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May 04, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-04

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* We Aren't Always Happy

More Jews to Palestine

iZo 5971W 6k0cit


Lost Generation lDept.
WE JUST GOT BACK from a 77 cent meal at
the Law Club, and believe us, it won't hap-
pen again. The murky atmosphere depressed us
immeasureably; four hundred monastic souls
dedicated to Blackstone and torts for an un-
natural part of their existence, lost in prelims,
and dedicated to the proposition that all men
were created to get into trouble out of which
a fast buck can be made.
Returning to our own type cloister we rapt
into something equally unhappy. An anony-
mous clipping which recited the woes of 22-year-
old Jay Douglas Haley as related in the Daily
Bruin, University of California, "The education-
al system of America is failing the youth of
America! . . It is fashioning sparrows and
pushing them out to compete with hawks . . .
Why on earth should we be taught . . . this
foolishness about honesty, truth and fair play?"
And after more of this theme ad nauseam,
"Let us get up petitions to remove the namby-
pamby professors stumbling on their White
Horse Truth, and get some good hardheaded
businessmen in our colleges to teach us what we
have to know to become a success."
We don't suppose anybody would have printed
any such all-out tripe if it hadn't been penned by
a veteran. But our tip to Jay Douglas Haley is
to stroll down to the beach at Santa Monica
and follow the advice of hardheaded business-
man Horace Greeley.
Noted With Relish
A COED STUDENT of Shakespeare we know
has a rather homely attitude toward the
Great Elizabethan.
On her volume of his Works is a paper cover
which bears the inscription:
"Bill's Best."
There'll Always Be A Slogan
HERE'S a movement on campus to put an end
to the old-fashioned American slogan.
First, soie ecstatic soul came up, with "Let
your quarter be their supporter" - for one of
the many drives held in this region. Then some-
one muttered MUSBE which had people won-
dering, but not a hell of a lot.
Now with the world surviving on the equivalent
of a starvation diet another semantic wizard
has kicked in with, "Heifers for Europe."
Comparatively, we're beginning to like sing-
ing commercials.
Study In Black
COMMENTING ON the incipient brown-out,
a few characters we know who do their
studying in the General Library have asserted
that total blackout would go unnoticed in their
bat-breeding haunt.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
M '"" 1

EIJITO'WS NOTE: Professors Clark Hopkins of the
department of classical languages and Preston Slos-
son of the history department were asked by The
Daily to comment on the recent Anglo-American
commission rep~ort recommending admittance of
10,000 Jews into Palestine. The following is the
text of the two interviews:
Anglo-American commission, recommendation
that 100,000 Jews be admitted to Palestine repre-
sents the best possible solution to the problem
of homeless Jewry, Prof. Slosson said.
However, he cautioned, if the United States
is going to sanction such a program, she must
implement it with force. Although Arab pros-
perity has multiplied considerably since the first
Jewish entry into the state, he pointed out, Mo-
hammodan fanaticism and Arabian chauvinism
sets the Arabs against further Jewish immigra-
tion. This xenophobia, as evidenced in the move-
ment for a Pan-Arab league, he compared to
Hitler's dream of an Aryan Europe. "The Arabs
must be brought to reason and the only means
of doing so at this time is force." Great Britain's
long-time Palestinian policy of "panic and ap-
peasement" he attributed to English fear for
security of the empire in the Near and Middle
East. This explains, Prof. Slosson said, why
Britain issued the White Paper, which, in effect,
abrogates the Balfour Declaration.
Now, that England has indicated a reversal
of policy, he continued, the Arabs might well
doubt she will carry out her designated in-
tentions. But, if an Anglo-American force
were to underwrite the program, he said, the
Arabs would be more likely to remain quies-
The only question to be raised, Prof. Slosson
brought out, is whether or not the responsibility
lies more truly under the aegis of the United
Nations. Pointing out the essentially inter-
national character of Palestine as the Holy Land
of three major world religions (Christian, Jew-
ish and Mohammoden), he contended that the
best assurance of success would be to put the
United Nations in full control.
REFERRING to the so-called "Jewish Prob-
lem", Prof. Slosson said that the real solution
does not lie entirely within Palestine, a country
barely the size of Vermont and equally as
rocky. Stipulating that the figure of 100,000 does
not include all the Jews in Europe who seek new
homes, he suggested relaxed immigration laws in
the various nations as a means of placing them.
To establish Palestine as an independent
nation now would be impossible without some
.outside supervision, Prof. Slosson asserted.
Flanked by Arab states, he explained, the tiny
nation would be in a most precarious position.
Future independence of Palestine, either as
a Jewish state or as a combined nation, depends
entirely upon the ability of Arabs and Jews to
cooperate in modernizing the land, he concluded-
*i* * *

