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May 08, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-08

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Religious Side
Of Learningv
Is Discussed
Blakeman Speaks
At Oberlin Meeting
The five attitudes of American
educators toward religion were des-
cribed last night at Oberlin College
by Edward W. Blakeman, University
religious counselor.
Speaking to the Religious Educa-
tion Association of the United States
and Canada, Dr. Blakeman said, "Re-
ligion at the University of Michigan
is treated as a field of scholarship,
but the courses cut through the vari-
ous departments rather than being
seperately organized."
Explains Position
"Religion, as such," he pointed out,
"is as permissable in the curriculum
of state institutions as political sci-
ence. It is the sectarian emphasis in
the one case and partisan bias in the
other which is excluded from the
teaching schedule of state educators."
Dr. Blakeman contrasted the
Michigan Approach which is also
identified with the Universities of
California and Indiana, with four
different attitudes reflected in the
major institutions of other states.
Cultural Aspect
At the Universitiies of Virginia,
Tennessee and Missouri, he stated,
the various faiths carry on religious
education off campus and secure uni-
versity credit for the courses they
Citing the "bold approach" of the
University of Oregon, Iowa State Col-
lege and Armos College, Dr. Blakeman
also described the departments of
religion these schools have set up.
A Fifth Approach
A fifth approach, he said, is com-
plete exclusion of religious themes
from the curriculum. Some univer-
sities adopt this attitude, he asserted,
because of "fear that some citizens
may maintain that all presentations
of religion must of necessity be open
to the charge that it is 'secretarian'.
"By the same token," he said, "pol-
itical science would be excluded as
a means of evading the consideration
of political parties."
Prof. Kennedy
Will Lecture
Dr. Clarence H. Kennedy, professor
of zoology, will speak on "The Evolu-
tion of the Society from the Family"
at 4:30 p.m. and on "The Evolution
of Human Transportation as Shown
by the Evolution of the Automobile"
at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham
The lectures are under the joint
sponsorship of the Graduate Stu-
dent Council and Phi Sigma, honor-
ary biological fraternity.
A reception for Dr. Kennedy will
follow his second lecture. Both ,talks
are open to the public.
U of Houston Opens
Guatemalan Center
In an initial endeavor to establish
an English speaking center for the
study of Latin American social con-
ditions, the University of Houston is
opening its first Summer Center at
Guatemala June 3, and invites all
college students to attend.
The study center in Guatemala
will feature courses in English on
social, economic, and cultural condi-
tions in Guatemala.
Further information may be ob-

tained by writing Doctor Joseph S.
Werlin, director, at the University
of Houston, Houston, Texas.

Garg Will Appear
in Ghostly Gray!!
Sparke dby an arresting cover
ifb oft -shade white, the secondi
Garigoyl~e of thet senster wil
thirust itspuret,.f.sae.upon al, [n-
witting campus tomorrow morn-
"The best Gargoyle yet" is how
the senior board described this is-
sue. Comments from the junior
board indicated that that was not
such a difficult feat.
"The stories are in every re-
spect witty and in good taste," the
literary editor pointed out. "Some
of them," he hastened to add,
"even show flashes of mature un-
derstanding of world problems.
Some of the stories are funny.
Some of the stories are of a more
silent-humor variety. All of the
stories are printed in clear, legible
An intense demand for first edi-
tions of this issue is expected by
the business staff. Sales will be-
gin at 4 a.m. tomorrow, and all
copies not sold by 8 a.m. will be
turned over to the General Lib-
rary for use in a forthcoming ex-
hibit, to be titled "Life in Old
Stephenson To
Be Speaker at
Campus Rally
A 19 year-old war veteran, James
Stephenson, the victim of an attempt-
ed lynching in Columbia; Tenn. will
he the principal speaker at an all
campus rally,' co-sponsored by IRA
and MYDA, which will be held at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
The rally climaxes a drive held
this week by the two organizations
to inform the campus about the true
facts of the Columbia, Tenn. riots.
The trouble in that area started when
Stephenson attacked a white repair-
man who had insulted his mother.
A raid on the Negro district followed,
with police and citizens searching for
Sixty-eight Negroes were arrested.
During the time they were detained
in prison, two of them were shot to
death. They are now awaiting trial
and are unable to obtain a counsel.
Stephenson was released on bail and
fled north with his mother.
At the rally, ways will be deter-
mined to raise funds to send to the
Southern Conference of Human Wel-
fare, which is attempting to obtain
counsel for the defendants as well
as prevent future riots.
Alum niTo Speak
To Mich igan Clubs
In a four-day trip to the Corn Belt,
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the
Alumni Association and Prof. Waldo
Abbott, of the Speeeh Department,
will address the Tri-City University
of Michigan Club and the Annual
Conference of The Sixth District
Michigan Clubs.

