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May 08, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-08

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I . , - .. 1 1 1. . 1. ... I - - - - . , . TO MM MMU

Fifty-Sixth Year

£etteri to the 6citiEor


_ \

Edited and managed by students of the University of
'Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . -. . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

Critic of Hopkins
To The Editor:
Anglo-American commission's report on Pal-
estine is marked by some significant omissions
of facts. The admission of 100,000 European
Jews against Arab protest is, he asserts, a viola-
tion of the provisions of the Palestine mandate
guaranteeing the civil rights of all inhabitants.
But he neglects to mention that the mandate in
Article 4 also provides for the "establishment of
the Jewish National Home" in Palestine. What
kind of Home is it if homeless Jews cannot go
Recognition of the Hebrew language has had
a "disruptive effect" according to Prof. Hop-
kins. If Palestine is a Jewish National Home,
the Jews living there certainly cannot be denied
the right to speak their own language.
Furthermore, bilingualism is not the real ob-
stacle to Arab-Jewish cooperation-stable
Switzerland has three official languages.
Outside support for the Jews of Palestine would
bring continued disunity to that country, he
declares. Are we to assume that support for the
Arabs would bring unity? Since V-E Day the
Jews have shown by underground aid to visa-less
immigrants and armed clashes with the British
Army that they will fight for the right of free
Prof. Hopkins recommends that the United
Nations find other places of refuge for Eur-
ope's Jews. Two international conferences on
the refugee problem failed to find a solution
outside Palestine. The indisputable fact is that
no people outside the Jewish community of
Palestine will accept mass Jewish immigration.
A study of Jewish history reveals the problems
of a people without a country. "The Wandering
Jew" is not only a literary term but an historical
fact. The recent extermination of 6,000,000 Eur-
opean Jews is a modern manifestation of an an-
cient disease. All reports from Europe, Jewish
and non-Jewish alike, confirm the fact that
"home" to stateless Jews means Palestine.
-Sam Rosen

... _

Member of The Associated Press

- m!=

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
Becond-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year bar car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
lember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Truman Should Seize Mines

other case of "The Public Be Damned"-but
the problem does not end there.
According to President Truman's report on
the effects of the five-week-old strike, the nation
is approaching industrial paralysis and Europe
is not getting desperately-needed food and fuel.
The end results: serious delay in reconver-
sion at home and increasing unrest, which may
well have disastrous consequences, abroad.
GOVERNMENT SEIZURE of the mines is the
only immediate solution to the problem be-
cause of the nature of a coal strike. When 400,000
miners quit work, the ramifications are far
greater than a strike of similar scope in, for ex-
ample, the automobile industry. During the re-
cent General Motors strike, reconversion was
stalled, but no widespread suffering resulted.
The security and well-being of the world, how-
ever, demand that the coal mines keep delivering.
President Truman is clothed with the broad
powers which Congress granted his predecessor.
The problems of war's aftermath, we now rea-
lize, are as crucial as those of war itself. Presi-
dent Truman should use his powers and take
over the mines immediately.
P RESIDENT TRUMAN, however, has tempor-
ized because he does not consider the coal
strike a strike against the "Government" as yet.
The President, apparently, does not understand
one of the fundamental concepts of American
democracy. There are no separate entities of
"People" and "Government" in the United States.
The People are the Government.
The question remains whether the miners
would refuse to work for the Government. La-

bor's reaction to Government seizure has been
favorable in recent months. Workers in the
meat packing and oil refining industries re-
turned to their jobs when the Government took
over strike-bound plants during the winter.
coal fields and the miners return to work, the
problem would be only partially solved. John L.
Lewis, in demanding that a royalty of 10 cents
per ton of coal be paid by the owners for a health
and welfare fund which the miners would ad-
minister, is voicing an acute need of the miners
he represents.-,
Coal mining is a hazardous occupation, and
miners are frequently victims of serious acci-
dents. Miners cannot pay for medical services
on their present wages, and the medical care
provided by the companies is wholly inadequate.
At least part of the blame for the strike should
be placed on the mine owners, who have steadily
opposed measures that would improve the wel-
fare of their employes.
But one wonders why Lewis does not work
toward his goal by supporting the Murray-Wag-
ner-Dingell national health bill, rather than re-
sorting to a costly strike. Angry Congressmen
have some justification for believing that Lewis
is "drunk wth power." -
JOHN L. LEWIS cannot win in this strike. His
actions have so aroused the public wrath
that the operators can remain adamant. He will
not alleviate the health problems of his miners
by beating the country to its knees.
Unwittingly, John L. Lewis is hastening the
socialization of the, coal mining industry.
-Clayton L. Dickey