interference in Palestine against the protest of
the Arabs. This paradox, he pointed out. is
typical of the inconsistency between United Na-
tions ideals and actirns.
We have fought and won two wars in the
interest of the smaller nations as well as in
our own, Prof Hopkins said. As assurance that
these states would have means of appeal for
their rihts, we set up international courts of
justice. Yet, he continued, the Anglo-Ameri-
can commission would send more Jews to
Palestine without giving the Arabs a chance
to protest while they Still have an appreciable
majority. And this action, Prof. Hopkins as-
serted, is in the face of the mandate's assur-
ance that civil rights of all inhabitants would
be preserved regardless of race or religion, and
that the mandate would be conducted in the
interest of all inhabitants.
It is not always recognized, he added, that
support of a minority by an outside power tends
to tear a country apart rather than to unify the
factions, since opposition to the accepted order
can depend on the outside power for support.
Therefore, he declared, whether Great Britain
alone, or a United Nations commission supports
the Jewish minority in Palestine, a continued
disunity will bring results detrimental to the
entire coun nyr y
ONE of the most unfortunate aspects of the
report, Prof. Hopkins asserted, is the mention
of Christian interests in Palestine. "The whole
Christian world has tremendous interests and
feeling for the Land of Christ; but the report
speaks as if an independent government of
Arabs, or of Arabs and Jews together, would be
an irresponsible power utterly incapable of pre-
serving sacred shrines or protecting pilgrims and
Another shortcoming of the report, he point-
ed out, is that it makes no mention of the
disruptive effect of establishing the Hebrew
language in Palestine. Cooperation between
Jew and Arab is difficult at best, Prof. Hop-
kins averred, but it is made doubly so by the
introduction of another language. Comparing
this to the policy in the United States, he said,
we have insisted only that immigrants or their
children learn English in the schools and that
they do not try to overthrow the government.
The Jews are insisting that Hebrew be taught
in their schools and Jewish immigration is, in
part, aimed at overthrowing the Arab majority.
The so-called altruism of those who would
send these Jews to Palestine is nothing but false
pity, he declared. Sincere altruism requires sac-
rifice, in this case the sacrifice is only at the
expense of a third party and in opposition to
the third party's stormy protests.
If minute Palestine has already been the har-
binger of 600,000 Jews, then, he suggested, the
remainder of the United Nations, if they sin-
cerely believe in justice and altruism, can cer-
tainly find room for all others in need of refuge.
-Anita Franz


- - -

Phi Alpha

To the Editor:
I do not think it necessary that I
take the time to take issue with those
spokesmen of Greek letter organiza-
tions who so truly and representa.-
tively exemplified how anti-dem-
cratic a democratic society can be.
To my mind, it would be a waste of
time to argue with those individuals
because they have evidently been
smitten by narrow-mindedness and I
afflicted with the mental disease ofj
racial prejudice and superiority.
I do, however, believe it necessary
that more important mention be
made about the initiation of a pro-
gram of integration that is to be
found in the Negro Greek letter
world. The oppressed are including
the oppressor in their midst with
the hope that through integration
differentiation will disappear.

Publication in the Daily official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the U nivecrsity). *Notices foir t he
Bulletin should bersent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell hall. by 3:30 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, -No. l~iI

lribution will be mna i proliptly and
restr icti on tmein g must be
made because of lack of facilities for
providing ulmited water to all gar-
dens. Gardeners aie reminded that
water may be carnied from the fau-
cets in cans and pails, but the use
of hose isJ prohibited


S .aturay, May 4: I:dercl Dance.
Notices C o etLd
Notie'd'8 p.m., Club RomWet Lodg~e.
3Iembers of the Faculty-'Colle'e of Sunday, May 5: Classical Music
Literature, Science, and the Arts: . records). 3-5 p.m., Office, West
The May meeting of the Faculty Lodge.
of the College of Literature. Science, Sunday, May 5: Movies and Lee-
and the Arts for the academic year ture. "Life in the Antarctic", present-
1945-46 will be held Monday. May 6, ed by Proie:-or Allen F. Slierzer, 7:30
at 4:10 p.m., in Room 1025 Angeli p.m., Auditorium. West Lodge.
The reports of the various commit - Lectures
Lees have been prepared in advanc:
and are included with this call to tho The Henry RussI Lecture. Dr.
meeting. They should be retained ir Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of
your files as part of the minutes of Anatomy,v wil deliver the Henry Rus-
the May meeting. sel Lecture for 1945-46. "The Neuro-
Hayward Keniston anatomical Paterns Involved in Cer-

