THE MICHIGAN DAILY rRMDAY, MAY ^, 1044 CRISIS AHEAD FOR MICHIGAN' EDUCAT ,IION: Survey Reveals TeacherSeirit Bconig Mt With more than two fob available for every new teacher in Michigan, estimates reveal 30 per cent fewer new teachers this year than in 1942, according to a Bureau of Appoint- ments survey. Last year, total placement was 2,653, with a demand for more than 5,500 new teachers. The shortage trend is shown in te 1945-46 annual study of supply, demand, and place- ment of teachers, sponsored by the Bureau in cooperation with other college placement bureaus in the stae Information for the report, covering 98 per' cent of Michigan's teachers, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI (Continued from Page 4) The Westmister Guild will hold open house in the Club Room of the First, Presbyterian Church at 8:00 p.m. 'There will be fun for all, with games, dancng and refreshments. Coaing Events The ]English Journal Club will meet Tuesday evening, May 7, at 7:45 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Mr. James V. Baker will speak on "Coleridge and the Road to Finnegan's Wake." A general discussion and refreshments wil follow. The Graduate Outing Club is plan- ning an informal hike on Sunday, May 5. Those interested should meet at the northwest entrance of Rack- ham at 2:30. Weseyan Guild will have a bike hike Saturday afternoon from 2 to 7. Reservations, for the picnic supper to be taken along on the hike, can be made by calling 6881 by noon on Sat- urday. 'nai Brith Hillel Foundation: Any Hiillel member interested in ush- ering for Hillelsapoppin, May 25, contact Charlotte Kaufman, 26585. The Lutheran Student Association will meet Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. The group will visit the home of Miss Jeannette Graf, 1990 Miller avenue, for an outdoor meeting and picnic supper. Regular Sunday morning Bible Hour will be at the Center at 9:15. Veterans' Wives Club will meet Monday, May6, at 7:30 p.m., in the Russianr Tea Room of the Michigan League. All wives of student Veterans are cordially invited. Fresh as the first summer breeze - the teens are lucky, lucky gals - so many gay clever little dresses. 4-~-, a YI Y vI Drsso pselJrsysie w (01J1 IiahtC(1 by 1 tacl-i -f i 'I a I - ing intiuu tion)Is IIIthe St~L'1% More than 60 per cent of the11mo1e 'than 4,000 women teachers leaving the profession from September, 1943,1 to February, 1946, left to be married,l 'to be with husbands in service or defense work, or to devote full time to homemaking, Over 40 per cent of IXts;1 i 1 (t11 I of bodIt i gi tps hIt 1 11ii:t l 1OtWar faro-ir-ency C:ei Lt o(*'~ I J)i.o11ul I nalladjUtinlil. re) Acute '1 vari Ull iaA ly , flt"'i, ;i a :i11 tI ;<< tlac might as well face th ie 'facts. We kno why so many are leaving the pr ofe-f sion--inadequate stlauiies, lakt- o(f social life and unsatisfac-tory lIiving-, and working condlit ions a 41ircaho sanS" t o take ,jo :; in IOthers left tc meont and socia ties, to return study, to farmc themselves, ort A industry or sinSI~OS Almost 40, per cent of mhen and ;o take jobs in govern- women leaving the teaching profes- d or community agen- sion in Michigan during the last two to school for further and a half years will not be returning. or go into business for Lof ton V. Burge, placement director because of illness, ex- at Western Michigan College, stated' ;_ . k_7_ , A ,.f'"' k- 7 ' .l 1 } } .6a r / r fA t. ' ;l' :< ,. } ! > ,; , ' '<". ; , # !' . _: } r , t. . :, ? {:' iti r <: , Ffy , t; _ S. ,;., > . , t ' v , :; . C ,*3 6 s ; # { K ti c9a"- ; _, + :r * Suit-able Accessories i(,ity-Siimrmer TVhite t t ;. '. "7 ,.. a _i t ,.,," 4 " r.. m 1 N.i }}{ w, t 4f~ f .. .. :**%>r,.. Vog9ue says: "City ii imnier Whi_9-te The April 15th Vogue says white in the city is "unexpected as a June sn-ow\A- fall." It's suddenly worldly when worn with black accessories, with jewels ..frosty cool accented with a white hat, white gloves. Now that white comes to town ... and we've the white that's right . .. come and make this Handmacher suit your own city-summer fashion. In Celanese 's wonderful "Weathervane") . .. it's cool, wrinkle-resistant and holds like a charm J .., A. f V . ..:: . .4 .. . rI .., - PLASTIC PATENT HANDBAGS Shining white . .. and so easy to keep that way! Softly draped top-handle styles with dark rayon linings. .. .00) (Plus taxes.) SUIT-ABLE GLOVES Classic pullons in soft white capeskin. Two styles One witi nlblhackI-...-4,18: the to its crisp, well--tailored lin-es. Misses' and junior, sizes. ~Reg. 11. S. P.t. Off.