PACE FOUR THE MIC>WiGAN D~AILY R, i949 __________________________________________._._.__.._................_____.I. -.............-- S ATTTRflA~ MAROU 9. 1948 l Fiy.iga ay If i ySixth Year IT SO HAPPENS * "Hey, Boy, A Rewrite on lrowining" A 31I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staffj Margaret Farmer.Managing Robert Goldman. . . . . . . . . .. City Halo Champion... . . . . . Editorial D Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . Associate Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Clerk Baker........... ......Sports Des Howarth . . . . . . Associate Sports Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Business Staff Editor iEditor Director Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor I D~orothy Flint .. ..........Business Manager Joy Altman .. . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publicAtion of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTE FOR NATIONAL AOVERT13NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSToN LOS ANGELES * SAW FNANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BILL BAKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are writ/en by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. To Winand Lose .. . SINCE the first United States occupation troops marched grudgingly into Germany, their crusade to purge German politics of Nazi party members has been ill-starred. A parallel effort to reeducate the Germans along enlightened lines has increasingly appeared fruitless. After nine months, the United States military government, despairing at the magnitude of its task, has just about given up the ghost on both projects. From the beginning the progress of American administrators in German denazification and re- education has been hampered by our uncertain aims in Germany. Chief obstacles have been America's almost frantic effort to get out of Ger- many with all speed, and conflicting schools of thought on the prosecution of Nazi party mem- bers. One group in this regard stands for thor- ough punishment of all Nazis, and another siding with former General Patton thinks we should show them "what grand fellows we are." This week the Americans begged off the trying task of cleaning out of the German administration more than eight million for- mer Nazis. Under a new law each community will prosecute its own Nazis. Since most Germans are held to have favored the Nazi regime until it began to lose the war, it is highly unlikely the Germans will be very thorough in their prosecution. The new law beatifically provides that all per- sonnel shall be anti-Nazis and anti-militarists of long standing and shall be devoted to Demo- cratic ideals. Finding such disciples promises, however, to rival Diogenes' search for an honest man. OUR inability to find enough Germans with clean political backgrounds has virtually shelved the problem of reeducation. Dana, the German radio that is to keynote press relations in the American zone, is due to be turned over to the Germans at month's end. We still are searching for politically clean Germans to man the station. In June all plans to woo the Germans away from nationalism Andmilitarism will cease. From then on, according to the New York Times, "it will be pretty much up to the Germans to re- educate themselves." It is, of course, unlikely that they will be very successful. A white hope is the recent addition to the state department of an information army-which has as yet outlined no program for Germany. This breakdown in our occupation work in Germany seems now almost past repair. Its failure mirrors the lack of a clearly-framed and well-administered policy. If we had been really determined to erase Nazism, if we were able to agree on who could not hold office and to take the time, men, money and vigilance to denazify and reeducate, it is conceivable we might have done the job. But with a regrettable admin- istrative sleaziness, we have allowed the political and intellectual rehabilitation of Germany to go to pot. -Paul Harsha Deserving .. . IT is reported that Harold D. Smith, federal budget director, will be appointed by President Truman to head the council of three economic advisers who will carry out the provisions of the recently passed full employment law. Smith, who formerly directed the Univer- MY LAST ALLY Fulton* That's my last ally painted on the wall Looking a bit hurt today. I call That piece a ripe one now; Fra Capital's hands, Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Will't please you look at her? I said Fra Capital by design, for never read "Friends" like you that pictured countenance, The blight and hunger of its feigning glance, But to myself they turned (since none has yet Had such as my offer I bet) And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, How such a hate came there; so, not the first Are you to turn and ask thus. Sir 'twas not My presence only, called that spot Of ire into the Ally's cheek; perhaps Fra Capital chanced to say Her finger laps Over my ally's coast too much, or 'Force Must never hope to over-run the course Set down by natural boundary:' Such stuff Interfered, she thought, and cause enough For calling up that spot of ire. She has A heart-how shall I say?