FIRMLY BELIEVE that if the Anglo-Ameri-
can commission's report on Palestine is carried
out, a gross injustice will be incurred upon more
than a million Arabs, Prof. Hopkins declared.
While the Western nations protest against
Russian influence in the Balkans, he said, these
same nations insist upon foreign influence and


Don't Leave Philippines Now

NOW THAT the first post-war Philippine elec-
tion is over and Manual Roxas is recognized
as the new President, our pet colonial venture
will sink back into obscurity. Lulled by a false
conviction that the Islands are now prepared
for independence, the Philippines will again be-
come insignificant to the American press and
unimportant to the American people.
We err gravely, however, if we presume that
everything is now peaceful in the islands. The
election of Roxas has raised new problems
which impair the country's future. As a mem-
ber of the Japanese controlled puppet cabinet,
and an originator of the puppet-constitution,
Roxas was one of the most prominent of Fili-
pino collaborators. Although elected by a pop-
ular majority, he faces the whole-hearted and
intensely bitter opposition of many former
Osmena failed to prosecute the collaboration-
ists, Roxas was able to campaign with the slo-
gan: "Collaboration is a myth!" Half a million
people in Central Luzon, who actively opposed
the Japanese and who hate Roxas and all that
he represents, KNOW that collaboration was
a reality; they know that while they lived in the
hills under adverse and dangerous conditions,
Roxas and his supporters lived well in Manila.
This huge group, is the Democratic Alliance;
united' during the war against the Japanese, it
is still active, and is now demanding land re-
form to rid the great rice-growing area of the
islands from a feudal system of absentee land-
lordship which has held the peasants in poverty
for years. The Alliance is an emotionally in-
spired group which is led by a guerrilla band
that has never hesitated to use force to accom-
plish its ends.
Roxas, himself a member of the wealthy
class, has advanced no program of land re-
form for this area and has boasted in the Phil-
ippine press that he will restore order in this.
turbulent area within thirty days after elec-
tion. The future unity of the Philippines rests

American action would be to delay for two or
three years the decree of complete independence
which is now scheduled for this Fourth of July.
Unless some form of American control is main-
tained over the islands for the next few years
to enforce a solution to the problems of Central
Luzon which will be satisfactory to BOTH part-
ies, the Philippines may be torn by internal
conflict that will make any true national unity
impossible for years to come.
-Tom Walsh
Food Appeal
REPRESENTATIVES of some fifty campus res-
idences have unanimously recommended a
plan enabling students to participate in the na-
tion's food conservation program.
President Truman has asserted that the
need for U. S. aid to Europe's starving millions
is too pressing to wait for the long cumbersome
process of rationing to take effect. The only
solution, he said yesterday, lies in the hearts
of the American people.
This appeal in the aftermath of the war in
a sense carries an even more urgent message
than that of the Buy War Bonds campaigns
during the war. All but the most naive among
use knew that regardless of whether or not we
invested our savings in government bonds, our
soldiers would somehow still be provided with
the guns, planes and ships with which to fight
the war.
In this lies the fundamental difference be-
tween this call for mercy and all other drives
which have a superficial similarity. There can
be no last minute donation from some benevo-
lent multi-millionaire. Only our individual sac-
rifices can prevent mass starvation.
--Annette Shenker

THE SECOND CONCERT in the May Festival
series opened with an excellent performance
of the Mozart Requiem Mass. The University
Choral Union gave a powerful and unified ren-
dition which seemed, except for slight uncertain-
ty in the tenor section, to be very well coordinat-
ed and certainly made for an impressive produc-
tion, although a smaller group is sometimes
more adaptible to singing a requiem. Jean Wat-
son, contralto soloist, was by far the outstand-
ing member of the quartet, possessing a voice
that is not only rich and true but so strong that
at times it dwarfed the other three by compari-
son. William Hain displayed a well-controlled,
even, oratorio tenor, and Ruth Diehl, soprano,
gave a good, if not too noticeable performance.
Nicola Moscona's pitch was an illustration of
weakness frequently common to basses. For all
this the Philadelphia Orchestra provided a fine
background, the whole under the direction of
Hardin Van Deursen,
(OOD AS THE REQUIEM was, it was quite
overshadowed by Nathan Milstein's perform-
ance of the Tschaikowsky Concerto in D Major,
which could hardly have been improved upon.
All the stirring melodic beauty of the composi-
tion was brought out in his incredibly fluid, vib-
rant interpretation, the controlled precision with
which he played. His pitch was almost flawless,
even in the difficult cadenza in the first move-
ment, and the whole performance was magnifi-
cent. Alexander Hilsberg, associate conductor of
the Philadelphia, achieved amazing balance be-
tween violin and orchestra, making for a per-
formance which it would have been hard to
-Paula Brower
Seen Mlarie Lately?
Representative Hugh DeLacy, of Washington,
on the OPA bill as "amended" by the House:
"The true title of this act should be the 'Let the
People Eat Cake Act of 1946'."
-The Nation

