PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Anderson Suggests Pres iden t 's Abandoning of Price Controls on All Meat Advocates 90-Day Test Period To Get Livestock Packing Back to Normal By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 1-Secretary of Agriculture Anderson said today that price control on meat should be abandoned unless a 90-day test period shows packers can get livestock in "something like normal" volume. He agreed, in an appearance at Senate Banking Committee hearing,-, with the packers' cry that those who stay within ceiling prices have been unable to get stock for slaughter. Anderson said that two things may correct the situation: (1) new quotas designed to route to slaughterers the same volume they had in 1944 and (2) a campaign to prevent diversion to black markets and other abnormal sources of trade. "This is about the last effort to Bowles Warns Public Against Weakened OPA WASHINGTON, May 1 - (A) - Chester Bowles tonight advised the public not to be duped by "compro- mise" amendments now being pro- posed to replace the amendments fixed by the House to the OPA ex- tension bill. The public uproar over the "dan- gerous and highly inflationary" House bill has caused OPA's oppon- nts to beat a seeming retreat, the stabilization director said in a radio address on the mutual network. "But-and let me make this warn- ing absolutely clear-let's not be fooled by former opponents of firm price control who suddenly protest that they are really on our side." He urged consumers to continue their vigorous protests against a weakened price act, declaring: "You are opposed by a small but well-or- ganized group of lobbyists who are tilling the hotels here in Washington right now." Secretary of Agriculture Anderson said earlier in the day that price con- cn o on meat should be abandoned unless a 90-day test period showed tiat packers could get livestock in "omething like normal" volume. see if it will work," he told Senator >Barkley (Dem., Ky.) in a discussion of meat control. Barkley had related that a stock- man "in whom I have every confi- dence" stated that while he normally slaughtered 7,000 head a week he can now get but 500. Anderson called this a typical case. "Large, reliable companies can't get cattle in the (price) compliance range," he said. "They run up against people who don't care about the compliance range and these people take it away from them. "That's why slaughter quotas were restored." Anderson said the quotas were ef- fective earlier and they might turn the trick again, although he said packers were not convinced they would help enough. Claney To Test Speech Patients Speech porrection techniques and child speech patients will be exam- ined by John N. Clancy, Admitting Officer of the University of Michigan Speech Clinic, in Owosso today. The State of Michigan, under the Crippled Children's Act, supervises and supports therapy and education for these children, Clancy said. Those children who are deaf, blind, or have speaking difficulties attend special' schools, and we inspect these schools to see that provisions of the Crippled Children's Act are carried out. Call Starts Speculation inor Influence I Ftiechi Election WASHINGTON, May 1--_P)-Pres- ident Truman held a trans-atlantic telephone chat with Foreign Minister Bidault of France today and promptly found himself projected into a con- troversy cf both facts and politics- French interm politics. The White House said the two had merely exchanged greetings. French officials reported Itat the President had told the Foreign Minter that prospects were bright for an Ameri- can loan for his country French Elections Approach French elections are only a month off. Bidault is a leader of the one of the three big parties, the Popular Re- publican Movement (MRP), which is battling it out with the Communists and Socialists. News of the telephone call broke in Paris. Immediately afterward offi- cial Washington began speculating whether a close identification of Bi- dault with the President of the Unit- ed States, from which France needed economic assistance, would influ- ence French voters-and if so, how. Would they be more or less pro- MRP? . Of the other two great French parties, the Communists are headed by Maurice Thorez, and the Socialists by Leon Blum. Thorez is closely iden- tified with Moscow, having recently obtained wheat for France from Rus- sia. Blum is now in Washington ne- gotiating a loan for French recon- struction. Two Moves Possible What effect the day's developmentt might have on French politics was a speculation that, according to dip- lomatic experts, could move in two directions. In contrast with Thorez' show of assistance from Russia with the wheat shipments, the non-com- munist