U' Fresh Air
Camp To Open
Jutly I1 =Tibbn.1it
Expanded Study 'T o
Be Offered 224 Boys
Summer outings for 224 boys from
Southeastern Michigan will be com-
bined with a workshop in human be-
havior at the University of Michigan
Fresh Air Camp when it opens July
1 for its 26th season.
The camp is now under the direc-
tion of the University's Institute for
Human Adjustment. This year, ac-
cording to Clark Tibbitts, director of
the Institute, the camp program will
include a greatly expanded study of
each boy and the reasons for his be-
havior or family maladjustment.
Supervised Play
But he hastened to add that this
study won't interfere in any way
with the four weeks of supervised
play and instruction in handicraft
which each of the boys will receive.
The camp is located on Patterson
Lake near Pinckney, 24 miles north-
west of Ann Arbor, with the 300
wooded acres of the camp property
and the 1,400 acre Edwin S. George
Reserve, a University owned preserve
for wild life, offering plenty of room
for daytime and overnight hiking
plus training in outdoor living.
Study Each Boy
The boys are referred to the camp
from social agencies in the south-
eastern part of the state, Mr. Tib-
bitts explained. Fifty counselors will
be on the camp staff to supervise the
activities and to make careful obser-
vation and study of each boy. From
the reports of the counselors, infor-
mation will be sent back to the var-
ious social agencies which will help
in ironing out behavior patterns or
family maladjustments during the
rest of the year.
The counselors will be graduate
students at the University taking
the summer coures in education,
sociology, and social work to be pro-
vided for the staff members at the
camp, Mr. Tibbitts explained. Most
of the counselors will be school teach-
ers or principals.
The camp will be open from July
1 to August 23 with the boys being
handled in two groups of 112 each.
Vet Hospital
Seeks Utilities
Asserting that the veterans admin-
istration should pay double the water
and sewer rates if public utilities were
provided for the veterans' hospital
here, Mayor William E. Brown Jr.
called for a "very careful study" of
the request by a city council com-
The tax-exempt Veterans Admin-
istration requested water and sewer
services, in addition to paving of
streets leading to, and adjining the
property, and fire protection for the
hospital. The proposed site of the
500-bed hospital is off Cedar Bend
Dr., with frontage on Broadway.


,"SKIER" by Ruth Lavely, now being displayed at the 17th annual
sculpture exhibition in the concourse of the League. The work of 14
University students is being shown at the exhibition, sponsored by the
University Institute of Fine Arts.
Bookplates Reveal Claraeter

Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department will talk on the
Palestine question at 8 p.m. Thurs-
day in the International Center
under the sponsorship of the All-
Nations Club.
Informal discussion will follow
the talk. The mneeting is open to
the public.
BaXeor O Lt-ure . .
Prof. Dow V. Baxter of the forestry
school will give an illustrated lecture
entitled "My Recent Trip to Puerto
Rico" at the Sunday International
Center program at 7:30 p.m. in Rms.
316-320 of the Union.
Fursten berg To peak.. .
Dean Albert C. Furstenberg, of
the Medical School, will open the
literary college's series of lectures
on opportunities and training in
four professional fields at 4:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 1025 Angell all.
Other speakers in the series will
include Dean Russell W. Bunting,
of the School of Dentistry, at 4:30
p.m. tomorrow, Dean Russell A.
Stevenson, of the School of Busi-
ness Administration, May 14, and
Dean E. Blythe Stason, of the Law
School, May 15.
Rutl~ven.Visits Boston,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will address the University of Michi-
gan Club of Boston Friday in Boston.
Hostel ("I'v 's Dance ...
The American Youth Ilostel
group will hold a square and folk
dancing session from 8-11 p.m. to-
day at the Armory, corner of E.
Ann and Fifth.
Scott Colburn will lead the group
in a program of American country
style dances.
usicianus To Perform . .
Twenty-three students in the de-
partment of wind instruments in the
School of Music will present a pro-
gram under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli at 1 p.m. Friday
in Harris Hall.
The program will be made up of
concertos and sonatas by Mozart, Von
Down/own: 308 NORTUT MAIN

liowland and Corelli.
Several other programs of this type
are being planned and will be pre,
sented throughout Ihe rest of the
* * *
The fial colth, to 1Vt-lilC l the
Irst spcaker in all the speech 31
~~ass ill beheld(1tLat 4p.m tIodaly
in I te Kellogg Auditoriulnt
AC To I.; iddE leion ..
The Willow Run chapter of the
American Veterans Committee will
elect officers after a membership
rally at 7:30 p.m. tonight at West
Adoption of the new chapter con-
stitution also is scheduled in the bus-
iness meeting and all Willow Village
Vete:as are iinvited to .tlt I(nd.
Ii'sc ssio11 oM Injuullioll . . .
"Price Control and Intlation" will
be the topic for discussion at the
I meeting of Fconcentrics, student eco-
nomics club, at 7::0 p.m. today in
the Union.
Speakers on the program will be
Prof. William Haber of the economics
department, and Prof. Charles L.
Jamison of the School of Business
Administration. Helen Perry is chair-
man of the program.
a avsids
o 717 North Uiversity Ave.
ii j~ooin/o SIprinq
rrdi ,
these specials
rHot Oil Shampoo, 2.50
Hot Oil Manicure1 .50
-e J l . - -71 0 W ' t ; j ;oi - - -h o n e - - : 3 9 -

Bookplates have rarely been
thought of as indicators of character
"Man Murdered; fails to return
look borrowed from Lloyd Doug-
las," one ex libris reads now on dis-
play in the Bookplates Exhibition
Children-'s Play
O~pens FridayV
"The Camel with the Wrinkled
Knees," three-act play by Marie Ag-
nes Foley, will be presented Friday
and Saturday as a Children's Theatre
production, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Dramatized from the Raggedy Ann
story by. Johnny Gruelle, the play
deals with the adventures of Raggedy
Andy and Ann in a forest of strange
fairy tale creatures such as the Ba-
bette, the French doll, played by
Norma Metz, Granny Balloon Spider
played by Carolyn West, the camel
played by Albert Mellon, and the
Tired Old Horse played by Kenneth
Chernin. Eras Ellis will be Raggedy
Three matinees are scheduled, Fri-
day at 3:45 p.m. and Saturday at 1:30
and 3:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale in
the schools and at the box office of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
which will be open from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. today through Saturday for
seat reservations.

Sithe floor of the General
A plate of Richard Le Galliene's,
made in 1905, is in verse form. Con-
tained on the plate is an apology
written to his books for traveling
and leaving thiem behind, and thank-
ing IA ic for itawai ting 11,is return.
Un ±der the N otted Persons division
are boik plates of the late actress
l~llen t'ery and the poet, Louis Un-
term yer. Unternneyer's plate is a
drawing u(f a young man earnestly
clutebing the hools of a geome-
trically-drawn Pegasus.
Andrew Camrnegie's suggestion for
his bookplate is divided into two
parts; the lower shows Carnegie
gazing through a telescope at the
heavens; and the upper portion
consists of Carnegie, a Scotch cap
perched on his head, watering a
tree. His water can has a dollar
sign drawn on it, and the leaves of
the tree fori models of libraries.
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