the oldest of the Negro Greek let-
ter organizations having been found-
ed at Cornell University in 1906, has
recently included a very pertinent
revision in its national constitution.
This revision clearly states that no
one shall be barred from membership
in the Fraternity because of his race.
Alpha Phi Alpha is not just using
words to paint a pretty picture but is
converting language into action, the
level at which definite and effective
progress actually begins. At the pre-
sent time, a white student in attend-
ance at one of the colleges in Chicago
is a member of the pledge club of the
Chicago Chapter.
The method outlined above is
simple, it is the true twentieth cen-
tury way, but it's so hard for so
many mis-guided, mis-informed
and uncritical individuals who are
still living in the darkness of the
superstitions and uncritical past to
-Ralph M. D. Gibson
President, 'Epsilon Chapter,
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Fraternity Segregation
To the Editor:
WITH but rare exceptions Michi-
gan fraternities and sororities
have stood for racial and religious
segregation. By this stand they have
made it difficult, if not impossible,
for the various groups of our society
to reach accord.
We have found through the elim-
ination of such segregational bar-
riers as are promoted by the vast
majority of Greek letter organiza-
tions that inter-religious and inter-
racial harmony can be realized
through livig and working to-
gether in a common society.
And so we, a Christian, a Jew and
a Negro, sincerely feel a dire need for
fellowship. The fact that we are of
diverse groups does not mean that
we are socially incompatible, but
means rather that we should pro-
mote unanimity and tolerance.
W HAT does a fraternity or a soror-
ity represent? As we have been
led to believe, they mean brotherli-
ness or sisterliness; in the present
system such a connotation of these
words is not evident. If anything,
many fraternities and sororities fail
to represent the essence of brother-
hood and sisterhood.
Do not abolish these organiza-
tions - revamp their regulations,
but more important, revise their
thoughts and actions.
As a Christian, a Jew and a Negro,
we sincerely believe that racial and
religious fraternity is possible and
necessary. We benefit from associa-
tion - so can our influential fratern-
ities and sororities.
- L. Morgan Lewis; Bernard L.
Goodman; LeRoy Daggs
Gay if.e?
To the Editor:
I consider Lois Kelso's column in
yesterday's paper concerning Mr.
Talamon's book "Entendu en France"
in extremely bad taste, if not abso-
lutely ridiculous.
First of all, the textbook and the
course for which it is designed are
not for the purpose of testing Miss
Kelso's astute grasp of literary char-
acters. They are for the purpose of
improving her French pronunciation.
Secondly, while "Entendu en
France" has not the well-reputed
spice of French literature, which Miss
Kelso may have expected to find, the
vocabulary is undoubtedly a good
deal more practical.
Lastly, by French standards, the
book is probably the equivalent of a
second reader in our American gram-
mar school. Miss Kelso's gauche re-
marks (L, too, have taken French)
prove that she is just about at that
mental level.
-Phyllis L. Kaye

