PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY B40" PAQ~ FOuR ~n4n?~Y7M~v ~7P48 Fif ty-Sith Year SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT: TVA and Ptbl Power ,{ Dominie Says DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer. . . . .. . . Managing Editor Hale Champion.. . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker .. ..........Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . .. .Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . .Business Manager Joy Altman. .. .....Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by man, $5.25. ,. m..~... . . ... I ATIONA . ADVERTSING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Piblisers Representative 420 MADIsoN Av. 'NEw YoKt. N.Y. utcAao osTON - Los ANGELES . SN FRAncisco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Food Program TIME AND AGAIN the news and editorial columns of newspapers throughout the nation have emphasized the critical need for food to ship abroad. The processes of democracy - es- pecially student democracy - are slow. But they can, when the occasion demands, be constructive and effective. The University of Michigan Famine Commit- tee, which was organized by representatives of student residences this week, has set up a pro- gram for food conservation on campus so that we can realize our responsibilities to the world in the current food crisis. The program includes elimination of food waste, observing famine-day once each week With daily diets of 1,500 calories, and cutting bread from menus at one meal every day. DEMONSTRATING true cooperative spirit, the five co-op houses on campus immediately and unanimously voted to innaugurate the program. Sororities and dormitories have expressed their desire to participate in the program by sending delegates to the Famine Committee meeting which propounded the proposals. Arrangements are underway to introduce the program into Uni- versity dormitories. It's all set, but - T WON'T MEAN A THING unless every stu- dent at the University faithfully supports and adheres to the program. In unity there will be food. No one can really afford not to cooperate in the program. We can only justify our own ex- istence by helping others live. If we are not sub- ordinate to. our stomachs, we can salvage not only self-respect, but the respect of the world. -Mal Roemer Istrian Puzzle BIDDING FAIR to become a first-rate cactus bush at the Paris Foreign Ministers' Con- ference is the problem of Trieste. Backed by Russia, Yugoslavia this week pre- sented claims to virtually all of the Istrian Peninsula, including Trieste. Italy, on the other hand, with the Americans, French and British behind her, is also demanding the much dis- puted city, plus about a third of the peninsula. AMERICAN TROOPS now occupying Trieste have been reported on the verge of active warfare with Marshal Tito's forces outside the city. This situation has been suggested as a major reason for American insistence on holding the Foreign Ministers' Conference at this time. Other indications of the importance attached to the Trieste dispute are to be found in reports that 20,000 Soviet troops have crossed the bor- der from Hungary into Yugoslavia; that Tito has banned American and British reconnais- sance flights over Jugoslav territory; that U.S. troops in Trieste have been ordered to fire if Jugoslavs attempt to enter the city; and that the Italian government has offered to supply the Americans and British with 15 divisions. It would seem that the question is not one on which either side of the too-habitual alignment of powers will back down readily. Meanwhile, the peace treaties necessary before Europe can settle to the task of reconstruction are again delayed. -Mary Brush; People Versus army WHEN CONGRESS passed the act creating the 'ennessee Valley Authority in 1933, the American people were indignant on the subject of electric power. The background of this indignation was the Federal Trade Commission's investigation of the electric power monopoly, which began in 1928, the bankruptcy of many public utility holding companies in the early years of the Depression (including the sensational Insuill incident and increasing dissatisfaction with the rates charged by electric power operating companies.) TVA and the Public Utility Holding Company Act were the government's answer to the people's demands. BUT TVA was also the outgrowth of a crying need for conservation and development of the natural resources of the Tennessee River basin. The problem was strikingly similar to that of the Missouri Valley today. The needs of the Tennessee Valley in 1933 were four-fold: 1. Floods were annually causing loss of life and millions of dollars of property damage. 2 . The soil was eroding and rushing down- stream at a rate which threatened the fertility of the land and with it the livelihood of the Valley's populace, which is largely agricultural. 