Critic of Slosson
To The Editor:
READ THE COMMENTS of professors Clark
Hopkins and Preston Slosson written in The
Michigan Daily on May 4th on the recent Anglo-
American commission report recommending
admittance of 100,000 Jews into Palestine.
I was not shocked to read what Professor Slos-
son said for I am well aware that there are many
people who believe that disputes could be settled
by force, The Arabs will never give way to force as
Professor Slosson says for right is might. Profes-
sor Slosson comments that "Arab prosperity has
multiplied considerably since the first Jewish
entry into Palestine" "I would like to ask all those
who are under the same impression, the follow-
ing question: Why are the Arabs of the republics
of Lebanon and Syria, where there are no Jews
far better off, more educated than the Arabs of
The Arabs have been an overwhelming major-
ity in the Holy Land for the last 1300 years. The
population of Palestine at present consists of
about 1,150,000 Moslem Arabs, 650,000 Jews,
135,000 Christians (mostly Christian Arabs). Out
of the 650,000 Jews only 50,000 are natives of Pal-
estine. The rest have been brought in, mostly
in the last 25 years without the consent of the
native population, and under the protection of
the British bayonets. The British Royal Com-
mission reported in 1937 the Jewish immigration
as "an invasion" a "creeping conquest."
The American people believe in democracy.
They believe that governments should 'be
chosen according to the will of the majority.
Then why not give the Palestinians their own
right? The Jewish problem is no concern of the
Palestinians and it could not be solved by the
admittance of more Jews. Palestine has taken
600,000 foreign Jews and so it is the time for
other countries to share rather than put the
whole burden on tiny Palestine. The area of
Palestine is about 10,000 sq. miles and so it is
impossible to hold all the Jews of Europe.
President Truman in his Navy Day speech of
last October 27th declared:
"We believe that all people who are prepared
for self government should be permitted to
choose their own form of government by their
own freely expressed choice, without interference
from any other source. That is true in Europe, in
Asia, in Africa as well as in the Western
Hem sphere."
Every country in the world has a minority
problem and so the Jews and Christians of
Palestine should be considered as such.
-Miguel A. J. Kawas
* * * *
Blue Jeans Brigade
To The Editor:
A "CAMPUS GIRL" incident witnessed by the
writer a few months ago in another college
townirevealed a different angle from any
mentioned in The Daily.
Immediately after the landing of 20,000 men
on the West Coast from the South Pacific areas
of Okinawa, Tinian and other "uncivilized"
places, every train eastward was crowded. About
that time I was coming out of Chicago on the
Michigan Central filled to overflowing with hun-
dreds of returning veterans. Near me in the day
coach a group of battle-scarred men soon gath-
ered around one man who appeared to have the
picture of a charming schoolgirl. The girl must
have been beautiful, vivacious, and becomingly
dressed. At different times between Chicago
and Kalamazoo, other soldiers stopped for a
look at the picture. During the journey the con-
versation revealed that the girl had been in high
school in a Northern Michigan town when the
young man had been called to the colors. Cor-
respondence had been kept up during the years
of absence; pictures had been exchanged; and
the man knew just where to locate the girl-
she had left the hometown for college. It was
amusing to see how carefully the returning sol-
dier groomed himself before getting ready to
leave the train. The veteran was on the plat-
form long before Kalamazoo was reached. Every
soldier who could get near a window was waiting
for a look at the charming, bright-eyed school-
girl. For just a moment the returning serviceman
searched anxiously the multitude of faces in the
crowd on the station platform. There she was
in the center of an envious group. But what a
shock the man received. Instead of the un-

sophisticated girl he had left behind, here was
a tousle-headed coed wearing sloppy overalls
with one pant leg rolled above the knee, a sloppy
sweater, and make-up enough to furnish a drug-
store. If a cameia had been available at the
moment it would have caught that dejected,
disillusioned expression which seemed to say,
"Gosh, just when I wanted to get away from the
masculine and enjoy a bit of the bewitching
feminine, here is another 'man', and a very poor
imitation at that." -George E. Carrothers
Kaye Chided
To The Editor:
Phyllis L. Kaye wrote a letter to the editor in
Saturday's Daily exposing her ignorance and
complete lack of appreciation of good satire.
I am an avid reader of "It's A Gay Life" by Lois
Kelso and believe it to be one of the most cleverly
written columns in the Daily. Miss Kelso has an
original style of writing that is intellectual as
well as entertaining. -Jean Lyman