AGENDAtamnLye ovemens. a : p.m.,
1. Consideration of the minutes of Thursday, May 9, in the Rackham
the meeting of April 1. 1946 (p. 1258). Amphitheatre. Announcement of the
2. Consideration of i'eports sub- Henry Russel Award for this year
mitted with the call to this meeting, will also be made at this time.
a. Executive Committee-Profes-
sor D. L. Dumond. University Lecture. Mrs.. Eunice
b. University Council-Professor Weaver, President, The Federation of
sor F. B. Wahr. No report. Societies for Assistance to Lepers, Rio
c. Executive Board o the Gradu-. de Janeiro, Brazil, will lecture on
ate 'School-Professor R. L. "Social Work in Leprosy," at 8:00
Wilder. p.m., Monday, May 6, in the Rack-
d. Senate Advisory Committee on ham Amphitheatre; auspices of the
University Affairs, Professor Department of Bacteriology and the
C. D. Thorpe. Latin-American Society. The public
e. Deans' Conference - Dean is cordially invited.
Hayward Keniston.
3. Committee on Curriculum. Alexander Ziwet lectures in Mathe-
4. New business and announce- matics will be given by Professor
ments. Kurt Friedrichs of New York Univer-
sity on the topic, "Mathematidal
The Administrative Board of the Theory of Gas Flow, Flames and De-
College of Literature, Science and tonation Waves." The first lecture
the Arts at its meeting April 19 took of the series will occur on Monday,
the following actions: May 6, at 3:00 p.m., in Room 3011
Students whose total records are Angell Hall. Any one interested is
below a "C" average at the end of the cordially invited to attend.
Spring Term, 1946, will be asked not
to register again, unless in the opin- Academic Notices
ion of the Administrative Board they
can prove extenuating circumstances. Civil Engineering 40: The assign-
Students who are asked not to regis- ment of Room 348 W. Engineering
ter may petition for the privilege at Bldg. for the written quiz, Tuesday,
a later time. May 7, was a mistake, and the quiz
This regulation does not apply to will be held in the regular class 'room.
veterans. R. L. Morrison
The special regulation passed by
the Administrative Board January
29 concerning veterans will stand. Concerts
That regulation reads: "Veterans, May Festival Concerts. The sched-
even though they may have earned ule of May Festival concerts is as fol-
an unsatisfactory record in their first lows
term of residence, will not be asked The Philadelphia Orchestra will
to withdraw. They will, however, be participate in all performances.
asked to withdraw at the end of their SATURDAY, May 4, 2:30-Youth
second term of residence unless they Chorus, Marguerite Hood, conductor.
can earn at least a "C" average for Anne Brown, soprano; Alexander
their elections of that term, Hilsberg, conductor.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil, SATURDAY, May 4, 8:30-Bidu
Electrical, and Mechanical Engineer- Sayao, soprano; Eugene Ormandy,
ing: Representatives of The Glen L. conductor.
Martin Company (aircraft manu- B SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2:30 - All-
facturers) of Baltimore, Maryland, Brahms program, with William Ka-
will interview graduating seniors for pel, pianist; Alexander Hilsberg,
positions in engineering all day Mon- conductor.
day, May 6. Interviews will be held in SUNDAY, MAY 5, 8:30-Salvatore
Room 3205 East Engineering Bldg.I Baccaloni, basso buffo; Rosalind Na-
Interested men will please sign the dell, contralto soloist in Prokofieff's
interview schedule posted on the '"Alexander Nevsky" wit Choral Un-
Aeronautical Engineering bulletin ion; Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
board. Application blanks, which are I
to be filled out prior to the time of Exhibitions
interview, may be obtained in the
Aeronautical Engineering office. The 23d Annual Exhibition for Ar-
~~~. ._tists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity, pie-
Seniors in Aeronautical and Mc- sented by the Ann Arbor Art Asso-
chanical Engineering: C. C. LaVene of ciation. The Rackham Galleries,
the Douglas Aircraft Company, San- daily except Sundays, through May
ta Monica, California, will interview 23; afternoons 2-5, evenings 7-10.
graduating seniors on Tuesday and The public is cordially invited.
Wednesday, May 7 and 8, for posi-'
tions in engineering. Interviews will Events 1 oday
be held in Room 3205 East Engineer-
ing Building. Interested men will Flying Club: There will be a meet-
please sign the interview schedule ing of all members today at 11:00
posted on the Aeronautical Engineer- at the Ann Arbor Airport to take
ing bulletin board. Application pictures.
blanks are to be filled out prior to-- ------
the interview time; these may be ob- Wesleyan Guild will have a bike
tamed in the Aeronautical Engineer- hike today from 2 to 7. Reservations
ing office. I for the picnic supper to be taken
along on the hike can be made by
Victory Gardens: The plots for vic- calling 6881 by noon on Saturday.
tory gardens at the Botanical Garden
are ready for use. Employees of the
University who sent writen requests Coing Evens
for space to Mr. Roszel can learn the State Highway Commisioner Zieg-
numbers of their plots by calling ler, or a representative from his office,
him at the Storehouse. will address a meeting of Civil Engi-
It has been found necessary to ask neering students interested in high-
each gardener (even those who did way work in Room 311, West Engin-
so last year) to contribute one dolar eering Building at 4:00 on Tuesday,
toward the expense of preparing the May 7.
land, and it is hoped that these con- (Cou)ued l Pa e r)


Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editr
Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . . . . . A.. Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor

0Cofortable, No
Mc~novd? 4du

By Crockett Johnson

its. Stop asking

The fact that you are not visible to

(Lshut Ihe ice bo door, Mr. 0"Maklley.

Is there a snackin


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