PAGE SIX THitE M I C 11IGAN DA ILY giMI Itt'A . NF AY 1; 04f, PAGE SIX SATuRDAY, MAY 4; 1~48 Alcatra z True1Offero Is Rejected by Wk itrdei"014 Rioting Contin ties A,- setj ic~ii Refue TSurrnde ( unsA mmunilio AP . EWS Bly The A"Oiated Press SAN FRANCISCO, May 3_- Fear- crazed Alcatraz convicts, p)ounded for more than 24 hours wi h rifle and grenade fire, asked "Wicko n.. A. Johnston today for a truce. The convicts telephioned (le warden. "We want to make a deal,'' ,hey said. Warden Replies Warden Johnston -replied: "We'll make a deal when you throw out your guns and ammunition." The telephone clicked. At 7:40 p.m. EST there had been no word from the trapped men. Major Albzert Arsenault, Marine public relations officer, returned from the island this afternoon and told reporters of the truce offer. Stte CEd a a oil' Will Face Rise In Enrollments Keniston TIo Address Meeting a Ypsilanti Two University faculty menbers will speak at the spring meeting of the Michigan College Association Tuesday in Charles McIKenney Hall, Ypsilanti, in an effort; to solve thw 'current enrollment demna nds prb - lem. Dean Hayward Keniston of the lit- erary college will speak on the topic, "A Better Disribution of Students in Michigan Colleges" The subject was discussed at a preliminary meeting of represen ta- tives from high schools and colleges throughout the state here last Fri- day., Urge Junior Colleges In order to solve the problem of overcrowding in the state's larger educational institutions, the confer- ence recommended that students be encouraged to attend smaller colleges and that boards of education throughout the state set up new jun- ior colleges. These colleges are al- ready being contemplated in Battle Creek and Benton Harbor. The announcement by Michigan State College that it can accept no new women students was cited as evi- dence of the need for redistribution. Gale To Speak Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the International Center will also speak at the morning session of the con- ference. He will discuss "Admission of Foreign Students to Michigan Col- leges." Afternoon speakers will include Dr. Bruce Raymond, chief of the Vet- erans' Administration education and training division, James D. MacCon- nell 'of the United States Office of Education and the Rev. Kearney Krikby, director of Christian educa- tion of the Michigan Council of Churches. 41 Manuscripts Are Submitted For Hopwoods Thirty-eight contestants have sub - mitted 41 manuse4pts to the 1946 Avery and Jule Hopwood contest for creative writing, according to Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of the H-opwood Awards. Manuscripts for the contest were submitted in four categories: drama, essay, fiction and poetry. ntries this year fll below last y~a's ecir of 45 contestants and 59 manuscripts. In the major contest, which is open to seniors and graduate students, the number of manuscripts submitted equaled last year's record in every field except fiction. There were three entries in the field of drama, two in essay and four in poetry both years while nine entries in fiction surpasses last year's seven manuscripts. Entries in the minor contest, open to qualified undergraduates, included one in drama, two in essay, 12 in fiction and eight in poetry. Major Arsenault sa idithe1ware way, wriediut abit I 0 oz- b+,jnl; el d 'trndcr ,;(rya id tj(,ytma- Mav~1jor Arsenau~tllt s uid IHull. Warrant SOfice 1i(~Clilurles .i LB'wkcner. of Min- phi' , 'Tenn., had vt Ii nteredl to try HIllou11nt211( iii rof, 6driled Ithree holes withl<.n Ps ric hiel-, and 1uixci ~'d an a iti-t« ntk ,r tio oi Convicts f&,ec em ''llcti1ei Itt ine of the cn- vicftl5screamrt thn uihl-) lt 111i. 'hirt le ihoad a rile *ltat 111r I'i V. tnj Mi+i~t'5'ieArt as. l, .ti ltlnei pati ic ct(' t(.t,i.Vtt 'tan \l 0hld tI Hlie 8ilta r ;aaaitl trpehe at, l ic dropt(1J1n(150 uofI a~n. 