confer- Dec. 31 and longer if necessary, in once Jne 15view of the critical food situation. The Ministers' conference appeared It had been thought the board might to be breaking up in discord between wind up its work by June 30. the Soviet Union and the western The grain and feed price hikes powers, and a member of the Ameri- were aimed to remove uncertainty can delegation said that while it concerning price ceilings between probably would last into next week, now and June 30, 1947, and encour- there seemed little hope of resolving age movement of grain for foreign the major differences. and home use. Russia Disapproves The government will end payment Byrnes' proposal won prompt sup- of a 30-cent per bushel bonus on port from both Foreign Secretary corn, offered to get the grain off Ernest Bevin of Britain and Foreign farms for famine relief purposes, af- Minister Georges Bidault of France. ter next Saturday. The 30-cent wheat But Soviet Foreign Minister Vyache- bonus for the same purpose will con- slav M. Molotov demurred. tinue until May 25, as oiginally sche- "At Moscow," Byrnes was quoted by duled. Both the bonus and the 15- an American source as saying, "there cent increase for wheat will apply was a promise to the world that we during the May 13-25 period. will have a peace conference. We Diplomats said Morrison would be must carry out that promise, That deeply concerned in his White House will betheybest celebration the world talks with preventing the world food can have on V-E Day." crisis from playing into the hands of No Rubber Stamp Communists in Europe -- particu American sources said Byrnes cited larly in France, Italy and Germany, as the American position a pledge _ _ at the Moscow Conference last De- emnber by the Big Three to the IFU S w sorts French-that the European Peace [ Conference would be no "rubber stamp" but would have the real pur- apaign To pose of advising the major powers. Thus, Byrnes was said to have point- t e ed out, there was no real need for u s the foreign ministers to achieve com- plete accord. Representatives to the Inter-Fra- Molotov was said to have disagreed, ternity Council, the central organi- aserting that the Big Three deci- zation for all fraternities on campus, sion in Moscow required the major voted support to the Famine Com- powers to draw up complete joint mittee's waste elimination campaign drafts of treaties for submission to last night. the 21-nation conference. The council also recommended that Byrnes had put forth the pro- each house take immediate action on posal when the ministers split once the rest of the committee's food con- again-this time on the question of servation program, which also in- Italian reparations. It was understood voves cutting bread from, one meal Molotov was wiring his government each day and observing famine-day for instructions, and that Bidault every Tuesday. Results of this recom- and Bevin were doing likewise. mendation will be turned in to the ---------- Famine Committee at the end of USedsSthe week. c S pltAt a meeting this week, the faculty of the literary college also voted ap- On K orea Issue proval of the program and recom- mended that faculty members and their families follow programs of food Negotiations Collapse conservation. University President Alexander G. Over Rights of People Ruthven has made the following statement about the program: "I SEOUL, May 8-(/P) - American- heartily approve of the students' plan Soviet negotiations for establishment to conserve food in the interests of of a provisional Korean government the starving millions in the whole collapsed tonight over the issue of world. Certainly it is the least we free speech for Koreans. can do to assist in the emergency." The Russian-American commission A meeting of guild and house dele- which had been meeting here for gates to the Famine Committee will seven weeks adjourned without fixing be held at 4:30 p.m. today in Lane a date for resumption of negotiations Hall. ROCKET: Scientists To Watchi V1-2 Test An Army-conducted experiment with a reassembled German V-2 rock- et will be observed by representatives of the University's science faculty tomorrow at White Sands, N.M. prov- ing grounds, it was learned yesterday The Army's announced purpose is to perfect larger and faster projec- tiles of American design, with an eye toward advancement that may mark the end of conventional type artillery. Captured in War The rockets were captured in the final stages of the war, dismantled and sent to the United States where they were reassembled by General Electric Co. with the aid of some German experts who volunteered to come here for that purpose. GI Rocketeers, as the first guided missile battalion of the Anti-Air- craft is known, will launch the thir- teen-ton rocket at a speed of 3,600 miles an hour. It is hoped that the stratospheric giant will soar 100 miles into space, almost double the distance reached by German-hurled missiles. Radar two-way sets, long-range telescopes and decontaminating equipment will trace the massive projectiles during the automatically piloted flight, frorn the test nerve- center, a bomb proof blockhouse with steel enforced concrete walls and a 27-foot cone shaped roof. Panel to Participate Along with the University repre- sentatives, delegates from- Princeton, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins Univer- sities, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the General Electric Co. and the Army Signal Corps will com- prise a nine-man panel to co-ordin- ate all scientific data on the upper stratosphere. The group will be headed by Dr. E. H. Krause of the Naval Research Laboratory. British Loan. Clears Major Senate Hurdle WASHINGTON, May 8-(P)-The British loan proposal barely cleared its first major hurdle in the Senate today and Majority Leader Barkley (D.