PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1946 Scholastic Vocal Need Vets In Fabric Industry Hillman Advocates Hiring of Disabled ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 7- (P)-Sidney Hillman today blamed the men's suit shortage on a lack of clothing workers and called on his own and other industries to provide jobs for disabled veterans. Hillman, president of the Amalga- mated Clothing Workers of America, (CIO), said a scarcity of fabrics and lining materials is easing but 100,000 additional . workers are needed to overcome "the terrific backlog" of orders for men's clothing. Asks Early Conference The union leader made public a letter to Raymond H. Reiss of New York City, president of the Cloth- ing Maunfacturers of the United States, asking for an early confer- ence to map plans for employment of 100,000 veterans. The convention adopted a resolu-1 tion calling foremphasis on training and finding jobs for veterans in the clothing business and a waiver for them of union initiation fees. Hillman told reporters that the clothing industry, though highly spe- cialized, was mpking "real effort" to train disabled veterans for jobs to help increase clothing production. Training Program Established "We've established with manufac- turers a training program, under which veterans get preference," Hill- man said. "Owners have been asked to determine what jobs disabled vet- erans can do and our union people are doing the training. "One local in New York has 140 veterans in training now. They are starting at about $30 a week, but they will get $5 raises each time they show improvement until they reach our $72 scale for specialized workers. We are waiving all rules to give them every opportunity." Coed Editor Tells Of 1918 Daily (Continued from. Page 1) fire. The reporter had just wanted to deliver my own assignment. "One fellow followed the rairoad tracks two miles out of AnnArbor looking for a train wreck and some. injured passengers. "For all the fun we had, we also did a lot of work, because the pa- pers were usually eight or ten pages and the staff was so' limited that each of us had more than the usual load," Mrs. Coxon stated. "Most college dailies had either become weeklies or had entirely suspended publication during the war, but the University was one of the few that remained open and active all the time." In contrasting the senior positions on the staff, Mrs. Coxon pointed out that in addition to current posts, there was a Music Editor, a Literary Editor, an Exchange Editor, a Fea- ture Editor and a Telegraph Editor. When asked how she got to her residence on North State at 1 a.m., Mrs. Coxon promptly replied, "Oh, the managing editor drove me home." Those were the days. B nai Brith Vote To Begin Tomorrow Election of 20 members to the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Stu- dent Council will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow and Fri- day at the foundation and at Lane Hall. All Hillel members are entitled to vote for the council members, who will serve for the 1946-47 school year. Membership cards will be re- quired at the two polling places be- fore anyone is certified to vote. Continuous from 1 P.M. 4sr NOW 7 t? ac IN THE HAPPIEST, HEARTIEST HIT IN YEARS! (ROSUY - REA Scholastic Vocal Music' Festival To Open Friday Students from 54 high schools throughout the state will participate in the first post-war festival of the Michigan School Vocal Association in Ann Arbor Friday and Saturday, Rose Marie Grentzer, chairman of the festival announced yesterday. The purpose of the festivals, which were held annually before the war, is to give high school students an opportunity to hear other groups from various parts of the state and to have the criticism of an authori- tative adjudicator in evaluating their work. The festival will begin at 9 a.m. Friday morning. At this time 30 voice and piano ensembles will appear. Fri- day afternoon 90 piano and voice soloists will participate in the pro- gram. Saturday at 4 p.m., massed choirs will present a program in Hill Audi- torium under the direction of several of the adjudicators. About 2,400 stu- dents are expected to participate in this recital. Adjudicators for ensemble music will be Walter Kimmel, choral direc- tor at Michigan State College; Haydn Morgan, head of the music depart- ment of Michigan State Normal Col- lege in Ypsilanti; and Raymond Kin- dall, head