3. Because of high rail rates in the South, a cheap form of transportation was needed. But long stretches of the river's navigation channel were blocked with silt. 4. The private power companies' high rates prevented wide use of electricity. W ITH A SCORE of power companies operating in the Valley and political jurisdiction divid- ed among seven states and hundreds of local governments, the problem of the Tennessee Val- BOOKS RULERS' MORNING by Joseph G. litrec Harper and Brothers, New York, 1946. 281 pages. RULERS' MORNING is a series of sketches and portraits of the people of modern India. Held together by their centraltheme, the stories are plotless but complete. Together they present a sensitive picture of India as viewed by a man who has spent a large portion of his life there, affected by the influences and living with the people of whom he writes. There is no hint of the travelogue in RULERS' MORNING nor is it a disspassionate study of the familiar "Indian problem." The struggle for independence and the racial conflict are reflected throughout, not as problems but in terms of actual effect upon human lives. The British "ruler" is examined in his every- day life by a man who is obviously familiar with every aspect of that life. These stories are de- voted chiefly to description of the colonial ad- ministrator but with illuminating sketches of the Tommy. Hitrec views these men from many angles, their relations with one another, their attitude toward the Indians, their conceptions of their job in India, and their relations with women of their own race and Indians. He shows what motives govern their actions, what makes them what they are, going behind the facade of the type as is usually presented, to portray them in a very real and convincing fashion. The stories reflect the despair and disillusionment of the men with ideas and principles, when they no longer find themselves bound by subjective interests and see themselves in terms of others- a despair not reflected by the natives. The growing surge for independence is focused in the two sketches "The Fearless Will Always Have It" and "The Word." The first describes the excitement felt by three Indian school boys disobeying the curfew and evading the police- men to roam the streets at night writing anti- British slogans on the shop walls. "The Word" catches the spirit of another schoolboy shouting his message of freedom at an impassive public, being haled into court where the spirit of com- radeship carries him through trials although logic fails him. The author states that it is his desire to "bring E. M. Forster's PASSAGE TO INDIA twenty years forward." His stories are not imitations of Forster's, Hitrec's own term "emulation" is much more accurate. These are good stories, sensitive. entertaining, and informative. -John Erlewine General Library List ley could be 10t only by a single agency cloaked with broad powers. But TVA is no "Leviathan." A government cor-I poration, its directors are appointed by the Presi-t dent with the advice and consent of the Senate.t Its powers and duties are closely defined by the1 original act of Congress. In effect TVA is the total of Congress which created the authority and has the power to abol- ish it. That Congress has maintained its control over the authority is seen in the fact that the original act of 1933 has been amended five times. TVs itself does not function as an imperson- al bureaucracy, since its headquarters are lo- cated in the home Valley, Few people will question the right of the Fed- eral Government to control floods and navigation on interstate rivers. But the question arises: Should the Federal Government go into the electric power business? The question was answered in the affirmative by the Supreme Court in the famous "18 Com- panies Case" in 1939. , The private power companies in the Valley did not contest the government's right to con- serve such hydroelectric power as might be available at government dams, but they bitterly denounced TVA's program of transmitting energy to local, publicly-owned distributing agencies-which dispensed entirely with many privately-owned companies. BUT TVA, in establishing an independent whoiesale and retail power system, was enter- ing an industry which is inherently monopolistic and in which prices are subject only to the de- cisions of individual companies and regulatory commissions. Both the individual companies in the Valley and the state commissions charged with regulat- ing them failed to appreciate the possibilities of consumer response to lower rates. Both clung to the theory that any reduction in rates would result in lower profits. It took the TVA's "yardstick" to disprove' the theory. The companies which were not bought out by TVA reduced their rates in line with TVA's policy and actually increased their profits as a result of added consumption by the people. TVA itself has showed annual profits since 1939. On the record, TVA has fully justified itself. The record :hould be an important factor in the current dispute over the proposed Missouri Valley Authority. -Clayton L. Dickey Under the leadership of Eugene Ormandy and Alexander Hilsburg, an abundance