-Ky.) expressed hope of its pass- age tomorrow to make way for res- cue of the expiring draft law. Supporters of the $3,750,000,000 loan voted down, 45 to 40, an amend- ment that would have required the British to give title to the United States on Atlantic bases now held under 99-year lease. The next test will come tomorrow on a motion by Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D.-Colo.) to switch the legislation over to the House on the ground that it is revenue-raising and should originate there. The draft will expire May 15 under present law. Senator Gurney (R.-S. D.), who has been leading the fight to extend the draft the full year asked by the administration, said he expects the extension to clear Congress before the deadline. But a demand that the Senate act first on labor disputes legislation un- less the coal strike ends tomorrow has been made by Senator Knowland (R.-Calif.) and others. In the House, Rep. Elliott said Congress should stay in "day and night session" until legislation af- fecting the coal strike has been passed. The House Military Committee rec- ommended a bill giving enlisted men the same terminal pay benefits now received by officers, but to drop the payments for both classes in the fu- ture. Congress sent to the White House a bill providing for the return to this country of bodies of the war dead, if relatives desire it. NoProgress i ak By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 8 - A far flung dimout was urged by the gov- ernment tonight, and steps were in preparation for nation-wide rationing of manufactured gas as the coal strike crisis moved rapidly toward per- haps 'the most momentous showdown in the country's peacetime history. The Civilian Production Administration called on electric companies in more than a score of eastern and midwestern states to put into effect a rationing system, starting with a "brownout" and progressing to a blackout of all except the most vital services. CPA prepared another order authorizing the rationing of manufac- tured gas where necessary. Expected Noide Dimout Urged, CPA Takes Ste ps To Ration Gas as Coal Situation A roaches Showdown LEWIS ADDRESSES POLICY COMMITTEE .. . John L. Lewis, presi- dent of the United Mine Workers, stands in front of an American flag as he addresses the union's 250-man policy committee in Washington. A federal conciliator said the committee was considering a government proposal to end the coal strike. UN Couicil Snubbed by Soviet; Act-ion oIran 1issueDlay ed NEW YORI , May U -3'(IP)}Soviet Russia snubbed the United Nations Security Council today on two counts on the Iranian issue and the Coun- cil then postponed (tonideration off the case. Great Britain's delegate, Sir Alex- ander Cadogan, bluntly characterized the absence of Soviet delegate Andrei A. Gromyko from the Council cham- ber as an "evasion of responsibility or obligation." Austr alia's representative, Paul Hasluck, demanded that the Council or some competent United Nations body clarify the entire veto issue and the action to be taken when a member delegate absents himself from the Council deliberations. The 10 sitting delegates adopted a resolution proposed by Edward . Stettinius, Jr., United States dele- gate, calling on Iran to report by May 20, or sooner if possible, on the withdrawal of Red troops from Iran. The Council on April 4 had re- quested both Russia and Iran to make such a report by May 6. The dele- Felicitations, Mr. Presiden WASHINGTON, May 8-(/P)--Pres- ident Truman was 62 today but he didn't do much to celebrate the oc- casion. He did attend a gay bufet lunch- eon in the office of Attorney General Clark where members of the Supreme Court and of his cabinet sid "happy birthday" to him. "Ise Piesident also made a speech opening a National Highw ay Safety Conference, got in some licks on another he will deliver at Fordhamn University in New York City Satur- day, urged all Americans, on the first anniversary of V-E Day to si quickly and fully ol)portunites "to build a just, secure and peaceful Along the way, the President squeezed in a few practice tosses on the horse shoe pitching court outside his office. ates pointed out today that Russia had i .no red the councril on two 1. Delegate Andrei A. Gromyko was absent from the session. 2. No report had been received from Russia on the Iranian case. Goveriunffg Body To Meet Today Conlgress Will Elect Members to Cabinet Student Congress will convene for the first time at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union and elect seven of its members to the Student Cabinet, exe- cutive body of the new campus stu- dent government. Harry Jackson, president of Men's Judiciary Council will call the meet- ing to order and start Congress on its way to electing an executive body and president as provided in the Congress-Cabinet constitution. The meeting will be open to the public. Student Cabinet members to be selected from among the 18 winning congressmen in the all-campus elec- tion will fill the posts of president, vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, and two delegates at large. The president, chief executive un- der the Congress-Cabinet plan, will preside over all future meetings of both the Cabinet and the Congress. The Congress will henceforth meet at least once a month and the Cabi- net once a week under present pro- vision, of the Constitution. to be issued tomorrow, it provides that companies making such gas may, at their discretion, curtail service to con- sumers. Simultaneously, the Association of American Railroads announced that 400,000 men employed in industries served by the railroads have been laid off as a result of the strike. With the paralyzing effects of the fuel shortage spreading rapidly throughout the economic system it became apparent that some sort of "break" would have to come soon. There was yet no change in the stalemated negotiations between John L. Lewis and mine operators. "No progress" was the report on the day's talks. Ask Loan Delay A group of Congress members moved for quick action on strike control legislation. Senator Eastland (D-Miss.) Announced to the Senate that he and others would seek