of the department of grad- uate studies in the School of Music. Marcus Kellerman, voice teacher in Detroit; Julian Miller, instructor in voice at Michigan State College; Nadine Flinders and Hardin Van Duersen, both in the School of Music, will judge the soloists. Armyof Ofers Overseas Jobs The U.S. Quartermaster Corps, ur- gently needs 215 workers to enter the overseas Graves Registration Ser- vice, according to Lawrence Ham- berg, manager of the local office of the United States Employment Ser- vice. A variety of jobs are open to male applicants between 21 and 49 years of age. A year's contract must be signed and travel expenses will be paid by the government, in addition to a 25 per cent addition in pay for overseas service. Recruitment of 60 military man- power utilization analysts is also underway in Michigan, Mr. Hamberg revealed. Applicants for these jobs must have a certain amount of ex- perience. Further information can be secured from the local USES office. Board Accepts Kelly Petition The State Board of Caiivassers yes- terday blocked an attempt by Wayne Saari, literary college senior, to elim- inate his opponent for the Democrat- ic congressional nomination in this district. Saari had contended before the board that W. R. Kelly's nominating petition did not comply with the law because Kelly's name was printed in 10-point type instead of 12-point. The board affirmed Saari's con- tention but ruled that there was no attempt to defraud and that the petitions should be accepted. Saari said he might appeal to the State Supreme Court. Two Are Named In Gamblin Warran t Vern Maulbetscii, 32, and Wilson C. Haight, 33, operators of a local cigar store, yesterday were pharged with conspiracy to evade state gam- ing statutes in the third warrant issued by Circuit Judge James R. Breakey, one-man grand jury inves- tigating gambling in Washtenaw County. Maulbetsch is being held in the county jail while Haight has been arrested in Toledo. Thus far, a total of 17 men have been accused of oper- ating gambling establishments or conspiracy by the grand jury. PULITZER PRIZE CARTOONIST - Bruce Russell of the Los Angeles Times looks over the cartoon, "Time To Bridge That Gulch," that won him the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for cartoonists. JACKSON MELEE: Decision on State Priso Case led; EvidenceIs Assailed 6, __________________ ___ _~_ ~--~~---------~~-- Elections Technique Approved Few ModIficatioils Required-Norton "I am pleased to report that the Hare System of proportional repre- sentation as used in the recent all- campus election worked out fairly satisfactorily from the technical standpoint," Dr. Clark F. Norton of the political science department, who oversaw the election procedure in an advisory capacity, commented. "But I would hasten to add," he continued, "that with certain modi- fications the system would be more workable and effective. Without a doubt, proportional representation balloting is adaptable to campus elec- tions, as this one proved, but some of the malpractices and undesirable situations encountered in the elec- tion can be easily avoided in the future." Prof. Norton pointed to the great number of ballots which were dis- qualified because of one technical reason or another, the length of time required for tabulating the results, the great number of candidates from which each voter had to choose, the apparent large degree of blind vot- ing and the large number of bal- lots which remained uncounted to- wards any candidate as a few of the most apparent faults. "The actual counting of the ballots was handled very effectively by the committee which undertook the pro- ject," Dr. Norton said in commending the individuals who handled that phase of the election, "but because of the many cases of incomplete and inaccurate voting, their task was complicated. It took the group 131 hours to complete the, tabulations.' He reported that over 400 votes were thrown out. 