of. superbly performed music was presented before an enthu- siastic audience at yesterday's matinee and eve- ning concerts of the May Festival. Following a rousing performance of Smetana's, Overture to "The Bartered Bride", which brought to the fore its swirling dance-like rhythms. The Youth Festival Chorus sang to the delight of the audience and orchestra alike a collection of American Folk Songs. No words of praise are adequate to describe the achievement of Mar- querite Hood, who has year after year added much to the festival nature of these concerts by presenting these children of the Ann Arbor elementary schools in endless variety of songs which please both old and young alike. Anne Brown was the featured soloist on the afternoon concert. Her voice, which is of a quality more lyric than dramatic in nature, was more at home in the two excerpts from Ger- shwin's "Porgy and Bess", "Summertime" and "My Man's Gone Now", than in the first two selections which she presented from "Aida" and "Cavalleria Rusticana." Cleanly executed performances of "Finlandia" by Sibelius and Mendelssohn's Scherzo and Noc- turn from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" were offered, but the orchestral highlift of the mat- inee came when Mr. Hilsberg led a never to be forgotten performance of "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks" by Richard Strauss. The horns outdid themselves as the orchestra, with care- ful phrasing acted out the tale of this medieval rascal. It was the violins and woodwinds which came to the fore as Eugene Ormandy led the orchestra in the Symphony Number 40 of Mozart, the opening number on the evening concert. With a confidence of expression which was noticeable from the very first number she offered, Bidu Sayao, the featured artist, offered selections by Mozart, Bellini, Obradors, Villa-Lobos, and Donizetti. Both in her last number and in an encore by the same composer, she displayed in tones which at times reached high C, or bet- ter, her vocal artistry. William Kincaid, without a doubt "the in- credible flutist" was heard in "Soloquy for Flute and String Orchestra" by the modern American composer, Bemnard Rogers. A stirring rendition, of Respighi's, "The Pines of Rome," emphasizing all its naturalistic effects, brought a pleasant day's concert-going to a close. -Paula Brower TWO DOCTRINES have grown up - about social situations in the field of Religion-Dissent and Conformity. It is well that we hold in mind that Wq the logical origin of any doctrine is n the social situation. Religionists in the main date their doctrines from belief and conviction as to the in- i tention of God rather than from y social situations, by religion referred J to as the needs of man. However, if c we may be allowed to assume thatg both Dissent, well illustrated by the R history of the Congregationalist bod- ies, and Conformity, best demon- strated by the Episcopalians, arose' out of conditions which justified the , form they took, we come at once to the movements of our era, preparedH to inquire as to how best bring a religiousimotivation to American life. Here is the dilapitated family1 whose record in Washtenaw county, annually, now shows as many di-r vorces as marriages and in which a growing juvenile delinquency perplexes school, court, church, and tax payer as well as the families themselves. How do the Dissidents approach the problem of the fam- ily? By a rather futile negative attack upon the movie, the auto- mobile, the radio and the secular school. But the Conformists attack the problems of the family in simi- lar fashion. Neither in our era operating singly has the power to make a positive attach. Both lack the social cohesion and the com- munity solidarity necessary to save current marriages from divorce. Both will confess that their ser- vices of worship, have too little direct relation to the effort of sepa- rate families or to the pastoral care being given to those few families who rely on the ministerial aid for wise instruction before marriage or good religious education of the children after the family is estab- lished. Does not this suggest that belief and conviction may have fro- zen the body of believers into obso- lete patterns while social change moved situations out ahead of them? THE STATISTICS reveal that re- ligion cuts down the divorce. The National Conference on Family Lif reports as follows: (a) Jewish, 4.6% (b)Catholic, 6.4%, (c) Protestant 6.8% (d) Mixed Marriages, 15.2% and (e) Non-Church, 16.7% broken homes. Religion, therefore doe perform a service for many. But thi is small comfort for us who teaci or preach religion. Traditionally, we with the parents hold the centra responsibility in this social area Leadership must exist not for th few of a given ideology but for al of the families if society is to be served. When we hear J. Edgar Hoovel broadcast the report on juvenile de- linquency, "during 1944, the arrests of girls under twenty-one were 21% higher than in 1939," we are impelled to revise our methods and our think- ing. But where is leadership required' During the last year 22% of all crime! were committed by youngsters whc had not reached their twenty-first birthday. They were responsible for 35% of the robberies, 50% of the bur- glaries, 35% of the larcenies and 63% of the auto thefts. And where shall leaders be found? As Jacques Mari- tain and Paul Tilich point out, only multiple attack, concerted timing and a religious devotion to sacred good and ultimate truth will meet the need of both society and persons. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education Kicks und Comments IN 1941, the year he won the Derby on Whirlaway, Eddie Arcaro turned to one of his friends, pointed to the horse in question, and said, "Man, you can throw all of them other horses away." Well, this week Benny Good- man and his new sextet have come up with a four-record album, and as far as I am concerned, you can throw all them other four, five and six-man groups away. The new album is the Columbia "Goodman Sextet Session," with Goodman, Slam Stewart, vocalist Jane Harvey, Red Norvo, Morey Feld and Mike Bryan on drums and guitar respectively, and pianists Mel Powell and Teddy Wilson. The record surfaces are excellent by any standard, the tunes played couldn't have been better chosen, and there is an air of competence and soundness about the whole venture that makes any form of carping impossible. As a matter of fact, this level of excellence is so well maintained that it is almost equally impossible to single out the customary two or three" best sides. -Lex Walker (Contiied from Page 3) Nell Child, 8 p.m., West Court Com- w unity House. Tuesday. May 7: Lecture Series: Who Make up the Pressure Groups s n the United States?" Professor p Wesley Maurer, Department of n ournalism, will lead a discussion of T urrent and potential pressure hi roups. 2 p.m. Conference Room, w West Lodge. w Tuesday, May 7: Safety Series, P 'Fire." Special movies and speaker Z rom Detroit. Capt. Frank J. Dipner C vill present demonstrations and ex- o hibits. Sponsored by Federal Public b Housing Authority and Washtenaw County Chapter, American Red Cross. 8 p.m. Willow Village Community h Building.N Wednesday, May 8: Bridge. 2 p.m. md 8 p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge. Thursday, May 9: Home Planning: s 'Cooking for 'the Fun of It" Missa 'argaret W. Andersen, Home Service q Director, Michigan Consolidated GasC 'ompany. 2 p.m. Conference Room, t Vest Lodge. Friday, May 10: Leadership: Dr. ?red G. Stevenson, Extension Staff 'How to get democratic group action,' 3.nd Parliamentary Procedures." 81 >.m. Conference Room, West Lodge.' Friday, May 10: May Dance, 8:30-F 1:30 Auditorium, West Lodge, Saturday, May 11: Dancing Clas- 1 -es: Beginners, couples, 7 p.m.; Ad- ranced, couples, 8 p.m., Auditorium,l Nest Lodge. Sunday, May 12: Classical Music, ecords, 3 p.m. Office. Lecturesl The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus- el Lecture for' 145-46. "The Neuro- mnatomical Patterns Involved in Cer- tain Eye Movements," at 4:15 p.m.,; hursday, May 9, in the Rackham amphitheatre. Announcement of the Ienry Russel Award for this year i vill also be made at this time. University Lecture. Mrs. Eunice Veaver, President, The Federation of Societies for Assistance to Lepers, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will lecture on Social Work in Leprosy," at 8:00 ).in., Monday, May 6, in the Rack- iam Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Bacteriology and the Latin-American Society. The public s cordially invited. Alexander Ziwet lectures in Mathe- natics will be given by Professor :urt Friedrichs of New York Univer- sity on the topic, "Mathematical Cheory of Gas Flow, Flames and.De- ,onation Waves." The first lecture if the series will occur on Monday, Vay 6, at 3:00 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall.:Any one interested is ordially invited to attend. A cademic Notices Civil Engineering 40: The assign- ment of Room 348 W. Engineering Bldg. for the written quiz, Tuesday. Vay 7, was a mistake, and the qui ,ill be held in the regular class room. R. L. Morrison Seminar in Applied Mathematics tnd Special Functions. The meeting ruesday, May 7, will be held in Room 318 West Engineering at 3:00 p.m. Dr. I. Opatowski, University of Chi- ;ago, will give a lecture on the Lap- !ace Transform in Probability. Visit- )rs are welcome. Concerts May Festival Concerts. The sched- 'ile of May Festival concerts is as fol- lows. The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all performances. SUNDAY, . MAY 5, 2:30 - All- Brahms program, with William Ka- pell, pianist; Alexander Hilsberg. conductor. SUNDAY, MAY 5, 8:30-Salvatore Baccaloni, basso buffo; Rosalind Na- dell, contralto soloist in Prokofieff' "Alexander Nevsky" with Choral Un- ion; Eugene Ormandy, conductor. Student Recital: Loren Cady, a stu- dent of violin under Wassily Bese- kirsky, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music in Music Education, at 8:30 Wednesday evening, May 8, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. His program will include compo- sitions by Franck, Tchaikovsky, Sibe- lius, Dinicu, and Mendelssohn, and will be open to the general public. Exhibitions Fishing and fish management. Ro- tunda, Museum Building. Through June 30. 