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May 03, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-03

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Fifty-Sixth Year

$100,000,000 SAVING:
MVA and Public Power

Coll tPoeepiial





Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff

Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp,
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker
Des Howarth.
Ann Schutz,
Dona Gulmaraes

...... .. Managing Editor
. . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . .City Editor
. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . . Associate Sports Editor
. . . .. . Women's Editor
. . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff

Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager
Evelyn Mills ..... . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegi ate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
UN Trusteeshi
BRITATN'S BID for U.S. military and financial
aid in administering Palestine is a little hard
to reconcile with the Anglo-American inquiry
committee's recommendation that the Holy Land
be turned over to United Nations trusteeship.
The joint committee, which has been consider-
ing a solution of Jewish-Arab unrest since De-
cember, expressed the hope that Britain would
continue its mandate over Palestine only until
UN was ready to guide the area toward ultimate
independence. Prime Minister Attlee, however,
significantly ignored this recommendation in
his May Day address to the House of Commons.

WHEN an American river valley loses its soil at
the rate of 100,000,000 tons a year, the
American people have a first-class problem on
their hands.
The river is the Missouri. Year by year its
2,500 mile-long valley is being robbed of its
fertility-and nothing decisive is being done
about it.
Except for a few small dams built by the Ar-
my's Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Recla-
mation of the Federal Government, the Missouri
River is uncontrolled.
There were no reservoirs during the drought
of the 1930's, and the Dust Bowl resulted. Be-
tween 1942 and 1945, floods caused damage
amounting to $149,000,000.
BIY NO MEANS is control of the Missouri a
"sectional" problem. Although only 6,000,000
people live in the Valley, it comprises one-sixth of
the total area of the United States and has been
rightly termed "America's Breadbasket."
From it pours a large share of the meat, wheat,
wool and leather on which Americans depend
for subsistence.
The people of the Valley have long been dis-
mayed by the knowledge that the river is
carrying away their means of livelihood in its
rush to the Mississippi, and the country as a
whole is gradually becoming aroused.
IF THE rest of May Festival is as good as last
night's concert by Jussi Bjoerling and the
Philadelphia Orchestra, this is going to be a
lovely weekend. The program opened with the
Sibelius Symphony No. 5 which, except for some
poor coordination of brasses in the first move-
ment, was beautifully played. The Ormandy
interpretation was stirring to say the least, and
clearly accented by his handling of the strings
to build up to a powerful climax in the final
Sibelius "amen." The .Ballet Music from "The
Perfect Fool," by Hoist, and Ravel's "Daphnis et
Chloe"-Second Suite were both given excellent
performances, especially the Ravel, in which
the strings were displayed to their best advan-
tage, and the tonal balance, clarity, and preci-
sion of the whole were wonderful. Orchestra and
conductor seemed to be completely in accord
throughout the performance, which made for an
impressive as well as beautiful concert, as the
enthusiastic response of the audience testified.
Mr. Bjoerling's part of the program, consist-
ing of the "Ah! fuyez douce image" from
"Manon," by Massenet, "Il fior che avevi a me tu
dato" from "Carmen" by Bizet, "Che gelida Ma-
nina" from "La Boheme" and "E lucevan le
steel e" from "Tosca," both by Puccini, was re-
markable. His careful phrasing, almost perfect
control, and faultless pitch, as well as his power-
ful combination of restraint and apparent aban-
don made his performance refreshing,
-Paula Brower