'U' Graduate Dies . In Airplane Crash Leslie Lou .Leveque, millionaire realty operator and manufacturer, who received a degree in chemical en- gineering from the University in 1916, was kiled in a plane crash near Roch- ester, New Hampshire, early Sunday. With Leveque at the time of the crash were his wife and a pilot iden- tified as R. C. Johns, both of whom were killed. Leveque resided in Col- umbus, Ohio. LANSING, May 7--UP)-The state Civil Service Commission today took under advisement the appeals of six ousted officials of the state prison of southern Michigan, indicating that a decision in the protracted case would not be delivered for a week or more. The case, dragging over parts of four weeks, wound up with final ar- guments by Attorney General John R. Dethmers, acting for the State Corrections Commission, counsel for former warden Harry H. Jackson, and the five other appellants individ- ually. Based on Flimsy Evidence Jackson's attorneys condemned Dethmers' charges as based on flimsy evidence. Edward F. Behen asserted "they found an array of sexual psycho- paths, degenerates, syphiletics and ego-centrics, men whom the warden had punished, and brought them here to testify against him. I don't see how we can lift our heads. from shame if anything is done to remove Warden Jackson." Stuart B. White, Jackson's other attorney, declared "I have blushed with shame that the fair state of Michigan, through its Attorney Gen- esal, should drag in this rotten, filthy, perjured testimony for the one puropse of smearing Harry Jackson." Behen asserted Jackson had "built the greatest prison in the world." White declared "they had the bloodhounds of the State Police and the Attorney General's staff and the whole resources of the State at their command and they haven't breathed a word of corruption or wrong-doing against Jackson. There has not been one word of an overt act of mal- feasance against the warden." "Administrative Monstrosity" White contended that the prison was' an"administrative monstrosity" and that evils in the prison, which he knew existed, were present without Jackson's knowledge "because no- body told him of them." White attacked Garret Heyns, State Corrections Director, for giving Jack- son several Civil Service ratings of more than 90 points and "then wak- ing up one April day in 1945 to find he had a miserable warden." Haines' Works Played inDetroit Dr. Edmund Haines, instructor in composition in the School of Music, will participate in the First Congress of the Fellowship of American Com- posers which is being held in Detroit this week. One of his recent compositions, Sonatina for Piano, was played in its first performance yesterday at the Detroit Institute of Art, by Ben- jamin Owen, instructor in piano in the School of Music, to whom the Sonatina is dedicated. The Finale of Dr. Haines' Sym- phony No. 1, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1941, will be per- formed by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Valter Poole, conductor, at 8:30 p.m, Friday in the Music Hall. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Breakfast 6 oz. orange juice 1 egg 1 slice toast 1 tsp. butter pt. milk Lunch 1 cup canned sa 5 stk. asparagus celery 1 slice bread 1 tsp. butter 3 halves cn. apric 2 pt. milk Dinner 3 oz. meat (cooke 1 med. potato /2 cup Brussels st lettuce 1 tsp. butter 12 pt. milk 1 small banana * * Famine Menu Dinner 3 oz. meat (cooked) 1 med. potato cabbage, raw (vinegar) % cup beets pt. milk 1 tsp. butter lmon 1 slice bread Breakfast 1 orange 1 egg ots 1 slice toast 1 tsp 'butter 12pt. milk d) Lunch 1 sandwich prouts 2 slices bread 2 tsp. butter 2 oz. meat % cup pineapple 2 pt. milk Dinner 3 oz. meat (cooked) 1 cup potato lettuce with vinegar % cup carrots % cup green beans % pt. milk FAMINE DAY DIETS should be clip- ped out and followed by sororities, fra- ternities, cooperative and League houses once each week, preferably Tuesday, in accordance with the program innaugu- bsp. juice rated by the University of Michigan Famine Committee. chemists, physicists, chemical engin- eers (production and development), or mechanical engineers. Any seniors or graduates who wish to talk to him should call the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, and make an appointment. Willow Village Program for veter- ans and their wives: Wednesday, May 8: Bridge. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Thursday, May 9: Home Planning: "Cooking for the Fun of It" Miss Margaret W. Andersen, Home Service Director, Michigan Consolidated Gas Company. 2 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Friday, May 10: Leadership: Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff "How to get democratic group action, and Parliamentary Procedures." 