-too soon made glad Too easily impressed; she liked whate'er She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. Sir, 'twas all one! My soldiers at her breast The dropping of daylight in the West, The stock of booty some officious beast Left in vanquished lands for her, the East Ports that face the enemy-all enhance And draw from her alike the second glance, Or nod at least. She fought hard-good! But thanked Somehow-I know not how-as if she ranked My gift of a well-trained troop With anybody's gift? Who's so meek to stoop This sort of aggressing? And if you had skill In speech-(which I HAVE got) -to make your will Quite clear to such a one, and say, 'Just this Or that in you disgusts me; here you miss Or that exceeds the mark'-she will not let Herself be lessoned so, but plainly set Her wits to yours, forsooth and make excuse Then, there is some stooping; and I choose Never to stoop. Oh sir, she smiles, no doubt, When e'er I pass her; but who passes without Doubting the smile? This grows; I give commands; Then all raids will stop together. There she stands About to grab. Will't please you join: We'll meet On land and sea then. I repeat, The Uncle, your master's, known munificence Is ample warrant that no just intents Of mine for loans will be disallowed Though a fair deal for all as I avowed At a starting is my object. Nay, we'll go Together on sir! Note my far-flung lands though, Keeping me oiled and fed, not thought a rarity, Which favored warriors once cast in hold for me! *A town in east Missouri Hold That Hamburger .. . THE March Reader's Digesu brings this one to light-the want-ad quoted from that other Ann Arbor daily: "WANTED: Meat cutter. Experience neces- sary. Apply Room 1022, University Hospital." Those are our boys.. More Heads, Please . THIS item is printed in the interests of those among us who have passed the hoary, ripe, beer-consuming age of 21. A legalist from the other side of State Street slipped us the good word in the full flush of a celebration following his successful conclusion of a six bit suit against Greenbond cleaners. Says a Circuit Court judge elsewhere in this fair state, it is discrimination against an age group to ask that those between 21 and 26 be required to produce a liquor ident card not needed by other citizens. He who so demands may be sued. That, friends and fellow whilers away of the long hours, makes the local method of deter- mining legal beer-buyers about as foolproof as the Volstead Act. No Comment . . THE Associated Press reports that the.Southern Association of Dairy Goat Owners and Breed- ers views with alarm the proposal to put 300 goats on the various ships to be used in the forth- coming Bikini atom-bomb test. The militant goat gentlemen are even going so far as to send a protest in writing to Congress. Goats, they say, are scarce, and what's more a good goat is worth a lot more than the average Congressmen. (The Editorial Director is responsible for All items appearing in this column.) Congress Again This week in a test vote the House rejected the $600,000,000 subsidy angle of the Patman Housing bill, conspicuously ignoring tremendous administrative pressure. Newsmen who watched the representatives file by the clerk during the voting procedure report that not one Republican cast his vote in favor of the subsidy. Members of the Grand Old Party were joined by twenty or twenty- five Democrats, mostly Southerners, in defeat- ing the measure. Personal telegrams asking support of the bill were sent to the 239 Demo- crats by party chairman Robert lannegan yet 140 Democratic representatives chose to absent themselves from the balloting. A few weeks ago the heart of what was once. called the "full-employment" bill was removed by House surgeons in the same way. Therein lies one of the gravest defects of our system of separation of powers. Under the par- liamentary arrangement, used by most of the other democracies, the defeat of a measure which the administration considers so essential to the health of the country would also result in the de- feat of that administration. The theory behind such a move being simply that if the represen- tatives of the people disagree with the more im- portant features of the government's program, it is logical that a new government should be formed. We would never be guilty of hiring a car- penter to rebuild our house, and then follow by refusing him access to the tools he deems recessary for the job. Yet this is precisely the procedure we follow when we allow our repre- sentatives in Congress to tie the hands of the administrators we have selected to rebuild our nation. We find it hard to retain faith in a Congress which attacks the myriad problems confronting us with the weak legislation of compromise. -Annette Schenker Good Question .. . PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S westward jaunt with Mr. Churchill is very hard to account for; many commentators are dazed that he should have chosen to sit on the platform during the ex-Prime Minister's attack on an allied power. It is felt that, even though Mr. Truman may have agreed with Mr. Churchill, his bargaining position would have been stronger if he had stayed away, and had watched the reaction, and had let the