But control of the Missouri is being delayed
while a battle rages over WHO shall do the
"HE Valley people and their governors and
legislators want the problem to be solved
by existing government agencies- the Army's
Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclama-
tion-with which they have long been familiar.
Both of these agencies submitted plans in 1944,
and at this point the people split into "upriver"
and "downriver" factions.
In arid Montana and Wyoming, irrigation
is the primary consideration in control of the
river. These people favor the Bureau of Recla-
mation's plan, which calls for the construction
of 90 dams and puts irrigation interests first.
The "downriver" people are more concerned
with flood control, hydroelectric power and
navigation. They support the Corps of Engineers'
plan which would build levees and 22 dams de-
signed mainly for navigation and generation of
electric power.
THE OPPOSING PLANS became deadlocked in
a Congressional committee, and the idea that
a single agency similar to the Tennessee Valley
Authority could better handle the job came to
the fore.
In 1944 Sen. James E. Murray, of Montana,
introduced a bill to establish a Missouri Valley
Reacting to their old fear of domination by
outsiders, the Engineers and the Bureau agreed
to compromise. A bill which on the surface was
agreeable to both "upriver" and "downriver"
interests was written.
But the truce between the two factions was
short-lived and Sen. Muraay's bill was buried in
committee, leaving plans for control of the
Missouri at a standstill.
THE PROBLEM is further confounded by the
private power interests who have tried to
forestall an MVA by offering to buy all the
public power in the Valley.
These same interests maintain that more
power is now being produced in the Valley than
the public can consume.
Backers of MVA, however, contend that the
authority could save the Valley $100,000,000
annually in electric bills.
Prominent among proponents of MVA are
the CIO, the AFL and farmers' associations.
Farm bureau organizations and stockmen have
lined up against it along with the governments
of the Valley states.
President Truman has been interpreted as
being "unenthused" over MVA on the basis of a
speech at Denver last year in which he stressed
the cooperation of the people of the region, their
civic and commercial organizations and local
and federal governments in controlling and
developing the Valley.
THE BASIC ISSUE in the controversy is
whether the federal government should
further invade the hydroelectric power industry.
This question, particularly as it applies to the
Tennessee Valley Authority, will be discussed in
a succeeding article.
-Clayton Dickey

ALTHOUGH it's broadcast from
New York or Washington or
Paris, a small voice is easily recog-
nized for what it is. The voices of
those men who speak for the United
States in the world theatre are be-
coming smaller and weaker and less
emphatic. Our spokesmen are becom-
ing tongue-tied. We have developed
a national stutter.
The status of those men who speak
for us has shrunk to about one-half
of its former average. You can scan
the crowd in Washington and recog-
nize nobody as the Great American.
They are shrinking. Soon they will
be indistinguishable from Hoover's
team of pigmies, or the Boodle Boys
of President Harding.
The politicians are clumsy and
fumbling. When they try to rob the
cookie-jar they get caught. When
the speak great words, they speak
them in a dull way. It's only when
they are saying the often-said, the
meaningless, that the words roll
and lightning flashes. Even then
the heavens never open and it nev-
er rains.
THE NEW NOMINEES to the pol-
itical hall of Fame just can't get
oriented. Ed Stettinius walks in to
represent America in the Security
Couucil as if he were going to the
annual meeting of the U.S. Steel
Board of Directors. He thinks that
he's still chairman of the Board.
He says with that urbane smile, "We
should do this." He is always grieved
when somebody disagrees, because
nobody should disagree with' the
Chairman of the Board.
Then one day, shortly before the
cocktail hour, comes An Issue. Mr.
Stettinius is shocked . . . there are
never issues at the Board of Direc-
tors meetings. But Poland has sug-
gested that the United Nations break
all diplomatic and political relations
with Franco Spain, and Mr. Stettin-
ius must speak for the world's great-
est country. Mr. Stettinius glances
quickly at his watch (he mustn't
miss the cocktails) and asks for facts
about Spain. Our representative thus
gains a couple of drinks, but we as
a nation lose our role as the new
leader of the world.
A week later Mr. Byrnes goes to
Paris to sit down and talk things
over with the Big Four Foreign
Ministers. He suggests that any
policy which applies to Italy should
also apply to Austria. The slogan
says that both Italy and Austria
Yiere our enemies. The facts are
that Austria had a Nazi govern-
ment before Hitler and is still con-
trolled by Nazi ideas; whereas Italy
played an active role in throwing
out the Germans and has fought
on the Allied side since the summer
of 1943.
MIR. BYRNES wants all armies out
of Austria because the majority
of the armies in Austria are Russian.
He wants armies left in Italy because
the majority of those armies are not
Russian. He can't decide his policy
until the Russians announce their
policy; because Mr. Byrnes ONLY
policy is anti-Russian. We have lost
our freedom of action because we are
no longer pro-democratic; we're now
only anti-Russian.
The United Nations, which began
as an instrument for world unity,
has now become the instrument for
world division. The issue before the
Security Council last week was NOT
the issue of Spain or the issue of
democracy. The only issue which has
yet existed in the Security Council is
the issue of Russia. When Russia
favors a policy the United States and
Great Britain automatically oppose

The men are too small. They
can't keep their eyes on the facts.
They're so eager to be anti-Rus-
sian that they can't remember to
be anti-Fascist. So our foreign
policy stumbles and flounders and
asks for the facts.
IF SOMEBODY told them the facts,
these men still wouldn't know what
to do. Ed Stettinius was a paid front
man for the biggest trust in theI
United States. Jimmy Byrnes is still
a back-room, poker-playing county-
seat politico from Spartansburg,
South Carolina.