8 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Friday, May 10: May Dance, 8:30- 11:30 Auditorium, West Lodge. Saturday, May 11: Dancing Clas- ses: Beginners, couples, 7 p.m.; Ad- vanced, couples, 8 p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge. Sunday, May 12: Classical Music records, 3 p.m. Office. Lectures The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus- sel Lecture for 1945-46. "The Neuro- anatomical Patterns Involved in Cer- (Continued on Page 3) Breakfast grapefruit % cup oatmeal 1 slice toast 1 tsp. butter 2 pt. milk Lunch 2 eggs 2 cup peas 1 tsp. butter 2 plums with 2 % pt. milk E _i . MICUIGAN !i A tb CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , 114 ,1 HELP WANTED EIELP WANTED: Fountain help, top pay, hours to your convenience, Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store, corner of S. University and Forest. SEVERAL CLERICAL OPENINGS for women. Typing required. Ar- gus Incorporated. Williams and 4th Streets. WANTED: General cook and pastry cook for summer hotel. Good wages. Address D. C. Maltby, Char- levoix, Michigan. WANTED WANTED - Apartment or house. 2- bedroom, furnished or unfurnished. Veteran. Graduate student making Ann Arbor permanent home. Wife, daughter, no pets, smoking, or drinking. Best references. Call 9641, Captain Otto. MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. WANTED: rGraduate student or' pro- fessional woman to share bedroom and study; twin beds. Phone 3500. APARTMENT: For couple, near campus. Veteran attending Uni- versity. Phone 2-4401, Room 415. Refer to advertisement. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Barrel of maroon Eversharp fountain pen, between Student Publications Building and Stock- well. Call 2-4471, Rm. 2022. LOST: Brown Ronson cigarette lighter Tuesday afternoon-prob- ably in League. Call 4121, Ext. 358 on weekday afternoons. REWARD. LOST: Gold Masonic ring, raised silver emblem, size 9; call 2-2213, Eugene Rieckhoff, before noon. Re- ward! LOST at Burns Park, Sat, afternoon, April 2. Right-handed brown out- fielder's baseball glove. Small buck- le on back, lacing missing from between fingers. Contact Michi- gan Daily Box 55 or call Rube 2-3481. LOST: Friday evening. Three keys on chain. Vicinity Williams Street or Hill Auditorium. Call 4121, Ext. 314. Daytime. Reward. LOST: Blue sapphire ring. Large ring. Reward. Sentimental value. Call S. Bowen, 8239. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Set of Bobby Jones reg- istered tournament irons, latest model. Excellent condition. Phone 6620. 6 to 8 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS TO INSURE your apartment next fall, let a vet and wife sublet while you vacation. Mr. Rosen, 3557. INTERESTED in living in co-ops this summer? Contact, Zips Kiske, 2- 2218 or Hank Kassis, 6284 immedi- ately. CHAS. HOGAN'S BAGGAGE Phone 2-1721 TRUNKS, PARCELS Small Move Jobs INSURED Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1ยข21 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 134 Notices Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The Deans of the various professional schools will ad- dress students of our College con- cerning the opportunities offered for professional study and the requisites for admission and graduation. These lectures will be presented according to the following schedule: Dean Furstenberg, School of Medi- cine. Wednesday, May 8, 4:30 p.m. Dean Bunting, School of Dentistry. Thursday, M'ay 9, 4:30 p.m. Dean Stevenson, School of Busi- ness Administration. Tuesday, May 14, 4:30 p.m. Dean Stason, Law School. Wednes- day, May 15, 4:30 p.m. 1025 Angell Hall. Men's Residence Halls. Reapplica- tions for the FALL and SPRING TERMS for men now living in the Residence Halls are ready for dis- tribution. Blanks may be secured from the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. All applications for reassign- ment must be in the hands of the Dean of Students ON OR BEFORE MAY 20. The Veterans' Administration re- quests that any veteran who is not receiving subsistence and who has been in training at least a month re- port to Room 100, Rackham Build- ing on Thursday, May 9, between 8:30 and 3:00 in order that an investiga- investigation of their case may be initiated. s Your Mother's Day GIFT Problem '..7 . y:: 1 SOLVED! Come into RUTH'S today and get a gift certificate. Make mother a gift of a stunning permanent wave. 'Uthj BEAUTY SHOPPE 215 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 7249 ~~x ~LADDN; VERONICA Eu 'A tAIAMOI'NT I'ICTIII 1.'s l -1 0