._.. ,


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C'up tne4Pi ia/

Spring Term Exam Schedule
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Pharmacy
School of Business Administration
School of Education
School of Forestry and Conservation
School of Music
School of Public Health
June 13 to June 19, 1946
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of ex-
ercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having
quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Cer-
tain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular
schedule. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should re-
ceive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his examina-
tion. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examina-
tion may be changed without the consent of the Examination Committee.




stupendous, most gigantic pro-
ject conceived in our time. It will bef
more beautiful than any buildingt
ever seen by living man. It will out-
Hollywood Hollywood. It's a Jimmy
Walker stunt, a press agent's dream.t
It'll be more exciting than thet
World's Fair, the Diamond Horse-
shoe and the Johnny J. Jones Ex-
In brief, this new United Nations
Building in New York is really
gonna be sumpin. But as a perm-
anent home of the United Nations,
it will also be completely inappro-
priate. Housing the United Nations
in some secluded cloister will be like
staging a Barnum and Bailey three-
ringer in the Metropolitan Opera
House. As an idea, it stinks.
T HERE ARE a number of objec-
tions to housing the United Na-
tions in New York City. When a mant
has to pass by the segregated areas
of Harlem every day, he's going to
feel a trifle self-conscious talking
about the equality of races. And there
is a certain quality about the slums
along Red Hook which might make
it difficult to stand straight and
speak loud when you use the words
"freedom from want." Diplomats in
New York might begin to believe some
of this talk about the whites oppres-
sing the Negroes or about capitalists
oppressing workers, and then their
fine slogans would be as short-lived
as the proverbial snowball in Hell.-
Nope, the United Nations should be;
feld in some rich man's section up
in the White Mountains, far from thej
problems of the common people. Then
Big Ed Stettinius with his Chair-
man of the Board manners could hita
his stride. That's what the United7
Nations should be ... fine phrasesd.
and how can a man make fine phrases
when he is speaking from a platform'
in a slum?
Since the UN persists in remaining
in New York, they certainly should
not be given a new and fancy palace.
As was said before, it just wouldn't
be cricket.
Probably the best suggestion is
to make the UN into a road show,
a real travelling burlesque on Big
Three unity. The show could hold
its debut in the Brooklyn Dodgers
ball park out at Ebbets Field, with
Jimmy Byrnes hurling the first
accusation of the season.
RIGHT IN BACK of third base
(where they would be hit by all
of the line-drive fouls) would sit ex-
Ambassador Davies and all of those
club-women whom he has convinced
about the fact that Russia is daily
becoming more capitalistic. (That's
a good way to like Russia . . . per-
suade yourself that she is beginning
to see the error of her childish social-
ist ways).
The possibilities in this scheme are
immense. When Byrnes asks Molotov
about free elections in Bulgaria, Molo-
tov could point dramatically to the
segregated section-"For Negroes
Only"-way out in the right field
bleechers and inquire again about the
Negroes in South Carolina.
We'd better start our ballyhoo now
for the season finale.
-Ray Ginger

Time of Exercise
Monday at 8 ......................
" " 9...................
" 10...................
" 11 ......................
Monday at 1 ......................
S 2 ......................
" "r 3e.....................
Tuesday at 8 ......................
S 9 ......................
" ">> 10 ......................
" 7 11 ......................
Tuesday at 1 ......................
2 ......................
, 3 ......................

Time of Examination
Thu., June 13, 2:00-4:00
Sat., June 15, 2:00-4:00
Fri., June 14, 10:30-12:30
Tues., June 18, 10:30-12:30
Wed., June 19, 8:00-10:00





ON 1 .0

,: r {1 ..

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Sociology 51, 54 ........... . ....... .
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 ..................
German 1, 2, 31, 32 ................
Political Science 1, 2, 52 ............
Psychology 42 ......................
Chemistry 55 .......................
Speech 31, 32....................
French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62,
91, 92, 93, 153................
English 1, 2 ........................
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54 ............
Botany 1.........................
Zoology 1 ........................
School of Business Administration

Thu., June
Fri., June
Fri., June
Sat., June;
Sat., June
Mon., June
Mon., June

17, 10:30-12:30
13, 10:30-12:30
14, 2:00- 4:00
13, 8:00-10:00
18, 2:00- 4:00
17, 8:00-10:00
15, 8:00-10:00
19, 2:00- 4:00
18, 8:00-10:00
13, 10:30-12:30
14, 8:00-10:00
14, 8:00-10:00
15, 10:30-12:30
15, 10:30-12:30
17, 10:30-12:30
17, 2:00- 4:00
17, 2:00- 4:00
18, 8:00-10:00
18, 8:00-10:00
19, 10:30-12:30



Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
School of Forestry and Conservation
Courses not covered# by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
School of Music: Individual Instruction in Applied Music
Individual examinations by appointment will be given for all applied
music. courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the
University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the
School of Music.
School of Public Health
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.