iublication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,;
10?1 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day1
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
i ----1
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1916
VOL. LVI, No. 130
Activities sheets for League Hlouses
for March and April must be placed
in the Undergraduate Office of the
League at least by Friday in
order to tabulate records for the
President's report before Installa-
tion Night. As this is the last time
hours will be tabulated, please get
them in on time.
Members of the Faculty-College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
The May meeting of the Faculty
of the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts for the academic year
1945-46 will be held Monday, May 6,
at 4:10 p.m., in Room 1025 Angell
The reports of the various commit-
tees have been prepared in advance
and are included with this call to the
meeting. They should be retained in
your files as part of the minutes of
the May meeting.
Hayward Keniston
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of April 1, 1946 (p. 1258).
2. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call to this meeting.
a. Executive Committee-Profes-
sor D. L. Dumond.
b. University Council--Professor
sor F. B. Wahr. No report.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School -Professor R. L.
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, Professor
C. D. Thorpe.
e. Deans' Conference - Dean
Hayward Keniston.
3. Committee on Curriculum.
4. New business and announce-
Graduate Students'Receiving Degrees
in June:
Today is the last day you may or-
der your special commencement an-
nouncements. Orders will be taken
10 to 12 and 1 to 3 outside of Room 4,
University Hall. Announcements are
10 cents each. The special announce-
ment can be provided if the number
of announcements ordered by gradu-
ate students warrants the additional
expenditure involved.
Seniors Graduating in June:.. . .
Today is the last day on which you
may order your graduation an-
nouncements and booklets. Orders
will be taken 10 to 12 and 1 to 3 out-
side of Room 4, University Hall.
Activities sheets for League Houses
for March and April must be placed
in the Undergraduate Office of the
League at least by Friday in order
to tabulate records for the President's
report before Installation Night. As
this is the last time hours will be tab-
ulated, please get them in on time,
The Administrative Board of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts at its meeting April 19 took
the following actions:
Students whose total records are
below a "C" average at the end of the
Spring Term, 1946, will be asked not
to register again, unless in the opin-
ion of the Administrative Board they
can prove extenuating circumstances.
Students who are asked not to regis-
ter may petition for the privilege at
a later time.
This regulation does not apply to
The special regulation passed by
the Administrative Board January
29 concerning veterans will stand.
That regulation reads: "Veterans,
even though they may have earned

an unsatisfactory record in their first
term of residence, will not be asked
to withdraw. They will, however, be
asked to withdraw at the end of their
second term of residence unless they
can earn at least a "C"average for
their elections of that term.
Seniors in Aeronautical and Me-
chanical Engineerin: C. C. LaVene of
the Douglas Aircraft Company, San-
ta Monica, California, will interview
graduating seniors on Tuesday and
SWednesday, May 7 and 8, for posi-
tions in engineering. Interviews will
be held in Room 3205 East Engineer-

1946-47. Both experienced and inex-
perienced candidates will be consid-
ered for positions in the following
Art (Elementary)
Commercial (Secondary)
Early Elementary (Kindergarten,
one through three)
Health Education (Elementary)
Industrial Arts (Elementary and
Later Elementary (Three through
Library (Elementary)
Music (Vocal)
Science (Elementary and Second-
Social Science (Elementary)
Special Education
Deaf; Orthopedic; Speech Cor-
rection; Behavior Classes, Mentally
[Retarded (Academic, Industrial Arts,
and Health Education teachers are
needed for both younger and older
All candidates for permanent posi-
tions must participate in a selection
process which includes a psychologi-
cal test, speech test, and other tests
and interviews. A bachelor's degree
and a Michigan Elementary Provi-
sional or Permanent Certificate are
required for intermediate or high
Application blanks may be ob-
tained from George H. Baker, Chair-
man, Personnel Committee, Board of
Education, Detroit 26, Michigan.
Further information may be ob-
tained from the Bureau of Appoint-
ments-Extension 489.
Willow Village Program:
Friday, May 3: Leadership. Dr.
Pred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff
"How To Get Democratic Group Ac-
tion, and Parliamentary Procedures."
8-10 p.m., Conference Room, West
Friday, May 3: Dancing Class. Be-
;inners, couples, 7 p.m.; advanced
couples, 8 p.m.; Dancing for all, 9
p.m., Auditorium, -West Lodge.
Saturday,, May 4: Record Dance.
a p.m., Club Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, May 5: Classical Music
records). 3-5 p.m., Office, West
Sunday, May 5: Movies and Lec-
ture. "Life in the Antarctic", present-
2d by Professor Allen F. Sherzer, 7:30
p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge.
Alexander Ziwet lectures in Mathe-
matics will be given by Professor
Kurt Friedrichs of New York Univer-
sity on the topic, "Mathematical
Theory of Gas Flow, Flames and De-
tonation Waves." The first lecture
of the series will occur on Monday,
May 6, at 3:00 p.m., in Roomt3011
Angell Hall. Any one interested is
cordially invited to attend.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building to day at 4:00. "Nucleic
Acids as Components of Cytoplasm
and Nucleus." All interested are in-
May Festival Concerts. The sched-
ule of May Festival concerts is as fol-
The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all performances.
FRIDAY, May 3, 8:30-Mozart's
"Requiem" with Ruth Diehl, soprano;
Jean Watson, contralto; William
Hain, tenor; Nicola Moscona, bass;
University Choral Union, and Hardin
Van Deursen, conductor. Second
part: Nathan Milstein, violinist;
Alexander Hilsberg, conductor.
SATURDAY, May 4, 2:30-Youth
Chorus, Marguerite Hood, condctor.
Anne Brown, soprano; Alexander
Hilsberg, conductor.
SATURDAY, May 4, 8:30-Bide
Sayao, soprano; Eugene Ormandy,

SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2:30 - All-
Brahms program, with William Ka-
pell, pianist; Alexander Hilsberg,
SUNDAY, MAY 5, 8:30-Salvatore
Baccaloni, basso bufo; Rosalind Na-
dell, contralto soloist in Prokofleff's
"Alexander Nevsky" with Choral Un-
ion; Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
'ie 23d Annual Exhibition for Ar-
tists of Ann Arbor and Vicinity, pre-
ented by the Aun Arbor Art Asso-
ciation. The Rackh am Galleries,
daily except Sundays, through May

If Britain intends to hold on to the strategic
Middle Eastern mandate, Europe's 150,000 or
more homeless Jews will doubtless view as al-
most hopeless their chances for colonizing the
Holy Land. Britain has been consistently hos-
tile to Jewish immigration ever since she took
over Palestine after World War I; and the
Government White Paper of J939 virtually ex-
cluded further entry of Jews after 1944 by re-
quiring the consent of the Palestinian Arabs.
This stipulation was a flagrant violation of the
League requirement that the mandatory power
"facilitate Jewish immigration" and "encour-
age close settlement of Jews on the land."

t to theG6c/ht-(


Unfair Practices

THE FIGHT of European Jews to get into Pal-
estine has aroused world-wide interest be-
cause of the realization that they literally have
no other place to go. These people have been
completely uprooted and unquestionably must
find new homes. Most European countries are
not only strongly anti-Semetic, but are facing
tremendous problems in feeding and housing
their present population. The United States'
immigration quotas would allow only 39,000
European immigrants each year, a number
insufficient appreciably to alleviate the problem
even if the entire quota were filled by Jews.
In the interests of these people who suffered
most at the hands of the Nazis, the United
States, if it accepts Attlee's proposal for. joint
rule at all, should do so only with strong insis-
tence that the arrangement be temporary and
that Palestine soon be placed under UN
-Ann Kutz

To The Editor:
CANVASSING the East Quadrangle for votes
in the Student Congress elections does not
speak well for university student elections. This
particularly for the Congress candidate who was
brazenly seen collecting I. D. caf-ds in the East
Quad.: on Tuesday, May 1, the last day of
Whether or not this was in any way indicative
of the general voting practice bears thorough
investigation. If we, the citizens and future
leaders in this democracy are to be intelligent
and enlightened participants in our govern-
mental functions, then there is no better place
than here in school to begin this important
training. Certainly we must not remain indif-
ferent to such scandalous practice or be content
to be represented by students who unscruplously
seek to further their own interests.
-John M. Cox.
Robert C. Steele
Ward Arbanus