parties headed by Bidault and Blum presumably would be able to make a show of assistance from the United States which would be drama- tized by Bidault's telephone talk with Mr. Truman. On the other hand is the fact that the White House de- cleared that the two had not dis- cussed any politics or business. Forrestal Rebukes Plan To Merge Armed Forces Suggests New Cabinet Post To Coordinate Relations Between Governept Agencies By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 1-Secretary of the Navy Forrestal today lambasted anew legislation to merge the armed forces, although praising President Truman's "basic objective" of postwar unification. Appearing before the Senate Naval Committee, Forrestal lashed out at what he termed the "Army Plan for merger"--a bill aimed to carry out the President's recommendations, which already has been approved by the Sen- ate Military Committee. After presenting a formal state-~ - ment, which was made public, For- restal was in closed session with the 'Cou ty Artists Navy Committee for two hours. Chairman Walsh Dem., Mass.) told * reporters afterward that members hintinl s, peppered the cabinet member with questions. oCrafts oday Instead of abolishing the present y War and Navy Departments with their cabinet posts, Walsh said For- Visitors To Ballot for restal suggested addition of a new Most Popular Entry cabinet post of "Director of Common Defense," who would act for the President in coordinating necessary Today marks the opening day of relationships between the secretaries the annual artists' exhibition spon- of War, Navy, State, and other agen- sored at the Rackham mezzanine cies. galleries by the Ann Arbor Art As- No Separate Air Force sociation for all artists, professional Walsh said Forrestal declined com- or amateur, of Washtenaw County ment on suggestions for a separate A total of 227 works have been sub- Air Force Department with cabinet Aitt M so nald7 J. Mks a n, ub- representation as "outside my do- mitted. Mrs. Donald J. McLean, pub- main." licity chairman has announced. The President. Truman recently re- majority of these are water colors buked what he termed lobbying by and pastels; entries in oils, drawing some Navy leaders against unifica- ceramics and sculpture have alsc tion. Later he excluded Forrestal and been made. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Exhibitors were allowed to ente from these remarks. Forrestal in his statement today as many as three works in any one said that both Admiral Nimitz and of the major classes: painting, sculp- General Alexander A. Vandergrift, tre, drawing or graphic art. A quota Commandant of the Marine Corps, of four entries were permitted in th expect to amplify his attack on the field of crafts. pending measure before the Senate During the first ten days of the Committee later. exhibition visitors will be able to cas War Should Be Guide ballots to determine the' most pop. Forrestal said the Navy believes ular work, which will be awarde that lessons of the recent war "should a popular prize. Mr. Francis Robin- be the guideposts" for future military son of the Detroit Institute of Fin organization whether it is called Arts is also serving as a one-mar "unification, merger, coordination, or jury and is to judge entries for firs' any other term you may choose." and second place in merit in each o He said he had tried to get Secre- the main classes. tary of War Robert P. Patterson to Chairman in charge of the exhibi cooperate in a "suitable compromise tion was Prof. Donald Gooch. He wa measure, " but "I regret that my ef- assisted by various members of th forts have not been successful." architecture school faculty. The exhibition will be open to th public every day except Sunday fron Greer To Tally. 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. The west gal lery, however, will be open only, a On Prize Entrynight, The award-winning entry in a Chi- Walter at #Meeeing cago city planning competition will be the topic of an illustrated lecture Erich A. Walter, associate dean o to be given by David S. Greer tomor- the College of Literature, Science row at 4 p.m. in the auditorium of and Arts, is attending the secon the architecture building, annual meeting of the Associatio Sponsored by Tau Sigma Delta, of Deans of Liberal Arts College Sponore byTau igm Detaof State Universities at Ohio Stat Greer, a city planner, was one of University, in Columbus, Ohio, todat three men who entered jointly the and Friday. Better Chicago Competition. andFriday. The winning exhibit was based on ideas in Eliel Saarinen's book, "The City," and presents the basic prin-PRINTING ciples of modern planning and their PROGRAMS . CARDS STATIONERY application to the needs of Chicago HANDBILLS, ETC. in diagrammatic form. The lecture Downtown: 308 NORTH MAIN will be illustrated with slides and the ATHENS PRESS original rendering.