'ii c Marine Majot said as far ais lie knew there had been no firing since around 1 o'clock. Ile said an assistant warden had Lehiliilli ebeliev(] e twconvicts stili holdiiwot, n thIle cell bloc -which h e st imlat'd at '14-- till h ad a bcit .3,00rotuiid; of al li iitilii. Om i;rt, iQuiet' 1k' ,slid iwI n'1ud beta1 ttoldlthe riot f irst, Lst ii xvlai'ita eet vot reached out frtairIi!; rtell atnd hla'skd a i rard 11 touttt bthe rock withita aaptelr's Ti- qiaire, jiilitl a Iii close ad riippig t11it kys fromt his belt. Aidldby c ointt~aiMaio a'volni- tet;-, p iin Loll (di k, j.t5 (kl'ed they woul be'blto ta Lke o(We~t'hIe blrics ]'coi'nithIte svil. rrrrra1iui ti ptiuaes ''~t any tiie.'' But for tWeLinn.-being alominous1 quiet settled on the glowering Federal penitentiary in San Francisco Bay. Chicago Radio Fans~ Hear U"'Cf-radinates The Chicagoairadio-listenr, spinn- ing his dial, in search of the 11 p.m. newscast, can hardly help but hear the v-lice of a Michigan 'graduate. Over station WMAQ Myrn Wal-- lace, '40, is heard. Duane Nelson, '40, (known as Bill Duane) givs the latest reports onl WBBM, while WGN1 features Ward1 Qua, '41, hA hUN(flOFICIAL BULLETIN (Contnued fromt Page 4) The English Journal Club will meet Tuesday evening, May 7, at 7:45 in the East Conference Roomn of the Rackham Building. Mr. James V. Baker will speak on "Coleridge and the Road to Finnegan's Wake." A general discussion an i refreshments will follow. Three One-Act Plays will be pre- sented by Play Production of thel Depart ment of Spech Monday even- ing, 8:00 p.m., in tie Lydia Mendel- sohln Theatre. Admnissin free to thet l )ublih. Advance studnts in dramatics! vill dtirect and Asage the offerings, which include "Girls Must Talk," by' Paul Gantt, "The Neighbors" by Zcna Gale, and ''1ii Hehearsal,'' byj Christ opher Morley Tickets may bej obtained at th hi't laie box office Monday from 10:00 to 8:00. Iliawathia Club; A reoranization meetinug of the hliawatha Club will be held il the Unions Wednesday, May 3, at 8:0t0 p.m. All nviale sidaents fromt the Upperil 1'iiii.tli aetrgd to at teind. Interniationail (enter: Due to the May Festival. there wil be no Sun- day cvening program this week. Te series of Sunday evening programs will be resumed on Sunday, May 12. The picnic scheduled for today has been postponed until May 11. Veterans' Wives Club will mneet~ Monday. Ma-y 6, t 7:30 pirn., in thej R ussian Tea Room of the Mi~hhian' Lcaue. All «ivC5s of student Vet elans arze cor-dially inv'it ed, 0D1R tC TO R-c'oi.It.Nor- man Schw~art~kopft, fomer head of New Jersey State piolice, has been organizintg and directinlg tr~ii-mig of the ir. Ain urtlontij PR 1WO futce. Imau d~urinig a visit to tte wcioolis ive~toa t am~ A% 1 D F 0 R. P U C I L I S T- Timme Vogel (left), applies ice to his brother's shiner as their mother, Mrs. R. W. Vioiel, looks on during boxing contest at Annapolis, Md U P S W ,E E P - Comedienne Judy Canova designed this coif- fure, with spring flowers, as an upsweep to end all upsweeps. S A F E TY EV IC E Peter aker is "chained" to his machine at SKF; factory in Philadelphia. When the press descends, cords attached to wristbands pull hands out of harm's way If the operator fails to act quickly. V AR DA M AN AND W1IFE-~Commodore and Mrs. James K. Vardaman chat at Washington, D. C., after the com-. mnodore was sworn in as federal reserve, board member.', 8 E A U T 1 E S ..- Queen of the Tulsa University yearbook, Dede Dietrich (bottom), Fort Smith, Ark., poses with runners- up (reading upward from Miss Dietrich), Mary Lou Fallen, Wa-' vita Hale, Evelyn Davis, Eunice Know land and June Love.>' R E L I E F T R A 1 N -- The first relief train crosses the iGreek-Yugoslav frontier with UNRXRA flour and army rations from the United States for 'Yugoslavs in southern Macedonia who are short of food and cut off from their ports of supply. Note the barbed wire frontier barrier with Yugoslav children (left) and Greek youngsters (right) on opposite sides., C A R T E R - Movie starlet Mary Tharp wears- her "wolf. bait" garter, made by braiding the wearer's hairsf Veterans' and Citizen's Housing Committee QesIonare" ! wont to build or buy during the year, single dwelling two-family dwelling ~~~~multiple dwelling, with aatmns aT aparttrenfs. I do (do not) have the necessary finances. {;.{f f s "' ,^i}{' y}: r { i :j'Tr:vy;? ::i::} i ' . .. ...i .?{.:.Gas'."r:4:vi:Gi:2arti..,{h.'"h i: :