Assumption-world Whar III

WALTER LIPPMAN, who has just returned
'T from Europe, reports- as his most important
conclusion that "all European governments, all
parties and all leading men are acting as if
there would be another world war." Lippman's
statement is based on indications that the forth-
coming peace conference in Paris will decide,
occupation issues, rather than "make peace."
Peace in the world will remain a pretty phrase,
while the Allies decide which among them will
remain in possession of Germany, Austria, Yugo-
slavia ad Rand-McNally, Germany is not on
the peace agenda, Lippmann says, because "the
German problem as seen in Moscow and in Lon-
don, is, fundamentally, whether in the event of
war the Germans are to be used by the Russians
or by the Western powers."
Recent developments at the Foreign Minis-
ters Conference in Paris seem to substantiate
Lippmann all too well. Ten days ago, the for-
eign ministers divided the Italian fleet among
Yugoslavia, Greece and Italy itself. Just what
these traditionally peaceful countries need
battleships for in a world of peace is not cer-
tain. But the foreign ministers' decision to leave
the remnants of the Italian navy in the Bal-
kans can hardly be interpreted as a move to
safeguard peace.
N OR IS THE militaristic spirit by any means
11 nnfnp i t Firone. President Trulman a2sked

conflicting messages Mr. Truman simultan-
eously sent to Congress. In his military collab-
oration message, the president said, "This gov-
ernment will not I am sure, in any way approve
of, nor will it participate in, the indiscriminate
or unrestricted distribution of armaments,
which would only contribute to a useless and
burdensome armaments race." At the same
time, Mr. Truman asked Congress for a War
Department appropriation of more than seven
billion dollars. 500 million of this is for the
occupation governments. More than six bil-
lion dollars remain for the U.S. Army.
Repeated assertions that the people of the
world do not want war seem to have no effect.
The now-monotonous forecasts of the destruc-
tion of civilization, which it is predicted will fol-
low use of atomic weapons, are equally ineffec-
tual. The terrible truth is that the policy-makers,
the leaders of the world, are terribly impotent
in the present world situation. They are too small
to act any way other than "as if there would be
another world war."
-Milt Freudenheim

(Continued from Page 3)
lius, Dinicu, and Mendelssohn, and
will be open to the general public.
Student Recital: The Wind Instru-
ments Department of the School of
Music will present a program in Har-
ris Hall at 1:00 p.m., Friday, May
10. It will consist of bassoon, clarinet,
cornet, and oboe solos, a woodwind
quintet, and a brass choir. Under
the direction of Professor Revelli,
the recital will be open to students in
the University.
Fishing and fish management. Ro-
tunda, Museum Building. Through
June 30. 8:00-5:00 week days; 2:00-
5:00, Sundays and holidays.
Events Today
Phi Sigma and Graduate Council
will jointly sponsor two talks by Dr.
Clarence H. Kennedy, of Ohio State4
University, Wednesday, in Rackham
Amphitheatre. At 4:30 p.m., Dr.
Kennedy will speak on "The Evolu-f
tion of the Society from the Family,"
and at 8:00, he will deliver a lec-
ture on human evolution, "The
R,,nl,, inn nEofINieman fT-rq nnnjj#flfl

method. Participating will be Miss
Priscilla Alden, Miss Ruth Wittlesey
and W. W. Morris. This meeting is
open to club members and guests.
Radio Program: The University
Broadcasting service and the School
of Music present today from 2:00 to
2:30 over Station WKAR (870 ke)
its weekly program "Epochs in
Music" under the direction and sup-
ervision of Prof. Hanns Pick. This
will be the third of five Radio-recitals
devoted to the works of Ludwig Van
Beethoven. Prof. Joseph Brinkman,
Prof. Hanns Pick, and Prof. Wassily
Besekirsky are to perform three So-
nata movements, i.e., the first part
from the Cello-sonata Op. 69; the
"Andante Favorite" for Piano solo;
and the finale from the "Kreutzer"
Violin-sonata. Commentations by Mr.
Theodore Heger.
The American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers will present Prof. E. T.
Vincent at their regular meeting to-
night at the Union. Prof. Vincent will
speak on "Transportation by Atomic
The Prescott Club of the College
of Pharmacy will meet tonight in


By Crockett Johnson

But McSnoyd, there must be some]
mistake . .. I just happened to

It hoits me to toin against on
old pal, O'Malley. But you'll


Mr. O'Malley . . . Will McSnoyd,
the Invisible Leprechaun, take
i_ . , _r- - _

Ca0>"-n+ 44 ti Nt+P M Mix
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