__ HOOVER CONFERS WITH GIIANDI-Herbert Hoover (left), who is investigating food conditions in Europe and Asia, leaves the Viceroy's Lodge at New Delhi, with Mohandus Gandhi, Indian leader, after a conference on the food problems in India. CsASSIFIED ADVERTISING= FOR SALE THE ROSICRNCISM Cosmo-Concep- tion by Max Heindel. An authentic textbook which reveals the har- mony of religion and science and conforms to the intellectual devel- opment of the modern world. Read this unique book through our lend- ing books. Phone 21507. FOR SALE: Navy blue platform sling pumps, size 7% AAA. Never before worn. $9.00. N. A. Ridley, 604 E. Madison, phone 4489. FOR SALE: '38 Crysler sedan. Ex- cellent condition. Complete with radio, heater, fog lights. Write or contact Roger Markle at 1740 Quincy Court, Willow Run. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Collegiate Sorosis pin, Tues- day between Swift's and Health Service. Engraved Susan Taylor. Please phone 2-3279. WILL THE PERSON who appropri- ated my coat at the Arch. Building please mail me my keys that were in the pocket. G. Bethune. 1809 Jackson Rd. LOST: Silver bracelet, vicinity Cam- pus Town Monday afternoon. Great sentimental value. Reward. Call 2-3197. LOST: Dark green billfold with ini- tials PEH. Between Hill Auditor- ium and bank. Fnder please call Pat Hungerford-9390. Reward. PLEASE RETURN to League Desk personal effects in brown leather purse taken from League lounge Sunday. LOST: Tan herringbone jacket at intramural softball field. Call Bob Bristor 9706. LOST: Brown overnight bag contain- ing brown school jacket, other clothing. Phone 3120 Ext. 3 Ypsi- lanti before 5:00 p.m. Richard Spencer. $15 reward. LOST: English Pointer-male-near E. University and Hill at 2:30 p.m. on April 27. Seen at Packard and Stadium at 5:00 p.m. 10 months old-,white, liver and ticked-2 large liver spots on head over both eyes and ears. Rt. hind leg mostly liver. Left fore leg elbow liver. Three or four large liver spots on back, main- ly on right side. Very well propor- tioned build, shy, has collar with 18" leash attached. REWARD! In- fnrm .+i%" narxriipf 'in 'q her - WOULD APPRECIATE the return of my billfold plus all my personal' papers. Keep the money. No ques- tions asked. George E. Pinter. West Lodge. Dorm 4, Room 11. Willow Run, Michigan. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM FOR RENT: in private home for graduate or businessiwoman. Only two other women in home. Breakfast privileges. Phone 3958. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Fountain help, top pay, hours' to your convenience, Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store, corner of S. University and Forest. WANTED-Experienced waitress for part time work. Apply Mr. L. W. Antderson, Willow Run Bowling Al- leys. 1065 Midway, Willow Run Village. Phone Ypsi. 1852. WANTED EXPERIENCED trombonist wants position with Ann Arbor or Ypsi dance band. Clayton P. Bigelow, 1078 Goshen Crt., Willow Run. s 2 . CUNNINGHAM'S Need waitresses for soda fountain work. Have full time jobs open or part-time week-ends. Meals and uniforms furnished. Good salary. Liberal discounts on purchases. Work in an air-conditioned store this summer. Apply in person at 226 S. Main. MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. WANTED: Set ' of golf clubs. Ray Heidtke, Vets Village, Apt. 77, 5th and Hill Sts. Ph. 9280. EXCHANGE WE WILL EXCHANGE wing off new farm house with all modern con- veniences for part time service. Vet and wife preferred. Located 6 miles from Ann Arbor on Vorhees Road near Plymouth. Contact Mr. Sam- uel S. Greenberg. 1700 Buhl Bldg. Detroit. MISCELLANEOUS APARTMENTS: Wanted, to contact person desperately needing apart- ment for next school year who meets ALL following requirements: Veteran, married, has small child, U student next year, not now in school, not' now working, able to start work now, able to support self while working, willing to work hard all summer in exchange for use of small apartment for next school year. If you know such a person please have them write P.O. Box 373, Ann Arbor at once giving de- tails. GO TO THE RAINEY HOTEL Dining Room formerly the Colonade, for your noon-day hard to get lunches. Same policy prevails as at Colon- ade. Except we do open on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. We'll be welcoming you. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rainey, corner Ann St. and Fifth Ave. 1 block north east of Court House, phone 5670 for southern fried chickendinner. Government of China Returns To Natnking NANKING, May 1-(P)-China's government moved back officially to- day from Chungking to this ancient northern city and was confronted with problems almost as complex as those of 1937 when the Japanese drove it out of Nanking. In government halls where the Jap- anese conqueror and his puppet gov- ernment once sat, the rulers of a freed China must tackle the monu- mental problems~ of internal strife and reconstruction. The government declared the task of reconstruction was heavier than that of waging war, and urged the people to unite in bringing peace and prosperity to China. The paramount job of the moment was to halt the government-Com- munist fighting in Manchuria. General Marshall, special U. S. en- voy who arranged the truce for China proper, was reported hopeful that an agreement halting the Manchurian conflict could be made shortly after the government and Communist ne- gotiators arrive, from Chungking later this week. On the political front, Minister of Organization Chen Li-Fu told a press conference the National Assembly might be convened early in June to adopt China's new constitution. Chiang Kai-Shek postponed the Assembly, originally scheduled to meet May 5, as one concession to the Communists, who had been demand- ing a delay. Plywood Supply Is Restricted WASHINGTON, May 1----The government cinched up its building controls anew tonight with an order cutting in half the amount of ply- wood which can be on a house or apartment. The Civilian Production Adminis- tration ordered the curtailment in order to spread the plywood supply. The National Housing Agency took action to permit the building of homes which were halted at early stages by the freeze of non-essential construction on April 13. NHA Administrator Wilson W. Wyatt announced that veterans and servicemen who had purchased home sites prior to the freeze and who had made one or more commitments such as the clearing of land or payment of architects' fees, could get approval to construct a house selling for more than $10,000. The purchase of ma- terials or an obligation under a con- struction contract similarly would Highlights On Campus Drive Postponed. The IRA drive for the victims of the Columbia, Tenn. case has been postponed until next week, according to Sheldon Selesnick, president of IRA. Those wishing to obtain pamphlets about this case may get them from Mat Chernotsky at Muriel Lester Coop House Victory Reunion ... Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education will speak onI ate the forthcoming Victory Re- union as toastmaster of the all- alumni banquet Thursday, June 20, Karl Litzenberg, Reunion com- mittee chairman announced yes-"' terday. Guest speakers will be 'distin- guished alumni connected with the war in both civilian and military capacity," according to Litzenberg. IRA Council ... The execctive council of the Inter- Racial Association will meet at 5 p.m. today in the Union. PVC Speaker .. . Prof. William C. Trow of the school of education will speak on compulsory military training at 7:30 p.m. today at a meeting of the Willow Run chapter of the Ameri- can Veterans committee. Election of new officers is planned at the meeting as well as a discus- sion of Prof. Trow's lecture. Threatened General Strike Might Paralyze Japan TOKYO, May 1-(P)-Organized labor today threatened Japan with a paralyzing general strike unless the right-wing Shidehara government was succeeded by one of leftist Social Democrats. Despite intense pressure from the left, Kyodo news agency said Em- peror Hirohito would ask Liberal Party President Ichido Hatoyama, one-time Axis sympathizer, to form a new government Friday. TYPEWRITERS Bought, Rented Repaired STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 7177 Don't Let the Sun Spoil Your Fun! I MICHIGAN GIRL for part time work at soda fountain. Swift's Drug Store. 340 S. State. Phone 3534. SEVERAL CLERICAL OPENINGS for women. Typing required. Ar- gue Incorporated. Williams and 4th Streets. WANTED: General cook and pastry cook for summer hotel. Good wages. Address D. C. Maltby, Char- levoix, Michigan. WANTED: Single ticket, May Festi- val, Saturday night. Floor or first balcony. Call 2-1735 after 6 p.m. HIGHFLYERS! .. with streamlined ideas a abort planes and pretties! - - COMPLETE SERVICE on your fur qualify a veteran for coat. Cold storage, insurance, glaz- ing, cleaning, re-styling, repairing. Continuous Ginsburg, 607 E. Liberty. Daily TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented, from 1 P.M. repaired. Work guaranteed. Two days service. Office Equipment Co. 111 4th Ave. Phone 2-1213. " approval. I 5,V Yd9IXAfMl'5T TA'AT Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M. I NOW I Telephone 3008 -- __._ i We Deliver! I E\ - Thrills!;wt ANN DVORAK RICHARD HALE RHONDA FLEMING COME inu;. *nu - -- I I I U