8:00-5:00 week days; 2:00- 5:00, Sundays and holidays. Coming Events Psychology Club, Journal Review Committee will meet Wednesday eve- ie Road to Finnegan's Wake." A eneral discussion and refreshments ill follow. Three One-Act Plays will be pre- ented by Play Production of the De- artment of Speech tomorrow eve- ing, 8:00, in the Lydia Mendelssohn heatre. Admission free to the pub- c. Advance students in dramatics 'ill direct and stage the offerings, hich include "Girls Must Talk," by aul Gantt; "The Neighbours," by ona Gale; and "Rehearsal," by hristopher Morley. Tickets may be btained tomorrow at the theatre ox office from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Varsity Glee Club: Final short re- Larsal for Detroit concert at 7:15 Monday, May 6. The Graduate Outing Club will ponsor an evening of folk dancing or members and their friends and ill interested graduate students on Tuesday, May 7, from 8 to 10, in the Duting Club room' in the Rackham ilding. Admission is free. Phi Sigma and Graduate Council will jointly sponsor two talks by Dr. Clarence H. Kennedy, of Ohio State University, Wednesday, in Rackham Amphitheatre. At 4:30 p.m., Dr. Kennedy will speak on "The' Evolu- tion of the Society from the Family," and at 8:00, he will deliver a lec- ture on human evolution, "*The Evolution of Human Transportation as Shown by the Evolution of the Automobile." The evening lecture will be followed by a reception and refreshments in the West Conference Room. Both lectures are open to the public. The Polonia Club will meet Tues- day at 7:30 in the International Cen- ter. Following the business meeting, a talk on Poland's Cdstliition Day will be given. Churches First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m.: Morning Worship ser- vice. Sermon by Dr. Lemon "Let's be Real Sceptics." 6:00 p.m.: Westminster Guild Sup- per. Mrs. Martha G. Colby, Associate Professor of Psychology will speak on "Studies of Broken Homes." First Congregational Church. Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. 10:45 a.m. Public worship. The subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "Man's Greatest Triumph." 6:00 p.r. Congregational-Disciples Student Guild cost supper and table discussions on the second of the series "I Believe." Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples of Christ) Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Rev. Mr. F. E. Zendt will deliver the morn- ing message. Wesley Foundation at First Meth- odist Church: 9:30 a.m. Student Seminar with breakfast and discussion in the Pine Room, especially for Foreign and American students. 10:40 a.m. Morning worship. Dr. J. B. Kenne will preach on "Is the Church Ready?" 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild for Stu- dents and Young Adults. Dr. Win. Clark Trow will speak on the subject "Education for World Peace." This is the first of two Sunday evenings on this subject. Social hour and supper follow and will close at 8 p.m. First Unitarian Church, Lane Hall, State and WashingtonStreets. Ed- ward H. Redman, Minister. 10:00 a.m.: Unitarian - Friends' Church School. Pre-Nursery through Second Grade at 110 N. State. Third Grade through High School at Lane Hall Basement. 10:00 a.m.: Adult Study Group. Rabbi J. M. Cohen leading discussion on "Trends in Present-day Judaism," Lane Hall Upper Room. 11:00 a.m.: Service of Worship. Rev. Edward H. Redman preaching a sermon in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of Horace Mann, eminent Unitarian layman, founder of the American Public School sys- tem, first president of Antioch Col- lege. Lane Hall Auditorium. 6:30 p.m.: Unitarian Student Group, 110 N. State Streef. Buffet Supper and informal conversations between the May Festival Concerts. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 109 S. Division St.: Wednesday evening service at 8. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Everlasting Punishment." Sunday School at 11:45. A special reading room is main- tained by this church at 706 Wolver- ine Bldg., Washington at Fourth, where the Bible, also the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open daily except Sundays and holi- days from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Beard, Mary Women As Force in History. New York, Macmillan, 1946. Geddes, Donald Porter Franklin Delano Roosevelt. New York, The Dial Press, 1945. Gillmore, Margalo The B. O. W. S. New York, Harcourt, 1945. McWilliams, Vera Lafcadio Hearn. New York, Houghton, 1946. Standish, Robert The Small General. New York, The Mac- millan Co., 1945. Williams, Tennessee The Glass Menagerie. House, 1945. New York, Random BARNABY I Don't open the ice box door, Pop. By Crockett Johnson Are YOU singing, son? Er. . . What will he IWe do too much talking about the