Russians guess how his sympathies stood. But that odd westward jaunt, and its at- tendant hoorah, must have been a fine break from the shabby realities of strike and shortage. The fact that Mr. Truman so cheerfully and blithely made the journey shows that he is not a con- spirator; but it shows, also, the special pull of this issue; and to say that is not to detract from Mr. T uman's human qualities. Russia has been, ever since the Communist Revolution, the chief of the world's concerns; and yet during most of that period she has been the least of the world's problems; in a sense, the concern has been the problem, for it was on the basis of the West's concern that Hitler rose to power. Our 29-year-old concern now embarks on a new career, and what the fruit of it shall be, no man can say. But in the case of an issue so vast we are entitled to judge, not only the merits of the arguments, but what might be called the magnetic influence of the question itself, and the degree to which it affects our compasses, and the instruments by which we guide our actions. n-from Samuel Grafton MERRY-GO-ROUND: Pre-Fulton Data By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON-Winston Church- ill's magnetic voice coming over the air waves from Fulton, Mo., touched off interesting reminiscences on the part of insiders who sat with Churchill and FDR during dark war days. The reminiscences pertained to how Churchill's Anglo-American alliance werked out when he was at the head of the British Empire and in a posi- tion to make it work. Here are some of the reminiscences: IHongkong... When FDR and Winston arrived in Cairo in 1943, they discovered that no one had remembered to meet Chiang Kai-Shek at the airport. This was not Roosevelt's or Churchill's fault, because they arrived afterward. But Rcosevelt, wanting to make amends for the oversight, called on Chiang at his hotel and told him of ambitious American plans to reopen the Burma Road and send supplies to China. Next day, however, Churchill ve- toed the Burma Road-much to Chi- ang Kai-Shek's chagrin. Rcosevelt, wanting to compensate for this, later proposed that the Brit- ish return Hongkong to China and that China then turn it over to the United Nations as a freed port fortall the world to use. Chiang Kai-Shek glowed with pleasure. But Churchill glowered: "I was not made prime minister of England," he said, "to liquidate the British Empire." After that, it took all Roosevelt's p rsuasive charm to keep Chiang from bolting the Cairo conference. NOTE-The British still keep Hongkong and not even the Labor Government has made any move to restore it. Second Front . . . At Casablanca in 1943, the question of a cross-channel invasion of France was discussed by Roosevelt and Churchill. The U. S. General Staff wanted it. The British didn't. Finally, Churchill said that if a second front was undertaken, the British Army could supply only 30 per cent of the invasion force, saddling the Ameri- can army with 70 per cent of the bur- den. "We cannot squander the seed of the Empire," Churchill argued. The man who most vigorously op- posed the Prime Minister regarding this was Gen. Al Wedemeyer, then head of the General Staff's War Plans Division. He maintained that a 30-70 troop ratio would mean that no sec- ond front could be started for at least one year and that the war would be prolonged unnecessarily. It would take at least a year to transport the required U. S. troops across the At- lantic, Wedemeyer argued, whereas the British already had a sizeable army in England which could be used for a second front if they would go in on a ratio of 50-50. Churchill, however, stood pat. He was very irate with General Wedemeyer, however, and later sug- gested to FDR that Lord Louis Mountbatten needed an expert Amer- ican liaison officer for his campaign in India. He specifically asked that Wedemeyer be attached to Mount- batten. Wedemeyer had spent sev- eral years in Germany, knew German tactics, did not know the Far East. Despite that, Churchill got him trans- ferred to India. The second front was started a year and a half later with a ratio of 70 per cent American troops to 30 per cent British. Ottfwa . . At the Ottawa Conference between Churchill and FDR, General Mar- shall clashed with Sir Alan Brooke, British Chief of Staff, regarding Far Eastern operations. Marshall de- manded faster action by the British in the India-Burma theater, was most impatient oversBritish delays. Sir Alan Brooke resented this. After Ottawa, Churchill accompan- ied Roosevelt back to Washington, camped in the White House and adroitly suggested to FDR that, in view of the coming second front, the Allies needed a man of General Mar-' shall's stature as Allied commander.: Of course, as European commander, Marshall would have nothing fur- ther to say about the India-Burma Theater or any other part of the war ,-save Europe. At first FDR con- sented. But when this leaked to the press, the furore was so critical that the decision was reversed. India ... When William Philipps, special ambassador to India, gave Roosevelt an urgent warning that trouble was due in India unless the British prom- ised dominion status immediately, FDR finally sat down with Churchill to talk it