to- morrow to put aside the British loan legislation to take up the Senate version of the Case Bill passed by the House. Eastland described the Senate Labor Committee's version of the bill as "milk and water" but served, notice that an attempt would be made to put "teeth" in it. Majority Leader Barkley (D-Ky.) told reporters hie would resist any at- tempt to take up labor legislation until the British loan and draft ex- tension legislation are out of the way. Situation Critical John D. Small, Civilian Production Administrator, issued the warning about the emergency coal stocks. His statement did not mean that the na- tion would run out of soft coal com- pletely in 12 hours. It referred mere- ly to emergency stocks under con- trol of the government, but Small emphasized that the whole situa- tion is critical. "A complete breakdown in the flow of illuminating gas, electricity and water to a large number of the na- tion's homes" is threatened, he said in a statement. As for food processing plants, Small said they should "use every possible means to restrict consumption of coal and of utility service dependent upon coal." Local Housing Chances Slim Ann Arbor's chances of getting a 600-single-family housing develop- ment seemed slim, yesterday accord- ing to Charles Clark, Ypsilanti repre- sentative of Henry Kaiser's west- coast contracting combine. Clark said he had received no word from the west coast regarding Mayor William E. Brown's letter last month asking the Kaiser company to pro- vide housing for 600 of their 15,000 automobile workers in Ann Arbor. The automobile company has an- nounced that it began hiring work- ers at the rate of 1,000 a month May 1. Clark said that his unit was pre- paring to construct 300 small houses in Willow Run to house them. Even- tually, he said, the Kaiser contracting company expects to construct "a couple of thousand" houses in Wil- low Run. Michigan Tally Of Coal Supply Begins Today Voluntary 'Brownout' Will Be Law June 2 As Michigan began a state-wide inventory of coal supplies yesterday, Robert R. Brown, district manager of the Detroit Edison Co., said that the local "brownout" will remain on a voluntary basis unless enforced by law. Unless the Public Service Commis- sion orders the curtailment of elec- tricity, the "brownout" won't be strictly enforced until the City Coun- cil ordinance goes into effect on June 2, according to Brown. No drastic action will be taken "un- less the power supply gets so low that we will be able to supply only hospi- tals, water works, sewage plants and other public health utilities," he said. Brown indicted that he thought the voluntary curtailment on power use would prove satisfactory "since it worked all right during the war." In Lansing, officials of both the Consumers Power Co. and Detroit Edison Co. told the Public Service Commission that coal supplies on hand will last only through May 21. The Associated Press reports that Governor Harry Kelly has directed Capt. Donald E. Leonard, State Di- rector of the Office of Civilian De- fense, to survey coal piles throughout Michigan. The Governor has ordered the darkening of the Capital dome. Train Runs Reduced To Conserve Coal Discontinuance of three passenger train runs and a sharp curtailment of freight rail service will go into ef- fect at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow as rail- roads running through Ann Arbor begin to conserve coal supplies. Local railroad officials said yester- day that both east and west bound passenger runs will be reduced and freight and railway express ship- ments will be limited to such critical cargos as fuel, food and medical sup- plies. The cancelled west-bound passen- ger trains will be: 8:11 a.m.-No. 33, the Michigan to Chicago. This will be combined with the west-bound at 8:46 a.m. 3:17 p.m.-No. 323 to Chicago. 12:33a.m.-the Motor City to Chi- cago. This will be combined with.the west-bound at 1:23 a.m. Cancelled east-bound trains will be: 4:17 a.m.-No. 364. 7:01 a.m.-the Motor City, to be combined with train No. 316 arriving at 6:11 a.m. 12:28 p.m.-the Michigan. Katter, Rich Win Speech Contest Nafe Katter and Samuel Rich, sophomores from Saginaw and Rock- away Park, New York, were selected as the two best speakers in all speech 31 classes at the final contest yester- day. Choosing a "National Danger to Peace" and the' "Battle is Day by Day" for titles of their speeches, Katter and Rich discussed a cur- rent and dangerous mass hysteria' that could involve the UniteddStates in conflict with Russia, and day by day congressional action that aims, n"A n -m 4 --nn n41 7 . ...l and the Russian delegation packed its bags for departure. A U. S. Army press release blamed the breakdown on Russian refusal to deal with Korean groups and parties opposed to Allied trusteeship over the liberated country and said the Rus- sians demanded what amounted to a political purge of all leaders who had ever voiced "honestly and openly" their preference for immediate inde- pendence. The Russians also refused, the Army announcement said, to consid- er an American proposal for aboli- tion of the 38th parallel boundary, which splits Korea into Russian and American zones and had hampered COMMITTEE WAITS: revival of Senior Swim-Out Depends on Student Demand Price Control Alone Will Not Solve Inflation Problem--Haber Revival of Senior Swing-out, one of the oldest of senior class tradi- tions, is now dependent on student demand. After considering requests for the reinstatement of the commencement custom, the Student Affairs Commit- tee s eeideci a stdeint no inion seniors first appear in their caps and gowns, was for many years the in- auguration of . all senior activities. Ihousands of people each year watch- ed the colorful procession of seniors being led by the marching band across the diagonal to Hill Auditor- Although not in favor of price con- trol as a peace-time mechanism, Prof. William Haber of the economics de- reduction in the expenses of govern- ment. TnOIIirxtoanlof nf