will come-we must be prepared to accept the
punishment that comes to every group which is
not strong enough internally to withstand the
disfavor of public opinion. It is safe to say that
most Greek letter organizations serve few but
themselves and to ordinary thinking people they
are a bane to college life.
It is about time we young people began to
think seriously of the moral implications of
group inequalities and I mean that not only
racially but in every sphere in which one group
sets itself against another to augment its own
ANY EYES are watching the pledgers of
Crystal Malone-some hoping, some doubt-
ing, other deriding. The stand they have taken
affects not only Crystal Malone, but the thou-
sands who are searching for some sign that this
generation of pampered young Americans is not
doomed to the same stubborn defiance of moral
law that has eaten at the core of our generations
so far.
You leaders who dodge the problem by simply
not commenting are not only neglecting your
responsibility as citizens, but as Greek mem-
bers. I'm sure your creeds invalue something
about the courage to express your honest
opinion. I daresay Mr. Fitzgerald is a darn
sight better than most of you because he
probably believes in what he has said.
The time is now or it will never be. We are the
people or there are none. It is just as much a
white job as a black one. The extent to which
this generation suffers from the diseases of the
past depends upon how much we try to clean up
ours and other attics and get the cure to work-
ing. It's not that we don't know how, it's just
that we don't do.
There is a seething South, a seething India,
a host of seething alien Jews and a multitude
of other suffocating peoples awaiting not your
pity, but your part in the struggle, young
Greeks. You'd better let the pink tea party and
the stag bridge go for a while.
-Edith M. Johnson

White Memorial

* * *


announced last week, that a series of. case. or
problem books for the training of journalism
students, patterned after those in other pro-
fessional schools, will -be published and made
available to educational institutions as a
memorial Co the late Kansas editor.
THIS marks a forward step in the emergence
of journalism as a profession. Journalism
textbooks in the past have too often been des-
criptive, general, and unrealistic. Seldom have
they gone to the core of the decisions, the poli-
cies of leadership, the relation of the press to
government, the encroachment on freedom of
expression, and the other complicated problems
and decisions by which a newspaper vitalizes its
services to the community, ~
The American press today stands on the
threshold of it's greatest opportunity to do social
good. It can become the medium through which
we learn to understand other peoples and their
philosophies or it can become the slave of high
circulation, headlining the sensational, the ex-
citing, using the written word in such a way as
to encourage distrust and suspicion.
The newspaper's copy will be as accurate as
the reliahility of its reporters: its editorials as

Group v. Society
To The Editor:
N REGARD to the recent incident of the Ver-
mont chapter of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority,
I would like to add a few comments.
I am almost tempted to cry out in indignant
protest against these supposedly intelligent
leaders who so vehemently disapprove of the
pledging of Negroes by white sororities and fra-
ternities, but I have learned in the past few
months that such behavior serves only to disrupt
my composure and summon the old bitterness
that has kept my people tense and confused for
so many years.
As a sorority member myself, I am well aware
of the disfavor in which so many non-Greeks
hold us, for technically speaking, we are not
democratic, even within our own groups and
we must recognize that when the day of dissolu-
tion comes for us-and it seems evident that it

ng Buindthng. Intervested men wilosn
pleae sgn the interview schedule 12;atron-2Yeeig


"A big man is a big man, whether posted on the Aeronautical Engineer-
he's a prize-fighter .ortPresident," ing Bulletin Board Application
John L. Sullivan is reported to have blanks are to be filled out prior to
said to Theodore Roosevelt. It's also the interview time; these may be ob-
true that a small man is a small man, tained in the Aeronautical Engineer-.




in Spartansburg or ing office.

-Ray Ginger


By Crockett Johnson

The noive of some people. Why should
I hide in an ice box.. . Just to catch a
thief. I could get my skull cracked.
S IBu Acnod_.___ .All__ n__ Av-t d s

Won't McSnoyd, the invisible
Leprechaun, catch a cold in
the ice box, Mr. O'Molley?

Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil,
Electrical, and Mechanical Engineer-
ing: Representatives of The Glen L.
Martin Company (aircraft manu-
facturers) of Baltimore, Maryland,
will interview graduating seniors for
positions in engineering all day Mon-
day, May 6. Interviews will be held in
Room 3205 East Engineering Bldg.
Interested men will please sign the
ir.-D'I-imu 'zh,1.orl nn'dfvs I thc

The public is cordilly invited.
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. Exhibit on
the "Public Schools in Michigan."
Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30
Monday through Friday; 8:00 to
12:00 Saturday.
Events Today
'xhe U nirki y of Michigan Branch
of the AIE'E is- holdin a field trip to
Howell Mntors, Howell, Michigan,
tod ay for members only Those plan-
ning to alten d .hould be in front of
the Union at 12:30 sharp. The bus
will leave a' this tiume. There are a

Nonsense, my friend. The vigil won't last an
hour. Then ... When the Refrigerator Bandit
returns for a snack ... Mark his face well.
Notify me. And I'll slip on the handcuffs.


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