over. But the Prime Minister wanted no advice from anyone-not even an ally. Pounding on the desk, he insisted that not one knew how to handle In- dia except the British. "Blood will flow," he shouted, if there is Ameri- can interference. Letters to the Editor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN To the Editor: Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know, but here's something which gripes ne no end. I called the Union the other day to reserve a room for my parents in June, since they are coming out at that time to attend my graduation. I was informed that only life mem- bers of the Union were permitted to reserve a room at that time, since there is to be a reunion in June. I had been under the impression that the Union and its facilities were primar- ily for the use of the students. but I wonder.... . Next I called the League, where I received the same reply. At this point I was rather hot under the collar, toj say the least. As a last resort I con- tacted the only half-way decent hotel in town and of course the story there was that they were completely sold out for graduation week. Students, is it fair? Must we out- of state students be forced to have our parents stay at a tourist home or even in Detroit when they come out to see us graduate, while the Un- ion and tile League are completely occupied by alumni? After all, we graduate but once, and therefore con- sider it a rather important event in our lives. while a mere reunion is not near so significant an event. It all boils down to one question, and that is: In the sight of the Uni- versity, who is more important---the alumni or the present student body? I believe, and I think you do also, that the interests of the students deserve priority. Then what about the situa- tion at the Union and the League during graduation week? Let's do something about it! --Rowland U. Westervelt Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. i. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, MARCH 9, VOL. LVI, No. 83 nr f:,,' 1946 Try This One... S UPPOSE you are a Russian in 1946. And the former leader of a great democracy invites another great democracy to form a vir- tual military alliance, because "nobody knows what Soviet Russia and its Communist inter- national organization intends to do . . . or what are the limits ... to their expansive tendencies." Then, suppose this same leader insists that the proposed military alliances is in no way incon- sistent with the principles of the UNO-in fact, is the only means for making that organization function successfully. Frankly, now, if you are a Russian and all this is going on, would you be inclined to believe that your "friends" in the family of nations were sincere? We are not trying to imply that there is no reason to be concerned over what is going on in Iran, Manchuria and the Balkans. What any nation does is the concern of every other nation. We learned that lesson the hard way. NOR are we advocating a policy of appease- ment in dealing with other nations. It is right that we should "get tough," but the latter policy can be carried to as disastrous extremes is the former. We do not believe that military alliances can do anything but jeopardize the peace. The United Nations Organization was estab- lished because the world realized that the old balance of power formula is no security. If nations try to resolve their differences outside the UNO, as Mr. Churchill proposes to do, international cooperation will become a myth and the world will be broken up into armed camps again. Or has Mr. Churchill given up hope for UNO? Certainly, the UNO is an imperfect instru- ment, particularly in regard to the veto power of the Big Five nations. Yet, merely because it is imperfect is no reason why the UNO should be abandoned. Mr. Churchill, in proposing a mili- tary alliance specifically aimed at resisting Rus- sia, is not only headed in the wrong direction but is weakening the one instrument which offers any hope for security-in fact, for the preserva- tion of the human race. -Clayton L. Dickey BARNABY As soon as Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, !onces Sunday Library Service: On all Sundays during the Spring Term, be- ginning March 10, the Main Reading Room and the Periodical Room of the General Library will be kept open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Books from the other parts of the building which are needed for Sunday use will be made available in the Main Reading Room if requests are made on Saturday of an assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved. The University Automobile Regula- tion will be lifted for the following groups during the periods indicated: Sophomore Medical students-from 12:00 noon on March 9, to 8:00 a.m. on April 8. Freshman Medical students-from 12:00 noon on March 9, to 8:00 a.m. on March 18. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 4. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appropri- ate official in their school with Room 4, University Hall, where it will be transmitted.! Student, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Applications for scholarships should be made before April 1. Appli- cation forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. Choral Union Members whose at- tendance records are clear, please call for their pass courtesy pass tickets for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra concert on the day of the perform- ance Monday, March 11, between 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4. After 4 o'clock no passes will be issued. Miss Gladys Potter, Acting Director of Elementary Schools, Long Beach, California will be in Ann Arbor on Thursday afternoon, March 14, to in- terview persons who would be inter- ested in teaching in California 1946- 47. Although Miss Potter is chiefly interested in elementary teachers, she would be glad to talk with others who may be interested in the Long Beach schools. Call Miss Briggs at the Bureau of Appointments for a conference with Miss Potter. Dr. John P. Fox, President of the Punahou School in Honolulu will be: in Michigan some time the latter part of March. Persons who are interested in teaching positions in Hawaii can secure complete information from the Bureau of Appointments. Positions are open in many fields: elementary. industrial arts, mathematics, social studies, general science, history, typ- ing, art, home economics, biology, speech, guidance, library science, nursing, physical education, music. Salaries are excellent and living con- ditions good. Teachers who may wish appoint- ments in the Toledo,rOhio, public schools can get full information as to examinations at the Bureau of Ap- pointments. Examinations will be given on Saturday, April 13 in Scott High School, Toledo to those persons whose credentials are sent to the Su- perintendent of Schools prior to April Women students earning their ex- penses by living and working in pri- vate homes are requested to notify the Office of the Dean of Women imme- diately. City of Detroit Civil Service nn- 6) Technical Aid (Male & Female) Salary: $2245-$239'7 Closing date is April 5, For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. "Slide rules, polyphase, with leath- er cases are available at $3.50 each, cash, or on Veterans' textbook order, in Room 2028 East Engineering Build- ing." All students who are registered with the= Bureau of Appointments are re- minded to come in to the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, and bring their sched- ule of classes and change of address or phone up-to-date. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer tificate for June: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School, an Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, March 13 or 14, between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the teacher's oath. This is a requirement for the certificate. Graduate Students planning to take the Graduate Record Examina- tion are notified that this examina- tion will be given in two sessions, March 13 and 14, at 6:45 p.m. Students taking the examination who have not paid the $3.00 examina- tion fee should pay at the Cashier's Office and bring the fee stub to the Graduate School Office. Veterans' purchase of the examination has been authorized by the Veterans' Admin- istration and veterans can receive approval for the remission of the fee at the Graduate School. The examination is required of all new students and of former students 7o notified. History 12, Section 5a, TuTh, 3:00 p.m., will meet in Room 216, Haven [fall, instead of in Room E, Haven Hall. History 11, Lecture Group IV, TuTh, 11:00, will meet in Room 348, Engineering Building, instead of in Room C, Haven Hall. History 12. New sections. Note toom changes. Section 3a, TuTh, 11:00, 1018 A H. changed from 231 A H. Section 4a, MF, 1:00, 229 A H. Section 10a, TuTh, 1:00, 229 A H Section la, MF, 1:00 Rm. E, H H. Section 12a, TuTh, 10:00, 2003 N S. Section 17, MF, 1:00, 2003 N S. History 12, Section 13, MF, 9:00 ;hanged from Room 101, Econ. Bldg., Wo Room 4082 N S. History 50, Lecture, TuTh, 10:00 will meet in Room 1025 A H. instead 7f in Room B, Haven Hall. History 50, Section 8, Th, 2:00, Room 229 A H. Scandinavian 52 will meet in 2042 Natural Science Building, hereafter. Concerts The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Karl Krueger, Conductor, will give the tenth program in the Choral Un- ion Concert Series, Monday night, March 11, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium, Dr. Krueger has arranged the follow- ing program: Symphony in C major, No. 31 (Jupiter) ..............Mozart "L Mer"............... . . .Debussy Overture, "Fingal's Cave"..... ................. Mendelssohn Excerpts from "The Tempest" . . Sibelius "Death and Transfiguration". .......... . ........... Strauss Student Recital: Grace Huddle Lookhoff, soprano, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, March 10, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. She is a student of voice with Arthur Hackett, and a member of Mu Phi Epsilon. The general public is invited. Coming Events Varsity Glee Club: Full concert re- hearsal, Sunday, 3:00 sharp. Michigan Christian Fellowship is holding its regular Sunday afternoon meeting at Lane Hall on March 10, with Dr .Francis Steel. Staff Member By Crockett Johnson ____________________________________________ E Here's the J. J. O'Malley check,I I I I